1 1 jET I" 1 In- I 6he CHIEF tted Cloud - - place all I iiutit'i'lyutiKiiKui" tliobntlt r mentor your louiilily ami wiilu- up Ncbrnoktv to your ii'spoinililllty. He willing to PUULISHKD KVKKY THURSDAY. triw-just ii llttli- nunc lliali you f,'et u. il ilo vour tint v. Caterol In tlir I'onlolllce nt licit Cloud. Ncl., Kf Sci mill (InKI MlllllT C. It. 1IAM-2 I'lltl ISIII.U Till: ONLY IH, Ml.l I! l II I'AI'I I! IV l.lisii:i(iolMY (Iuil(,'in from I lir Mi'wspnpcriirlk'li s in inot of tlu papers over Hie state tlio most important issue nel year in NubnisUii will be licpinr ipieHtioii. This calls loom- mind Unit the city flection is not so very far away ami wo luivu a surest ion to oiler which wo bulieve will clarify the atmosphere next April. Tin) plan is to nominate, only one set of men for tlr miinlclpal olllces ami let the people vote wet or dry and let these camlidates pledge lllcmselves to abide by the decision of the people. This will transfer the light to where it belongs, mi the issue mid not on the men. Tlii lias been tried In other NubiasUa eilleu with W. C. T. U. ITEMS. i M i.i i r.i hiiiuH I.. iii w.i. r. i lidiirl of ihii.'ttitli Atnitiiil Convention or the Natlonul W. C. T. U.. Oct. 2IM lo 27lli. 1!I0!I A cuiifi i eiii-f of 1,'ijnl Temperance Jj"Uinn wmkers was held nioriiitij,' and alteriioon of Tliiit'sihi, at First I'res bleiian chiiieh. (iradtiatitiK exer cises ol the same with presentation of diplomas in the evening at 1st Metho dist church. i'',vaii(,'elistic services all day in audience, loom, and an exposi tion of methoiU of work in depart ments Hivcit in basement of 1st .M. K. elinich. I'mn.w The aiinmil mldie.ss of tliu 1'iesideiit Mrs. Ii. M.X Stevens was the chief feature of the niorninj; .session, in whieh she revicAcd ihe'ain of temper anee setitinieiit in Nebraidca. "JO dry lb fnodr. nulls and we tielleve We hlimibl eoiinli. s. l:, Ktiined in t.vo years jjlvo II ii thought lit least. county seats have oiilhtwcd thusa'ooii Our capital city now more worthy the name of Mticuln. stands hiiidiii; tliir teen other state capitals which have voted out the s ilouli. Our 'day-lirfhl" Milmi i liill also again, thou regarded A. H. Ueiry, editor of the Superior lournal was forlunnte imiiiiiIi to draw olio of I ho choice farms in South n.iK'nln iitiil bus Hold his nowsimncr. Ilo will devoto tils cneririe- in the I'.v Milium nun as a hardship. A il futtiro to farminu Mr. Berry ms ' view or victories in six other htates mtiilo good as an editor but wo are "'so Klveti. and tho chtimiito lmwd wqnderliitf what he will do witli a "1"" let lets iceeived made that "!IU quill wlicn he takes up aric..llu.al l'"i cent of the railways. 71) per cent of pursuits. He may use it t. prod the the niaiiuraelurers. Wl per cent of the oxen or plcl; the pltfV. teeth or stop trades, and 7!l per cent ol ayricultiir- the windows from rattliii,' but what iMs discriminate ajjaiust men who lilnfjl'' Aw nil ttititllntiimf I'll!' tllriiillir Ill'lliU. .... ..................... .... .. A ftci noon session was iven to ad dresses by depart incut superintendent's of New York. California, Illinois, I'enn- the virgin soil into productivity it will be worse than useless w bile if he at tempts to garner the golden grain witli oo mighty a weapon lie might i sylvau in. scatter bis harvest to the winds audi I'Vcning session was notable on ac fail to reap the reward of his laliur. J """t of addresses or welcome from We give it up. Wo can soo why an lll bcrnor. Mayor of Omaha. Ilishop editor would accept u farm but we can not see for tho life of us what lie will do with that infernal quill. Our attention was called the other day to what the little people really get from their rending. Take tho average reader mid give In t ti time to read any article witli which ho is not at the time especially interested and ask him to pass an examination on the artiole immediately afortbo read ing and the chances nre ton to ono lie "will declare that lie could not get a grndo of 20 per cent. The trouble is we rend too much. Too much of the kind which is not worth while. Hav ing discovered the cause the remedy is easy. Select only that which Is good and then read carefully and con centrate all energies upon the .subject. "Uewaro the man of ono book" is a haying which arose from the discovery that such a man knew what he hud read while the man of many books is too apt to retain only a hazy recollect ion of what he has skimmed over. Much praise is due the high school foot ball team for the clean games they ure playing. Slugging is strictly for bidden and the poualty is expulsion from the game. No player is allowed to use any methods not provided for in the rules. This is as it should be and our boys are receiving just com mendation for tho manly way in which they play the game. While all the players agree to this method of playing w understand that Cnpttiiii Phil Sherwood sees to it that tho laws nro strictly inforced. Many players seem to think that in a scrim mage when no one can see they are privilcdgcd to kill olVa good playeroii Nuelson for the church. l' L. llaller for Commercial Club, Mrs. V. H. Heald for tho state, llev. F. L Loveland for the convention committee, Mr. K. 10 Thomas for tho Anti-Salojn League and Dr. Davidson for tho public .schools. Hesponses were made by Miss K. P. Cordon for Now Hughim!, Mrs. M. K. Kuhl for tho middle west, Mrs. L. A. Mnrkwcll for the South find Mrs. M. It Piatt for the PaciUc coast. Addresses of lecturers, organizers and state presidents gave insight into conditions prevailing over the United States, Alaska, Canal ouo mid Philip pines. It wus said of tho convention sermon, by Mrs. Armour that none bettor was ever preached in Omaha. Ii.v (lovornor Cilenn greatly pleased his audience Sunday evoning. Miss Kllen Stone gave two addresses on Bulgaria and some incidents of her captivity. Twenty children repres ented in costume us many lands where W. V. T. I', worki.sdono. Demonstra tion of department work among rail way men, lumber men, flower mission, rescue work, physical culture and par liamentary drill was most enjoyable and jubilee night when prize banners wore given for increase in membership closed the great convention. BU Prizes for Nebraska. Sonic big prizes are olVored for Ne braska guiins and grasses this fall and the premium list of the National Corn Imposition, which is just out, shows Nebraska has an opportunity to win more than Jlii.OoO in competition against the world while in the state "A prl.es are oll'ercd for corn; .'J."i for oats and 1(1 for barley besides a large number for grains ami grasses Two hundred llml tu-mitv tli-n .Inllmc il,.. ......... : i 1...1 ...... i l... ' . "-""" .....,.,.. m,.k .,.... .... ..... .... . ( for twenty cars of corn or $ir0 for ten lieve in playing the game on the om an. ,,,, I)ri0S)0V11I1 ,0l.Ni;braska square. Yictory is far more hu.i.iliut- com. Tlu.s0 Uv() WI11Htntl, Ult ing when gained by fraud or vicious swcepstuUi and a special prize for plays than defeat. All honor to the ' Nebraska corn. The prizes for yellow, bovs of the foot ball team. wllito ,, vMk0 VOfn nm f(.()m ,,, u r77, . , .ST.'). For the best peck of wheat the ll.o result of the vole on commission- ioxl)(,siti()I lMvrtt g,0 um, tu) lptv cr, Iwhen Mr. b'chn.ldt secuied the (he prizes run from $1 to SIS0 The oillceby one vote, emphasizes what JIO prizes for oats from SI to 810 and we have said in theso columns before llu. loil ,-,. lmr, fnjni e, tog.J() about the icsponsibillty icsting upon A1( ,)f lu,S(. vr.MS afv oiror,1(1 1() Xo ono voter. The goern.nent is carried uril,llIls onIy and no otliers may enter on supp.uedly by the mandates of tho , competition for them, majority but too often after American t,sUlls tlll stut(J In.bes Nobniskllll8 citizens fail to live up to what is ex- nwy w, lfnst ot,lei. sta,es Libt peeled of them under tl.ccoi.stltution. ycU. Xobraska produced the best sain- J ho stay at homo vote is in reality the plo of wheat in tho world for bread most alarming and at the same time making and was dose to Indiana for the most in.lefeuceablool all votes. ' tlll. Ul.st ,,. Xobr!lbltll ,)r0(lllmi We do not know why each individual ; -JO:., 7(17, 000 bushels of corn last year stayat-homo did not vote, some per-1 luui Ilhum only H.SIin.oOo bushels. mps on account of s ekness, but there ' Whllo getting the quantity, Nebraska Isnclassof people in every locality should get a llttlo better quality and which lives for its own pleiiMire and win the 1,000 trophy offered for the nro unconcerned as to the welfare or best ten ears as well as the SI 000 pleasure of their neighbors. Wo fail ' trophy for the best single ear of corn to be real citizens unless we are act- i Ul0 world. Kxhlbits must be in lve In doing something for the uplift- Omaha November t7, the exposition ing of our own community. Thesaine opening Uceembor (5 ami lasting two spirit of indill'ercnce, or called by Us weeks. propor name, selfishness, induces men , t to stay away from the polls. Wo care ' Hiikimatihm Cftii.n in a Day. not what political convictions ono j nr. Detclieon's Hollef for Khoumatlsm may lmv. tho community has u right ! and Neuralgia radically cured in 1 to lo demand that ho register his judge- ;1 ,biys. It action upon the system is merit on olectlon day. The vote on remarkable mid mybterlous. It ro the courthouse proposition showed un- movt.s at onoo the causo and the ills jalstakubly that many did not vote on easelmmediatelv disappears. The dis tho question at nil. They were not j ,l0he greatly bJnotlts 75c and 81. first interested enough to be either for or Sold hy The II. K. Grico Drug Co. aaiust and It is this indifference j jed Cloud, Nobr. " which is ft menace to our form of ' .government. Dear citizen take your ' Subscribe for the Chief. ADDITIONAL LOCALS "The Prince of Swo leu"' at the Opera House tonight. District com I has adjouriie I from Nov. I .'lib. to Nov. 2'Jud. Don't miss "The Prince of Sweden" at the Opera House tonight. Our rural plioii" number is 4 and all Hiir patiois knowing Ileitis of inteiost will pleas phone them in. O. II. K'alc.v mi I l!oy lilfe loft Tues day morning to intend the funeral of Dr. KicknriN, at Weeping Water (Jus I'ogel and wife of Ilollidnysberg I'enn.. are the guests of his brother doe Fool and sister. Mrs, (Jen. W. Hutchison Dr. I. A. Thomas will goto Lincoln next Tuesday to attend the state den tal association meeting which convenes Wednesday, Thursday mid Friday. Theie will be a special program next Sunday evening at the Brethren church fiom 7 to 8 o'clock. The "I'hristkin Worker-," v ill jr'ive the pro gram as follows: Song liy nunrtctj Bending "Babies to Sell ' I Katie Vernleo Thoums Sight c'id!ntf""Poi?t1 Ye Them" ' M ins .Julia liuglc.s Sony By Quintet Beading-"What I Would Do" Htlii'l Wilson Beading "When the Deneoii talked in Church" II. li. Thomas ' Song (iuartct Sermon nt S o'clock by llev. .1 K. .larbnc. lUHJItS ()! SKUVICK AT CONfllil.c -TIONALCtlL'I'.Un. Sa mi Mil Si ISVtl IIS. rrcni'hliih' ... . I0:i.-io. in. Illlile Khool jo j,,, i rriaelilni; kits Ices . 8 p. in. Prayer ami routiiciue iiuetlnt; Wulius- day nt K p. m. A t'orillnl liiNltatliiii Isextendcil to till, ltl.v. A.A.Ciikssman Pastor. " Tiit in i i i ii an iMiiaiim wi mia DeWltt Lit tic Furly Bisers the safe, sure, gentle easy little liver pills Bo sure to get DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve, the original. Al ways refuse substitutes and imitations The original DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salvo is good for anything a salvo is used for. but it is especially g-ood for piles. Sold by all druggists ? Specials for the Month of November Dress Goods, Oulings, Percales, Calico, Underwear, Linen, Gloves, Table Linen, Silks, Embroideries, Laces, Combs, Fancy top Hair Pins, Corsets and Collars. I Ladies outing niglil dresses at 50c, 75c, 90c, $1.00. Ladies outing skirls at 50c, good value. Ladies Union suils in light weight, medium weight or heavy weight, which ever you want. Cotton Bats. Cotton Bats at 8 1-3, 10, 12 1-2, 15 c. The extra large ones at 85c. yttirii1 iin Ready to Wear Skirts. Come in and let us show you our line of Ready to Wear Skirts. Silks Come in and look our line of Silks over think you will find just what you want. Messaline Silks 27 inches wide, in plain or stripes or figured, at $ 1 a yard. 36 inch black silk at $ 1 a yard luilAr -"fll PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM (nnn!t mil 1 fiiitir.fi lh h!r. l'mnioui n limiriant kfinrtS. Never Filk lo llcatore Oruy Itnlr to Us Youthful ColorT Curi tcalp dlwufft A. hair lilllog. w.im in. ! 1njjrpi Children's Bear Skin Coats from $2 to $5 Have you received one of our Souvenier Plates if not come in and we will tell you how to get one. Beginning with November 1st we will give a coupon with eyery 58c purchase entitling you to a chance on the three dolls we are going to give away December 24th. Agent for Bvxtterick Patterns. F. NEWHOUSE Z7; '.H I I I I I k I EES LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND HDiina m An Improvement over many Coutfh, Luntf nnd Bronchial Remedies, because it rids th 9y.wm.?f a co,d by ,ct,r " a cath"rt,c on the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to glvl satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared by PINEULE MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO. U.S.A.V FOR SALE AT COOK'S DRUG STORE. ' II7UL7M ,,. hr f Ui. . 1m. .. .1 ff i lLii n yuu die icauy iu scici yuui bull lOl rniS season it will well pay you to look over the new 4 if if LrW I i '"'it PAUL STOREY RED CLOUD. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes we have brought together for your use. You'll find a lot of variety in models; new ideas in the cut of pockets, in the lapels, in the shape of back and flare of skirts. You'll find an amazinff variety of patterns and weaves to select from; blues, grays, olives; stripes, self-stripes, plain colors. Every fabric used by Hart Schaffner & Marx is all wool, strictly; they use no other; you're sure of the quality. The tailoring is just as good as the cloth; and there is no question about style. Suits $18 to $40 Overcoats $15 to $50 This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes STOREY & FOWLER COWLES. TJiW N i; -