The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 28, 1909, Image 1
a,ur,c'Soap ' " " A Nr.HSiaicr Tlint (lives The News rirty-two Weeks Each Year l-'or Ono Dollar. VOLUME XXXVlZ RED CLOUD, SElHtASKA, OCTOUM? '.J. 11HM). NUMBER U in r.-. V.'. i K leeeeeH .J y M m 1 m M msJ ; 22 H' "! (ft iL 9k K 3 VF P l ' ir A Bank for the Mer chant and Farmer. Interest Paid on time deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 Mizer, President, S. R. Florancc, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. .GUI UK ROCK. Mrs. Ueraad Ohmstodo lns been thf'Mi-U lis). Miss Olive Dlokorson has boon very j sick for the past two weeks. ' H. C. Christy is homo from tlimiliu whero Mis. Christy is still In tlio Hos pita I. Mrs. Howard Wirt is homo from the Immiinuel Hospital lit Omaha where she took treatment.' .1. I). Andrews returned to Lincoln Tuesday after a visit with relatives here. He travels for a Lincolu Mar- B. F B. F. The Worlds Best WOMEN Jhe p amous n ueen Quality oes. ffil Miner Bros. Co General Merchants THE BIG STORE ; Me work. ' Miss HI In Peters wont to Superior Sunday to euro for Mrs. Win. Hodges, mother of Charles and .1. W. Hodges. She is quite ill. Mrs. Klmer Watt and her four children arrived Monday from Idaho to visit, her parents Mr. and M rs Frank (nnper and other relatives. ,J. W. Hodges and family will move to Host wick Friday of this week. There have been several entertain ments in tncir nonor oi which we wm give a report in next issue. (Irandpa (iuy is reported very ill at Hastings whore ho went for treatment. A eoimlu of his sons were taken up to him by IC..J. Mooro with his auto. They returned Tuesday evening. Relatives hero received word of death Sunday at Hustings of Mrs. John Stiatton. The family ninny yeais ago resided here. For some time they have been loealed at Hansen, not fur from, Ilnst'ino. Mrs. Alien Askins and Mrs Cora Sheeluy daughters of Mrs. D. Kailoy araived Tuesday evening and assisted their mother In getting moved and settled in her now homo. She bought one of Win. Montgomery's houses. Tuesday relatives here were given a surprise whop Mr. (Jeorge Crow of Northern California who hud been visiting In Iowa arrived here to seo them. Ho Is a nephew of I roue Crow and a eoubin of Floyd, George, and llert Crow and Mrs. Hoover. At the home of Mrs. Peters Wednes day afternoon the W. C. T V. hold a very pleasant mid profitable meeting. Several now members wore received. Mrs. Jluldwin and Mrs. durance tSuy, delegates to the state convention at Lincoln Oct. 18-20 gave most excellent reports of the meeting. MissTholnui Parker, grand daughter of Mrs. Peters recited that very impressive temper anoo selection "A Mother's Mistake.' mixed quartette and quintette. This company oilers where It Is preferred, j a special written play which may he I given in lion of the last half of the program as printed. Personnel- Miss Agnes B. Fish, Soprano and Violin; Miss Helen Lawrence, Contralto; Miss Dolly Cecil lies. Alto and Pianist; Mr. Frank Michael. Tenor and Render; Mr CIiiih R"ld. Itnsso. They are all artists in their line and give satisfaction whore ever they go. If you miss hearing them you will miss a groat musical treat. Season tickets for the Imlanoo of tlio course can bo had forSL'J.'i. Single admission fioets. The doors will open at 7::itl and the entertainment will commence at 8:lfi. Lvory one who expects to hear tho first number of the program should bo in his seat at that time. Ingersoll ! $5.00 Trenton 7.00 &9.00 District Meeting Proiram The Itcliokah district mooting t" I e held at Hardy November 1th. will 001 slst or the following program: Welcome address, Hardy. Response. Uuskin. Rending, Superior. Rending, Ruskiu. 1 M itsie. Red Cloud. Reading, (iulde Rock. Music. Hardy. All members of tho Rebekah lodges are Invited to bo present. There will bo degree work at night. k jnHIHK The New Seven Jewel Watch. HHHHHBIKSr '.vXmR1HHh3H0 5 s3K5ukbbB' ws-hhmiw .a$j9S,aS3'aS3S53Si$89'?' -$ $&.$ W W r zm 1 iv Ai me WulSbre A Aft 3 nt- r. rv x-tsdUQSl Al mwxt j 1 ndt, Prp. I E verythin IN atables Groceries, you to do I carry a complete line of strictly fresh anil mv orices are such that it will pay your buying in this line of us, Only the first-class brands'of canned and package goods carried. All staple 'Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. In a (iroccry store more than in anything elae, buyers should demand Absolute Cleanliness. v..., .ant,nt.,Wv c.roeeries In u dirty. Ill-kept place and be sure o 1 III . w ... -,-- r M, - - w pure goods, Clcanllnesslund sanitation' are our lioblilust Cleanliness L j. Kit a- l 0 to ib. to to to to to to to to to & A .Seasonable Hcmtmlirancc. Wo have scoured for lUin a limited number of very expensive art calenders which we wish to present to mr cus tomers and tlusse who shoii'il be n.r ciimmiici"- W' hn'''' - '. tv'il Ins , our i'"utlier oi riins, Mnrtiii's fmiiijus paint- I ings titiilb'fi "(iriglit iigol Trail." 11 I scene TTI the (itand Cmiuhi of tin Colo ! nidi'. This is a companion picture to 1 our Riot ciiU ndcr. Ji i a fluly of lltltllt'- III 'III' 111 ller IMII-l Hllllltllll' Ith- 1 iieels. I he urti.ti inia Iriiiisoi tbod nor I w Ith tint lil' 1 1 1. ess 1 he roll in 1 i-riiii 'i'nr ol . 1. ic of tic I'n'si leinai kal.lf vl -Ws j on ih' Aiu : hi CDiitiuent. I Ripiodiii'i H In the linest styb' of j : li- photography this e (lender tu.ikes ! an oriiHinmii in any home. We should 1 like to present niie ! tho-o to every 1 one 1 ut tin e.,i"iiso for bids so. We must put u to a little trouble If you wish one. Wo ask you therefore, to call at our store and register your name in our calender book sometime bcfoio December loth if you waut a copy. This is the only way by which yon can secure ono of these calenders pnd this orTer is limited to adults only as wc can not distribute to children. Wo, cordially, invite every pne interest- eu to can ami register aiuuucuicninny to. inspect the new lines of holiday (foods we arc showing.. , NnWttni'SE IJpos. Jewelers and Optotne'trifs. Actuarstarvatlon The H. E. (irlcc rui Co. Ulvi; Pacts lc,4an!ln4 Uysiicpsla Although indigestion and dyspepsia are so prevalent, most people du not thoroughly understand their cause and how to obtain relief. There is no reason why people should not eat any thing they de6lro if they will only chow it carefully and thoroughly Many actually starve themselves into sickness through fear of outing every good-looking, good-sinolllng and good tasting food, because it does not agree with them. Dieting cannot cure dyspepsia. If wo refuse every article of food that disagrees with us, before long we have nothing loft, and tind ourselves chronic dyspeptics. We are so confident that we can fur nish relief for indigestion and dyspep sia that wo promise to supply the medi cine free of all eost to every one who uses It according to directions who Is not perfectly satisfied with the results. We exact no promises and put no ono under any obligation whatever, surely nothing could be fairer. Wc are loeat"il right hero where you live, ami our icpiilatioli should bo sulllcioi.t as surance of tlio genuineness i.i'uui nllVr. Vo wain every one wliu i- trouble I Willi iiiiligostliui nr ilv-popilu .11 ei.y EXAMINE THIS WATCH It is a bridge model, the highest type of Watch Construction. Seven ruby and Sapphire jewels protecting the points of wear. Factory guar anteed for 5 years. :::::::: Has a conpensating balance patent, micrometric regulator Breguet Hairspring features found only in higher priced watches of other makes. :::::::::: ONE GRADE OF MOVEMENT ONLY .00 in 10 yr. JV00in20yr Gold-Filled M Gold-Filled 5 7 .00 in Solid Nickel Case- Case. Case. OTHER MAKES AND GRADES 75c. TO $75.00 A New Stock of Alarm Clocks Guaranteed $1.00 TO $8.00 NEWHOUSE BROTHERS jewelers axl Optometrists - - Red Cloud, Nebraska. Iiijl.i to coin In it'll sioli iill'i g-i a box ol i Mti I ; spe.ji I'.iImi-Is. Tnlu- lll-iii inline, urn! give iieiu a icasiiuable iriai. acciiioiug ti diieei lons. They (nv veij pk"itiut to i n-; they -nut lie i lie iiritii'lc htnuuicli. slieiig'hoii and iuvigoiate the digest ive- iirgau". pnmioic a lumltli mi. I j lllltiu..! no 1 .11. Ill lilo-.t I1.1111-, male s relit w iuiumii ni.n niuinaeii n I ril'ii urn. pruitnce iiealtliv dlgi-iionl ami a-nlmilati' n. ami promote i.ui.ri j lion. A -." ceiu piiekage nl Itoxall H.sspep sia T.mlels furni-lii", .i days' tieat uieiii. In ordinary ca-es this is miIH eteiit tw produce eoiuiilele relief. In moie chronic eases, n longer treatment, of course, is necessary ami depends up on the severity of the trouble. For such eases we have two larger sizes, 50c and $1. Remember you can obtain Kexall Remedies in Hod Cloud only ut our store, -Tho Kexall Htore. The II. B. Grice Drug Co. 'SlV ( jrlM 4,.W1 1Wfci..-j9 .?. $S m Swift's Premium Hnms or i Bacons. SJBBtnv i S 1 S 3 V rr- , Lecture Curse Eatertalnmenti The second number, ot the Lecture Courso will be glvon Nqv. 1th by the .Midland Opera Quintette, The quo's tlon of "HQinething different" tins been solved in this company. Aside from that rare platform combination, a Advertiument. Nothing could more strlkiugly pre sent the general popularity and evident worth of a candidato for otllce than the Vote gl veil hlmat tho primary by those who know him best, The vote given to It. W. KoouU, candidate for county treasurer, In the product whore ho lived and labor so many years, whs eortnluly most commend atory for thatgontlemnuaudbespenhs I for him u strong following at the polls next Tuesday. II IS NOT A SAVIfW POLICY to go without insurance The fish assumed is too great for the small premium you keep in your pocket. Figure out how many years you would have to bo free from any tire In order to save the value of your house and couteilts. Then consider that you may have n tiro this very night. Thaeost, of oven a little blaze will be more than the pre mium of '"' . 1'IUB lNSI'UANCB FOIt YEA MS Hotter hnve me issue you u policy to-day. It's- a whole lot better to be sure than oorry, as ninny an un insured man lias been. O.C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Neb. i .(C, mJt k nYfV'' sft ,N f -S vA , Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. INVUUMATIOM uinwTirn HHI1 I L.BJ KBUAKUIMO Fmrnt or Bumlnmmm for ile; Not particular about location. Wish to hear iroin own.r only who will ilt direct to buyer. Glva price, deicrlptlon and itate when poiteaikm can be bad. Addreti, L. DAUTSIUU. Ui HM lcatir, N. T. . . . . utfmmiKfmmtrmmrl li L ka a - JJJj