4 jjpsaaamnw&mxK 8 ft CHOOSE CHRISTMAS GIFTS EAfihY There is every advantage in doing so especially the great advantage of having a full stock from which to choose. Long before Christmas many of the more desirable gifts will be gone. Many things now here will be picked up this week by early holiday buyers. Beautiful Gift Books, Leather Goods, Hand Painted $ China, Art, Pottery, Toilet Articles, Fountain Pens, jij Toys, Christmas Cards &c. t'; Come now at least come and see what we have, it ;? then choose or not as your judgment dictates. I CHAS.L.COTTING, The Druggist. iWS-J'SfcfcK'W&X V "" ::". A?I 4v ::::- ; LOCALETTES Mr. K. Davis spont Sunday iu Axtel. Mrs. Uomford was in Wilber Hun day. Renew your subscription for the Chief. Rich cut glass at Mitchell's Jewell y Store. Alvin Pope left for LIdcoId Sunday morning, j, Willie Gllham is on the sick list this week. Paul Pope and wife spent Bunday in Superior. Mrs. Arneaon came home from Ina valjo Monday. Don Saunders went to Droning Mon day morning. 'Mr. Greenhaogh Bpcnt Sunday at Frank Cowden'o. Chas. Robinson returned to Hastings ' Monday morning Orant Ualley returned to Omaha Sunday morning. J. C. Brooks and wife were shopping in this city Saturday. Al. Galusha and wife of Lincoln were in town Sunday. Mr. Strong of Culbertson is visiting his brother of this city. The finest in table silverware at Mitchell's The Jeweler. See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses Satisfaction guaranteed. Bruco Robinson returned to Ulay Center Monday morning Miss Anna Richards returned from Hastings Saturday noon. Wantk A fresh milch cow. Inquire at Newhouso Bros Store. Miss Iltihlii Nelson of Cowles was (hopping in town Wednesday. Mrs. Cora Whitaker came in from Denver, Colo., Sunday morning. Weesnor A: Koontz shipped two ear' loads of hogs to St. .loo Sunday. Oscar Hughes and wife returned homo Thursday morning from Dakota. Mrs. Carrie Mclvceby entertained the five hundred club Friday evening. Mr. Good of Cowles spent Thanks giving with hit daughter Mrs. Paul Storey. Buy a whip of Fogel, the harness man, and get a free chancf on the tl8 harness. Kenneth Williams returned from the eastern part of the state Saturday morning, Loyd Bradbrook of Woodruff, Kas., spent Thanksgiving in this city with his mother. Miss Mattie Able was down from McCookto spend Thanksgiving with her paronts. Harry Waller and family of Cowles SDent the latter part of the wo.k at Jud Bailey's With cvory 81 whip bdught of Joe Fogel you get a free chance on an 818 single harness. Editor Ashby of the Wilcox Herald was a pleasant caller at the Chief ofllec Tuesday morning. Ray Palmer and wife of Laird, Colo., are visiting friends and relatives in this city this week. You'll bo sorry if you miss "The Old Clothes Man" at the Opera House, Saturday, Dec. 4th Morhart Bros, have their hard coal stoves on their floor. Come in and see the linest line of the best stoves you ever looked at. i SAY MISTER ! ! ! 3 Having secured three carloads of wire fencing at $ Sa BIG BARGAIN, we are willing to divide with you. COME AND SEE, Take your spectacle caso to New houno Bros. They will put your initials on it, free of charge Jim Moranvillc has installed a rural phone and those needing veterinary sorvicc call on him. Bert Carr, wife and children of Minden spent Thanksgiving in this city with their paronts. C. H Crono and wife of York, Neb., spent Thanksgiving with their daugh ter .Mrs. Frank Peterson. Get your hoiling and cook stove in to sliapo for winter. Order your stove repairs from Morhart Bros. now. Justricolvcd another ear of e.tia choice cabbage at The Miner Bros. Co. $1.2.") per hundred in (pitmity of a 100 pounds or over. Roy Teel and (Menu Walker of Lin coln spent Thanksgiving In this city with their patents. They returned to Lincoln Momlay. Dr Win rick, the specialist will meet o.e, ear, nose and throat patients at Dr. Dainereir.s olllce in Red Cloud, Tuesday. December 7. Miss Iilenor (lilhiiin entertained the 8th grade at her home east of town Friday evening All her class mates report a good time. Mr. Murray and wife returned to Montana Wednesday morning. They wore called hero by the death of her father, Jacob Relgle. Morhart Bros, carry a complete lino of Electric lamps, Carbon, Tungsten and JTantalum also hi-low lamps KM Oct your lamps of them. Clarence Carpenter went to Lincoln Sunday night.' Ho will 'drive back'hls" father' new WbJttejSteamer automobile which be purchased sometime ago. Misses Zella Taylor and Vernon Storey, who are attending the state university at Lincoln spent Thanks giving in this oity with their parents. They returned to Lincoln Mouday. Mrs. Ivan Oickenton of Inavale Is in Red Cloud visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Drown before going to Uma, Colo., their future home. Ivan having already gone with a car of stock and household goods. Rev J. M. Bates returned Tuosday from a two weeks visit to St.' Paul and northern stations nuu win noid ser vices the next two Sundays at Grace church He reports tho towns north of Grand Island as having SO inches of snow in tho storm of two weeks ago. Tho I.O.O.F. elected' the following officers at their meeting Monday night of this week. Ed Hanson, Noble Grand C. B. Hale, Vice Grand O. C. Teel, Secretary Klmer Ross, Treasurer M. 11. Corner, Trustee There will be services atthe Brethren church each evening next week 'Song service at 7:15, preaching at 8 o'clock Rov. A. C. Root of Denver, Colo., will have charge of the meotings. He is one who has had much experience in ovangclistio work nnd It will pay you to attend each service. A7 iWFJffiBfhss? SIhL ''Oft 1 fit mmWwmm3 mkw WlvL I Am ufts mw vr fwmWwVEm:- mi mmmmW M&. Inicaao V A lb Yours truly, PLATT & FREES CO. P. S. We sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and 40 rods. Copyright 1909 -Jouk ofKuppeahaaMr Not To Early To Think of Your Christmas Buying! We are ready to Show the Holiday line of Mens, Boys and Childrens Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes, Suit Cases and Trunks. Worlds famed line in all Departments. Huppenhclmer Clothes. Keith 8 Stetson Hats. Selz 8 Florshelm Shoes. Wilson Bros. Shlrts&Tles. i -'" At the Union Thanksgiving service an offering was taken forthedostituto families of Cherry, 111., amounting to $14. The Congregational Sunday School took an offoring for same pur pose last Sunday amounting 07.25. If any one wishes to contribute Rev. Cressman will receivo and forward tho offering. Dainty, vivacious and piquant, Flor ouce Thompson will be seen at tho Rod Cloud Opora House on Saturday, Doc. 1th, in James Kyrle MaeCurdy's great play "The Old Clothes Man." The offering is a most pretentious one ami me production compioto in every detail, regarding costuming, scenic equipment and electrical display. The supporting company is a capable ono and justly deserves the Mipport of tho theatre going public. Summary for November 1909, Temperate Highest 82 on Uh, low est 9 on 17th. Greatest daily range 18 on 4th. Precipitation total 3.28 inches. Greatest in 21 hours .95 on lath. Snow total fall 4J inches. Days with .01 inch or more precipitation 11, clear 10, part ly cloudy B, cloudy 0. Dates of thun derstorms 1, 12, 28, sleet 1.1, 15, 28th. Chas b. Ludlow. MEN'S SUITS $8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, to $26.00. Exclusive patterns New Models Men's Overcoats $5.00 to $35.00. Most beautiful line of Boys Knickabocker Suits and Nobby Overcoats. Our prices are right and our styles are newest. COME AND SEE US, IT WILL PAY YOU. The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. ALWAYS RELIABLE. FIRST DOOR NORTH OF POST OFFICE. -rsfeTzr-c.,.. RSsY Fifty Years the Standard. Makes finest cake and pastry, light, flaky biscuit, delicious griddle cakes palatable and wholesome. Ingredient found In tho low-priced baking pow ders are deleterious, rhe active principle is a min eral acid derived from sul phuric acid, oil of vitrioL The Cherry Mine Disaster. Rov. A. A. Cressman will preach next Sunday morning on "Incidents and Lessons from tho Cherry mino disaster " Ho will exhibit some pict ures and give some graphio scenes, given him by bis son Dr, Ralph Cress man who was on tho ground tho second day the mino was on fire. Everyone is cordially invited. Tho best pill is DeWitt's Little Early Risers tho safe, easy, pleasant and sure little liver pills UoWitt's Car bollzcd Witch Hael Salvo is the ori ginal. (Jood for cuts, bums and bruises, and especially for piles. Sold by all druggists. A renlly meritorious offering to i patrons of tho Ited Cloud Opera Mouse is "The Old Clothes Man" a Comedy Drama by James Kyrle MucCurdy. The principal diameter Is a Hebrew not the baso carieaturo to which theatre goers are accustomed, but a mau of flesh and blood, one of a typo common in the large cities. Mr. De iJuerre presents himself as a man of strictest integrity, possessing large ness of heart and domestic virtues of the highest order. Tho plot revolves upon his good and bad fortune, and when the audience is almost ready to cry out for sympathy for tho old clothes man, ho turns tears into laugh ter by a sentenco bubblelng over with wit and humor. Special scenery is used throughout thojentire production and no expense has been spared by the management Gilson & 1 trad field to make it one of the best productions that will bo seen at the Red Cloud Opera House this season. It will bo here Saturday, Dec. 4tb. The New Carnation Pattern in WALLACE Sterling Silver MtVMVUW - J. G. MITCHELL JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. No lime Phosphates A Few of the Good Things. Dill Pickles !5o per doz SourPickles lOo " Sweot Pickles lOo ' " IJulk Olives loo " ' Horse Radish 10c per bottlo Catsup 10c " " Celery Relish 10c " Mustard 10c " glass Olemnrgerine Butter. . .20 & 25c per lb Oysters S0&60cperqt YOST A BUTLER Thm 4th Avmnum Mtat Market To The Public Tho Merchant Delivery will com mence Dec. 1st 1IM). Iu order that your orders can be delivered promptly you must have your orders in Promptly by 8 A.M., 10 A. M 2 P.M. and 4 V L. M. Crablll. The most at tractive silver service of the year. Subscribe for the Chief. M. Far Sale or Trade. A 14 room brick house suitable for keeping roomers and boarders if de sired. Size of building 24 x 43, story and a half high, 18 lots and G fractions ot a lot, olectric lights and water in house. For further Information in qulrc.at Chief office. Lecture Course. The next number of tho Lecturo course will be a lecturo by Dr. .Tamos Hedley, Monday Dec 13. Subject "The Siinnv Side of Life." Say& A. R. Tay lor late President of tho Kansas State Normal School "For innocent fun, for graceful tributes to make manhood and womanhood, for exquisite pathos, for sublime dlscriptlon, we have seldom beard Jhlm equaled, never excelled." The lecture ia suited to all ages and conditions and ought to bo heard by every youth of America. Lest We Forget. Having givon our reasons for the In crease in tho subscription price of this paper wo wish to make plain when tho now rato takes cfl'oct. On and after January first tho price of this paper will bo 81.50 per yoar In advance. However any ono subscrib ing beforo January 1st. may take ad vantage of tho old rato of t l.oo per yoar. Also renewals will bo received at tho rate of $1.00 per year until Jan. 1st. You can pay as many years in ad vance as you please. C.- B, Hamc, Editor, 4-ji