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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1909)
Kft cac?'::xx:2xx':-x-::-:-:- ""f-'ph s ,u ill ;;i ft . . .. j& i V (jvi'i! .'c'm uul Hip i9r Pv. v Ic ,c ''-. ill 1 jei'M'""- iii'V.'i hssi mil t V jit'.'il!..-, L'jcfiiJ: Iiat vear ihem .MfMmn i !:nirt.t.'"''Tr4v'( ir J-Wttj.kjti.G-CiaMi7Ini Here is ujri.'t tl..1' :11 pi . o useful e cry thiv Jor j.m to come. Awrii.ihlu mars d of convenience. H : S s v Fountain Pen embraces distinct advantages not found in any other fountain pen. A great favorite with writers the world over and a most acceptable kHi. Make your selection now. Gift pens In Christmas boxes. :k-x-:xxx5xxx-xx Christmas Greetings We haw the reputat ion of always h,iinu the luit selected toc-k of Christmas Goods in the city ami this year we are better prepared than ever Here are some sug gestions. Books, Book lets, Cards, Hand Paint ed China, Doll Cabs, Dressing Cases, Mirrors, Jardineres, Umbrella Stands, Vases, &c, Per fumes, Albums and Toys till WE can't rest. Come and see. CHAS. L. COTTING The Druggist. n1&&?&&J&&S& 94444444444tttttttr LOCALETTES ti Dr. Damoroli wont oast on 11 Tues day. Frank Studcbakcr is homo from I'tah. Renew your subscription for the Chief. Rich cut glass at Mitchell's Jewelry Store. Don't forget Nowhouso tiros'. Calon" dor for 1010. Mrs A. A Tope enmo home from Lincoln Friday. Rev. Fitzgerald was in Superior the last of the week. Mrs. Henry Rutlodge went to Oils, Colorado Sunday. Rev. Smith and wife aro home from McPherson,-Kans. The county commissioners are in session this week. Uert Carr came down from Minden .he first of the week. The finest in table silverware at Mitchell's The Jeweler. See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses Satisfaction guaranteed. Fifteen inches of snow fell on the level hore the past week. Wahtk AfreBhmllchcow. Inquire at Nowhouso Bros Store. Mrs. C. II. Potter was in Hastings the latter port of tho weok. Mr. and Mrs Chambers have return ed to thoir homo in Kansas. Read Elmor Wilson's Public Sale add in another p-trt of this paper. Roy Itifo and wife returned from Denver last Thursday morning. Clarence Carpenter arrived home from Lineoln Nilurdny evening. A. T Walker returned Tuesday from the eastern part of Kansas. Mrs. Chns. Crabill entertained the Junior Whist elub Tuesday .evening. Rev. J. M. Rates will hold regular services at tho (trace church next Sunday. t Buy a whip of Fogol, the harness man, and got a frooehunoe on the $18 harness. John Corbett and family have moved into thoir new residence in the Piatt addition. With every 81 whip bought of Joe Fogol you get a free chanco on an 818 slnglo harnoss. The Xmas line of Picture Mouldings are now in at Mctcalf's Studios, Potter block, up stairs. Jim Moranvillo has installed a rural phone and those needing veterinary service call on him. Did you over try getting your pic tures framed at Motcalf's Studios, Pot ter block, up stairs. Take your spectacle caso to Now houso Bros. They willput your initials on it, freo of charge Matt Doyle had the mUfortuno to break his arm this week, while indulg ing in a wrestling contest. Get your boating and cook stovo in to shape for winter. Order your stove repairs from Morhart Bros. now. It will pay you to read, the Xmas edds of our merchants in the Chief this week us they will 6ave you money. The play entitled the "Old Clothes Han" which was played at the Opera House Saturday evening was well liked by all present. Morhart Bros, have their hard coal stoves on their floor. Come in and see the finest line of the best stoves you ever looked at. The thcrmomentcr registered 17 de grees below zero Wodncnday morning ing which was tho coldest morning so far this winter The little two year old girl of Mr. and .Mrs. Manly, who live on north Webster street died Wednesday even ing of wliooplng cough NotIci The Minor Bro. Co. s clock will stop H.iiurduy at 1 p.,m.. ami after that at :S:1" p in., to accommodate tho-e eotuing fioin a distance. Mrs Unerstetta of Tociunseh at lived in the elty Saturday night for a visit with her daughters, Mrs. W. S. Beuso and Mrs. Beit .Morhart. Mrs. I'loioiico Suladeu and daughter, Mr. (Jen. Baker and Mr. Alf Saladen departed for California Wednesday morning whero they will speud the winter. acj.tnj go U2UO.T3 uiojj Dpmxs j;paio(I f JupiRq lUd.Cnq puc ffitfSavilfTTl illfHMMIlNTIMHnillHMfcira The Ladies of the Christaiti ehureh will serve a ehiekeit pie dinner and supper in Hie Woodman Hull Saturday December PMh In ennueetlou with tlietr Mts ,Miu Dew lit went to (initio Week Wednesday iiinrniiig to make u visit with her brother mid sls'ets before loin lug for their fututt homo in California. MNm Unth I Sin m v mid Mr. AleMin tier V. (tiiriliier were iuut1h(I at the Inline of t lie in Ide's parents, Mr. and Mr. Clin N. Iluriiev Tin'Mlay even ing, liev M. 'I' Stilller pet-formed the iiuirrlage eereinony I'liebest pill is DeWitl's Little Rally Uisoio- the .ife. fiis, pleasant ami sine little llol pills UeWitt's Cai bnlied Witch tlael Salve Is the orl giiinl. (iiimiI for ents. liiirns ami ItiuiM's. and espeeiali.v fur piles Sobl by all il ugglsls. The lntle baby, daughter l Mr. and JIk W. j, Koon parsed Into th better laud Tuesday. The immediate cause of death was whooping cough and pneumonia. The sjinputliy of tho entire community goes out to tho be reaved parents in this their hour of trial. The work of the public schools in tho Lincoln building bus been vory much hampered of late by tho invasion of whooping cough which has very nearly doploated ovcry room. Attend anco at the Sunday schools lias like wise fallen off and indications arc that most of tho Christmas exorcises will be dispensed with this year. Elder J. W Strnwn of St. Louts, Mo., will preach at tho regular services at the Christian church noxt Lord's Day Doc. 12 at 1 1 A. M You are cordi ally invited to hear this grand man of God. The Blblo school meets at 10 A. M. and the C. E. work is opened to all young people at (5:110 P. i. Rev. Hiissong will preach at the 7:li() P. M. service A warm welcomo awaits all attendants. Miss Helen Vearka, the etllclent viand mixer in Robinson's restaurant attended tho marriage of her sister Miss Maggio to Mr. Oni Shuck at Bloomingtou last Tuesday. MibsIIolen showed moro excitement than the con tracting parties owing in doubt to the fear that perhaps a like fate might be her portion in tho near future. Property dwners who cloancd the snow off the Bide walks for the bene fit of the publlo deserve praise for the prompt performance of their duty. Likewise those who did not should receive condemnation. It was really pitiful to see small children flounder ing in the deep snow on thoir way to school. We do not have snow enough In this country to make work and when it docs come tho wnlks should bo promptly cleaned. The Denver evangalist Mr. A. C. Root is hero and began the meetings at tho Brethen church on Tuesday evening. Tho attendance is good considering the weather and bad roads. The attention is splendid and it should not bo otherwise as Mr Root is an in teresting speaker. The subjects that will be handled during these meetings are some you can not miss Every body is 'united and urged to attend. Tell your friends about the meetings please. The M. W. A. lodge elected the fol lowing olllcers at their meeting last Thursday night for the ensuing year: Venerable CotiKul, C. W. (trout. Worthy Adviser,' B. II. Nowhouso. Banker, L II. Fort. Clerk, I'M. Hanson. Escort , C B Hale. Watch, A B. McArthur. Sentry. II. .1 Maurer. Chief Forester, H. C Runehey Manager. .1. O. Caldwell. Physicians, Haines, Miteholl mid Creighton. N Doctor Thomas desires to Inform his patients thsit lie will be in Oniahti next Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday tho 13, II and 1: of Deo. But will be homo the Kith. He goes to attend a meeting of the Woodbury Study Club. This Club is composed of twenty five Dentists of Iowa, and Nebraska, who meet. 'twice n jear for Professional Lectuies. and Clinics, employing the bust instructors that can be bad. lie will also attend a meeting of the Ex ecutive Council, and the Educational committee of theStato Dental Society. He is chairman of the Educational Committee, which is planning on starting an Educational Campaign in Nebraska on tbo euro of the teeth, thru tbo coopeiation of the Statu Superintendent of Public Instruction. mszm. Sunny Side of life. A pica for contoutmout, and an analysis of its philosophy. This is the only lecture of this character which gives reasons, uigiimciiti and Illus trations for and of the true science of happiness. It is a gleat heart theiuo. During thu lesturo, the Doetordollvers his eliatacteiizatlons of tho "The Cotutsliip," The Apostrophe to the Morning Cilorv." "Tbo I lunch Choir." mid the tender story ot "I'auy and Mike," all of which aro oiigtual and iinequaled. Dr. Hedley will lecture on the above subject nt the Opera House, Monday evening, Deo Kltli. tfr A fcr ya JAf fy r. ' -1ST k W M if W tfr$ t i. t . vw n , Jwt tVi K t '2 '$r " L ' . ' UlU;Q$WiMtMki$M' vimMk fit iwiP Ji ' I r W W.f li'' ft - i i ' &J ' i ' 'i. V VAr'A ( ; ft. j W ll 'Y.AV ? I) &MM'-MAA. Uuiui.-" -iift. Copyright 1909 The House ofKuppcnhdmer Chictgo Not To Early To Think of Your Christmas Buying! We are ready to Show the Holiday line of Mens, Boys and Childrens Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes, Suit Cases and Trunks. Worlds famed line in all Departments. Huppenhelmer Clothes. SelzGFIorshelmSlioes. Keith S Stetson Hats. WllsonBros.Shlrts&Iles. MEN'S SUITS $6, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, to $26.00. Exclusive patterns New Models Men's Overcoats $5.00 to $35.00. Most beautiful line of Boys Knickabocker Suits and Nobby Overcoats.. Uur prices are right and our styles are newest. COME AND SEE US, IT WILL PAY YOU. The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. ALWAYS RELIABLE. FIRST DOOR NORTH OF POST OFFICE. Letter List. List of lottors remaining uncalled for at postoltleo at Red Cloud, Nob. for tho weok ending Dee. tith. 100H. (Jeo. II. Isaae, .1. K Hull,. I. V. Huteh ins, Marion Cheeks and V. P. Ander son Thotto will be sent to the dead letter olllee Dee. , tM !)0'J, if iineulled for before. When iuiIIIiik for above please say "tulvei Used." T. C. HcKi:it, Postmaster. thosbln a Christmas Present- When yon make a nteeiit of it periodical to u friend or it family yon are toally ulci,tln? a coinpanioii to in llnenec tlieni for ,'ond tr ill ilniliiK a whole j oat. If the acquaintances of your sons and daughters were to talk In tboin aloud as some peiiodieals talk to them bllontly, bow tiiiekly yon would forbid the companionship! In the one ease as in the other, the best uonrso is to Mipplunl the injurious with something oijimlly attiaetlve and at tho saino timu"'votth uhllc." A food can bo wholesome and utterly distasteful. Heading can be made so., too. Hut The Youth's Companion not only nourishes, tho iiVind, but delights it, just like that ideal human assoeiate whom you would choose. The Youth's Companion fills that place now in moro than half a million homes. Can you not think of another family in which it is not now known wbeie it would be joyfully welcomed" If tho $1.7.1 for the I'.MU volume is sent now, tho new -uihsoijbi'r will bo entitled to all the ixmaiiilug issues of liiU). If desired, Hie puhlihci will hold thohoback hi bond tbeui ntl'hriit mux tune, together with the t'liiistmas number anil 1 lie Companion' now "Vonat'.Hii" calendar lor 15)10, litho graphed in thirteen color and gold. Tin: Yoi'UiV Companion, , Companion Uullding, Hoston, Mas1!. ! The New Carnation Pattern in twill M Win Iifi'J&y Jy?9M$) Sterling Silver omaEmazMraaaazscm .lazam J. C MSiCHELL JEWELER Am OPTICIAN. f:ffiyi22SKC2 &J)& rarag jMW$ The most at" y W fh Hi) -tractive silver Kyy &i m r m- j $ service of the year. U (ft J SAY MISTER III - i Having secured three carloads of wire fencing at a a BIG BARGAIN, we are villing to divide vith you. " CORSE ARD SEE, g Yours truly, PLATT & FREES CO. a t P. S. We sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and 40 rods. S l ft i j