The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 23, 1909, Image 12

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    Jlll'lil I I Iff III
1fW'Tlto' V .
. - m'w-'"w'll'"i'l,",,,,ri'"'"l''"'ww'wr"''
iooiKoJiMinliiK's hnlio Is quilts til.
r'rutik Halley was HI furhovornl tlnjfl
with iisUuuii.
Miss llllyor, hlstomrMrs. Clias. Olni
Mi l is qulto ill
MIhs IilalVttltwtisa Kiu'stol Mrs. II
M. I 'ark or 0110 tlay last week.
li'ini Cahst'll koos to Otijr 1'iiilny
to -poiiil Christmas with Ills cousins.
(.00. Mufull attoiuleil the Implement
tlei.lor'-i convention In Omaha last
Wt fit.
Pr. I. A. Pace anil wife had a very
jilfHkant , sojourn with lolnttvos in
John IJ. Oliinsteilo of Maryland has
oecti licro on liiistiuvsH eonnuistod with
his farm.
. s. .limes was sitiniiinueil in Aurora,
lllinids lYhliiy by Iho suvt'i'o illliuss til"
hi-, father.
l.ittlo Dotolliy, iliiuuhtt'i of Wait or
olorliclila foil on nu icy spot Monday
iiml lirouo her loj,'.
Tho many fiietuls of lohn Duuliar
arc iflml that hi' Issonuatly rooovorod
from Irlssovuro Illness.
harlt's l' IMily and family came
tlnwii tioni Inavalo Saturday for a low
liom . visit with friomls.
W. H. I.amheil. ami taiuily moved
Monthly t thuir now rosiilonoo which
has just hoon t'oinploted.
I IJ. Colvln has sold for llonry Hi it
tun his now resident!! property.
Ulmor I'nrsnti is the purchaser.
Tho vaiioii'i rooms ol (initio Koch
schools will obsoro I hii.stnias l'i iilay
with appropriate programs.
Miss .Malissa l.ainhort. who loaches
at Miller, will will arrive homo 'ritlny
to spend vacation with her parents.
II Mllner will mioii move up from
liiistwlck and occupy tho houso ho
lnnik.'ht last Tall of W. S. Lambert.
Ihiviioo liuy and wife and little
luuchtor Lulu arc visiting with io
lativrs in Iowa until after Christinas.
When Orange Dunlinr mint noil to
his dome in rfan I'Vriuiiiiln, Cal . Iio
was .vcntiipauioil hy his nephew Hurl
I row .
Mi .liidklusof I plaudoiie the mom
hoi's iif liin fit-in of tho K. (. Hey Liim
luu loiupany'h yard hero spent! Sunday
us a truest of K. i;. Ilurr.
Mrs. Miiry Wirt airive.l 'riiin-ilny
ovi'iiing from .lolliirsun, Iowa to ho
tin- truest of her son. Howard Will and
l.imi'v till after the linlhiajs.
Mis, riorn .Miller nf Dresden. ICas .
w h i ;, visiting relative in this vaelni
t - p. nt a couple of .la,s lust wcoU at
l I. .lues of J. X Smith and II. W.
diss Molla Smith and luothor ( )i i in
Npec'ed to tqiHtnl Christ mas wMi
tin ii ruiidimiout Mr. and Mr. I. X.
sini'h. riiolrhomisiii Dresden, Kay.
1 I ' siv moiitlis old child of Hruesl
ll.iiiini.iii and wife ilii'il of whiiopin
i-Mifii. I'lie I'linoial was held at tho
linine Monday and int rnient was imido
in the Uuitlo Hook cemetery, lively,
oiio sj input hios with the patents.
on Miinlav Hana limr ntoilainotl
throe of his young uieii friends at
dinner at tho homo of his parents Mr.
wild Mrs. II. I). Ilurr. Those present
were Messers. llonlnpin. Hugh Maisli
and Ii. W. Uohortsou.
rrlday evening (iniile Knelt lodge
No lsn Kohekahs olocted the follow
ingollioeiM: X. (1. Mrs. Hlora Hend
erson. V. (i. Mrs. Mary Kly. .seorolary
Min iiiv ohnistoOe. 'l'reasiircr Mrs.
Clan Mot' ill, Trustees Mrs. Win. Hall,
Mrs May I'.ly and I-'ied Watt
I I'.. Kly went to N'aponee Sunday
iinrht in assist in tlie invoice of tho
stocU id tu i It. S I'l-iuiiiiit l.umler
. inip.tuyS yard al that place. Mr.
1. . is treasurer of the eniiomi , .ti.l
in mag- r of the i.u'nle Hook HitJ.
l'.e e.)in)un Iihvo several yanis In
tl , s.JllO
Mis. T .f. licmit from 1oah Is the
it s of her daiitfhtei Mrs. Kohort
i-iMisiin. h,. had hi'Kii mak'ni-.' an
'.mli'tl visit' at Huron S. Italt tn
wi'h two son. She rtaohod Omaha
in t me to meet Mi. ((unison who was
ti le to .lit. 0 1 fio implement tl. 'tier's
t i'I'I i in
Gordinier Bros, present "BIG JIM"
or a Heart of Gold. A 4 act rural comedy.
Special Scenery
Up-to-date Specialties between acts.
Guaranteed Satisfaction.
25 35 & SO
W II I-I I I I Ni V I l
The leaelii i's ei . eittortiiiiie.. t n
iutispirl l'uesil.n itivlit ,' i In- home
of llr I'.lll. s
Ion WalUer visited tit i school M n-
ihlj .1 1 ti rn ii nt. W e .lie KHi'l I si e on,'
ex-triailuates Itoiiie nain.
Tho grades of tho Lincoln school aiej
prepariit),' excellent t in p.o
grains tills yorr. to lip jrhon Thnrs.l iy
Mis, Volutin Storey, who is home
fiotn the ht'ite university, speiulinu
Xiiitts vaciition visited ihc lliKhscliool
Tis easy L'lioiijrh to lie ploasatit,
Wlioii lifo Hows aloiitf al its host.
lint the mini worth while
Is tho ono who will .smile.
When lie (jots (ill per cent in a tesU"
Our mid week chapel talk was civun
hy Miss A. L. Hiohards last Woduos
day. slio avo a vivid ami most intor
ostiiiK description of tho "'Sun dance"
ir'n en ity certain t lilies of Indians in
Wyoming, where sln spent a part of
t lie summer last year These woekl
talks ure educational as well as enter
tulutuir and ate cortaitil.v apprcciatotl
hy everyone who hears thorn.
The liitorary pioirraui Prhluy nk'ht
was ii jrraiul mu'i'os Kvoiyetie on tho
prom-am wits well propaivd anil lid
except loinilly well for a starter."
'I he follow nig proiriain was rendered.
.uartotte (.Muudtt irainer. Hmtco
Ivholiiian. rioyd Tin nine. IMill
Slit rwoml.
llotdinir Irene Meiinlro
Iiisini'iientul m.Iii ...My -Ho Honor
Homllnu .Kloat oi (iilhtnn
lltnndii't Oris renin l.el nnl (.'ittd
- well.
in a mi.
'Hesohed i hut ihoroiK iiioroolp.-isuro
i in tiirsiiii tli in possession. "'
Alhiiiuitite x ili Hi lints M.tud llin-
ym Biscuit are more than mere soda fm
lW crackers. They ar2 a dictinct, M
M m&v..l-.:pA v'docI crtkle niac.v. from
m . special materials, by special .
IwwJ methods, in siecJallv c'Ei:i:ucl:ed f&
W K0t bake:-is. ' ' ' $
Hi) jf They are tvItrA n & vj.:rf W
m $? vy -Aicn gr- -Me-r?. crwrJiv ?- si
lil v ci:?.:,,l;.ne3S zuk'. : '' V.'Pijr ':?: ".h f
S 4& si'"' -ksiirs" from ; r rincr -ng ' ' fe
1SI r?A., n .,.r i . -,-!- t- "0 .vf Iwnl
vA ( " ,-;sj5tv3?. -1 ''' -.Cke k . ;y .;.;.-: ulC .ta ,
W Mtf'-i$$ tiois :iccpted soda fhlj
Wff Jmf amJ ii $ U fe M '
Io.t. I.oln Hilton.
Notrntiv-e -Hettu McDowell, I'loienie
Ixollou ll.trohl (Jreeii
I nidi's lin liOlier. Loot mil Hetlici,
llerta itivcn
i The .lei !,ion w ii in int or i I tic hclmi
The next time one of tho children
catch cold, uivo it somothiiiL: th it will
pt'ompllv ami fieely hut .'cntly iiiom
tlio how. Is, In 1 1i it t way the ool lwill
lit once Ii-- tlriv.'lt mil of the system
Koimo li s LiiMitite otijrli Syrup
moves tho iniwel, iiromptly and fioely,
yet gently, an 1 at the -aiuu time heals
irritation anil stop, tho couuh. It is
especially good for ohihlron. Sohl hy
all tlrtiis'itsts.
Notice to Banks.
I'tilillc ttotiif Is licit lit ultcli thai tile
lliiiiril til t '.unity I'oiiniiiKsluiii rs of Welister
t'niiiit.t, at tltelr rcuular uieclliiu to lie In Id
.liuiiiai.s II. Ititn will coiihltlt r applications ot
li.ntks to tic ilcKlunatcil its ilcpnsltnrlcs for
coiint.N ainucy tor the ciisiihn: tcriu of Hill)
anil lull.
Ml li.iiikMlcsliiiiu to lie mi ilclmiateil arc
itiiicstitt to ItitM' Unit' applications, with
IhiihI uriitlicr Moiiillles ii piotlilcil ly l:nv.
nil tile Willi tin I'nuul.t I'lill. oil or In hut
s'llll lltltl .
It iinlci of lltt llu, ml.
Il.tlttl l. C. It". Illl. I.. V, Hoss.
s,.M ( oitiits I'lerh.
Order I'o Show t.'diist:.
.stuns ol NuliriisUii ,. .,,, ..,,,,, ,.,t
Web. lei t uiitilt t ' "' J -""
l .1 I'lMIUU t mil I Itelil at III".' I'ollllly
I'uiiri rii'iin in iiinl formttii count) "silitfility
Hie. liitiet isiit . i.. num.
Is ii- niaittr ol Hie cuiie of .tin on fr.
Itl Ulc I'll tllhltl.
its riiiillut; iiml illliitf h petition of .lts
. itiUU firn.Nlnu Unit ailnilnlhirtiilon of
Ktilttehiaie nui lie urttntcil to t'rtincit' t.
Ittlicli' iir It tin. Wltlntv. tu ilutlnltrntrU.
iiaiihiiKii. Tlint I'liiKilaj Hie Hilt lii.v ol
.liiiiniirt A. I).. I'ttu. at nut' o'clock p. tu..
.hiiksluncil for tu mine .a til pi ililoii. win a an
pcrNoiisinttit'iiiil In tntiliiiaiui'iitn.t up pen i
al a t ottat.t t otiti lulu In lit lit ami fm miltl
cimni mill hltott t iIiihc ttlty iratr of ptli
Hunt t'siiouUI not ic crnntetl; ami tlun mnici
of itti pinctciio ofKtiUl pctltliin .tin! tin Ituir
in. Hit rent l ult it toitll pi ntoim Inn t'csii it
in iiiatlcr. Ii.t piililt.tlu a cnj if Htlx
t ili r In tli ItiiH lutui L'lilt f. a Mi'tUi ittttit
tint I't'iiiieil iiiKiltl couiiiy. inr unit ion
niiiiti itieko piltn imtalil iluy ot hciirliiti.
si ,t i. V. Kiisi.;.
I I. I'lltllltV .Itiiluc
Stillti t in iilo w n thai I.. It. Kiiuim. it
test, lent of llltli Hill. iliiaika lills llictt In
tlnolllit of tin count cIciU of t'lllll
toiiiil.N. Nilaitskii. an application l. p
tiilon ot cii'iiila ptiHoiis clalinliiu to he a
llllljol It Of till Itsllllllt til C-tllllt is of nal.
t ml. I'M elm t. t tistt r louut.t. Ni In itsK-jt
pint hit; llu llimitl of I'otiiitt rounulssliiiit is
of hiilil i utility, in ui ti itl him a llu use to m'M
uuilt. KililliiotiKiini vintiiis liiiioisat l.nt II.
illock l'.', in tin. town nf hnsciiiniit. hi Miltl
link I'licl. I'lulml.
IIuim'mI rucsihn the ntii. tin of.lauiaii'.t
nun. at ihc hour of I un o'clock in the after-
noon til llu Court llotttc hi l!nl I'loiul, aside
tliueatiil pliict foi' In iirlitu on miM applica
tion. uy piison tlcslihu; to it iunntrutc or
olijtct o the maittlui; nf Milit IIcciim1. iiiiii-I
llle thill iitJt etlinis in w ritlin; with nit on or
In fun) tlie aliiM tltitt si I for Ittarliiu.
I. . llllsH
rtiiuil I'lerk ol
Look T
w tMJnmwtijiwTJ mm t im o. ttttw
w kxEsgi
, Av. ircvLrr.jiSLl5A!SK.
in Sewing Machines.
'U'KtitUii: ii in..- eiiiiie..:
ispmKmBTOra : I
-L r-? r
' -.-i-.40,vsnIUi,iiriSWn fV 3fl I
I "
w tamu mMKtmmmm
v- ' " ' .
The Celebrated "Globe Wernicke" The
World's Best. We are Exclusive agents.
While our Stock
is Complete a
Word to the wise
is Sufficient.
l$MX JPk
l l&
Tm Ws5r?v I
ik. iw-a: -
WA iwMm J
fllflflGK & GY
r i ttim .- .
A Model Dining Room We
Can fit it for you.
JTm fa m
This Department is com
plete in Carpets, Rugs,
Lace Curtains, and Drap
eries. Leaders in
Furniture and
JSfSTw-u. 4
i listt r t'otuit