i 'PEARY REFUTES THE CLAIMS OF MAP SHOWING WHAT PEARY CLAIMS IS ROUTE TRAVELED BY DR. COOK Chean nnr! Bisr Can Bakini? J Powder is Onlv BiV in SizA.NntT l in Sahcfaction Not in Economy A Inrfrn Mn ftnA n em-lt rnf 7ua nnl mnt.n t1.?r. ....1M 1 .. .. .. ....... ......... .,, v.wv.ij ,.i iuuivo uaniiii; fjuwuur tncap rtr ovnn lpcs nvnAnit vn tnrtn filiimitl llin I.ln1.....nti,.. H.1&K. f nwdlimMk m 7w i;no m mt WLfmr mf wsff E 1 kind. It certainly cannot maka it as good. Don't judgo baking powder in this way tho real test tho proof of raising power, of evenness, uniformity, ..Mw..vuwmww mum MW..w.wudUWda .. UUIUUUUUUI) IU 1UU UiUIXjg, ISSUESLONGPROMISED STATE MENT IN NORTH POLE DISPUTE. GIVES STORY OF TilE ESKIMOS The Statement la Signed by Peary, Bartlett, McMillan, Oorup and Hen son of the Roosevelt Party Eski mo Doyn Closely Questioned by All. (KutrriM nrr online t Art of C'nncrrfi, In tlmuir I !)', by III" IViiry Aicllc Clut). In tlio olllic of llin l.llinu Inn of CoiiKruti, at WiiiililiiKton, I). C ) Now York, Oct. 12. The (following statement of C'oinmanil or Ittjlicrt 13. IVnry. which he submitted, together with tho neenm llatiylng mni), to the Pcnry Arctic Hub 'in Hiippuit of hhi contention that Dr Cook did not reach tho north pole, if now inudo public for the llrst time Tho stutomont and map have been 'copyrighted, by tho Peary Aictic club INTRODUCTION BY PEARY. Sonio of my reasons for saying that Dr. Cook did not go to tho north polo will bo understood by those who road tho following statements of tho two Ksklnio boys who went with him, and who (old mo nnd others of my party where ho did go Sevornl Ksklmos who started with Dr. Cook from An oratok In February, 15)08, wero at Etna when 1 arrived thero In August. 1908, They told mo that IJr. Cook had with him, after thoy left, two Ksklnio lioyB, or young men, two sledges and Bome twenty dogs. Tho boys wore 1-took-a-shoo and Ah-po-lah. I had known them from their childhood. Ono was about olghteon and tho other nliout nineteen years of age. On my rotum from Cape Sheridan nud at tho vory (lrst Hcttlement I touched (N.orko, near Capo Chalon) lii August, 1901). nnd nine days before reaching Ktah, tho Ksklmos told mo. in a general way, whero Dr. Cook had been; that ho had wintered In Jones Sound, and that ho had told tho white men at Ktah that ho had been n long way north, but that tho boys who wore with him, I-tookn-shoo nnd Ah-pc-lah, Bald that this was not so. Tho Kskl mos laughed ut Dr. Cook's stoiy. On reaching Ktnh, I talked with tho Ks Iclmos thero and with tho two boys nnd asked them to describe Dr. Cook's Journey to members of my party nnd mysolf. This they did in tho mnnner Btated below. ((Signed) H. i:. l'EARV. Signed Statement of Peary, Bartlett, McMillan, Borup and Henson, In Re. gard to Testimony of Cook's Two Eskimo Boys. i The two Ksklnio boys. I tnok-n-shoo nnd Ah-pc-lnh, who nccompanled Dr. Cook whllo he wns nwny from Anora tok In 1908 and 1909, wore questioned separately and Independently, and woro corroborated by l'anlkpah. the father of one of them (I-took-a-shoo). who was personally familiar with tho tllrst third and tho last third of their Journey, and who said Hint tho route for tho remaining third, ns shown by them, was as described to him by his eon after his return with Dr. Cook. To go more Into details: One of the boys was called In, nnd, with a chart on tho tnblo beforo hlni, wns iiBUcd to show whero ho had gone with Dr. Cook. This he did, pointing out with his linger on tho map, but not making any marks upon It. As ho went out, the other boy enrne In and was nsked to show where he had gono with Dr. Cook. This ho did. also without making nny innrks, and Indicated tho bnmo louto and the same details as did tho llrst boy. When ho was through, Panlkpnh, tho fnthor of I-took-a-shoo, n very In tolllgont man, who was In tho party of Ksklmos that camo back from Dr. Cook from tho northern end of Nan Ben's strait, who Is familiar ns a hunt er with tho Jones Sound region, nnd who hns boon In Commander Peary's various expeditious for somo fifteen years, camo in nud indicated tho same localities and details ns the two boys Then tho llrst boy wns brought In ngnln, and with n pencil ho traced on tho map their route, members of our party writing upon tho chart whore according to the boy's Btntement, they bad killed deer, hear, somo of their dogs, seal, walrus and musk oxen. Tho socond boy wns thon cnlled In and tho two went ovor tho chart to gether, tho second boy suggesting BOino changes ns noted hereafter. During tho taking of this testimony, t0sssss''rm' Trained Eagles for Aviation. One of tho most fanatic ballooning projects of tho past was that of nn AuBtrlau who suggested, nearly a con tury ago, thnt balloonB might be guided In nny desired direction with tho aid of trained eagles. Long Delayed Tribute. "Tho oxporlonccd reportor Is a model of courtesy," acknowledged a Philadelphia proachor. First bouijuet of that kind In years and yoars. Clevoland Leader. . '") W fr) M fr) (W) $) (ft, & i) (S ' & (g) I I ' ' I i I i I I I T V 1 1 i s - L 1 1 JK ' : vVTw r -r rv: "V'f - " Ai.-Srk nTO vSyjixi : r L" AS? WtMKh'( a r .-'" , Jfi&wf-rss, s , k'''iwjaJr rzkZL f h h T i 'I it developed that Dr Cook had told these boys, as ho told .Mr Whitney and Hilly Prltchard. the cabin boy. that they must not tell Comninndor Peary or any of us nnythlng about their Journey, and the hoys stated Dr. Cook nnd threatened them If they should tell nnythlng. Tho narrative of theso Ksklmos Is as follows: They, with Dr. Cook. Franckc and nine other Ksklmos, left Anoratok. ciosKcd Smith's Sound to Cnpo Sabine, slept In Commander Peary's old house In Payer Harbor, then went through Hlco strait to Iluchanan bay. After a few inarches Francko and thiee Kskl mos returned to Anoratok Dr. Cook, with the others, then pro ceeded up Flagler bay. a. branch or Hutiiannn hay, and crossed Klles mere Land through the alley pass nt the head of Flagler hay. Indicated by Commander Penry In 1S98, and utilized by Sverdrup In 1899. to the head of Sverdrup's "Hay Fiord" on tho west side of Kllesmore l.aud Their louto then lay out through this llord. thouco north thtough Sver di up's "Heuerka Sound" nnd Nniu,on Mrnlt. On their way they killed musk oxen nnd bear, and made caches, arriving eventunlly nt n point on tho west sldo of Nanscn strait (shore of Axel Hoi berg I.und or Sverdiup), south or Cape Thomas Hubbard. A cache was foinied here and the four Ksklmos did not go beyond this point. Two others, Koolootlngwah and Inughito, went on ono moio march with Dr. Cook nnd tho two boys, helped to build the tnow igloo, then leturned without Bleeping. (These two Ksklmos brought bnck a letter fioni Dr. Cook to Franeke. dated tho seenteonth of Maich. Tho two men lejolned tho other four men who had been left behind, nnd tho six returned to Anoratok. nnlvlng May 7. This Information was obtained not from the two Ksklnio boys, but from the six nion who returned and from Frnncko himself, and was known to us In tho summer of 1908, when tho Koosovolt llrst arrived at Ktah. Tho Information Is Inserted hero ns supple mentary to the narrative of tho two boys.) After sleeping at the camp where the last two Eskimos turned back, Dr. Cook and the two boys went In a northerly or northwesterly direction with two 6ledges and twenty-odd dogs, one or more march, when they en countered rough Ice and a lead of open water. They did not enter this rough Ice, nor cross the lead, but turned westward or southwestward a short distance and returned to Helberg Land at a point west of where they had left the cache and where the four men had turned back. Suggestion as to Clothing. Clothing ought to bo made with tho soft ancient Kgyptlan or modern Chi neso buttons. Mnvbo removable ones are better still. If It were not for buttons most laundering could be dono by machinery. New York Press. Salt Whale. Already quite a trade Is dono with Japan In canned and salted whnlo meat. It is said to bo moro tendor than beof and to tasto like It. Na tional Food Magazine, After being Informed of the boys' narrative thus far, Commander Peary suggested a scries of questions to be put to the boys In regard to this trip from ' le land out and back to It. Did they cross many open leads or much open water during this time? Ans. None. Did they make any caches out on the Ice7 Ans. No. With how many sledges did they start? Ans. Two. How many dogs did thoy have7 Ans. Did not remember exactly, but some thing over twenty. How many sledges did they have when they got back to land? Ans. Two. Did they have any provisions left on their sledge3 when they came back to land? Ans. Yes; the sledges still had about all they could carry, so they were able to take but a few things from the cache. From here they went southwest along the northwest coast of Helberg Land to a point indicated on the map (Sverdrup's Cape Northwest). From here they went west across the Ice, which was level and covered with snow, offering good going, to a low Island which they had seen from the shore of Helberg Land at Cape Northwest. On this Island they camped for one sleep. From this Island they could see two lands beyond (Sverdrup's Ellef Ring nes and Amund Rlngnes Lands). From the Island they journeyed toward the left-hand one of these two lands (Amund Rlnges Land), passing a small island which they did not visit. Arriving at the shore of Amund Ringnes Land, the Eskimos killed a deer as indicated on the chart. The above portion of the state ment of the Eskimo boys covers the period of time In which Dr. Cook claims to have gone to the pole and back, and the entire time during which he could possibly have made any attempts to go to It. If it Is suggested that perhaps Dr. Cook got mixed and that he reached the pole, or thought he did, between the time of leaving the northwest coast of Helberg Land at Cape North west, and his arrival at Rlngnos Land, where they killed the deer, we must then add to the date of Dr. Cook's let ter of March 17th, at or near Cape Thomas Hubbard, the subsequent four or five sleeps at that point, and the number of days required to march from Cape Thomas Hubbard to Cape Northwest (a distance of some sixty nautical miles), which would advance his date of departure from the land to at least the 25th of March, and be prepared to accept the claim that Dr, Cook went from Cape Northwest (about latitudo eighty and a half de grees north) to the pole, a distance of Damage Done by Brown Rat. Tho brown or Norway rat is ro gnrdod by tho United States depart ment of agrlculturo as "tho worst mammal pest In tho United States, tho losses from Its depredations amount ing to many millions of dollars year ly." Peculiar Florida River. Tho St. John's rlvor In Florida Is tho only nnvigablo rlvor In tho coun try that flovvB In a gonerally north erly direction Into an ocean. five hundred and seventy geographical miles, In twenty-seven days. After killing the deer they then trav eled south along the east sldo of Rlng nes Land to tho point indicated on tho chart, whero they killed another deer. Thoy then went east across tho fcouth part or Crown Prince Gustav sea to the south end of Helberg Land, then down through Norwegian bay, whero they secured somo bears, but not until after they hnd killed somo of their dogs, to the east sldo of Gra ham Island; then eastward to tho lit tle hay marked "Kid's Fiord" on Sver drup's chnrt; then southwest to Hell's Gate and Simmon's peninsula. Heie for the (list time during the entile journey, except as already noted off Cape Thomas II Hubbard, they encountered open water. On this point tho boys wero clear, emphatic, and unshakable. They spent n good deal of time In this region, nnd llnnlly abandoned their dogs and ono sledge, took to their boat, ciossed Hell's Gato to North Kent, up Into Norfolk Inlet, then bnck along tho north const of Colin Archer Peninsula to Cnpo Vera, whore they obtained fresh elder duck eggs. Here they cut the remaining sledge on, that Is shortened it, as It wus awkward to transport with tho bout, and near here thoy killed a wal rus. From Cape Vera they went on down Into tho southwest angle or .tones Sound, whero they killed a seal; thenco east along tho south coast or tho sound, killing three bears nt tho point noted on the map, to tho penin sula known as Capo Sparbo on tho map, about mldwny on tho south sldo or Jones Sound. Hero thoy killed some musk-oxen nnd, continuing east, killed four moro at tho place Indi cated an tho chart, and wero finally stopped by tho puck Ice at tho mouth of Jones Sound. From hero they turned back to Capo Sparbo, whero they wintered nnd killed many musk oxen. After tho sun returned In 1909 thoy stnrted, pushing their sledgo, across Jones Sound to Capo Tennyson; thenco along tho coast to Clarcnco Ilend; (passing Inside of two small Islands, not shown on tho chart, but drawn on It by tho boys), whero they killed a bear; thenco across tho broad bight in the coast to Cndognn Fiord; thonco nrnund Cnpe Isabolla and up to Com niandor Pcarv's old houso in Payor Umbo. near Capo Sabine, where thoy found n seal cached for thorn by Pan Ikpah. I-took-a-shoo's father. From hero they crossed Smith Sound on tho lea. arriving at Anoratok. (SlBiied) H. D- PHAHY. U S. N. HOUUHT A. UAKTLETT, Mnstor S. S. Itoosuvclt. D. II. M'MIM.AN, UKOHOI-: liOKUP. MATTHEW A. HENSON. tSIW O) Sad. Two little girls woro out walking when thoy passed the big brick build Ing of nn orphan asylum. "That, Min nie," said Rosy, anxious to Impart her knowledgo to hor youngor slstor, "la where tho little orphans llvo. Mr and Mrs. Orphan are both dead." A Foolish Notion. Most of tho men who think tho world Is ngaliiBt them aro so Insignifi cant that tho world has nevor noticed thorn. ALUMET BAKING POWDER Is a better baking powder than you havo over used be foro. And wo will lcavo it to your good judgment for proof. Duy a can today. Try it for any baking pur pose. If tho result? nro not better if tho baking is not lighter, moro delicious, tako it back and get your money. Calumet is medium in prico but great in satisfaction. rrcc largo nandsorao recipo book, scnti sc ana slip found In pound Calumet Received Highost World e Puro 1-ood Expoiibon Editorial Amenities. Kditor Junkln of the Sterling Hulle tin has red hair Kditor Crctcher of the Sedgwick Punlngrnph hns no hair at nil ".Mac,' nsked Junkln, "how did you lose your iiulr?' 'it wns red nnd I pulled It out," growled Cretcher. Kverybody's. Ambiguous. Harold What did she say when you turned out the gns nnd kissed her? Rupert Said sho felt as If she never wanted to see my race again. Phila delphia Record. Of Course. "How do you make your wlfo mind so well?" "I tell her sho enn do anything she likes, so she don't see any fun In It." In case of pain on the lungs Hnmlins Wizard Oil nets like n mustard planter, excent that it is more effective and is mo much nicer nud cleaner to uhc. The secret of success In lifu is Tor n man to be ready ror his opportunity when it comes. Disraeli. tup. souitci: or Timirm.i? must ho readied bcturu It c'ini lin uuri-U. Allrn'i l.unK llalaam w-h to tlui ruut of Tour itiuxh, uuj cuirslt. MuniiU'HSunil sure. AiuiiiiroKtriftis We live truly for ourselves only when we llvo for others. Seneca. Mm. lVlnitow'a Soothing Syrup. For children tei-ttilnn, uften tlie'urns, rojuren (r latniiutlou, all) s pln, euros wind collu, 2Sca Lottie. Money talks, but It often falls t tell tho truth. iwHBHvnuU jMp No fuss no flurry no smell and, above all, no smoke, even though you turn the wick ns high as it will go. The temperature runs up quickly. In ten minutes the average sized room glows with cheer and comfort that genial heat brings the heat that is smokeless and odorless. Automatic Smokeless Device whit h automatically locks and absolutely prevents smoke, by keeping the wick out of the smoke zone, is on the Perfection only. The bolul brass font holds four quarts, which gives a full-head flame for nine hours, Fl.ima burns from side of wick instead of from the top. Tho brass wick carrier does not rust and clog the wick. Damper top, cool handle. Aluminum metal window frames that hent cannot tarnish. Japan or nickel finish Various stylus and finishes. Ucry Dealer Ilwry whero. If Not At Yours, Wrlt fur DonitIpMm I'lreulur to tliu Nt'tirt-Nt Aiieney of tliu STANDARD OIL COMPANY (IiK'oriiorntod) When You're Hoarse Use piso's CURE m Btsi Yvtwvm m vouowss Gives immediate relief. The first dose relieves your aching throat and allays the irritation. Guaranteed to contain no opiates. Very palatable. AUDTUggUu,2Sc m HaDur Medium illustrated in colors. can. Award- il?n .I rlM0 v -'I r BAKING PO""" CHICAOO Is Poor Consolation. "Yes. It must he a terrible thing to go through life without jour limb. Hut you must remember It will be restored to you In tho next woild." "I know it will, mum, but dat dor.'t encourage me, for It was cut off whra 1 was n baby, an' It won't con.o with in a couple of foot of de ground w'ea It's lestored." A girl never feeis more Important than when she Is getting married, nnd a man never looks moro Inconspicu ous. The n Is a low priced lamp. There aro Limps that cost more but there is no better lamp made at any price. It is in.ulo upon scientific principles. Thero is notiiing in lamp making that can add to the value of the Kvcry dealer everywhere. If not at jours, write for descriptive circular to the nearest agency of tho STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) DEFIANCE STflRCH-!LD,rC other March" only 12 oniicr nmo prko ami DEFIANCE" IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. pHJMfiJ 1H N VWrltMRlTM ll Q Have Heat Brought To You When your bed-room, bath-room or dining room is chilly, you may have heat brought to you in just the degree you desire. It is easy when you have a PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equlppod with Smokoloss Dovlco) available. Place the heater where the cold is most annoying, strike a match. LIVE STOCK AND MIUCCLLANLOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FORj SALIC iAT THE LOWEST PRICES DY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION SM W. Adams St., Chicago HIWMMMHM r"v L A ilN t y