The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 04, 1909, Image 7

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    li '-BBU'
Discarded Auto Simply Acted at Da
coy to Bring Other Unde
sirables. Asa Paine, vice-president of tho
American Automobile association, said
In St. Augustlno of the automobile
"Cars arc now made to last Tho
rich man no longer finds his 1907 ear
unfashionable, llko his 1907 coat, in
"At the beginning of tho industry a
car was nntlquntod in no time so
antiquated that people laughed at It.
"They tell n story In Dettoit about
a dealer who had, in 1900, an anti
quated 1895 car. He tried vainly to
sell this car. Ho put lower nml lower
price tags on it $100. $.'0, $10 aud
ilnally he put on a tag to the effect
that the car was to be given away.
"Even then there were no lakers.
"So ono evening, despcrato, tho
dealer left tho 1S95 car in a vacaat
lot beside his shop, hoping that eoiiio
ono would steal It in the night. But
when he came down to work tho next
morning, not only was tho old car
still there, but another one of similar
pattern had been placed beside It."
He Forgot Something.
"Ii that all you have to say to me?"
ehe queried, looking off Into space.
"Great heavens, girl" said ho,
n' ashed, "what more can I say?
Haven't I told you that I worship tho
very ground you walk on? Haven't
1 offered you every lota of my worldly
possessions? Haven't I said that you
would never want for anything, that
your relatives could come nnd stay as
long as they wished, that I would
work my fingers baro for you, and
that 1 would devote my cntlro exist
ence to you?"
"Oh, yes, you said nil that," she re
I lied, wearily, "but"
"Hut what?" he asked, tremulously.
"You you didn't say right out and
out 'I lovo you,' nnd that's what I
wanted to hear most of all."
"Willie Holt seems to be developing
Into ti very fast young man."
"What else could be expected In his
case? Hasn't his father been fined
nearly n dozen times for exceeding
tho speed limit?"
Nebraska Directory
If you wish to be
Cured of
Uncle Sam
Breakfast Food
A delightful food made
from wheat and flax na
ture's own remedy.
Ask your grocer
He Certainly Knows
Specially. IIIclicHt PrlceH paid for llldcn.
Send for prleca und tni.
HENRY HOLM, 134 So. 8th Street., Lincoln, Neb.
Do you want Hit lien Corn M.elleruiudtil If so.
Insist (in a
Wrllo for cataluK or sett your locul dealer
Beatrice Creamery Co.
Toys the highest price for
Holit by the Unit Dealers. We lll neml to nunlli
toachen on receipt of 15cts.ln rUmM, n lvinrli, lnm
maple. trMeU.?cl rule. JOHN G. WOODWARD
A CO.'Tlio Candy MorV'Councll Bluffs, la.
Improved and unimproved far tun In eastern
South Dakota for halo on
Will erect lmlldlnu-ion nny fiinn on winioe.ihy
terms. Price t'Xi to U) per ncie. For lihtu,
nmpx, ctu .aihlicMH ALEX. II. RAIT. Farmers &
Merchant' Uldg.. 15th and O Sli.. Lincoln, Neb.
Of rtll va
rieties per
manent ly
cured in a
Aivilfivunltlinut n. Hlirfrlfftl oneriitlnn
or detention from IiubIiivdm. No pay
will Ira accepted until the patient Ih
completely Hatlstled. Write or call ou
Room 306 Bee Olds., Omaha, Neb.
Boots and Arctics
V I nuuu
CW nl
Taitii Mirk
v X.. t -V
n . fi5fuv
tJDOl Val"L X
I V5XS&vt-E
Mnnn srir?r-rr: .ws
lllflUG "MM1
Aik your Dealer for Uoodi with this brand
American Hand-Sewed Shoe Go.
my waltfrcs
A Telegram from Paul Stoddard.
Stoddard's telegram was brought to
mo on the (tlennrm pier at font
o'clock Tuesday afternoon, tho Gth of
June. I am thus explicit, for all the
matters hereinafter described turn
upon tho receipt of Stoddard's mes
sage, which was, to bo sure, harmless
enough In Itself, but, like many other
scraps of paper that blow about the
world, the forerunner of confusion and
My ft lend, Mr. John fllcunrm, had
gone abroad for tho summer with his
family and bad turned over to me
his house at Annandale that I might
enjoy its seclusion and comfort while
writing my book on "Hussliin IUvcrs."
If John Olenarm had not taken his
family abioad with him when he went
to Turkey to give the sultans engi
neers lessons In bridge building; if
I had not accepted his kind offer of
tho houso at Annandalo for tho sum
mer; and if Paul Stoddard had not
sent me that telegram, I should never
have written this natrativ Hut such
was the predestined way of it. I rose
from the boat I was caulking, and,
with the waveB from tho receding
steamer slapping the pier, read this
Stnmford. Conn., Juno 5.
Meet Mln.i Patricia Holhrook Annan
dalo station, ilvo twenty Chi card express
and conduct her to St. Agatha's school,
where ihc Is expected. Shu will nxptaln
difficulties. I havo assured her of your
sympathy nnd aid. Will Join you later If
necessary. Imperative enBKements call
me elsewhere. STODDAtlD.
To say that I was angry when I
read this message is to belittle the
truth. I read and re-read it with
growing heat. I had accepted Glen
arm's offer of tho houso at Annandale
becauso it promised peace, and now I
was ordored by telegraph to meet a
strange person of whom I had never
heard, listen to her story, and tender
my sympathy and aid. I glanced at
my watch. It was already after four.
"Delayed in transmission" was
stamped across tho telegraph form
I learned Inter that It had Iain half
tho day in Annandalo, New York
so that I was now face to face with
tho situation, and without opportunity
to illng his orders back to Stoddard
if I wanted to. Nor did I even know
Stamford from Stnmboul, and I am
rot yet clear In my mind being an
Irishman with rather vague notions of
American geography whether Con
necticut is north or south of Massa
chusetts. "Ijima!"
I called my Japanese boy from the
noathouse, and ho appeared, paint
brush In hand.
"Order tho doublo trap, and tell
them to hurry."
I reflected, as I picked up my coat
and walked toward the house, that If
any one but Paul Stoddard had sent
rno such a message I should most cer
tainly havo ignored it; but I knew him
a.i n man who did not make demands
or impose obligations lightly. As the
founder and suporlor of tho Protestant
religious Order of tho Brothers of
Bethlehem ho was, I know, an ex
ceedingly busy man. Ills religious
houso wns in tho Virginln mountains;
but he spent much time in quiet, hum
ble sorvlco In city slums, In lumbor
camps, In tho mines of Pennsylvania;
and occasionally ho appeared llko a
prophet from tho wilderness in somo
grent church of Now York, and
preached with a marvelous cloquenco
to wondering throngs.
Tho trap swung into tho archotl
driveway and I bade tho conchmnn
mnko hasto to tho Annandalo station.
Tho hnndsomo bays woro toon trot
ting swiftly townrd the village, wlillo
I drow on my gloves nnd considered
tho situation. A certain Miss Hoi
brook, of whoso existence I hnd been
utterly ignorant an hour before, was
about to arrive at Annandalo. A
clergyman, whom I hnd not soon for
two years, had telegraphed mo from
a town In Connecticut to meet this
person, conduct her to St. Agatha's
school Just closed for tho summer, as
I know and to volunteer my services
In diillculties that were darkly indi
cated in a telegram of 45 words. Tho
sender of tho messago I know to bo
a serious character, and a gentleman
of distinguished social connections.
Tho numn of tho lady signified noth
ing excopt that sho was unmarried;
nnd as Stoddard's acquaintance was
among all sorts and conditions of
men I could assumo nothing moro
thaa that tho unknown had appealed
to him as a priest and that ho had
sent her to Lake Annandalo to shako
off tho burdens of tho world in tho
conventual air of St. Agatha's.
Tho Chicago express whistled for
Annandale Just as wo gained tho edgo
of tho village. It paused a grudging
moment and wns gono before w
reached tho station. I Jumpod out
and ran through tho waiting room to
tho platform, where tho agent was
gathering up tho mall bags, whllo nn
assistant loadod a truck with trunks.
I glanced about, and tho moment was
an important ono in my life. Stand
ing quito alono besldo sovoral plecos
of hand baggago was a lady unmis
takably a lady leaning lightly upon
an umbrella, and holding under her
arm a magazine. Sho was clad In
brown, from bonnet to shoes; tho um
brella and magazine cover were of
V m2SziJ "rl IIIIIKi H lfrl
SEX "411 i IKt 1 11
Y 1 1 A i Li '""X. .MPMi
"Well, He Can Hardly
like tint, and even the sultcaso near
est her struck tho same noto of color.
Thero was no doubt whatever as to
her identity; I did not hesitate a mo
ment; tho lady In brown was MibS
Holbrook, and sho was an old lady, a
dear, bewitching old lady, and as t
stepped toward her, her eyes bright
ened they, too, were brown! nnd
she put out her brown-gloved hand
with a gesturo so frank und cordlnl
that I was won nt once.
"Mr. Donovan Mr. Laurnnco Dono
van 1 am suro of It!"
"Miss Holbrook I am equally con
fident!" I said. "I am sorry to bo late,
but Father Stoddard's messago was
"You are kind to respond nt all,"
sho said, her wonderful eyes upon
mo; "but Father Stoddard said you
would not fall mo."
"He Is a man of groat faith 1 Hut
I havo a trap waiting. We can talk
moro comfortably nt St. Agatha's."
"Yes; we are to go to tho school.
Father Stoddard' kindly arranged it.
It is quite secluded, he assured me."
"You will not bo disappointed, Miss
Holbrook, if seclusion is what you
I picked up the brown bag and
turned away, but sho waited and
glanced about. Her "wo" had puzzlod
me; perhaps she had brought a maid,
and I followed her glance toward tho
window of tho telegraph office.
"Oh, Helen; my niece, Helen Hol
brook, Is with mo. I wished to wire
somo Instructions to my housekeeper
at home. Father Stoddard may not
havo explained that it Is partly on
Helen's account thnt I am coming
"No; ho explained nothing merely
gave mo my instructions," I laughed.
"Ho gives ordors in a most militant
In a moment I hnd been presented
to the niece, and had noted that she
was considerably abovo her aunt's
height; that sho was dark, with eyes
that seemed quite black in certain
lights, and that sho bowed, ns her
aunt presontcd me, without offering
her hand, and murmured my namo in
a voico musical, deep and full, and
agrceablo to hear.
Sho took tholr checks from her
purse, and I called tho portor and
nrrnnged for tho transfor of their bag
gage to St. Agatha's. Wo were soon
In tho trap with tho bays carrying us
at a lively clip along tho Iako road.
"Thoro's a summer resort some
where on the lako; how far is that
from tho school?" asked tho girl.
"That's Port Annandale. It's two
or threo miles from St. Agatha'B," I
replied. "On this side and nil tho
way to the school thero are farms.
Port Annandalo lies yondor."
"Of course wo shall seo nothing of
It," said tho younger Miss Holbrook
with finality.
I sought in vain for any resem
blance between tho two women; thoy
woro utterly unlike. Tho little brown
lady was Interested nnd rosponslvo
enough; sho turned toward her nloco
with undisguised affection as wo
talked, but I caught sovoral times a
look of unhapplncss In her faco, and
thu brow thnt Time had not touched
gathered in lines of anxiety and care.
Tho girl's manner toward her aunt
was wholly kind and sympathetic.
"I'm suro It will bo delightful horo,
Aunt Pat. Wild roses and bluo water!
I'm quito In love with tho prottj lako
This was my first introduction to
Find Her Hero."
tho diminutive of Patricia, and it
seemed very Jilting, and ns delightful
as the dear little woman herself. She
must have cnught my smile as tho
niece no addicssed her for the ilrst
time and she smiled buck at mo In her
charming tashlon.
"You nre an Irishman, Mr. Donovan,
nnd Pat must sound natural."
"Oh, all who lovo Aunt Patricia call
her Aunt Pat!" exclaimed the girl.
"Then Miss Holbrook undoubtedly
hears it often," said I, and wna at
once sorry for my bit of blarney, for
tho tears shone suddenly In tho denr
brown eyes, and tho niece recurred to
tho summer lnndscape as a topic, and
talked of the Olenarm place, whoso
stone wnll wo wero now passing, un
til wo drove into the grounds of St.
Agatha's and up to tho main entranco
of tho school, where a sister in tho
brown gnrb of her order stood wait
ing. I llrst introduced myself to Sister
Margaret, who was In chargo, and
then presented tho two ladles who
were to bo her guests. Sister Marga
rot said Just tho right tiling to every
ono, and I was glad to find her so
capable a poison, fully nblo to caro
for theso exiles without uld from my
Bido of the wall.
"Holen, If you will seo our things
disposed of I will detain Mr. Donovan
a few minutes," snld Miss Holbrook.
"Or I can come again in an hour I
am your nonr neighbor," I remarked,
thinking she might wish to rest from
her Journey.
"I am quite ready," sho replied, nnd
I bowod to Helen Holbrook and to Sis
ter Margaret, who went out, followed
by tho maid. Miss Pat you will par
don mo if I begin nt once to cnll her
by thlHnamo, but it fits her so capi
tally, it in so much a part of her, that
I cannot resist Miss Pat put off her
bonnet without fuss, placed It on tho
tablo and sat down In a window scat
whence tho nearer shore of tho lako
was visible across the strip of smooth
"Will you picaso close tho door?"
sho said, and when I enmo back to tho
window sho began at onco.
"It is not pleasant, ns you must
understand, to explain to a stranger
an Intimate and painful family trouble.
But FathorStoddard advised mo to bo
quito frank with you."
"That Is tho best way, if thoro Is a
possibility that I may bo of sorvlco,"
I said In tho gontlest tone I could
command. "But tell mo no more than
you wish. I am wholly at your serv
ice without explanations."
"It 1b in reference to my brother;
he has caused me a great deal of
trouble. When my fnthor died nearly
ton years ago ho lived to a great
age ho loft a considerable estate, n
largo fortune A pnrt of It was di
vided at onco among my two brothers
and myself, Tho romnlnder, amount
ing to $1,000,000, was loft to mo, with
the stipulation that I was to mako a
furthor division botweon my brothers
at tho end of ten years, or at my dis
cretion. I was older than my broth
ers, much older, and my fathor left
mo with this responsibility, not know
ing what it would load to. Henry
and Arthur succoeded to my father's
business, tho banking firm of Hol
brook Brothers, in Now York. Tho
bank continued to prosper for a time;
then it collapsed suddenly. Tho debts
wero all paid, but Arthur disappeared
thoro wero unplensant rumors "
Sho paused n moment, und looked
out of tho window toward tho luVo,
it'll 1 saw her clasped hands tighten;
but she went on bravely.
"That was seven years ago. Since
then Henry lias Insisted on the final
division of tho pioperty. .My father
had a high sense of honor and he stip
ulated that if eltliei of his sous should
be guilty of any dishonorable act he
should forfeit his half of the $1,000,
000. Henry Insists that Arthur has
forfeited his lights and that the
amount withheld should be paid to
him now; but his conduct has been
such that I feel I should serve lilin 111
to pay him so large a sum of money
Moreoer, 1 owe something to his
daughter to Helen. Owing to her fa
ther's reckless life 1 have had her
make her home with me for several
j ears. She Is a noble girl, and very
beautiful you must have seen, Mr.
Donovan, thnt she Is an unusually
beautiful girl."
"Yes," I unseated.
"And better than that," sho said,
with feeling, "she Is a lovely char
I nodded, touched to see how com
pletely Helen Holbrook filled and sat
isfied her aunt's life. Miss Pat con
tinued her story.
"My brother flint sought to frighten
me into a settlement by menacing my
own pence; and now ho Includes Ilel
en In his animosity. My house at
Stamford was set on fire a mouth ago;
then thieves entered It and I wns
obliged to leave. Wo arranged to go
abroad, but when wo got to the steam
er wo found Henry wnltlng with a
threat to follow us if I did not accede
to his demands. It wns Fathor Stod
dard who suggested tills placo, and
we came by a circuitous route, paus
ing hero and there to seo whether wo
were followed. You can imagine how
distressing how wretched all this
hr.j been."
"Yes; It Is n sad story, Miss Hol
brook. But you nro not likely to bo
molested heie. You havo a lake on
one side, a high wall shuts off tho
road, and I beg you to accept mo as
your near neighbor nnd protector. Tho
servants at Mr. (Jlenarm's houso havo
been with him for several years njid
are undoubtedly trustworthy. It Is
not likely that your brother will find
you here, but If he should wo will
deal with that situation when the time
"You nre very reassuring, no doubt
wo shall not need to cull ou you. And
1 hopo you understand," sho continued,
"thnt it Is not to keep tho money that
I wish to avoid my brother; that if it
wero wise to make this furthor di
vision nt this time nnd it wero for
his good, I should be glad to glvo
him nil overy penny of It."
"Pnrdon me, but tho other brother
ho bus not made similar demtnds
you do not fear him?" I Inquired,
with homo hesitation.
"No no!" And a tremulous smllo
played about her lips. "Poor Arthur!
Ho must ho dead. He ran away after
the bank failure and I havo never
heard from li tin since. Ho and Henry
wero vory unlike, nnd I nlways felt
moro closely nttached to Arthur. Ho
was not brilliant, lllto Henry; ho was
gentle nnd quiet in his ways, and fa
thor wus often impatient with him.
Henry hns been vory bitter toward
Arthur and has appealed to me on tho
score of Arthur's Ill-doing. It took all
his own fortune, ho says, to save Ar
thur and the family mime from dis
honor." Sho wns remarkably composed
throughout this recital, and I mar
veled at her moro nnd more. Now,
after a moment's silence, she turned
to mo with a smile.
"Wo havo been nnnoyod In another
way. It Is so ildlculous that I heal
tato to toll you of It"
"Pray do not you need tell mo
nothing moro, Miss Holbrook."
"It Is best for yo.t to know. My
nlcco has been annoyed tho past year
by the attentions of a young man
whom she greatly dislikes and whoso
persistence distresses her very much
"Well, ho can .hardly Hnd her horo;
and If ho should"
Miss Holbrook folded her arms
upon her knees nnd smiled, bending
townrd me.
"Oh!" sho exclaimed; "ho isn't a
vlolont person, Mr. Donovan. Ho'a
silly, absurd, Idiotic! You need fear
no violence from him."
"And of course your nloco is not In
terested bo's not n fellow to appeal
to her imagination."
"That Is quito truo; and then in
present unhnppy clrcuinstnncos, with
her father hanging over her llko a
menace, marriage Is far from hor
thoughts. Sho feels that oven if she
wero attached to a man nnd wished to
mairy, sho could not. I wr.ih she did
not feel so; I should bo glad to seo
her married and settled In her own
homo. It's a very dreadful thing, as
you can understand, for brother und
pluter and father and child to bo ar
rayed against ono another."
1 wished to guide tho talk Into
cheorfuller channels before leaving.
Miss Put seomed amused by tho
thought of tho unwelcome suitor, and
I determined to leave her with somo
word In roforonco to him.
By Lydia E. Pink! lam's
Vegetable Compound
Louisville. Kv. "Lvdhi E. Pink.
nun's Vt'Rolalilo Compound has eer-
taiiiiv done me a
i V (I
world ot uooii ami
I cannot praise it
cuniipli. 1 Buffered
dizziness, nervous
ness, and u severe
female trouble.
Yem'tublo Com
pound lias restored
mo to nurfoct
health tind kept mo
. t
table. 1 will never bo without thin
medicine in tho lioiiht1." Mrs. Sam'l
LLP., SV-M Fourth St., Louisville, Ky.
Another Operation Avoided.
Adrian, fla. "I suffered untold
misery from female troubles, nnd my
doctor said an operation was my only
chance, and 1 dreaded it almost as
much as death. Lydia H. l'inkham's
Voko tablo Compound I'omitletely cured
mo without an operation." Lena V.
Hknky, H. P. U. a.
Thirty years of unparalleled suc
cess confirms tho power of Lydiu E.
rinkham's VeBCtablo Compound to
euro femalo diseases. Tho great vol
umoof unsolicited testimony constant
ly pouring in provcB conclusively that
Lydia E. PiuklianVa Vego tablo Com
pound is a remarkable remedy for those
distressing; feminine ills from which
so many women suffer.
Doctor I advise you to go to Nest.
It's a smull place far away from ev
erywhere. There your nerves will get
Patient Oh, but, doctor, I've frocks
us well us nerves.
Awful, Crusted, Weeping Eczema on
Little Sufferer A Score of Treat
ments Prove Dismal Failures.
Cure Achieved by Cutlcura.
"My llttlo boy had nn awful rash all
over his body and the doctor oald it
was eczema. It was terrible, and used
to water awfully. Any placo tho water
went it would form another soro and it
would becomo crusted. A Bcoro or
moro physicians failed utterly and dis
mally In tholr efforts to rcmovo tho
trouble. Then I was told to uso tho
Cutlcura Remedies. I got a cake of
Cutlcura Soap, a box of Cutlcura Oint
ment and a bottlo of Cutlcura Ho
eolvcnt, and beforo wo had used half
tho Rcsolvont I could seo a chnngo In
him. In about two months ho was en
tirely well. Gcorgo F. Lambert, 139
West Centro St., Mahanoy City, Pa,.
Sept. 20 and Nov. 4, 1907."
1'oUer Oruit A Cbcm. Corp., Bolo I'rops., Uostoa.
A Terrible Disease.
"Do you own nn automobile?" in
quired tho unobservant party. Tho
other shook his head sadly.
"No," ho sighed, "1 havo been n suf
ferer all my life from chronic pedes
trianlsm." A woman's Idea of u tactful man Is
cue who is uble to increase the ad
miration she has for herself.
Mrn. WliisItMv'a fiootlilniy Hyrur
Forilillilren teetklhK. iioftrna tlitH-iirnn, reduce In
tUitmutluu.allu) ii pul.-i,-uruH wind cullu. UOc u uottlo.
Tho patriotism of the olllcc seeker
Is the greatest ever
Don't Cough! Use
"Wt WST YKMlttt TOR (gMnSWuS
Will instantly relieve your aching
throat. Thero it nothioj like it for
Asthma, Bronchitis and lung
troubles. Contains no opiates.
Very pleasant to take.
All Di-ubkUu. 23 cent.
mm u .rs i m "
WttteafASaJSrfgarSferfsw - -' tl
Ji W V! . ?".
,jb a t wfi.
v v $19imrwfax fp
'tkUfefefeH -ritt
. M, .WVl--