The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 25, 1909, Image 7

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PRAISES pe-bu-na;
nl T Jr- Jt. -mn. -- . -jm- -"fc - TTm tVin-lHrSJ0JVi.l i
r .
i sx
Eatlng for Strength.
Tlio Greatest pleasure to bo de
rived from eating Ih tho pleasure ono
gets In the knowledge that his food Id
giving him greater Htrni;th and vi
tality. Heeausc of this fact thorp Is a con
stant Inorenso In the consumption of
Quaker Data; every time the strength
making finalities or Quaker Oatn havo
been tested hy scientific investigation
or by experiments In families it has
been found to bo a food without an
It builds the muscles and brain with
out taxing the digestive organs; It
costs ho llttlo anyone can afford It.
and It Is so carefully prepared and
packed that It is absolutely pure and
clean. A Quaker Oats eating family
Is always n healthy family. 11
Quaker Oats Is packed In regular
size packages nnd also In largo bIzo
family packages. The latter very con
venient for thoso not near tho store.
m Hi wnwll f ,' 1 I AUJ
Visitor Does the painter Muler live
Landlady No; they are all respec
table people in this house.
Furnished by High Medical Authority.
Gives Prompt Results.
Tho only logical treatment for ca
tarrh is through tho blood. A pro
scription which has recently proved
wonderfully effective in hospital work
is the following. It is easily mixed.
"One ounce compound syrup of
Sarsaparilla; ono ounce Torls com
pound; hair pint first-class whiskey."
These to bo mixed by shaking well in
a bottle, and used In tablespoon doses
before each meal and at bedtime.
The incredlonts can bo gotten from
any well stocked druggist, or ho will
get them from his wholesale house.
Worth the Expense.
The story that Sir John Fisher of
the Dritlsh admiralty tells with tho
greatest enjoyment andhe tells many,
and all with zest Is of an old boat
swain on his flagship who fell Into a
little money nnd retired. Ono day
the admiral visited him at his coun
try box, to find the old sailor pos
sessed of an apparently useless man
"What do you want with him?"
asked Fisher.
"Il'evory morning," explained the
old sailor, " 'o conies to mo 'ammock
and tells mo to roll b'out. 'Tho h'ad
inlrnl wants to sen you,' 'o says to me.
mind I says to 'im. 'Toll thoh'admiral
to go to 'ell,' says HI."
Tho neighbor's dog sits out on tho
front lawn and howls dismally. Tho
man In tho window looks out and
yells: "Sh-h-h, you beast!" Tho dog
continues to howl. Tho man ugaln
comes to tho window and this time
burls a shoo at the dog. Still tho
animal howls. Another shoo follows.
The next day tho man's wife goes
around In her stocking feet because
she can't find her shoes. Tho man
hasn't the prlco of another pair o
shoes for her, and tho next night tho
dog howls louder thnn ever.
Christmas Post Cards Free.
Send t!o stamp for five samples of
oar very best Gold and Silk Finish
Christinas, Flower and .Motto Tost
Cards; beautiful colors and loveliest
designs. Art Post Card Club, 792
Jackson St., Topoka, Kan.
Not Expecting Too Much.
"I suppose your remarks lit con
gress will be listened to with great In
terest?" "My friend," said tho statesman, "In
congress n man is lucky to get a
chance to make a speech without ex
pecting people to listen to it."
The dancer from nliglil etit or wounds
is nlwayn blood poisoning. Tho imuiuih
atc application of Iluiiiiini Viz.ird Oil
makes blood poifoning imputable.
Tho best preparation for the future
is tho present well seen to, and tho
last duty well done.
There are imitations, don't be fooled.
There is no substitute! Tell the dealer you
want Lewis' Single Hinder
Good company and good discourses
aro tho vory ulnows of virtue. Izaal:
ihctok Youusm.r
wlirn run f rol ixitd rutnlntcnn ly taUnir u few 1chh
nf Perry ImvIh' ratnklllur. IUkImiUit Unin (Julnlno
umlhaliT Tim In run Uie bottliiH lira lliuclH'uixihl.
To believe only
minds can grasp,
what our ilnlto
Meredith f
coFfRKHr 1907 ov eosss-fCfi?u ra
synopsis. ' "
Mlhh I'.ilrlri.i ItollirooK mill Ml mm IM'ii
I Mil i-K li.-r nlii-i. vii- I'litniMtoii to
tin inn nf Lnuri'iiM- lMiiovun. n wrltei
HtumiifrliiK I'm I Animmliili' Mlm
I'.ml'lii fonlliliit to liniioviiit tlmt xlu
fi-uri'il tier brotliiT lli-iir. wlm. rulm-il l
II llllllU fllllllll'. Illlil l-OMHl.ttlt I Illl'l'lllclll'll
tier for money fmin IiIh fiitlior's will, of
wliltli MIsm IMtrlrln wits k'Uitnllaii. TIk-v
nunc to I'ort Aniiuniliili- to rampr ll'Ui
DniioMiit nyini.Ulil.i'il tin- two
woiiu-n. I ! li'iirm-il of Mix llolen's nn
tiovllii; Hllltor Diilioviin iIIhi ovt'tiM anil
cnetuicil mi InlroiliT, who provt'il to In
Hi'Kln.itil OII1 Mtili-. Hllltor Tin tin liutiil of
MIhm IJi'li'M llollirool..
CHAPTER III. Continued.
Gillespie lay on his hack, wrapped
In my drosslng-unwii. his knees raised,
his baiidaued arms folded across his
chest. Since bringing him Into the I
house I had studied him carefully and.
1 must eoiitens. with Increasing mys
tilientlon. He was splotnlldl put up.
the bestinuseled man I had "vor soon
wlio was not a professional athlete.
His forearms and clean shaven fare
wire hi own I mm prolonged tunning
by the sun, but otherwise bis skin was
tho pink and white of a healthy baby.
Ills short light hair was combed
smoothly away from a bioad l'oie
head; his blue eyes were poifoctly
steady they even Invited and held
scrutiny; when be was not speaking
he closed his lips tightly.
I hair believed tho fellow to be
amusing himself at my expense; but
ho met my eyes calmly. If 1 hud not
caught a lunatic I had certainly cap
tured an odd specimen of humanity.
Ho was the picture of wholesome liv
ing and sound health; but he talked
liken fool. The idea or a young woman
like Helen Holbrook giving two
thoughts to a silly youngster like this
was preposterous, and my heart hard
ened against him.
"You are lllppant. Air. Gillespie, ami
my errand witli you Is serious. There
are places In this house where I could
lock jou up and you would never see
your button factory again. You seem
to have had some education "
"The word does me great honor,
Donovan. They chucked me from
Yale In my Junior yeai. Why, you
may ask? Well, it happened tills way:
You know Koonoy, the Ilellefontalne
Cyclone? He struck New Haven
with a vaudeville outfit, giving exhi
bitions, poking the hag and that sort
of fake. At every town they Invited
the local sports to dig up their bright
est amateur middle-weight and put
him against tho Cyclone for live
rounds. I brushed my hair the wrong
way for a disguise and went against
"And got smashed for your trouble,
I hope," I Interrupted.
"No. The boys In the gallery
cheered m that they fussed hint, and
bo thought I was fruit. We shook
bands, and he turned his head to snarl
at the applause, and, seeing an open
ing, 1 smashed him a hot clip In the
chin, and he tumbled backward and
broke tho ring rope. I vaulted the
orchestra and bolted, and when the
boys finally found me I was over near
Wntorbury under a barn. 1CI1 wouldn't
stand for It, und back 1 went to the
button factory; and hero I am, sir, by
the grace of God, an Ignorant man."
"How did you find your way here,
Gillcspln?" I demanded.
"I suppose I ought to' explain that,"
lie replied. I waited while he co
llected for a moment. Ho seemed to
lie cpilto sorioJis, nnd his brows wrin
kled as ho pondered.
"I guessed It about half and for tlm
rest, I followed the heaven-kissing
htack of trunks."
Ho glanced at mo iitiekl, ;ii
though anxious to see how 1 received
his words.
"Havo you seen anything of Henry
Holbrook in your navels? Ho eaieful
now; I want tho truth."
"1 certainly have not. I hope you
don't think " Gillespie hesitated.
"It's not a matter for thinking or
gueislng; I've got to know."
"On my lienor I havo not seen him,
and 1 hao no Idea whore ho Is."
I had thrown myself into a chair
beside the couch and lighted my pipe.
My captlvo troubled me. It Boomed
odd that ho had found tho ubldlug
placo of tho two women; and If ho
liad succeeded so quickly, why might
not Henry Holbrook have equal luck?
"You probably know this trouble
some brother well," I ventured.
"Yes; as well as a mnn of my ago
can know an older man. My father's
place at Stamford adjoined tho Hol
brook estate. Henry nnd Arthur Hol
brook married sisters; both women
died long ago, I hollo ve; but tho
brothors had a business row and went
to smush. Arthur embezzled, forged,
and tin on, and took to the nltltudluous
tlmbor, and Ilonry has boon busy
ovor slnco trying to pluck his sister.
He's wiltl on tho subject of his wrongs
ruined by his own brother, deprived
of his Inheritance by his sister and
abandoned, by his only child. There
wnBn't much to Arthur Holbrook;
Henry was the genius, but after tho
bank went to tho bad ho sought tho
consolntlons of rum. Ho nnd Henry
married tho Hartrldge twins who were
tho reigning lialtlmnro belles In tho
early '80's so runneth tho chronicle.
Hut I gossip, my denr, sir; I gosBlp,
which Is against my principles. ICven
the humble button king of Strawberry
Mil must draw tlm lino.'1
jjju jj j. ' "i jit i i in i , -"- in . miiiiSS Si
P U5j SETi-
WfZmWsKfZBr I 1 M t1u I " ,'"' ,n,liu''1, ,,ni'- '"'mini: ll "'P n
W0VHzJ$ffit i I l- "W ""' ',',M l,,m,,il"' '"' Hlniieed up, thou
nly!rs&yi I rfSas. " JW rose and asked the btrnngor his buiil-
ggYffll (P T -w , Tlio man shook his head.
mymBfu si Wv Jr &f "" ' ir have business it must be at
0 ffflfrs Lry s"rl " the house; the road Is In the other dl-
WJj fjf tVV it I reotlon, ' and IJIiiia pointed to the
W' lvls?- NF I Ik I I wood, but the stranger remained
tcfer n I I Hi I stubbornly on the edge of tho pier. 1
M JlM A .tr I I JSfi ,l,,w stepped out of Hie wood and
H jf I A.'' .r- j '"e w J Ml I M i wail.ed down to the pier.
ffll 5?)- y. ( 9i - ( 0 1 I M I -Whnt do you want here?" I do-
! VyA. Mk-"Jr "Sill W "' Hlinrply.
n I fyipAV v jl r ? A m"' f,ho,,, ,llH head. The broad liatiil
h y ruSf v z! I J flCv 11 I Au inn U 111 filinin nun int.! ti .. -
R iaV -M' V r f I 'WtF-1 S borei. and Its blown back was tat-
Y J PI. 2- toood. lie belonged. I Judged, to one
Km IV""" V V 'tl&'(' 7 J I C "r ""' ,u,rK 'M,illt,i,iani'.in races, and
$13 jV, V X"?' i G tried him In Italian.
3 S J y? ' iSnntnxtcro A 1 "These are private grounds; you
ob ow"! I I jj j J I
OJ U -w hi 11
Wf I- .....Bri.-.
UK. "I Suppose I Ought to Explain That."
When Ijima brought In a plate of
sandwiches Jie took one gingerly In
his swnthed hand, regarded It with
cool Inquiry, and as ho munched it, re
marked upon sandwiches in general
as I hough they wore botanical spool
men.H that were usually discussed and
analyzed in a scientific spirit.
"Tlio sandwich," ho began, "not un
happily expresses one of the saddest
traits of our American lite. 1 need
baldly refer to our deplorable nation
al habit of hiding our shame under a
blithe and misleading exterior. Chick
en sandwiches in some pnrts of tlio
wot Id aie rather coarsely marked, for
purposes of lndotitlficatlou, with pin
feathers. You may covet no nobler
fame than that or eieator or the Fly
ing Sandwich of Annandale. Yet the
feathered sandwich, though nioro pic
turesque, points rather too directly
to the strutting lords of the barnyard.
A sandwich that is decorated like a
fall bonnet, Hint suggests, we will say,
the milliner's window or the plumed
knights of mounding war"
With a little sigh, a slow relaxation
of muscles, Mr. Gillespie blept. I
locked tho doors, put out the lights,
and tumbled into my own bed as the
chapel clock chimed two.
In the distill bed affairs of the night
tlio blinds bad not been drawn, and
I woko to find the room Hooded with
light and my prisoner gone. The doois
wore locked as I had loft them. Mr.
Gillespie had departed by tho win
dow, diopplng from a little balcony
to the teiraoe beneath. I rang for
IJIma and sent him to tho pier; and
before 1 bad finished shaving tlio buy
was back, and repotted Gillespie's
boat still at the pier, hut one of tho
canoes missing. It was clear that In
the sorry plight or his arms Glllospio
had preferred paddling to lowing. He
neath my watch on the writing table
I found n sheet of note-pupor on which
was scrawled:
lli'ur oIl .Man I inn IiiiaIiik oik- of
those utRlitiiKiri'M I luuntloneil In inn ilo-
iiKliuui oiivi'i;atlou. I til tlmt I am
about to walk In my Mcii. Ah my (lun
ni'ls uie n lllllii blUKKy. (Uliluti lohH of
your ilM-HKlng-Kown. Vours. 11. l.
1. S I jiiii willing to piy for tho glims
nnd mi'illi'iil nlii talon: but I want a re
bate for tlmt tblnl tjittululeh. It u-ollv
tli-kli-d too Imi-Hhly as it went flown
Veiy Ilk" ly thin ni'i mints fur my minimmi
liullsin. o.
When I bad tliessed and had my
coffee I locked my old portfolio and
tossed It into tho bottom of my trunk.
Something told mo that lor a while,
at least, I should havo other occupa
tion that contributing to the literature
of Russian geography.
I Explore Tippecanoe Creek.
My Unit caio was to find the Rat don
er or St. Agatha's and renow his
pledge of silence of tho night before;
and then I sought tho ladles, to make
sure that they had not been dis
turbed by my collision with Gillespie.
Miss lat and Helen wore In Sister
Theresa's protty Blttlug mom, through
whoso windows tho morning wind
blow fresh nnd cool.
"This Is a day for tho open! You
must certainly venture forth!" I ho
gnn, cheerily. "You see, Father
Stoddard chosjo well; this Is tho most
peaceful place on tho map. Let us
begin with a drive at six, when tho
sun Is low; or, may bo, you would pro
for a llttlo run In tho launch."
They exchanged glances.
"I think it would ho all light, Aunt
I'at," said Helen.
"1'orhnps wo should wait nnothnr
day. Wo must take no chnnQOSj Urn
relief of being fioe is too blessed to
throw away. 1 really slept through
the night I can't toll ou what a
boon that Is'"
"Why. Sister Margaret had to call
us both at light!" exclaimed Helen.
"That Is almost too wonderful fur be
lief!" "Oh, Hie nights here aro tranquillity
itself! Now, as to the drive"
"Let us wait another day, Mr. Dono
van. I reel that we must make assur
ance doubly sure," said I'at; and
this, of course, was final.
It was clear that, the capture of Gil
lespie had not disturbed the slumber
of St. Agatha's. .My conscience
piickofl iin a trille at leaving I hem so
Ignorautly contented: but Gillespie's
appeal auco was hardly a menace, and
though I had pledged myseir to warn
Helen Holbrook at the first sign of
trouble, I determined to deal with blin
tut my own account. He was only an
infatuated fool, and I was capable, I
hoped, of disposing ttf his case with
out taking any one into my confi
dence. Hut first It was my urgent
business to find him.
I got out. the launch and crossed tho
lake to the summer colony and began
my search by asking for Gillespie at
tlio casino, but found that his iiamo
was unknown. I lounged about until
lunch time, visited the golf course
that lay on a bit of upland beyond the
collages and watched the plaers un
til sat lulled that Gillespie was not
anionic them, then I wont homo for
A man with bandaged arms, and
clad in a dressing gown, cannot go
far without attracting attention; and
I was not in the least discouraged by
my fruitless search. I have spent
considerable part of mv IITo in tho
engaging occupation ol looking lor
men who weto haul to find, and as I
smoked my cigar on the shady ter
race ami waited for Ijlmn to loplonlsh
tho launch's tank, I roll confident that
heroic night. 1 should have an under
sitandlng with Glllohplo ir be were still
In the neighborhood or Annandale.
The midday was warm, hut I cooled
my eyes on the deep shadows or tho
wood, through which at Intervals I
saw wblto sails flash on the lake. All
bird-song was bushed, but a wood
pecker on a dead sycamore hammered
away for dear lire. Tho bobbing of
his red head must have exercised
sorno hypnotic spell, for I slent a few
minutes, nnd dreamed tlmt the wood
pecker had bored a hole In my tore
bead. When 1 roused it was with a
start that sent my pipe clattering to
tho stone terrace door. A man who
has over camped or hunted or been
hunted and I have known nil three
experiences always scrutinizes the
horizons when ho wukes, and I round
myself staring Into tho wood. As my
eyes sought remembered buidmarks
hero and there, I saw a man dressed
as a common snllor skulking toward
tho boathottso several bundled yards
nwny. Ho was evidently following tho
school wall to osoapo observation, and
I rose and stopped closer to the bal
ustrade to watch his movements. In
a moment he came out Into a llttlo
open spnee wherein stood n stone
tower whom water was stored for tho
house, and ho pnusoi! hero and gazed
about him curiously. 1 picked up a
fiold-glass from a llttlo tablu near by
and caught sight of a swarthy foreign
fnco under a soft rolt hut. Ho passed
the tower and walked on townrd tho
Iako, and I dropped over the balus
trade and followed him.
Tlio JupancHo boy was still at work
launch, and. homing a atop on
the pier plunking, ho glanced up, then
rose and iisketl the btrnngor his lumi
nous. The mail shook his head.
' H joii have business It must bo nt
the house; the road Is In tlio other di
rection, ' nnd IJIma pointed to the
wood, but the stranger remained
stubbornly on the edge of tho plor. 1
now stepped out of tho wood and
wail.ed down to the plor.
'What do you want hero?" I de
manded, sharply.
Tin- man touched his bat, mulled,
and shook Ids bead. Tho broad baud
lie iiried In salute was that or a la
bore i. and Its blown back was tat
tooed, lie belonged, I Judged, to one
or the dark races, and
I tried 111 in In Italian.
"These aro private grounds; you
will do well to eae hero very quick-
I,' I said.
I saw his light as I spoke tho
words slowly and distinctly, but ho
waited until I had finished, then shook
his head.
I was sine he had understood, hulas
I atldicssod him again, ordering him
riom tlio promises, he continued to
shake his bead and grin foolishly.
Then l pointed toward the road.
"Go; and It will bo best lor you not
to come bote ngaln!" I said, and, alter
saluting, he walked slowly away Into
the wood, with a sort or dogged Inso
lence in Ids slightly swaying gait. At
a nod fiom me IJIma stole after him
while 1 waited, nnd In a Tew minutes
the bo eaino back and reported that
tho man hud passed the house and
left the grounds by the carriage oil'
trance, turning toward Annandale.
Willi my mind on Gillespie 1 put off
in Hie launch, determined to study the
lake geography I have, 1 hope, a soul
lor landscape, and the sort bubble or
water, the lush leeds in the shallows,
the lapldly moving panorama or field
and forest, the glimpses or wild How
era, and the inched blue above, wore
rostlul to inliid and heart. It seemed
shamerul iluil tho whc.'o world was
not afloat, then, as I rvtlocted that an
other boat In these tranquil waters
would be an impertinence that I
should lebent, I was aware that I had
boon thinking or Helen Holbrook all
the while; and tho thought or this Ir
i hated me so that I criticised IJIma
most unjustly Tor running the launch
tlose to a bowlder that rose like a
miniature Gibraltar near the shadowy
shore we wero skirting.
We gained the ultimate lino or tho
lower lake, and followed tho Bhore In
search or Its outlet, pleasingly set
down on the map an Tippecanoe crook,
which ran otr and Joined somewhero
a river or like naiiie. ' Tho lako's wa
tois ran away, like a truant child,
through a woody cleft, and in a mo
ment we woio as clean quit of tho
lake as though 11 did not exist. After
a tew rods the creek began to twist
and turn as though with tlio Intention
or mailing the voyager earn his way.
In the narrow channel tho beat or our
engine rang Horn tho shores rebuking
ly, and soon, as a punishment tor dis
turbing the peace ol the llttlo stream,
wo gi oiinded on n sand-bar.
"Thl.i seems to bo the head or navi
gation. Ijima. 1 believe this creek
was made for canoes, not battle
ships." v
liolwoin u.4 we got tho launch off,
and ' lauded on a convenient log and
crawled up the bank to observe thu
countiy. I followed a stakc-and-rlder
fence, half hidden In vines of various
soils, andtrampedalong tho bank, with
the ciock still singing Its toituousway
below at my right bund. Soon tho
rail fence gave way to barbed win ;
tho path broadened and the under
brush was neatly cut away. Within
lay a small vegetable garden, caio
ruily tilled; and farther on I saw a
dark gre u tottage almost shut In by
beeches. Tiio path dipped sharply
down ami away liom tho cottage, and
a moment inter I bad lost sight of It;
but below, at the edge of the Creole,
stood a long houseboat with an ex
tended plat form or deck on the water
side. I can still reel, a-i I recall tho day
and hour, the utter peace or tho scene
when first 1 came upon that secluded
spot: The melodious flow of the
crook beneath; the flutter or homing
wings; oven the hum or Insects In tho
sweet, thyniy air. Then a step farther
and I came to a gato which opened on
n lllght of steps that led to tho house
beneath; and through thu intervening
taugle I saw a man sprawled nt ease
In a steamer chair on tho deck, bis
arms under his bond. An I watched
him ho sighed and turned restlessly,
and 1 caught a glimpse,, of close
trlmmed beard ami short, thlu, slight'
ly gray hair.
Supposed Relic of St. Peter.
It Is announced that a remarkably
Interesting discovery linn been made
In tho catacombs of I'rlscilhi at
Homo In tho form of tho following In
scription: "In lato loco I'otrus Hilt."
Slgnor Marucchl, tho eminent arch
aeologist, Is convlncod, aftor careful
study or circumstances, Hint thu
PotriiB Is nono other than tho Apoutlo
St. Peter,
"t am Rlatl to write my endorse
ment of thoxrent remedy, Peruna. I
do &n most lieartlly.""Jiilin Marlowe.
Ary remedy that beneflw digestion,
strengthens tho nerves,
Tho nervo centers rcqulro nutrition.
If the digestion is Impaired, tho norvu
centers become anemia, and nurvoud
debility Is tho result.
For sore throat, sharp pain
in lungs, tightness across the
chest, hoarseness or cough,
lave the parts with Sloan's
Liniment. You don't need to
rub, just lay it on lightly. It
penetrates instantly to the scat
of the trouble, relieves conges
tion and stops the pain.
Hero's tho Proof.
Mr. A.W. Price, Fredonla, Kans.,
says: "Wo havo used Sloan's Lini
ment for a year, and find it an excel
lent thing for sore throat, chest p.iin'j,
colds, and hay fever attacks. A few
drop taken on sugar stops cough,
ing and sneezing instantly."
is easier to use than porous
plasters, acts quicker and docs
not.clogupthc pores of the skin.
It is an excellent an
tiseptic remedy for
asthma, bronchitis,
and all inflammatory
diseases o f the
throat and chest;
will break up tho
deadly niembrano in
an attack of croup,
and will kill any kind
of neuralgia or thcu
matic pains.
All tlrufrfrliitH keep
Price 25c, 50c, 4 $1,00.
Dr. Earl S. Sloan,
jtoaroN. MABa
Regard Cuticura Soap
and Cuticura Ointment
as unrivaled for Preserv
ing, Purifying and Beau
tifying the Skin, Scalp,
Hair and Hands, for Sana
tive, Antiseptic Cleansing
and for the Nursery.
Ki. Alrun. LiMinon. Ltd, Cuiw Tn n. cte . I'.HJV
IVltiy Ilru A Wii-m. liirp . nolo rroi . won. ,
urTott i'rvu. CutlCUtl DixjUct VU ILa UUu.
. &&&&&?
" W
or won En
B!il thrnuehout the world. preM' topdon. 27,
CTurterh.iiw) bo . l'.irl, 6, Ituo ;to H 1'iiu. AH"V
111, It. Tom k Oi. Sydney: Jndl.i, Ii I. l'aul.
C'Alfiiltt: Chhu. Ilnnit Kmin Driw Co.: Jsran,
.,1 ',,, lliiuli kiirr.!li. luriiui
r rW" IMMHByfo