The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 28, 1909, Image 2

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S!!IN(!TON. Inthonovol
of "hunhoi'," Istuio tin"
Jew tells I he luillit that
lie luuius It Ih I lie custom
nf thf Christians to put nn
pilgrims' mirl) and to walk
bMii'footcd for mlli'K to
wortlilp di'iitl tiicn'H bonuH
Then Ih eotiiotliltic of a
Mit'cr In Ihttnr'a tone anil
Uanlioo rcbuKi's lilin with
a trul licrolr. "lllnsiihiMii
cr, team'1" I ilon't know how many
thouFantls of AniurlcaiiH i;o yearly to
Mount Vernon to pay a lslt to the re
poHltory of a dead man's hones, hut
tho iiumbur la Homethlni; ennrmoun.
If tipurgu WashltiKlon never
lived at Mount Vornon, never had l.s
Ited there, never had died thore. and
had hcen hurled In the antlpodea then1
would he excuse cikiiikIi for tho visit.)
to the place of seventy times tuon
tho numher of the pilgrims who ko
yearly down the Potomac to stand on
tho lowering hill and lo look olT down
the valley.
It Is with nn utter shame that It
Is confessed that after four years'
residence In Washington one man
Atnotlcan horn and with some link
ing pride of patriotism in his make
up ueer until locunllv went to the
place wheio the father of his coun
try and the cponon( of tjie American
school teacher's Ideal of truth lies
Mount .Vernon Is thu ultimate ob
ject of the oyago dowa the Potomac
Thore are other objects oyery paddle
wheel 6titikf of the way, or the hills
on either side are hills of rnr'o beauty
crowned with trees' that raw the re
nlutlon nnd that In the fall are wear
ing the raiment which bidougH to the
kings of the forest.
On the boat going down thoio was
n young CJerman gentleman, who had
married an American wife He was
much more Inteiosted in the beauty
of the Potomac's banks and In the
history of the countiy beyond the
banks and In the life history or
George Washington than was she
The German asked his Ameilcan wife
if George Washington was horn nt
Mount Vernon Shu answered that
lie was; which ho wasn't, not hv
many miles He asked her many
other questions, to each and ewrv
one of which, but with unerilng Inaceurncv h
made nnsweis This was a tnnol.. 'i
Blrl. TI.erol.nfnh.yu.MVS?,,';
she met and captivated her German husl i ml
while she was KlII0M. In , J u 1Wb o o
was rhapsodbing on the Ithlne.
Some day. perhaps-vedy likely. In fact-she
will go back to her husband's land and will
listen to his telling of his American trip, and In
the enthusiasm of the nature which ho undo
maniresi on the Potomac he will tell the "his
torlc truths" concerning George Washington
which he learned from his Ameilcan wife
It may he that some of tho Germans who
know something of the life of the American gen-
oral who was lite friend and lellow soldier' of
Steuben will como to Hunk, ns bomo Ameilcans
have come to think before this, that a little
American history might bo Included In the course
of study of the nverago American girl, and that
not n dollar should be spent on her passage
money to Europe until she knows without stop-
ping to think whether It was Geoige Washington
a or Abraham Lincoln who crossed the Delaware.
and who, something later, forced tho surrender
, of CornwatKs at Yorkjown. This may seem to
bo n matter that la beside the mark, hut, whllo
ho listener had nolle too thorough a knowledge
')f American hi&toiy, there wore some things
aid on the boat plying down tho Potomac that
if they had been said by an elgh'th-grado school
toy oughtto buve broiightMilm it Jiggling.
Mnmil Vm rimi linn hpnii wrlttim nliniil liv
n retty nearly everybody who has icon thp placo.
'A i habn'tj tallen to tho lot of overjbpdy' to see It
$i i the foil. It Is n noble placo, a' lining resting
I j round for' tho first American. '
r? i .. ....i.i !! . i.. i -i. i...
1 11 tsuiuuui lulls iu mini a iui iu euu auuti lie-
fci iIo trees. Theio Is a giant oak which stands
f ;ntJnel Jovcr the Hr&t burial placo of Waahtiifj
i, ' 'I '
!. . ( t TV.-? IJyw:-v(.M'f,wM,
2f$tM n Ufa
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which he thought worthy enough
to buy.
The light wasn't nood on tho
afternoon in mind and all that ono
pilgrim could make out of n book's
title, above which was written
Washington'. name, was tho
ms x . .. ., MMzxmigmm
it&iVf .KfcK i Z VJatf&-ffiaS3SK
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ton. Tho body was temoved from the Ii'ioo ot
the oak about 7.1 years ago It never should have
been removed.
It Is said that Washington selected tho place
when; liia body now lies and left Instnictiona
that one day tho change of sepulcher should bo
made. The oak which guiuded tho liist grave
must have been standing for tlueo centuiles.
The view from the placo is Inspiring enough to
enkindle the ejes of a dead man. The viow from
the now tomb Is line in its way, but it is as noth
ing to the grand sweep of tlver, hilltops and for
ests which naves before tho oyo from the place
whete Washington slept for 30 years.
Hundreds of visitors go to Mount Vernon
dnlly. They peer tho tomb nnd then
htralghtwn go lo the house. There Is an Inter
Cbt, of course, which must attach to any of the
belongings of Washington, but It seems to be u
legitimate matter of regiot that of the thousands
who go to Mount Veiuon the Inteiest in tho mir
ror which Washington used when ho shnved nnd
in the spoon with which ho ate his porridge, If
ho ate porridge, la far gicater than in the forest
trees under which ho walked and In tho gaiden
whote hedges of fotmal cut wore planted with
his own hand.
Indoors at Mount Veinon over) thing Is dead;
outdoors eveiy thing la nllve. Tho forest and
garden are Instinct with Washington; tho con
tents of the houfce are as dust.
There la a real Interest, however, in the
library of tho old homo. In tho main tho books
are dimply copies of tlioso which wero on tho
shelves tn Washington's tlmo. Tho oilgln.Ua, as
1 understand it, are iu several Ubraiica of the
countiy. There aio two originals, however,
which are open at the title page, po that if the
light be good, one in'a lead' Washington's namo
wiitlcii in his o'vn hand and tho title of thu book
. ' v . ,
Mru. Ilauer Toll my aon-ln-law that
1 thank him for his Invitation, but nrn
unnble to accept It.
Servant Good. He promised mo
half n dollar If you weren't nble to
The Steady Man.
We'd like to write a little rhymo
about tho steady man, who keeps on
pegging all tho time and does tho
best he can; the iiinu who early goes
to woik and doesn't get home till late;
nor ever try to shirk In order to be
great. There are Home fellows who
will try to do their business tricks
and have a linger in the pie of city
politics; they try to put on lota of
style and play a heavy role, and in
a little bit o while you find them In
a hole' I like the man of steady pace,
his system I admire; ho has no wild
desire to plnce more Irons in the llio!
--I.oh Angeles Express
And, Coupled with the Unchaining cf
the Dog, It Was Carried
"Well!" demanded the 3torn-faccd
woman as alio lenned over tho red
handled broom, "what do you wnnt?"
"Lndy," said the wayfarer, with tho
long beard and matted hair, "I'm nn
actor by profession nnd In hard luck."
"Well, what have I to do with that?"
"Why or I was thinking If you
could Bpare me n iiuaiter to got a
ahave nnd a hair cut 1 could get n Job
In tho role of Vlrglnlua."
"Oh, that's ii poor excuse," alio said,
with a curl of her thin lip. "Go up to
the town without a shave nnd n linlr
cut and get a Job lu the role of Rip
Van Winkle.
And before he could any nnothcr
word she atattcd to unchnln tho dog.
Non-Coin (to lecrult) I don't sup
pose you ever amelt powder, havo
you V
Keerutt Oh, yes. 1 was In a drug
store before I enlisted
Government Sanatoria.
Tho United States government op
orates thiee tuberculosia sanatoria,
one for soldiers and officers of the j
tegular army at Fort Hayard, N. M ,
one for seamen in tho merchant ma-!
rlne. nnd others employed in coast
service of the government, not In the
navy, located at Fort Stanton, N. M..
nnd one for ofrtcora and enlisted men
In the navy nt Laa Anlmaa, Col. The
first hospital la conducted by the de
partment of war, tho second by the
United Statca public health and ma
rine hospital service and the latter by
tho navy department.
Never Opened His Mouth.
"Not Infrequent rays of unconscious
humor illumine the otherwise Impos
sible stories that come to my desk
from amateurs," says a reader for one
of the magazines. Recently I chanced
upon tills choice bit:
"'John, the husband, and Grace, the
wife, ate on together iu silence There
was Indubitably an ill feeling between
them. The husband devoured a plate
ot soup, half a fish, an entree or two
a piece of roast beef, together with
a sweet, without ever once opening
his mouth.' "
A Resemblance.
Canon Heiiblcy Ileuson, at a dinner
In Now Haven dining his Yata lec
tures, condemned the ugliness of the
English archbishop's attire.
"One of our luchbishops." he said,
"preached iu a Kansas church in hla
panoply of knee breeches, gaiteis. and
apron, and tho leading paper of the
town concluded nn admirable report of
his ncrmon with tho words:
"'The archbishop wore Highland
diesa.' "
woid "Sentimental." The
wonder waa, and tho poor
light was responsible for Its remain
lug a wonder, if the father of hla
country had not In his quiot hours
been rending "A Sentimental Jour
ney." If the gentle Mnrlhu had
peeped Into the pagoB and had re
proved George because of what she
saw there ono can lmaglno hla ready
answer that the book was wrltton by
a holy priest of her own choson
The man with the megaphone on
the Washington "rubberneck" wag
ons tells hla audience of passengers
as t'-oy roll by tho Metropolitan dub
house: "This la tho club of tho nobs,"
In another minute, as tho big bight
seilng bus passes anotlior clubhouse
the mogaphnno man says: "And this
ia the club of tho cranka."
"Tho club of the cranks," aa this In
formation howler calls It, is tho Cos
mos club, nnd a most interesting or
ganization it ia. Its meiuberbhip la com
posed of scientists, some physicians
and cloigvmen. a few lawyera and
two or three newspnpoi men. Tho scientists are
in the great majority.
It coi-tb a ptetty penny to join the Motiopol'tan
club and to pay tl-e dues nnd to live tho life of
the oiganlntion. The initiation fee at tho Cosmos
club ia rather bt'll, and tho dues ate light, but
theto aio bcores of members of the Metropolitan
club, "tho i lub of tho nobs," who willingly would
pay twice or tin ice tho Metiopolltnn's Initiation
fee and the Metiopolltan's dues If tho expendlturo
could gain them admission to tho club where the
"cranks" foregather
Eveiy Monday night Is called "social night" at
the Cosmos club. Of com so the clubhouse Is open
at all times, but on Monday evening the members
make a special efidit to bo present nnd there la
always a largo gathering in tho great, aweoping
moms of tho house where once lived Dolly Mndl
son, They don't intrude "shop" upon you in the
Cosmos club. The members aio a genial body of
men and they have mnuy guests from nil parts of
tho world. They llnd out vvhnt the guest llkea to
talk about ami then bomo one who knows tho sub
ject Is promptly Intioduced to him. There are few
world subjecta upon which you cannot get an
expert opinion In the Cosmos club.
Tho members, of couise, have their hobbloa
nnd they lido them. In one coiner of a room thero
will bo nn iiHtrnnomlcal group, and thero will ba
another comer with a lleh group and nnothor cor
ner with a bird group and anotlior corner with, it
may be, a mushroom group. It Isn't nil sclenco,
however, in tho Cosmos club. Tho members piny
bllllatdb ami pool and btldgo, and they have a lino
time of It geneially and nt no great expense, for
It Is one of the hard facts of earth that men de
voted to sclouco have little money. Learning
doesn't brlnK high pay In tho market.
Ladle3 Can Wear Shoes .
One oli-i' Humid r niti-i iisinj; Alltn'ti I oot
Kuho, tho iuiUm'pUc powder. It in il h
tight or now shoos easy. Cures swollon,
hot, sweating, tailing foot, lngiowiug
iialN. Always uso It to Hrenk in tu iv
Shoos. At till DuikkIsN, !'; Don't tin opt
nny stilistlmto Tit'il pm-kago KRHI2 by
mull. Addiuos Allen S Olinstcd.l.cUo.X.Y.
Nature helps every man to become
that which he desires to hecotne. If
he put lorth no effort Nature assumes
he wishes to bo a nobody, and grants
his prayer. Elbert Hubbard.
The U. S. Government has bought 25
GlOirl (D.t'iOl) 1)0C:4J of Kollull Oil iLttH to
bend totho Zone, bccMiii-c it
doos thovvurk. 'I ho old loluhlo thu never
fniK The uubc.itnblo cv.teuuin.itor. 15c,
25c, 75c.
The Reason Why.
"I wonder why men don't take moro
Interest in the ptimary!"
"Possibly because it is a secondary I
consideration " Unltlmoro American '
Plop iniusfiug! Try tho bent nnd most
ccitiiin remedy for till p.utitul .iihiionts
ILuiiIiiii i7nid Oil. The w.iv it ie-
lievcH till RoicncM from Kiniru, cuts,
wounds, burns, ttaldd, etc, i-. wutulciful.
Do You Know Him?
"What sort ot a chap Is he?"
"Well, he's ono ot those fellows
who think that anything mean Is a
joke It it isn't on him."
Pettlt's Eye Salve Restores.
No inittei how lndlv the cjoi m.iv be
di-c.iFod or inuircd. All iltugKits or How
aid Hio.. IhifT.iln. X. Y.
Only a (tltiuicicbtcd thud party is
! able to leallzo that thero are two sldos
i to a question.
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
Jiam'sVegetabte Compound
Mlhvnukoo, "Wis. "Lydia E. 1'inlc
iitm'8 Vegotablo Compound has made
mo n wen woman,
and I would liko to
toll thowholo world
of it. 1 buffered
and fearful rainsln
my back. I had the
best doctors and
they all decided
that I had a tumor
in addition to my
female trouble, and
advised an openi
tion. Lydia E.
l'iukhum'3 Vegetable, Compound mndo
mo a well woman and I have no moro
backache. I hopo I can help others by
telling thorn what Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegotablo Compound lias dono for
mo." Miip. EmmaImsu, 833PirstSt,
Milwaukee, Wis.
Tho abovo is only ono of tho thou
sands of grateful letters which aro
constantly being received by tho
ritiklmm Medicine Company of Lynn,
Mass., which provo beyond a doubt that
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegotablo Com
pound, mado from roots and horba,
actually does euro these obstinato dis
eases of women after till other meant
have failed, and that ovcry such suf
cring woman owes it to herself to at
least give Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegota
blo Compound a trial beforo submit
ting to an operation, or giving up
hope of recovery.
Mrs. Pinlclinin, of Lynn, Mass.,
invites all sick women to writn
her for advice. She lias pruldotl
thousands to health anil Iter
nil vice is free
Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
Tlicy nlbo relievo DIs-
trean from l)jKiL'mln, Hi
(llt'JtlniiuiiJTooIIt.irJy Kitting. A perfect rem
edy for Plztlnost), Niiu
hen, Drouslnt-MH, llnd
Taste 111 tlieMuuth,
eit Tongue, 1'itln in tlio
Tliey reguluti) tlio llonols. 1'urely Yeectnble.
El peas.
Genuino Must Bear
Fac-Similo Signature
lo'ii: mi fii.i:ri' ,
through 0 nnudn.i uii nit or irritate 1 thrnnt Altyn h
1 unit llils-.ui will lii'iil tlio ul. ct Ion iitiakiv ;uul
iLiriuU'tisljr. Allilrt'tc IIm i.e ttournl ! w UottU
The braver ol tonio men Is like
that of bulldog; they havon't soiibo
enoiiRh to be afraid ot anything.
Mary T. Goldman'oS
ray Hair Restorers
rortnn 4 nrialnnl rolor In H
mini. hPiUJiTut tuunnnr
ii Horn 7 lo it iinji. ijq
Jrtly dltlcrtnt from nny
hlnr clo. J(n tOt-ct In
tiornnnont. Dooh not
ivnth nIT nnr IfH k uiuiat I
nml. ITnsno noillmont. n U'j Deithor utlrky nor!
crraoy U'n im fmro mitjclonrnn waut IXu t ex 5
pen morn uotrnni lunuanninroiiH niiHwi-oiinii
Hofo nml Batisfactory I or h im'l nn Iron ' ntxio
liituly fno, wtlto IvM.UiY T UOUtilAV, ill duUt
nun IfUtij.t f itil, Mtnn H mro to mentmn i tie
inil rolor of jour hair Full lntwtt let Cur ilol vsIIUoaUrt
i stw
Ttiii U&rk 114 tid
The Modem Razor
tfi K"W,
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Is the best of ell medicines for tho cure of diseases,
disorders nnd weaknesses peculiar to women. It Is tho
only preparation of its hind devised, by a regularly gradu
oted physician an experienced and skilled specialist in
the disciucs of women.
It Is a safe xncdicino In nny condition of the system.
THE ONE REMEDY which contains no nlcohol
and no injurious habit-forming drugs and which
creates no craving for such stimulants.
THE ONE REMEDY so good that ita makers
aro not aficiid to print its every ingredient on
each, outsido bottlo-wrapper and uttcbt to tho
truthfulness of tho same under oath.
It is sold by mrdlcino dealers everywhere, and any denier wholmsn't it can
get it. Don't tal;o a substitute of unknown composition for this medicine on
known composition. No counterfeit Is ns good as the genuine nnd the druggist
who says something cbo is "just as good aa Dr. Fieri o's" is either mistaken
or Is trying to deceive you for his own selfish benefit. Such a man Is not to bo
trusted. He is trifling with your most priceless posccssion your health-
may be vour lifo itself. .SY thai j-au tt wfict you ask frr.
' I