The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 21, 1909, Image 5

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Tin 4iic':cfi:l u:iatii:i of
,-iny M'l-hlli!i.4 I'hiiU.'Im pen
depends wholly i if in
plicity. Thr
ed its construction and opcr
ntion, th- more 1 i -i 1 1 it is to
break or tf'-t out of order.
Fountain Pen
i, v, ' , . n ' X"1 I"'"-1 "
V ,' . ! ',. . ' I ' ' '"
n.m, ,, . . i - M
m. ' .i ' '" ' '"'
Kw .' i ' -" '' ".' '"
I'll" illl. i i ''. I in.' ' ' !"1. ' '' ''"'
.:,' I '
il ;'.' '
I i !y w, i''. ! I :i '
li! ,-r tl.v .'.-
t . "..' . i, . .ii 'i
C mi'.:!iii v i-'i.-i li ' " '
Mlltju'.hlK-.- and oil. in'; '!''' .""
didn't iui-.i; iuc mi- p--il.le 'm any
fountain '' " """' " "' ,l" '
For Sale By
Chas. L. Cotting,
The Druggist.
T. A. Miller was in town Wednesday
Llovd llradbrook spent Sunday sit
li. II. P.laeklcdgo went to Lincoln
Atf. Moduli went wot on P! Monday
Hoy Tuit wont wosl on til Monday
Leo DoToiirwiiBup fioin Cubic Hock
.Miss Planch Cros wasiu Red Cloud
Willis Pulton wont ont on It .Mon
day morning.
Mrs Teachworlh loft, Monday for
Olilo on a visit.
Duiiuo Saunders went oust Monday
morning on 11.
Mrs. 1 lacker returned from Lincoln
Sunday evening.
K. V. Overman was in Lincoln the of tin-weok.
Miss Helen Overman left for Lincoln
Thuivday morning.
Clarence Jones of (.Snide Hock was
in Red (loud Siuidiiy
Kub-eiibc for the Chief.
Mis. (Icm-gn Morlmit wont to Ouhlo
Rock Wednesday timriiititr.
Mr. mid Mrt ltiTiianl McXoiiy wml
to Lliii'oln Monday morning.
Mrs N'i'llle raster went tlortli on the
Hasting Irttlti Wetlne-day.
Mi- H(iu pucker returned home
TuiMlay iilitht from Omnhc
( lin-". S-ehul! and wife wipe In
ttl.nlcri tli.' Ill si ol tln week.
Kill siii one earling colt. In
iiiln nt Pinkie'- Livfi-y Nam.
Uny-I'ultiin of Uhcrton ttns n pleiiv
mil caller nt tldi ollice Saturday.
Chu. Ciinicy -hipped four car loads
of valtloln Kansas City Monday.
Mrs. A. (I. Mouebiakor and daugh
ters arrived home Saturday night.
Mr. u- il Mr-. Dwiuht Jones of Guide
Knot; spent Sunday in Red Cloud.
Mr and Mis Paul Sloiey left Sun
day morning for Lincoln and Oiiiahn.
James Currell went to Mcl'ook Mon
day where he lias accepted n position.
Mis. Rlchuiils returned to her home
al IMjiiir Tuesday oil the Hasting
Mi-. Anni Tnlh-ts and duughli r.
( lira left Monday 11101 niug for Coloi'.u!"
Kprlnr .
Pi, '.i'!i''i' .'f P.'T'L ttn l'iirne-s
u. mi .ni'! i ' ;; ! t 'i it ee on the 4 Is
Il .!!.!
li- .! L. Mi'" - un.l Mi-. W A.
-' 01 11 .ml ,.'it t' te.iver M nd.iy
in miin;.'.
Wil! Cr. t. nli.ill 1 f Oae eoiiniv is
the guest t.f X. H simp-011 anil family
t .i- week.
A new line of niuiil. ling- nt Met
calfs studios, Argrthrlght's old stand.
Potter llloek.
Lltlor Hus-ong is to deliver u sermon
at Aiuhoy school hoie-c Sunday. Oct.
14 tli at I) p. m.
With every SI whip bought of Joe
Fogcl you get 11 free chance on an SIS
single hame-h.
Chas. Uerrick. who lives south of
town fell out of ills barn Friday and
broke two ribs.
Win. Wecsuer returned from Colo
rado .Sunday wlioie ho purchased a car
of cattle to feed.
Mrs. Joe Warren returned from Port
laud, Oregon, and the Seattle Fair
Friday morning '
The Junior Whist club mot at Dr. IS.
Mitchell's this week and organized for
tho coming winter.
Jim Morauviile has installed n itirtil
phone and thoe needing voterlnary
service call 011 him.
Mis. Lou Wilson of Fairfield was the
guest of Mrs. Anna 'Pulleys and family
Saturday and Sunday.
The great laugh producer. "Thotiirl
uud The .Stampede." At the opera
house Saturday. Del. S.'l.
Mis. Proba-co who has been visiting
her daughter Mr- C J. I'opo returned
to Lincoln Monday morning.
Mrs. C It. Halo and Miss Mary Peter
son wont toliincolu Monday to attend
I lie Crand lodge of Kchckahs.
FoitS.w.i:. Lots ',':t and 21 block a
P.ailroad Addition Iwpiiro of W. 0.
Ilrnoksat ISenkle'.s feed barn.
(iclour IiOHtlng and cook stovo in-
Wan en Loiigtin and tho Misses
Maliel llolmgraiu and Alfa Loiigtin
went to Campbell Wednesday.
Will Damerell and wife of lha. Kas ,
artived Wednesday evening for a
wltli 111- brother Dr. Daniorell and
The ladies of the Coiigrvgali iml
rhurch will hold their monthly ntHt'.rt
nt the Home (Jrocery More Hntut.l"
October .'lOth.
Morliiirt Itrot. have their lund exii
Sloven on their (loor. Come in and -eo
the Ilnesi line of Hie best stoves on
over looked at.
Jut r eelveil ntiotlier car of etin
oholce cabbage at Tho Miner lro. Co.
Jl.'Jo per hundred in quiiulty of 11 loo
pounds or over.
All tin stores will close at (k.'tO p.m.,
commencing with next Monday even
ing. Don't forget and do your I railing that hour.
The heil Cloud high school foot ball
team will go to nioomliiglail Friday lo
play foot ball with the high sehoul
team of that pluec.
M. 11 hut Hros. carry 11 complete lino
or Klcclric I'liiifs, Carbon. Titiiir-ii'ii
urid Triitnlutn also hi-luW lamp- 10 1
1 let .Mitsr !nuiis of them.
I Ifti j V. wli ine. Paul Stole,
left M. I!. C-.t-uer and K. WeL
in Ijiiu. Ill this week .,'. lit..'!
t.--: i,. I ..! nf ill JVUio-
Or. I!. P. ,;'ii'i s hi-s ri niov
olll. to 1 iu 1 dure Imilili.'
Paul s,iif''s elotl'tn-r -!oie
-nn. i' nniii'i
Howard'. Foe returned from Caldwell, I to simp" for winter. Order your stove
j repairs from Morhart Uros. now.
' Nothing -o good when you neeilaplll
' ns Kings Utile Liver Pills -Mnull,
sure. I'lisr. Ho'd by Henty Cook.
The !! (Jl-.nilhili -chonl font bull
leti-ii 11! ' i' l'i s-fi 1 1 1. ' tit i- high
, i, ,.1 1 -.. . 1 1 1 11. 1 '. ; the auih.
Idaho, Fiidny morning
A. 1!. Sellars and family are home
from I heir western trip
8e Dr. Stockman for eye gl.isp,
Satisfaction trim t-un' eed.
hi H. -tii'is
1 vfn
i' ;: 7:s&F'&ampz.ix&
wx&ij&mmiz aaaBt mem
h m :h rwzrz& tL
i.JT I y
Mr ujv j nmwH
3 n a m s f' fz-n (r&fcJ iwW
H 1 SSns Fifty Years llie Standard.
M . fe& Makes hnest cake and
H ,fj?gmm0, pastry, light, flaky biscuit,
H Tf?P delicious griddle cakes
H '! WolWlvSSw palatable and wholesome.
H '! I (JM Ingredicnte found in. U10
H : , ?w?V $$ low-priced baking pow-
HB . I ft' ' WIS I fe dcra are deleterious. The
HB I- ' " I ftfl)-' v active principle 13 a mm.
iL -.'. V?r$Wffl'' W eral acid derived from sul-
Bp w,l iiriml phuric ttcid' oiI of vitrio1.
h'iie K.sjjMiri i,inTvra;fy
No Lime Phosphates
remain the
Lo,-1 - Uot ecu the M. K. .lnu.!i
and C. I!. Hale - M Nidi-lien n while 'illt
haudlu'iehief with h Iter II in the
corner. Kinder please io'ive it at the
Chief ollice.
I)r Warrick, tho specialist will unci
eye, car. nose and thioat patient- and
tiioso needing glasses properly lilted
at Dr. Dainerell's ollice in lied Cloud.
Tuesday. November 'J.
(race Lambert, supported by an ex
ceptionally strong east, at tho opera
house in -'The Girl and The Stampede."
Saturday, October 'J.'l. Seats on Rah
ul Henry Cook's drug store.
The local W. C. T. U., sent tho fol
lowing delegates to the state convent
ion: McsdnmcH Dickson, Ileal, Teal,
Pope. P.tist and Miss Cotting. This
convention held forth in Lincoln from
the lMtn to tho 'join, iiie'-e same
delegates will attend tho World's con
vention held in Omaha Oct. Ill to 'JL
For a eli-ar head, a stout heart and
strong mind, DeW'itt'.s Little Karly
IMiers, gonl'.e. safe, easy, pleasant,
little pills. DuWltfsCarboIi.ed Witch
Hnel Salvo is unequalled for anything
wheio a wilvo is nio.Ui!, and is espt-c-iallygood
for Piles. Sold by all deal
ers. Foit Sim::-Three aged lierkshire
hours, Poincstod Premier Dl'Jt!), I'ni
versity Lord llliill.aud a choice son
of Koyul ISobin SKHIIO. Twenty Feb.
March, April, boars, bred sows and
sows with pigs at foot, lllack rLuug
.shan Cockrels. Tnos. POMIiiMfs.
(Hide Koclc.
The first number of tlio lec.turu
couiso was given to a largo audience
last night. The entertainment was of
a vory high order and was thoroly ap
preciated. Tho uuuiliig was full of
music, magic and mirth. Tho Oarber
IIowc cntertalner.s are llr-t class in
every respect. The generous applause
accorded them by tho nudienco tcsli
llcd of their exeollonco. Wo Invite
them to come again.
Most women are troubled with Kid
ney complaint, and you know very
iiian serious ami even fatal diseases
1 ( Mill from tlie-r neglected Khlney
trouble... If joii will tako DeWiit't,
Kidney and Itluddi r Pills as dircted.
.Mm may be confident of good result
Tiy liiom and see imw real ly good they
aie. llewnro of imitations, pills that.
! are intonded to deceive you. Iio mi re
you get DeWltt's. Sold ly all dealers.
The lied Cloud high school v.s Frank
lin Academy foot ball gamo hist. Fri
day icsitlted iu a victory for lied
( loud. Score (5 to ."1 Tho Franklin
team outweighted our hojs but our
boys were faster on their feet than the
visitors. The Ued cloud team done
justice to themselves and to the high
school by winning thin game. The
boys will no doubt have tho champion
foot ball team iu the Republican val
ley tliis season. There was a good at
tendance at tills game.
Tho Hncampiuciit degree of tho Odd
Fellows of this city lias started on
another boom. Arrangements were
made to initiate three members Thurs
day night. The Hustings degree bin IV
consisting of K. 15. Williams, C. S.
ltohrcr, I). M. Nell'. J. F. Heller, J. II.
Iloaglaud, J. II. Vastiiie, M. L. Me
Itrlde, were down and put on tho work
to tho great satisfaction of all proseut.
They prove I themselves to bo thoroly
prepared and i-MinplllIcd the degree
woik the List perhaps ever given in
tills lodge. Supcilor sent up a dele
gation among which wo noticed Louis
liroadbtonc, F. Dahlgren, 1I.C. Ilauiia,
II. IS. Kay, J. Ci.McNerncy, A. D. Iilair.
Moth tho visitors and the local mem
bers report a Hue time and vote the
ovetilug a success from the standpoint
of pleasure ami instruction. A hourly
invitation is extended our sister cities
to come again. Mr. ltohrt-r is well
known here mid Red Cloud is always
pleased witli ills viblU.
()lo)il U. Cumminis
di paited this life at the home of his
mother Mrs. A. ('timiuiug Oct. II. 'oil
ilgcd .'IT jcars. tl month- and i!'.' days,
lie was born in Pt nii-,hinia Del U'J,
1371, but - t.t ii-niiy e.iri as a boy
and w minium in utnl niir Led t'l.iiid.
Hi disposition won him m-itty fi lends
arid hi- liimeriiur illness drew him
mueh mi ,:ith, .'.in! ktn.llv n'lli'stt-r
1 - Me ' mm I poor comfort i-i the
wot Id and l-oon'' e.iliipunloti- dm 11 ;
his MifJi riiigninl turned to( hrisliim '
for iis-itinuceaii I hope. His fi-iiieinit
and elirlstliin fiieii l-howed him e. iy
t-'lldcr gOndlU'Ss possible, Ills ftlllel ill
rites were conducted fli.ui the home
under the mini-try of I. a. Htissong
of the church of thriM. Tributes ol
respect and sympathy were shown by
a profusion of cut (lowers. II W mother,
brothers John and Irving mid two
sisters NIrs. Win. Hunt or this eitv
and Mr". Carl .linhlnn of Iti-nlrict- are
hereavi'd by hi-death.
KrSi jJariili (trubnkcr.
Snrah I!. Hioolts was born tn ili
dolph counts . Indiana, Mny I'dli :s;s
il'e I III Will-let i.illllly. Nebl.oUa.
o'..lei! tli ;" 1. Il.-i- m. 1. nis n
I I llotll.l -ill ti ilitl I l'i . .-Ill
I Ii !.' one ,-' . -11 ' 1 v-. o in 'Mh Mi 1
I ,- 1 .,., , s ; , , ; , ,. , 1 ,, , ,1(
j -.1 I r - M 1 - , r tin- I 1 ' . -
v 1 - 'f iif. I" t- ' ' '1 r Hi . 1
.! 11 ,.: in W 11.. '. I -i 1 1..' i'i.i ' '
o Iter l-i l b, . , tig ii 1.1'
"-lie w 11 . in t, 1 . I
i to Thotna- In 'in.
. ...
cniioriMi wet, in 1 n i no
and Lli.-1 A I
Na-hillc. Tenii., Aug. 1
ier in the Colon army.
At Madrid, PooOc eoiint,, Iowa.
Mrs, Pii-oii was married to Joshua
Urubakcr June ti. ISiK. P.y this union
flvo children born Ciiarlts I-'..
Joe I!.. Thomas L , Harry K and
F.tliel L. Six of tho children living at
time of her death, five being with her.
She was a member of tho M. H. chinch
The funeral took place Sunday. Kev.
James Steely preached the funeral
sermon and interment was made iu the
Pleasant Hill cemetery.
.i.n 1.
i :'
1 in .
s . '
I,ll , -
.ii dud at
Imi'i. a -old-
t'anl of Tlianks
We thank our friends for helping
can- for our wile, mother ami sister,
during hersiekiieHs and death. Joshua
llriibaker and children ami Mr-. Maiia
Grand Closing Out Sale
n Tuesday, Oct. 20, '09
At Ml o i-l'M-1. .in I In- iiudcr-igiied
will -"I! at I'll I I. - in i ii i on hi- l ii in
li luihs wi-t and mile- noil!: of Inn
v.lle, -tin I .1 miles i :i-t .-mil 'J lllih-s
north of liixeiton. n the old Hilly
Walters' l.irin. the follow ini.' propel ly:
90 &1eail oV Stock 90
Coiisidingof l: horses, s muli-. .'2
cows. 15 hog-. Farm iiiiilemetits ami
other articles to iiumerousto mention.
The doctor's Question
Some Advice!.. the Use of Harsh
Piiiiallvcs and lMosles,
A doctoi'- llr-t ipie-tioii when con
suite I b ..patient i- Areyoiirbowels
regular.' He I. now- that '.i- per cent
of illne-s i- attended with inactive
bowels and tot hid liver. This condi
tion poisons tho hjtem with waste
matter ami causes accumulation of
giidci which must be ie moved through
the ho we Is before health e.nn be re-tor-
Salts, ordiuary pills and cnlhai tlcft
may be truly likened to dyuuuiitc.
Tlirough their hur.-li, liritatlog uctlon
they force a pussagc through tho
bowels, causing pain and dnmngo to
the delicate intestinal btriieturo which
weakens the whole system, and at best
only produces temporary relief. The
repeated use of such treuments causes
chronic hritution of the stomach and
bowels, dries and hardens their tissues,
deadens their nerves, btilVeus their
muscles and generally brings about an
injurious habit which sometimes has
almost, if not fatal results.
Wo have a pleasant and safe remedy
for constipation and bowel dl-ordeis
iu general. We are so certain of its
great curative value that wo promise
to return tho puichaser's money iu
every cuso wlicro it fails to produce
entire satisfaction. Tills remedy is
called llexall Orderlies. Wo urge you
to try them at our entire risk.
llexall Orderlies are eaten likocundy,
thoy act quietly and lutvo a soothing,
strengthening, healing, regulative in
llueneo on tho entire Intestinal trnct.
They do not purge, gripo, cause nausea,
llatuleiicc, cxeobbive lousonosis diar
rhoea or other annoying ell'eets, and
they may be taken at any time with
out Inconvenience.
Itexall Orderlies ovcicomo tho drug
ging habit and safely remedy consti
pation and assoclateaUuients, whether
acute of chronic, excopt In surgical
cases. They are especially good for
children, weak persons or old folks.
Price, .'!G tablets 25'cents,uiul 1'J tablets
10 cents. Remember you can obtain
Rcxall Remedies in Red Cloud only at
our store, Tho Itexall Store. II. K.
Cirlce Drug Co.
? i
v fVv
r iM'v
I -- ' .
Z Jrgp
School Suits Are Ready !
r T' ll''''1 l(,lc army of School Hoy
C. ith Si honl Clothes, durip' tho next fo
s to be nttcci
sv weeks.
i i:t
vr 1 1 e t
Wo t -j t"- D ; ' a I,u I' . nu'c ol li.'j.ii .IT1 ," nri.!,'
in advance '.! H s. School Suit made and, without ad"i!',
the Best School Suits ever bought for ihe prices.
Riefer. Noil', ik mid l!iotl-e Soils iloi.t
'x l.e t Mini im: i . doiiiilc- -ini' t h
lie!.'.- dm ible fa'-1 1
li the '.i v ilootii'li
All Sizes From 6 Years Up
$tl.50, 2.00, 2c50, $3.50 to $7-50
IlncsiijMi.' (utr Sihool Suits and ihr Suils lhcmclvcs
will r-pcak of their goodiicss in many ways.
"" """ i-..I ..I -
Gowden-Kalcy Glothing Go.
Always Reliable First Door North of Postofficc
V A iV4 O I
Just Unloaded Direct FROM
one of the Largest Factories
of the East
No Middlemen's Profits lo add.
Medium or High Class WE have it.
all toe vmms
Anuick 8 Chaney
W 'Uul
1 -Kjsi'Mi
H$fmn WteSebon
Blrcr.Ioirc Wot!!.: ;' . ''. ..t. ' -i . .,df
.llei." ''. ' ' 1. l 'lie ' l I, I". ', fl
"II. .l-i '' 111'- liii I", l . ,'l ' I I . , I ' ,J
pi-i.diii-ing the --It u 1 ,; ! li. i l- 1 1. .1
l"lt!e i- lolt. full I i II . A" .1 'd f ' ' ) t
lliod'-i that a. I I- ' its i ..nifot-t and fit in brr
is I'oiiMil ill the
SECURITY Rubber Sutton Kose
rust ptoof. of cour-o- which are accurately pin
by the designer of tla-e models at fiontiind si
Model ,'i!) - White Hnllstc, White Coutlllc
PRICE 51.00 to $5,00
Same Pattern In delicate White Floured Br?'
lIIJE $f 00 to $5,00
Do you know that it will r
well as US, to buy your
torlal and Coal at oury
that our prices ave
least us low, us tlur
0r, lltlt IlKOAt'SK e
vf unci protect
K l'i liUU
Onfcdll.Vllfcll(Jiiiil.Uiiticacall(lVloiT1"ni,iliUiV ililnliHl
For Sale.
liiO acres near llird City, Ki.
sell. Will take some in trade.
Aiioi.rii How mid, Orleans, Xeh