The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 23, 1909, Image 1

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State Historical Sooiity
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The First Christmas in
Webster County
In seeking tin' facts to vrlt up the
Hist I'ln-MinH-of Webster Comity In
ls70 iiiii special reporter has received
such a variety of reports, niaii.x so eon
Hiding. Unit it is with some dillletilty
tlmt they aie dratted into an harmon
ious story. The first Christmas of the
earliest pioneers is now after thirty
nine ,ears of trials ami tribulation, in
teresting history. We wish to here
opre-s to the vaiious eaily seltleis
who have so generoiislj e inti United
to our information, mi the subject, our
public thanks.
On tin day before Christmas in IsTo
a m.iss meeting was held in the stock
ade att.ulde lt"'k and a eunimittee of
(our was appointed 1o set out on thej
lour points of the eoinpass and secure '
game tor a gtaud old Christmasdinner. j
The werither whs warm and sunny, j
and tlieie hall scarcely keen fiost
enough all fall lo brown the bountiful
eiopof native giass It hail been one
oi.tinnuiis swell of typical May
went lie).
The foiu hbutclsset out on font in
their shin -Iccxes and at sim down
tbe l:i-t one hud returned to camp.
The lectilc lights in the stoekade
w. i. turned mi and the game eheeked
iimi I'l.ix bad seven buli'alo. live
i, ti.i-i-edeer. eleven 'possum, nine
u. ,v.t .in I llftlOll wild turkeys. Tile
, ...muittee eoiild have brought in many
ii. ,i. lurUes but their aitumlt lull was
,ii glow and an Indian attack had
,nn !'! ii feitH'd.
I i "iime bas ot the commit tee he
rn? so well tilled it was son suggested
that the whole neighboihood be in
vited in t a Meuy Uirlstma-. Ac
eoidingl.x some one, A I l.utlnop or
Hiimiiiiul Peters stepped over to the
phone which was coveiirg the largest
loophole on tho ""tl' WH,1 of lMl' ll,tl0
fortiessiind raiiK up Kd Cloud. Ilia
vale, t owies, Hlue Hill uuil Madeii and
Invited everybody to the feast.
Early the next morning a P'' of
the inhabitants of the liltie fortress
set to wink digging trench,
while others hied lor tho river with
their baskets to pick the dried wild
j; rapes and wild plumbs, others, still,
wadea the river HshiiiK for clams.
The liljj (jamu were set to roasting
and broiling over the trench. The
several Hutch ovens were tilled with
turkes stuffed with oyster dressing,
inisiii cukes and plumb pudding. The
fueil buckets were cleaned up and
turned into gieat boiling mi up kettles,
wattiuir oer the warm merry breeze
i.) iipjK'ti.iiig scents of beaver tail
mi.' wild onion. Long before the f.ue
noou wis hall gone the smouldering
tires lia 1 done their work, the wagon
boxes had been disiiioni.ted and spread
with He canvas covers for tables, and
-toss . ut block of wood weie regulaiiy
set mound them for chairs back of
each tin plate. The tables weie mlis
tien.lj decorated with wild roses mid
hum h u. i ass ami a few odd pieces of
old t canted silverwaio anil Dainas-c-us
sifil added to tho uniformity of
all. Acorn hulls were set around
sparingly tilled with gun powder, as
Individual siilleis.
The ilo's and cats lounged about
laily in the sun and tho cattle and
horses leisurely gra.ed around the
eainp Kverybody about the Jiltle fort
was anxiously awaiting tlie arilval of
the neighboring colonies, as this ami
that overlooked llttlo detail wtih being
The lirst train from the West
I. , -,,1,1.1. t In the Ited Cloud and luavale
' Allegations. As tho engine steauted
-i!:.n. i,...-..v uuil fMtMn llnd in terror.
and tho dogs and cats turned to tholr
j masters for protection. Hut the mas-toi-b
had been seized with a kind of
stage flight at the sight of that puss
enger train and started for tho tall
timber Hut Hill Sawyer "stood pat''
and in spite of all the entreaties of
Peters, McUalluni, Lathi op, .John
Marsh and Irving Crary. with upialsed
list command it to halt. 'which It did
nml tho friendly faces of the passen
gers poured from the platform.
OwltiL' to luck of acouaintaneu tho
!,. v.
fdltfei-oiit colonies hV" togolher
Alt. McCal). Chat le. Hunter. .Mac. I'til
ton. I'liclc 1 1 i i tut ii lloldredge and W.
J. Vance repic-entcd tnavale. and.
though our reeonl- .ue somewhat in
complete. W. N k'iehaiilsoii. .1. S.
tiilliiuii, ,1. It Wilcox. Wm. I'aiks,
lolui L'olnloky. .1 I,. .Miller, .loe Carr.
C. II. I'otter. H. I! s.,,,,11,. . , Mum-iM-,
I'M Kellogg, (ins IJonts. Clias. (inrney,
C. K. Hesse, .lohu llazelbaker. Dave
lleH'cliiower. and possibly a few
others const iiiitfd the repiesentntlon
from Ked cloud, (ianett Oltnsicdc
ami Ike Hampton swam the iher and
boanled the train at mbn and Ceo
W. Hummel walked over saying that
he ilid not have time to fool with any
such nonsense as steam cars when he
wanted to get somewhere in a hurry.
.John I'olulckv thinking a small con
tribution would be acceptable lo the
host, cariied a beautiful sack oT Hour
on his shoulder from his farin to the
depot. Hank Maurer took his throw
rope and spin is. thinking In- might be
called on lot a cow boy exhibition.
W. N. Kichtudsoii took with him a tine
roll of hih grade bacon linds that he
hiid eaiefully siied up. tagged with
his Christmas e-ieelings. i)ave Hetl'el
bower took with him a half dozen
haml-uuic wutei melons tied up in his
linen duster. Alf Mel'.ill carried
with It i ii a puckctfull ( beuutUul
piiiupkiu seeds nf Kii;t. mii ft . Char
lie (.in lu-y woie his danc cr sllppeis
ami white esl and Col. 1!. e wute no
.sliues nt all. Kd rtelluirg had a few
plctuies whicli lie had torn from his
text books, in iiistlc frames ut' original
desif-n-, and IM smith carried u hand
fill of b'aiitiful ox yoke keys of hi
own making tills I!cm!s took for
donation.. fw pie' t,, shiny brass
buttons and ('. II Potter ami Hill,
HoNuoi ih went partners mi a vial of
tlttest ipiiiiiue. .lohu llaelbaker
went armed with a beautiful paint i
lliusli he wished to trade for cabbage j
seed Win. Parks and .loe Curr do
nated a haudsomo mtistadou's tooth in
havers. .1. L. Miller, .lohu Wllco.x and
J. S. Gilliam showed theirappreciatlon
of the occasion with a partnorshlp
package of live yards of beautiful
white thread and half do.en pins.
These piesent.s were laid out on the
trrass amidst the tearful rejoicings of
the stockadeis. Uncle Hituati llol
dredgo clad in a buli'alo robe, acted as
Santa Chins, and Charles Hunter his
The Uladen. Ulue Hill and Cowlcs
colonies not being able to make train
connections hiked across to (iuidc
lioek in automobiles. Ilccse Thomp
son. I'tiele Todd '(Paul ami Charley
Fuller sailed up tho fortress ami
stopped befoie anjbudy had noticed
them. The ciowd excitedly looked
oer the occupants ot the hul"-ull'ss
can luge to see if they had been In
jured in anyway, then one party set
out to hunt their runaway team, while
another riihed lor the river wltha.xes
to iijpalr up a new wtigou tongue,
iiecU-yoko and whipplo tuns. Heese
Thnmpseii e.x-philued to the crowd that
his team hud ran uay, hut befme
getting loose I rota his wagon Jiad de
veloped sulllcieiit liioiiieiituiii to laud
the rig at the fort.
Hill Walters, CiiMirgu Catlieraiul .John
Peterson got well stinted aeioss in an
automobile but were turned back by
washouts on Crooked Creek. While
they weie debuting about turning
northward and going around the heads
ot all the Creeks, a stampeded herd of
buli'alo caused them to run their ma
chinu oil' tho grado and capsize in the
gutter. They phoned their regrets
from Holswoi'th's house. Hill Thornu
kept to the smooth, well traveled roads
and w hlz.ed into the meeting on his
motor cycle like a scarod Siou.x and
ran his machine nine times around
the stockade before he could stop
lly this time It was noon and every
body congregated about the tables.
The feast lasted until three o'clock,
when everybody arose from the tables
and joined in the various games.
Wrestling, foot raciug, jumping and
target shooting occupied the next hour
andas near as wo can learii Alf. Mc
Call and (ieorge Hummel swept every
thing in athletics, .fas. (Milium broke
the automatic spring on his trubty
rimihln hm-re led vlU ' M rt n
4 Newspaper That tilns Tin: News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For One Dollar.
bower lost his six shooter. Hank
Minuet's o uiragi lulled him on the . '
slunv down, and. Charlie Uurney hot
rowed his to's and set the liist gieat
won. i s record oy lopiugauu iieing a
wild buli'alo in -III !..i seconds, .liiii
Vance ami Mac Fulton gave an exhibit
ion by lidin an elk tamlcin Friz
Hieliardson happened along afterevei;
thing was oxer huuliiiir a hotse rnci .
About sun ilow n everybody ilispeised
, for their luHiifs singing "My country
lis ol The." The next day a hand of
'fiicudly Indians were invited in and
cleaned up the feust.
When we stop and think of the terri
ble sex ere went her we have been hav
ing in Hit)'.) and the cold snowy Christ-
i mas it nroinise-. xve cannot help but
think of the good old times they used
1 to have even as lar b.icl; as the lirst.
Christ mas in 1870.
Kiii.i'mamsxi tiiii.n tx a D.w.
, Dr. Detcheoti'!- Kellef for Itheiimatism
and Neuralgia radically fined in 1 to
.1 (lavs. It action .ipou the system is
I remarkable and mysterious. It re-
moves at once the cause and the ills-
easetinincdiatelf dlsannenis. The dis
close greatly benetits Toe and SI. first
Sold iy The 11 K. (Ince Drug Co.,
Ued.'lond N'uhr
I The s niitoins of kidney trouble aro
ut'iniio disordi.'i-s, weak back . and
backache, rheumatism and ihetimatie
pains mid twinges, pains in the groin,
etc. Theie is nothing as good for kid
ney ami bladder double a DoWitl's
Kidney and Uliulilei I'ilN. Vou may
depend iiMiii them In give i ntire satis-
faction Tlu-x iiie anttsf nt'e. act i
prompt l and sin-tin (I'lili s U-l lij all
We Thank You
For Your Patronage and
wish you one and all a
Merry Christmas
and a
"s I
Happy New Year,
- J -- 'J'l'
Chris- m a s
IJI.......H k x .x m tm lfT'-rf ii m w wbii iiii wkz, r - ft vnx'.. . - ' i
HraiHSMv coi fa, tS&.Q&jttBZfflmr2&Ssih!, 1 1 .wKloaaa rr
wimTJ336fimm. . . -- s v rz.,.
m i JLA UJi'LLJJ.UriSA,U' :lm' ik& "' n JjEtM, $&l -xm&
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Coprn;lit Hart bilutliur .X .Marx
We wish you all a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year,
Ti jr-
iT -NTH -.