The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 11, 1909, Image 8

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    j six1:' f a -fiw m yt -"j " f
iNutlci To 'rpilllir
Slsitoiif Nelirnsl.ii. I tlu-( oimly I'nurt.
Witisti r ( nillltV. ( '
In tin' innttcr r tlipi'stiiicor Ui-orioV.
vwluart. Iieeriiseil.
VoiieiMt licrchj git t'i to nil pcrMjim linvlnif
t.iiin mill ilutn.imW iitf.ilnst iiiorie V.
S uni l ;uc uf ( Inti r l 'unity, ilcocusi il.
tint the llinr I) x cil for lllliiK cliilins UKnIns't
i.ilit estate Is six nimillit from the llllnlny (il
i iicli ii'isiius nrc ri'iiulrcil to luesunt
tli' r (Inlins, ultli tin iniiehcrs to Hie County
J.iiac of salt! ciiiiiity. nl Ills oilloe therein, ou
r ix-fore Hie Mill ilny or May into: nnil
m nlins kii Mint w III lie liennl beforo Hie siiM
fttlco on tin I'itli ilny of M:iy, iplo; ut iiuo
o i'Iim'U 1 1. in ; unit Hint tlie iiilinlnlslrntot It nl
low ril one j etir fioiu tin- Will day of Ot-lulict'
"i1'1 In ulileli to i.i thu ili'bls allowed
.1 si silil esinte anil settle the shuic
I. V . l.llsilN
i m l OHIltV .fllllKf
Kafir,;: 10 Grallicr.s.
..'t.VnJSS,": I "'" iHi'.mr.
ih ninlti-r of the eitnti- of Clnier tC
i' m lUTcim-il.
N.'tt'i N liereliy kIi it to all iersiiii Imv
in. minis and ill iiiniiils nwtlimt i:inur II.
ilurt-j, lute of Velnlt r eoiinty, ill re:tcit.
that the time llM'il for tl lilt lc rliihm iititllist
Mihl istnteiHiK inonilw from the'Z'illiilny of
Vm inher IIW.
ti sneh peixmis arc ri'iulml to present
tin ir elalnis, ullli the Mini'liirs. to ,thn
t c.unty .Indue of Mild eoiinty. nt Ills olllee
then In, on m before the ijlh ilny of May
I'.lio anil all elalnis mo llle.l will he In aril he
Ion the Haiti Jiidue on the Uith ilny of May
t'.ilo at one oYIm-k p. in.; ami that the. ml.
nilnlHtrator Is allow i 1 one ear fiom the :irl
ilayof Noiinher l!K.l. In which to pay the
ilehlH allow eil aualnst k.iI.1 estate anil Ht-ttlu
the mine.
Ku I.W.Kuso.s
"2" Coiinty.lti(e.
Notice to Credltors-
stole ol NehraHkn i
Wi-ImIit County i
in the County Court.
In tho matter of the estate of William All
wip. Itpt'cnsi'il.
Nut Ire Is hereby nlven toall person linvliii;
claims ami ilemaml.s nualiiHt William Allsop,
law of Webster enmity, ileeeasiil, that the
tlmu llteil for IIIIiik claims nttnliiHt said
tslat. is nK nioiitlis fiotn the 'Jmt day of
ltn uiber Hum.
ll such pelsons ale leililied to plisent
'hi r claims, with the wnichux, to the
oiiim Indue of said loiinty. nt his ollli e
ilnr. ti mi nr before the '.'ml da) of .lime
nil- i d all elaimssolllid will be beanl be-
'! s'lld Jiidise on tin .lid ilaj of ,Iiiiii.i
iii o'eloel, p. m.. ami that the ml
'i iirl Ik nllnwed oni inr finni the
ii "(Sow mhtt I'Ki'i. in whtih to pay
' i alloM'il iikiahisi said isinte and
- inn . I . I ip-.ii.
1- ' i hi ii liidui .
Real Estate Brokers
R-d Cloud, N.braska
. v a piece f f lu,,u ut Wrny.
Cu'onnl i,
Vv r i re wheat ami corn u plenty, &
6 10 Acres of Land
G'" frame liouie, barn, wind
tt i ., well, foti'-eil, cro.-a fenced,
o" which itbf.ut 1D stacks of line
wheat wan raised litis year.
Price $12.50 per acre,
it laKcn at once.
160 acres at
Rood level land.
This investment is safer than u
bank. I Jiavo personally inspect
ed this county and I can recom
mend it to my friends.
See ua nt once. We go every
MoiulaynlghTon 15. GoTiti fine.
Hy simply applying something to
Bive temporary relief will not euro
piles. You must use a Kod, reliable,
dependable loniedy that is made e.
preisly for piles. Man.iui. the Kteat
pile remedy, tvaelips nil parts alfeei'il:
it heals and soothes: it prevents eon
stlpation and redinvs the .swelling-. It
acts promptly. Manan is applied by
menus of a small nozzle attaehed tit
the tube in which Maii.ati is put up.
bl 1 lletirv Cook
V ha, boon discovered that tb- an
clint Nolttuies over which hlmienr
l)oti is full of Kenus; anil t,nmc p, ,,
pie say that the danger t-luniUi
ho fai'U without It silk ami win m,,. ,
to lit oior the mouth and no.,e Thi
riiul'iiu n-ask Is tu- d In F'a'.-
When you haw a cold the thine
to do is hai tho bowels move Do
not take any thine; that may constipate
and most old fashioned cough euros
do const iiate. Try K'eniifdy.s l.a.a
tlve CotiL'li Svi-uii. It drivrs Mw enbt
from the system by a free yet irentle
aetion or the boweK: it stops the
cough iti, pleaMtnl , take. Chi,-
.Ire., like It. bold bx all druggist,,
Tp.aoe MAHrja
in.m. .i... .l....r"r:,J? "" r.
, aulck'lr mc in t-iS,V:XY.." a; '"IT .'!1my
stfq'rtciirriwwitoiJe.. '
WMMtict.nhtiftr rec'' I
C. A. Sftft Co.
nt iree. Oldest ui
3ClCniif f HtttWifAto J "" up H l),l'i"ff ail1 IMrinaucnt bust
iZXm.iTiiiul.S l!?!1 !l?H i ue" 1tlioul capital. C.mplettf otnt
ao7SSfflB& yffg?& f ml nstrnctloiwfn'e Address "Von."
fiiSi ' WmtWiMnihiiZZ
JHH & Ml aillratdmr.
IbaL im7.1i . .J
Hi luk
in vw. wm m nx YfAtUU
Inh vmmi. : Km i im-i ft m n i
I ls.
M.iiiini I. Ilt'l. il l.fli.iiiun Ii, I
M w r,' liiiii Inil.iiii'ii.i'i
Itlieilllllltlslll III l'i-I illUscliMlllil jntnl.
llM Stlt'lllr VMlstrrrillll'lltlil ll.'f
.mil l.u'e wen swollen lliliiust Ihuimi
ll I'l.l'llltlllll'llfllt Ik, ...til 1.11. it. ... Lu ... .1 .
j - - --.-. ...(.. ... i in iii-ii iiri pjA imin
I tllbl ll.l I OIL! lit phv-ii'iali-.. bill rercivtil
I IK" I elo lit until she till .1 1 . ..V ..
Itellef bit ltlictiinaU-iii. II (.'live In I
' lllllieill.lte relief anil she Wtl.s Utile tn
1 wall. aliD it iii tli i iv ilnvs. I am sure it
'sau-.l her life." Hold bv The II. i:.
Idrice Druj,' : . Ifeil Cloud. N'ebr.
i ill Ut ll iirriiui.M.,
1st ii n is 1 1 n cm in ii i: i n Loan's, i) t
lilhle hcliool
.sermon and roinmiinlon .
ciiilstlan rmleavoi
I'in.w r. and pr.ilM. ednisi-is,
. lua. in.
II a. in.
i'ii'M p. in.
T:'!0 p in p in.
Seats free, liood innslc. Coine. Ililnujonr
lllbles, friends and ijood elm r.
I.. n. Mt'ssoMi. Minister
liltAI'i: ( Kl' I. St -OPAL) I'HUItl'll
l!e..l. M! Hates, rastor.
Serhe the llrst two .Slllidiis la tiuh
llol.v i omiiiiiulou at morulim smlns on
the llrst simdii).
suiidaj school at l-.'o clock iwrj .suuda
N'.r1 I- II smith supcrlntcndi nt.
fi7!Z A."Tn,ri
Ely's Cream Balm
Ih,s RTody Is a Spoclflc,
I clvo Satisfaction,
uVa yinmbra Sjjri.ffi
ilrtves tiWnV n. fiohl in tin. II...11I niifT.l-l,-
i llostiircs tho Souses of Tasto and Knipil
. Hnsv tit 11 c
Coutalua no injurious drti.
. -- j - -.., . .vi ., . ,.ji,i ,rii?
Applied into tho nostrils and ab:
biiK'" Kizo, rl) eenta nt DrtiggistH
Liu .r Yrtf
" .'"' " -- -- --...t.t,.-... ,
limit, rial hio, w cents hy num.
ELY orfCTTHErtS. 50 Warren St.. Kw York.
Wwri i Scis ,Miiguzino wants
, an oiiergelin an'l epof)ible man or
j woman in lied CbrlM Neb , to collect
Tor renewals and m1U'a new subscript
ions during full oipardfiwo. Kxpori-
""' "0''sar.v. jiy o.w can start
among friends and aeiimIiKrtiitecs and
Mnga"!!! )luHdliv, New Vork City
W 1 1'iuKjcr.i-rcM'-i -www i- r t-jiy. .,
-'S:tm1MOims&HS i- --HKVw.rSuStVwS.'U
ff I iSi, i 1 rr''M
AVj 1 f I t . tfva ttlliM t vflluivitu
1' t i .
JJV. - - -'
e c. ..I Sri oult.iit Ihroo crcmary ranjea d. .1 i I ?mt.
j.' 1 1 u r nisi .i iiiv n ,n
rivplnl 1 linlR fn n MAIIiin.m.111... u....i)! V
vine iir tos I'nin;;. eavo luuf
Ucpcmluhlo u ticrfect
The MAJKSTIC is equipped with n r,.Kalli.n ull-cotir
rcavoir-it touches the red hot arc nml IicuU jicr m a jitiy.
The Great and Grand
Malleable and Charcoal Iron
tSlrr..fv .1 l 1 ck,l'll,J "" " ami. Hy I1..M1111: nnythlnc that hnpiHsnj
tn Rctlne mtnTfl nd tho sh cup uuJer It
S " " diiKr of flrn from n.l bot with a MAJESTIC
mJ rJvL,iI,v5wMAJ,.GST!.c e makes this range more Drnctlcl.
avdU'ioi price rble-t::s best ransfjour money canbuyre-
RED CLOUD Hdw. & Imp. co
WlS water
fronti If
vantrd for
, rc-xuro
1; ether
With A
Piiu ule-; .promptly assist HiuUlihu-vs
wlii'ii tlu "kidneys nci-il help Thy
nl J tLc kidneys to pass oil' uilc itelil
and poison and iuv itiioittali'd fur I lie
relief nl weak buck and Imukuclio,
flii'tiniiittc pitins. etc. Sold by Henry
ol. J. H, Ellinger
Dots livestock and (oncriil auc
I Ioneorliig. Satihfaet Jon gttunin
teed in every case, riitlr'fstumla
pedigrees antl stock rallies.
MHiiy yenin experience." llrorie
lilin anytime.
9d Cloud, Nmbr.
SHfSnFlPerfect a
WmWk Baker
lt Vk 1 i cavlon h - ,...t- rTrTSf-3
'HERE are foods
all purposes
For the brainenergy
business men need; the
muscle-energy workmen
need; the nerve-energy
housewives need ; the all
round energy school chil
dren need.
A soda cracker in ap
pearance more than a
soda cracker in goodness,
freshness, crispness.
Moisture proof packages.
JA,t HI I , , i'T " I.iP
1 rV?..llA .1 1 ..- .1 1 I-
iiintia ntf.i.H.i.. rt. ...i.
your fuel bill nnJ i.ivo von i
bafier rvnro tnv
A Fuel
If ,()it ImVe hotlced MnpttJin
kidney trouble, do not delay In tul inr
the most tellable and dependable
remedy possible, such its DeW.n
Kidney antl Bladder Tills. These won
derful pills are being used with gteat
satisfaction by thousands of people.
Try DeWHt'a Kidney and madder Tills
today. Sold by till di legists.
TheieU nothing so tfotiil for all kid
ney tiouble, :is Tunnies the new kid
ney remedy. I'iiii-ules act piomptly
In relieving backache, weak hack, pain
ill the bladder and nil urinary disord
ers. Sold by llinr, Cook.
There luit't any thing so unnojing or
so painful nor Ih theic anything qulto
so hard to get rid of in- piles, Mau'Can.
the great pile remedy, is the best you
can use, for !t directly reaches the seat
of the trottbltr and at once relievos and
soothes puin and reduces I lie swelling.
It is applied inairfis' by means of 11 tnbo
with ttw.zlo ftttticJie'il. 80M by Henry
.- BVUViU-i ? Ua-M-Ki a
That Lame Back Means
Kidney Disease
And to Relievo the Lame and Aching Back,
You Must First Relieve the Kidneys
mere is im m. tion stint that
nt till for tli- l 1M.0 ;. l : t ! n.g
back la cnttti.-il by a i11m;imi1 ion
tlition ot tl.o ldiliuya mid bladder.
It Is only common m-iilp, tiny way
Hint you must euro a condition
by ronioliiK tho c-nupo of tho con
dition. And lame and aching back
are not by any means tho only
symptoms of derniiKement of the
kidneys and bladder. There aro a
multitude of well-known and un
mistakable indications of a moro or
less dangerous condition. Some of
these are, for instance: Kxtremo
and unnatural lassitude and weari
ness, nervous irritability, heart Ir
regularity, "nerves on edge," sleep
lessness and inability to securo
rest, scalding sensation and sedi
ment In tho urine, inflammation of
the bladder and passages, etc.
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder
Pills aro an exceptionally meritori
ous remedy for any and all affec
tions or diseased conditions of
these organs. These Tills operate
directly and promptly and their
beneficial results are at once felt.
They regulate, purify, and effec
tually heal and restore the kid
neys, bladder and liver, to perfect
and healthy condition even in
some of the most advanced cases.
Are durable,
' mechanically correct.
1 Red Cloud, -
ijjesmess? i?.X
K. V. DeWitt & Co.. PhlPBirn Til
want every man and woman who
have the least suspicion that they
nre afflicted with kidney and blad
der diseases to at onco write them,
and a trial box of these Pills will bo
sent free by return mail postpaid.
attractive and
- Nebraska, 8
$1 a year
xr- ii.
" 3u