The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 28, 1909, Image 8

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!(. I
Order To 'Show Cause.
Wcl-Mcr UmnTv " i f"The C"ucly C"url
t a County Courl held at tliu Cuny
tonrt room lii utnIfor alil county Wcducn
fuy October I'.ltli A. I.. tiw.i.
In Ilia tiititur )( tlieeilnteot :iiiiir K.
(at i ty. licocani'it.
s rmdiiiieiiiid llilnjclhc pelUJoiiot f'.i'nlly
J. llnrvci 1111111111 Hint iiiliullihfmtloii fj
H'.' -l!ili limy iH'KinuMil In ncm If tluvcUj
ii i I., iinrvny. in .iiiiiiiiirairi..
' 'iMIH,Tllllt' rfl
N.n mlur A. It..-HMO.
.1)1 onc.o'cioeK- .f mi'.,'
- i-uniM lor hciirnu 'mm pi tition. u-iin mm
(.. r iMiittrrt-Miil lii .iid iffnltef limy iipixHir,
' 1 1 niiiity Cniiri ti lie held IniiinC '"t wild
int ntiilHliiiU'i-iuw- wliy prayer of pelt-
i ratimiltl nnl iH-urtinlPil: (Hliihnt tmllrp
1 i in- pendency of wild prtlilnii unit Ihf lniir
i . uiintif lie lveu lonll pi-mom liitireflted
-:d tnatirr. ty piitilMiiiui n vupy l thin
... i In Hit- Hiil t,loud Chlcif. n wn-kly ni-wi-
. i . r prlntMl in wild eottnty, fur llin i on-
ir wii-lix prior timal'l ilnj l henrliur.
.) l I. W . MINIH
I'liiuiU .Imlire.
Order U Shaw Caxse.
-t iipnf Nt-iirnNkii i n, the County Court.
Wi-tnter futility i
', i n ('mnty Court lulil nt Uio County
irt loom In nml fur -mid county WeilllPS
. tirlolic-r I'llli . !.. WML ,
is llii iimtli-r of tin- islilte of .loelli
ffiilulcky. Mii'itl-nl.
us rt'Milliiuitint mini; tin- petition of .lolin
Poiuii-ky llliil on tin- i:ith day of October
. i,. I'.W.i. priiyiin: for tin- examination and
iiuiwaiiri'of IiIh Dual account o( tho Mime
4:iii a ili-i-n-i-nf assignment ol tliu lamN be-
(ulna tostild estate to tin' pcTHoiiH entitled
:n lln mi mi-, mi orili-r illMrlliiiUnt: tliciciddue
if piTMiiuil cMiilciind tin ro upon an'ordrr
rfb-clinrulm: him from (urllier burden and
t-rv U' lu Ids said ollli-eim Kxcriitnr.
(iiiih.iikii, Tluit Monday tin- lttl dn of
November A. I). UHKif nt iiiii' o'clock p. in.,
fcnw.I!ned for licarluic Miild petition when nil
(ktmiiii Interested In Raid mutter may appear
it n I'oiinly Court to lie held In and for
aid comity and hIiow ciuihc i hy prayer of
petitioner nhonld not hu Krniiteil; and that
notice of the pendency of said petition and
Hie hearliiK thereof he k'vcii to nil persons
fntcrcKtcd in Mild matter, hy ptihlMiliii; n
ropy of this order In the Ited I'limd Chief, a
icckly newnpapcr printed In Mild county,
(or thiee ciiiim-cuIIm' vt eks prior to Midi day
if In-ailuu.
.hi. I. V. IIIisoN
County .IiuIki-.
Order to Show Cause
Miileuf Ni-lil.'isl.n
v. ehter County.
In The County Court
i it County Coin t held at the County
' .nt loom In and foi-Mild county Wciliics
l:i. Octohcr I'ltli A. I)., P.W.l.
in the luattero! theotnteo! llarrlH Nnhle,
Hi cwineil.
u reaillnu mitt lllluu t lit- peiltlnnol Walti r
. Nolilellleilon thelilth day of UcIiiIm r A.
Ii. l):l. piaylui; for the examluatlou nud al
lowance of his filial in mt of thesamedate,
x dtcrieof HH.sli;nineiit of the lands lielonw
iiu tn Mild estate to thu Jier-ious eutlttul to
tin miiiic. mi order tllstrlhutluu the icxlduc
if permiial estnle and there upon an order
lii.cliai'ulim til in froin (uitlur liurdeu and
r Ice lu his Mild olllce us administrator.
ltHKIti:i. that i-itin sday the :inl day
1 N.ieiiilii'- , It. P.nri at II o'clock u. in.. Is
ahlnlii'd (oi lieailnu Mild pilllloi- when all
in i Minx Interested In said mutter may up-
t'i nr in a I 'utility Court to lie held In and for
ild i oiiul) and show cause wh pra.M r ol
ei ililmii r Khould not he uraiitid: and that
ii'tlci- of the peiidclic.x of said petition and
the lienrlliK theleof he nhen to nil pi-imuin
mil listed in said mattei'. I puliltililiiu a
"pi u( tlilsorder In the lied Cloud i hlef. a
nkly newspaper printed In s-ild intuit).
i..i- three iiiM-cutli u wet l.s pilor tnsatd day.
"i litnrluu. I. W. I.ii'.ns.
s :il' County . I iidm.
i I'. n i.iim w ttv for Nilmlulstiator.
Order tt .Show Cause
Mali' ol Nehinskn.
Wehster County, t
In theCoiiul) Court.
Vr a County Court held lit thu County
Voitrt room lu nud for said louut.i Monday,
ilctolicr IHtli A. D.. IIW.I.
In the matter of the estate of Nilsou llill'n
On leailliu nud IIIIiik the pt-lltlou ol Anna
Kdtilua llui'K pralnu that the Instrumeut
tiled on the 18th da of iiclohcr, I'.Hc.i. and
fiirportliiK to he the last Will and Tistament
of thu Mild deceased may lie piow-d, up
pioicd. iioliati'd.alloedaml lecorilcdusthe
last Will and Testament of the said Nelmiii
Hum deceased, and that the i-mcuIIoii ol
theln-truineut maj lii-eommlltul. nud the
4 ImlulMiutlnn ol said i state ma lieuuiuliil
in I'uiiik Itiirisaud lolin IIiiil;. as Mmi utois.
Hun ui:n. that U e.liie-da. the luth da of
S a i in In f . M. IIM;i nt one o'cliii-U p. in.. Is i
t.slisuiil (or 1 1 earl on said petition whin nil I
t "i i son- Intel esled In u III math i mil) appuir
r .1 I tuiiil) 1 oui t to hu held In .llul lot '.lid j
.itili andshou causi Mil) tin- pniMi o' i
(ii til Ion -Minimi tint in ui.intcd. and Hint i
i itlceof the pilidi'iiey of Mild ulllloii ami
Uii-lu-urluit tlieiL-of lie leli to all in r- m
iii.rittil in Mtltl iiinltn. I culilMiiiiH ii,
iiy of IliU order 111 lllilUd Until Tin. I. til
tcekly tit-Kiaiu-r irliitid In ciild tuiiiit),
i'ir tltree uceeiilM' wifliii jirlur to wild duy
( llrllt'Uw. I. . Kiikiin.
iMc-nli i utility .Indue
Ttutii'o ri
i i'iiiiui-
III the l 'mint V I'uiirt,
-tilleol I
w iivei ruiiiii) . i
latlie itiotter ut Uieuionf limrgc .
ovi'lliiil't. iHiocusud.
Notk'oWlielvto ifiVeii tn nil it:iviualiuvliu
.-uin uiul dotliiiudi utfuluat iiiui)(i W.
wlKBil. late ol Wiliater I uuut , Ueo-uMil,
Ilial llic ItUiD Uxill fur l.liui; cllililiN llk-.,ilrt
Hi J estiilo li x niuiilli- Iimiii the llllid.-n of
NiiMinlitr. lli'i.
All MK'll ih'i&uhn me ie.inicd to ,n-etit ,
Hie, i eiuiuio. Willi tin- Mitii-lii-i -.. m the i mum ,
Jud,-u uf sulil einuili. .it liiMilllee tlieie.u m,
nr ijcfniu i In; Mill ilm uf lu ule. iittil
Jill elnlilii mi tllt.-il III lie lieiuil In-for.- Hie n.iuI
juilue uu the I -Hi duy ut Muy. lulu, .it one
ulouli t. in ; uud Hint the udiniiiii.iriitur K ill
lowed one yeurlroiu the IHtli duy of Uetnlier
t'WJ, lu whlohu puy ' the debts iillnwetl
aL'illilit.sHld estutc mid settle the siiuie.
I. W. KnsiiN
ht'.u.i Ciniuty .ludui
The iliscoinfoit, nnuoyauce ami (min
iinihcd by piles muy be quickly itnd
tH'cetnally rulioveil by tlio use of Man
an, the great pile remedy. MunZnn
rreittcs norinul uit-ouliitiuii, uml thus
reduces prottisions; it soothes ami heals
ihi' pain and prevents constipation
which nearly always is the came of
yiles. It reaches all affected parts, by
means- of the uoKJe attached to the
tube-im whioh Man'an is putup. Sold
by Heur.y,Coolw
I t
V; , i.,.
Order to .Show tauso.
laleof Nehrnska i theCouiil) t ouri.
elister County t
ia County Coint held at the Count)
louitioiimlu and for said count) liula
ilctolicr l.'illi. . It.. I'.KIll.
In the matter of the estate n! U lllliini
MNiip, ii 1 1 asi'd.
tin iiadlnn and llllu thu petition of Man
.1. Allsnp pra) lim that uduilulsli-atloii "I
stlld i state ma) lie urn tiled to In I'm II M.iix
.1. Wlsnp. as dinlnlstintil..
uiiin.iii ii. that Wcdm-siln) the luth da)
.Novemhi i A. I'.. IIKl'J nt one o'clock p. in.- is
usslmd for lu-ailim said pctltlnu. wluuatl
peisoiis lutereitid In said miittir niav tip
pear tit n Count) I unit to he held In and for
said County and show cause why the pru)cr
of petitioner should nut ho uraiiled;and that
notice ol the pendency of said petition and
the hcurluu ihcicof he kIvcii to nil persons
Interested lu said matter, hy puIiUhIiIiii; n
copy of thlH order In the lted Cloud Chief, a
weekly newspaper printed In Mild county, for
three consecutive weeks prior to Hald day of
I. W. Kiiso.v,
isku.i County . I iidm.
An unti.Ncptio Mil vc. oue that lieuls,
sootlii'S mid cleanses, is I'lnesiilvu Car
bolized. It is ineiitillutl for cuth,
IntriiN anil lirttihcs. Soltl bj' Henry
iMI.WIMAIllltY Kill. IMA ll.-M t'tlilIMN
Morton I, Hill. 1 I.ubanuu 1ml.
says: ".My wife liml Inlliitiiiiiatniy
Itliotitiiatistn in cvi't-v tniiNflo aiiil j'l'iit:
lier snlVoritio; wit teiiiblT'iiinI Iter body
nml fiu'n Mi-iv Hwnili-n livynml
lii'urflliti 'llilllld bee:iiiibeilf(iri wool.S
ami hiul eitfit liliii'l.iin.. bin n-i'eieil
,, ( ..... ,i Dr. Hi n-hiiiiV
Ueliii i. ii iiiiouum i in. it ave iur
IniiiK'ihati- relief uml she was al.K- in
wnll? iilni t in iiin-e duy.-. I am sure it
saved her life.' Sold by The 11. P.
llrlee Uiur ' . lted I'lnud. Nebr.
I f you have trouble itli your Uiduej n
and Hiilfoi' lii'in ImeUiielie. intliiiiiui i
I lion of l he MudiU'i . urinary disonhMs
or iht-iiiiiatic inihN, take l'itH'iil.--
I'iiii-tileH promptly jjive relieT in all
eitaeii nf Uidtioy trouble. Thoy n
I Mild by llelll'V Colli;
Uei's Lasative I iimh Syrup is
highly reeuukjiieiideil, e-pi-ciully by
ititiiliLM-.. beeausi? it nut only move-,
the bowels gently and thereby stops
the cold, but it also allays inllamma
tiou of tho lungs aud throat, aud in
that way stops the cough. It is pleas
ant to tuUe. Sold by Henrv Cook.
You need not bo be troubled in tjny
I way withjLhe stomach, if you will sim
ply tHke tfodol at those times wheu
you feel tiiat you need it. Kodol Is
guaranteed to relieve you. If it fails
your money will be refunded to you
by the druggist from whom you pur
chased it. Try it today on tills guar
antee. Sold by all dealer?).
liltMK l-;iMMX)l'AI. CHUlll II
Itev. .1. Mi lliiU-s, I'nstor.
Service the lltNt two Mindiiyfc In tucli
inonlli. '
Holy (.'ouiiuiiiiliin tit iiiiiinlni: mm lies mi
tliolliKl .Sunday.
Suudiiy hcIumiI at l'J o'clock every Mindiiy.
MrT lUt, Mnltli. ,SiiierlnU-ndeiit.
if m $$l,mm 1 1 i 1 L M 1 1 vol & 1 cslranS Si
MPtmMh.lJULW LJdJJ&J cf2sdtfcfcJ
r."rTK7r ,T.'r'T.Tr?TnnrX7rtaviiwrnrrrw-rv?
ncl fiats the GRTAT MiUESTIC thev nre Hie
nn'y r iycs made exclusively ol Mrdlccblo and Cliar
conl Iron outlast thrco ordinary ranuis don t bti-ak.
cnik ur met. Mnllcnlili; Iron allows ntisoluttty nir tiRlit
tncti-d j. lnts In n MAJKST1C nud tluse comhiucd with
Mire hhIichIus 1 1 n In;;, ave half your fuel bill nni givo you o
dccndi.bla cooker, a perfect bukt-r every day.
The MAJl'.STIC Is equipped with a H-na!lou nil-copper
rcacrvcir it touches the red hot fitc nud heata water in a pity,
Hie Great and Grand
Malleable and Charcoal Iron
k i
i oTn door which hn droppod. fnnni a rlglil thalt itronc cnoasb to bear
ilgbt-OTun rack illdi out utomllollr. holdtne anjlhlne that bappai
Dn It lecuralr OlborattractlTO MAJESTIC feature artbaopea l 4 aa
acting aa aittprel aud tba aib cup under It.
No nan or dancer of fire from red hot aihei with a MAJESTIC
.Each sclutlve MAJESTIC featuro rnakeathls nuure more practical,
caora acrvtccablc. moro durable the beat ranee your money can buy re
gardVaa ol prtc.
RED CLOUD Hdw. & Imp. co
With aier
front If
Mfnntcd for
. r o'h'?
w. -.1 :
a .
HKaj V '.PHl.'-r'-. fW-tV.3
' j. K:i)' v n.
) 'x 'iw;p s r
Ii .-, .- w
i . mv.
t- i litmH ' --- ' 1
; r. -' ,.., nuiVi
I't'.s." .r,iMi,
With A
if CkirfZ-niiimn'
M-l In
aviddi il
111 i.lli'e
ii stilt- from uil-- i-in In'
n the right icuii'iljt is iiii'u-il
lint it must b.. tin- i-iuht Ymi ti'pl.
nut on the surlaee ni.uie. simply to
soothe irritation, but to nil the atlVeted
parts bv menu-, of tho attached
to the tube in which ManZan is put up
Sold here by Henry CooU.
Col. j. H, Elllier '
" ii
Dots livestock nud geiiurnl 'nur
t loueerliig. Satisfaction gunrun
teed in every onse. I'liderstands
pedigrees and stock values.
Many yeais expHrlence. Phone
him anytime.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
!A'WWWA-'a .
has actually
and cultivated
by Uneeda
in o longer are
satisfied with cracker
4 r .4 O
tar.en irom the greyer s
hoy: or Ixn:; cxf.csedto
dust, moisture, handling.
They have learned that
the. onfy crackers that are
crisp, terider, always fresh
and really good are those
protected by a moisture
proof package. These
are the kind they get
as if just from the oven
when they ask for
A Fuel
f- ,
rH '
ir? "fx:-?
' lmfwin
'Ii.h. I.
help, it-.-teiiieilv.
t lie Li Uu
llll' I
Uill ,
leive biii'li.telii', rht'iimatie p.uii--. luiins
in I he bladder, urinary dlsurdeis etc.
They in o for weak kidneys. Sold by
Henry Cook.
I'lU'lini Mi-''.,
IS t'llUI.Ml'l S CIII'IU'II l-! KIM l.ultll'i- It IV
lllhlekoliiml .. .. lua. in.
herninn Hiidi'iuniuuiilon . 11 tt . in.
OlirUtlauKiidi-UMir .;... (CM p. m.
iTi'tuhim: ,. 7sm p. iii.
Prayer and pralne. Wediiesdtijrs. 7::ai p. in
Seati frtn. iiKHliniisli'. I'niiii-. Iirlimyour
llllilm, Irli-iulxniid kOiI clu-rr.
1 Aii.JlltJssiiMi. Mliillr.
t ,
, There, Is.ilanger wjieii a cold becomes
obstiunle and vai,ses coutinued cough
ing. Don't neglect n cold. First of
nil, take a good, reliable laxative to
move I lie howeR Uees laxative
Cough Syrup gently but freely oreates
a movement of the bowels, and at tho
Mime time it heals irritation and stops
the cough. Sold by Henry Cook.
- ( i
Women Suffer Agonies
from Diseased Kidneys
Women Do This Not Knowing tho
Real Cause of their Condition
Thcso pour, fetifi't llns women
have been leu to bi-lu-vo that thr.r
misery of mlml body Is entire
ly duo to "Ills of their fox." Usually
tho kidneys and hhitltU r arc re-Eponslblc--
ur liiipely so. And In
such cases, Die Kidneys and blad
der are the orgaiis, that need and
must have attention.
Those torturlnK, enervating sick
headaches, drawing pains in back,
groin and limbs, Montingnnd swell
ing of the extremities, extreme
nervousness or hysteria, listless
ness and constant tired, worn-out
feeling are almost certain symp
toms of disordered and diseased
kidneys, bladder aud liver.
DeWltt'a Kidney and Bladder
Fills have, in thousands of cases,
been demonstrated aB remarkably
beneficial in nil such conditions of
female organism affording the
most prompt relief and permanent
As an Illustration of what these
Tills will do, Mrs. P. M. Uray of
Columbus, Ga., writes that slio was
very 111 with Kidney trouble, and
that sho Is now well and that
thrjso Pills are what cured htr.
They aro ory pleasant to take,
nml can In no rase, produce i.ny
deleterious effects upon tho pttcm
as syrupy, alcoholic, liquid prep-
-0-i SAL -.Y Al '
i-.V. ttiiViWA:
mt, i
AffiE BY
Are durable, attractive and
mechanically correct.
Red Cloud, - - Nebraska.
The Chief
- --
- --.-v-
nrntlons ato apt to do.
K. V. DeWltt & Co., Chicago, 111.,"
want every man and woman who
hnvo the least suspicion that they
aro allllcted with Kidney nnd blad
der diseases to at once write them,
and a trial box of theso Pills will
be sent free by return mall post
paid. Do It to-dny.
I :r.ic Q
J'.T-tl )' ")
,W.ff WVv,V.V rv'AV. :"Y.'uVn.Vm rAv.Wft
$ 1 a year
V'Ai. 3