The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 11, 1909, Image 1
BBBBBBHBBIBBMBBBiBBBBflBBIBlBBB ffi, MU ;. t,y."fC""5,", . - -r . . .Si Ur VOLUME XXXV II. A Bank for the Mer chant and Farmer. Interest Paid on time deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florancc, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizcr, C. J. Pope, Win. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florancc. fl&BfflBS2E8&S35B s e? v FK WOMEN "phe pamous Queen Quality s !E Miner General Merchants THE BIG STORE The Home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prep. E I carry a complete line of . ..AK fhnt rt and my prices aru suun unit ri ,mnr buvintr in this line of f bmnds of canned and package goods carried. W jjfc All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. w m M yl 4 4. j a Urocery store more than In anything else, ft Gl69lllin6SS buyers should deinaml Absolute Cleanliness, ft m You cnunot buy Groceries in a dirty, Ill-kept place and be sure o ft jL pure goods- ClcanHnesand uuutttttion are our hobbles. : : : : ft m & m id: Wim. . - - ----.. f II fciB W W'Bf1 W W W m m M m M, m s --,K.'k.-w-.- . M.yif ,i-.,v"i'' r.'"'e "",ft:2rivC-SSl;gr Stnte Historic S ' l-ty HaBh BEffiB2SS3 &S3M3S 1 oes. Bros. Co. A tfr to viz t h to to to to verything IN tables to strictly fresh Groceries, ft t wttW int irii i r A c A j .i mu i,y j. lu ww w us. Only the first-class to .a'.a..a.'.''i'v 'fe' fc ;- 1 JZ - . '" "Vtf "" f "-.uty 4 Newspaper 'I hat (lives The News .Fifty-two RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, NOV UMliHli Dr. Rickard Killed Beneath His Auto Machine Turns Turtle Near Weeping Water and Phy sician's Back Broken. Weeping Water. Neb , Nov. 8. Dr. 1'. T Kiukards, u prouuuunt phy sician of this city, was found dead un der his automobile about a mile east of here early this morning. Ho had been dead about four hours when discovered. About .'::t0 in the morning lie had been called to see a patient in the country. While going at a high rate of speed his machine ran into a cul vert at. a turn in the road and was overturned Dr. Kickurds was crush ed underneath and was probably kill ed instantlv. Doctor Uickurds was about forty years old. lie had been located in Weeping Water for nliuest twelve jvnr.s. mid was well known In this vicinity. Dr. KickuiU li'tivcon wife und two children, one a boy of ten and the thci u baby. GUIDE ROCK. Don llayleH was In Gnldo Hock over S, unlay. The IVftH nihtcis were lu Superior .Saturday. Mrs. D. .Ioiipr entertained Alls' Amy Pel tit Sunday. W. S. Lambert, has begun work on his now residence. Mis' liertha Olmistede is attending school In Lincoln. Mrs. (!. W. Pool expects to go to Iowa tins week to visit friends. The oillcial board of the M. K. church met at the parsonage Monday evening. Miss Malissa Lambert who teaches at Dillor was visiting over Sunday hero with her parents, W. S. Lambert and wife. The friends of Miss Olive Diekcrson are pleased to see her back in the store. She was severely ill about three weeks, Lewis liailoy and family were hero visiting with Mr. and Mrs. K. (). Park er Wednesday. They are grandpar ents of Lewis. Mrs. Crane and daughter Ethel, and Mrs. V, M. Parker and Miss Van Woert spent the day Friday at, the home of Wm. Pottirnnd family Mm' r unit ( Yos h"t, - '' S'n iirday nt Uii. . "-. i. rn was the lsi. alf ln ll'ive Irnl Price 'i"i' i"o'l. Tlus and ion-is . .1. 1). KlIiliyiT Mini (i.Ci. i,'ni, in'' ili-sc vlug of gri'itt cri'd'1, usiy. M.-.Ms. l ilK.T an( C'i,s. Tlir Midi's IMiiii inn! I .on Watt sang a beautiful ilui't Snii'lay moi'ning at the srviee of the M V,. chinch. The yoiuig ludii n Ntareii Monday morning for a vi-it in Illinois at Danville, Chicago and Aurora and on their re turn homo will also visit relatives at Omaha Real Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by the Fort Ab straet Co. for the week ending Wed. nesday, November 10. VMM. Chris Fassler to Oharlcs Lepln, lots 1,2, Ulk. S, Itohrers add tolilue Hill, wd Alexander Klatt to Henry Koch Sr.. neT-MV.wd Harm hose to It. II. OJinstcad, lot 5, Ulk. 7. Itosemont, wd. . . Walter S. Kimble to Klmer M. Knoble, nu so 30-M2. Adm I) jko 8000 1K)0 r.oo .Tamos S, Gilliam et-al Iteferoos to Walters. K noble, e.f vj; so se 31-MS, Itof I) 2600 Prank Walter to R. B. .lames, se2ft-4.13, wd 13000 125800 Mwtgages Uled, 182120. Mortgages released, MWy 2-?&W&&gM&M&i!m3r ..i'--? Weeks Each Year For One Dollar. I like tne handle, bat the Never again need you take an umbrella handle or cover that is not exactly to your taste. The Hull Umbrella, with detachable and inter- changablc handle, permits free choice of both covers and handles, Buy one cover and several handles; or one handle and several covers. It take but a second to snap the handle on the umbrella. HULL UMBRELLA DETACHAUI.H AM) INTEKUlUNnEAKLE HANDLE Is being used by more than a million people; and thousands more are being sold. Every one of lhc?c individuals bought the I lull because il is so far superior in economy, in durabilityto the old fashioned kind. Replacement of a worn out cover cosls no nu re than recovering the oilier kind. Simply bring us the handle and we hand it back to you, on your new cover, in a jiffy. 'TftAc is no- question aboiu- your using. lh Mull UmbislJe. , Ycu will socner or lntci Our stock of handles and covers are very extensive. Be sure lo see their. Hull Umbrellas wilh detachable and interchangeable handles $2.00 and upward. NEWHOUSE BROTHERS JEWELERS & OPTOMETRISTS. A Public Benefit Red Cloud People Greatly IntcrcstcdSIn the Generous Offer of The H. E. lirlec Druft Co. The people have already demon stinted that they would rather trust a man who is naturally honest than ono who ii honest only because he had to be. Tho II. K. Grice Drug Co. Iiavo a firmly established reputation for square dealing and sterling honesty. When they told the people that He.xall Remedies arc the purest and most de pendable medicines that it is possible for modern science to produce, and that, thoy would tell the public what each of these 1100 or more remedies contained, and that they sold Uexall Remedies on their personal guarantee that they would giveentuo satisfaction or they would not cost the user a single cent, they Were believed. I.i'" filllee UII'' IIIIIIO oii'llli'IIL I lie II. i' it rice Drug (Jo. ! In- been uiiVe'V paii'oii'r.eil by piMiol Im.'.ing lies. ill Uumedie-, all ( whidi thai tbi-sloiv huh lie- eoii(ieiiee of the 1'i'opie aiiii thai hoiieMy i I lie bot pulley . 'I'll--. i:-. no "eureall" anions the KeMill itemed io There are diU'eiulit am! sepaiMt- im dicines. eeli one de-vis- il for a certain hum. in ailment or u class of ailment closely allied. For instance Uexall Dyspepsia Tablets are recommended for the iiositive relief of stomach Irritnt ion. indigestion, tlatu leiie.i and dyspepsia. They aie rich lu Iiistnuth'Suhuitrntc, Pepsin and Carminatives They are prepared by special pirn-esses which perfect and enhance the great remedial value of these woll-kitowu medicinal agents. This remedy sells for 2ft cents. ftOceuts and 1 per package. Kvery one siilVor ing from stomach disorder should try Hexall J )yspepsla Tablets, In as much as they cost nothing If they do not satisfy. Remember, The II. K. CJrico Drug Co. store is the only store in Red Cloud where those remedies may be obtained and everyone in need of inedlcluo Is urged to investigate and take advan tage of the frank and generous maimer in which they are sold. The Chief $1.00 II. !)!. IT IS NOT A SAVING POLICY to go without insurance. The risk assumed is too great for the small premium you keep in your pookct. Figure out how many years you would have to lie free fioin any lire in order ave the va!"o of your house lout utti'ir . Then consider you i. ii.t bue .i lire 'Id Very llkllt. T'll'l '! of OW'll II little blaze will lrt m nt! thuu tlie if III 111 II t of FIRI'J INSIUAM I. F'M! VKAIIS HeDer have me sii"oii i ioiie today. It's i whole lot liclter to be sun- thui soriy, as many "ii in. iusiireil id in has icen. r . 'Wti m aUsmmmmmim Red Cloud, Neb. HAY! When having Alfalfa hay for sale, don't torget to call on 1! C. Bom m the hay man. Kemeinber his prlois are always the highest, prices ranging from ".1'0 to SlO.oQ per ton. Will be in the market for good Fruit io Hay also. And respectfully -olielt a part of your patronage. S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. EMIQU At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone13f. '.casm. fe NUMHER-HJ cover mon't do' Swift's Prom turn Hams or Bacons. fMTn Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm Koom Red Cloudy Nebr. THE CHICAGO SPECIALISTS. Chronic and Serious Diseases. Red Cloud, office Royal Hotel. Consulation Free, again Friday November 26th. SHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND LADIES I A.U juur llrunttut for CUI-CIIItS-THR'B UIA.l GOLI Hibbotl. Ilrultt IIIASIOMI II II A NO I'M.I.S, for twcntT-finj yean reearded ns Uest,6uHtt, Always Uellablc SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS fflL EVERYWHERE WORTH I TH3TKI)! DcWitt's Eidoey Md ftltdler PUk FOR BACKACHE 1 i a utf r L'7 .mf Pfc. IU.MJ 1IKA.M) I'll, I, S III KKU nlUlA i metallic tioxrs. scnled vrltu Uliie TABn NO OTHER. Ilur oF JourV nJ .k fup CIII.C1IH8.TF.1IS V 18 ' T'a