The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 18, 1909, Image 7

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    i la.
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k MSjuisjtm
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BY -$M-
vcprmcHr $w ov eoQ3s-fifff?iu. ca
' Mlsut l'.itrlcla IIflt)rofil. -ui.l MIks IMen
, Unllirook, Ikt nine, Mii fiiirut'i to
1 (lid r.-iro nf t.'mn'iii( lininivnn. a wrltf-r.
' BUtniin-rins tu-nr Port AnnntiiMI--. M'-)-
I'litrnl.t oiillili-il to tliut Bhc
(eari'il her lirntlit-r Hi-nn . wl.o. tulm-il Iiv
& tmiik f-i.lun. tiinl I'oiixt nulv thr-Mti-niMl
lir for tnnni-y from IiIm fatln-i'M will, of
' ' which M mi l'.itrlrl. w.n uiisinllnii. Tliov
cntui? tu Port Ann iinlnti- to i-snip-i Hmhi-v
2onnviin ttynitmtli'zi-il with the two
' wonion. Up li'uriu'd of Mln Hot" u'h an
,j nuylm; Hiiltor.
CHAPTER IM. Continued.
"Drop ouo of the ctinoen into tno
wntor." I nul.l: and 1 wntchctl tho
J.' prowllni; iKiatman while ljima crept
' v. , back to tli boat limine. The canoe
,wat launched silently ami tho boy
.V; - drove It out to mo with n few llsht
iiironi'. I took tho puddle, and wo
r ' oropt tdoso tilont; tho slmro toward
' ttho St. Ajjallia llsht. my oos Intont
' on tho linat. which was now drawing
I '' i(t in llwi vnlwtnl iilup Till' iirnw!tr
. ' .iinii fkllrw lit.) ti'nv n'lvofnllv fill
,r;',Uiouch tho region was unfainlllnr; but
"'-'.ho now lauded tit tho pier and tied his
'AiboaL I hutm bach In tho shndowti
4, ittntll bo bad illsappearoii up tno d.uik.
Uk-h paddled to the pier, told ljima to
wait, and pet off through tho wood-
,palh toward St. Acatha'a.
- ) Whoro tho wood gave way to tho
'ibrna(l lawn that tttrotchod up to tho
school liulldlnKH I caiiKbt;hf of tny
JrVitirry. Ho w'l!' a '"" follow, not
'aliovc nvorngo holKht, but compactly
,' built, and r.lood with hi.; liands thrust
ipoylshly In IiIh pocKois. Knzin about
j'pvlth franh intorost lit his Hurtouud-
InKB. lie was liarolnad'-d and
iIcbs, and bis chirt sloovoa worn rolled
Jfj to tho elbow. Ho walked hlowh
? along tho odfio of tho wood, looking
C'jOff toward tho Bchonl bulldliin. and
while his manlier was ftirllvo there
It was, too, an air of unconcern about
i liltn and I heard him whistling noftly
ijtlo himsolf.
,v, IIo now withdrew into tho wood
"tand stnrtcd off with tho apparent in
Mention of Rainini; a view of St. Awi
itha's from tho front, and I followed.
fEIo Boomed harmleHS enough; ho
(irilght bo a cut ions pilgrim from tho
I W tend'
minor rcBorl; but 1 was just now
gunrdlan of St. Agatlia's and I in-
V if tended to learn tho stranger's bus!-
wi' v ;ncss boforo I liacl done with bitn. Ho
'reached the driveway lending in from
the Annandnlo road without liming
disclosed any purpose other than that
of viewing the vino-clad walls with a
tourist's Idle interest. The situation
liad begun to bore mo, when the
school gardener came running out of
tho shrubbery, nnd Instantly tho
young man took to his heels.
"Stop! Stop!" yelled tho gardener.
Tho mysterious young man plunged
into tho wood nnd was off like tho
V"lnd. ,
"After him, Andy! After him!" I
yelled to tho Scotohnuin.
I shouted my own name to reassure
J' him Rnd wo both wont thumping
V. throucli tho beeches. Whoever the
young gentleman was, ho bad no In
tention of being caught; h" darted In
and out among tho trees with astound
ing lightness, and 1 saw In a moment
that lio wua slowly turning away to
tho right.
"Run for tho gate!" 1 called to tho
gardener, who was about 20 foot away
from mo, blowing hard. I prepared to
gain on tho turn if tho young follow
Unshod for tho lake; and lie now led
mo n pretty chase through the (lower
garden. Ho ran with head up and el
bows closo at his sides, and Ills light
boat shoos made scarcely any sound.
Ho turned ouco nnd looked back nnd,
finding thnt I was alone, began
amusing himself with feints and
dodges, for no other purpose, I
fancied, than to perplex or wind mo
By this tlmo I had grown ptetty
ungry, for a foot race in a school gar
den struck mo with disgust as a child-
.b ontorprlso, and 1 bent with new
spirit nnd drove him away from his
giddy circling about the summer
hoii30 nnd txyoml the only gnto by
which ho could regain the wood and
meadow that lay between the garden
and bis boat. IIo turned bin head
from sldo to side uneasily, slackening
lila paco to study the bounds of tho
garden, and I felt myself gaining.
Ahoad of us lay a white picket fonco
that sot off the vegotablo garden and
marked tho lawful bounds of tho
Bchool. Thoro was no gate and I felt
that hero tho chaso must end, and I
rejoiced to find myself so near tho
runner that 1 heard tho quick, soft
patter of his shoes on tho walk. In
a moment I was qulto suro that I
Bhould have him by tho collar, and I
tind ovory intention of dealing severe
ly with him for tho hard chaso ho had
given mo.
But bo kopt on, tho white lino of
fenco cloarly outlined beyond him;
and then when my hand was almost
upon him ho roso at tho fonco, as
though sprung from the earth itsoll,
and hung a moment sheer abovo the
shnrp lino of tho fonco pickets, his
wholo figure held almost hoilzontal, In
tho fashion of trained high-Jumpers,
for what seemed an Inllnlto timo, as
though by some witchery of tho moon
light. .
I plunged Into tho feneo with n
forco that knocked tho wind out of
mo, nnd iib I clung panting to tho
pickets the runner dropped with a
crash Into the miclbt of u situs vege
table fraiiio on tho farther sldo. IIo
' ra I B H& R M&Uy JpJ-?L M. jeWwfflffyk r iviore EiConomicai cnan y
r"7T ajftBrnfrB f H 1 V and MUCH BETTER JC
SAk .. ) ill fill I -jS i --s.
w. ' .Ajnm.t 3 xk &m M
.anan.-Ti.HMmm,,' vur iwswstplTO
Held Up His Hands
turned his head, grinned at me sheep-ii-hly
through tlie pickets, ami gave
a kick that set the gla.-s to tinkling.
Tlien he held tii his hands In sign of
sui tender and I saw that they were
cut and bleeding. We were both badly
blown, and while wo regained our
wind wo stared at each oilier. IIo
was the first to speak.
"Kicked, lilt or stung!" he mut
tered, doleful! ; "that saddest of all
words, 'stung!' It's as clear as moon
light that I'm badly mussed, not to
say cut."
"May I trouble you not to kick out
any more of that glass? The gardener
will be hero in a minute and fish you
"fjiwsy, what Is" it'.' An aquarium,
that you fish for me?"
He chuckled softly, but sat per
fectly quiet, finding, It seemed, a cer
tain humor in his situation. Tho
gardener came running and sworn In
broad Scots at the destruction of tho
frame. Wo got over the fence and re
leased our captive, who tallied to him
self in doleful undertones as we
hauled him to ills feet amid a renewed
clink of glass.
"Gently, gentlemen; behold the
night-blooming cereus! Not all the
court-plaster in the universe can glue
mo together again." Ho gazed rue
fully at his slashed arms, and rubbed
his legs. "The next time I seek the
garden at dewy eve I'll wear my tin
"There won't bo any next time for
you. What did you ruij for?"
"Trying to lower my record It's a
mania with me. And as one good
question deserves another, may 1 ask
why you didn't tell me there was a
glass-works beyond that fence? It
wasn't sportsmanlike to hido a mur
derous hazard like that. But I cleared
tl'ose pickets wit it n yard to spare,
and broke my record."
"You broke about seven yards of
glass," I replied, "it may sober you
to know that you uro under arrest.
Tho watchman here lias a constable's
"He also has hair that suggests the
common garden or boiled carrot. The
tint is not to my liking; yet It Is
not for mo to bo captious wbeio tho
Lord has hardened bis heart."
"What is your name?" I demanded.
"Oillespie. It. Glllebple. Tho 'If will
Indicate to you the depth of my hu
mility: I mako it a llfo work to hido
tho fact that I was baptized Regi
nald." "I'vo been expecting you, Mr. Gilles
pie, and now I want you to eomo over
to my house and give an account or
yourself. I will take chargo of this
man, Andy. I promise that ho shan't
sot root hero again. And, Andy, you
need mention tills affair to no one."
"Very good, sir."
He touched his bat respectfully.
'T have business with this person.
Say nothing to tho ladles at St. Aga
tha's nbout him."
Ho saluted and departed; and with
Gillnsplo walking beside mo I started
ror tho boat-landlni
Ho had wrapped a handkerchief
about one arm and 1 gavo him my
own Tor tho other. Ills right arm was
bleeding freely bolow tho elbow and
I tied it up for him.
"That jump deserved bettor luck,"
I volunteered, as hu accepted my nld
in slloiioo.
"I'm i roud to havo you like it. Will
yuu kindly toll mo who (ho devil you
at or
4J Y
,m iwEirfr.A
AAl .. Wi'Mil WIL
- ifccM --y n
In Sign of Surrender.
"My name is Bonoum "
"I don t wlioll can- lor It," be ob
served, mournlull. "Think it over
and see ir you can't do better. I'm
not sine that I'm going to grow fond
of you. What's our busiiuss with
me, anyhow?"
"My business. Mr. Gillespie, Is to
see that you leave this lake by the
first and fastest tinln."
"Is It possible?" he drawled, mock
ingly. "More than thai," 1 replied in his
own key; "it Is decidedly probable."
"Meanwhile, it would bo diverting
to know whoie ou'io taking me. I
thought the other chap was tho con
stable." "I'm taking you to the houe of a
friend where I'm visiting. I'm going
to iow yon in your boat. It's only n
short distance; and when we get there
I shall have something to say to you."
He made no reply, but got into the
boat without ado. I turned over in my
mind the few Items of information
that I bad gained Ironi Miss I'at nnd
her niece touching the young man
who was now my pilsonor, and found
that I knew Utile enough about blm.
Ho was tho unwelcome and annoying
suitor of Miss Helen Holbrook, and
I had caught him piowllng about St.
Agatlia's In a manner that was Inde
feasible. Ho sat huddled in the stern, nursing
his swathed aims on Ills knees and
whistling dololully. The lake was a
broad pool of silver. Save for the
soft splash of IJIma's paddle behind
me and the slight wash of water on
the near shore, silence possessed tho
world. Gillespie look) il about with
some curiosit, but said nothing, nnd
when I diove ine boat to the Glonurm
landing lie cruwUd out and followed
mo through the wood without a word.
I Unshed on the lights In the library
and after a short Inspection of bis
wounds we went to my loom and
found sponges, plustots and ointments
In tho lainlly medicine chest, and
cared for bis Injuiles.
"There's no honor In tumbling Into
a greenhouse, but such Is It. Gilles
pie's luck. My Miins look like scarlet
fover, and without sound legs a man's
better dead."
"Your legs seem to have got you
into trouble; don't mourn tho loss of
them!" And I twisted a bandage un
der his left kneecap whoro tho glass
hud cut savagely.
"It's my pour wits, If wo must llx
tho blame. It's an awful thing, sir, to
be born with weak intellectuals. As
man's legs carry him on onlern from
his head, there ilia the seat of the
dlfllculty. A weak mind, obedient
legs, and there you go, plump into tho
bo.som of a blooming asparagus bed,
and the enemy lays loient hands on
you. If you put any more of that
stlng-y pudding on Umt cut I shall
undoubtedly hit you, .Mr. Donovan
Ah, thank you, thank you so much!"
As I finished with the vaseline ho
lay back on the couch and sighed
deeply and I rose and sent ljima away
with the basin and towels,
"Will you drink? There aio VI kinds
of whisky"
"My dear Mr. Uonovan, tho thought
of stiong drink saddens me. Such
poor wits us mine nio tint helped by
alcoholic, htlniulants. I was drank
once beautifully, marvelously, nobly
drunk, so that antiquity enmo up to
date with tho thud of a motor car hit
ting an orphan asylum; and I saw
Julius Ctiusar drhing a chariot up
V -M
' 'I
Mf W-D.VV ff ff VS-SO U .hoari rr Kior U an tinrl K
Fifth avenue ,i; I Cromwell poised tin
one foot on iho sboiier spire of St.
Patricks cathedral Are you
my dear sir. that one of those
Is shelter than the other?"
"I certain! .un not," I
bluntly, wofilii'iii'.: what species of
madman I hu I en iu bauds.
"It's a fai-t. Diulltled to mo by a
prominent oiu'lmvr of New Yoik, who
lias studied thou' splies dally sluco
they were put up. He told me that
when ho hud surrounded live high
balls the ninth iiilii- was hither, but
that the sKtli tumblerful always I
raised the south splie about II f et
above it. Now. wouldn't that doddle
"It would. Mi Gillespie; but may 1
ask you to cut out this Kit - "
"My deal Mi Donovan, Its Indell
cate of you to speak of cutting any
thing and me with ni legs. But I'm
at your service You have tended my
grievous wounds like a gpiitlciu.iu and
now ilo you wish ine to untold my
past, piosont and futtiio?"
"I want you to get out or this and
be quick about It. Your biography
doesn't amine me; I caught you
prowling d'.S'.r.Ki fully about St. Aga
tha'ti. Two l.ulles am domiciled there
who cam)' hem to escape your annoy
ing attentlo'is Those ladles Wcm put
lu niy charge by an old fiiotid. and I
don't pioposi to stand any nonsense
front you, Mr. Gillespie. You seem
to be at least half sane "
Reginald Gillespie raised himself on
the couch and giinned Joously.
"Tlinnk ini thank you for that
word! That's Jirt twice an high aa
an body over rated me before."
"I wits to In,; (o be generous," I
said. "Then "i; a point at which 1 be
gin to bo bomd, and when that's
reached I'm likely to grow quarrel
home. Are tin-re any moments of tho
day or night when ou are less a fool
than others?"
"Well, Donovan. I've often specu
lated about that, and my conclusion
lu that my mind is at its best when
I'm asleep nnd enjoying a nightmare.
Then, I have sometimes thought, my
Intellectual paits are most Intelligent
ly employed."
"I may well believe you," 1 declared
with asperity. "Now I hope I can
pound It into you in somo wny that
your presence in this neighborhood is
offensive to me--porsoiinlly."
lie stared at the colling, silent, Im
perturbable. "And I'm going tti give you safe con
duct through the lines or If neces
sary I'll buy your ticket and Mart you
for New York. And If them's an atom
of honor In you, you'll go peaceably
and not publish the fact that you
know tho whereabouts of these la
dles." k reflected gravely for a moment.
"I think, lie said, "that on tho
wholo that's a fair proposition. But
you seem to have tlie Impression that
1 wish to annoy these ladles."
"You don't for a moment Imagine
that you aro likely to entertain them,
do you? You haven't got tho Idea
that you aro necessary to their happl
ness, havo you?"
Ho raised himself on his elbow with
some dlfllculty; flinched as ho tiled to
make himself comfortnblo nnd bogan:
"The trouble with Miss Bat Is"
"Then; Is no trouble with Miss I'at,"
I snapped.
"The trouble between Miss I'at and
me Is the name, old trouble cf tho
buttons," lie remarked, dolorously.
"Buttons, you Idiot?"
"Quito so. Buttons, Just plain,
every -day buttons; buttons for button
ing purposes."
The fellow was undoubtedly mad. I
looked about for n weapon; but ho
went on gravely:
"What does tho namo Glllesplo
mean? Of whnt is It the sign and
symbol wherever man hides his
nakedness? Button, button, who'll
buy my buttons? It can't bo possiblo
that you never heard of tlie Glllesplo
buttons? Whoro have you lived, my
dear sir?"
"Will you please stop talking rot
ami explain what you want hero?" I
demanded, with growing heat.
"That, my dear sir, Is exactly what
I'm doing. I'm a suitor for tho hand
of Miss Patricia's! niece. Miss Patricia
scorns me; she says I'm a mcro child
of tho Philistine rich and declines an
alliance without thnnks, if jou must
know tho truth. And It's all on ne
cotint of tho fact, shameful enough, I
admit, that my father died and left mo
a Inrgo and prosperous button fac
tory." "Why don't you give th Infernal
thing away soil It out to a trust"
"Ah! ah!" and ho raised himself
ngaln nnd pointed a bandaged hand al
me. "I sco that you aio a man of
penetration! You havo a keen notion
of business! You anticipate mo! I
did soil tho infernal thing to a trust,
but there was no shaking it! Thoy
made mo president of tho combina
tion, and I control more buttons than
auy other living man! My dear sir, I
dlctato tho button prices of tho world.
I can toll you to a nicety how many
buttons aro swallowed annually by
tho babies of the universe. But I
hope, sir, that I use my power wlsoly
nu.l without oppronslng the people."
WHY? Dccminc Calumet Baking Powder in more
certain in its results the baking is always lighter,
more dcliciour; nnd more evenly raised. You never
nave a spoiled baton ot bauing
It renuires less hence noes further.
IS tho "full valno" lulling powder tho hij:hrt quality
balatif; powder nt a medium pri.")!. And wo giinrnntro
it willgivo im inoro t.utisl.ictlon than any baking w
ikr vou havo ever uw-'d- a..!c jour grocer.
Free largo banilromo tccipo book, illustrated in colors.
Send Ac and slip found in pound can.
CaUimot Rscolvod lllghsst Award World'o Puro Food Cxrotltlon
wwuwwiBiimiiipj iwiiwn
I The Wizard of
Hon. Luther Burbanlt
!.nvc Di-iicioui f- a i:'in tho lini-M upplii in all th" vor.u. It 13 tlw ucst In
quality of any appl-i I lnvi.) tar tested ' and Mt Burlvink knovva.
D liciiiiis i- but one of tho htii'ttiedi nf goed tliiecn in Marl. Trees- thu good
things yell should know nUuit tx lore v-u plant tin tailor m xt prim;
Let um ti-ll you nlxiut them bv wilting dxlny for our complete illustrated pnrc
list wliivli descttbes our complete lino vi (rait tit-i-a, urn.iuieiit.ll-i, etc
Wanted A Bright, Capable Mam
ill each county of thi'i M.itn to sell St.irk Ticcs on c tnmi .sion No previoiw ex
perience in-o tsary. 'I he work ii pleasant, clean wink. Inublv piolitnble. and tho
positions an- pennant-at to the rie,ht men who apply immediately
Many tf mir salesmen .no earning Sso to SSo per month and ovpetucs; smin
aro nulling more u tan do as well or belter it you re a liustlur and tr)ing
to sueieed
No investment railed fur, wo furntah compute order-getting oatfit free and
thu most IiIh-i.iI t
Tor complete information nddrcr. tho Salci M mnrer of
As a Result, Brooklyn Woman Came
Home to Make a Few Remarks
to Hubby.
IrviiiK Berlin, tho author of "My
Wlfo'a Gone to tho Country," mild at
a recent dinner In New York.
"A true happunlng was tho Inspira
tion of thlB hoiik.
"In July a Brooklyn woman net out
for Ocean drove, and on her arrival
discovered that bur watch, a small af
fair, waa missing. Sho thought It
had probably dropped on tho thick,
poft dlnliiK-rooin riiK, ho sho wired to
tho maid nt home:
"'Let mo know If you find anything
on rug In dining-room.'
"A few daya Inter nho got from
the maid a letter Baying:
"'Dear Madum: I waa to let you
know if I iottnd anything on thu din
lng room rug. Thin Is whnt I found
tlilH morning: Three champagne corka
18 cigar biittn, five cigarette ends, four
blue chipH, 3(i burnt matches and one
pink satin slipper.' "
Kidney Disease Shows Many Painful
and Unpleasant Symptoms,
Gcorgo S. Crowcll, 1109 Broadway,
Helena, Mont, cays: "I wan troubled
with a dlaordorcd
condition of tho hid
noys, somo backnclio
nnd Irregular pass
ages of secretions. At
times I was obliged
to got up out of bed
at night, and tho
urino was unnatural
In appearance On tho
advice of u frlond I
procured Doan's Kidney Pills and
began using thorn. This remedy helped
mo at onco, strengthened my kidneys
and corrected tho disordered condi
tion." Ilemnmbor tho name Doan's. Sold
by all dealers. &0 cents a box. Fostor
Wllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Getting in Deep.
The Indies devoted to reform were
In session.
"1 believe," said ono, "that only
good men should bo permitted to
"But," Interposed a second, "would
tint such a radical policy bo promo(
tlvo of race suicide?"
On tho Instant they perceived that
they had tackled a real problem.
Lucky Christopher.
Columbus told his Kraiest Jov
"I have tui'.do an Atlantic trip with
nut tlm," bo ci led.
Ilerowith ho pitied those who were
to follow him.
mm sT jSwiM. ILWVi-oPJiYiHLJ-ii''"
J Jc!l
by its use. vSvswss
v ,t -" " -.". . ' rj. '-ys
u 'U l',e
aW MATE CY Tilt IfJtf
Trie RAYO LAMP i a liii'.k.prnde lump, fold at a lowptice.
There ate lamp thnt cn-t tnnrr, but tlicrr is no belter lamp at any
price. The unmet, the Witk, the Cliiinney.I Inlder oil are
vital tiling! in a lamp; llie.-r pailv of tlie RAYO LAMP arc
prifectly ennstrutted ami llicre ii nothing known in tlie ait of
lamp-nmkinR could add to tlie value of tlie RAYO n
nliglit-ipvinR dricr. Suitable loi any room in any lioute.
Kvi-ry ili-iili-r nvi-rywlnirn If mil ut ycmrivwrlto
riirui"iriuviirt'iiiirui uinimuw ahi itcyiir um
Positively cured by
these, Lltllo Pills.
They ftlHo D-llem 1)1-tri-rttfrom
Kilting. A perfect rem
cily for DI.iIiii'mh, Nuu-
Hl-U, DrOWhtlll'HH, 11 Ml
TiihIo In tlio Mini til, Gout
eil Toiii-iic, Pain In tlm
Tui-y regulate tuo Uowelrt. Purely Vfgotablu.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similc Signature
I What Govornor Donoon, of Illinois,
says About it:
nn, of Illlnnfii. mmn Amv
mni in MtiMj.niriuruii,
('annriu. UiilUMWikl la
hu InU'rrloir:
"An mi AiiK-rlnem Inm
doll '.iitnl to iuki tlx) ru
prirl.ul.lo iirii.'riiK. of
Wimiom OuiiuiA. Our
tljii Imumlnrr In tliou
Raima, unit I linvo not yet
wot mid ulu mlmltlcl
lio lni'l iiuulo n mUtuJ.o.
'Ihnr il n nil ilnlnM trull.
TliPi-u In M-inu'ly n mm.
tnunliy In tint Ml.lJIn or
VlmL, rn KLntr ttict luii
not n r'TrcwntntWii In Muultolxi,
Suikntchonnii or AlUirla,"
125 Million Bushels of
Wheat in 1909
WoHtprn Onnivln Hold crops for
lO.y u.ll UM toUm Iniiu
ir l7(I.O(K).OI)(l.(l(llii null.
rrtNiiliiiiii-niiiiiUor iiioucnw.
mill iriwiiipllin of lllOurri-M
it :i.iio mi urn-. ItnlltTiiir nn.l
J Jinil dimimnlt-H Imvii laml for wulo
ulri-H'i.iiuililo irloM. Uliiny fiirm
th linvo ii.ilil for tln-lr liiml mil
)f lhi priM--lA ),f .mo i-niii.
ripliiiiillil i llmnds rihmI m-IioiiIn.
ii')-lli-iit rulluiiy fiiclUII',lov
fn-lulit run-", ikkwI, wnii-r lunl
liiinlM-i-i-iUy olitiilmxl.
lor uinulili-t"lvt llwt Wot,"
pirtieulrtri a to ftultntilo Joxuitlon
rn-1 low Httlorn nti, upply to
Hup't nf Imiulunition. Ottuwn,
Udu., vr to Cuuudlun (lov't Atfuat-
COt New Yoik LIU Bide- Omaha, Kelt.
lOaoii'UrivHUi-nrwtyoii.) (1
554 W. Ailanii St , Clilcaco
othrr Mj'i-hi-n on'y IS onno" nrou lirlio u4
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