The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 18, 1909, Image 5

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This is the time of tin- sen- when ou Catch Cold
the easiest. Talc a bottle of
home with you and be reads- it's a medicine that does
the work in a fesv ilosis. cue dose yivis lelief. We
have built up a large trade mi this Balsam because of
it's merit. Take a bottle home sou'll be glad we told '.
you 2b and bv cents.
CHAS. L.C0TTING, The Druggist.
Win, Wcesucr is in Denver this week.
A. McCall has returned from the west
Dr. Diiinerell was in Mllford Mon
day. Honuw your subscription for the
Miss Furglson of Guide Kock is visit
Itif' her sister. Mr. SS'lllior Hamilton
this week.
With every SI whip bought of Joe
Fogel you get n flee elmneo on tin Sl8
single harness.
dim Mor.'iuville has installed u rural
phono ami thoo needing veterinary
serviee eall on liiiu.
The best, most pleasant, easiest and
safest nil) is ltitiirs MM In Id Vim- Pills.
Illch cut glass at Mitd.ell-s Jewelry i SoI, ,)y ni,m.v Co()lf
(Set your heating and cook stove in
to shape, for winter. Order your stove
repairs from Morhart Urns. now.
G. V. Knodei. of Red Cloud, is heio
went to limning
Don Saunders
Miss Aifa Longtiu spent Sunday
Dr. E. A. Thomas was in Superior
Miss Vera Wilson went to Iuieoln
A. T. SValker returned home Monday
from Lincoln.
Will Overman was down from Ox
ford over Sunday.
Mrs. S. R. MeUrido went to Hastings
Saturday morning.
The finest in table silverware at
Mitchell's Tho Jeweler.
Mr. Fred Bortfelt, wife and brother
of Alma are in the city.
Soo Dr. Stockman for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Mrs. C. II. I'ottor entertained the
M)0 club Friday evening.
Miss Fuller of Teeuma was in Red
Cloud tlrst of the week.
Warn Longtlu is visiting i datives
in Concordia. Fans, this week.
Mrs. Dollie Dickcrson of Inavale
was shopping in town Saturday.
(Seorge MeCrary and Charles Hunter
were down from Inavale Suuday.
Mrs. Eugeno Smith and children
went to McCook Saturday evening.
Mrs. Foyer of Hastings visited with
Mrs. Geo. Hutchison last of the week.
County Treasurer Frahm Sundayed
in Dluo Hill with his folks this week.
Geo. Morhart has moved his family
into the house vacated by Mr. Frahm.
Buy a whip of Fogel, the harness
man, and get a free chance on the $1S
visiting his eousin, .1. SV. Hali'ner and
wife. Tuesday's Superior Journal.
Eli Cox of Itladen was in Red Cloud,
Saturday between trains and while
here made tills ollleo a pleasant call.
Holton I.etsou, who has been in
Alaska and other pacific points for the
past few months arrived homo Monday.
Clias. Reigle and son wont to Lin
coln Sunday to visit his brother Jacob
who, is sick in a hospital in that city
Wobstor Enc.iinpmont No. 2." will
meet Friday night, Nov. 10th. All
members are requested to be present.
The Prince of Sweden" which was
played at t lie opera house last Thurs
day night was enjoyed by all that was
Earlv Sunday morning N'uht Watch
(Jeer made a laid on a poker divo on
Main street, and arrested several of
tho playets.
Morhart Pros, have their hard coal
stoves on their floor. Como in and see
tho finest line of the best stoves you
ever looked at.
Just received another ear of extra
choice cabbage at The Miner Pros. Co.
Sl.'Jo per hundred in qnanity of n 100
pounds or over.
A farwoll party was given Miss
Wilma Amuck Wednesday evening
before they move to McCook to make
their future home.
A friend in need is Pinosalve Uurho
ii.ed. Never be without it. Pinesalve
Carbolied is good for cuts, burns,
bruises and scratches. Sold by Henry
a. a
Having secured three carloads of wire fencing at j;
BIG BARGAIN, we are willing to divide with you.
Yours truly,
P. S. We sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and 40 rods.
IjljW' lr" ' iTi";1 "'''iSriJ
LtjH r7?r99fl r951 ii n in I
No Alum
Wo lime Phosphates
Don't inWs 'I'hi- Hello nf Japan" at
the Opera House ttiinlit .
Miss Daisy Selhiis of Kansas Ciy is
tho guest ol I'luis. (iroui Mil family
this week.
Morhait Pros cany a complete Hue
of Electric bunt's, Curium, Tungsten
and Tanlalutn also hllow lamps ui-1
(Jet your lamps of them.
Jack Robertson, who has been siok
for .sowiul mouths was taken to the
so'dier's Imtnc at MiPfoul Mmiday
morning bj Dr. D.itnoioll
Mr. tlco. Jobusiiu and little daugli
tor were called to Thompson, Iowa,
Sunday by the death of her father,
who died of heart trouble. The funer
al occurred SS' dno.sda, afternoon.
Her mother is very low at that place
at this writing,
If you want the best lemedy for
your cold, insist upon Pees l,aatio
Conn h Syrup. Through its laxative
piinciplo, it gently moves the bowels,
and in tliat way drives tho cold from
the system. It stop tho cough lv al
laying iiillammatioii. Sold by Henry
You will not be able to onto ,our
cold until such time as it is driven
I nun the system through tho bowels.
Pees Laxative Cough S nip gently
moves the bowels and not onlv diivos
the cough from the system, but at lht
same time it stops the ooimh. Snld by
Henry Cook.
Oliver Runolioy.who will bo 101110111"
bored by Red t loud people lor bis
athletic activities as a boy, has just
won the bantam weight. Faoilic Coast
wrestling bolt. He weighed !(.' Us.
and succeeded in throwing two com
petitors with ease. Oliver and Jim
had the honor of being cuddies for
President Taft while the inillionaries
held the sack.
The Rebckahs of District No. 2S mot
at Dardv. Neb., last Thursday. After
the election of ollleers the Installiation
team of this city installed the new
ofllccrs. I hero were fourteen Re
bekahs from here attended the meet
ing. All report a pleasant trip and
were entertained by the Hardy lodge.
The next district meeting will be held
at UusUin, Neb., in Juno.
The Rev. G. SS'. Hummel has been
going some in his ambition not to dis
appoint anxious youths and maidens
seeking marriage ties. Yesterday he
performed one ceremony at 12 M. and
by rapid marches began another at. 1
I. M. His gastronotnical functions
are in such excellent condition as to
permit him to pat take freely and
fully of two bounteous repasts with
out physical pain.
Funeral services over the remains of
the 2 year old baby girl of Mr. and
Mrs. SV111. Zachcry were conducted
from tho Christian church at 2 o'clock
Wciinesday afternoon. The loss of
this little one by a complication of
pneumonia was like lobbing the homo
of all its sunshine and our sincere
sympathy goes to the bei caved ones in
their sorrow. Elder llussong had
charge of tho funeral rites.
The minister of t lie Christian church
will preach both morning and evening
next Lord's da j', Nov. 21, at the usual
hours of public services. Morning
theme, "Christtlio I'niiier." Theoven
ing discourse will present "The Para
dox of His Idealism."
Tho now heating plant makes It pos
sible for the church to bo very com
fortable, and all are cordially invited
to partake of the good things offered
in song and sermon.
Dr. C. M. Sliophard of Lincoln, Field
Secretary of the Conference Claimants
Society, will speak at the Methodist
church on this subject next Sunday,
Nov. 21, at 11 o'clock. In tho evening
he will deliver a "free lecture." Sub
ject "The (icnesis of the America
People.' The Dr. is a fluent speaker
nnd has experience on the lecture
platform. SS'e give you a coidial invi
tation to be present at both services.
M. T. Sin ti.i:h, Pastor
It is indeed good news to our theatre
goers to know that wo aro to have,
"The Polle of Japan" tho most pheno
menal success hi years, at tho Opera
House on Thursday, Nov. lsth.
SS'e shall hear a lot of good singing,
see interesting and amusing dancing,
and a company of clever peoplo who
can entertain, augmented by beauti
ful costumes, scenery and mechanical
nnd electrical effects, in short it is tho
style of a performance to please all
classes. It Is advisable to get tickets
early as they will go on salo at Henry
Cook's drug store.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by tho Fort Air
btract Co. for the, week ending Wed
nesday. November 17, 190'J.
Irving SV. Crary to Edward M.
Parker, part lot 3, Hlk. 8, Van
ccs add to (initio Rook, wd. . . . 7f
Nathan M. Doudna to.Edward M.
Parker, lot 1, 1311c 8, Vances
add to (initio Rook wd 'J0U0
James McPrido to Harry K. Bin
baker, lot H, Hilt. '.'1, Cowles wd H)0
Lena Doss to John Pohl, lot :.'.
Plk, .'I, Uuschows add to Pluu
Hill, wd i:i()0
(initio Rock Cemetery to Will
iam R. Ryker. lot 1, Hlk. If.
(iuiilo Rock cemetery, wd 'i
Charles II, Pot tor to I, E. Tail,
lot I 10, 11, 12. Plk 2, Red
Cloud, wd
lIM llisel lls SMi I II'
Miss Eois siinmniis spout Saturiiny
and Sunday in Franklin, w heio she at
tended the Scudcmv last .vein
(iottrude Osluirne, one of tho little
K ndoigartin pupils, hail her lingers
hi ily niaslied in a dour Monday. Dr
Raines was called to dross the wound.
Tho Juniors and Seniors may bo ills
t injuisliod from each other, nowa
days. b the small caps worn on the
b.ick of their heads Tho Senior's
caps tit i "blue and butV," and tho dun
lor's "iiiiW blue and old gold."
The School Hoard has decided that
each High School student sha'l bo re
quired to give u certain number of
rhetorloals during tho school year, so
a Eitciary Society has boon organized
and programs will bo given in the
evening at the High School, which has
boon lighted with electric lights for
that purpose. These programs will
not tie cnteitalninonts for tho public,
but will be a means oi teaching the
pupils to sp,.u hi public, which all
will undoubtedly have to do sometime
in their live-. This plan is a good one
and should be encouraged by all the
I mill Itiir&tln.
till) acres m soo. It In ill Lincoln
Co., Neb. Pi ice SS per acre. This is
A 1, grass, corn, alfalfa, potatoo and
beet land Inquire of Editor of this
Married at the home of Gottlieb Pas
ser his charming daughter Miss Emma
to Mr. Jacob Frcy at P) in. Wednes
day Rev. (S. W. Hummel ouloiating.
The groom is tho son of John R Frey
of (Initio Rock
Tho young couple start out in life
with bright prnspoctsund received tho
congratulations ami well wishes of a
host of friends. The Chief extends
the glad hand and wishes them a long
happy married life.
A pretty wedding took place at the
home of John Turner yesterday at one
o'clock. The contracting parties being
Miss Nellie Tinner and Mr. Chas A.
Harris son of Mrs. Maria Harris.
The mystic tie was deftly made by
Rev. (!. SV. Hummel past, master in
the art of establishing families.
Mr. ami Mrs. Harris received a
shower of boat ty good wills and the
Chief desires to add its contribution
by wishing the newly inairicd couple
a long and happy voyage over the
matrimonial swi.
Merchants' Parsel Delivery.
The merchants of this city have en
tered into 11 contract with Mr. L M.
Crabill whereby ho is to make all tle
livoties for all the stores. The de
livery teams will leave Foiiith Avenue
and will go both north and south at
8::0 and lU;:ill in the morning and 2.:tu
and 1:110 in the altoruoou.
Mr. Crabill's well known reputation
for promptness will insure this new
undertaking a success from the start.
Customers will be absolutely assured
that their orders will be filled prompt
This we believe will work to the ad
vantage of both merchant and cus
tomer since there will always bo
enough goods to deliver to warrant tho
teams leaving at. the time specified.
Customers m.istarrango their orders
to conform with the time of delivery.
This doparturo from tho ordinary
will be in operation Dec. 1st and wo
are confident that it will meet with
popular approval.
All our theatre goers will undoubt
edly bo delighted to be enabled to wit
ness that most genial and novel of all
comedy creations Wm. Waiusher's
"The Hello of .Japan'1 when it appears
at tho Opera ILmse. on Thursday, Nov.
IS. This is II. (Jrattan Donnelly's, tho
well known American author's master
piece, it is to full of surprises and
pleasing features that it is the talk of
the town where ever played, anil ca
pacity houses are the natural result.
Mlhs Mcnto Everett appears as "Titi,"
the Ptdle of Japan, and it is around
this character the author has woven a
story of more than ordinary interest,
using typos of characters that aro
familiar to tho present Japan, mingled
with American and English visitors at
Yokohoma, with which to build up one
of tho strongest and positively one of
tho most novel comedy dramas ever
written. Dciiutiful scenery and cor-
roct costumes aro used being taken
from authentic plates and at a fabu
lous cost. Many musical and dancing
numbers aio introduced during the
action of tho play which being a good
pure and wholesome comedy drives
the blues away and makes one better
for having seen it. Tickets on salo at
Henry Cook's.
STOCK is the pride
of our store, and every
Man's Overcoat is here!
We mean ly that,
that no matter what a
Man's Overcoat liking
may be, there's a Coat
here that will
Fit His Mind to a
Does he prefer a
conservative style a
Chesterfield foi in
stance? We've scores
of Blacks and Oxfords
for him. Some are
luxurious propositions.
Does he lean tosvard
something more strik
ing? We've any num
ber of them, showing
everv new model and
Long Coats, medium length and short -loose
Coats and closer fitting. The nesv high collar, Mili
tary cut, etc., etc.
In rough Scotchy stuffs in soft buried stripes in
rich warm colors.
$5, $8, $10, $15 up to $25.0 0
The Man, that passes this store on Overcoats will
miss the best Overcoats in town.
Cowden-Kaley Clothing Go.
Alsvays Reliable First Door Norlh of Postoffice
Just Unloaded Direct FROM
one of the Largest Factories
of the East
No Middlemen's Profits to add.
Medium or High Class WE have it.
Amaik 8 Chaney
S 137
Mortgages Hied, $M)0.
Mortgages released, Ml (Jo
Subscribe lor the Chief.
Successor to l)r. J. S. l:Uail
At the old stand over the
State Bank. Phoncfl3i.
Our New Line of
Christmas Goods Are
flWe have bought the best line Red
Cloud has ever had to display. : :
tflOur prices on Diamonds are the lowest in
town. We buy direct from the cuttlers and
our margin of profit is very small. : : : : :
VfcAUiviniiiill(Vivfcil(iivfcUoiTTTTiU(ikaiin,.iiia(J.U(ilVllviliim(f f f vlJiiVUd
Uu j on know that it will jm.v K)U, a
well us US, to buy your Miiiiiling Ma
terlal and Coal at ouryartlo Not only
that our prices average lower, or at
least as low, as those of our uompetit.
or, but iieoauhk we take especial care
of and protect all imu bo classed as
H R (J U I A It O U S T O M K H S .
I timber.
iMfHinnifT(tntitvni"i' 'ti''i"ti'i'i''iii'iitM'Pi'r'fop't"r.i'Piiiiiii'tMiUiiiii
. VI
( fr