The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 07, 1909, Image 8

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    ' i
: .(',.
I' i -. i ' --!' o,)' r iiion of
:n . m ll'-li'liny; fountain rn
('(;.( i.'s, vln!'. upon its si.n -j
',i ' 1 !', ivori
id '-, coiiSi rK tir .niil o;.T
atii:. th'. more liable it i to
l: t. ik or 'fi out of 'VW'r
Fountain Pen
,s smipie -nhs.-utolyso No plungers
valvis or leather washer- to wear out
-f No pumping, no friction, nothing to
utw-rew or twW, no inked lingers. "
loose parts or worry. Just u dip in
nny ink unit a siinplo touch on tin.
Crescent-Killer (Ills mid cleans it in
stantly As for tlio old fashioned
.'rapper-filler fountiiin pun- well, nn
b ily wants to bother with a sepcrae
filVr thi-e days
ti:il .vill convince you that the
UnM'ni writes with n Insurious
moothtn-ss and certainly that you
ili In t imagine was posslhlo In any
fountain tinn. Come in and try it.
For Sale By
Chas. L. Cotting,
The Druggist.
('. L Cotti'ug is in Omaha this week.
George VnnCamp Is homo from Hast-
. s J. K. Chancy is on the slek list this
'JJjT Joe Fogol wont to St. Joe Sunday
Rev. I'ltzgorald ccune homo Friday
Pete Shen of Orleans was in town
Max Moecle came down from McCook
i niesuiiy.
Mrs. Li-wis's sister loft Tuesday
ii moininir.
l Mr. and Mrs. Kidd line letum-d
t h"in. aid r visiting Her 'iiuiiii, Mis.
IBest things in
shown for
JL So (L M Clothing
Crawford Shoes
utchess Trowrsers,
Will Harris of Ulltmr i- a 'own
t'ii week
Mrs. iiHA Tnllej- is ,im tin- !! list
this week.
Bud McCain .iriivrl in Mi.- e.ty Fri
day evening.
Mr S-ini Bniliiuw in wiy low at
t ill Wllt'.llg
Mr. itiv-ti:iio lanrl,trr are Iumih-
frrtrtl tH-im" .
Mis .lol.n Cm. is s. l.i Kilns'
Iciiti Mmii'nv. I
M . .Tn.i MorHtir."i ret.i "li' I from
Denver sundny. I
i'ii-1 Temp le of K.mns City wiih 'u (
t iwu Saturday. ,
The ounty foioluissii nei's are In
.fssioli this week. j
Mvrn Cook left Tupsdny morning on
1 1 to visit friend
ti. ii N'orluut ii a puiaenger on li
Tuesday morning.
V. Uiehards of liuldc Ilnck N In
Di'iiver this week.
James i'.urdcii left on 11 'Tuesday
morning for Texas.
I'has. Diekenson of Inavale was In
the elty Tuesday
Mimd Mct'uno is clerking In Cottimr'.s
drugstore this week.
Albert Rust lias gone to Munkato,
Kas.. f o visit relatives.
Mrs. A. 15 I'ieive returned home Fri
day morning from Iowa.
Miss Him tint Dn Inter spent Saturday
and Sundiiv in"l!cd Cloud.
Mis. .Willi Caster was in Guide Roek
the latter pari of the week.
Omar Hullor is taking in the Ale-
sal -ben at Omaha this week.
Mrs Flossie Dllingsworth and chll-
dren are visiting in tlio city.
Foil S w.i. One yearling colt. In
quire nt Reukle's 1 -ivory I'.arn.
Mis. Reuse of Denver is hero visiting
iirr son V. S. Reuse and family.
Mis. George SuieNer and son Milford
returned from Rivertou Siindnj.
several new cement bide walks luivo
been put in around town lately.
The R. N. A. met Tuesday evening
and theie was a largo attondanee.
Miss Nellie J.nies of Clay Center is
the guest of J. C. Myers and wife.
l'.niulta Studebaker returned home
Sunday morning from Republican City.
(has. Cowley of Hladen was the guest
of V. U. Cramer ami family this week.
(i. V. llagan of Ciuide Roek was a
pleasant caller nt this office Monday.
Miss HlsloCather loft Sunday morn
ing for Lincoln to attend the univer
sity. Foi: Sam: Au almost new Smith
Premier Typewriter R.w VJs Red
IJuy a whip of Fogel, the harness
man. and get a free chance on the $lfc
Miss (ieitie Kuloy who has been
is',ting relatives in tin- ity left Tues
day morning.
every line ever
the Price.
T i?
Subset e for the Chief.
The ll. of II. meets next Tuesday
evnltu. All ineinbt are nipiesled
t he prpsont.
With every ! ltip bought if tl o
fojfel you g' a fie.- elrinee mi an !1S
single liirness
Mis Carmony left W diK-sdny morn-
In fi' Mi'C ink 'ftir a p'fwsH' viit
Wit I-, iiv -,
I'd . V T I" xmII vith Vi.
Oai l!..t'e mM Woiliifsdu) iiitrno.n
Oe ,:tth nt .( imIih'U.
The latest mid it.itnlird iheit uuisie
nt Me'ealt's sm Rom, ArgahrigM"- old
H'and. P.iltrr Itloek.
Mrs Louisa M-Arilnir of lolniubia
villi. Mleh.. U the gU"sl of her smi. J
A. Me it liur ami family.
FuliHll: Lots ?'l Mid J I tdu.'k .1
Jltilroad A .Mil Ion Inquire ot V O.
llroohs RetikleV feed barn
Get o'i lietting and eook stove in
to -li i,ii' tor winter, order your stove
repairs from Morluirt Rros. now.
A club dance wnsheld in the Masonic
hall Wednesday night. The Superior
oichestra. furnished the music.
Not liiug so good when you need a pill
as Rings Little Liver Pills small,
sure, easy. Sold by Henry Cook.
The Christian church ladies will
hold their market at Amaek .vClianey's
furnltuie store Saturday. October Pth.
Harry Vaughn, editor o' the Signal
nt (initio Riii'k and his brother Kusscl
were pleasant i-nlleis at litis otllce
Morluirt Rros. have their hard coal
stoves on their floor. Come In and see
llio lluest line of Hie best stoves you
ever looked at.
Moihatt Rros. carry a complete lino
of Rlectili! lamps, Carbon. Tungsten
and Tantalum also hi-low lamps ll!-l.
(ct your lumps of them.
At the republican caucus last Friday
night Clareitco Reed was nominated
for Justice of Peace and Willis Fulton
was noininntod lor Assessor.
Willow Perkins which was on the
board at tlio opera house Saturday
night, was gieeted by a full house and
the show and specialties weie good.
An antiseptic salve, one that heals,
soothes and cleanses, is I'incsalveCar-
bolized. It Is unequalled for cuts,
burns and bruises. Sold by Henry
Hoi h. and Lois nut Sam:. -A nice
ti room house and I',, lots located
close in. "I his is a nice place. In
quire at the Chief olliee for further
Rarl Teaeluvorth one of the barber's
at the Royal barbershop has resigned
his position, and will move his family
to Reaver City whore he has bought a
barber shop.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Will Holmes
on Sunday the :ird a nine pound baby
boy. The young gentleman shows
regular Nebraska activity and is al
ready slated for the presidency.
The fourth Annual Old Folks" Day
will be observed at the Congregational
church next Sunday motnliig. The
sermon and the music will be appro
priate for tlio occasion. All made
The Red Cloud opera house presents
a much Improved appearance since the
electric lights have been installed.
Morluirt. Rros. are progressive and be
lieve in improving their property for
(lie benefit of their patrons.
Mr. llussong will pi each next Lord'n
day morning October 10, at II a. in. on
"Prnyer, its Place and Power." and at
7:110 p. in. on The Rook of Heaven. "'
at tlio Christian church. AL.'t o'clock
ho will preach at Ainhoy on ''What to
do till the Preacher comes."
Mr. Hd Amuck of thollnnof Amaek t
Chancy lias departed for tlio castorn
mnrkols where ho goes In qfiest of the
newest and nobbiest furniture. lie
Will visit three or four of tho lM'gest
fuotorios In this country mid will pnr
chase nothing but the boat he can find
in tho furniture line.
Hlorey mid Fowler aro having a
handsome brick building created in
Cowles mid will install nn exclusive
clothing storo in thai city ns noon ns
tho building in completed. Thoso
genllumuii aro wide awalto business
getters and the stoic will he a credit
able addition to Cowles.
'Mrs. Kenyon, accompanied by little
Kdlth tfioss, went drh ing out in fhe
country last Saturday. When out
about eight miles the hnr&os bocaine
soared at n culvert nnd ran avoy,
throwliig Mrs. Kenyon out, and leaving
tho little girl in tho buggy, who was
thrown out aboul , of a milo further
on ninl quito badly hurt.
Most women are troubled with Kid
ney complaint, and you know very
many serious and oven fatal diseases
result from these neglected Kidney
troubles. If you iRl tako DoWltl's
Kidney and Rladder Rills as directed,
you may be confident of good reMilts
Try thoin and seo how really good they
are. Rewaro of imitations, pills that
are Intended to deceive you. Re sure
you get DeWitt's. Sold by all dealers.
For Sale.
lr.O acres near llird City, Kits., to
Will take some hi trnde.
Anoi I'll How a nn, Orleans, Nob.
Successor t Dr. J. V U(?
At the old stand over the
i State talfi PhonoKM.
Si'i'ielnu li illinger of I he Interim
Dcp irttivti' I,, is nniuiuiu'ed tlui a
ib'tni'llsM nt i . i ut the. impvovi'iMciit In
lighting met liitils; it eomptf le telpost '
o.itllt an I i e !oi iiliologriiih Ltilb'r
will be lust il'c I I v the depaitmeiit at
th" N'nlii n il iin i positloii to lei
hold In omul, i luiiiirf
Thin tint i tn il g ucMimetiNis tuiili
lug tt prtMf'i , f,ir ,ieopl whq cannot
travel to tl, w hi lilt fairs and eposi
Hour, to see in- exhibits which t In
governinell. inilei. Tin dcllionstri .
tiolls will ti" ,n charge of expel ts who'
will evphiin i Mrlhiltg, milking Hie'
color pliot-yi,iihs sending words liy
telepost, snowing tlii- old aiitl new
methods o lighting.
Wall llolmiralii
A quiet wi tilling occurcd in Jittlgo
I'M son's olliee Wedin stluy. The ctni
traetlng purtn s weie Mr. has. Holm
grain nnd Miss Lizzie Watt. The
young gentleman isusouot ouresteein.
cd towiismau tins llolmgraiu and the
bride is the daughter of Henry Wat
living south of Guide Roek. The
llolmgiains and Watts arc oh! settlers
of tin eoiiut, coining here before the
automobiles took the place of the
bull'.iloes and while the country was
jot ill its infancy. Tho young couple
have grown up in 'his county and both
arc held in high osteon by all their
acquaintenci's. To-day the wediling
dinner will be celebrated at the home
of the bride's parents, or perhaps we
should say the parents of Mrs. Chas.
llolmgraiu. The Chief extends tho
glad hand and wishes the newly ina-r-icd
pair a long, blissful state of con
nubial felicity.
Auction Sale.
.Saturday. October 10th. at It i. in.
Since the Red ( loud school boanl
hits decided to sell nt Public Auction
tin surplus s,-hool supplies ami build
ing innteiinl, we wish to call tho at
tention tif si liool oillcers whose dis
tricts are not amply provided with
school desks, globes, black boards,
stoves, ete. that this is Ml excellent
opportunity to secure wluu you want.
Nolle of the at Utiles are worn out.
many of them as good as new and they
will all be sold regardless of cost to
the highest bidder. Remember the
dale October lGth. nt l p. in., north
ward -chool ground.
Tho Red Cloud Hoard of rMuciitiou
will sell at Public Auction on the north
ward school grounds, Saturday, Oct.,
Kith ut :i p. in., the following list of
school supplies and building material:
" school desks single or double. II
tcaclnM'n desks, o globes. V: stoves, ICO
yds. black board cloth, book shelving,
sheathing, flooring, timbers o.5, ili
mcnslons rixl, 'i. o.x,!!xl0. moulding,
wainscoatlng, laths, celling, iron cell
ing, stone, brick.
lo.nCi.ofi.. Ni:n.. Oct'. I, lOO'.i.
To i in: lloxoinnu: Mwoii ami City
Coi .xcii. or Ri:n Ci.oin, Nr.ti.
(ieiitleineii:-! herewith .submit
Water and Light Report for the month
of August 1!)M:
Lu. ur !Ji:i'in.Mi'..sT.
Light col. formontliof Aug.'oit, SilUl.OH
Delinquent for August SO. (3(5
" July 15.0(3
" Juno k. ft.on
Watui: Di:iaiitmi!nt.
Water collection for August. .. 8127.M
Hupplles collccletl lu August. . . .80
ExiT.NBi: AT PoWKIt 11(11 SK.
Labor 8115.00
Coal 7 17.U
OIlnnilwMto 17 03
Compound for boiler 3.0
Now Hre brick for boiler 30.00
8333 73
SuptV. salary HibO.OO
Letter List.
List of letters lemnining uncalled
for nt postoflioe nt Red Cloud, ix'eh.
for the week ending .September "lOlOOy,
Mrs. Cnrrle Riown. Fred Dollomo.
V. J. Dillin, F. A. Dentmor, Uernleo
.N'orris, II. O. Neville. George Phillips
Those will be soul to tho dead lotter
olllco Oct, U. 1P0' i, if uticnlled foi
before. When calling for abovo please
say "advertised."
T. C. Haiki'ii, Postmaster.
Market Report
As Furnished liv Hansen J) Trine
Hens (fat) '. j per lb
Cox J " "
Springs '.) . "
Ducks 7 ' "
(lees 7 " "
Butter i!0 ,l
Rggs 20 "
Chronic and Serious Diseases.
Red Cloud, office Royal Hotel.
Consulation Free, again
Friday October 29th.
m' m tWMMwmM
w y j rJ J
r M ffrNJcy
fin ' o TT
School Suits Are Ready !
"THERE'S a whole army of School Boys lo be fitted oul
with School Clothes, during llic next few weeks.
Wc expect to see a Inige share of them and we promise
in advance the Bcsl School Suits made and, wilhoul a doubt,
the 13esl School Suits ever bought for the prices.
K'ei fer Noifmlv and Rluiise suits fiolu i ledce. durable fabi'is.
'I In tai'i.i me s il,,ibe si reii,-lb all the way through
All Sizes From 6 Years Un
$f .50, 2.00, 2.50, $3.50 to $7-50
JJInvestigalc our School Suits, and the Suits themselves
will speak of their goodness in many ways.
Cowden-Kaley Clothing Go,
d Always Reliable
Fiirnitnvp. ClrnptQ
I W fc W W H 'A
DoJ" Know Ul,lt H v,m i"y vou, ns
well as US, to buy your liuildiug Mb
torlal nnil Coul at ouryanlsV Not only
that our prices avekkik lower, or at
least us low, f. il, (- ,t our .ounietii
ors, but :,i; wo take especial euro
of and protect all can bo classed in,
u a (J ui,a it custom i: kh
TheChief $ 1 a year
First Door Norlh of Posloflicc
REDFERN Whalebone
Dircctolro MoillC 3!) is inoderateiy short and full
nlmvo the waist, but has tho very long kirt, fully
encasing the hips, suppressing thoir fullnebs and
produeing tho straight hip line. Designed for
rather s,it. full finms. An addition to tkls
model tlut add-, to its comfort and fifing beauty
i- l' 1 1 1 1 t .11 the
SECURITY Rubber Button filosc
rust pi out nt' , nurse - v Im-li are accurately placed
by the ik'-igw i of tin se tiuultds at fioiitaiid sides,
Hotlcl ,'() White. Kittlstfi. IVhlto Coutlllc
P5MCE $1.00 to sri.oo
Siiino Pallrrn lu dtillrato White Fiiurctl Broclrc.
PKItE 51 00 to $300