The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 09, 1909, Image 3

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- b I MM
Blmplc Remedy That Anyone Can Pre
pare at Home. t
Most people nro more or loss sub
ject to cniKhs and colds. A Hlniplo
ivmi'ily that will break up a cold
lulokly and euro any cough that Is
curable Is made- by mixing two ounces
of Glycerine, a hnlf-oiinco of Virgin
Oil of Pino compound pure and eight
ounces of puro Whisky. You can get
fheso In any good drug Btoie and eas
ily mix them In a lnrgo bottle. Tho
mixture Is highly recommended by
tho Leach Chemical Co. of Cincinnati,
who prepare tho genulno Virgin Oil of
Pino compound puro for dispensing.
yv; - --v . -.
The 1 loss That's an undent-looking you'ro wearing, Jlr. Shrimp.
Mr. Shrimp Yen, Hlr; it's the one I
got when you last, raised my salary!
Not Her First Purchase.
This Is n baby story they toll out at
Helolt: A woman called nt n dry
goods store to look at some baby
dressos. Tho clerk showed her a line
valued at tlve dollars each, and talked
volubly about "how proud" the moth
er ought to bo over tho baby. He
suggested that possibly sho might
want a more expensive dress.
Hut tho mother did not seem to
"enthuse" a bit over the clerk's gush.
"How many children have you?"
asked tho clerk, cautiously.
"Oh. this Is tho eleventh," she re
plied, carefully scanning tho prlco
And out came a line of baby drosses
with a more modest list of prices.
Kansas City Journal.
A Revelation to the Cook.
A happily married woman, who had
enjoyed 33 years of wedlock, and who
was the grandmother of four beautiful
little children, had an amusing old
colored woman for a cook.
Ouo day when a box of especially
beautiful flowers was left for tho mis
tress the cook happened to be present,
and she said: "Yo' husband send you
all tho pretty flowers you gits, missy?"
"Certainly, my husband, mammy,"
proudly answered the lady.
"Glory!" exclaimed the cook, "he
Biittenly am bold In' out well." Indies'
Home Journal.
There All the Time.
U is told of Dr. Thorold that he was
once asked to give nway the prizes at
a school belonging to the London
school board.
In the course of his opening address
he gravely asked the children, "Which
v is the largest Island in the world bo
lore Australia was discovered?"
When tho youngsters gave it up, he
said in the same grave way, which
made them lough ull tho more, "Why,
Australia, of courso; It was there all
the tlmo!"
Astonished the Company.
A famous dean was once at dinner,
when, Just as tho cloth was removed,
the subject of dtscourso happened to
bo that of extraordinary mortnllty
among lawyers. "Wo have lost." said
a gcntlcmau, "not less than six eml
nont barristers in us many months.'
Tho dean, who was qui to deaf, rose at
his friend finished his remarks, and
gave tho company grace "For this
and every other mercy, make us truly
All the Same to Her.
"I must warn you, dearest," he said,
"that after we arc married you will
very likely find mo inclined to bo ar
bitrary and dictatorial in my manner."
"No mntter," she replied, cheerfully,
"I won't pay tho slightest attention to
what you say."
Health and Natural Conditions Coma
From Right Feeding.
Man, physically, should be like a
perfectly regulated machine, eacli part
working easily In its appropriate place.
A slight derangement causes undue
friction nnd wenr, and frequently ruins
tho entire system.
A well-known educator of lloston
found a way to keep tho brain and tho
Dody in that harmonious co-operation
which makes n Joy of living.
"Two years ago," sho writes, "being
(u a condition of nervous exhaustion. I
jeslgned my position as teacher, which
had held ovor 40 yoars. Since then
tho entlro rest has, of courso, boon n
benefit, but tho uso of Grapo-Nuts has
.emoved ono great cause of illnoss in
tho pnst, namely, constipation, and its
attendant evils.
"I generally mako my entlro break
fast on a raw egg beaten Into four
sjtoonfuls of Grape-Nuts, with n little
hot milk or hot water added. I llko
It extromoly, my food assimilates, and
my bowols tako caro of themselves. I
find my brain powor and physical con
dition much greater and I know that
tho uso of tho Grape-Nuts has contrib
uted largely to this result.
"It Is with feelings of gratltudo that
I write this testimonial, and trust It
may bo tho moans of aiding others in
their search for health,"
Look In pkgs. for tho llttlo book,"Tho
Itoail toWollvlllo." "Thero's n Roason."
IJvcr rciul tli nlimr letterf A new
one nppenrH from llitn to time. They
nre kciiuIui-, true, nntl full or human
I liferent.
Snndij School Ltnon for Dec. 12, 1909
Specially Arranced for This Paper
MWSON Ti:.T -2 Tim 4.1-18. Memory
Vt'llX'H, ti-S
GOLDUN THXT-'Tor to hip to live
Ii t'hilit. anil to die Is gain "-IMill. 1.21.
Suggestion and Practical Thought.
Paul's battlellclds, victories and
I. A Picture of One of Pnul's HattlP
fields Vs. 1-5. The advice which Paul
urges upon the younger Timothy was
counsel he himself had often acted
upon. He knew It was good, for ho
had tried It. So that in the evils nnd
dllllcltles which Paul knew wore con
fronting Timothy, we may see ene
mies which Paul had been compelled
to meet. And In the weapons and
methods of warfare Paul charged Tim
othy to use, we see the means by
which Paul gained the victory.
The Three Kinds of Kncmlos. t
Paul, like other men, had to light ene
mies within himself. When we see n
good man wo are apt to think that he
has natural qualities of goodness, or
tavorlng circumstances that make it
easy for him to bo good.
L. Paul had ninny outward enemies
and difficulties with which to contend
Many of them were brought before us
in Lesson VIII. where we studied his
account of his life. His "wrestling"
was "against the principalities, against
the powers, against tho world rulers
of this darkness, against the spiritual
hosts of wickedness."
3. In the lesson to-day we llnd a
series of dangers and enemies within
tho company of disciples which must ,
be overcome.
3. "For the time will come when
they will not endure" the sound,
healthful, saving "doctrine," teaching
which Paul hail preached, and all the
1. "They Bhall turn away their ears
from the truth." They aro well pic
tured in Southey's poem, "The Inch
cape Hock." The "holy abbot of Aber
brothock" had placed a bell over this
rock, In such a way that it was rung
by tho motion of the waves.
II. How Paul Overcame These lCne
mies to the Truth Vs. 1, 2, G. Paul
gave to Timothy the most solemn
charge, using tho motives which had
Influenced his own life.
t. Hoforo God, that is, "In the sight
of God," It. V., who was always with
him nnd "watching to see If he did bin
duty," wntchlng, not to find fault, but
to encourage nnd help.
And the Lord Jesus Christ. His Mus
ter and Toucher and Friend. Who
shall judge the quick, the living and
tho dead. This was more than tho
consciousness that he himself must be
Judged acordlug to what ho waB and
what he did; but It added tho oven
stronger motive that tho fate of those
to whom he preached depended on his
Tho coming again of Christ. At his
appearing and his kingdom. Christ's
glorious second coming, possible at
any time, should spur Timothy to be n.
faithful steward, and he should do hlf.
work woll because It would help to
establish Christ's rule on earth, his
kingdom of peace nnd righteousness.
Preach, proclaim llko a herald, the
word, tho gospel message, the Word of
God, ombodled in tho life nnd teach
ings of the Word who wns made flesh.
no Instant, urgent, Importunate,
pressing on against nil obstacles. In
.season, In tho regular course of work.
when the opportunity is favorable,
and people wish to hear tho gospel.
III. Paul's Victory In tho Conflict.
Vs. C. 7, 8. "For I am now ready to
bo offered." H. V.'s margin, "I am
already being poured out ns a drink
offering." His life was wearing away
in a foul dungeon, tho infirmities of
uge after a life of great toil and ex
posure were upon him, and at nny
tlmo tho sword or Nero might end
his life by n martyr'B death. Hut this
was merely death; his dying was a
libation In honor of God, a willing
sacrifice of sweet Bavor, holy and ac
ceptable. It was tho giving to God
tho choicest nnd most precious of all
his possession. It was tho fitting,
close of a life which had been for
years a living sacrifice. Paul's very
death was a victory.
IV. Paul's Crown. V. 8. "Hence
forth." Paul's life struggles wore
ovor; there remained only to receive
the reward. "There Is laid up for
me." "Deposited, reservod, put by in
store out of the roach of all enemies
and sorrows." Hlshop Wilson. A
It. V. "the" "crown of righteousness."
Tho leat garland of the Grecian games,
taken by Paul as a symbol of his
eternal reward In heaven. Of right
eousness is tho nnine of tho race for
which tho crown Is awarded, Just us
Pindar wrote: "Pytheas, broad-shoul-dered
son of Lampo, won the crown
of tho double contest (wrestling nnd
boxing) nt the Nemean games." It
is a crown that "marks tho wearer
aa righteous bofore God'' (Hervey). It
is a crown that a righteous God be
stows on ono who has become worthy
of it
A crown 1b a symbol, a sign, an em
blem. Men seek a crown not for Its
value In gold nnd jewels, but for tho
things for which It Btnnds. It means
worthlues to wear It, It means sue
cess In winning tho race, It Btanda
for kinship, the chnracter, tho man
Hne8s, the power, uio woalth, the
authority to guldo and defend ono'h
country. Tho Iron crosB of Germany,
tho Victorian crjoss of Knglnnd, tho
circlet of ivy In tho Grecian games,
hnvo no vnluo In themselves, but only
tho great deeds by which thoy nro
won. The Christian seeks heaven to
reach his Ideal of character.
Women's Secrets
Tlicro is one man In the United Stntcn who liti perhaps Itenrd
more women's secrets than any other man or woman In the
country. These secrets arc not secrets of guilt or shame, hut
the 6ccrcts of suffering, and they tunc been confided to Dr.
II. V. Pierce in the hupo nnd expectation of nihice unit help.
That lew of tlieso ssonicn have been disappointed In their ex
pectations is proved by tho f.ict that ninety-eight per cent, of
all women treated by Dr. Pierce have been absolutely and
altogether cured. Such a record would be rcniarknlilo it tho
cases treated were numbered by hundreds only. Hut when
that record applies to the treatment of more than half-a mil
lion women, in n practice of over -10 years, it is phenomenal.
nnd entitles Dr. Pierce to tho gratitude accorded him by women, as the first of
specialists in the treatment of women's diseases,
Kvcry sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, absolutely without
charge All replies arc mailed, scaled in perfectly plain envelopes, without
any printing or advertising whatever, upon them. Writs without (car us with
out fee, to World's Dispcusary Medical Association, Dr. It. V. Pierce, I'rcst..
Duffalo, N. Y.
SkXatlx-oai woalt Aoraon SJtx-oxas,
The Largest manufacturer of
WcnrW.L. Douglas comfortntito, '
onoy-wn Ik I n K shoos. They urn
mnuo upon honor, o? tho best lonth
ors, by tho most skilled workman,
In nil tho Intoot fashions. Shoos In
every stylo nnti shapo to suit mon
In till walks of life
If I could tnko you Into my Inrrto
fnctorlos nt Crockton, Muss., nnd
show you how carefully W. L. Dour
Ins shoos nro mndo, you would
thon underatnnd why they hold
their shnpo, fit hotter, wonr lonr.or
and nro of grantor vnluo than nny
other mnke.
GAI'TION. Ron that V I Dnilglis '
iinniKiiiMl mo retail prico u c imiwiou
tlm Itnttorn. Tuku is'o Substitute.
Smokeless Oil Heater
The automatically-lockinR Smokeless Device Is an exclusive
feature of the Perfection Oil Heater. This
Automatic Smokeless Device
doesn't allow the wick to rise to a
point where it CAN smoke, yet
permits a strong flame that sheds a
steady, glowing heat without a whiff
of smoke.
No other heater in the world com
pares with the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
Turn the wick lilfli or low no Bmoke,
no smell. Hums lor 0 hours with ono
tlllinrj;. Instantly removed for cleaning.
Solid brass font holds A quarts of oil
sulikicnt l nue out a flowing heat for 9
hours solid brass wiik carriers damper
top cool handle oil indicator.
Healer luatitifullv fmishul in nickel or
Japan in a ancty of styles.
i . I ver where. II Nil At Yours, Wiile lor ucscrlplivc circular
to tin- Nearest Ancucy ul tl c
4T ""flnfc
I ti
fvety I'ci
For VWf1TO1(ArTlTO?rfe Pink Cyc, Epizootic
Shipping rover
t Catarrhal l'Vvcr
Sure euro nd rxwHIre tircTentlre, nn mattf r how home nt miy nut. im Infrrttsl or
eilHMHl ' Liquid. Riven m the tnntnic, arts nn th IHinhI rmiI (Itumtn. eielN the
Iwl.oiioun uennri (mm the IhkIj, Curt lHntrinprr In 1W" niul Mm nnil ( hnlrra In
l'ounrr. ijirKlMllinifU'oMiK-" rrnipur i;urr iJt hi
anaijfc miflKiiiner remair. wi'auari a imuiio w
It. Hhow tnyniirtfrUiftclM. whn will Ki't It foryou,
rlnlo Klnonir human lielniri
ttl lAahillluailiitrn. Cillthlaimt. Keep
I rve liuualci, "IiM(pinr, Lauin
anil Cu nt." Hiwclal auonU wautiM.
Id ounces to
Uki pntaaKO
ittier ntarrlt-a only U oiincei natno pilco and llijtri.r,llradifiir,(.lil. Twowi'i'ks'trrulmeiilsonton
"DEFIANCE" IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. rrl,.t utOe Mlillti.. IMIu-raM., Iir.lj., . T.
run niiiii:sr riticns ANnKJiWiTi&s '
Sand rill i3
A Miiuinilii.llliliil 111 l Ic K'tliriK.
Ono hlili', (iiio Kkiti or n vnr l ul
in" r"i ii" ii-iiiniiii"i i
Ism. Nniiiiitternhi'tlicrv.iti j
.... .. .I..-. l..r ... . . i. .1.. v.... I
i... ... ...-... ...'............
tfiHMinnii niiiKt. nu inuucy
ham: a i.i. t:o,MM ihhionh.
Hwllliiiy rim td write) nafartirlrn lint nnil
lift'. I.tlnity hi.
iarnti mi rrtir.t am) your
l urn i it k ii inir rruinin
urn nut O.K. "Tniiiniirs
(In iiin in-tt Kitii n num.
Wrltn fur rninkuuo nt
Outwit ft Horse Sharper
Did you ever find a lemon in a horse's nose? How and why did it get there? Did the
last horse you bought go incurably lame the next day ? Do you know Why ? Why
were his ears tied together witn a tine suuen tnreau t Perhaps you are about to ouy a
horse because you like his " ginger " ? Are you sure it is health and high spirits, or IS
It ginger commercial ginger? Are you sure you could tell the age of a horse by its
teeth ? Or would your experience be like that other man's, who paid $3500 for a 17-year-old
horse, thinking he was buying a 7-year-old ? The horse had been " Bishoped."
Horse buying and trading offer hundreds of opportu-
nities and temptations to use trickery and sharp prac-
ce" There is only one way to meet it : read
aHnaHrBHatTPaW. V
.iiEil I Ii m
Doped and Doctored horses
are sold every day; be
on your guard.
A Partial List of Secrets
The loose shoe trick. The turpentine and gaso
line swindles. The horse-hair trick. The fresh
butter and flaxseed tricks. Making a horse
appear vicious or unsound. "Shutting" a
heaver." Plugging" a roarer." Hiding
spavins or lameness. The ginger trick. Tricks
of crooked auctioneers. The widow trick. The
burglar" dodge and many others.
Successful silage feeding to horses. Secret of
hand raising a foal. Secret method of fatten
ing draughters. Secret of molasses feeding for
Secret of stopping halter pulling. Secret of
keeping a mule from kicking. Secret of han
dling and curing balky horses. Secret of curing
stall kicking.. Etc., etc.
It will protect you will make you horse-wise and crook-proof, and
save you from being cheated by dopes or tricks when 'buying,
selling, or trading. It exposes and makes you acquainted with the
tricks and handling methods of gyps and a certain class of unscrup
ulous dealers. Many of the secrets of this book are now made
public for the time. No such collection of Horse Trading,
Horse Buying, Horse Training, and Horse Feeding information has
ever before been published. It is impossible even in this large space
to give a complete list of the secrets in this sensational book.
"Horse Secrets " has been prepared by Dr. A. S. Alexander, the
famous veterinarian, who has had upwards of 25 years' experience
in Horse-Buying and Breeding.
How to Secure "Horse Secrets",
Horse Secrets has all the interest of an exciting story. The reader goes along
from p.tgc to page widi increasing wonderment at the clever dishonesty of tricky
horse traders. It is a book will sharpen your wits, and already the demand
has far exceeded our expectations. We could sell this book and make large
sales, too, at almost any price we wanted to ask. Hut we believe that WE
CAN DO MOR1I GOOD in another way; therefore we offer it only in connec
tion with the following offer:
Horse Secrets and subscription to ) (t? (( '
FARM JOURNAL for 5 years, both for J plUU
I'AKM JOURNAL is tho paper Inkcn by most farmers, anil by nt lea-t 150,000 people In towns
ami villa ci'S nil over the Unili.-1 Stales. 650,000 cash-In .uUanco subscribers reaU every Issue with
lellRlit nnil profit It u a farm .ixx for Turners, but it is far more than that. Splendid depart
ments on Vegetables, i'loMcrs, Poultry, lluuseliold Hints mill Kriipcs, Fashions, High Grade Pat
terns, the Family Doctor, U-gn) Questions, Ho)s duel Girls' paces, etc, as well as on Horses,
Cows, Sheep, bwlne, Orchard, nnd I It Id Crops.
In short, 11 is for eerylody, town ns v. ell n countrj, and nt the same time practical, instructive,
nmtislnp. nnd cheerful
FARM JOURNAL is clean and pure. It never has to be carried out of the house with the tongs.
Tho advertising columns receive thu most careful scrutiny nnd Die bars are up nil the time against
medical, deceptive, suggcsilia or nasty advertising of any kind hates er.
FARM JOL RNAL Is tlnrtv three years old, and has grown to be by far the largest In the world,
Its score of editors nre men nnd women who write ' with iluir sleeves rolled up." They know
vshat they are UlUnn about, and can quit when they are through.
Ily itself, FARM lOl'RNAl. in worth many dollars n year to every American who lives in or
near the country. Vet the price, WITH "Horse becnts" i only $i.oo for FIVE YEARS.
If you send your dollar within 10 days, we will include free Poor Richard
Revived," our splendid 1910 Farm Almanac. 48 pages of useful and amusing
reading, calendar for the year 1910, etc.
FARM JOURNAL, 1087 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Gentlemen: Enclosed find $1 00 for a copy of Horse Secrets and
subscription to Form Journal for five years.
I' O
Street or R. F. I). State
As I wrol thu wrthlii 10 tUys, xud ma "Poor Klclurcl Revived, " ui promised.
IH.I1.M.IIU- Iivll"--il-i-ll----IIII-H-i'll-'
a a
Farm Journal, 1087 Race St., Philadelphia
1 1