The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 28, 1909, Image 5

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Buy Your
Stock Foods of
Your Home Druggist
We carry the following
which have proved themselves
good in this section:
Gold Coin Stock Foods.
Dr. Hess Stock Foods.
International Stock Foods.
Let us have your trade.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Chas. L. Cotting,
The Dmgcrist.
"ii 5 -5-5 i-3 I -5f rt-t e-tf$ ifp-
f localettes s
S. I):iv is on theslirklM this week.
Next Sunday night is Halloween.
Doll 'fur mire was in Chester Monday.
Chas. Walters arrived homo Monday.
Frank Koeso spent Sunday in Frank
lin. D. It. Spanoglc was in Hastings Fri
day. 'Unas. IVisbio wus in Uivorton Fri
day. Itoy Hutchison is home from Ilol
L. C. I'isiger of Hlue Hill is in town
Ktl Walters was down from Oxford
Mrs. Dr. Jones eamo home Friday
J. M. Burgess aud wife wont to Inn
vale Sunday.
Mr. Douglass went east on ll Mon
day morning.
Jim Tanquary and family have mov
ed to McCook.
O. A. Arnold was down from Hlue
Hill Saturday.
Clyde Wlekwiroof McCook was in
town this week.
By Shopard of Riverton was in
this city Friday.
llev. Smith and wife arrived homo
Friday morning.
Mrs. tieo. W. llurgess is visiting in
St. Joe this week.
Chas. Sehult. went to Akron, Colo.,
Saturday evening.
Sherwood Albright went east on 1 1
Wednesday morning.
Marion Mercer-arrived homo Sunday
from Caldwell, Idaho.
Seo Dr. Stockman for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Will Weesne.r came homo from Strat
um tho of tho week.
Mrs. C B Halo returned homo fiotn
Lincoln Friday morning
Miss Kettu McDowell spent Sunday
with Miss Maude Barlow.
Mrs. Chas. Palmer arrived in the
city Saturday from Denver.
Hude Robertson was down from
Blue Hill the first of the week.
A. Roats and wife icturued from
their eastern trip Tuesday night.
ETbaTm ok a, ys ataS vE. r fillc
pw iKiini ; im m 11
study H-Sjk w$m inti PJlltM;
the label fc. klUlIJ IBiy ;
and Tiuy only MgJT mstsvt M$?i
baking powder made VL!l VHJL$M
from cream pJ artar mg22SW$ffl
Fred Temple of Kansas City N in
town this week.
.Mr. aud Mrs. t.C Tcoliu rived h-uno
from Lincoln Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Runehev spent
Sunday with her sisters near Cowles.
Leonaid Keht or fell oir his horse
Saturday and broke his shoulder blade.
Mr and Mr-. A. T. Walker went tu
Cimpliell Mondav returning Weilnes
d iy.
Fi nest Welseh and W IS. Corner ar
rived home Filday morning from Lin
coln. Mr-. Ntnike. mother of Starke llro-.
arrived from Milwaukee Friday for u
Filitor Lane of the Blue Hill Leader
was a pleasant caller at oursaneloriuin
Buy a whip of Fogel, the harness
man. and get a free chance on the jH
.Messrs Maun and Bennett of Lincoln
were tho guests of tile MIssoh .SchulU
this week.
Mr-. Hughes of llit-tings. mother of
u-car Hughes returnuil home Wediic
day morning.
With every 91 whip bought of J"0
Fogel you get a free chauco on tin S1H
single harness.
Mrs. Frank Peterson and Miss Mary
Petor-on arrived homo S.iturday from
Lincoln aud York.
II. Ci. Simpson of Ml. Vernon. Iowa,
is the guest of his brother, IS. 1.
Simpson and family
Jim Morauville has installed a rural
phone and those needing veterinary
service call on him.
Tho Red Cloud high school foot ball
team will play Smith Center hero Fri
day afternoon Out. 2'Jth.
Mr. and Mrs Roy Fearn of Superior
arc visiting her parents Mr. and Mr..
Will Robertson this week.
Foil Sam:. Lots L'.'l and 24 block I)
Railroad Addition. Inquire of W. O.
Brooks at Rcnklc'.s feed barn.
(Jet your heating and cook stove in
to shape for w inter. Order 5'our stove
repairs from Morhart Bros. now.
Nothing so good when you need a pill
as Rings Little Liver Pills small,
sure, oasy. Sold by Henry Cook.
Harry Koth and Miss Roxama Anna
Merill were married Wednesday mom
ing at tho home of Rev. llummell.
Dr. AsUer will bo in Re.d Cloud Nov.
(5th aud 7th and all those needing
veterinary work please call on him.
Mr. Hussong was indisposed Wednes
day and unable to lead his meetings on
thai evening. He is feeling better
About soveuty-five voting friends
wont to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Kent Monday evening and had a royal
good time.
The ladies of tho Congregational
ehurcluill hold their monthly market
at tho Home firocery store Saturday.
October .'lOth.
Morhait have their hard eoal
stoves on their Hour. Come in and seo
tho tinest line of the best stoves you
ever looked at.
Justricolvcd another car of .tm
choice cabbage at The Miner Bros. Co.
$l.-o per hundred in (inanity of a 100
pounds or over.
Preacher Kugcne Palmer now of
Stamford, who was preaching at
Cowles last Sunday -pent Monday
with Kldor Hussong
Morhart Bros, carry a complete lino
of Kleetiie lamps, Carbon, Tungsten
1 and Tantalum also hi-low lamps 1C-1.
(Jet your lamps of them.
Mr. and Mrs. Duckworth of Not man
Nebr.. are visiting their daughter Mis.
A'ill Kuon this week.
The 'Ciirl and the Stampede" which
was played to a large audience at tho
opera house Saturday evening was a
number oiii'show and was appreciated
by all present.
Mr. and Mrs Roy Jones have re
turned from their wedding trip and
have gone to Clay i liter where they
will make their futuie home.
Mis. Chu-. Fiisbie and daughter
Ml-- May ret in in il home from Lincoln
Friday morning where they have been
to have Mis-, Ma,'s eyes doctored
i)r. R. F. Haines has removed hi
olllce to the I'ciiuirc building over
Paul Storey's clothing store. Tele
phones remain the same number..
The M. F. Aid society will serve a
New Fnglaud Dinner from C to 7:110
llev I'iduy evening Oct. "JOlli. The
f hi 1 . . n are eotdially invited to attend.
Judge I, W. IMsou dellveied an ev
eellenl sermon at the llretheii church
Sunday night The Judge was til his
lc-t and the si ninn was greatly appreciated.
l.o-1 -Between tho M. I., church
and C. It. IInU'i residence u white silk
handkerchief with letter II' in tho
corner. Finder please leave It nt the
Chief ollice.
Ilot'si: ami I.oi-s niti Sam:.-A nice
(i room house aud I'j lots located
close In. This is a nice place. In
quire at. the Chief olllce for further
At tho homo of M.A Cole occured
the wedding of their (laughter, Miss
Myrtle to Mr. Roy .Stevens Wednesday
at noon. Rev. llummell performed
tho ceremony.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas Mountford died of whooping
cough Wednesday. Interment was
made in the Mt. Hope cemetery, Rev.
Hummell oillciating.
Will the parties who borrowed tha
dishes and table linen from the Degrco
of Honor cupboard in the Masonic
Hall kindly return the same and oblige?
Tho D. of II. Lodge.
Dr Warrick, tho specialist will meet
eye, ear, noso and throat patients and
those needing glasses properly lltted
at Dr. Dauierell's olllce in Red Cloud,
Tuesday, November 2.
For a clear head, a stout heart and
strong mind, DeWitfs Little Karly
Risers, gentlo, safe, easy, pleasant,
little pills. DoWitF.sCarboli.ed Witch
llnzel Salvo is unequalled for anything
where a salvo Is needed, and Is espec
ially good for Piles. Sold by all deal
ers. Foit Sam:: Three aged Berkshire
boars, Hotnestcd Premier 0422.1. 1'ni
versity Lord 11 Kill, and a choice son
of Royal liobln MOID. Twenty Feb.
March, April, boars, bred sows and
sows with pigs at foot. Black Lang
shun Cockrels. Tnos. Pomiiimis.
Uuide Rock.
On Monday evening Oct. 'jrth there
came in llftytwo of Floroneo Saladen'.s
friends and relatives and gave her a
grand surprise on her birthday. A
social good time was had by all. Aud
a bountiful supper was served by the
ladies. Many presents were received
by Mrs. Saladen as tokens of the
An auto delegation consisting of
Rev. A. A. Crossman, Win. Wolfe, K. ,7.
Overing Jr , L. P. Albright and W. B.
Cramer attendod a special meeting of
tho Plaiuview chinch last Sunday
afternoon. From reports received an
oxcollent program was rendered after
which Mr. Cressinan delivered a rous
ing address.
.Most women are troubled with Kid
ney complaint, and you know very
many serious and even fatal diseases
esult from these neglected Kidney
troubles. If you will take DoWitt's
Kidney aud Bladder Pills as directed,
you may beconlldent of good results
Try them and seo how really good they
are. Bewaro of imitations, pills that
are intended to deceive you. Bo sure
you get DoWitt's. hold by all dealers.
Tho usual meetings of tho church of
Christ will bo conducted by minister
Hussong in the Christian church next
Lords day, Oct. 31. Morning theme.
"Tho Weight of Apostolic Precedent."
Tho evening discourse at 7:.10 will bo
the second sermon in tho "Chautau
qua" sories on ''The Paradox of His
Service." A great atidionco heard the
lirst number last Sunday night and
were free with their commendations.
Mr. Hussong is bringing some grand
things into his pulpit work Hear him
if you can.
Con-ircialioiial Church. .Sunday
Oct- 31 Order o? Service
lo i: A. M Preaching. Subject
Ciod'H Law Its object and design."
r.' M. Bible School. Subject "Paul"
vojagelu Rome." 7:"0 P. M. Song
service aud preaching. Subject "The
thief on tho cross." All members of
the church aro expected to be present,
and all others having no icgular
church homo aro most cordially Invit
ed to all the services of the church.
"Come wlh us and wo will do thee
good, for the Lord hath spoken good
concerning Israel. A. A. Cressinan
Special effort-are being put forth
this year by our city teachers along
the line of spelling and writing in our
schools. To stimulate activity among
the children Messers. Cowdeu, Over
man. Piatt and Albright have each
agreed to give ten dolhus toward a
prlv fund Three piics, Sto. SO uuil
SI mil lie aw. tided to the boys or girls
who at the end of the year show the
in i-t improvement in their writing. A
simp1.- of each child's writing was tak
en tliellr-t week of school which will
furnish a h.tsci of comp irisnu with
the child's wilting at the end of the
year. This is not a competitie test
as to who i- the best writer but a test
as to who has made the must improve
ment. Tin ee prizes of 610, Sound 1
will a so be awarded to the Imjs or
girls wlio show the great est prolificacy
in spelling At the clos( of the school
year an orral spelling test will be held
to which the public will be .ited.
In the spelling test each grade will he
teste ,,y nil Mich Words which have
been usslgTied by tin teacher in their
I'csp. etive glades, consequently this
w 'I! only tic n fumpf tiliou test in us
fin ,i . it applys to each guide. The
aw, n-l wiM l'i made to tho-e children
w Ini mi . the least iiiiuilier of words
which tlii-y have had during their
year spelling work in school. All
children from the Vlid to the 7th grades
are eligible to the writing and spell
ing contest.
Ileal Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by the Fort Ab
stract Co. for the week ending Wed
nesday, October 27. Pjo'.i.
Martha J. Thompson lo William
11. Thompson ot al. no 1-2-10,
deed 800
William II. Thompson et al to
Martha J. Thompson, so IIO-IS-IO
deed 1
Joshua J. Martin to John Milton
Martin, lots 1, 2. .'S, pt lot 1,
Blk. 1, Orusels sub dlv Rohrcrs
add Blue Hill, pt nut lot 1.
Rohrers add to Blue Hill. wd.. lr.00
Henry Arends to Delhi Rose etal
e . se L'(l-4-l(), wd 4725
Charles Olmstead to William
Montgomery, lot 0, Blk. fi,
Uuide Rock, wd O.'.O
Charles L. Lewis to Alpha L.
Lewis, n ' , nw 20-2-10. wd 30o0
Charles J. Piatt to James F. Fast
man, lots 111 to Hi, Blk. 1,
Platts 1st add to Red Clond.wd 7H0
KinmaJ. Docker et al to Kdwin
F. tlrossman, w . nw 25-2 12,
wd COO
State of Nebraska to Fva K.
Burch. n se, s'j se .!i5-2-i:.
deed ." S lo
ll ugh B. Hunter to William
.Montgomery, pt. lots 0, 10. Blk
H, Vances Add to Ouide Rock
wd fioO
James M. Roland to John F.
Scott, lot 1, Roberts add to
Guide Rock, wd 2000
William Montgomery to Doboiah
Kaley, wd li.Ii
S P.i.Vtl
Mortgages tiled, 7l.f.0.
Mortgages released. (!100
Nebraska Will Exhibit.
Among the t wentytlvostntc exhibits
at the National Corn Fxpositioii, tho
Nebraska exhibit from tho Agricultur
al college at Lincoln, will be among
tho most graphic which will bo shown.
It will make it posslblo for visitors to
See in a short time the results of years
of work and thus save them years of
The exhibit is entirely in charge of
tho college. It will feature certain
lines of plant breeding work. The
Horticultural department will put on
a display Illustrating soinoof the here
ditary laws which take oH'eot when
dlllerent varieties of plants aro crossed.
Those laws will largely bo illustrated
by the uso of beans and pop corn. Tho
growing plants will be on exhibition,
showing the parent plants and their
progeny in each case.
These plants and others which will
be shown by the Nebraska experiment
al farmers und educators tiro now
growing under glass at Lincoln and
will bo taken to Omaha, like chicks
hatching in an incubator, that the
visitors may she the actual change in
plant lifo being wrought by tho experts
who by the uso of science are simplify
ing farming.
Some of the most interesting results
In corn breeding work will also bo
illustratod and tho oat tests will lorm
an important part of the oxhiblt.
Another feature will be a collection
of swine bones. These bones might
not mean much to the ordinary obser
ver, but tho Nobraskatis propose to
show this 200,000 farmers who will visit
the exposition from December U to Is,
just what tho various rations produce
in the way of bones in hugs n very
important thing when tho hog feeder
stops to thiilk about it. Another
featuro will bo mi exhibit from tho
North PluttooxporlmeiiUtutloii, show
lug that "ajl pt Nebraska Is good "
In. il ; ,
I'.u...' i 1
ia L.t u V.
pa. .il..'. .
iiiil'iauied of a
"U lu t H i, rl ;hi. i .ipa." the boy re
plied. "1 know how to swim ou my
.j-ii'-, '!-,?vrc!ww
School Suits Are Ready !
THERE'S n whole army of School Boys lo lie filled out
wilh School Clolhos, iliiriiig llu nt'xl few weeks.
We expect to see a large share of them and wc promise
in advance the Best School Suits made and, without adoubl,
ihc Best School Suits ever bought for the prices.
Reefer, Norfolk and BIoiibc Suits from choice, durable fabrics.
The tailoring is doublu strength all the way through
All Sizes From 6 Years Up
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50 to $7-50
Investigate our School Suits, and the Suits themselves
will speak of their goodness in many ways.
Gowden-Kaley Clothing Go.
Always Reliable
Just Unloaded Direct FROM
one of the Largest Factories
of the East
No Middlemen's Profits to add.
Medium or High Class WE have it.
Amack 8 Chancy
( wM
hJjm $
IHi - i'i"l
I 4imowwWUiliiililitbvlilitUU1'T1i,ifciiiii .... . aUaJr.LUMMlnl. vMLUilfS C-dlLibi
" - T
..Jo jo. I Kin),. tlj.U it v,ii ,n i r
.volt hs US, to buy you i . i. .1
tui'tul and Coal at ouryurii' ...
Unit our prices aikjuoe lo.vcv, or at
least as low, us thobo of our com petit
or, laitiJECAL'SK we take ospeoial care
of and protect nil can bo classed at
K 13 U 17 L A I. GUSTO M H U S .
First Door North of Postoffice
REDFERN Whalebone
Dlrcctolrc Modto 39 Is moderately short and full
above the waist, but has tho very long skirt, fully
encasing the hip-, suppressing thoir fullness and
producing tho straight hip lino. Designed for
rather short, full forms. An addition to tbis
model that adds to its comfort and filing beauty
is, found in the
SECURITY Rubber Button Hose
rust proof, of course which aro accurately placed
by the designer of these models at ft out and sides.
Model 3D White Batiste. While Couf life
PRICE $1.00 to $5.00
Same Pattern In delicate White Flfturcd Broche.
PRICE $1 00 to $500
iM ruber.
TwaA-wviLr) nF'