The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 18, 1909, Image 4

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    I '
15he CHIEF
Red Cloud
tntoreil In Ihu roainnicu nl lleil Cloud. Neb ,
m Set (ini) (,'Ihrh Mutter
c. it. iiaiji:
Tin1 ropiirt of tho state labor com
inisHtonor on tin' corn crop shows t lift t
Uic total yield I liiH year In some W!,
OOO.oOo or less tliati 10,000.(100 bushels
less tlmn lust, your when there was a
bumper crop Tlio average yield is .1
bushels loss per acre but tills Is not
Hcattorcd over tins .state but tlio aver
age was drained down by the small
crop In southwest Nebraska. North
of the IMatto rlvor the ylohl was the
largest per aero in the history of the
state. The large yield has been u sur
prise) to tlio calamity howlers who saw
death and destruction in tlio hot weath
er last summer.
Webster County has icason to feel
jubilant owing to the fact that the
financial report of tlio commissioners
shows cash in every fund. This means
that the county Is out of debt with
tlio exception of the railroad bonds
and provision has been made to take
these up in the near future. With
careful handling of tlio funds from
now on It will bocasy to rediicecoiinty
taxes and ye mako all necessary Im
provements and repairs. The saving
in interest alone will go a long way
toward reducing tho taxes. We con
gratulate tlio commissioners on tho
showing they have made. Nothing is
appreciated more in r public olllcial
than the careful handling of public
Wc buliovo in agricultural shows
and exhibits of alt kinds, wo t clicveiii
promoting every project that will
stimulate intensive fanning, u cheat t
ily commend tho elfottsof the boosters
of tho Omaha corn show but wc as
heartily condemn the time llxud for
holding that show. Many of the mer
chants in tlio smaller towns of the
state putroiiic tho wholesale and job
bing houses located in Omaha and
thoy have a right to expect 1' and
cipiiablo treatment in return Hut
when a great con. exposition is to bw
held in Omaha right at the time of the
greatest holiday shopping season tho
rotail merchants located in thostnaller
towns have a just cattso of complaint.
Unquestionably the tetail meichauts
of Omaha will captuie a largo percent
of trade that rightfully belongs to
other cities. For this act Omaha tic
serves the name Oiuiihog.
The cntcttainntents given .it the
Tepee thoatte under the niatiagcnient
of ti. .1 Warren are high class in every
respect. Not only aio tho pictiues
artistically of a high order hut the
subjects presented arc in themselves
elevating and instructing We do not
mean by this that the ciitcitiiitimcnts
are less interesting but on tlio con
trarv tlie interest has tnanefestedly in
creased. Mr. Warren believes that it
is posslblo to satisfy the public desire
for novelty and change by giving en
tertainments that instinct and uplift
as well as amuse and we arc confident
that he has tho right idea. People
really desiro tlio good and arc muuh
better satistled with that which appeals
to their intelligence and better nature.
These entertainments deserve your
patronage and lest the iuciedulous
harbor .suspicions that this endorse
ment smells of pink wo will say that
that this is nut a paid ai tide but i
given entirely upon our own volition
and without the know ledge of Mr.
Wan en.
Without go ng Into the history of
tho recent tarlll' law unacted by the
Republican p.tity woaic compelled to
state that wo have felt the oll'cct of
that law and it has struck us at a ino-t
vulutiriible point The paper which
this is printed upon has more than
doubled in price since Cannon and Aid-
rich porpeitratod that honiblo down-
j ward revision joke. The typo used in
' these columns are as high as was the
cow that jumped over tho moon, and
noulv everything olso connected with
the publishing of a newspaper has ad
vanced in price so that It is no longer
a possibility to continue sending out
the Chief at tho old price of otio dollar
per year. Therefore on and after
.lanuary , 1910 the subscription piico
of this paper will bo 81.00 payable in
advance. In order that all may have
due notice wc have decided to accept
subscriptions in advance at the old
nrlce from now till ilanuarv 1st. If
your subscription oxplrcs in tho near
future it will bo to your interest tore
new before the first of the year If yon
wish to take advantage of tho dollar
This is a business proposition entire
ly as wo cannot publish a paper at a
loss. We expect to merit your patron
age by giving you tho news of the
county and by giving you the best we
have all the time. If honest, straight
forward handling of all questions re
luting to tho alfalrs of Webster county
meets with your approval wo invito
your co-operation and support. Wc
ant compelled to either out down the
size of the paper or increase the price
of subscription and wc know thttt you
do not want the (inanity nor the
quality lessoned so wc have decided on
the advance believing that it will re
ceive your hearty approval.
Union Thanksftlvlnft Service
According to tlio proclamations of
their excellencies President Tuft, and
(Jovenior Shallcnborger, Thursday,
November ",.", inn!) will bo observed by
the desirable citizens in Red Cloud as
a day of thanksgiving to Almighty
(!od for His continued mercies and
providental blessings. A union ser
vice has been appointed for praise
prayer and preaching at tlio Christian
church at 10:!10 a. tn by the christian
ministers of our city: the sermon to
bo delivered by Hitler h. Aa. Hussong
of the church of Christ.
t rills iai'i' IleloiiKH to the W. ('. T. t'.
Nov. 'JSth is World Temperance Sun
day and these papers will bo road in
the Congregational church at request
of the Pastor in the evening.
"The high lieenso idea was horn in
Nebraska ami' in Nebraska the utter
fallacy of such a law as a temperance
ineasuio has been proved " Mrs. L.
M. N. Stevens.
Tho meeting of the W. C. T. U at
tlie home of Mrs. O. C. Tool was un
usually enjoyable A very excellent
report of the national convention at
Omaha was given in papers read by
MesdiuiH's Uust, Ueul. Pope and Miss
Cutting. Tlio attendance was good
and chocolate and wafers wero 'ervtd
after tho intellectual feast.
Helpful Hints on Hair
Scalp and Hair Troubles Generally
Caused by Carelessness,
Dandrilir Is a contagious disease
caused by a microbe which nlo pro
duces baldness. Never use a comb or
brush belonging to some one else. No
mutter how cleanly the owner may be,
those articles may bo infected wit li
microbes, which will infect your sculp.
It Is far easier to catch hair microbes
than it is to got lid of thorn, and a
single stroke of an infected comb or
brush may well lead to baldness.
Never try on anybody else's hat.
Many a hat band is a resting place for
If von happen to bo troubled with
dandrttlf, itching scalp, falling liair or
btildtioss, wo have a remedy which wc
believe will completely relievo these
troubles We arc so suro of this that
wc offer it to you with tho understand
ing that it will cost you nothing for
the trial If it does not produce tho re
sults wo claim. This remedy is called
Kuxull "!M" Hair Tonic. Wc honestly
believe it to bo tlie most scientific
remedy for scalp and hair troubles,
and wo know of nothing else that
equals it for effectiveness, because wf
tho results it lias produced in thous
ands of cases.
Kexall "!I.T Hair Tonic is devised to
banish dandruff, restore natural color
when its loss has been brought about
by disease, and mako the hair natur
ally silky, -ofl and glossy. It docs
this because it stimulates tlie hair fol
licies, destroys the genu matter, mid
briugf about a tree, healthy circulation
of blood, which nourishes the hair
roots, causing them to tighten and
grow new hair. Wo want everybody
who has any trouble with hair or scalp
to know that lte.xall "0:1" Hair Tonic
is the best hair tonic and restorative
in existence, and no one should scoff
at or doubt this statement until they
have put our claims to a fair test, with
the understanding that they pay us
nothing for the lemedy If it docs not
give full and complete satisfaction in
every particular. Two Ho cents
and SI. Remember you can obtain
Itoxull Remedies in Red Cloud only at
ourstore, I he Rexall Store. The II.
K. (irice Drug Co
Widow's Pension.
The recent act of April 10th. t'.tOS.
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
of SI-per mouth. Fred Mauler, the
attorney, has till necessary blanks.
Specials for the Month of November
Dress Goods, Outings, Percales, Calico, Underwear, Linen,
Gloves, Table Linen, Silks, Embroideries, Laces, Combs,
Fancy top Hair Pins, Corsets and Collars.
Ladies outing night dresses at 50c, 75c,
90c, $1.00.
Ladies outing skirls at 50c, good value.
Ladies Union suits in light weight, medium
weight or heavy weight, which ever you
Cotton Bats.
Cotton Bats at 8 1-3, 10, 12 1-2, 15c
The extra large ones at 85c.
Children's Bear Skin Coats from $2 to $5
Ready to Wear Skirts.
Come in and let us show you our line
of Ready to Wear Skirts.
Come in and look our line of Silks over
think you will find just what you want.
Messalinc Silks 27 inches wide, in plain or
stripes or figured, at $ 1 a yard.
36 inch black silk at $ 1 a yard
Have you received one of our Souvenier Plates if not come
in and we will tell you how to get one.
Beginning with November 1st we will give a coupon with
every 50c purchase entitling you to a chance on the three
dolls we are going to give away December 24th.
Agent f o r Bitterick Patterns.
oil. MnUr
An Improvement over many Cough, Luntf and Bronchial Remedies, because it rids th
system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to tfiv
satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared by PINIiULK MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO. U. S. A.
HEN you are ready to select your suit for this
season it will well pay you to look over the new
llorl) Watson is building' an addition
to his homo.
Prices wore good at I. O. Walker's
Mile last week.
O. IJ. Htirvoy and family spent Sun
day at ( I,. IterrioUs.
Unite a fow new telephones have
been put in lately on line 7.
Mr. .Martin and family of lnavalo
visited Sunday at Hay Coohranos'.
There will ho an entei taiuineiii and
it husket-neektie social at tlio I. one
i Tree school house Friday night Nov.
Ill for particulars sto Miss (iilhatn and
Miss Wartnan. Uvorybodv Invited.
In tiavoliug oer tho mails last
week in tlie icinily of (iuido Hock wo
woro greatly surprised to seo the ex
cellent condition of tho roads. The
roads iheio show that thcic has been
some intelligence used in their con
struction. Wo were a bit resentful at
first because we supposed that this im
provement was made with county
funds and wc folt as tho wc were en
A Warning.
Parents look after your children.
No shoot ing allowed on the Mrs. Silas
(arbor farm.
you. M. .1. I'
This is a warning to
Whou lmvinir Alfalfa I my for suli
ilnn't tm'irol tr ttfill on If P U.nit
titled to as good a showing as wero ' the hay num. Honienibor his prices
11 1.. ..( I '..I.I.. U.,,.1, !.. 1 II... I.I..I....I . ..! .
me ii-ujiiu in imuiv in.-ii. iiuv ujiiui i mi: mwiiys tin' iukiicsi, prices ranging
Investigation wo found that the enter-! from $7.00 to SlO.ou per ton. Will be
prising peoplo of that road district had ' In tho market for good Pniirio Hay
asked for a special ft mill levy be made ) alo. And respectfully solicit a part
upon them for the purpose of making of your patronage.
their roads not only passable but also '
convenient and usuubte. It is needless Kuitmaiism Ctiti:n t a 1)av.
to Bay that for every dollar which they Dr. Dcteltcoii'- I.elief for Khoumatlsm
lim-at uiimit. t.linv have received two in and XiMimliriii nullivillv nurnil In l in
return by the Increased value of their -l ilajs. It action upon the system Is
lunds and property. icniaik-ible and mysterious. It ro-
Comiuli-sionor Olinstedo has had moves at onco the cause and the dis
charge of tho work and has made an ' ease immediately disappears. The dls
excellent showing with the money at ; dose gicatly betiellts 7oc and SI.
hih command, lkiads there- nro real Sold by The II. K. (Irice Drug Co,,
roads, hills have boon leveled and hoi- lied Cloud, Nobr.
lows 111 led to the delight of every,
traveler. This district has set the DeWltt's Little Karly I Users tho
pace and it is up to every road dlsti let wife, sure, gentle, easy little liver pills,
in the county to show tho saino outer-' Ilo sure to get PoWitt's (.'nrbolicd
nriso and buslno.s acumen ami get Witch llaol Salvo, the original. ,.
their roads in condition for travel, ways tefiise substitutes and Imitations
What can bo done at Uutde Hock can The oiiginal DeWltt'si'irbollcd Wlteh
Lo done any wIihic in the county All llael Salvo is good for anything a
Lull to the O utile Hock pioneer road salvo is used for but it is especially
builders' tfooJ for l'11055, SoUl "' ",l ,l''b''&t5
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes we have brought
together for your use.
You'UJfind a lot of variety
in models; new ideas in the
cut of pockets, in the lapels,
in the shape of back and flare
of 'skirts. You'll find an amazing
variety of patterns and weaves to
select from; blues, grays, olives;
stripes, self-stripes, plain colors.
Every fabric used by Hart
Schaffner & Marx is all wool,
strictly; they use no other; you're
sure of the quality. The tailoring
is just as good as the cloth; and
there is no question about style.
Suits 418 to $40
Overcoats $15 to $50
This store is the home of Harl
Schaffner & Marx clothes