l,'1P'liilWWWiHS,'WWBS''1''1 mwfuwFf ., .- ..A-g-n1 mmt-11 nrWwfr- 3WAkh(i WtWyWiSMS1 3 fr ! ft Z r ib i, I I ii ft i T5hc CHIEF 8d Cloud - Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY TUURHDAY. Cnurcd In tho l'oatoltlcu at lied Cloud, Neb., m Second CI bum Mutter B. HALE I'UIIMHIIKII THE ONLY !)1:M0C11ATIC I'Al'KU IN WKIISTKU COUNTY Forty out of 02 counties of Nebraska now have v onion superintendents. At this rate of invasion it won't bo many years till tin- ladles have cap lured tlieni all Prof Hicks timst again aUnowlolKO his inisproplii'Hy given last August on ilin Cliuittaticiiiii oliitforin In regard to the minimum amount of percepltatloti diiiiiiir tlii! reninluilcr of the vciir. It would liavo been all right but th warm weather nnd the houvv ralim came without any previous nrrunge iiientaiid hence interfered with tho prognostication Most of our stoics now have tlielt Christmas goods unpacked and ready for sale. Just a woid to customers Buy your presents early and early in the day. You will be doing a twofold horvice if you follow this injunction Ono Is you will save the clerks, and tho other is you arc apt to get hotter vnluo. Jinny pcoplq in their endeavor to find tho most fitting present will wait till tho last day in tho nftornoon nnd then oxpect to sec every stock In town before they mako up thoir minds what to buy. Our advice Is buy now and get what you want and don't com pel the clerks to work unceasingly for 1C hours a day during Christmas week. The Hcmingford Journal asks its merchants and citizens generally to Kite information as to how the city might or could be improrcd. What a wonderful impetus to public spirit would this simple request give if every person would avail himself of tho opportunity to contribute this portion of sorvice. Why "hould not the citi zen who owos his living, his protect ion, his schooling, to a certain munici pality givo a little thought about bettering or ndvancing that municipal ity? The editor may bo depended up on to do his part but for the love of country don't let him do it all. And ay, if the idea Is good for Hcmingford It is good for Hed Cloud. Now don't wait for the whole house to fall before you get busy We have had a chat with the oldest inhabitant, or to bo exact wo liavo had a long conversation with the ven erable gentleman regarding the pros ent weather conditions. We received considerable vnluablo information. In longth of duration, considering tho timoo' tho year, this shady weather has all records broken since the invas ion of the buffalo. Itnevorhappenod so lunir before and tucreioro it is a reliable index as to what tho remain der of the weather will be. First, there will certainly be a Merry Christ mas and a Now Year. Second, at some timo during tho winter a heavy frost is sure to come solldlllng the present moisture, existing either in a free btate or housed up within tho conilnos of tho soil. Third, It would not bo Hafo to make any more serious predict ions as complications might arrived unforsccu by present penetration and upset all established theorlo. We ex pressed our appreciation as strongly us we were ablo and promised the old gentleman to call again. keep that which he had committed to Him Hgaititt that day of Inquisition to which all must come. His departure occurred at Fremont, N'obr.. on the 24th day of November 10011 at 10 o'clock a. m. His age being nearly 81 years. He leaves ." sons and 1 daughter, -children and his beloved wife having gone before him to bo with Christ. Servant of God well dono, Rest fioin thy loved employ; Tho battle fought, th victoiy won, Kuter thy Master's joy. Tho funeral was held at the Christ ian church, the Baptist house of wor ship being too Small, and was attended by a very large concouiso of the older people of the community. The (lis com so at tho request of tho deceased was delivered by llev. I. W. IMsou and was a very pronounced tribute of ro spect to tho departed citl..nand minister. Ward-McCall. On Thanksgiving day, at the home of Mr mid Mrs. T. .1. Ward. 18:15 So llth Street Lincoln, occurred the mar riage of their daughter Frances E. to Mr. Ilex O. McCall of Hed Cloud, the beautiful ceremony being pronounced by Dr. A.J Northup of Trinity M. H. church. Tho bilde wns attired in her "go away" gown of dovo colored paiia ma with a pretty waist of I'eirtiiu silk and lnco, and curried a shower bouquet of white carnations Tho marriage was solemnized at high 'noon after which all sat down to a table prettily adorned with whito chrysanthemums and forn and were served a regulation Tlmuksgivlngdlnner. A largo number of very nice presents were received even from unexpooted sources, all of which aro highly valued by tho bride and groom, Those present beside tho immediate family wero, Dr. and Mrs. Ward of Omaha, Mr. R. D. Austin Mc Cook, the Misses Nora and Mary Mc Call of Red Cloud and Miss Bertha Calkins of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Mo Call departed on an early train for Omaha and will bo at home to their friends after December 15th at Mr. McCalPs farm near Red Cloud. Wo extend to tho new Mr. and Mrs. McCall the glad hand and wish for thorn all tho joys Incident to matrimonial bliss. Rev. Gcorfte 0. Yclscr. Uev, George O. Yoiser was born in the state of Kentucky on the 1th day of December 1S2.1. There he grew to manhood and about ItiGO began preach ing the Gospel, remaining there until 187,') when he came to Ashland, Nebr., where he served tho Baptist church ono year as pastor thence coming to ltod Cloud in 1870 and serving tho newly organized Baptist ehuich for a number of yeais as pastor. (1878 to J883.) Afterward becoming pastor at (luldc Hock where ho preached for about 7 years. He wus County Judge of Wobster county for two terms and also served for u number of years with great efllclenoy upon the Board of Education in this city. He rondered conspicuous service in tho dovolopmcnt of the country, and probably as much as any individual citizen contributed to the cnlurgomont of tho city, sharing with others the beaut praise of a benefitted citizenship when all was prosperous, and meeting with courtly dignity the disfavor of home, when drought and disaster had unsettled conditions and caused the wisest pluns to fail. He will be best remembered for his religious work; wise, calm, thoughtful, alwuys instructive in his public minis trations, he wrought well in difllcult Hclds and compelled the admiration of those who differed; with him, because of tho absolute honesty of his convict ions of duty, and the ingenuousness of bis conduct in public affuirs. lie died as he bad lived, serene and confident He knew whom he believed and was persuaded that be was able to That Stranger. Considerable excitement was caused Sunday night at Robinson's restaurant by the erratic manuerof a well dressed lady. After eating her supper she canned for a newspaper reporter stating she had some- important information to give Our Mac, who is always the right man in tho right place, was present and stepped forward to attend tho wishes of the lady. Slowly and with careful choico of her languago she dictated a story of her tribulations. Among other experiences sho stated that she had been an inmate of an insane Institution. After reading her dictated statement to tho public sho signed her name. Sho took a team for Lobanon at seven o'clock. Tho unfortuuato lady, who appeared to bo about 45 years is well known In Leban on and has been insano at intervals for some time. The Smith county officers detained her waiting for news from Kansas City ns to whether she had given tho asylum folks the slip or had been discharged. SCHOOL NOTES (liv WmspKiiiNii Smith) (iraec Leonard is absent from school on account of sickness. The rainy weather has caused sever al absences among the out-of-town pupils, lately.' Tho foot ball boys returned from Oberlin, Kns, looking as though tlioy didn't enjoy their Thanksgiving tur- lioyv U lie score was I!,! to 0 In favor of Oberlin. After a long and undisturbed slumb er the Literary Society has awakened and will show its smiling face, Friday evening at tho High school building. The pupils, no doubt, will tako an activo interest in the society aud will hold interesting and benollcial meet Ings through-out the yenr. The So phomores, Juniors aud the Seniors aro sponding a part of each day in be coming more familiar with Parlia mentary Laws, which will be necess ary in enrrylng out the programs. A RcMtfte fram Fmmis leaty Specialist t Wmmr Utklti la Eaeriy aid Vitality. Thousands of women vainly attempt to improve their complexions and to remove blackheads, crows' feet and other blemishes, through tho uso of cosmetics. This treatment falls bo cause tho trouble lies far deeper than the skin. They are suffering from im pure and impoverished blood. This condition is in many cases due to a catarrhal condition of tho whole sys tem which finds Its expression in sal low, muddy complexion, dark circled eyes, general weakness of tho system, and perhaps most plainly In tho weep ing of mucous membranes that is com mon 1 called catarrh. In fact this wholo tendency is, properly speaking, Catarrh. Banish this eatm th, aud the complexion will clear as If by magic, eyes will bright en, faces become rosy and shoulders erect Perfect beauty goes only with pel feet health, and perfect health for women can only be obtained through one certain treatment that which will cure catarrh. Mmo. Swift, Now York, tho famous beauty specialist known through-out the world and nn accepted authority on all relating thereto, states that the one positive and permanent relief for catarrh Is Kexall Muco-Tone. Hero Is her letter: "I can strongly endorse the claims made for Kexall Mucu-Tono as a cure for systemic catarrh. Its tonic effects arc remarkable. It builds up the strength and restores vitality. If women who are tired and run down, lacking iu energy and vitality, will use Rcxall Mucu-Tone, they will praise as I do its strengthening and healing qualities," Rexall Mucu-Tone works through the blood, acting thus upon the muc ous cells the congestion and inflam mation of which causes local catarrh. This remedy causes poison to be ex pelled from the system, and the blood is purified and rovitalized. Thus the natural functions of the mucous cells are restored, and tho membranes are cleansed and mado strong. Wc know that Rexall Mucu Tone does relieve ca tarrh. Wo positively guarantee to re fund the money paid us for this reme dy in every case whero the user is dissatisfied. It is a builder of vigorous health aud a creator of good complex ions. Price GO cents and 81 por bottle. Mail ordors filled. It may bo obtained only nt our store, The Kexall Store. Tho II. E. Grice Drug Co., Red Cloud, Nebr. rT Dress Trr Specials for the Month of November Goods, Outings, Percales, Calico, Underwear, Linen, Gloves, Table Linen, Silks, Embroideries, Laces, Combs, Fancy top Hair Pins, Corsets and Collars. Ladies outing night dresses at 50c, 75c, 90c, $1.00. Ladies outing skirts at 50c, good value. Ladies Union suits in light weight, medium weight or heavy weight, which ever you want. Cotton Bats. Cotton Bats at 8 1-3, 10, 12 1-2, 15c The extra large ones at 85c. Children's Bear Skin Coats from $2 to $5 Ready to Wear Skirts. Come in and let us show you our line of Ready to Wear Skirts. Silks Come in and look our line of Silks over think you will find just what you want. Messaline Silks 27 inches wide, in plain or stripes or figured, at $ 1 a yard. 36 inch black silk at $ 1 a yard Have you received one of our Souvenier Plates if not come in and we will tell you how to get one. Beginning with November 1st we will give a coupon with every 50c purchase entitling you to a chance on the three dolls we are going to give away December 24th. Agent for Bvitterick Patterns. 1 R NBWHOUSB I SS3BS J J EES LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUGS LAW. An improvement over many Cough, Lung and Bronchial Remedies, because it rids tha system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared by PINEULE MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO. U. S. A. POR SALE AT COOK'S DRUG STORE. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mrs. Roy Rifo went to Denver Mon day. Ed. WBlters wab down from Oxford ovor Thanksgiving. It will pay you to read tho Christmas adds of our morchants in the Chief this week. Grant Turner's little girl won first prize iu the baby contest and tho little Fulton baby was second at tho Topee. Tho Ladies of the Chrlstatn church will serve a chicken plo dinner and supper in the Woodman Hall Saturday December 18th in connection with their bazar. As just as we are going to press we loarn of tho death of the little seven week's old baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, who live in Garfield town ship. It died Wednesday afternoon of whopping cough and pneumonia. The fuueral took place this afternoon at 8:30 o'olock. UERE'S an overcoat made primarily for use of auto mobilists; but you can easily see that it's suitable for any wearer who wants a long, roomy, comfortable gar ment for riding or any other use. Hart Schaffner & Marx make these for us, and there's one here for you if you want it. You see the smart styles it shows; nothing to equal this anywhere else; it's made as all their clothes are made; of strictly all-wool fabrics, and wears as only such fabrics wear. We'd he glad to put you in one of these; you can get the auto to go with it later if you choose. " - """ JZj xlBBaT 'n -rlEK;JslTf2j'''-'-''' .s5 ,, . - -xM'fnmjfWiliMll&'&j' -"jJlWSSSw f'Trvrr ft rB iHtftV ifiht igooby lw mo del: Cop Hart Schaffner & Man PAUL STOREY RED CLOUD. Fine overcoats and suits in all and fabrics. This store is the home ofJHart SchaffnerJ & Marx clothes STOREY & FOWLER COWLES. I i - .itfci .wmwjHii, iswiiiwin " SWMflia rinrra- aw -r .