The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 07, 1909, Image 9

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The Chief
C. D. HALE, Publisher
Now the Hiio'li )iolc mllit u& well
conic In and Ntirrender.
Mexico linn heen ijIvIiik n lifelike
iinltiitlon ot XouIi'r Modi).
AeropliincH need wmiethlng eon;
jmrnhle to nonflklddlMK tlren.
Lament of die north pole dlficov
erer: "Nowhere to f?o lint Houth!"
Wliy curl up In despair lit the night
of n yellow leaf when the swininiliiK
In Mill good?
Paris plaiiK to Introduce a flying
oinnllniR. It will make the under
ground transportation popular.
Why ko to the north pole? Medi
cine Hat Is netting ready to turn out
a superior line of goods from Its
weather factory.
The king of (Ireece wants to give
up his Job. And there do not ap
pear to he ninny applicants on the
waiting list for succession.
Now that the duke of the Ahruz7i Is
planning to tise the aeroplane In
mountain climbing perhaps Weston
will use It to make his feet happy.
Neither explorer seems to have
thought of the simple expedient of
subfitntlatlng his claims of discovery
by cutting Initials mid the date on the
Unless you know that the depth of
the water Is miHIclcnt, look before you
leap for one of those graceful dives of
yours which nre so greatly admired
by your friends.
The fact that the Kmperor of Aus
tria has mndo a ISnltlmore girl a prin
cess only emphasizes the fact that na
ture has ninde all Amcrienn women
iiueens In their own right.
The Crown Prince of fiermany lint
blood-poisoning from the sting of n
wasp. That Is a little thing to seek
prey in such eminence, but nowaday'
nobody Is safe from getting "stung.
Now that the emperor of Austria
has made an American girl a real
princess n near-monarch of Portugal
can marry her without losing caste
The young woninn's money, however,
needed no social white-wash.
It Is Impossible to divorce cnpltal
and labor In the public consideration.
Either without the '.titer Is hopeless,
and when both are working In har
mony, as at present, the largest meas
ure of profitable accomplishment Is
The law has Its oddities and hu
mors as well as other human occupa
tions, and an Instnnce of the former
Is the misfortune which befell a Judge
In Georgia who was put In jnll for
trying to break Into a house to steal
his own wife.
The Colorado .School of Mines ex
pects, If It can procure the uecessarv
funds, to .produce radium from the
pitchblende ores of Gilpin county be
fore the end of the present summer
vnrntlon. Colorado is a wonderful
state, whose mineral resources con
stitute one of the richest natural treas
uries of the world.
A German princeling has announced
that he is coming to this country to
marry a rich American wife, so he
can pay his debts. Our national
pildo will bo hurt by the bold asser
tion that all he has to do Is to come
over and pick out n biide with n for
tune, but unfoi Innately precedent
shows that this foreign assurance of
our American girls Is based on facts
too strong for denial.
As "hassenpfeffer" is n favorite Ger
man viand, those who here Indulge In
It have a warning nt the beginning
of the season for rabbits In the fact
Hint a resident of Newark. N. .7.. had
22 No. S hlrdahot In his appendix,
which was removed to relieve a se
vere attack of appendicitis. He had
eaten "hassenpfeffer" which included
a rabbit that was well riddled with
The practical Germans are quick to
seize a chance and turn it to account
They propose to establish an airship
school at Kriedrlchshnfen, the home
of the Zeppelin Industry, where the
young Iden may be (rained to lly. The
course of Instruction will occupy two
years and the graduates will be
trained aviators. And who knows but
degrees as aeronauts will yet be giv
en by our universities and colleges?
President Taft has refused pr.rdnn
to a man eomicted of suboi nation of
perjury. This crime Is one which
thould h the last to appeal for clem
ency. It Is deliberate, coldblooded
m It strikes at the very roots of the
aw's power properly to protect society
from crime and criminals. The sanc
tity ot tho oath Is the stronghold In
which tho law must Intrench Itself.
That broken down, no security Is left.
It Is true that nil wenlth conies from
labor, but not necessarily from labor
by tho hands. The thinkers of the
world have added Inestimably to Its
development. It was a portrnlt paint
er who Invented tho telegraph, a col
lege professor who produced tho tele
phono, and tho list might bo extend
ed almost Indefinitely. It Is well thnt
to-dny, with all our Indulgence In rest
.and play, that wo remember thnt It
,1s Intelligently directed energy of
. whntover kind which mnkes man bet
ter nnd helps along tho world to the
millennial dawn.
What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Hebron, Neb. Miss Nellie McCnrty,
a teacher in distilct No. t, live miles
west of here, committed sulcldo by
shooting herself with a revolver Tues
day morning at the home of her uncle,
south of Byron, she died Instantly.
There was no nparent cnuse for the
deed. Sho had been teaching school
only about a week when sho asked tho
board to grant her n short vacation.
She had become nervous In her work
and, It is now believed, had hecomo
The school board granted her re
quest nnd advised her to tako at least
a week's rest. She went to tho homo
of her parents, west of Hyron. From
there she went to visit her uncle.
Without giving any evidence of any
premeditated act sho shot herself
shortly after arising Tuesday morn
ing. The funeral was held from the home
of her parents Wednesday evening.
The body was taken to Kepubllc, Kan.
fins, for burial.
The Midwest Life.
It costs for life Insurance just as
It docs for other things, for groceries
or clothing, lieciuiso u man is not
dead at the end of the llrst, third or
tenth year does not signify that tho
company 1b ahead the premiums paid
It. Some have died during theso years
and It has taken a part of tho pre
miums paid by thoso still living to
pay the death claims. No ono who
dies in the llrst few years his policy
Is In force has paid the company any
thing like the amount It pays his
beneficiaries. That will bo apparent
to all on reflection. Llfo Insurance
companies are great equalizers. They
collect small sums from many and pay
large sums to the beneficiaries of ho
dead, or to tho policyholders them
selves In enso of endowment policies.
The Midwest Llfo issues all tho
standard forms of llfo and endowment
policies at reasonable rates. The Mid
west Life Is an old lino Nebraska com
pany. Home Ollico 1007 "O" struct
Lincoln. Wrlto for an agency.
Btg Apple Crop at Howe.
Howe, Neb The apple crop in this
vicinity seems to bo much better than
was expected. Several foreign buyers
ate In town and are shipping four and
five cars a day. George Sutton has a
largo force of men picking in thn
Howe orchard, and expects to double
tho force ths week. Most of these ap
ples are being boxed for export trade,
and are being shipped to cold storage.
i lie orchards in this county will In
many cases pay the value of the land
In apples this year. The Howe or
chard will yield fully liu.noo bushels
from llfty acres, and at 00 cents per
bushel Is a fortune In Itself. Many
farmers are Increasing tlm ul-n l
their orchards and in a few years this
country will rank wltn the east in tho
production of apples.
Wedded Fifty-two Years.
York, Nob. lie v. Mr. and Mrs. Kze
klal Kvans celebrated their llfty-sec-ond
wedding anniversary hero Wed
nesday. They were united In marriage
In Liberty, Adams county. Illinois. In
18.17, and canto to this county In 1S72
an dlocated on a homestead two miles
north of Waco. Mr. Kvans was one
of the pioneer preachers of this coun
ty and tho first to hold services in
Waco. Ho traveled about from house
to house on horseback in this, Sew
ard. Polk and Howard counties.
Eight years ago he bold tho old
homestead and removed to Delaware,
his birthplace, remaining there six
years, when ho again removed to this
county and now resides in this city.
Mr. Kvans Is over eighty years old
and Mrs. Kvans Is seventy-five.
Large Price for Farm.
Cedar muffs, Neb. Patrick Malloy
has sold eighty acres eight miles
southwest of here for $1.10 per acre
to Frank Wesley. There wcro no
buildings on tho farm.
Clans Hosholm sold his homestead
Thursday of 1G0 acres to William
Hrcekmnn for $1H0 per ncre. This
land Is located tlvo miles south of
May Close tho Schools.
Fremont, Nob. Physicians held a
meeting at the call of City Physician
Smith for the purposo of discussing
the situation with regard to tho prev
alence of spinal disease In Fromont.
Thero aro nt present about fifteen
enses in tho city. Two have provon
fatal. TllOV ninv cnnnlmlii fn mlvlan
the school board to dismiss tho ses
sions of tho public schools for n time.
Horse's Kick Kills Man.
Greeley, Nob. Charles Johnson was
killed Wednesday night whllo return
ing homo from Spauhllng. Ho fell
from n load of well tubing undor tho
team ho wnB driving. Ono of tho
horses beenmo frightened and kicked
him In tho head.
The tonm then ran Into a wlro fence
nnd becamo entangled In tho wire.
Tho body of tho dead man was found
thero n few hours later by neighbors.
Mr. Johnson leaves a wife and sev
eral children,
October 1 to 9, Inclusive, arc the
ilntcB set for tho annual national
coursing meet which Is to bo held nt
Sutton. Four thousand dollars will
bo distributed In prizes to tho win
ning dogs.
At Inst York Is free from tho epi
demic of spinal disease. There Is
only ono qunrantlno card up in the
city nnd that Is a case where pneu
monia developed and for this renson
has been Impossible to fumigate the
residence. Tho public schools will
open In nil departments next Monday.
Tho town of Sterling Is agitating
electric lights. A now college has
boon secured, nnd several new busi
ness blocks are being erected In the
town. This makes the people thero
feel that they are entitled to an elec
tric lighting system.
Arlnnd Hrlggs, a son of the late
Judgo Hrlggs, of West Point, who has
been teaching school for sonic years
In Cuming county, hns been appoint
ed teacher of mathematics In the
Dixon mllltnry school nt Dixon, III.
Ho will nlso have charge of athletics.
During nn altercation over the dock
ago on u hog offered for sale at Lob
anon Wednesday Reldalph Quaduor It
Is charged struck William Staples a
Htockman with a club and after
knocking him to the ground beat him
over the head. Quaduor is under ar
rest. Staples Is not dead, but little
hope for his recovery Is entertained.
A young woman In the "W. C. T. U.
hospital at Kearney poured coal oil on
the kindling to start tho llro Sunday
evening. Gas formed and nn explo
sion occurred that sounded like the
discharge of a cannon. Tho chimney
fell down, the stove pipe and lids wore
scattered all over tho kitchen, but tho
young womnn escnped unharmed. No
other damage was done.
Conductor James W. FInnegan, may
or of Chadron as well as tho oldest
conductor In the services of the Black
Hills division of the Chicago & North
western, has received an Invitation
from the mayor of St. Lous, Mo., to
bo present at the centennial celebra
tion of the incorporation of that city,
October 11-9. Mr. FInnegan Is ono of
threo thousand Amurlcan mayors to
bo thus honored. Ho Intends to ac
cept tho invitation.
Word received from Manhattan,
Kan., stntes that ono ot tho twin
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ham
mond died from diphtheria, and that
Mrs. Hammond and another of the
children are ill with a severe -attack
of the disease. The Hammond family
Is well known throughout southeast
ern Nebraska, Mr. Hammond having
been engaged in the newspaper busi
ness at several points for many years.
They moved to Manhattan a little loss
than a year ago, going from Pawnee
The American licet Sugar company
will offer farmers a much better con
tract next year than has been the case
In the past. It will pay five dollars
Iter ton flat for beets, regardless of
the percentage of sugar in tho beet.
The farmer thus runs no risk. The
books of the company nre also thrown
open to contractors threo months
earlier, this being necessitated be
cause farmers have In recent years
been sowing their better lands for
winter wheat. It is expected that
next year's run at the factory will
be for 100 days Instead of tho sixty
Henry Storey, aged fifty, who ad
mits that ho has been tramping
around the country, is In tho Dodge
county pall as a result of the com
plaint of soveral women at North
Bend to tho town marshal. Storey
coaxed several littlo girls into a patch
of tall weeds and gathered them
around him to tell them stories while
they ate some candy he had bought.
Mothors of tho girls Inaugurated a
search for their daughters, and two
women pnsslng the weed pntch saw
the children gathered around Storey.
Storey was taken Into custody. Thero
wore somo threats of violence made
by Indignant citizens, but Storey wnB
not molested. Shorlff Baumnn
brought him to Fremont last night.
Ho disclaims any evil Intent;
Douglas county has already sus
tained nn expense in excess of $2,000
in dealing with tho strike situation.
Tuesday tho number of speclnl depu
ties employed was sixty-three, whllo
Wednesday It had dropped to llfty
live. During the past twelvo days an
average of llfty special doputlcs have
been on the pny roll at $!l a day, mak
ing a dally cost of $150, amounting to
$1,S00 for tho twelvo days. For uso
In omergency work ono auto has been
hired tho entlro twelve days, and an
adltlonal ono for six days, each ma
chlno costing $25 a day. Tho total ex
pense for auto hire has reached $4.10.
Incidental expenses in nddltlon to the
$2,250 for ofilcers nnd nutos has al
ready brought tho county's expendi
ture to a considerably larger figure.
Mrs. Harriet Alyworth died nt the
homo of her son, C D. Alyworth, two
miles south of Bradshaw, Thuradny
night. Sho was a pioneer Bottler of
York county, coming bore In 1872.
Tho body was sent to WInnobago, 111.,
for burial. At tho tlmo of death sho
wns past ninety yenrs of ago.
John Gllllnghon, for ninny yoars nt
tho bend of tho Gllllghnn Brldgo com
pany of Falls City, has disposed of
his Interests in the Richardson coun
ty town nnd will locnto olsowhero. Ho
Is undecided as to tho place, but will
probably not leave tho mate.
Shaft Plant and Adjoining Buildings
Ignited Water Supply Cut Off
and Pumps Rendered
Roslyn. Wash. At least eight men
were killed and three persons fatally
Injured Sunday In a gas explosion In
mine No. I of the Northwestern Im
provement compnny near here. Tho
known dead:
William Arundoll.
Domlnlck Bartolero.
Dan Hardy.
Philip Rosnrich.
Tom Mnrsoln.
John 10. Jones.
Carl Borger, gang boss.
Aoron Isanckson.
Those perhnps fatally Injured:
Otis Newhouse.
James Gurrell.
John X. Jones, father of John E
When tho explosion occurred a col
nmn of lire was thrown hundreds of
feet Into the air, Igniting the shaft
plant and ndjolnlng buildings. Under
the Intense heat the bolster tho shaft
crumbled and fell. Cinders were
blown in all directions, soveral build
Ings of the little mining town taking
The citizens were unable to extin
guish the llros and the Itoslyn fire de
partment was called out.
The mlno In the neighborhood of
the shaft was burning fiercely late
Sunday night, flnmes shooting up from
the shnft nenrly 100 feet Into the air.
The electric pumps which supply the
town of Iloslyn were cut off nnd the
water supply in the city wus nearly
exhausted. It was reported that the
shaft was caving in and thnt other
explosions might occur nt any mo
ment. Rescue parties will bo sent Into
the mlno from tho slope connecting
with the shaft as soon as it is safo
for men to approach.
Cook Gets a Crowd.
Washington. Dr. Frederick A.
Cook-, the Arctic explorer, announced
Sunday shortly after his arrival from
New York to deliver his lecture, that
he will acquiesce in tho proposition
thnt tho University of Copenhagen bo
nskod to waive Its claim in order that
American geographic societies and
other scientific bodies in this country
may bo enabled to review tho data.
He said ho would be satisfied to have
the decisions of nil these tribunals
announced simultaneously.
Dr. Cook reached Washington at
0:10 Sunday evening, nnd was driven
immediately to the New Willard hotel
where he had dinner nnd talked with
the newspaper men before going to
a local theater to deliver his lecture.
When asked If ho would in the fu
ture fit up nn expedition to go to the
south pole, Dr. Cook said he wns not
yet prepared to answer on thnt point,
but he ndded that the discovery of
the south pole would bo much easier
than tho north pole, and would be
attended by far less dangerous risks.
An enthusiastic crowd of soveral
thousand people greeted Dr. Cook upon
his arrival at the union station, and
the throngs in their earnestness to see
or get near him were kept back 'with
difficulty -by sevoral score of police
men nnd detectives. At the station
there was a conspicuous lack of offi
cial courtesies to the explorer. None
of the government scientific ofllclnls
were present to welcome, nor wero any
civic bodies represented.
Dr. Cook wns lustily cheered as ho
passed through the streets, and when
he arrived at the hotel he received a
cordial greeting from the crowd thai
had gathered there.
Kvory avallablo seat was occupied
and standing room capacity was taxed
when Dr. Cook began his lecture at
the theaaer. Ho wns introduced to
tho audience by William F. Glide,
president of the Washington chamber
of commerce.
Celebrate the Landing.
Chicago. Tho Gerninns or Chicago
Sunday celebrated the landing of the
German pilgrim fnthers and tho found
ing of Germantown on October C, lOSII.
The celebration was opened with n
parade. In which 25,000 Germans par
ticipated and 500 sociotles wero repre
sented. After the parade an immense
mass meeting was hold in tho coli
seum during the afternoon nnd even,
Admitted to the Bar.
Upon recommendation of tho bar
commission tho following wore ad
mitted to practice: Thonins V. Bird,
Charles K. Ooliler, Kelso A. Morgan.
Upon motion of A. M. Post, John
Grant of Lincoln county wns admitted
to practice.
Shoots Rival, Kills Self.
Hnnnlbal, Mo. Oscar Wilkinson shot
and killed his rival, Arthur Dlx, nt tho
homo of Miss Clara Ellenbrock, threo
miles west of hero Sunday afternoon,
and then committed sulcldo.
Wilkinson, who was nlnotcen years
old, nlso sorloiiBly wounded Henry
Hoolschor, sixty yoars of ago, who
tried to disarm him. Miss Ellenbrock
secreted herself in tho houso, which
WllltlllKnti snnrnlin1 In vnln III,. l..l..
was found In a field where ho had
shot himself In tho head. Hoolscher
la not expected to recovor.
Dundy County Resurvey Delayed.
Stato Land Commissioner Cowlos
will not proceed with the proposed
legislative resurvey of a line north
nnd south through Dundy county even
though n mnn named Ditstln of Lin
coln has obtained from settlers a pe
tition asking that the state work be
no longer delayed. The stnte land
commissioner is willing to wait nwhllq
on tho government to net under an net
of congress introduced by Congress
man Norrls of McCook. Tho act of
congress calls for a resurvey of this
disputed lino and also a resurvey of
'several townships In Dundy county.
Congressman Norrls thought he was
doln; a favor to the people of Dundy
county when ho got this net passed
and he Is much surprised now to find
that many residents of the towushlps
interested have signed a petition to
proceed with the proposed state re
survey of the north and south line.
He thinks the people Interested do
not fully understand the sltuntlon or
they would not have signed the peti
tion to proceed with tho proposed
state resurvey of only one line. The
legislature appropriated $52." to re
survey one line. This amount will not
be sufficient to pay for tho work. The
net of congress contemplates a resur
vey of several townships and would
be of more benefit to the Interested
parties. Congressman Norrls says
Mr. Sweltzer, nn expert employed by
the general land ofllce at Washing
ton, Is now nt work In another part of
Nebraska and as soon as he Is at lib
erty ho will make an Investigation of
the Dundv county situation and an
nounce what the government Is will
ing to do. Ho asks that tho state
await this Investigation which can be
mnde this fall. If the government re
surveys several townships tho work
cannot be done this fall, but the con
gressman is certain the governmont
work will be more nstlsfactory than
the state resurvey of one line.
It Is said tho records will show that
tho governmont survey of the lost or
disputed north and south line through
Dundy county started from the north.
When tho surveyor reached the
southern line of the county, which Is
the boundary line between Nebraska
and Kansas, he found his north and
south line ran many rods west of the
cornerpost on the stnte lino. He then
started u line from the corner on the
state lino and angled It westward un
til It intersected the north and south
line six or eight miles from the Kansas
line. If this original north and south
line can be found It will stand as the
original government survey, even if It
is Incorrect.
Claim Right to the Office.
Arthur F. Mullen, state oil Inspector
and attorney for the newly nppolntod
board of secretaries of the state board
of health has filed an nnswer in tho
supreme court to the suit in the na
ture of quo warranto which was Hied
by Attorney Roe of Lincoln. The peti
tion is filed on behalf of W. T. John
son, Ernest J. C. Sward and Sherman
F. Ashby of the old hoard of secre
taries who allege that the governor's
appointees, C. P. Fall. Heracbel B.
Cummins nnd E. Arthur Cnrr. nre
usurping the offices of secretaries of
tho board of health. The respondents
named allego that they with A. I,
Muirhead constitute the legally ap
pointed board of secretaries. They al
lego that they were appointed under
tho provisions of II. R. No. 199. legally
passed, nnd that they were appointed
July 2 by Governor Shallenherger.
They admit that they have and claim
tho offices and deny nil other allega
tions in tho petition. They ask the
supronio court to dismiss "the c.ibe
against them. Attorney General
Thompson declined to Hie tho petition
in quo warranto and It was filed In
tho nnnie of threo of the old board of
secretaries. Dr. Muirhead of Omaha
was reappointed by Governor Slinlkn
berger and his namo does not appoar
either nmong the names of tho re
lators or of the respondents.
The law undor which Governor
Shallenborger nppolntod a new board
of secretaries amended two sections
of the statutes. The amendment to
tho section of the statute relating to
tho nppolntment of secretaries of the
board or henlth appears to be valid,
but the other portion of the bill seek
ing to amend the law so as to give tho
governor additional spoils in tho way
of appointing an inspector of the state
board of health appears to bo invalid
becauso It leaves unrepealed another
section directly In conflict with It, one
that gives tho board of health power
to appoint nn Inspector. The amend
ment giving tho governor power to np
point nn inspector is admittedly in
valid and has boon Ignored by the gov
emir nnd the board of health. Be
causo one portion of tho act Is Invalid,
It is alleged that the entire bill is in
valid on the ground that the Insertion
ot the mntter giving the gnvornor
power to nppolnt an inspector for the
board of henlth wns tho Inducement
to the passago of tho act.
Stato Treasurer's Report.
The monthly report of Stnto Treas
urer Brian shows that tho cash on
hand Is $G2,000 less than It was ono
month ago nnd In nddltlon ho has got
ten rid of $178,000 in ensh nnd cash
ItoniB cnrrled because the stato de
positories were full. Ho has on hand
enough permnnont funds and gonernl
funds to caro for stnto warrants that
may bo presented. Ho will not be
obliged to do as ho did last year nt
this time, refuso university warrants
and causo thoso securities to bo
hawked about nt a discount.
Recital of Wrong Calculated to Draw
Tears from the Eyes of a
Graven Image.
Some miscreant, unresponsive to the
beauties of nature nnd of the sweet
chnrm evoked by the combination ot
two friends, n starry sky nnd n broad
expanse of moonlit wnter, some rank
materialist whose phlegmatic disposi
tion was never stirred nt a philan
thropic, some petty seeker nftor
gain, some rogue, has stolen the broad,
comfortable bench so fittingly placed
on the Mulberry street wharf by Hnrry
J. Arnold nnd Robert King. At least
the bench has disappeared, and nil
thnt meets one's eyes upon the green
swnrd are the two upright posts thnt
supported the back of the seat. No
more enn lovesick youth stray to Us
soothing recesses nnd gaze upon the
silvery moon, regent of tho night,
likening her In his ecstasy to his lady
fair. No more, alas, can betrothed
pair seek Its secrecy and drink the
love-light from each other's eyes, silent
but for the words their souls spenk
through their optics. Again, alas, no
more enn melancholy philosopher, dis
gusted with the wnys of men, mean
der to its sequestered place and find
compnnlonshlp only in the placid,
smooth running stream nnd the limit
less universe above. In short, all the
pleasures derived from this conve
nience nre gone, and wo will here
after be forced to stand or to sit on
the edge of tho wharf nnd let our feet
dangle. Bristol Correspondent Doyles
town Republican.
On a Time Limitation.
In spite of the reputation for latltu
dinarlanism he gained from his early
trial Tor heresy, the late Prof. Jowett
of Oxford was Intolerant of preten
tiousness nnd shnllow conceit. One
self-satisfied undergraduate met the
master one dny. "Master," he said. "I
have searched everywhere In all phil
osophies, ancient and modern, and no
where do I Hud the evidence of a
God." "Mr. ," replied the mnster,
nfter n shorter pause than usual, "If
you don't find a God by live o'clock
this afternoon you must leave this
With a smooth Iron nnd Deflnnc
Btnrch, you enn launder your shirt
waist Just ns well nt home as the
Btenm lnundry enn; it will have tho
proper stiffness nnd finish, there will
be less wear nnd tear of the goods,
nnd It will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to tho
Reasons Enough.
-Vnn tionrii In lunU- nfr Milnr-c.
a very different light slnco you. A
nrrlagc. jV
Mrs. Newly-Marrled Daughter Well, ,
I ought to after receiving 11 lamps
and nine candelabra for wedding pres
ents. Tlt-Blts.
There are $15,0u0,000 worth of but
tons made in this country every year,
yet lots of men use nails to connect
their suspenders with their trousers.
Nebraska Directory
nn tin1 best, Inxlst on linvinK them.
A-.k local or
PnM Lytlie Rent Drain. WcUlncna to pupils
timelier on rn-p nt of lutein Htnmp'. n I'-lm-li. Jura
nmpli-, tmnnl.-nln le. JOHN G. WOODWARD
& CO."Tho Candy Men"CouncllUluf(o, la.
Beatrice Creamery Co.
TayH the MkIichI price for
Imiirovcil nnil unimproved fnrmu lu eastern
tionth Dakota for huIu on
Will erei't luillil I riH on n ,, i l oiiHiiiuei-nhy
tiTiiiH, I'rlcn J'A) to 1M0 per jutp. Kor IIjUm,
map-, clc .mlitrt-riH ALEX. II. RAIT, Farmers &
Merchant' Dl.lg.. 1 Gth and O St.. Lincoln, Neb.
UoatB, Timid Clicrkv,
, r 11a Jk"- -'c
(Jrnrnil Mil
cIiIiiIhIh, Mixlcl
Maki-rs, llruna
Lincoln, Nut).
Of nil vn
rli'tles per
in u lie nt ly
uuri-il In a
fowilays wit limit it Hiirclciil opcnulnn
or tlrtt'iitlon from IiiihIiii-hs. No iiv
will Ihj neceiti-it until the patient U
completely Hiitlbtleil. Write or cull on
Room 306 Uee Blda., Omaha, Neb.
Boots and Arctics
Rfist PriRfis
Made M Same
Aek your Dealer for Goods with this brand
American Hand-Sewed Shoe Co'
-6S .assy