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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1909)
? -i Jtt J i - - i T i'" -f -fi irir Tit i m rr,iiii-nriT-iria'rir-m nrri '!' ?" ww iimi m 1. 1. i Hi w riaiiMuimiawiiiMiw Notice To Creditor,. Stale of Noliraskii. I in tli Cmtiiiy rmift. Wi'ltiliT County. ( In Urn matter of tin- rit.Ueof Nelson Hum, PeocHscit. Notice li hereby kIipiiIii nil it.oii4lm!nir laiui niHl tlciimniW tiKnlnsl NMkoii Ilnx. B . $ late n( WolHlir County, ilccinvil. thai 11)0 i Minn Oxiit for Minn claim tntltit stilii pMMe ili rooiiUw from the V tli day of Dun in her. .j I iW. i '. 6 Bl, I . i ' uh iierVoti nro required to pri-neni t 'isfm. with the vouchers, to the c'"tj rttlrf county, (it ln office therein, no r uw nth dn- of lunr- niti! uml i aim) m lit be hoard rofor the aid 4 i MietOth rtnv vf funi. into: m una i. iu tftndtjulltic t:xwuuif nro ! t i p . :irrnai tun lth U.iy of Nivin 1 i in ill 10P the debt allowed i ...ntld tiiate Jiwlwulc iticwiuic. 'UKAI.I ' w- IVtlsoS I 'Ml J'lllltltj .llllttie A Few of (lie (Seed Things Hill Pickles .V u'imiiX. Sour Pickles ".lDe " .sweet Pickles nu liulk Olives Hit! " " Morse ihidlsh Mo per butt lo Oitstii Ulc " " Celery Uolish..,., 10c ' " Mustard Hit? "3 glass 01em,irgeri:ie Uutter. .110 2:.e per II) Ovstor-. 51) , UOe per qt YOST & BUTLER The 4th Avonuo Moat Market Tho second bf monthly spelling con tost of the Hod Cloud schools. So. laklnc Htrt 7th vritrtv Itoyt ilr)s i.tli Mt ng$ tin-in .'.tli lloyv -IU nil Mh untdf lioj It ihU '.'.-. H W 44 -tu No. words gli'cn M TO lowest (. hlglii'kl ntnnd- ittnnd- I lie Inu : iwi-j u TU tOO UVt't for Kndu tfi W M t a Ml w .7) no tt M wi C3 77 1-2 Mltf ill) too I 10O KW 100 HH O introduce fine materials, clean methods, scientific equipment into the making of soda crackers was one triumph To actually bake into them a subtle goodness, a real individuality, never before known, was another triumph But to effectually protect Jhem so that the fullest benefit of these fine materials, this careful, cleanly baking, this unique goodness comes to you unaltered, was the crowning triumph that gave the world Uneeda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY :tr.l vimlr Hoys Hi .VI 3) 1M Slrls .'i w m IK) HI Tho following iiiinu'il children hud lliu highil slaiidhiK in tholr it-suui't- ivo grades in t!u spi'llln t'outf-t. (Si'iidu 7. Jtoy Kltun Pope, Paul I'olniuhy. liitN .Mimriiiu Caldwell, Alison Cim den, Lutti'.i l'lt'ioc, Dul.i Pit., IJIuiii.'Ih' ItontT. lititde 0. i iloi's JuuUhon l'iiu'her. Girls Hazel WoHe. I'tudit II it Her. tnide.r. Uoj& l.esti-r Aiiniclc, Kuriicst Xoh houe. Ki'iinutli dohnstoii. Gllis -Nevada ,Maeley. Ch.nhitte IhlLThleltu, Pearl .lohiislon, Fitllh Koout, 'I'eiea Heinle, litdiii Tiont. I vu Piittun, Muhcl h'.iinlioiii, Until l'ck'K. tirade 1. llovs lhifruno Stiajer t-ilrls Tliolum haiuhoi n, Urade :t. Itoys Win. .loy, Uussel West, Nelson Ulaud. lUlrls -Winnie .Smith, Myia Kvnns, dosephine Keile. Mewie Edson, Cittlioriiie Trout . Maiare Miuei', Ilortha .lohiistou. Altit Kooii, llcatrieo Me Mlister. MH tired Meirer. WMwilBllnmiwwip iiTrroaj KAY. "'v-. -V. 2 miles west and 1-2 mile Norfli of Red Cloud. 'THSJHSDA Dec. 16tla mm AT 10 o'clock SHARP 80 HEAD OF STOCK 80 5 Head of Horses; 26 Head of Cattle; 56 Head , of Hogs. And Farm Implements. 1AXCU ON GROUNDS 1 hen ha villi; Alf.iHu lui, I'm' -ale. don't iet li all "ii I! '. Iloiit l I the ln, lull . IJ.-iim mlier hi- pi ie nu1 iiiw ., I In- ln.hi'-i pi'iees I'liniti If t". 0 Hi ?KMI per Kill. Will be in tin; market fur uood Praiiie May aNo. Ami risp. filul y -illicit u part i your patroiiaue. IJin.t'MAiisM Cri:i:i i.s . 1).. Mr. DetehetmV l.'elief for Kheiiniiitl-iii aii.i Ncnr ili.i radically cuied in 1 to .1 tla,s. Itactmu .ipon the y.stcm is remuiU'ittile uitil mysterious. It re moves at i nice the cause and the dis ease Immediately disappeats. The dis dose greatly bciiuilts 7n; and Si. Sold -y The 11 K. (Sriee Druu Co.. Red Cloud. Xehr A tetutiied visitor to Afi icu declares vv 'V,'y'vv'vy''yO s 'fS& . iIWlT . Elmer Wilson, owner. J. H. EUingcr, Auct. Wm. Wolf, Clerk. Koosevolt is a pour shot, trusts know, it? Ilon't our iriSNOTA.SAYINfiPOLICY to o without iiiMiraucc The I i-k ttssuined is tun meat lor the -mall premium you keep in your pneVet. Fiu'itre out how many yuus you vat'tl have to lm free frutn au lire In ordor to save the value of your house and content-. Then emi-hlri thai you limy luwc u Hie this . liitfltt. T)niiu-t of even :i iitilc iitttct will h ui'ir- than tlx- pr uiluni ,tf VJItB INMRANVK Mt YHIt-, Bi'Ver liac nu ihsue vi.ii u poln today. It'i. n whole lot I,, It. i to ho sure t!i in -in i j . .i- iu'tti mii ii, iISIllll III. in Ii i- I CI II ijJ& Waff1' a & '9 Rod Cloud, Neb. S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTISr Successor to Dr. .. 6. l:lKlll At the old stand over the State Bank. Ehonel3f. That Lame Back Means Kidney Disease And to Relieve the Lame and Aching Back, You Must First Relieve the Kidneys Tlicro Is no cpiestlon about that nt nil for tho laino and aching back la caused by a,cl con dition of tho kidneys and bladder. It Is only common sciihP, any way that you must cure a condition by removing tho enmo of tho con dition. And lame nr.d nihinj; back aro not by any means tho only pyinptoma of derangement of the kidneys and bhubb r. Then aro a multitude of ell-ki'i- 'i and un mtstaknblo Indication , of a nunc or less dangerous condition, of thoso nio, for Instance i:tromo and unnatural lassitude a..d weari ness, nervous Irritabllitv, luvit Ir regularity, "nerves on cdj:i" ileop loBsncc and Inability in secure rest, scaldlnK ricnsatlon and sodi inont in tho urliip, lnfiuminulon of tho bladder and i.nsbagcs, etc. DtfWitt's Kidney and Uladdcr rilla nro nn exccpiionallv meritori ous remedy for any and all affec tions or diseased coi Htions of tho'so orgnns. Tliero Pills operato directly and promptly and their bcnctlclnl results nro at onto felt. They regulate, purify, and effec tually heal and restoro tho kid neys, bladder and liver, to perfect and healthy condition even In 8omo of tho most advanced cases. WWW? k- Lt -JS"JH mSimMm 10. ('. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, 111., want oiery man and woman who liavo tho least suspicion that they nro allllcted with kidney and blad der diseases to nt onco wrltq them, and a trial box of these Pills will bo sent freo by return mall postpaid. Tho symptom of kidney trouble are miliary disorders, weak hick and backiii'lie, r cuiiiatlsiu and iheiimatic pains all l t liius paiilsiulhe l'.'lll. e'e 'l'heie is nolliiu an ntid for hid uey and iiiiulilei tumble n I )j Wilt's Ii Incy an I lll.idi'nv I'illh. Von may dupend upon I hem to yhe to! Ire -alif faction. They me aiitlwptic, act Dl'i'llliit l and sootli- piln. Sulilbyail di-u'ists. Order to .'iiiuiv Ciinst:. Man of Si luii-kii. ' In Hie nniiity rnuit. W i listi i i iiuut.x. i A i ii r.iiiiitv I'oui't In hi at the t'niiiity Court mom In ami tin kiM cnuul I'llilio. Noi-iiilier Jiilh A. I.. liH.Hi. I s the nut lit i ot the c-lutc of i'liniuiis II. IjlllUUlt' Ul'CI'IlM'tl. in Hiullnu anil illlin: the K'llUun"nl n.lit w I. Mace pin linf thai Hie liitniiiii nt uitil on tin t li 1 1 1 .lay of Nownilicr, Itwsi. ami piirioi'lla in hi the last W'llltinilTestninciit' of tin tuiil tltt-i tifil may lie pioni. up I H.. m it iMnliuti il. iilluui ilniul iri'u'ilc(lu-.llit 11 W ill mill liNllllllllit "f till' Hlllit I'hiiliiux II '.mi., .'I. ilti'i in-ill. Ullil llllit tilt' t'Mieiilloll nf tin iii-i. .inii'iit iua lit-' iiiiiiiiilUeil. ami i. . m.iiiiIiiWiiiiUoii of hhIiI istiile umy In Ll HliiiIlM ll.lll u'.l. Mn I u l III Ullr-1 1 u iir ., ii ill i. nu el. n 'ii in . thai Tiit'-tluy liie -ll hu ' l . ml. i i . I. IIUI, at tmc u't-liH'K p. in.. I'll- , in.' i.n In arms until ti'lulin nliiu all J., i vni Inti MNtmt 111 Ml hi IliattlT IIUI) ll I' I 'i .11 n i ,. i inn i oiirt to ! tii'lil III unit fur -in! t i. him mitt kIiom I'liu-e Vh tin Nirn i r i.f n i.llnll lilillll ant he piillltil' Illlll in .1 i nt iht iiiittiiiey nf wild itl!luii an. I i In In iiriiu ilu iinf lm uiM'ii t all pii-iuis liltt it -.It il 111 hiilitllialler, h pilhltHhilii: a iopy of ihlMiuler In tfle llcil (.'loiiil rhlcf. a mi el.l j new-paper priutiil III Midi cDiuily. lor tlliee Mifi'i'sle WfcUii pllur to Mllil ilaj ol hi'iirlm;. I. V. Iln-ns. ii ill i I'liiiuty linlci', W. !'. lluttiiii atloini') fur piitltluni'r. IM 2 GAUSS Just Unloaded Direct FROM one of the Largest Factories of the East No Middlemen's Profits to add. Medium or High Class WE have it. ALL THE PHONES Amack 8 Chancy W"i 1 tots, rurs, FOK SALL BY ALL DHUGGISrS aHovMDva Moi I he Chrf $) I "a war For .Sale or Trade. A II room brick hou-e suitable for lc 'epinn looiuers und I io:i rders if de sired. Sle of building -M - ht, story ami a half filh, IB lots and (3 fiutdions of n lot, electric lights and water in hoitic. For further information in (Itilrc at Chief otllee. We have a nice new -line of the above to close out at wholesale prices and it will be a chance to (ill your needs at a very small cost. These was shipped us on approval and will !Live you the benefit of These very low Prices. In Our Canned Goods line we have the best at prices that cannot be Beat by the case or dozen. Call in for your supply. m The. uet tiuiH nut- of the I'hillicii cutcli cold i!ni it Miiiu'iluiii! will promptly and freely but gently move 1 10 bowels. I u that way the cold will at once be driven out of the Mstom Kennedy':, Laxative oitgli tSyrup moves the iiinvel- promptly and freely, yet gently, mid at the same time heals Irritation and stops the conh. It is especially good for children. Sold by all druggists. Morhitrt Bros, clirry a complete line of Klcutrio lamps, Carbon, Tungsten and Tantalum also hi-low lumps lli-1 (Jet yonr Imnjis f them. 6RHUT IM'I.AMM Ul)lt KlIl.lMMisM Cl III ll IN .1 I)AS. Morton h. Hill, ol Lebanon. Ind.. says: "My wife had inllanumitory Hhoiiiunttiim in every muscle and joint; her suiToring was terrible and her body and faeo were swollen almost beyond leeogiiltioiiihailbceiiinbcdforsix weeks ami had eight physicians, hut received no benefit until she tried nr.Dofchon's Relief for Illioiiiiiiitti... it , . if immediate relief anil sim was able to walk about In three duys. T am sure It , t.rlee Drug To . Red Cloud. Nubr. - M-JL-