The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 04, 1909, Image 2

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."p. fflrfSlTiV. .
in urssmia.
irwil mtmmll ' .'.' "'"''MMilMilMllMMBMWiMIMaHW'Wr
-JJEasiSipC!5FWw5' ""iBBBiBBiiiniijjijjipjii
A Who
Would Evtfojr
good health, with itn blessings, mint un
derstand, quiloili'arly, that it involve! tho
question of rifiht living willi till the trrra
implies. With proper hnnwlnln of what
h 5c8t, cnch hour of ivrrrntioii, of enjoy
ment, of contemplation ami of effort nriy
Iw mado to rontrihuln to liwtr; nruHit.
Then tho mo of nuM'icinoi miy Ik iIh
penned willi to mlvnntri'y, bnl under or
dinary condition- in nmtiy instances a
simple, wliolpviiiio remedy may bo invaln
nblo if taken at the proji"r time and tho
California I"i;; Syrup Co. hold i that it U
alike important to present the mibject
truthfully and to r.upply the onu pel feet
laxntivo to those detiirim; it.
Consequently, the Company's Syrup of
Figs and ICIm'r of Senna ju'voh ip'iieml
Hntisfaction. To get iti effects
buy tho penuino, nmnuf.ictun'd by tho
California I 'is Syrup Co. only, and for salo
by all leading druggists.
Labor Unions Fight Tuberculosis.
Ton frt'tPtnal anil benllt nrmiiilzn.
tlons, with n momlierslilp of nearly
4,000,010, and llueo international la
I'or unions with a moinbeislilp of over
100,000 liave Joined the. ranlcH of thu
(lRhterH uKiilust consumption within
tho last year, uccordlni; to a statu
ment of tho National Association for
tho Study and Prevention or Tubercu
losis, 'i ho fraternal orders and unions
now In thu IlKht aRalnst tub'-rculosls
nro the Modem Woudmon of America,
llrolherhood of American Yeomen, Or
dor of Hallos, Improved Order of
Red Men Knlfihts of Pythian, Itoynl
Arcanum, Workmen's Circle, Knights
of ColumbiiH, Royal League, Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows, und Forest
ora of America, the International l'ho-to-Rnsrnvcrs'
Union of North Amer
ica, tiio International Printing Press
men and Assistants' union, thu Inter
national Hoot and Shoo Workers'
union, and tho International Typo
graphical union.
A Long-Panter.
Mary, nged It, wns found one day
by nn oldor sister sobbing und crying.
"What Is tho mutter?" she asked,
with great concern.
"Three boys have asked mo to go
to the danco tonight," was tho unex
pected reply.
"Well, my deur child, certainly that
la not such a torrlblu misfortune"
"Yes; but I told tho tlrst one I
would go with him, and tho last one
wns a long-panter" Harper's.
Waste Material.
In process of time It was observed
that tho multl-mllllonalru philanthrop
ist had ceased giving costly library
buildings to towns and cities.
"Why Is this, Mr. Canaggy?" the re
porters asked him.
"Young men," he said, "what la tho
ubo of building great houses for li
braries when nil u man needs for nn
education la llvo feet of hooka?"
Whereat they marveled, but they
could not nnswor him.
How to care for the Child.
Perplexed mother writes: "My child
hns Biieezlng Ilta after tho morning
sponge bath What would you ad
tlao?" Some mothera give tholr
babies n hypodermic of morphine for
eneozlng. Hut we have always felt
Hint this was too harsh i. remedy.
Olvo tho baby about thrci tnblespoon
fuls of Old Tom gin with n llttlo suar
nnd ii pinch of lemon potl The sugar
makes this remedy more grateful to
tho child. He sure to keep this prophy.
bictic away from father.
Two of a Kind.
Mrs. Hoggs I hate to hnvo a man
nlwnys complaining about somo little
thing. Now, my husband Is continual
ly harping on tho lace curtains.
Mrs. Woggs Yes, and my husband
has keen kicking on our Trout door
every morning at three o'clock for tho
last 20 years. Puck.
They Aro "Climbers."
Knlcker Tliey used to hnvo an
apartment In the city and a eottago In
tho country.
Hockor Now they llvo in "Anna"
In town nnd a bungalow at tho shore.
Coffee Usually Means Slckneis, Dut
Postum Always Means Health.
Those who hnvo never tried tho ex
periment of leaving off colfeo nnd
drinking Postum In its place nnd In
this way regaining health and happi
ness can learn much from tho experi
ence or others who havo mado tho
Ouo who knows says: "I drank cof
fee for breakfast every morning until
I hnd terriblo attacks of Indigestion
producing days of discomfort nnd
nights of sleeplessness. I tried to glvo
up tho use of coffeo entirely, but found
it hard to go from hot coffeo to n
glass of water. Then I tried Postum.
"It was good and tho effect was ho
ploasant that I soon learned to lovo
It and havo used It for several years.
I Improved Immediately after I left
oft coffeo and took on Postum and
am now entirely cured of my indiges
tion and other troubles all of which
wore duo to coffeo. I am now well
and contented and all because I
changed from coffeo to Postum.
"Postum is much easier to mako
right every time than coffeo, for it is
bo oven and always rellablo. Wo
never uso coffoo now in our family.
Wo uso Postum, nnd nro always well."
"There's a reason" and it is proved
by trial.
Look Jn pkgs lor n copy of tho famous
little book, "Tho Road to Wcllvlllo."
Ever rem! he above Icttrrr A new
one npnmrn from limn l time. Tlnr
are Krnulue, true, nud full or liuniitn
Gossip of People nnd Events Told
in Interesting Manner.
Liquor at $4.00 a
NI5W YORK. While few men would
bo willing to change places with
camels because of tho known propen
sity of that animal to go eight daya
without a drink, thero are many who
might willingly chnngo Into horses,
with Jobs In tho park dopartmont
Comptroller Metz somo tlmo ago
reached tho conclusion that tho city
should pay horses' whisky bills, which
had boon hold up for months pending
nn Investigation. Tho comproller-HO
Informed tho dealers who supply the
department, and stated:
"It scorns to me that whlaky at
four dollars a gallon Is pretty high
for horses. Wo havo not questioned
tho quality, nnd I havo ordered tho
bill paid. I will take -p with tho
park commissioner tho question of
what kind or whisky is to bo kept for
the horsos.
"Horses must hnvo whisky the same
as men, sometimes, and It has to bo
just as good," declured Park Cotnmhi
sloner Smith, who failed to seo any
thing funny about tho comptroller's
Novelties in Gotham's Street Music
lffg- &' i
STREKT MUSIC In New York city
Is rarely picturesque. Tho Italian
girls who played tho tambourl ies Just
as naturally as they used to on tho
old-fnshlonod wall-paper havo disap
peared, and possibly tho tasto of the
day has Inclined their successors to
bo noisy rather than Interesting to
look nt.
Certainly tho quartet that has
rucontly appeared In tho residential
strcota up town Is the noisiest group
that over conspired against tho ear
drums of harmless humanity. It
gives tarth such a torrent of sound thnt
Its leader is prompt to observo the
law. Tho tlrst sign of protest from
tho housoholder In whoso neighbor
hood it begins operations quiets me
quartot and starts It off for another
They aro four as husky specimens
as Italy ever sont bore. Two carry
tnmbourines, nnd two smnll organs
which they hold on tholr kuoes as
Dan Cupid Hides
ANY girl who wishes her chances of
marrlugo Immeasurably enhanced
can go to Roslyn. h. I . nnd apply to
William McCarthy, publisher of the
Roslyn News, for n Job as compositor.
Tho Nowb Is printed In n llttlo shop in
thu village, down below Harbor Hill,
tho estate of Mrs. Clarenco H. Makay.
Sho is oald to havo exhibited an inter
est In tho outeonio of several affairs
of tho heart that originated thero.
For years past the Newii olllce has
borno the reputation of being u plaet
where Cupid Is kept busy. Girl after
girl baa been led from the Ink-snieared
walla to the nltar and couple after
couple havo blessed tho llttlo country
weekly for making them hnppy by
oringing tliem together.
The recent marrlago of Miss Mllll
cunt Wost aud William Mngeo nt Ros
Hospital Maid Victim of Odd Accident
CAUGHT between tho floor of tho
electric elevator and a steel beam,
with tho cortalnty of being crushed to
death If her rescuers moved tho car
up or down by tho sllghtost Inadvert
ence, Miss Margaret Daly, a "green
horn" doormald, had a thrilling half
hour'a exporlenco in tho Hnby's hos
pital, at Lexington avenue and Fifty
fifth streot, Now York city. It was
necessary to chisel thu heads off tho
bolts In tho ateol beam aud tako thu
bam out or tho elevator shnft betaro
tho young woman's llfo could bo saved.
MIsb Daly, who Is 18 years old, has
boon In this country but a fow weeks,
nnd got her position in tho hospital
only recently, owed her perilous pro
dlcamont to her Irrepressible curiosity
Gallon for Horses
"How Is It Horcved?"
"With or without nnd In milk
punches," answered tho commis
sioner. "Do you ever servo horsos' necks?"
"Thnt's what wo do servo," re
sponded tho comomlssloncr, refusing
to smile. "This bill has been hold
up eight months, nnd they aro good
enough Judges of whisky In the comp
troller's olllce to decide In less tlmo
than that whether It Is good."
When tho comptroller wns In
formed of this he decelured he had
never heard of whisky that wns not
Tho commissioner may havo been
excited, but his statu wns peaceful
as compared with that of tho horses
In tho park stable. Thero was much
worry over whether tho four gallons
retailed to by the comptroller was
for each horse or all tho horses.
One horse was being manicured und
wns plainly Irrlluted. Ho wished tc
register u kick ngalnat those whe
had held up tho bills. Ho is onu ol
the blue ribbon horses of tho park de
partment forco.
"Hy tho groat Pegasus, novnh have
1 heard such n fuss made over a lit
tle rum!" ho explnined. "The park
horso'H Inalienable right is ten quurts
of oats a day, with n Saturday night
bran mash and a nip or two when It's
hot or cold to glvo ouo n llttlo spirit."
thoy turn them. Kach of those men
has over his shoulder a wicker chair
which ho deposits In tho street as near
as possible to tho curb before tho
music begins. Tho two men on tho
end with their tambourlnos are not
satisfied with the racket created by
tho Impact or tholr heavy knuckles
on the skin.
They have a species of drumstick
with a ball at ono end which Is In
turn covered with Hkln. This they
pound with fearful ferocity against
the tambourlnos which they hold up In
tho left hnnd on a level with their
shoulders. Their Biidden stnrt con
verts a quiet street into a holl of ca
cophony. Thoy find profit In the
streotB further to tho east and west
of town, where tho spirit or their
music Is enjoyed nnd Its volume does
not fall on such fastidious ears. You
rarely seo men so young as theso or
so well ublo to do their work.
Anothor novolty of tho Btrect bands
Is a complete contrast to this sten
torian quartot. She Is n French
womnn well past mlddlo ngo, whose
appearanco carries with It every de
tail her years suggest. Sho Is moro
than plump, nnd her white hair Is
drawn Into a tight knot at tho back
of her head, she has a cloar. bronzo
skin, not unlike a winter np;ilo In Its
look of crisp health.
in the Type Cases
lyn wns proof, if .mi.-ii woi.. .....
Hint tho News Is an exceptionally fine
matrimonial bureau.
Within tho last four years tltere
havo been six weddings nil traceable
to the News olllce. Harvey A. Iirown
wedded Miss Hronzon or Warwick.
:.' uml tho colllo aro now living
at Sllngerlands, N. Y. D. Nelson Ray
nor. formerly manager of tho News
and now assoclato editor of the Long
stand Democrat of Jamaica, followed
Hrowns exumple by marrying Miss
l'-the nii also of Huntington. Miss
Maud Tilly resigned her place two
years ngo to becomo tho bride of Fl
bert White or Jnnmlcii. MIbs Hlanche
Latouretto succeeded her and wu
soon engaged to marry Henry Wallace
of Port Washington. U j. witltln a
few months sho loft tho News to keei
"ouho. William F. Lynch recently
took as n brldo Miss l.oulso Jaeger ol
Hanklns, N v., who taught the school
In (.lenwood lor two years.
Another compositor on tho staff t
now said to blush violently when the
wo.d marriage la l ,.0py. am, tht
pub Usher Is looking for somo one tc
1111 her place when the expected reslK
nation Is handed to him.
to find out how tlm ivi ......
She had never seen an eleva or u"
ore, and cau.o mighty oar nevor s.
Ing ono again. " urate
orMnml,,;h,w,t,M! ,10H,lt'11 "okoep
or, nnd the ten nurses In the Instlt u
on were at dinner when Miss Daly,
lo had been assigned to answer the
ho it door bell, took ad vantage of a
dul Benson to tako a forbidden peep
At -the fascinating elevator, tho door
of which was Invitingly open.
Miss Daly unexpectedly moved the
over rar enough to start the car slow
K' upward. Kealizlnc M,n .,... i..,
(broken tho rules against her meddling
"" "'" 1'ut ino younB woman
tried to Jump into tho car to stop It
Sho slipped nnd tall with her legs'
extending beyond tho body or tho
car. Holoro sho could get to hor taet
tho top or tho elovator hnd reached
tho entrnnco door on tho ground floor.
Just above tho door there was a steel'
girder oxtendlng across tho elovntor
Bhuft, with about llvo Inches spaco
butwoon tho floor or tho car and tho
.rtrflni Mlua limn M..nt... ... ..
place and held nbout tho waist.
Congressman Anderson of Fostorla, O.,
Will Hold National Job After
Unusual Tangle.
Columbus. O. Carl Carey Ander
Bon, who was twice elected mayor of
Fostorla, O., nnd once congressman,
and tallowed this by attempting to
hold down both Jobs at once, evctu
ally giving the town n llvo "mayors"
puzzle, has decided to keep his con
gressional Job and let tho other ono
o, without wnlting for tho decision
Df thu Ohio supreme court.
Anderson, who wns n Democrat In
a Republican town, didn't want to
Carl Carey Anderson.
havo tho mayoralty Job held down by
a Republican, even after he was elect
ed congressman and away In Wash
ington. So he delegated his power to
a Democratic Justice of tho peace.
This Irritated tho Republican council,
which appointed a mayor itself. Then
the Republican preBldent of the coun
cil rose In hls-wrnth and declared that
In the absence of the real mayor In
Washington, ho wns mayor, so there.
That mado four. Then Congressman
Mayor Anderson, hoping to slmpliry
matters, wrote back from Washington
"deposing" tho Justice or tho pence ho
had first named and substituting n Re
publican. Hut the Democrat said he
had no right to depose him without
coming back to town.
At this point tho riddle was good
enough to tako Into court. Congress
man Anderson, nslde from his attempt
to provide tho town with superfluous
mayors and a real political comedy,
has had an Interesting career. Llko
Senator Lorlmor, tho "blonde boss"
of Illinois, he began his career as a
bootblack In Fremont, (O.) streets.
That wns ut ten years of ago. At 1C
ho had saved enough to buy a homo
for his mother. In 1904 he moved to
Fostorla and opened an underwear
factory, which he still owns.
Railroad Conductor In 37 Years' 8erv
Ice Rides Distance 80 Times
Around Earth.
Chicago. L. J. Punches, who begun
his railroad career 37 years ago at
Elkhart, Ind., has traveled more thnn
2,000,000 miles. Ho was born in Ak
ron, O., nnd began railroad work as n
wiper In tho shops. Later ho bocamo
. brakeman and freight conductor.
In 18S0 ho was made passenger con
ductor nnd given n run from Chicago
L. J, Punches.
to Flkhurt, Ind. Now ho has u faBt
run fiom Chicago to Toledo.
Ho has acquired a modest fortune
through Industry and economy. Out
.aldu of working hours ho Indulges In
horseback riding.
Mr. Punches married Miss Seville
Kreldor and thoy hnvo two children.
A daughter is tho wifo or Charles
.Clark or Klkhart.
Mr, Punches is n member or tho
Order or Railway Conductors.
King Is Yacht Racing Recruit.
King Alfonso of Spain Is tho latest
recruit to tho ranks of royal racing
yachtsmen, of whom King Edward,
tho Gorman emporor nnd Prince
Henry of Prussia aro among tho chlel
representatives to-day. Hut although
theso royal yachtsmen have won many
prizes, taw or them hnvo steered
tholr boats to victory, says tflo WoBt
minster Gazette. Unquestionably the
most export roynl holmsmnn la Prince
Henry or PriiBsIn aro among tho chief
roor of conquest as long ago as 188S
at the tiller or his small rater Nelly
at n Kiel regatta, and tar some seasons
carried all betare him In tho Clyde
built crulsor racer Ireno, so called
after Its owner's consort. In Gudrudn,
"Irene's" successor, he proved equal
x invincible
Any druggist can supply these in
gredients or will get them from his
wholesale house.
"Mix half pint of good whiskey, two
ounces of glycerine; half ounce of
Concentrated pine compound. Shnko
tho bottle well each time und uso In
doses of a teaspoonful to a tablespoon
rul four times a day." This prescrip
tion is said to work wonders.
Tho Concentrated pine la n special
pine product und comes only In half
ounce bottles, each enclosed in nn air
tight case, but be sure it 13 labeled
"Concentrated "
"I say, old chap, will you lend a
friend n dollnr."
"Is he really In need of It?"
"Rather. He wants to pay me with
How Relief from Distressing K'dney
Trouble Was Found.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wolf, 388 W. Morgan
St., Tipton, Mo., says: "Inflnminatlon
or tnc Diaddor
reached its climax
last spring nnd I suf
fered terribly. My
back ached and
pained so I could
hardly get nround
and the secretions
were scanty, fre
quent of passage
and nalnful. I wna
tired all the tlmo nnd very nervous. I
began using Doan's Kidney Pills, nnd
nfter taking a taw boxes was cured
and have been well ever since."
Remember the name Doan's. Sold
by all dealers. CO cents a box. FoBter
Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Why He Bought It.
Conductor Say! uren't you old
enough to know that you can't rldo
on n child's ticket?
Silas Filklns Sure I be. Hut onlv
ylstlddy Samanthy aed I wuz glttln' f i
be childlBh-llke. an' so I thought
mebbo y'd let me rldo half-rare.
Why He Won.
Abou Hen Adhem set forth his
"I never lied about what a good
time I had on my vacation," ho cried.
And, lo, etc.
has no mibstlluto. No ottu-r rcmcxly Is po of
IrcUviifiirrhinimatlftm.lurubuKu.stltTnrK'i.nmimlKla or cold of any fort, rut up In 'iic, S5o und H)c IxHik-i.
In tho prisons or Ucngnl, India, tu
berculosis kills about two prisoners in
every 100.
A Clean Man
Outside cleanliDcss is less than hall tho battle. A man may
scrub himself n dozen times a day, nnd still be unclean. Good
health means cleanliness not only outside, but inside. It mean3
a clean stomach, clean bowels, clean blood, a clean liver, and
new, clean, healthy tissues. The man who is clean in this way
will look it and act it. Ho will work with energy and think
clean, clear, healthy thoughts.
He will never bo troubled with liver, lung, stomach or blood
disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean atom
ochs. Blood diseases are found where thero is unclean blood.
uasurapuon anu oroncuitis mean unclean lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
prevents theso diseases. It makes a man's insides clean
and healthy. It cleans tho digestivo organs, makes pure,
clean blood, and clean, healthy flesh.
It restores tone to tho nervous system, and cures nervous exhaustion and
prostration. It contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs.
Constipation is the most unclean uncleanliness. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
lets euro it. They never gripe. Easy to tako as candy.
depends upon the heater how
constructed whether it gets all
the fuel-energy or only some of it.
If the heater is a
Oil Heater
(Equipped with 8mokolesa Device))
the raising of the temperature is
Turn the wick as high or low as
it will go there's no danger, no
smoke, no smell just an emphatic
raising of temperature. The
Automatic Smokeless Device
is n permanent check upon carelessness, making the heater
safe in the hands of a child. Burns nine hours with one
filling, heats all parts of a room quickly.
Oil indicator tells nmount of oil in the all-brass font. Damper top.
Cool handle. Aluminum window frame. Cleaned in a minute. Finished
in Nickel or Japan. Various styles and finishes.
Every Dealer Everywhere. If Net at Your. Write for Descriptive Circular
to the Nearest Agency ol the
For Crotip and
thero is no quicker, curcr
remedy known than Dr. D.
Jayne'u Expectorant. Four
generations of children havo
been relieved and cured by
this old and reliable medicine.
has been successfully em
ployed for over 78 years in
countless cases of Croup,
Whooping Cough, Colds,
Bronchitis, Inflammation of
the Lungs nnd Chest, Pleu
risy, and similar ailments.
For the oalte of .your children
letp a bottle of Dt. D. Joyne'.i
Expectorant In your home whero
you wltl have it at hnnd In an
emergency. Sold by alldrucclst.i
In three eLte bottles, S1.0U, 50c
Dr. D. Jarne't Tonic Verralfutfo
is the Ideal worm medicine, and
an effective tonic (or adults and
children alike,
Many smokers prefer them to 10c
cigars. Tell the dealer you want Lewis'
Single Binder. Factory, Peoria, Illinois.
Paper-Hangers & Painters
Too can greatly tncrniuie yonr bunlooss nlth no ox
trn Mlllug Alfred IVnU Prim
Wnllpupvr. Wo want one good workur In cnh
tlrlnltv and to tho tint worthy rpllrnnwlll wn'l
I ltr.l., by prepaid fxpr., fWo liirno iiumplo
book honlna n 'JSO.(H)0.00 WnlliMiimr Hook
for customer to nolecl from. Wo offer Ill-rn1 prrtlU
to our rrprmontatlvea. Anawor quirk ly that jou tuny
Kit thnaaenry I u your rlrlnlty for 1910.
Alfred 1'vuULo,, 14!. nu Ave, Chicago.
DEFIANCE Cold Warier Starch
makes laundry work a pleasure. 10 oz. pkt;, 10c.
InTontors' book f mo. lloclor
A Koliti, 1'al. Attyft , IM-I5T
McUltl Dliig., Wlisb., I). 0.
i ifSfwT
f'f ''