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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1909)
ifoift w&yjai 11 ;i .imo'Jbi i"9g ffflT" JjiflPJK f -4 fr'f.HH-tfH)Mfr yr twfc -ftM m P ffWM W f , ft" wnmiiw"'" " "' rz. -:&&$& : 'lMM2li MHiw - ftJ I i The Chief C. B. HALE, Publisher RED CLOUD, NEBR US T0LDjy LINE A BOILING DOWN OF THE NEW3 OF THE DAY. MENTIONED 1 SILL SPACF Tho Busy Render Can Abcorb In a Few Moments a Good Deal of Information. Foreign. The Joint committee of tlio house of lords nnd .the houso if commons which wnK appointed In .Inly to ' iiulro Into tin- censorship of tho ilriunn. reported In favor of contin uing tho censorship and of xtimHiiB tho authority or the censor, ho iih to include u)ho tho supervision over tho music halls the same us Is now lu clfoet at tho theaters Alice Paid and Amelia llrosn, tho windovvHinnshlng HiilTrngottosi. wore fontoncod each to ono month at hard labor. Moth aro members of the Mrs. Emnielliio Punkhurst organization. During tho banquet at (iuild hall, London, In honor of tho king's birth day HtoncH woro thrown through a window or tho banquet hall, tho crash of glass startling I ho company and In terrupting tho Hpoe h of the lord major. Mrs. Theodore HoohovoIi enter (Jilncd n hooio of friends at tho llotoi lleauslte In Itome, among thorn .1. E. I'arrett and C. S. Wilson, respective Jy llrut and second socrtnry. and Major iJindls. tho military attache, and Commander Long, the naval at tache, of tho American embassy. The TurklHh ministry w.,i urge upon tho Ottoman parliament noon after It convenes November 15 tho adoption of n naval program, providing for the ex penditure within tho next seven years of $100,000,0(10. According to thlH pro gram, It In learned hero. Keven battle chips or the North Dakota type will bo constructed togothor with a num ber of torpedo boat doHtroyers and one hospital ship. General. Gov. Shullonborger of Nebraska has Issued his thanksgiving day proclama tion. Gov. Deneen of Illinois ordered troops to Cairo to put down mob violence. A negro murderer was lynched at Cairo, 111., and his body burned by in furiated citizens. Quarterly dividends of Wt per cent on Union Pnulllc stock and 1 Vs per cent on Southern Pncillc common were declared at the recent meetings of the boards of directors of these railroad companion. Thomas .1 l.uiwollcn of I tastings, Neb , has been appointed clerk In tho coast and geological survey service. Civil service examinations will bo lield December t nt South Auburn, Neb., for rural fro delivery carriers. The cut at Culebra, the bnekbono of the isthmus of Panama, was half completed on October 23. The canal will bo completed in less than four years. Emperor Wllllnm confided to Count Zeppelin recently bin fear that ho would never ex:erlonce the sensa tion of Hying In i e air. He said ho promised tho empress that he would never make an ascent. Edward William lledfort. the Cana dian, who was arrested in London last iiifith charged on his own contession with the mnder of Ethel Kinrado at Hamilton, Out, has now admitted that there was no truth lu his story. Tho lederatlon of labor Is to stand behind Gompcrs and others In their Appeal from jail sentences. Forty-sown Chinese youths arrived from the orient on tho steamer China to enter the various colleges In this country for U clinical education at tho expoiifco of the Chinese government. Robert II. (iaunuii, a teal estato dealer who came to Oklahoma City from Lexington, Ky., was found mur dered on the root of a ten-story of fice building tliero and $."nu which ho drew from a local bank is misHing. Walter Stiles, lor llltien years a rancher of Idaho, who lis made nu niiMous prospecting trips to Alaska, niado affidavit lu support of Dr. Cook's claims that ho ascended Mr. McKiu ley. According to an n tibial announce ment tho government unves have e- covered tho toloraph station at Chile, which had talleii Into the hands of the tebels. It is stated that no re nlstanco was offered. Tho body of the downwr empress of China was taken lrom tho forbid den city on its way to the tomb. Senator Aldrlch, at Kansas City dis missed, with evident approval, tho European plan ol llnauces. Tho shortage of Warrlner. tho lllg Four treasurer nt Cincinnati, may mount to two million dollars. Commander Peary says ho has no ambition to Bearch for tho south pole. A Peoria man, insano with Jealousy, made an attack on a rival and was idiot to death. Persons wIiofo occupations exposo Ihoni to much dust aro declared pronu to tuberculosis. President Taft believes ho la en titled to a rest and will not visit Pa nama this winter. Frank Czolgnsz. aged -10 years, older brother of Leon Czolgosz, tho :iBsas3n or Prosldmit. MeKlnloy, died at Aberdeen, Wis Tho Indian paymaster at Red Store, Oklahoma, began tho ncnil-nnuual pay mont of $250,000 to tho Kiowa anil Co manche) tribes. Kntih member of a family receives from $no to $100, ac cording to tho amount of land leased. President Tnft la unlikely to nil tho vacancy lu the supreme court beforo congresB meets. Tho com crop was injured very lit tle In Nebraska according to statistics compiled by tho stnte labor bureau. The total yield this year, according to tho report!) of tho buaeau. aggregateii ir.n.r.r.n.ior. bushels, an average of 25.7 bushels per acre. During tho last two weeks of Octo ber them wero slxty-nlx canes or bu bonic plague, twenty-threo or which proved lata!, and sixteen enses of yel low fever, with nine death In Ecuador. Jesse .lames, lawyer, son o! tho fam ous bandit, and one of tho best known men in Kansas City, has been sued for divorce. Use of nlcoho! In any form Is de nounced In a report of delegates to tho International congress. At Clovclir 1, O., Mrs. Laura Peter son died an Instant after she received her divorced husband, Charles Peter son, back Into her life. Hank Commissioner Dolley gave out a statement of the condition of stnte and private hanks In Kansas at tho close of business on September 20, showing deposits aggregating $!Mi,fifl0 807.80. and Increase or over $8,000,000 over tho statement of Juin 110. Secretary or State .Iiinkin hits re ceived an invitation for tho people of Nebraska to attend a big celebration In Italy In 1011, the occasion being the fiftieth anniversary of the king dom of Italy. Tho price of cotton has dropped and speculators are scrambling to unload. II. .1. Stller. general manager of tho Panama railroad, has resigned. It Is understood that ho will take chnrgo of the management or an Im portant railroad In tho United Stntes. An automobile ran Into the Chicago river and tho three or four oeoupuntB wero drowned. The local treasurer of the Dig Four railroad nt Cincinnati says tils short age Is due to blackmnll. New York Ib to have another "hun dred million dollar bank," to bo known as the Mechanics and Metals National. Secretary Wilson says the day of wheat famine In the United Stntes Is exceedingly remote. John Stowurd Kennedy, who re cently died In Now York, inado be quests of $25,000,000. largoly to re ligious and educational Institutions. Mrs. Anna Wheeler, "mining wom an and promoter," said to have swin dled hundreds In fake Nevada mining schemes, was convicted of fraud on threo counts In Denver. Massachusetts reelected Governor Draper, but by n greatly reduced ma jority. Waahlnoton. While reiterating his oft-expresfled belluf that the United States should attempt n national expedition Into Antarctic regions. Commander Robert E. Peary declared that becauso of tho tact that Commander Robert F. Scott, of the Drltlsli navy, Is working on a south pole expedition, It would be Improper to attempt to utilize his route or the regloiiB in which he la to work. Therefore, he said, ho baa given the matter no further thought since his return from tho north, when ho stated that his Held work was at nn end. The crop reporting board of the de partment of agriculture in a prelimin ary report gives the indicated total production of corn for 10 00 us 2,707, 310.000 bushels, against as finally estimated last year, with the ((utility as 81.2 per cent, against SO.y last yenr. The board of managers of tho Na tional nongraphic society nppolntod tho following committee to pass on tho question whether the north polo was discovered beforo 1003: .1. How ard (lore, formerly professor of niatheniatlcs C.eorgo Washington uni versity; Hear Admiral John E. Pills bury of tho l nvy. and Dr. C. W. Wlllard Hays, elder geologist or tho geological survey. Mrs. Augustus E Stetson, formerly head reader of tho First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Now York, was exonerated of charges of "mental mal practice." Tho ccjinmlsslon of W. Cameron Forbes as governor general of the Philippines was signed by Secretary of War Dickinson, to become effective on November 11. Secretary Dickinson sent tho following message to Gover nor Forbes: "I congratulate you and wish you success In every way. You can uho your own pleasure as to post poning Inaugural ceremonies " Personal. Queen Helena of Italy Is to become a member of tho International Con gress of Mothers, according to lettors received from the Italian embassy al Washington. Tho seat on the New York Stock Exchango held by tho late E. 11. liar rii'ian, was sold, the purchaser not being anuouiicid. Labor conditions in Great Britain aro going lrom bad to worse. sir. myan says ho will nt no a candidate for U. S. senntor from Ne braska unless there Is demand for him to run It Is aiiiniiincod tint the inariiao of Sterling Monton, son of Joy Mor ton, and Miss Hilda Hull has been In definitely postponed. President Tail spent Sunday at Ar gentia, Georgia, ami enjoyed the "homo folks" visit. The funeral of (ion. Colllngor look placo In Wa.lington, tatorment Lolng in Arlington couietery. Secretary Wilson says the place for the farmer Is In tho South. GETSCAIECIEPRIZE FRANK LARSON HONORED FOR RESCUE OF CHILD. HAPPENINGS OVER THE STATE What Is Going on Here and Thcro That Is of Interest to the Read- era Throughout braska. Ne- Frotnont, Neb. Further recognition lias oomo to Frank taiiwni, the young Northwestern railroad Ilrenian who saved the life of two-year-old Karl De Intioy at Exutor. This time ho has been awarded tho sum of $1,000 by the Carneglu hero commission. I .arson has looolvod many otiher honors. In cluding u medal from tho United States govornment, for his act of bravery. In addition lie lecently mar ried the young widow who Is thu mother of tho tot whom ho brushed off tho rails by crawling out over tho en gine pilot. A representative of tho Carnegie hero commission islted Fre mont six weeks ago to consult -n-glneor McDonald, who was nt the throttle when L.irson climbed out over the eowe.itdior. Tho representa tive stated at the time that Larson undoubtedly would leceivo somo prize from the Carnegie fund. Iarsou has. just received a check for $1,000. Trial of Train Robbers. Tho first sensation of the trial of the five men charged with the robbery of the Union Pacific's "Overland Lim ited" train at Mud Cut. May 22 last, camo Wednesday In the announcement that a daring and almost successful attempt to liberate tho prisoners was discovered Tuesday night nt tho county jail. When found the bars and plates of the cage where tho mon arj kept had been sawed until a very lit tle more work would havo opened the way to freedom. On the top of tho cage wero found two long, heavy Iron bars, evidently Intended for use In prying loose tho barn In tho outer window of tho Jail, and a long rope by which tho men could havo reached the ground. Two saws with which tho rutting of the eago was done wero found hidden In tho broom. The jail Is new. 'having been finished within a year. An Investigation Is being made by Sheriff Hralley to ascertain It pos sible who the accomplices of the prls oners are. Broken Bow Man Is Held. Hroken How. Neb. Hoy Parker, charged with shooting soventeen-year-old Ralph Bishop on the night of Oc tober !!0t with Intent to do great bod ily harm, was brought into court Thursday beforo Judge Humphrey for preliminary hearing. Young Bishop, ulthough somewhat disabled, was placed on the stand by County Attorney Gadd and testified that at the tlnio of tho shooting he was not assisting tho Hallowe'en party In their pranks, as the situation did not look promising. He says tho shot camo without warning while ho was trying to widen the distance between himself and tho house. After listening to two other wit nesses, Judge Humphrey decided to hold Parker and bound him over to tho district court in the sum of $1,000. The fchootlng Is nllegod to havo been done from tho grounds of Pror. Loon ('ornott, who is a brother-in-law of P.irkor. Record Sale of Property. North Platte, Neb. The largest sale or business property ever made In North Platto was niado Tuesday, wheiehy Henry Walteinath and Fred Walteniath, brothers., purchased ill the property belonging to T. J. Foley"1 on Dewey street in this city for a considoiation of $55,000. This Includes tho state buildings occupied by Welti gaud & McDonald, Hush Mercantile company, Sol Hrdes, C. M. N'owton. Mrs. G. S. I luff man and tho Star Clothing house, together with tho or flee rooms above these stores. A local realty ooinpiny of this city Just purchased from an estate m Boston 0,100 acres of land south of Heishey in this county. The tract em braces every alternato section in a strip six miles long oast nnd west and live miles wide north and south and situated near the North Piatt.-" river. Tiio, contract mice was a llttl leys t $t:00 000. Workman Dndly Injured. Louisville. Neb. William Telloson, who has been working for a few das at the National stone quarry, fell down tho embankment, twenty-four feet, and broke his light leg In two places. Ills right arm and no-so wero also broken. At tho time ho was hurt he was working with a pick (Hilling out ties lrom under tho rails, when his pick slipped and ho roll backwards over tho dump. Ho was seal to a hospital lu Omaha. Constitution Is Amended. Beatrice. Nob. Tim Beatrice Com merclil club met TuoFdny evening and arranged for a reorganization by tho adoption of an amended constitu tion. The dub now numbers 2SS. It will take passcs&lon of its new head quarters in tho Kllpatrlck building ! about the middle of December. At tho meeting of tho city council the Kccs Manufacturing company and I tho Hamsy Manufacturing company nsked tho council for tho vacation of I certain street in order lo penult the ' rrvoV)N of new buildings. NEBRASKA HAPPENINGS. State News and Notes in Condensed Form. A pipe orgnn, costing about $1,800, will be pluced in the Congregational chinch at Weeping Water this month. Karl M. Marvin, editor of the Ben trleo Sun, vras thrown from a horBC Thursday morning, sustaining painful, though not serious, Injuries. Wayne tfiiinwalt of the Clay Center high school was awarded first (dace in Uu recent state contest at Omaha for the best temperance essay, lie bad won In the county contest. J. P. Farrell, aged sixty-three, a resi dent of Hastings for twenty-live years, died ut his homo Monday night. Four years ago Mr. Farrell received a para lytic stroke, but was In fair health at the time of his death. " Mi-h. Kilen Applebee, for forty years a resident of Gage count.v, died at the homo of her son. John Applebeo, seven miles southeast of Pickerel, the enuse of her death being paralysis. The de ceased was eighty-one oar3 o fage. A barn on the farm or L. P. Whit ing, eight miles northeast or Beatrice, was destroy ed by fire Thursday even ing. The farm is occupied by E. G. Ingrahain, n son-in-law of Mr. Whiting. The origin of the fire is unknown. The loss was $1,500 and was partly In sured. Henry Suss, a young farmer living three miles south or Louisville, was run over by n load or corn. Ills team was frightened by the shooting of a gun, and started to run away. Mr. Sana stumbled and fell under the wagon. His left Bide was badly crushed. The attending physician says it is uncertain whether ho will recover. A savings bank Is in the process of organization in Grand Island, thirty stockholders, all local, having sub scribed to $500 in stock each nnd con templating organization nt the end of the week. Tho Institution will bo op erated lu the building of the Commer cial State bank, but under separate di rectors and stockholders. It is cap italized at $15,000. The annual convocation of the dio cese of Nebraska of tho Episcopal church will be held In St. Luke's church in Wymore. November 1C to 10, inclusive. November lfi in the twenty-first anniversary of tho opening of St. Luke's church, and Rev. John Wil liams of Omaha, who preached tho first sermon in tho church, will give an address on that day. A large num ber of clergymen have slgnllled their Intention of attending the convocation. Tho Union Pacific crusher east of MVymore is now running full force, with sixty men employed. Of these only thirty are Americans. Wages have been raised from $1.75 to $2 a day. About ton carloads of crushed rock and ballast material are put out every day. The product Is being used to ballast the Union Pacific line be tween Deatrlco and Lincoln. Angered becnuse they had been re fused admittance to the county Jail at Beatrice to visit Bertucca, the young man confined thero awaiting trial on a charge of murdering a little Wymoro boy. four Italians became troublesome Sunday evening nnd wero only persuaded to leave by the display of a revolver in tho hands of Sheriff Trude. James McGulre, after several years of service, has resigned his position as cashier of tho First National bank of Wymoro, nnd will ho succeeded by L. E. rough, late or North Loup, Neb. Tho stock In tho bank held by C. B. Boers of Kingstown, Tex., hns been taken by E. N. Kaufman, who will act as director. Mr McGuIro will remain lu tho city, handling real estate and farm loans. In a small brook with less than a foot of water, tho lif teen-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith was drowned near tho county home near Palmyra Monday. The little ono had strayed rmni the homo and was attempting to cross tho stream on a foot bridge when It lost Its balanco and fell into the water. When it was discovered by its mother shortly after wards it was dead. The lifeless body of Dexter Russell, an old man of seventy-eight yoars, wns found Monday evening at tho homo or his daughter. Mrs. M. Anderson, near Beaver City, with whom ho had lived. The family had been absent at a neighbor's during the afternoon and on their return in tho evening the body was lIng on a bed dressed. Death had evidently occurred rrom natural causes nnd tho coroner's In quest returned a verdict to that effecL Tho new United Brethren church nt Ctab Orchard will be dedicated on Sunday, November 11. Bishop W. M. Wcekley or Kansas City will conduct the hervices and the presiding elder, Rev. W. S. Lynde, will nsslst. Tho dedicatory services will bo hold at 11 o'clock a. ni and It Is expected tho attendance will be large. Tho church Is a substantial btructuro, a credit to the congregation and to tho town, and was erected by Contractor 12. W. Cook of TecuniFoh. Tho members or Heckathorn post, O. A. H.. of Tecunnu'h, havo caused tho now metal flagstaff to bo erected iiiar tho big cannon. In tho court hoiifo squaie. The staff is to bear tho large flag presented to tho post by tho last Nebraska legislature, tho ombloni to bo floated upon all occasions of nn ilonal and state significance Tho staff Is soveiity-threo feet In length. It was sot In concrete and embedded In tho ground somo live feet, making It sixty eight feet above ground. It cost the post, for the staff and its erection, closo in tho neighborhood of $100. and this amount was raised largoly through popular subscription. MANY DEAD IN MINE SCORES OF MEN KILLED IN DIS ASTER AT CHERRY, ILL. MAY NUMBER FOUR HUNDRED Victims Mainly Foreigners, But Su perintendent and Foreman Are Among the Dead Few Manage to Escape. Cherry, III. Mine ofllcials of the St. Paul Conl Mine company, in which an explosion occurred Saturday, sny that 400 men aro dead In the mine. Twelve bodies have been taken out. Six of these were heroes not employed in tho mine, -who gave their lives in tho futile effort to save the imprisoned workers. Mine Superintendent James Steolo declared five hours nfter tho explosion that it was almost impossi ble that any of. the miners could escape. The mine has a day shift of -1SS men. Of these fifty left tho mlno at noon. Twenty-live are known to have escaped after tho fire broke out. The others are believed lo bo dead. Tho entrance to tho mine has been sealed up in the hope of checking tho flames. The building above thu pit entrance was blown up to permit this. Nearly 400 human beings, men and boys, it is now believed, are dead or perishing in the St. Paul mine, though exports who succeeded In penetrating the smoke-filled air shaft to the depth of 1100 feet late Sunday returned with n rap of hope for the grlef-strlcken relatives of the entombed mon. That the fire has been extinguished was the conclusion of mining experts nnd Inspectors, sent by Governor Deneen to Investigate the calamity und Its cause. For more than thirty hours tho prisoners have been cut off from fresh air, and undoubtedly havo been sub jected to smoke-filled veins. That life could exist under such conditions is doubted by many, but because no trace of high temperature was found in the depths of the mine, friends of the miners and even of those of tho company have hope that the victims may havo round sarety in remote re cesses of the mine. Move For General Strike. Philadelphia, Pa Plans for a gen eral strike by wagoworkers through out the country for two weeks begin ning on tho day tho ofllcers of the American Federation or Inbor are im prisoned for contempt of court wero inaugurated here Sunday at a meeting of the Central Labor Union. Resolu tions to this effect were unanimously adopted by tho union, which repre sents iibout 75.000 workers In many lines of employment In this city. Copies of the resolution wero sent to tho American Federation of Labor, now in session in Toronto, and It was decided to appoint a committee of live In this city to perfect plans by which organized and unorganized wage-workers would unite to make tho strlko effective. Mall Steamer Cut In Two. Singapore. Tho mall steamer La Seyne, of the Messagerles maritime service, running between Java nnd Singapore, nnd on her way to this port, was In collision early Sunday morning with the steamed Onda, of tho British-Indian line, and sank with in two minutes. Seven European pas tengers. including Baron and Baroness Benlczsky. tho captain of a Seyne I 11 ro European ofllcers nnd eighty-eight others, comprising native (Kissengonj and members of the crew, wore drowned. Tho rescue of sixty-one per sons, practically from the jaws or shoals of sharks, formed a thrilling Incident of the wreck. Find the Body in Chimney. New York. N. Y. Tho body of five-year-old Frank Do Rosa, who, it was supposed, had been kidnaped ten days ago, and tar whom wide search had been n.ndo, was found Sunday jammed in tho top of a chimney nt his aunt's houso on East Sixty-third street, whero he had been visiting with his mother when he suddenly disappeared. It was the coroner's opinion that the boy had been strangled and pushed down tho chimney. Woman Set Free. Paris, FrancL Mine. Stelnhell wns noquitcd by a jury at an early hour Sunday morning of the murder of her husband, Adolpho Stelnhell, a noted (minted, nnd her stepmother, Mme. Jnpy. Tho verdict wns rendered at 12:55 a. in., after two and a half hours' deliberation, dining which tho jury thrice summoned tho president of tho court for explanations, thus proving thnt the original majority wns for con vlct ion. New Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, Mass. Boston's magnificent new museum of flno nrts In the Fen way will bo thrown open to tho public Monday with its $15,000,000 worth or treasures. Massive In its proportions, built or cut stono in Greek and Roman style, tho now museum building, which was erected through private subscript tlons, covers twelve acres. San Francisco Tong War. San Francisco, al. The rend be tween tho Yeo family and tho On YIck Tong. which hns resulted in tho 1 murder of five mon since November , 1, claimed its sixth victim Sunday when Yeo Yip Wo was shot doa.l In tho Clilnoeo quarter. Geo Gong, a ' Chinese not known to tho On YIck man, but a member of another power ful family, was arrested, charged with tli murder. Wo, tho polleo say. was ' a noted gun man of tho Yeo family. ' It Is claimed In tho Chlneso quarter i that he was planning an attack on tho On Ylcks when he was shot. NEWS FROM THE CAPITAL CITY Items of Interest Around tho Stato House, Fifty Thousand Acres Irrigated. Fifty thousand acres of land aro wateicd in Nebraska by tho North Platto river Irrigation project of tho government, according to a report filed with the Nebraska tnto board of irri gation by Engineer Androw Weiss, representing the government reclama tion service. Engineer Weiss says tho total acreage served with water as ac tually recoidrd In NobraBka, 45,001 acres; In Wyoming, 0,105 acres. Sod land watered (estimated) in Nebraska, 2.000 ucres; In Wyoming, 1,500 acres. Total acreago watered, Nebraska, G0, 000 acres; Wyoming, 10,700 acres. The total Irrigable aroar under tho interstate canal in Wyoming amounts to 21,705 acres, located in townships 24 and 25 N., ranges 00 nnd CI W T. 24 N H. C2 . ownshlps 25 and 2G N., ranges 02 and 0!i W., und T. 20 N., ranges 03 and 05 W. Of tho above about 1,500 acres wero Irrigated In PJ0C, 2.500 acres in 1007, 7,350 acres in 1008 and S.070 acres In 1000. Irrigation commenced from Uio in terstate cannl in Nobraska in the sea son of 1008. In the season of 1008 something over 10,000 acres wore irri gated in Nebraska in townships 23 arid 24 N , It. 50 W., townships 2.1 and 24 N., H. 57 W. and townships 23, 21 and 25 N.. H. 58 W. In the season of 1000 there wero ir rigated in Nebraska 48.001 acres, lo cated partly In the above townships and partly in townships 22 nnd 23 N., ranges 54 and 55 W. In addition a considerable quantity of sod laud wan irrigated, the extent of wihlch could not well be determined, sinco no rec ord wns kept of the lands in Irriga tion other than those which wero planted in crops. Tho total amount of irrigable land under the interstate canal in Nebraska is about 104,000 acres, of which 07.074 acres are now fully covered with a ditch and lateral system and about 10,000 acres addi tional will be brought tinder a com pleted lateral sjstem within ono year, work being now in progreBa on the necessary extension of tho system. The report states that in Nebraska, September 1, 1000, 67.C74 acres or land lu Nebraska wero covered with ditches and laterals of the lnterstats canal and that 4S001 acres were actu ally Irrigated. On tho samo date 21, 705 acres in Wyoming wero covered with ditches uud laterals and 9,105 acres actually irrigated. Objects to Bartos Telephone Law. The Missouri Pacific Railroad com pany in answering au informal com plains which requests tho company to install a telephone In its depot at Pan ama, contends- that tho law makes telephones common carriers the same as railroads, and it is no more Just to ask the railroads to install tele phones In their depots for public use than thcro is to ask the rallwuy com mission to compel telcphono companies to install telephones free for public use in railway stations. The railway comiiany says the railway commission has (lower to compel telephono com panies to do this. It contends that tho Bartos act was pnsscd In viola tion of provisions of tho stato con stitution and that it is In violation of the constitution of tho United Stntes relative to taking property without due process of law. Intcrurban Finances. The Omaha, Lincoln and Bcatrlco Railway company hns filed a report with the railway commission for tho year ending Juno 30, 1000. It shown that the company's Incomo from ope ration was $1,310.10 and from mis cellaneous sources $7,371.25, a total of $8,(150.11. Deducting from this $857.83 interest. $1 332.G1 taxes, $2. 282.S0 for roadvvav improvements and ?2.(!58.01 for tho Bethany light plant, leaves a net Income of $1,568.23. Juno 30. 1008. the company had a deficiency or $2,707.00, making a total deficiency Juno 30, 1000, of $1,220.40. Tho addi tions for tho year wero $1,941.77 and tho deductions $2,521.20. Want More Capital Stock. Tho Stroiusburg Sower company has asked permission of the railway com mission to Issue $10,000 of stock. The request is signed by Victor E. Wilson, representative from Polk county In the house of representatives. Tho Mad! son Farmers Telcphono company de sires to Increnso Its capital stock from $12,500 to $17,500 to pay debts con tracted for work of construction. Tho Seward County Telephono company asks leave to add $2,075 to Its capital stock to pay tor an exchange at tho town of Boo. Tho Falrhury Telcphono comiiany desires to increaso its cap ital stock $20,000 for Improvements and extension. Dispute Over State Reward. Ira Flanagan and Mrs. Charles Pal inontecr both claim tho state reward of $200 offered for tho arrest or Frank Henry or Omaha, who got a lite sen tenco tar tho murder or his wife. Henry stayed nt Mrs. Pnlmonteer's houso in Florenco nnd sho went to Omaha to notify tho police. The sher iff heard of IIonry'B location and ar rested him. Sheriff Bralloy has pro sentod Flanagan's claim. Tho Gover nor will hear tho claimants .Monday ut 2 p. m. Bonds for Registration, llond Clerk Uiwronco in tho office of tho state auditor Is working over time registering bonds and Investi gating tho history of bonds presented for registration. Recently ho regis tered $21,000 of water bonds pre sei.ted by tho vlllago or Sargent, and $12,500 water bonds rrom the town of Crelghton. Tho city or Broken Bow has presented $3G.OOO of bonds ror n model high school building David City has had registered $40,000 of water and light bonds, half of tho amount being to build a light plant in opposition to a private light plnnL AS' v.