'fir''''''IBWBHBMHWPMs'HHHHM(MHBBHlBBMi if . Stnlo,,',orlcaiS.,.tt7 . -it '"-" -" " " -"lii.V-- ""' ., voiiUns xxxvu. 4 Newspaper Tint Gives Tlie News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Tor One Dollar. iriSI) rLOUD, MSHRASKA, OCTOP.Kl! M. U0!. NUMBER 112 Your idle money should be invested in our 3 per cent Certificates of Deposit. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEIi CAPITAL $25,000 Mizcr, Picsident, S. R. Florancc, Cashier. DIRECTORS: 'COMMISSIONERS iKi)Ci-:i:niN('.s B. F B. F, Mizcr. C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crahill, S. R. Florancc. Wm. H. Thomas, Sa5SSiHazaafBB ffigMiBiE3B2 3 jros, ikec "h fi . 1 mratWiM I. wAIilJL iL I i ) ITi if mnm mi w .. -. - 1 V. are now showing the Lr.4 "8 argest Line OF that have ever been kought to RED CLOUD. Large and Complete Lines of Dry Goods Womens Cloaks, Suits and Furnishings, Notions, Shoes and Groceries also a fine assortment of Children's Cloaks. : : : : : I he 1V1 . Go. fine) mer oros General Merchants K. A: LETSON. Mflr. i it'-l If' '! Stockman for guaranteed. eye gin six'tiu ci'if r t.H up in-,1 itf toil M'ii Q'fKS- -.A 'r-' MpWiwlcl"-nalBt eh U ! Nary oilers exceptional oiMiorinnitifstoyonnf men 17 t. a , ars-.U: men with trade up to .15 ' M Hood, opportunity 'r v.,l,u.uu..n nn.1 Promotion, Musi bo Vri...f.WiUflc-nteofnB. I'ny horn ii:.i,.t..-ovor 517 par man h, v. it h Lactic illy no xpno. Visit or ml dress U. I Nnvy 15ciiimi'K Station. Post OlUeo HuIUUhB. HivthiKS. Xi'r oL J. Hs EllinSer AUGHOKEER Dors livestock am! fe'i-niTlll HU' tlonfierluir. SatifnVtiongu u-ou-tfi'tl m ever.VPUM'. rndiTstniuls pfiiirii" iviwl htoult vnluos. Many youts oxpi'i'lpin'o. 't'hono f lilm tiuytlmo. r uuwuiwiiwiwnii'iiii n iimiimirri'inirii -- t Wed Gloud, Nebr. 4W-'W'WAo'WA 'VxiVc'VsAo VA. 4 15i.ii t i.orn, Ni mi.. Oi'1 Mli. A I '!. I'.imkI of Counly UoiniiiKsiniiiMs nut in ivulnr Mslmi V. 1. Anilor-on pivsiilliiK MlmiiWis pii'siMU. W. H Antli'iMiii. O. i Inn-.ttMlt. .1. Ci. Omt iniiii. G. W. Ilmnnioll. T. .1 Cliiiplin nliciit on account of sirlnioss. I. II t'liitte uppt'iirs iiiul claims that his liill for assi'Bsiutf Oak t'rech pie clnct was unjustly reduced and asks that the nmttor bo adjusted in an equitable, niaiiiier. (n motion claim I was rejected. N'nw comes .Tamos Vance and claims that oveillow from Cieek caused by in sullieient outlet and account of rail road biidtfe to nauow the result belli);, his land is over Mowed and pastille killed He asks that the Itoaul foieo the KtiilroadCo. to enlarge their bridge ami iiinke draiiuie diteli suHiclent to curry olV overllow. icfcrtcd ti rom. Now comes .s. .V. Koo and coiuplaiii that his land in swl, IM-ll. is asse-sf d to lilfrli (ur liU's and asks that U l.ivs fur that year be reduced to cmnpaic Willi Iniid of like value nil joining- him. and also Unit taxes for 100!) lie i educed mi 1 ih.it vnlun'i m be lived to com-nun- I hereafter with other laiiil he further states that bin laud in assessed at K'i) pi-r acre wlille adjoining land i, i.r.hscd ni iilUMi. Kcfcried to Count) Attorney. Xuw eome.s 1). a. Dickey nod emu plnltiH lots IS to 'Jl, block 0 Uarbeis add to Rod Cloud Is assessed to high and asks that IiFh taxes for lUos and lUuf) be reduced as ho U assesed to hitfli 111 cpmp.irinon with prnporty ad joitiliifr. llerened to Cotimy Attorney (HTi.nmt nib. rum. As por Mvpointtiient IfMriiifr is hud In roat chhc 11. S. Fit et nl alter arffUpmcilts b. a nnniber if the patt ies llitorjtod. Propfmltion was sub mitted iy K B. I'Mtz and Pat Kelleti rourcsuntliiK pciiiiom i to nay 't the os-poiiso iimdo necesary by reason nf chanuluf.' the toad allowing the litiiml to doeido the nialter of auioiint nl work icntilieii to iiiiilto irood load pclitioticr to pay for all work neces-,- in , to loinove all obstruct ions. I'res ' cut road not to bo vacated until pro- i)o'cl io:id is accepted by County Hoaid (Hi motion proposition was accepted. OiToiii n 7th, iPuP. Now'ooiues K. 11. ('ox and cunplains that he is assessed to en or w-.', swl and wJ nwl, 1(5-1-11 and asks that valuation be i educed SIO.'O actual valu ation being amount lie owus state on same. On motion request was granted. (Hi November Iflth P. Kill heuriiig will be held on Sutton et. al road case ut I o'clock p. in. .Matter of Petition to divide. Inavalo piccinet in two road districts laid over tor fuither eonsideiatlon. Ocioiu.u Sth. I "list. On motion the County Trensiuer was instructed to strike from ti list w'2 sw '21-i U .Mm .Mul'oriual and n'2 of nw .tl-'J'.l Sum Ciigor thosanio being leased land. Moiey 3inl addition lots il to 10 bloelt 1, iiluc Mill be stricken from tip; list same being chinch piopert) . mid tint liable for tasos Wet lie uiiiiermgneii. petition the Hoard of Oountv CotnmlMSloiier to ! build a coiieroto bridge 10 fcot long bote, on sees 7 and S town H, range 1 1. I II. il-ndricks. Will Carr. Kilns Lock hart, Clair lioekharl. Walter Lock- It irt. ' oB &1ICK. .luntes Alexancler, 'iharlos Hanson, 'leiiry Ijrickaon, ( latide Duval. ( M. WiUon, J. I.. Kig gel), K. Ueau. .John llmison. chits. II. 1U lty Wilson. . 13. Npunce, V c Drlttoit. K 8. Urltten. Ueforred to committee, on bridge. A. ( ox ct. al. uppeared for Manage incut itt Itmdeu Fulr Association Hsk ! iug for iippropriation for riiuniug ex- poiMiv. of fair. On motion appropiia- tloit wis granted. llciuy (Igur et. al pruscntod road ofttUion whlPh rcuds at. follow names: I Chairman appointed olinistodo. Hum- pl and Overman to view proposed i r'(jtul mid report tit iip.nL meeting. I ' Oct. 7, 11)011. Tho following claims worn allowed j and warranto ordered to bo drnwn on the bridge fund. Lee Arnelt Dee Detour Fr irk Clawior A Sliipmnn It. C. ShulU .... ,1 15. Simpaon & Son Western Bridge vi Cotntruc- tiouco 287ft And the following liillrt we.ro allowed and warrnnts ordered drawn on the general fund: W. H. Anderson Dr. 1. A. Burthohnew Chns. V. Cowicy V. L. Cotting Honry G. Deidrick . . . W. C. Frahm G. W. Hummell -12 r,() II. II. Morgan 1 00 H.J. Miurcr 22 00 C. F. Mofnnville 2."i ? (!"iS liS I no bo Mil 00 17 25 7 75 (i 00 l(i 50 Trenton $5.00 7.00 &9.00 Edith L. McKeigliHtt 12 10 G. Ohmstcnd 5(1 00 J Jaa G. Overman 27 Mi Paul Storey ' 10. Sauuilorn IJros 1)2 1 so Dr. .1. W. Stockman 41 on State .lou-nal Co 21M-I ,. K.'lit lim.Mi' Daidy Wihiauis 11 50 Wei ater o. Fair Aa !" 00 Yoat&I'.utlpr f' 00 The followtnc resolution was intro duced by ! Ohms' ctlc llPOlVLtl ffi The N ew even ewe Watc 1 352J; S ",1 , Conslraclion. Meven ruby and Sapphire jewels r ard insudlcicnry of the1 r , .f . ... r.., ,.? ,. .oi $'i .00 in HsoIiJKickel Ca 00 in 10 yr. 0 in 20 yr rYA&HNs? THIS WATf.H I , A.'. 1LI11I 1 IH.I U AAJ1 !. - coininisnioncr sllummell w . .rKL-SSlllt is a brake m(lfeL the highest typo of Watch .. .. . -- . . Commnaionersol welwtor county, miv- Inir iln'v con"? ...-......! Uiu unsaifty urn lusuwie.cuc.v ... u.. r , ... t-T., ' nL ,,rov inr nnr Y81JiV- preaent county court house, finds and n VlC.UIK; HAC iUllli.O Ofi wca. ft c.-y j "" deems it iiec-asiiry to erect u new s r"" r trnnvc . " w. com t house itf and for said county, and aaiteCCi iGl sJ1 cai b. . that a proposition to vote a special J . i nturtinl tax for said purpose.be 8Ul.-,HaS S COHpSan aiaCCC paiCIJ! OlILlUlllCLiiL iujju.utv.i &lr7f-!SiBregucl Hairqn-Mg fcatatc. fomid only in higber priced taut or rejection, therefore boil furtli.-rjwa(i.ies 0f other inaitCS. I I I " ' : resolved, that there be mibmitted t ) ! !:f:;Lt:;:":lr,rioiIE GRADE OF MOVEMENT ONLY t ion. to-wit: November 2, 190!) the prop-, oaiti'm to authorize u special annual ta t of not to exceed flvi nulls on Hie uuliar i valuation of tho taxable jrop.rty in said county, for the term of three j years, for tho purposi; ot' obtaining funds to purcluiKe the materials and! labor and contract for and complete a , new court house for aaid county, at the ' court lioithp Fipitre in the county sett, at a cost not to exceed $(.0,000.00, all as authorized by sections number 1229.1 to IK'.OJ, inclusive, Cobbey's Annotated Statute, 1907 as aniendcd by chapter JU of the Session laws 1909, that notice thereof be given and published, as fol lows: (To the legal voters of Webster County, Nebraska.) Notice is hereby given that at the I ... general election to be held in said ! Jewelers ailO UpiOmeiriSlS county of Webster on November 2, 1 1909, thoro will bo submitted to the legal voters of said county, for their adoption or rejection, inu iuuuwiuk ab! Gold-Filled Case. ,f.M M Gold-Filled Lase. OTHER MAKES AHD GRADES 75c. TO $75.00 A New Stock of Alarm Clocks Guaranteed $1.00 TO $8.00 NEWHOUSE BROTHERS - Red Cloud, Nebraska. proposition, to-wit: Shall the board of , nnmittr nntnnncuimwiru nf i!l I ! rniintv. i UUUII K J VUtlMH lirniMlltto - J court house I t Tho motion to adopt said resolution and Htibmi said proposition being seconded, the vote thereon was as fol- , i . ........... ir......iii nil,,,. .... . , , i . iio'.vk: leas', wvciuiui., mnnuiv.., v..... or such olhccrs as may bo charged by I , lwu1t,thPlutyoflovylnBthetxen; WM ,o. of sai.l county for the tune being, in d an, u,e addittontoalloti.ertaxe.levyorcuus- ,nBtrUelod to gvo not'eo ed to be levied annual y, for the tennof publication, and by posting threo yuara, upon oil of tho taxable ,, ...... ... . .., nrVMinn property in said county u special an- . pto nunl tax of fivo mills on tho dollar val- ,.. ..y. ...'',. . " ,,, flin, ,,. ISIL0!; ..K?!'!," notice'of said proportion bo poblbtol J ? DJII'UIHI 4U1MI UUU t-4-klii, ll iwuJMWt HAY! When luiMiig Alfalla hay for sale, don't lorget to call on It C. Uonf.M the buy man. Itemeiiil.er hU prices ate always th,. highest, prices ranging rrom ST.t'O to l().m per ton. Will be in tlio inarUet for good J'raltie Way also. Ami respect I ul'y olioll a piti't it tonr jiati-oriagi'. Rctl ftlouti Lecture Course Kiiterttilntueut of the highest eluS tho Uurber llmvo .... tifi.l nnrinr,lnftrn . i,, if, Armufor fojr weeks previous i"'i" " - ";.' . . :. iug a court house at Red Cloud in fluid . . H CrriefJ audience Bt tho . M. t . A. lut nigirt. county to cent not to exceed $(10,000 t0 lt'k v' i,tructJ to place ot at ' 5mvPl,"; "W llav pursuant to the provisions of Sections Rro0MtIon on the sample and of the gymn(isim room ei.t hetrglnff. number 11295 to 11.50J, inclusive, Cob- "" pr ' " , , , ,oli ov w 1 Muie-ftnd It wh iiiiimc. too .f ttVory b.-y'- Annotated 'Statute, 1907, at. ' a accordHllCj, wUh mW r080. .kind was furnLhvd. and that thw aimnclbd by Chapter 81, laws 190.', find , "' ' prt-nent realUed that they tv buio-; jr.all said board upon the adoption of said proposition proceed to select plans and let contracts for the erection of such court hona, according t law,' and levy said tax, beglnding for the year 1010 ltlllftll ! - . . "' . A - .. .. . A..,k,ll,..l J.1.1 I., No fbrther businwa Board adjourned IT"'" rr " '",, , T toNovomWrWh.at 1 o'clock P. M. '. "" wi-KmI. Molt,, u , (Seal) E. W. Roas, 11- "P'i 'J '"lf '"'' County Clerk. ' otlim iiistr.nupnt- hiimo of th. u. nanv's own invention were broach i and idetyed upon with touebuigtlufsse, v. A That th- vote on said proposition Sfrlous M.nit from pue ' air. now vitun soion wt.,- iwwtoi" shall l,o bv ballot, on the rctfular oleo-' avoided If the right remedy Is appliwl pi' w "f feellugaiidllnKhed reclinlquo tion ballot prepitrod for such election, , 01WH llt u WU5t lMJ th vlgl.t ' "' ! bnj. -rU of m, . Onrbav in form as follows "i ottrt ItotiBe la nmv MauXttI1, yoUttpply ManDfc liropMiuon vo e or . ,,.. , &imQ , tQ j.or inu propoiuoii to u-vy -,......, ..,,..., t ,,.,.,,, annual lax or 5 mills for three years , sooum irnuwuii, -" . ..-.. for the erection of a courthouse. pm-u by meitus of thu posule nUnoltod Against the proposition to levy n spec to tht) lnbo jn wj,ch Mnn.un is mil up. Sold horo by llgnry Cook. ial annual tax years for the of 5 mills for threo orcction of a county made itditlloult for lilm Ut Weep from monopolizing the entire program. The novelty Instrument numbers made, oiib laugh nud feol at tho sauui tjme.. llenild, Fremont, Nebraska. At Ited Cloud Opora llptiso Oct. 20. ;ricUctg lesirved Oct. 101 bat (iricJhdrug Mcto ii.ii ,'-t fi , (