Vk FORCE OF HABIT. czn ElJfi ' . - - TLiV iSs2$ p5 os ";'"'' s mHBHHE iiBifl KtBknQ Bill AVews M 's , ' , V & i V Hodge Hefty had a strenuous tlmo on his vacation. Wlnsn ho started lie tipped tho scales at 200 pounds and when ho returned he only weighed 149. Dodge That was a drop. I suppose his best girl gave hi in up on tho spot. Hodge Not at all. She accepted him right off. Dodge Thnt's queer. Hodge No; you see she Is a great bargain hunter nnd couldn't pass any thing that was reduced. CURED ITCHING HUMOR. Gig, Painful Swellings Broke and Did Not Heal Suffered 3 Yearo. Torture Yield to Cutlcura. "Llttlo black swellings wore scat tered over my face and neck and they would lcavo littlo black scars that would Itch so I couldn't keep from scratching them. Larger swellings would appear and my clothes would stick to tho sores. 1 wont to a doctor, but tho troubles only got worse. By this tlmo It was all over my arms nnd tho upper part of my body In swellings as lnrge as a dollar. It was so pain ful that I could not bear to He on my back. Tho second doctor stopped tho swellings, but when they broko tho places would not heal. I bought a set of the Cutlcura Remedies and In less than a week some of tho places wore nearly well. I continued until I had used thrco sots, and now I am sound and well. Tho disease lasted three years. O. L. Wilson, Furycar, Tonn., Feb. 8, 1908." Potter Druti & Ciionj. Corp., Sdo I'ropt, Bortoc. Silk Stockings Indispensable. Susan D. Anthony was a woman of simple taste in dress, but hnr close friends knew of one pretty feminine vanity eIio always held to. She had J a weakness for silk stockings. Heing pressed on one occasion for an ex planation of what most women at one time regnrded as an unnecessary ex tra vagance, she laughingly exclaimed: "Oh, I Just love 'em. They are an Inspiration. If I have my silk stock ings on when I rise to make an ad dress, I feel just like 1 am walking among tho clouds. They help mo to soar away on Mights of eloquence. I wouldn't bo without them." Try Thl3 In November. Thousands upon thousnnds of fam ilies who have not been regular eat ers of Quaker Oats will begin on tho first of November nnd eat Quaker Oats once or twice every day for thirty days of this month; tho result In good health and more strength and vigor will mean that every other month in tho year will find them doing tho samo thing. Try It! Servo Quaker Oats plenti fully nnd frequently for the thirty days of November and leave off a cor responding nmount of ment and greasy foods. You'll got more health, more vigor and strength than you ever got In thirty days of any other kind of eating. While ynu aro trying this sco that Vie children get a full share. Quaker Oats Is packed In regular nlzu packages and large size family packages. 7 The Main Question. This story Is current in the Arkan sas hills. A woman was telling some friends what a delicate childhood was hers. "When I wns horn I weighed only four pounds. They put mo In a cigar box for a cradle." "Goodness gracious!" exclaimed one of tho listening women, leaning for ward with great Interest, "and did you live?" Kansas City Times. Ttifro la more Catarrh la thli ncctlor. of the country than all other discuses put U;ethir. nnd until tho lout few years m auppowd to lo Inruralilr. l'or a unat many yr.irs iUkUjih mnoutiriMl It n loral (llacaso and prracrluwl local rrmrdlM, and liy rmwtaiitly falling to euro with local treatment, iironountixl It Incurable. Bclcncn has procn C.iurrli to lie n coi.stltiitlunal dis ease, and thcrcloro requires constitutional trculmmt. llall'a Qtlarrh (Sire, manufactured liy r. J. Cheney A Co., Tulxlo, Ohio, li tho only Constl'iUtlotial cure on thn market. It H taken Internally In do from 10 druiw to a tftaapooiful. It aria directly on the blood and mucous nurtaced of tho system lhey oiler otio hundred dollars for any cano It fall to cure. tknd lor circulars mil trntlnuiiilils. AddrrM. r. J. UIIK.NUY & CO., Tcrdo, Oil. Sold bv DruEnlDts. i'c. Talo uall'a Family I'ULs for coiuuipatlon. Reducing. Miss Elder Dick says that this roso in my hair makes mo look ten years younger. Miss Younger (Jeo! Why don't you got a couple more? s When a man says ho Is willing to change his opinion If you can con vinco him that he Is wrong it's a sign you'll nevor bo able to convince him. If wo nil nau our own way othor people would quickly got out of it. Constipation ratines many wrlniis diseases, It Is ihonmuhly rurixl by l.ucUir rieren's IMcasuiit IVUota, Oaualuxullvii,tlirvu(ori-atli?rtlo. A homely truth is bettor than a handsome llo. Lewis' Ringlii Hinder cignr. Oriental in Tin Tail Smoker I'nckuixo. Take no mbwtitute. Great men do not drop out of tho pky lu evening dress. j LABOR SAVING FROM GRANARY Such a Oullding Can De Made, at Moderate Cost, Grain Storage and Water Plant. The accompanying drawings partly outline n building recently planned by the writer nnd now being erected in western Minnesota, writes V. ,. Marsh In Kami, Stock and Home. It A Handy Grannry. Is small, but contains many things which save labor on the farm, and the capacity Is very fully utilized. It is hardly possible to get as much saving of lnhor and time out of tiny other structure of the size as the one de voted to the purposes for which this will be used. A basement half the size of the building has cement floor and Is made warm. In this is an air pressure wa ter supply tank filled from a well Just outsldo tho building. This cariles suf ficient predsuro to throw water over any farm building. Water Hows from the tank to tho house, barn, yards, etc. All Is made frost proof. A bucket elevator runs to bottom of bnsement. This tnkeu grain from tho wagon and places it in any bin in tho building. Grain Hows to It from all bins, nnd can thus be stored, aired If damp, mixed, cleuned, sacked or ground without hand lifting, spouts connecting all parts. The second story Is used for grain storage and has a convenient stair way and good lighting nnd ventila tion. More grain can bo stored than with the common arrangement. In tho first story Is a room for cleaning and grinding grain, shelling corn, etc. This has a wood floor. Tho engine room hns space for gasoline engine nnd nny machinery likely to cause dirt or dampness. Cream sepa rator room Is plastered and finished with as llttlo woodwork as possible. Tho floors of theso two rooms aro of cement nnd are pitched so they can bo washed with a hose. A chimney is provided. Two lines of shafting carry pulleys for driving elevator, grinder, com Din it BlH Bin M Bin Uih Ground Floor. Second Floor. filioller, fanning mill, cream separator, chum, pump, grindstone, emery wheel, washing mnchlno, etc., nnd power can be conveyed to other buildings. Thero is room In the basement for a second tnnk for a soft water supply, tank to bo filled from a cistern. Such a build ing can bo made, nt moderate cost, a complete grain storage, water supply unci power plnnt for tho farm. Utilize All the Ground. Thero is enough land on tho farms of this country that is not pioductlvo beeniiBO It has not been properly drained to causo serious considera tion. Going about the country at any tlmo during tho year ono sees on al most every farm low, wet spots that in ordinary years do not produco any thing because they aro too wet to plant anything In tho spring. Such spots aro nlniost without exception the most fertile spots on tho farm when drained. It is not uncommon to find two or thrco ncres of such land on tho farm so situated that it would not cost moro thnu tho valuo of two or throo crops to put in good condi tion to produco lnrge crops. Tho time will como when unproductive acres on a farm will bo a disgrace to tho own er, but In the west It seems Just now to bo a long way off. Binding Corn Fodder. Many farmers have a handy dovice for binding corn fodder nB It is husked from tho shock in tho field. It con sists of a small wooden rack for hold ing tho fodder and a hand lover for pressing it down for tying, a good armful of fodder Is plnced in this rack, tho lover pressed down and caught and tho bundle tied with bind ing twine. These bundles, with nil oars of corn removed, aro light and easy to handle. Thoy may bo placed in tho haymow or othor sholter and will koep perfectly for many months Blnco the nbsenco of corn on thorn does not nttract ratB and mice. Cut Weeds In Corn. It is a good plnn to go ovor tho Hold of corn after cultivation Is dono and tut out stray wcedB that escapo the cultivator, A good hand can make from $3 to $10 u day klllinc theso big weeds in corn. H ' . ffl!jjJ-JS r ticiNi ' BENEFITS OF FALL PLOWING When Done Before Snow Falls Land Freer from Injurious Insects Other Advantages. 'lt It u lttisiihiK ) As much plowing us possible should bo done In the fall The soil thus tinned up Is exposed to the frosts of winter nnd they penetrate It to n con siderable depth. Soils that are cov ered with sod arc not penetrated more tlinn hair us deep by the frosts us are those soils that are recently plowed In the tall. It Is desirable to loosen tho earth below the depth to which the plow goes. This Is especially valuable in clay soils. When ground Is plowed well before the coming of frost the toll will often he frozen to the depth of HO Inches. TIiIh menus that every piullele to that depth Is moved to a certain extent. The expansion of the particles of moisture pushes apart and bleaks up the most retentive soils. Clay still that has been well drained Is in this way iniide more fri able to a great depth and when spring comes and the treat goes out of the soil It will be so loose that air can penetrate to a great depth and chem ical action be better. The manures in the surface soli aro disintegrated and some of them aro washed down to the depth the frost has gone. The result following Is that tho roots of the plants seek the coo), moist earth below If there bo In It plenty of plant food and tho plants supported by the roots are the moro able to resist many droughts that may come in summer. When- droughts are common it Is desirable to have plant roots go ns deeply as possible. Fall-plowed land .will also be found freer from cutworms and other Inju rious insects in the spring. Some of these Insects try to get below tho fiost line or nt least to a point where freezing and thawing In the early spring is not possible. The plowing or the land turns up these insects, and. though they may he still covered by the soil, leaves the ground so loose about them that they freeze and In this way they are killed. While fall plowing does not entirely wipe out all the cutworms that may he In tho ground, It will greatly les sen their number. This point alone is enough to Jus tify the plowing of laud lu the full. KEEPS THE OAT CHUTE FULL Common Barrel Comes In Very Handy as Shown in the Accompanying Illustration. Where running a fanner has an oat chute Irom tho bnm floor to the stnble below he can ery often use a barrel as Illustrated in the a o c o m p nnylng sketch. I havo found this plan to be very useful, says a writer in Prairie Karnier. I have found that It saves a person a good many steps lu running up and down stairs to see that the oats chute Is full. About all there Is to the plan is to knock both heads out of a barrel nnd set It over the opening of the chute. I think the sketch gives a pretty clear Idea of how tho Idea Is used. FARM NOTES. Add a llttlo powdered chalk to com mon glue to ninko tho glue stronger. A cheap paint Is made from n so lution of borax and water with lin seed oil. Pull and burn every weed you can reach. Itemnvo all dead stalks and dried leaves from the flower beds. Pile potting soil In tho sun to sweet en, turning often. Transplant shrubs nnd vines as soon ns the foliage ripens. For transplanting choose a rniny time and disturb the roots as llttlo as possible. Keep all flowering plantB from ma turing seeds, perennials as well as annunls, If you want late blooms. Glvo chrysanthemums mnnuro wa ter, not too strong, nnd quit topping them. Kemovo many buds If you want largo ilowers. Get sand, soil, gravel and manure and store whoro they can bo reached when wanted. Put a boxful away in the cellar. Sow pansy seeds and transplant those started last month into prepared beds. Have tho cold frames ready for them. Many plants and shrubs must bo transplanted this month to Insure bloom next senson. Kill Wormo and Insects. Some clnlm a Folutlon of saltpeter will kill cabbago worms without In juring the cabbages. Uso air slaked lime for bugs of any kind that infest cucumbers, squashes, pumpkins or melons. Have Something to Sell, If posslblo try to havo something to sell all tho time. Tho person who only disposes of poultry products when ever ono else is doing so isn't very smart. i Puro Water Is Best. Pure water beats all kinds of pur chased drinks for working In tho field. Let tho other follow tnko tho occa sional "stick." Corn Is Fattener. After all, corn Is tho great fattener for sheep, ns for other animals, but fed alone will causo ttoubls. i CLlAy3- SOLID Fof To be Known as National Corn Oi'iir nun ImniWil tlioniitiil mllllim a tilllUin dollars wi'io limit fur tliciu. Mint) than a million ami a uti trtcr oxtru dollars wont Into tho ixioliolHuf tho fnrintsrM for corn tlil year than thoy minimi for tho iircvluim yearn crop. The rcuwui fur thin tiny ho found In the fact Unit tho pcoplo of tho United Stutcs nro beidnnlns to loam how delicious corn H nn it to roiUU.D It h full food valnu. Kultocir'M Toasted Corn Flnko lm placed corn ntnonc thn Ini1lstcnwitilo Items of dally fare. Tho tnalurst tlip-eforo. nro Interested In tho development of the Kitic of (Vrenln, and havo decided to award a beautiful trophy for tho man. xumiutiorulilld who can proituco t ho bent ear of corn lu two dill criml hoiihoiih, IVofcsnor lloMcn, of tho Iowa Statu Citlleto. tho i:rente,t atithotlty en rem In tint world, will award thoptlrn nttho Katmiml Iaiiii l.xiof Itlim to ho hold nt Omaha. Nell.. Ilcocnil'erfilli t.i lNlh. IU0!. '1 wohliutlo rules will itm era tho plan, nnd they lire tliutyou heml )oiir lie t eurofeoi-n t i tho National Corn Imposition, Omaha. Neb., Imforo Novemhur 27 IW0 and Hint yon nrea iiiemliernf tho National (' ru Ani-oclntlon. Pull pnrllunlar'ireuniilltiit which can bnliail liy wrltuu: t- National Corn KxpiMltlim, Omaha. Noli, 'llo a t.ut menroly to jour speolmcn ami word It. "For tho licilocir Trophy Cuiitet-t," and write your namo nnd nddroi s plainly. If yonr In Jiiilurd the heM, you wilt Bet tho trophy for 1910, If you succeed nca'ti next year or tho year followinu'. tho trophy will liocomo your property for nil time, la other words, you imibt produco tho bi-M. car of corn two dllTurunl years. Thero will lie no roslrlotloiiH. Any inin. woman ir chl'd liolonclnu to the Ar-Helatlon oan enter. It will Ixiopnn to evrtv htiile In tho Union. Profcttor llol.lcn wl'l JiiiK-o tho rorn liar' f ularly on tlm liasisnf n"ilitv. Tho cronlnir or moro corn per iuto 1h ono Incrensinfr the Wa TOASTED CORN FLAKES TfM .Many people think wn have reached tl.n point, of perfection In Toasted Corn Fliilten nn It Y?W, muvK PerhapH wo have If you haven't Irlud It, lioiriu your education lu "t;ood UiluiM to The m cat" today. All uermtnpi ?&to - ' wmrm war AJ,'V1 Cornflakes has ihis Signature CALLED TO TIME. ,1,!?'.M- - "Ain't alio all rlj;lit, Maria?" "You nilKht Hay itomothliig nlcj to liw,', oiii'o In a while, Hob." Grading Literary Power. Dean Sliailur Mat hows hiivh that tlio nuwpaprr "hliapi's the popular mind more by Its lifudliueu tlinn by ltn ed itorials" Hy the fiiinio token, an tlionj Impress by the title of their books, not by their contents, at lists by their themes, rntlier than by their execution-and lecturcrH by their plat I tildes more than by their runse. Mrs. Smith's Housekeeping. (Srowells Smith's wife must bo a poor housekeeper. Mrs. (Jrowells Why do you think so? i (Irowolls lie declares bo's perfect ly comfortable at home every day In the year. lloston Herald. The Final Transaction. "Father." said little Hollo, "what Is the ultimate consumer?" "Ho Is the Inst person, tny son, that an article reaches lu its commercial existence." "I know what you mean. He's n man who goes Into a hotel and orders chicken hash." Washington Star. sritAiNHAM ltmiisns ilKippmr llki iiiiil'il- in, ill r tlm tii'iiltni' touch of IVrry ImU' I'.ilnkllli'r. lmrliu;t)iltu) wmitiiTiio Loum'IiuIJ Miouli! Iio wlttiutillt. lir.'tc.i.Vi.M.x; bill's. Don't think Unit because a man h willing to lend you a helping hand he'll stand for a touch. Lewis' Single Hinder t-trai;ht 6c cigar in made to t-atixfy th Miioker. The man who has been down can appreciate being up lu the world. Blri. Win slow' Sootlilucr S,vrti' Koretillilrrn tei-tliliu-, f'iftciis tliopiiih, rclures In Durr.umUou, ull.i) a pulE,'urcH wlml tullu. V.'.t. u IJlllo. When duty calls on a man he Is apt to bo out T.iinran,''t Save the Baby -Use PI so A CURE Ittt KST KlMtlUt TOH (2UGnSs.v3lJS Should be given at once when (ho littlo one coughs. It heels the del icate throat and protects tho lunfls from infection (Juuruntced safo and very palatable. All DruffcUts, 25 cent. ! m -1L -to rwf t , oswri '. a:i rvksnv 'Ml i J- "" T" GOLD SILVER the Best Ear of Corn the sY.4.'1Mcmi. National Corn Trophy To bo Awarded at tho Exposition, Omaha, 6 ffSTttip. MfflOOOOOO 000 nni-i of rtorn with crmrn In object ui mo awuro, out mo tuuiu purposu oi Quality of Corn Used in Makinrr KclloffR'a t-roeurs havo It. KELLOGG TOASTED CORN FLAKE CO., Battle Crce2f , Mien. itiT7 ir y yf J f jVj? a TsAfMbJ? JSS J& .r r at JSf JV at sy m.rwsL" uf a S jshi df &,, The Wistd of llnttieulturc Hon. Luther Bur bank say: "Delicious is a Rem -the finest apple in all the world. It is the best in ipialily of any apple I have no lar tested." And Mr. Itutbank ktinus. Delicious is but one of the hundreds of km,I tiling in Stark Trees the Rood things you should know about beloic you plant this fall or next Kprinr;. Let us tell you about them by writing to-day for our complete, illustrated price-list-catalogue which describes our corn- plcle litis of fruit trees, ornamentals, ttc. l'or complete information address the Sales Manager oi Stark Bros., N. & O. Co., Louisiana, Mo. Smokeless 01! The automatically-locking Smokeless Device is an ex elusive feature of the Perfection Oil Heater. This Automatic Smokeless Device doesn't allow the wick to rise to a point where it CAN smoke, yet permits a strong flame that sheds a steady, clowing heat without a whiff of smoke. No other heater in the world compares with the m?$rm Mite-. Ma VAifjSiS-A JWtWrfSffl Tf: 1iL KIA1HB1 II Hverr Dealer rcrywlief. If Nt Yniirs, Wrltn for Dtscilpllvo Circular to tl.u Neaiuit Aic iicy of the STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) BgMrMWM'.HlftUIIE ' A fRIITttO (TSHUniP'fll .ftrror umtu By New Discovery i m im v 'w w -r m mm mw "l have de monstrated that deaf ness can be cured." Dr. Guy Clifford Powell. ThoHccretof how to iiko tho myntrrloim and Itnlrllilo n.itnre furco fur tlin t-tiio of Dcufnt-BH Itllll III.. Ill Will Mil, ll lid nt I ii.f Im.imi i11k..ivi., ...I In tliu iniiuiinriiyhlcliuib'i'iiliht,i)i- (llljCllllllIll ' I'.iwoll. IK'.ifnehH mill Ili'Hil NulhCH (llmiiiptiir us If liy in.ivln iiiiiUt tlin. tnoof IIiIhiicw unit wtmiifiTiil in.cnvi ry. llu willhcnil mi wIkihui for fr.imDoafiici. uuiil IloailNolhfH full Infiiniin Hun li.iw 1 1 1 i-y (Mil bocnrril, iil-iliiiily fice no iniittfr how lonir thoy huvu been denf, or wluit riiiiitcil thvlrOc ifiicxt. TliU ninrvi'lntiHTrcnt. moiit UhiiHlinplc', tmtiirul mill i'1'rlnlii Unit mi will wonilPr wtivlt n nut iIImi'iivitpiI l,.fnri'. Inv-itl:(atorHrii-"UHtiiiit.liiMliiMilciirfilimili'iilH tlii'iiihClvoHinnivd nt tho iiulrk romiliii. Any iluiif ihtciiii can Imvn full Infni'iimllon Imw to Ijo r mvl (jnlrkly ami i-urnl to khv onrnl at luitno wllliont Invi'KtliKf rv cent. Wilto toJnv to Dr. Ony CIKTord l'ovTll, 6MI llnnlc llllllillinr, IVorln, III., ami fit full liifninmllnii of thin new ud wonderful Ulbcucry, absolutely free. AWARD tlin I'lillrd KtntriH l.int. vnnr. firm uio louuuer oi mo tro'my is for S$J mm Wanted A Bright, Capable Man in each county of this ttatc to tell Stark Trees on commission. No previous.ex pcriencc necessary. The work is pleasant, clean work, highly profitable; and the po sitions arc permanent to the right men. Many of our salesmen arc earning $50 to JS0 per month and expenses; some are miking more. You can do as well ot better if you're a hustler and trying to succeed. No investment called for; we furnish complete order-getting outfit frecand the most liberal contract. Heater ,m? AW Jr PERFECTION Oil Beater (Equipped with Smokoloss Dovlco) Turn the wick high or low no smoke, no smell. Burns for 9 hours with one filling. The locking device on the inside of tho draught tuhu holds the wiclc below tho smoke zone always responds, nnd automatically, insuring perfect combus tion nnd utmost heat without the slight est trace of smoke. Oil Indicator. Damper top. Cool handle. Finished in Nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. I W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 44-1909. KVm.. . fiSbl Wipe it off your otherwise good looking 'face put on that good health smile that CAS CARETS will give you as a result from the aire of Constipation or a torpid liver. It's so easy do it you'll see. 015 CASCARRTS JOc a box torn week's treatment, all drurglatx. HlL'ecf t toller In Uiu world. M1UIOI Ulou boxca a moutb. Tm KER'S HAIR BALSAM CIcuiHf and brtuullct 111 tuli, l'romolri a Imurltnt irrowth. Dover Fulls to Ileatore any ltolr to Its Youthful ColorT Cunt mlp iJIkimi Ltlr faUue, fivv.l ; l )t DwfjtUtM nCCIBMnC CTADOU nertirittrk to tbe Iron. If nmctMlwlth I Thompson's Eye Watsr uiucea, umj B u s& am rii mm Hi ,Sk