The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 11, 1909, Image 5

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Buy Your
Stock Foods of
Your Home Druggist
We carry the following
which have proved themselves
good in this section:
Gold Coin Stock Foods.
Dr. Hess Stock Foods.
International Stock Foods.
Let us have your trade.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Chas. L. Cotting,
The Druggist.
Sec tlic Uliicf for up-to-ilnti' .lull work
With I'Vi'iv St whip bought of .lot
..5 H JO-S54-2 Hie S-f S- PC i Hi-..-
, . ?.
Alfroil lludell w-sn iiiM..l"'Mm'Iiiy.
(loo. Holt of ChwIm win in town
Keiiiiotli William p,nt Sunday in
C. V. Kuli-y arrived home Mondny
Mrs. Dr. Thomas is enjoying a visit
from her father.
.John Ferguson of Murllu, K:is.. wns
in town Sunday.
Mrs. K WeNeliS pony "IMii-y."
died Wednesday.
Miss llessie Ducker returnetl Tues
day from Colorado.
Mrs. Al Cummings went to Ileatriee
Monday morning.
Mrs. Rife went to Weeping Water
Monday morning.
Dr. J. W. Moranville went east on 11
Monday morning.
The county commissioners are in
session this week.
Mrs. I). H. Larrick returned home
from ltladcn Saturday.
Chas. McMillian returned to Red
Cloud Monday morning.
See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Tho Junior Whist Club met with Miss
Clara Able Tuesday night.
Clarence Stino and family spent
Sunday at Frank Cowdeu's.
Mrs John Winters of Lincoln arriv
ed in the city Tuesday morning.
l'arkcs Hicks have installed a
bowling alley in their pool hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Ueamus of Hebron
., t 1. ..!,. 1. 1.. i.
Visited Willi II1C mniiieiij.-imi- "--.
Mr. aud Mrs. A. T Walker went to
Lincoln Friday morning in their auto.
Mrs Robert Mcllridc returned Wed
nesday from the eastern part of the
Buy n whip of Fogel, the harness
man, and got a free chance on the jlS
Mr. Hmtnorsou Crook of Salem, Neb,
was the guest of Miss Bessio McDowell
last week.
Ftij-el you get a fiee chance on an SIS
Mtiiile harness.
.II111 Moranville has hi-dullcd a nil ill
ph.nio anil I lion1 needing votcritmiy
Mini,.,- o ill on him.
1 I ho Im. most pliMsant, easiest and
s;ifet pill is UintfS Mlt'e I.lvcr PUN. l llonrv Cook.
Hi-- liflmunh Installing tpnin wont
i llnidv today In put 1111 the wntk tit
th.) .li-tricl iiu'cllug.
Mr. and Mrs. tl. A. Firkins of lump
tiell who the gueslsof Selvester Day
and family Saturday.
IJi'iid the date line on your paper
aud if you ate behind come in and n
new jour siibcriptlon.
Mrs Tom Kralik and daughter.
Katie departed for Denver Wednesday
morning to visit relatives,
(lot your heating and cook stove in
to shape for winter. Order your stove
repairs from Mnrhart Bros. now.
Wobsior lliie.iniinnent No. - will
im,..t I.Viilnv i.iirht. Nov. tUlll. All
members are requested to he present.
Mr'. l S. Palmer La gone to Wray.
I'olo.. and from there she evpocts to
go to Denver where she will spend tho
Dr. DuioroU brother, Will Dinner
ell. ttifo mid two suns leturned to
their home at Kvu, Khun. Saturday
Morhnrt Urns, have tlielr hard coal
stovi-H on their lloor. Cotno in and see
tho llnest line ot the best stoves you
over looked at.
.lust received another ear 01 e.uu
choice cabbage at The Miner Bros-. Co.
?l.'J.i per hundred in quanlty of a loo
pounds or over.
Morhart Bros, earty a complete line
of Klectric lamps, Carbon, Tungsten
and Tantalum also hi-lov lamps KM
(Set your lamps of them.
Cecil Kssigand Frank Ulllnger went
to Denver Tuesday evening to visit tho
later grand parents. They will bring
eight cars of cattle back with them.
A friend in need is Pinesalvc Cnrlio
li.ed. Never bo without it. Pinesalvc
Carboli.ed is good for cuts, burns,
bruises and scratches. Sold by Henry
The Bed Cloud vs Bloomlngton high
school foot ball game last Friday after
noon resulted in 11 victory for our boys.
.Score 14 to 0. Our boys had the
Bloomington team out classed and
won the game easily.
Membersand friends of the Mt. Hope
church will take notice that noxt Sun
day morning and afternoon commun
ion, ratification and jubilee services
will be held In the church. A cordial
welcome is extended to all.
Mrs. ltoy Slmms and Mrs Hoy
Hulchsizer of Norton, Kims, and
Miss Anna Stevensof Centriilla, Wash.,
cousins of Mrs. Chas. Crabill and a
sister. Miss Ktliel Moore of Lincoln
were visiting hero this week.
Fifteen little folks of this citv
cathered at the home of Miss Nina
Chancy Tui'sluv and gave her a
sutprlso liiilhdaj party. Ni's Nina
is the charming daughter of Mr. ami
Mis. Leslie Chancy atiil has attained
the ilgc of Ihiec yours. It Is needle
to say she wdooiued tile visitors nil 1
they all report mi ovoelleut Mine.
' '..! Ohio- II 1I0. Ili.-t llleiellt toachel
I In 1 lie Hot ro in of the Lincoln Reboot.
escaped wlial night have bcell 11 very
scrioii- accident l-1 Suii'lnv. She Is
rooming in the Tebor home mid In
their nlisonot' I lie inoins got c hl.
Miss Hale wi-nl down stairs to turn on
the furii u'e. As sunn as the door
opened the gas evploded burning her
hand quite Mcveicly The sliock in
cipacitated In r fioin her duties Mon
day. What do you think of this? Wo
have before us an announcement 'nun
t'le 'ii.i'i I Island Business ami N01
in il Co lege of Oi'iiud Island. Nebiaska.
slating that live hundred young no n
U'hI uomoll Will lie adinittid ill tho
College not lerlll (Hid given a lull
CiiuisM without tho pajinetit ol anj
fees until they have time to uradiiiitc.
then they will licghfti 11 position and
allowed to pay in monthly inslii'luicnt8'.
Thlssohonl ha 11 reputation extending
over mnliy states and we advise nli
who arc lnteiostd ti .send for circul
Mr. Parson wifo of Leo I'M'iwili dioil
Saturday tiioriiing at their homo In
the north part of this city. She had
been suffering for several month
from 11 paralytic stroke. The funeral
was held at the home Monday after
noon and iufoniiMl took place in the
Martin cemeterv. I lev. Hiiiuiuel
preached the funeral. She leaves a
Husband, five children, a father ami
mother ami novel al brothers and sis
ters to mourn her loss, she was the
daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. .lohn Harris
who live in tho south west part of this
city. Tlio Chief wltli their many
friends extend their sympathy in their
sad hour of bereavement.
A Small Sister's
till a row'
in I'ailiti);
Tip an I 1
imlit In (lie
1I.0 of it. like III.
hole In the thumb
tint' Why. we
luucti't had aa
Ihini; like It ho
tore since Pan
oiicaoil hciHcIf
to poor Mr .lohn
ami turned saint
and ko( to petting
sweet Tip even
when tlieie wasn't
cniiipany nrotiiid.
I'an not 11 new
dlamoiiil rim:. I
like a lucky hIoiu
host, one with 11
bin, toiind hole.
. 'i i .111 li inn on a MrlnK. and, If
, . ,i t at tilrhi. it keep nw.n
about uoIiIiiih that pat nice
vii l n ill sweet Tip. But Fan
u1w,i.) odd.
A Warning
Parents look after your children.
No shooting allowed on the Mrs Silas
(arbor farm. This is a warning to
you. M. J. Frcdrickson.
If you want Hie best remedy for
your cold, insist upon Bees Laxative
Cough Syrup. Through its laxative
principle, it gently moves tho bowels,
and in that way drives the cold from
the system. It stops tho cough by al
laying inflammation. Sold by Henry
You will not be ablo to cure your
cold until such time as it is driven
from tho system through the bowels.
Bees Laxative Cough Sjrup gently
moves the bowels and not only drives
Mrs. Hughes of Hastings attended tie cough from the system, but at tlo
tho funeral of Mrs. Van Camp in this I smnc time it stops the cough. Sold by
city Tuesday. Henry Cook.
Land Bargain.
010 acrcs-sq. sec. :t 10 BI Lincoln
Co., Neb. Price S8 per acre. This is
A 1, grass, corn, alfalfa, potitoc and
beet land Inquire of Editor of this
Mrs, Geo- L. Van Camp.
Sadio II. Dowd was born in Sala
manca, N. V., January 10th, IS.". In
1873 she was married to Geo. L. Van
Camp who died here last February.
She leaves three children: Mrs. Dane
Williams of Seattle, whom she visited
last .lune, Mrs. Oscar Hughs and (!eo.
M. Van Camp of Bed Cloud.
No one leaves a more devoted circle
of friends than Mrs. Van Camp. She
has been a member of the Episcopal
church from her youth. She became
my parishioner and friend 12.1 ycais ago
this mouth in North Platte. Though
pushing aud energetic in business
matters, she lacked none of those
womanly graces that are essential to
the making of a happy home. Her
sickness lasted thrco years, and was
borno with 11 patience and sweetness
that we attribute only to tho martyrs.
She passed away Monday morning,
Nov. 8th, about 1 o'clock and her
uarthly remains wore laid to rest Nov.
iltli, in the lied Cloud cemetery. She
asked for life, and Cod gave her a long
life, even for ever and ever. "May she
rest in peace, and may light perpetual
shino upon her " John M. Bti:s,
a kVhHtiSIBI
250 Good Stories-
The Youth's Companion abounds in
stirring stories of adventuro and hero
ism. One may describe an escape
from accidental peril, another a strange
encounter with wild creatures -man
or beasts.
Many of these stories are true as to
facts, aud only disguised as to names
and places. A scoro or more of such
stories will be published during liBO
in addition to nearly 200 others 2D0
good stories in all, and no two aliko.
And this is not counting the serial
stories, which it is believed will he
considered by old Companion readers
as tho best The Companion has ever
Every now subscriber will (ind it of
special advantage to send nt onco the
Sl.T'ifor the new I'.ilO Volume. Not
only does ho get the beautiful "Vo
netian"CaIonder for 1010, lithographed
in thlrtoon colors and gold, but all
the Issues of The Companion for tho
roinainlug weeks of 1909, from the
time the subscription is received.
Tin: Youth's Companion,
Companion Building. Boston, Mass.
New Subscriptions lleccived at this
Market Report
As Furnished by Hanson & Trine
Hens (fat) sj per lb,
Springs h"
Cox 3 " "
Ducks fi " "
Geese 1 "
Butter 21 '
Eggs (rots out) 25 " "
ostcnlnj while Tip and 1 were
pl.iln on Ike porch 1 noticed that
It wan moHt loncHomely quiet So
Tip and t knew that Fan wnw up to tleiidinhuo: Well, wo micakod
up to lur room.
Pan wbh kHUum: In front of her
white enameled dronBliiR tabic, with
the sunshine Juki pouring In on her
and HOttitiR her head on lire. And n1ie
had her hand up to her face and was
fhir-liiiiK that diamond back and forth
hi the liRht. First she'd put her linger
to lmr cheek and smooth it like this,
nnd then she'd picteiid to llx the net
on her front hair. All tho while she
wns making smirky eyca at the led
and blue and Inlet lights that kept
shooting all over her hand.
Then, because she thought she was
alone, not thinking that lovely Tip
and I could see her, she bent over
and kissed the ring. oh. a million
times. Fan is certainly getting odd
Ask Tin if you don't believe me. When
she looked up her eyes were all wet,
as if she'd been crying, hut 1 can't
sec what for, because she and I had
been peaceful. Anyway, It was all ho
funny that I clutched Bwcot Tip for
support and happened to grab hold of
his ear, because 1 didn't look to soo
what I was doing, for I didn't want to
take my eyes off silly Fan. Then Tip
let out the laughing howl, thinking it
waB a game, you see, Fan heard it
and up she Jumped like lightning, and
Blammed the door right against Tip's
That vaB enough for me! To hurt
Tin's feelings like that, and he bo gen
teel! I hammered with both IIbib on
her door and then 1 kicked. After
that Tip and I went out to the Hwlng
to think up something.
That afternoon the house was Just
like a funeral. Fan shoved me nwny
when 1 went to see what lacy tiling
she was sewing on the front porch.
"Tip," said I suddenly, "let's play
gypsy. You can be lledreddln Hassan
Snleh Amina and I'll he Esmeralda
Baba Abdalla. And we'll steal Fan's
clothes and put them on and sneak
down to inept poor Mr. .lohn. because.
he'H probably coining for dinner"
Of course Tip was ciuzy glad to do
as 1 said, so we went up to Fan's
room. First thing I hauled out her
red umpire with the black Jet. It was
lovely on dear Tip! And he tumbled
over It so t weet and rumpled it up as
cunning as could he, for it was too
long and tr: ilcd all over the lloor
about him. Fan's amber beads on his
blessed neck were too edifying! After
that I slipped her green silk gloves on
his front legs nnd wound up the hind
ones with her automobile veil. Thou
I tied her white hat with the blue
aigrettes on his lovely head and
turned Bedreddin Hassan fialeh Amina
loose, as perfect as a lily.
Fan's bracelets and rings wouldn't
lit Tip's ears, so I saved them for me,
nnd had a terrible time dressing, be
cause tho bracelets wabbled so on my
ankles, and I had to keep my thumbs
kinked all the time for fear tho rlngB
would slip off. In the nieanwhllo Tip
got crazy to see himself and I was
laughing hi I nearly let the sweet dog
tumble out of my arms while I hold
him up to tho mirror to admire his
beauty. When he saw how cute ho
was he got frisky and wanted to run
to meet poor Mr. .lohn, so I had to
pounce Into Fan's bronze satin slip
pers and her white lace coat and her
black voile skirt. I stuck all her fancy
hat pins in my hair.
After I'd put three of her belts
around my neck I was ready. Such
glee! In my excitement I'd forgotten
to put any of Fan's powder on Tip's
"Bedreddin Hassan Saleh Amina." I
called after hlrn, "come and get your
bcautlfier "
But tho pet had gone down stairs
So I ran after him, and oh, well, I
can't Just recomnieinher how It hap
pened, but that skirt of Fan's got be
tween my knees and my heels turned
out and 1 forgot, in the excitement, to
keep my thumbs kinked, and so--
I must have tolled about 10 miles,
for I woke up In bed with court plas
ter on my head where tho hat pins
had punctured me.
I stand at the table when I'm eat
ing, for father's got an awfully strong
hand. AHk Tip; ho got aome, too!
Everybody's been searching, even
the neighbors To-morrow poor Mr.
John's going to shingle off the grass,
nnd If that doesn't do any good they're
going to burn it off.
Such n row! But down in our
hearts Tip and 1 are glad, for we're
STOCK is the pride
of (Mir stot c, .uid every
M. m's ( vei oat ishere!
We mean hy that,
that 110 matter what a
Man's ( ivereoat liking
may he, there's a Coat
here that will
Fit His Mind to a
Does he prefer a
conservative style -a
Chesterfield foi in
stance .' We've scores
of Blacks and Oxfords
for him. Some are
luxurious propositions.
I )nes he lean toward
something more strik
nJ We've any num
ber of them, showing
wmtfseKiM5a3n?ss8aa everv new model ano
rani 11 .
l.onoj (Oats, medium length and short loose S
, .. i ..... ,...:.. . MM i.:..i. 11.,.. ATHi. ?
oats ami Closer lining. 1 11c new uiii v.wu.n. mm
tary cut, etc., etc.
In rouh Scotchy stuffs --in soft buried stripes in
rich warm colors.
$5, 8, $10, $15 ill) to $25.00
The Man, that passes this store on Overcoats will
miss the best Overcoats in town.
tfiSA Iks -
Cflwden-Kalcv Clothinft Co.
Always Reliable First Door North of Postoflice
Just Unloaded Direct FROM
one of the Largest Factories
of the East
No Middlemen's Profits to add.
Medium or High Class WE have it.
Amack 8 Chancy
Skirts, Furs, Etc.
We have a nice new line of the above to
close out at wholesale prices and it will be
a chance to fill your needs at a very small
cost. These was shipped us on approval and
will "-lye Vu die benefit of These very low
In Our Canned Goods line we have the
best at prices that cannot be Beat by the
case or dozen. Call in for your supply.
Do you know thnt it will jmy YOU, iu
well us US, to buy your Building Ma
terinl mid Coal at ouryarrisv Not onl
that our prices average lower, or at
least as low, us thoso of our competit
ors, but neoACSB wo tako especial care
of nnd protect all can be classed as
Coal. Lumber.
In tho middle of It all? like the holo wwiMWftiW',wwwwwWWii.e
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