The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 18, 1909, Image 3
'T -,: K r OWES HER LIFE TO Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vienna. W. Va. "I fool that Iowa Uio last ten years of my Hfo to Lydia is. rniKiiam a yckc tablo Compound. Kh'vcn years ago I was a walking shadow. I had been under tho doctor's rarulmtgotnorelief. -? J My hiiBbniMl per KO f J suaded mo to trv Lydia 12. I'inkliam's Vogotahlo Com- pound and it worked like a charm. It re lioved all my rains mem and mlserv. 1 adviso nil suffering women to taKO jjyma j. liiiKiiam s Vegetable Compound." JIns. Vin:ATON', Vienna, W. Va. Lydia 12. llnkham's Vegetable Com- f round, made from native roots and ifirbs, rontains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds the record for tho largest numlx'r of actual cures of female diseases of any similar medi. olno in tho rountry, ami thousands of voluntary testimonials ore on 11 lo in tho I'inkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of fomalo complaints, inflammation, ul ccration.displacemonts.nbroid tumors, Irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigebtion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it to herself to givo Lydia E. I'inkliam's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you would like special ntlvlco about your cusp writ u a confiden tial letter to Mrs. Pinkliniii, at Lynn, Mass. Her ntlvlco is free, and always helyful. . . II.. H --. l'or ninny yount coiiMKimiriitn of lllilos and Fur llllln llllllll flu, prrlul friiturp of our lmMn'. W iniilorMtiiiiil "Inn tlut HliliiDr .iunl, unit Rnil him quick mlunm ut Iiiii irlt'n cry lime. Milpiui'iitH lnxllui, "ull rliumlrlt'il iirlii. list iiutlli-il ri-if-ulurly f rvu on ruijuest. J.'.tuMu l in;o. M. LYON & CO. 240 Delaware St. Kansas City, Mo. A Hero. Tommy's mother had mode him a present of n toy tdiovcl and sent him out in the sand lot to piny with his bnby brother. "Take care of baby now, Tommy, and don't let anything hurt him," was mamma's parting in junction. Presently screams of anguish from baby sent the dJBtracted parent Hying to Uie sand lot. "For goodness' sake, Tommy, what bus happened to the baby?" said Bho, trying to sootho the walling infant. "There was n naughty fly biting him on tho top of his head, and 1 killed It with tho shovel," was the proud re ply. Exchange. Father Was an Invalid. It had been a hard day In the Held, and father and son were very hungry. The only thliiRS eatable on tho tablo were 12 very large apple dumplings. Tho father had consumed ten while tho boy was eating one, nnd then both reached for the one remaining. "Son," pleaded the fanner, "you wouldn't take the last npplo dumpling from your poor sick pa, would you?" Success Magazine. A Monument In the Snows. The highest placed monument In tho world Is sltuutcd on La Combra, the summit of n pass In tho Andes, nnd marks the frontier of tho Chilian and Argentine republics. It Htunds at on altitude of 12,790 loot above tho sea level, nnd for nwe-lnsplring gran deur Its surroundings would be hard to match. Wide World Magazino. Theic are men who divide most of their time between putting them selves on the back and kicking them selves. CAREFUL DOCTOR Prescribed Change of Food Instead of Drugs. It takes considerable courago for a doctor to deliberately prescriba only food for a despairing patient, instead of resorting to tho usual list of Med icines. Thcro nro somo truly scientific phy sicians among tho present generation who recognizo and treat conditions ns thoy nro and should bo treated regard less of tho vnhio to their pockets. Here's an instance: "Four years ago I wa3 taken with sevcro gastritis and nothing would stay on my stomach, so that I was on tho vergo of starvation. "I heard of n doctor who has a sum mer cottugo near me a specialist from N. Y., anil as a last hope, sent for him. "After ho examined mo carefully ho advised mo to try n small quantity of drape-Nuts at first, then as my stom ach becamo strouged to eat more. "I kept at it, nnd gradually got so I could eat and digest threo teaspoon fills. Then I began to ha' n color In my fnco, memory became clear, whore be foro everything scorned a blank. My limbs got stronger nnd I could walk. So I steadily recovered. "Now, after a year on Grape-Nuts I weigh 103 lbs. My peoplo were sur prised at tho way I grow llcshy and strong on this food." Head tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wellvillo," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." liter ronrt tin iilnn lollrrf A new mii itpiii-iir from lime lo Unit-. Tlii-y nrt o'liuliir, true, uud full of tinman Intercut. EU 4J $fc Paul's Story of His Life Sania, Jclioel Lesion for Nov. 21, 1909 Spo-Ially ArratiRcd for Toll Paper M:SSON Tl'.XT "". u x $ tc 1-10 Meitwr. r h 24, !K (tOl.DKN I'K.ST -"U" unlit unto tup. Mj K'l'M- 1.4 Htlfllt ll'lll fr tllll', fot niv hltriu;tli Is miuli IKMfrOt 111 wrilklli'M." 2 Cor I.' 9. TIMI4- Autumn l" A I) M to l.ili In i or i hi i v in r.i. IM.U'I'- In Mncriloiila, wli.'tf tin- Hoc oiiil Ktilstlf to Hi" I'orlntliliiin wilt ton Sugqestlon and Practical Thought. 1. The church In Corinth mih very young, not seven years old, Irom the llrst coining of Paul, who remained with them only a year and a half. Klnci- that time they had grown In numbers with but little outside help ftom Paul and those who represented him. 2. The young church was surround cd by intense worldlinesH, mid heathen immoralities and principles, which were like an Intense moral mnlnrin an unhealthy atmospheie. '.', Thete wan In the city a consider able colony of Jews who were opposed to the whole Christian movement. t An anti-Paulino mission of C'luls thin .lews from Palestine came to Corinth with views opposed to Paul's teachings concerning the Gentiles, and Insisted that all Gentile Chris Huns should conform to the Jewish tltiinl. 5. Cases of Immorality had arisen in the church for which Paul hnd been compelled to reprove them. I!. Thero were divisions among them, one being for Peter, another for Paul, and nnother for Christ, as If all were not for Christ. 7. There were attacks upon Paul's character and authority. Speaking of those who claimed lo be the real leaders and apostles, and who condemned him, Paul Bays: 22. "Are they Hebrews," of purest blood, one of tho nation and lan guage? "So am I." 'Ate they Israelites," of the true re llglou, worshiping the one God? "So am I." "Aie they the seed of Abraham," in heritors of the promises, of the Mes slnnlc hopes, and the kingdom of God? "So am I." 24. "Flvo times received I forty stripes save one" from the Jews. None are mentioned In tho Acts. The Jews were forbidden to Indict more than forty stripes (Dent. 25:3), and lest they should break the law by n mis take In counting they Inflicted only thirty-nine. 25. "Thrice was I beaten with mils." Once mentioned In Acts 1C:22. A sim ilar instance Is given by Cicero against Vcrrcs, V. C2. "Once wns I stoned." At Lystra (Acts 14:10). Stoning was planned once before nt Iconium, but the plan was not carried out (Acts H:fi). Two. Tho second test of apostle ship 12:1-0. Vision. Insight. Com munion with God. Realization of the spiritual. Paul'B second answer to ob jectors Is thnt he has a right to speak in the name of God; for though he had not seen Jesus In the flesh, he had seen eternal things, lie hnd re eel veil revelations from God. 2. "1 know" (better "I know") "a nan In Christ." That he is referring to himself Is proved hy v. 7; and the whole argument implies It. I low It came, he could not tell, hut he knew the fact. 'Caught up to the third heaven," beyond the visible heaven, "to the highest heaven where the throne of God Is," to Paradise tho abode of the Just, and of the angels. Whatever place It may have been. It was Into the inmost spiritual realities. Note the several islons which are recoided In the Acts from this vision of Jesus at his conversion, to his lslon In the storm on the way to Homo. In his letter to the Galatlans (1:11. 12) Paul declares: "1 certify you, brethren, that the Gospel which was preached of me Is not after man. "For I neither received It of man, neither was I taught It, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ." Something of this vision, of this communion of God with our spirits, of tills realization of heaven and its life, of this Insight Into spiritual truths, Is necessary to our beat useful ness and our highest life. Three Tho third test of Paul's Apontleshlp wub his saintly life. 12:7-10. Paul shows that the Mgns of an apostle wcie wrought among the Cornlthlims "In signs and wonders and mighty deeds," every one of them for the good of the people and the glory of God. "1 seek not yours but you," "I will very gladly spend nnd ho spent for you, though the more abundantly I love you, tho less I be loved " The Thorn In tho Flesh. One special form In which his snlntllncsu was cul tivated and manifested Is described in I vs 7-iu. What Paul's (v. 7) "thorn In tho llesli" ,as we cannot toll. Hut It ap pears to have been something which he feared would lessen his power among them nnd hinder his work. If a person benrlng a burden that Is too great for his strength, prays for relief, there aro two ways of an swering his prnyer. (1) Tho burden may bo lessened to his strength, or be taken away. In this cabo ho is re lieved of his burden, but Is no better able to bear other burdens. Or (2) his stieugtli may ho so Increased that what before was a burden becomes a uiero joy of aetivo life. For what would crush a child Is gentle onci'i'Iso for an athlete. And this kind of an swer Is far hotter than tho other, for It giver, hlui etrcngth for all bur I doia. To E,njoy Hie full confidence of tho Well-Informed of the World and the Commendation of the moH eminent phyiri.uii it was cfsoii thl that the romHincnt parts of Syrup of I ig and Kliir of Senna nhould be Known to nnd npprowd by them, there fore, the California 1 ig Syrup Co. pul iislics a full statement with eery paeknge. The perfect purity and uniformity of pro duct, which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character, are assured by the Company's cirigiii'il method of man ufacture known to the Company only. The figs of California nro iimhI in the production of Syrup or I'igs mid l'.liir of Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but the medicinal principles are obtained from plantN known to act most iM-nelicially. To get its licnrficial effects always buy the genuine -manufactured by the Cali fornia l'ig Syrup Co. only, and for Nik by all leading dniggits. DIFFERENT. hj 'ifl I- U'S-'s Xr $ 5 li rf $m HIM Mr. Wholesale (Indignantly) What's that? You say tho cash la not correct. 1 always thought that bookkeeper was a rascal, and wan rob bing me. Expert Accountant The cash In $50 over, sir. Mr. Wholesale O, well, Just give me that and say nothing to him about it. Perhaps he's lorgotten to draw vomc of his Hillary. SKIN TR0UBLESCURED. Two Little Girls Had Ecrcma Very Badly In One Case Child's Hair Came Out and Left Dare Patches. Cutlcura Met with Great Success. "I havo two llttlo girls who havo been troubled very badly with eczema. Ono of them had it on her lower limbs. I did everything that 1 could hear of for her, but It did not plvo In until warm weather, when It seem ingly subsided. The next winter when It becamo cold the eczema started again nnd also In her head where It would tako tho hair out and lenvo baro patches. At tho same time her arms woro soro tho wholo length of them. I took her to a physician, but tho child grew worse all tho time. Her sister's arms were also affected. I be gan using Cutlcura Remedies, nnd hy tho time the second lot wns used their skin was soft and smooth. Mrs. Charles Raker. Albion, Me., Sept. 21. '08." I'ottrr Inifi X Ctirm. Corp.. Solo l'ropa., llostuu. STRANGE COMPANY. The Goose How times change, to bo sure. I havo never seen tho fox such good friends with a duck before. GOING UPI City ways were not altogether new to him, but, ns ho waited tit the eleva tor shaft, In one of Omaha's largo of fice buildings, ho said to his com panions. "Well, I'll bo hanged if that isn't o beater." "Why, what?" "Just look at that confounded rail road advertising on an Omaha eleva tor UP! What won't thoy do next?" His companion replied, "Sh , Sh , those letters mean 'up.'" When I see that word, this Jingle always conies to my mind: 'Whenever the llttlo word 'up' you see, Think of Safety, Speed, Service via U. IV You will seo thut word at almost every passenger elevator in tho coun try, but before you lenvo for tho W'-st, bo sure to buy your ticket via "Tho Safe Road to Travel." Suspicious. Tlio father of Judge W. II. Wadhanm had a chicken coop and a dog and a stable baud. It began to look to Mr. Wadhams as though some one had dis covered the combination. So he kept the coop and the stable baud, but h got u new dog. Next day the bent old negro who gloomed the Wail hums' horses came to him. "You los you affection fob me, boss?" ho nsked "No, Sclplo," said Mr. Wadhams. "I like you as well as ever." "Then," said Sclpio, peevishly, "w'yn't you tlo Old Rover in do chicken-coop, 'utld of dat new dorg?" Shoe Joke. William King Whoro'd you got those pumps? Charllo Prince Off a shoe tree Cornell Widow. , , riHtiiY r.vis i'aim;ii,i,i:!i iridtiltl bo i.u.rnAliliiintili-l i) wlicn hiiio ln-st nrd llckllntr l lini u Hum you nn ;nmu)!nn . I tlirralunn. At ulldmKSlfcliilii c,temul u; Millie. The average man is satisfied with ; his past If It Is past lludlng out. A TRAIN LOAD OF TOQACOO. fwonty-four Carlorfda Purohesod for Lowln' Single Binder Cigar Factory. What is probably the biggest lot of ttll fancv grade tobacco held by any factory in tho United States h. "s just been purchased by l'rank 1'. I.ewis, of l'coriu, f'r tho tuanufa.-tutv of Lewis' Single Rmder 'i;,,ri. Tho lot will mike twcntN-four c.rlonds, nnd is co leitcd from what is cnMileteil hy ex perts to be the fiac-t emp raised in many yean. The purchase of tobacco is uud a lent to !. t tho factory mure than two years. An extra price was paid for the ('election. Smokers of Lewis' Single Hinder Cigars will appre ciate this tobacco. r-l'toiia Star, Jantiury 16, igog. PICTURE ON MEMORY'S WALL. I'liile- Wtll, Tonini) how was your report this term? N phew I tall ftl it jet, uncle. CUT THIS OUT. Recipe That Breaks a Cold In a Day and Cures Any Curable Cough. "Mix half ounce of Concentrated pine compound with two ounces of glycerine nnd half a pint of good whiskey; shako well each tlmo and use In doses of n tcuspoonful to a ta blespoonful every four hours." These Ingredients can be obtained from any good druggist or ho will get them from his wholesale house. Tho Concentrated pine Is u special pine product and comes only In half ounce bottles, each enclosed In an air tight case, but be mire it Is labeled "Concentrated." A Lay Matter. "Would you like the doors In mo saic?" asked the architect. The Sprlngllehl man looked dubious. "Would you like the floors In mo sale patterns?" "I don't know so math about that," he finally said. "1 ain't got any preju dice against Moses as a man, and maybe lie knew a lot about the law As icgaitls laying of lloois, though, I kinder think l'tl rather have 'em tin-sectarian."- Harper's Weekly. Undoubtedly Not. Capt. Jeiome, while visiting Col. Illgginson, took n derringer from the table, nntl asked: "ThiB thing lond- ed?" Hut before tho colonel could reply the weapon was discharged, the bullet tearing away ono of the lingers of the vlslto" The colonel, who is widely known on account of his ex trcnio politeness, bowed gracefully, and rejoined: "Not now, my dear captain " Deafness Cannot Be Cured by loail niipllrAlloi.. in ttiry rnmint rrarh tlio tll.v rawil puiium nl II. i' lur Jhi'H- I. only our uny to cure di-aliiiM, niul Dial Li tiy (OMtltutloiml runnllra. Dciitmti.1 Is ruuI hy mi tnllaimil totiultlon ot Ilia inucimi llulni; ut the I.llit:iililnn TiiIh- Wlicn IliU tube H liill.iincil Jim li'ir u rnmlillnit rnuml or Ira IKtfcit lirarliiK. niul lii'ii It In entirely rloMil, Drat niKH l tlic rrrnilt. Wirt unlcm tlic liill.unmuUon mil lia Utkoi out nml Dili ml"' rinioriil to lln normal omul Uon. lieurliic Mill tic iltfilroyi il fomrr: nine raws oul ot ten nrn caim-d liy nitiirrli, which to finthlug but nn InlliiiKd condition ut I lie imirotti mirfnroi. Wn will Klvn firm llumtrol Dnllars for any rane ol I'dtnccfl (riiivil liy latAtihl thai iniinnt be cured by Hall's Catarrh (lire Si u.l lor rlxruliirn. (rt-r. r j uii:ni;y a co.. 'loiuio. a Sold bv DnirBMs. 75r. 7&k mm' l'ai-illy I'llto tor constipation. Chloroform Zoo Animals. Tho practice of tutting the claws of the more ferocious animals of the London zoological garden has recently been greatly facilitated by chloroform lug the animals. Heretofore It wns done by sheer force by a squad of men, the animal being tlrst secured by ropes. The next tunc you feci that Bivallowing Fcni-atioii, the nine MMi nt nom tiiroat, g.irple llninlitiK Wi.ud Oil immediately with tinea parts water. It will sivc iou daya and pcili:ips weeks of misery. Philosophy. Hilly Ma, does It do you any good to spank me? Mother No, my son; It hurts me to do It. Hilly Then don't you think It's rather foolish to be hurting tho two ot us nnd not iK'iielltlng nny one? mil lll!i:i. Si:.Tl:i COIJIS nnil coukIh, Alleii'H I.iiiik IIiiUiiii nn nnln ii nil other reundlen lull. Thin tilU ii llnlili iiiiilliine Ian l en wilil lur ovi MUymtk .".i le II IDIiotlli t All dealers. Crude. "This Is crude," said John I), ns ho tasted oil In the milk Cornell Widow ZmJL Cmf Remedies are Needed 1 Were wo perfect, which wo ore not, medicines would not often bo needed. Hut einco our systems have Ih como weakened, impaired and broken down through indiscretions which havo I'.ono on from tho early uges, through countless (fenerations, remedies are needed to did Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwise acquired weaknesses. To reach tho scat of stomach weakness and consequent digestive troubles, there is nothing so good as Dr. 1'icrcu's (Joldcn Medical Discov ery, a glyceric compound, extracted from oativo medic inal roots sold for over forty years with great satisfaction to all users. For "Weak Stomach, lliliousncr.s, Liver Complaint, l'uin in the Stomach alter eating, Heartburn, Had Ilrentli, IlclcliiniJ of food, Chronics Diarrhea and other Intestinal JJerangcmcnts, ttiu ' IJiscovcry ' is a Tho genuine Jms on Its outside wrapper iho Signature Voa can't nlTord to ncccpt 0 secret nostrum as n substitute for this non-alco liolic, medicine oi known comi-osition, not oven though tho urgent dealer utuy thereby make a little bigger profit. Dr. I'icrcc's 1'lcasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-contod, liny granules, ousy to tako ow candv. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color moro ooudt brighter and (alter enlors than any other (he. OnelOenackaoe colors all fiber. Thnr die In cold water better than anjoliW di. Youcandjo enjuirmentwimoutrijpinaapirl. Wnto tor hto booklet-Mow to Uie.Ulesch and Mix Colon. MONROE OIWO CO , Qulnoy, llllnol: J ll iiiwi, I. M'MIPMTtT. (BB) ijA ni:i:;:::i::::::::.::inar,mi:iii;uii;uu'iiii:;jn"u; u w- - - nnma Al.C0HOI.-3 PEH CKNT ANVtjcliililc IVoparaiion for As .siinilntiilticKoadniKlRctMil.t Iinj5 Iho Slomaclis nnd Bowls of HU.,;' Promotes DigcsiioiCliccrrul ticssiimlHcsi Conltiins neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral Not Narc otic Ktifi trim ihsiwunmrix Jinftm Suit ' JltStni AbMr Mtj . Vtii Suit frptrmnt -It i frtrMrt.W Hftm Srtd Cfo fulfil Suf Itiniiyrtn '.Iter Anerfccl Homedv forfonsllrki lion . Sour Stonmclt.Dinrrhoca, Wontis.CotiMilsions.Kcvcrislr ucss i-nul Loss or SLIXP. FacSunilc SiCnaliireof Thk Ckntaiiii Company, NEW YORK. h Jfiuardtitccd uiictcr tho l-'oodnw Exact Copy of Wrapper. 5. J E7BlBiTlUcl9ifH WoarW.L. DouBlnscomfort- nblo.onsy walking, common sonso shoos. A trial will convlnco any Doumas shoos shnpo, fit bettor and wear longor than otnor maxos. Thoy aro mndo of tho bost leathers, by tho most skilled workmon, in an tho latoot fashions, shoos In ovory stylo and mon in an wants PAHTfflnl I The genuine havo W.L. ! UHU 1 1 Ull i Douglas name and price tampca on oouom, wuica ru fall valno and protecta tno agalnit high prices TAKC NO SUBSTITUTE. When Cold When cold winds blow, biting frost is in the air and back-draughts down the chimney deaden the fires, then the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equlppod with Smokolo9Q Dovloo) shows its sure heating power by steadily supplying just the heat that is needed for comfort. The Perfection Oil Heater is unaffected by weather conditions. It never falls. No smoke no smell just a (jenial, satisfying heat. The new Automatic Smokeless Device prcven's the wick being Removed in an instant. turned too Solid font holdi 4 quarts of oil sufficient to rivo out a glowing heat for o hours solid brass wick carriers damper top cool handlu oil indicator. Ht'.-iti'r beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles Kvciy Di-itlrr I:itj ulirri If V l At Yiinri, Wrltn (or Di-criptlvo Circular to tlio Nc.iK'Ht Atfrncy of tlio STANDARD OIL COMPANY (jacorporuted) MMMMi Tho avorago man la a poor Judf;o of his own Impnilanco .ITrn. AVImlnw'H Hootliliiq: Syrup ForcWlilrtn tretlilriif, pnfli-ni Iho kupih, rniiurm In anramuiluii,a:iu)niiln,'uruiiHailcoilu. iicuwjiue. Lots of KtiriuloiiK peoplo uialco a specialty of KtiyltiK nothitiR. time - proven unci most euicicnt rcmcuy. SWtVvt For Infanto nnd Chlldron. Ths Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMtoinmuiicDtiPAKY, niwTOKaarrr. ono that W. L. noia inoir upon honor. 'x'j'j-ys shnpo to suit i or nro. liTaVtiaMiJtfilkJal and Inferior ihoei. Winds Blow hiRll. I f 1 ft iffi'ffXf&flAfS Oh! That Awful Did you hear it? How embar rassing. These stomach noisesmako you wish you could sink through the floor. You imagine everyone hears them. Keep a box of CAS CARETS in your purse or pocket ' and take a part of one after eating. It will relieve the stomach of gas. flla I CASCAUKTS 10c n box fnr a week's treatment. A'lilntirclstk lllccciti-vllcr ( tc tno world million boxes a month. Paper-Sfcngsrs & Painters You run ntfity Incrnn.o jour liu!noa with no ai. Irn Iniiwliiivut liy tolliuu Alfnil 1'i'ilU' l'rlm I VIiiIIihiikt. no mint umi workiT In each 1 ilrlnltv ati.l to tin tint Hnrlliy nppllriint will p(n. 1 ri(i:i., hy iin-iMiiil I'liin-ni. flii lurcu naniplu i IkhiUi itlionlna i!.MI.CI0II,OO ,. iUIiiiiimt bliM-k I for cuitomcrti tuinliH l Irniii WonUorlUiTitl rrotiu I toour ri'pri-Miiitniirix, An.wnr (imrkly Haul juuumy p t thofisi in y in ynnr li Inlty for 1010 . AtfUHllVuUCxi., Jil-IIU Vuliiuli Ato., Inventiir Iwiyk f ito. llrelor S- llohti, I 'nt Attjrn.1 1M-UT Slcliill IltJk-.. Wittli., 1). U. DEFIANCE SYARGI3 for sturchlna lliicnt Uuuiia. ! W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 47-1909. Bears the Signaturo AA Y For iS 'Ht 3 t. ikfklk l if H J A ttS-jtagar-'" pttm i-iiUiVG?TXttvy-"9f,--xaivr'---tj ' -T'sT