The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 09, 1909, Image 8

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    -.,. ..',..Jl..r .&,
The Chief
C. B. MALE, Publisher
A Boiling Down of (lie More Impor
tant Iivcnts Here and There
Hy a tiiujurlly of am. nltur ti lirluf
but exciting sitting, tlio hotiso of
I'omiTiiitiH ucniiled Its rliilm to ex
cliiHlvt control, of tlio nation's purse
a Hiilni tiewr hcfori clitillungotl In
i.'ioilcrn times.
Tho protocol with tin; United Status
for tho rcfiTdici' of tlio Alsop Hulm to
Kliif; I'Mvviird for inoilliitluu wan
signed by tlio government of Chili".
The eiililnot of Premier (ilolltte of
Italy resigned
The ministerial rotntiilsslon wlilcli
1ms been (llHciiimlng with business
men vnrlmm matters of trade. has up
jiroved the riiggvMtlnn of plnelng a tax
of seven-tenths of one cent on each
pound of cotton grown In Utiropean
ItnsHla, Itoldiara and Khiva
Admiral Toko, chief of the general
Htaff of the Japanese navy, retires
from the navnl eonimand and becomes
a member of the military council. Ho
l Hticceeded In hl earlier olllce by
Vice Admiral Sir (ieio IJuln.
An luillvldiial believed to bo Insane
and Inning an Imaginary grievuncu
against the war department, Hhot and
HorloiiHly wounded Ceneral Vcrand In
Paris on the steps of tho Hotel Con
tinental. It wns later (Uncovered thai
be lr.d made a mistake in IiIh man.
It Ih nineteen days slneo tho Her
rera line steamer Mnrln Uerrora left
Santiago, Culm, with a cargo of cattle,
bound for I'oncc, Porto Ulco, where
she wan expected to arrive November
11. The Htenmer, however, has not
been heard from and It Ih believed
that Khe wiih foundered.
Klvo more men were added last
week to the bankers' colony at Ft.
liunvcnwnrtli penitentiary.
.1. I. Morgan 1ms secured control
of the Kqulablo Life society.
The Ilrltlsh house of commons
adopted a resolution of censure or
Mexico will maintain n neutral' atti
tude In the Nlcaraguan rumpus.
The ItlclinnlOleason bid for the
Jeffries-Johnson fight, to be In Cali
fornia, waB accepted.
President Tuft has taken stepB to
put the Red Cross society on a perma
nent business footing.
Congressman Hiushnw says Cannon
cannot bo elected speaker at the ses
ulon of tho next congress.
Following a charge of murder nt St.
Ixniis against Mrs. Doxey or Colum
bus, Neb., n requisition was Issued.
Tho president will exert all tiis in
tluonce looking to changes in the in
terstate commerce act.
Duke Karl Theodore of Uavaria died
from kidney trouble.
D. L. Wlnchell, president of tho
Itock Island, has been elected Presi
dent of the St. Ixrnls & San Francisco
John Harvard, a negro preacher, who
bad committed murder, was burned
at tho stake near Cochran, Georgia.
According to an olllclnl dispatch
from Illtlis, Asiatic Turkey, several
small villages In that vicinity have
been destroyed by an earthquake.
"More men are killed as tho result
or playing football in one year than
are killed In labor troubles," says
John Mitchell. .
President Tnft soon Is to receive a
call from the legislative committee of
the Grand Army or tho Republic, for a
conference upon mntters pertaining to
pension legislation this winter
Tho Kansas state treasury' will re
ceive $25,000 cash, as an Inheritance
tax, from the estate of James Clarke,
a farmer in Marshall county. This
is the largest tax yet assessed against
u Kansas estate under the new law.
The Kansas State Agricultural Col
lege Uyearold Angus steer, King
Kllsworth. won tho grand champion
thlp as the best Hteer In America at
tho International Stock show In Chi
cago Secretary of Wnr Dickinson advo
cates changes In army affairs In an
nual report.
A strike of switchmen Involving
over two thousand men was inauguar
ated at St. Paul. Minn.
Senator llrown says tho Insurgents
will be In evldenco at tho coming ses
sion of congress.
A Greenville (Ohio) mnn killed h
mother and a deputy sheriff, wounded
two others and committed suicide.
Senator Aldrlch suys tho panic oi
1007 cost the country JU.OOO.uuO.OuO.
Sec. Meyer has proposed sweeping
changes In the navy.
Attorney General Wlckershntn, Sen
ntore Elklns nnd Cummins conferred
on changes In the interstate commerce
The United Stntes nnd Chile at last
lmo reached llnal agreement as to
tho terms of n protocol referrlug to
King Edward for a definite settlement
of tho celebrated Alsop claim.
Twenty Japanese wero killed nnd
fifteen injured, several of them fatal
ly, in tho wreck of a work train on
tho Great Northern railway between
Vancouver and Now Westminster.
In a lire at Kansas City 140 horses
voro burned to death.
4 .
1'ro.Hldcnt Dolano of tho Wnbash
railroad, is nald to liavo been profered
tlio Chinese mission.
Tho lown stock food law Ih declnred
by Judgo McPherson In tho federal
court to bo nil right and sufflclont to
hold water.
Congress In to bo nssnlicd by ro
form organizations within a day or bo
after it convenes.
Governor Donecn or Illinois, It was
made known recently, will postpone
convening tho general assembly in
special session pending tho outcomo
of tho Investigation of tho Cherry
mine disaster.
Tho government faces important
problems relating to channels and
terminals In proposed waterways Im
provement. Tho National liberal federation has
Issued a manifesto declaring action of
tho house of lords should be repudiat
ed by tho people.
Tho government shows that thoro
wero great chances for deceit In tho
Inquiry of tho alleged sugar frauds In
iew mini.
Tho Nicaragua olllelal at Washing'
;on was given his passports and a
scathing letter by Secretary of State
Knox and diplomatic relations wero
'4i.....r..M.. . .i
Tho Ilrltlsh house of lords, by vot
ing to reject tho budget, have precipi
tated a crisis in ICngland.
An Ohio lumber merchant says ho
overheard a plot to kill John D. Rocke
feller. Secretary Wilson, In his annual re
port, said the past year had been one
of great prosperity for farmers.
Representative Norrls of Nebraska
snys It will bo useless to ask Speaker
Cannon to resign.
Judge Charles Amldon, or tho Unlk
ed States district court or North
Dakota, advocated tho execution or
professional criminals and tho hope
lessly Insane In an address at Fargo.
The couit of annealH bus irrnntod
uompers and his associates a stay
ponding nppeal to the supremo tribun
al. Tho prohibition amendment was de
feated by a largo majority In Alnbama.
Emperor William opened tho Reich
stag by personally reading tho speech
from the throne.
James Freeman Curtis of Hoston,
now United Stntes district attorney
and onco Intercollegiate golf champion
or tho United States, hns been chosen
assistant secretary or tho U. S.
Tho gunboat Prlucton was ordered
by tho navy department to sail for
Corlnto, Nlcnragua. to Join the gun
boat Vlcksburg, already at that port.
Speaker Cannon. In a Bpeech nt
Kansas City, defended the rules of
tho house.
1-ow .flares have been secured for
tho National Corn Exposition that
opens in Omnlia December Cth.
Congress will turn tho light on tho
wnter power problem.
Congressman Carter or Oklahoma
Is critically ill.
Rear Admiral R. R. Ingersoll, a
member or tho general board of the
nnvy, will bo placed on tho retired list.
James J. Hill has offered to give tho
Huron college at Huron, S. I)., $G0,
000 of Its endowment fund.
i nomas Meagher.of Manila, I. I.,
son of tno Irish pntrlot, died o pneu
monia following an attempt to com
mit Hutcldo.
Washington. 1
Representative Hitchcock of Omaha
expresses tho opinion that the forth
coming session Is going to bo tho live
liest exhibition that congress hns
given tho country in a long time. Ho
expects there will be something golug
on every mlnuto and that tho fighting
will be forced rrom tho very opening.
Mr. Hitchcock Is disposed to take
especial Interest In pressing for postal
savings banks, on which he has long
had a bill pending.
President Tart said he enjoyed his
Thanksgiving dinner because nc
speechmaklng had to follow.
A gag order affecting tho furnishing
jf Information to any committee of
the house or senate or any member or
congress oxcopt as authorized by the
head or tho department In which such
official sorves, has been promulgated
by the president.
Tho consular service Is to recelvo
moro attention with a vlow to Its In
creased efficiency. Tho secretary hns
nppolnted Wilbur J. Carr, chlor clerk
of tho department or state, director or
the (tonsillar sorvlce, a newly created
Despite tho state guaranty law for
state banks In Oklahoma, ninny appli
cations are pending at the treasury
department for organization ns na
tional banks In tho now state and
one for the Gcrmanla national bank
or I'onca City was approved. It is
capitalized at $25,1100.
Secretary of State Knox returned
tho passports of Fellpo Rogrlgues,
ehnrgo d'affalrs of the Nlcaraguan le
gation with a letter scathingly de
nouncing, the Zelayan government.
The letter Is definitely declared to
repiesent the views of President Tart.
George Foster Poabody, William
Dean Howells, William M. Ivlns and
Herbert Parsons niv all advocates of
woman suffrage.
Walter Wellmau calls Dr. Cook a
fraud, and says his claim to tho polo
discovery Is bogus.
Perclval Roberts of Philadelphia,
and Snmuel Mathers or Cloveland
wero elected directors or tho United
States Steel corporation.
Tho library or John Alexandor
Dowlo wns ordered sold to a Chicago
book, seller for $7,000. by Fedora!
Judgo K. M. Laudls.
Cubans nro becoming dissatisfied
with tho administration or President
Gomez, nnd want him displaced.
Dr. Cook, or Arctic, rame, Is said to
bo on the point of a norvous break
down. Secretary or tho Interior Halllnger
has made his annual report
A Ruling Against the Bankers' Life
Company Other Matters From
the State Capital.
State Superintendent lilshop has
tnado an announcement concerning
tho npprovnl of high schools for nor
mal training. The list Includes a to
tal or 110 schools, or which 103 aro
high schools and seven acadomles.
Tho normal training law was en
acted by the legislature or 1907. Dur
ing tho school year 1907-8 sixty-eight
schools were approved for normal
training, with an onrollinont or 1,200
pupils In the normal training classes.
During tho year 1908-9 eighty-six high
Bchools and eight academies were ap
proved, representing a combined en
rollment of 1,000 pupils taking the
course. For this school year tho 110
schools approved for the work huvo
enrolled In their normal training
classes a total of 1,850 pupils.
In May, 1909, there wore graduated
from the normal training high schools
775 pupils, who had completed tho
regular high school course of study
and tho course in normal training.
.Reports show that "of this number
G7C or them aro teaching this fall.
County superintendents nro enthusi
astic over the good work these young
teachers are doing in tho school room.
Insurance Agents Are Out.
The state Insurance board handed
out a ruling revoking the licenses of
tno ton agents of the Hankers' Life
Insurance company of Lincoln.
Tho following Is the form of the
letter sent out to the ngents under
Investigation by Auditor Rarton, head
or the Insurance board:
"Hy the authority vested in me by
tho laws or the state or Nebraska,
and as I rally bollove that your con
duct u an Insurance agent and the
methods used by you in procuring
business Is In violation or law und
contrary to tho rulings of tho Insur
ance department and against public
policy, I hereby revoke your license
No. as i:sent of the Hankers' Mfe
Insurance company or Lincoln, Neb.,
dated , 1909."
While tho action taken is sweeping,
tho twonty-elght affidavits introduced
in ovldonco before the board contained
many suggestions or Irregularities
that tho agents excluded under the
order for the most pnrt did little to
Plans Issue of Stock.
The application or the 'Chicago &
Northwestern Rnllrnad company for
authority to issue ?30,G02,800 worth or
common Block hns been grnuted by
the Nebraska railway commission.
Tho stock will be Issued In tho form
of 305,028 shares of common stock of
the par value or $100 each. The stock
la to be issued for the purpose or
"constructing, improving and equip
ping Its railway," otherwise tho re
quest lled with the commission con
tains no hint or how, when or In what
ono or moro or the states the work
is to bo done.
Historical Society Wants Money.
Notwithstanding the State Histor
ical society gots an appropriation or
$15,000 biennially, it lias Its solicitors
out asking for money. One was at
the state houso asking financial aid
with which to print some report tho
society is to make and for which tho
solicitor said there was no money
available to pay the bill.
Requisition for Wife Deserter.
The governor's office issued requi
sition on the state or Iowa for tho re
turn to Nebraska of Albert Oliver.
Oliver Is charged with desertlug his
wlt'o and minor child, now living In
Lnncaster 'county. He has been
placed under arrest at Indlanola. la.
A Raise In Wages.
The Lincoln Traction company
stockholders elected officers and in
creased the wages of the motormen
and conductors. The one-year mon
were raised 1 cent an hour, mnklng 19
cents; the two, three, four and six
year men wero raised IVj cents
Cupid Gets Normal Teachers.
Superintendent Thomas' or the
Kearney Normal school reported to
the normal board that Mr. D. Cupid
was playing havoc with his teaching
force nnd ho wanted an Injunction
Issued or something done to head him
off. A number have been lost and
others have the fever.
Civil Service Examinations.
The United , States civil servlco
commission announces the following
examinations to bo held at Lincoln
and Omaha: Janunry 25, stenograph
er and typewriter, all branches or tho
servlco; January 25. stenographer,
departmental servlco; January 25,
ypewrltor for men only.
An Unfounded Report.
Tho story printed by an Omaha pa
por to tho effect that W. J. Ilryan
and his brother, O. Hryan. linvo
been asking Governor Shallenborgor
to call an extra session of the legis
lature In order to secure the passago
of a resolution for tho submission of
the Initiative and referendum consti
tutional amendment la not warranted.
C. W. Hryan mado a denlnl or tho
story when questioned In regard to
the matter. "Neither W. J. Hryan nor
uiyseir hns asked tlio govornor to call
a special session." he said.
Governor Proclaims Regarding New
Nebraska County.
Governor Shallenberger has Issued
a proclamation calling an election in
tho new county or Garden to be held
January 10. Tho polls open from 8
a. m. to fi p. m. Polling places shall
be the same as at the last general
election. At tho election tho location
or n county Beat shall bo determined
and the following orriccrs chosen:
County clerk, clerk of the district
court, treasurer, Judge, sheriff, as
sessor, surveyor, superintendent, threo
commissioners, and all township and
precinct officers, except thoso previ
ously elected nnd qunlllflcd In the
county of Deuel from which the new
county has been formed nnd whoso
terms or office shall not have expired
at the time of the election nnd whose
residence in embraced in the Unfits of
the new county, shall continue in of
ice until their terms expire. Tho
notice or election shnll bo published
for two consecutive weeks preceding
the election in a newspaper of gen
eral circulation in the county, and by
posting In a consplclous place at each
polling place at least two weeks be
fore tho election.
Lincoln Has Corn Show.
One of the Important features of
the Stato Corn Growers' show, to be
held In the Lincoln Auditorium Jan
uary 17-21, will bo an exhibition of
wheat. Up to date corn has always
had precedence in both local nnd
national shows, but the Nebraska
Millers' association, realizing the im
portance of wheat to tho state, has
decided to assist In a movement to
ward Increasing Its quantity and qual
ity. With this end In view tho mil
lers have arranged to eo-opontto with
the Corn association and have offered
a valuable trophy for the best ex
hibit or wheat, to be given at the an
nual show each year. Much of the
widespread Interest In corn through
out the stnto Is due to the efforts of
tho state association. It Is hoped
that tho society will be as successrul
with wheat.
In addition to the Millers' trophj
several cash prizes for wheat ex
hibits have been offered. The Mil
lers' trophy for sweepstakes, will bo
a largo silver piece of u special de
sign mounted on nn ebony base. The
base will be hollow and n sample or
the winning exhibit will bo kept in
It and shown whenever tho cup is on
display. The trophy will be formally
presented to the association nt Its
nnnual banquet to bo held In connec
tion with the Bhow. After this It will
bo nwarded annually.
Majors Does Not Want It.
A 'riend or Senator T. J. Majors
has reported that Mr. Majors does
not caro for the appointment on tho
old normal board to fill a vacancy in
the term or Mr. Hays of Alliance
which has expired. It was reported
that a movement is being started In
tho Third congressional district in
favor or tho nppolntment or Mr. Kohl,
a real estate dealer or Wavne. Up a
n well known democrat aud repre-l
sented his district in a national dem
ocrntic convention.
A Fine Picture.
Will M. Mnupln, head or tho Btnte
labor bureau, has received a line pic
ture of the delegates attending the
American Federation of Labor con
vention taken In a group at Toronto.
Tlila picture is fifteen Inches wide nnd
about sixty-flvo Inches long, nnd the
fnco of every delegate can be plainly
recognized, Gompers, Mitchell and
Morrison, the Indicted labor leaders,
occupy prominent positions. The pic
ture will be placed In Labor temple
Union Pacific to Issue Bonds.
Tho stato railway commission held
a conference with Edson Rich, at
torney for tho Union Pacific Railroad
company, and Issued an order grant
ing permission far tho company to
issue $141,598,000 of first lien nnd re
funding mortgngo bondB for the pur
pose or buying and constructing new
lines, double track, rolling stock, real
estate, terminals, yards and shops.
Dr. Carr Released.
Dr. E. Arthur Carr has received a
clean bill from tho federal grand jury.
Complaint had been filed against Dr.
Cnrr becauso ho had opened mall ad
dressed to Dr. Sward, secretary of tho
Btote board of health, legislated out
of existence. Dr. Cnrr was secretary
of the now board. The grand jury
called Dr. Carr beforo It nnd after
questioning him failed to bring In u
true bill.
Governor Sells to State.
Coupland, a special commltteeshrdl
Tho stato farm, through Regent
Couplant, a special committee with
power to net, has bought of Governor
Shallenberger four shorthorns, paying
therefore $1,010. Tho animals will
be used for Instruction purposes.
W. R. Patrick Reslcns.
Ex-Senator W. R. Patrick of Sarpy
county has resigned from the bonrd
or triisteos appointed to control tho
Btate school for blind at Nebraska
City and the stnto school for deif at
Johns Dismisses Complaint.
The complaint of John Johns or
Constance against . tho Chicago, St.
Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railroad
has been dismissed by tho Stato Rail
way commission. John Johns alleged
that th town or Constance needed a
station, and It needed certain side
tracks and a row other things which
ho alleged It was tho duty or tho rail
road company to furnish, so ho filed
his complaint. A hearing was had
and testimony introduced, after which,
the commission decided John Johns
had failed to make his case.
Items of Interest Taken From rfere
and There Over the State.
Recent snowfalls and rains have put
the roadB of Nebraska In bade fihape.
York has a new Industry, thnt of
making cement posts.
The bank nt Taylor has Increased
Its capital from $5,000 to $10,000.
John Peatrowsky, a pioneer of Cum
ing county, having lived therein over
forty years, died last week.
Odd FcUowb of Humboldt have pur
chased ground nnd will erect thereon
a building for lodge purposes.
Arthur Nichols or Odessa has been
tnken to the Insane asylum for tho
second time.
The Union Dopot company of Omaha
Is preparing to spend $500,000 In en
larging the station.
Citizens of Geneva turned out In
strong numbers nnd reorganized the
Commercial club.
Woodmen day at Ilroken How wns
quite successrul, but would have been
better hud the weather been propi
tious. The Union Pacific railroad received
permission rrom the Btate railway
commission to put In effect n one fare
rate to Omaha on the occasion of the
National Corn exposition.
The governor 'will appoint thirty
delegates to attend the good roads
convention at Topeka. Kas.. Decem
ber 15 nnd 10. The meeting Is nn
tionnl In character.
Anton Christiansen or Omnhn. a life
prisoner In the penitentiary for the
murder of his wife In 1902, has been
pnroled by Governor Shallenberger to
his brother. C. Christiansen, of South
Amherst schools closed on account
of scarlet fever. There Is an epidemic
or this malady in the north part of
Illlffaio COIintV nnd Within n rnriliia nf
ten miles from the north boundary !
hardly a school is running.
The discovery of fire in the labo
ratory of the high school at Hastings
by a group or high school girls, who
promptly turned in the alarm, saved
the $80,000 school building rrom de
struction. H. C. Young, a prominent former
homesteader, living near Kimball, was
killed by his own wagon running over
him. Ho was on his way home with
a load or coal and It Is supposed his
team ran away, throwing him under
tlie wheels.
Judgment for $18,000 wns confessed
in federal court by the North Platte
Water Works company In the suit In
stituted against it by the American
Water Works company. The amount
wns duo on work nnd material fur
nlshed by the plaintiff.
Ira Hass, a young man about 24
years old, a former resident of Hroken
How, was brought there, from Dunning
suffering rom a gunshot wound In the
breast. He keeps a hardware Btore
and was examining some firearms
when the accident occurred.
Secretary Paine of the State His
torical society has received word that
James Mooney or the staff of the
American bureau of ethnology will bo
present at the annual meeting or the
society in Lincoln In January and will
deliver one or more addresses. Mr.
Mooney Ib ono of tho great authorities
on the North American Indian.
Lutner M. OveVstreet, n former York
county boy, ban been promoted from
lieutenant to lieutenant commander
nnd according to Washington dis
patches will have charge or command
of one of the new dreadnaughts. The
promotion was earned by reason of
the best record as an officer and best
record nt target practice.
Many farmers in Gage county linve
filed objections with County Attorney
F. O. McGIrr lth reference to the
assistant state veterinarian charging
fees for Inspecting dairy cattle or cat
tle shipped out ofi the county. Mr.
McGIrr received a letter rrom Attor
ney General Thompson stating that
the charges were made according to
Ed Ilurke or Kansas was arrested
In Wyrnore for being drunk nnd dis
orderly. He was arraigned In Judgo
Crawford's court on n charge or re
sisting an officer and placed under
$1,000 bonds to await bis preliminary
hearing. Hefore he could be brought
to tho county Jail, however, Hurko had
picked the lock or bis cell and mndo
Ills escape.
James Hrlnk, who leased what Is
known ns "musk rnt slough," lying
north or Lyons, now nstonishes the
people when It comes to raking in
tho shekels for his leasehold. What
to them appeared as a Joke at the
time ho leased It Is now bringing him
in a good Income rrom the Investment.
Already, this early In the season, ho
has taken over 000 musk rats from
the slough, for which he wns offered
27 cents by an Omaha man, and re
fused to take less than 30 cents.
There Is a disease among horses in
Antelope and adjoining counties that
Is puzzling tho veterinary surgeonB.
The animals that have recently died
In Antelope county have been consid
ered valuable and a heavy loss Is re
ported to the owners. Veterinary
Surgeon Matthews was called to tho
farm of J. R. Nlchol to glvo treatment
to three horses that had this unknown
disease. He administered medicine of
various kinds, but In spite of his ef
forts they died.
Chattel mortgages aggregating
$2,500 were filed ngalnst E. R. Cud
deback'B garage in Fremont. Tho
building is also heavily mortgaged aud
there are said to bo sovoral thousand
dollars in unsecured claims outstand
ing and the liabilities nro consider
ibly In excess of the assets.
Word was received In Nebraska
City of tho doath of Mathow P. Smith
at his homo at Torre Haute, Ind., nfter
being sick but four days with pneu
monia. He was In tho distilling busi
ness with his brother, Fred H. Smith,
lit that place, and waB boru and reared
In Nebraska City.
After reaching tlio ago or forty tho
human system gradually declines. Tho
accumulated poisons in tho blood
cnuso rheumatic pains in tho Joints,
muscles nnd back. Thcso warnings
should bo promptly relieved und seri
ous Illness avoided by using tho fol
lowing prescription which shows won
derful results even after tlio first few
doses nnd it will eventually restoro
physical strength.
"Ono ounco compound Byrup of
Sarsaparllla; ono ounco Torls com
pound; half pint of high grade whis
key. This to bo mixed and used in
tnblespoonful doses beforo each meal
and at bedtime. Tho bottlo to be well
shaken ench time." Any druggist has
these lngredlenta or can get them
from his wholesale house.
"You must at least glvo that candi
date credit for Fpeaklng his mind."
"Yes," replied Miss Cayenne. "Hut
It'B unfortunate that people tr-ost will
ing to speak their mindB aro so often
those whofe mentalities aro more or
Icsb unpleasant."
' Mm. Wlnntmr'n Konthlni; Njrntp.
FnrchlMri'n leetlilnn, Miftrns tliontinm.rrilurcn In
(UmtiiiiUuu, alluyi uln, cures wind uollu. Uoa liutUo.
As an eye-opener, what's tho mot
ter with an alarm clock.
Lowix' Single Hinder, the fntnouR
btraiuht 5c eignr annual rale 0,000,000.
It takes a woman to tell a secret
and magnify Its importance
Nebraska directory
A Man Says of
Breakfast Food
"Gained six pounds in four weeks
and they are working every day."
(Name on request.)
A delightful breakfast dish and
"does the work."
U. S. B. F. Co, Omaha
Ilulf Tunc h mill I.liiu KtoMiiKH. New anil corn-)l-t-
i-tifrravlUft ,unt. 24DN. lltliKt., Lincoln.
liu ynu wum tin- lieu Corn Slicller uiadel Ifta
IntUtuii liaTlngn
Write lor catalog or ico your local dealer.
Qraln, Provisions, Stocks, Cotton
Main Office, 204-205 Fraternity BIdg.
Lincoln, Nebratlca.
Dell Plionp AIS Auto Plioue SCIS)
i.iirct-Nt llotiRe in Btut.
Beatrice Creamery Co.
Pnytt the lilstient price for
EjuMkhM25 VMn. 900ltudrnTll4s! vrnr.
vmuc i,c, priCTiCaU. Tnofuugn. Lqtitpi
ior inuucrn iitin9 tnc unu in noirj the
wgnett uurieu ,Mit,uns. A'lvantak-f
unamrroacnea ettencre. no taioum
laVMftolB. WrlUt rt pnfpMio to
Q 3rt Ittlb bt. lintoto. Mb.
Keisters' Ladies Tailoring
OnWnrvn At 1548 O St, Lincoln. Neb.
UUIlUcLu Teaches Cutting, Fitting.
O Furnishing and dressing oi
all garments thoroughly, nt ridiculously
low prices. Call or write for catalog.
QlJjonnirt auf
&xe Weit
XtciUfcfjeaHtrtflojIii fflrfccutfdje
Uilrtifint uicttt liflbtllrt) aiim'Uic(e boil
50 (SctttS
,,r OU UeWS nro 3(U-,r.
neber iHina ill 1L!8 bid Ml Gntcu ) :tf,
uiib cnHmli t-iiKii iirolicrcn dlumini, (oruie
tine I'lrurtil uuiutciiDrr (mitoiiiinjen. fine
tunc UeliediOjl bet HiirlilirnciH'iiijciicn, u.
morllHKUca, Utit popnldrc Vtbbanoiimacn
erfjicfi tiuS 50 (fctitS
mil tiurnii '.'In im cm tint) VIBrcllc nut natl)
ftcbcntxm 'DclirlUctlrl, taint IcnCnt ton
Und) fltMftltiicn Utltlloll two (mine fln&r.
Press Publishing Co.. Lincoln. Neb.
Uinlltfitiib 50 Cirnte mil cm ilniitre-Wton-iKMciit
nut Xtc uvielt" lit tcitticii an lol Vlbicllcs
9iomt -
Baby Smiles
When He Takes
m atst vxmxix. tor (sugnsmovm
rSo plcawnl lhl he Elf it tod containi no op
Btrs. '."here U Drthing lite it for Urnochibt,
Atihm and all trouble cl llxs throat od lungs.
r juuuju ciiirujr.pi iu a cmiuiT
v .
p . " wrnjjKiTt n iionm
fmwmrwwwwmtfmtmamtwf jmm
m wnammmmmmmmmitt
,(.mki i'miBii ? H'W "' " -'var,. k '
nwtf 'TTWTW .