The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 16, 1909, Image 9

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$ jMAfc-'-J -itf. m... n ..
innsimas ureeungs
We have the reputat
ion of always having the
best selected stock of
Christmas Goods in the
city and this year we are
better prepared than
Here are some sug-
: D l. Di.
Here is a gift that will prove f 0 ' u .' n .
useful every day for years to lets, Lards, Hand ramt-
como. A veritable man el of e(J China, Doll Cabs,
convenience. . ' ...
Dressing tases, iviirrors,
Jardineres, Umbrella
Stands, Vases, &c, Per
fumes, Albums and Toys
till WE can't rest.
Come and see.
Ki X H .T. 'V IHH1UIJI IBf 1 f 1
'? JWkV Every Xnww novP
V Mk, iv Given John and the
I) Jrmy y5 tancy Ihlnte lhat
i tf wf ,,cy nevor uso.This year
jfl lilnin fcoinfc to fcive llicm
Somotfilnft Csofuir
if) $tiu,YL!r6r .Self-
Fountain Pen
embraces distinct advantages not
found in any other fountain pen. A
great favorite with writers the world
over and a most acceptable Rift.
Make your selection now. Gift ien3
la Christmas boxes.
CHAS. L. COTTING The Druggist.
; LOCALE ilea s
Alfred Iladell was la St. Joe Mon
day. Marl Warber of Wyoming is in the
MUs Pearl Mitchel la visiting In the
Elder J. A. btrawn has returned
Renew your subscription for the
Hloh cut glass at Ml toh ell's Jewolry
I Store.
, 1 Will West spout Sunduy in Red
J Cloud.
' C. II. Miner went to Colorado Mon-
;'.' ilnv nicrht.
Don't forget Newhouse Bros'. Calen
der for 1010.
Win. Irons of Inavalo was In town
All kinds of Shoo Repairing at
OB Fooei.'h.
Ralph Hunter was down from Ina
vale Wednesday.
Mark McConkey and family have
gone to Kansas.
Coal Oil 10c a gallon at Tin: Minek
Bkoh. Co. Stohk.
Miss Maud Wilson went, to Denver
Tuesday evening.
Elovon carloadsof stock were shipped
out of here Sunday.
Mrs. Geo Warren entertained the
r00 Tuesday evening.
Mr. Buckauau, son of Mr.s. T. C.
Hacker is in the city.
Clyde Itowen came home from 13c
atrico Saturday night.
Somothing nice one of thubc Salad
bowls at Wullbrandt's.
The finest in tablo silverware at
Mitchell's The Jeweler.
Billy Upright fell oh" a chair Friday
night and broke his leg.
See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Wantk A fresh milch cow. Inquire
at Nowhouso Dros Store.
On of the finest Hues of Lamps in
the city at Wullbrandt's, from 40c to
Warren Lougtin has been on the sick
list during the past wock.
Bert (Irice of Boulder, Colo., is visit
ing his mother this week.
Vaner Maginncss was down from
Republican City Saturday.
Farm Foit Rknt-Isqcuik AtTiik
Rkd Cloud Investmknt Co.
Mr. and Mrs, L. H Biacklcdgo de
parted for Kansas City Sunday.
Mrs. Ed Piatt entertained tho Jun
ior Whist Club Tuesday evening.
Clias. Busheo of Elm Creek, Ncbr.,
was In town tho flrbt of the week.
Miss Irono Miner Is visiting her sister
Mrs. Gund In llluo Hill this week.
Oscar Hughes and wife are moving
into their new resldenco this week.
Chas. Garbor, who has been visiting
his brother John has returned home
Buy a whip of Fogel, the harness
man, and get a free chanco on tho 8
One of those 100 piece dinner sets at
Wullbrandt's would make a nice Xtnas
Fr Sak: Two thoroughbreed Short
horn Bulls. John Ohmstkhe, Guide
Rock, Neb.
When In need of Queenswaro take a
look nt Wullbrandt's at tho Home
Grocery store.
With every SI whip bought of Joe
Pogel you get n free chanco on an Sl8
single harness.
The Xmas line of Picture Mouldings
are now in at Meteali's Studios, Potter
block, up stairs.
Did vou ever try getting vour pic
tures framed at Metcalf's "studios Pot
ter block, up stairs.
Jim Mornnvllle has installed a rural
phone and those neodlng veterinary
service call on him.
Mr. aud Mrs. llert Morhart are the
proud parents of a ten pound boy
born Tuesday night.
Mrs. 11. M. tlrice wont to Boulder,
Colo , Wednesday morning to visit her
son Bert and family.
Tiiko vour snectacle case to Now
houso Bros. They will put your initials
on It, freo of chorgo
Rev. I). 1). Proper will preach In
the Baptist church next Sunday Dec.
1 Dth at tho usual hour.
Buy only baking pow
der whose label indi
cates cream of tartar
Mr. Clarenco Steward leaves Thurs
day for Ft. Worth, Texas to spend
Xtnns with her mother.
Frank Hutchison ciimo in from
Lebanon, ICas , Saturday for a visit
with Geo. Hutchison and family.
Get your heating aud cook stove in
to shape for u Inter. Order your stove
repairs from Morhart Bros. now.
Mrs. John Wilson and daughter
Grace havo returned home after a 7
months visit in Winehoster, Virginia.
Owing to tho increase in space of
our advertiser' in the Chief Ibis week
we are compelled to run I extra pages.
Mr Fild lliuilii'M)ii of Kovemontaiid
Miss 1 1 ii tela A. Nelswii of Cowles ueio
married by Judgo V. lsim Wednesday
Have jou heard the l)ener Evangel
ist. Mr. .. (.'. Root".' If not hear him
toiilcht nt the I'.iethrcu church. All
ale in it il.
M i tun t Itio-s. have their hard coal
stoves on their lloor. Come in and see
tho finest line of the best stoves you
ovur looked at.
Mens' Mectlnft next Sunday after
noon at :i o'clock In tho Brethren
church Every man in Rod Cloud is
urged to attend.
Do you want a farm loan if so you
should seo E. U. Overman, who is pro
pared to furnish you n loan at lowest
rates and without delay.
NotIck The Minor Bros. Co. 's clock
will stop Saturday at 4 p. m., and after
that at 0:15 p tn,, to uccommodato
thotc coming from a dlstauco.
Tho Ladles of the Chrlstalu church
-will servo a chicken pie dinner nnd
supper in tho Woodman Hall Saturday
December 18th in connection with
their bazar.
We are informed by Judge Edson
that nil pr.cinct Assessors eloctod
Nov. 2nd. are required to havo their
bonds lllod and approved by tho first
Thursday In January.
While making sausage In Yost &
Butler's butcher shop last Friday,
Meredith Butler had tho mlsfortuno to
got his hand caught in the snusago
gnudor and had his lingers badly
Services at the Brothron church next
Sunday aa follows: 10 a.m. Tho Work
In Denver by Rev. Root, and sermon
at 11; Mens' meeting at 3 p. m; Song
and praise service 7:30 p. m., Sermon
at 8:00 p. in.
Tho best pill Is DcWltt's Little Early
Risers tho safe, easy, pleasant nnd
bure little liver pills. DeWltt's Car
bollzcd Witch Hazel Salvo is the orl
L'lnnl. Good for cuts, burns and
bruises, and especially for pilos. Sold
by all druggists.
The lecturo delivered at tho Opera
House Monday night by Dr. Hodloy
was a number one In evory respect.
Ills subject "Tho Sunny Sldo of Lifo"
was eloquent, intorestlngond instruct
ive. Ho would be given a cordial re
ception should he appear In Rod Cloud
We aro more than pleased with our
subscribers for there promptness in
paying up the subscriptions into the
future. Many have takon advantage
of the old rate and havo paid sovon i
years In ndvanca, some have paid to
Jan.l 1015. Thoso who deslro to save
monoy on subscription have but two
more weeks In which to do ko. The
$l..r0 rate goes Into effect Jan. First.
A christian life is worth more than
many sermons but minister Hussong
has two of the latter to offer to his
hearers at tho Christian church, next
Lord's day Dec. 19th, which aro filled
with great elements of meaty truth,
affordiriff much food for thought.
Morning theme: "Peace, and Its At
tainment." Evening dlscourso on
"When God Works." Those who can
do so will be cordially welcomed to
hear thoso sermons.
The county commissioners seeing
that tho maps and surveys of tho coun
ty arc becoming dimmer with ngo
havo wlsoly determined that accurate
copies of thorn be inndo botoro It Is too
late. Tho work Is In tho hands of Co.
Surveyor, G. II. Overlng, and his cop
ies will boar the scrutlng of the most
critical. These copios of Important
maps will save hundreds of dollars
and a great deal of grief.
The Christmas window displays in
tho city arc thu most attractive - over
shown in Red Cloud. Especially
noticeable are tne windows oi ram
Storey, the Clothier, The Cowdcu
Kaloy Clothing Company, Newhouse
Bros., Jewelers, and the Mitchell
Jowolery ,Company. These enterpris
ing merchants havo so arranged their
artlcles'offered for salo as to attract
the attention of the most indifferent.
So tempting aro these goods that ono
cau hardly resist the desire to buy.
Monday afternoon Mr. Los Chanoy
thought(ho would take advantage of
tho snow andenjoy a slolghrlde but
unfortunately ho decided with out ask
lug his horso and tho result may bo
bettor imagined thau related,
It may be bufllclent to say that the
gentle bay made kindling wood of tho
sleigh, badly bruised up Mr. Cliuney,
ran into Mr. Crablll's team causing it
to run away and smash a wheel from
a by standing buggy
All aro doing as well as could bo
expected except the sleigh which is
not on'the mend
See our list of beautiful and useful presents
Collars and Cuffs Men's & Boys Suits
Neckties " " Overcoats
Dress Shirts " " Pants
Suspenders " " Shoes
Hosiery " " Slippers
Bath Robes " " Hats
House Coats " " Caps
Underwear " " Gloves
Collar & Cuff Buttons " " Mittens
Trunks " " Rain Coats
SuitCases " " Mufflers
Fur Gloves & Mittens " " Handkerchiefs
All Priced at reasonable prices.
All goods first Class and guaranteed to be just as
CJDo your Christmas Shopping at our
store. We will save you lots of money
and have just what you want. : : : :
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
Large nnd attentive crowds are lis
tening to Itev. A. C Root of Denver at
tho Brethren church each evening.
Tho meetings are proving a success in
spite of the condition of the weather
and much sickness.
Real Estate Traasfera.
Transfers rcnorted by the Fort Ab
stract Co. for the week ending Wed-
ncsdny, December 15 1909.
Josoph llldy ct-nl to Anna Me-
Pur Hand, n w 30-3-10, wd .... 7000.00
John Kricson to Anna McPart-
bind, und a wW, nw 30-IM0,
wd 008.12
Susan F. Hvau to Anna Mc-
I'artland, nw MIMO. qcd. . . . 100.00
William II. Tabor to J. M. Bur lots 3. 1.5. Blk. 7, Bed
Cloud, wd 2300.00 ;
Mary II. Benson to David M
Francis, lots 'JU', U3, li, Blk.
Ill, Smith &. Mooros add to
Bed Cloud, wd 0-00
David M. Francis to Gilbert A. -
Person, lots 22, 23, Si, Blk.
13, Smith & Moores ndd to
Bed Cloud, wd 75"00
State of Nebraska to Andrew
Schultz, sX no 23 2-10, deed M0.00
Andrew Schultz to Lewis v .
Ely. s no 23-2-10, wd 3300.00
John V. Voborcl to John W.
Most, &A 191-10, wd 11000.00
Ellis U. Oulllford to W. B.
Saunders, lots 10 to 19, Blk.
3, Oarbera 2nd add to Bed
Cloud, wd . J120.00
Kugenc V. Burton to Mrs. Char
les S. Watfcon, lotH, Blk. IS,
Pnivlnn. wd .' 1.00
Jennie Bushoe to Hosauna
Jones, lots 10, 11, 12, Blk. 10
LeDucs add to Bed Cloud Wd 2500.00
(1. M. Garner to V. It. Burwoll,
part oJi so 34-2-12, wd 2000 00
Pattern in
Sterling Silver
The most at
tractive silver
service of the
Mortgages (lied, l)00l.8o
Mortgages released, ?80.00
& If
a. . .-. w f
2 dASS TlI :' 1 K M V v v n
un:n,r 000111011 th-pp carloads of wire fencing at s
w iiavuig '''" ....- - i
J a BIG BARGAIN, we are willing to divide with you.
Yours truly,
P. S. we sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and 40 rods.
,., -wttg,ustvi qonuia'narroimt'1 vHm: "' n.t&riwyy'V