The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 07, 1909, Image 4

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    His real woe
Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Colunibiia, Ohio "I lmvo taken
Lydl.i K. l'iiikli.'im's Vecotublc Com-
d u r i n a
chaiwoof life. My
doctor told mo it
was Rood, and slnco
taking it 1 feol so
much bettor that I
can do all my work
again. I think
Lydia 13. Pinkham's
VcKRtiihlo Com-
pound a lino remedy
for all woman's
troubles, and I
never forcet to tell
my friends what it has done for mo."
Mrs. E. Hanson', 304 East Long St.,
Columbus. Ohio.
Another Woman Helped.
Granitoville, Vt. "I was passing
through the ChangoofLlfoaud suffered
from nervousness and othur annoying
symptoms. Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound restored inyhealthaud
strength, and proved worth mountains
of gold to me. For tho sako of other
suffering women I urn willing you
should publish my letter." Sins.
Ciiahlus Hauclay, K.E.D., Granito
ville, Vt.
Women who aro passing through tills
critical period or who aro Buffering
from any of thoso distressing ills pe
culiar to their sex should not lose sight
of tho fact that for thirty years Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
which is mado from roots and herbs,
has been tho standard remedy for
female ills. In almost every commu
nity you will find women who have
been restored to health by Lydia E.
jPinkham'a Vegetable Compound.
-X-i.."J"l .
She Burled Her Face In Her Hans.
The extraordinary popularity of lino
white goods this summer makes the
cliolco of Starch a matter of great im
portance. Defiance Starch, being free
from all injurious chemicals, is the
only ono which is safe to use on line
fabrics. It groat strength as a stiffen
or makes half tho usual quantity of
Starcli ii"cessary, with tho result of
perfect finish, equal to that when tho
goods wero new.
Beginning Hostilities.
Mr. Perkly Oh, If you could only
learn to cook as my first wife did!
Mrs. Perkly If you were as smart
as my denr flrnt husband was you'd
be rlrli enough to Idre the best cook
in the land
Positively cured by
these Utile Pills.
They also rollevf Dis
tress from Dybpephlu, in
tll(,'vMlon nuil Too Hearty
Kiktlu?. A perfect rem
edy tor DliilnesB, Nan
oen, Dron-nliiuHH, Unit
Ttmte In t ho Mouth, Coat-
etl Tongue, Pnln In the
They rcgnluto the UowcIb. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similc Signature
Townsite Opening
New town of TWO JIITTKS, Colorado, will bo
npei.i'il Oetober 'ii, IOUU, Priority of ht-let'tlou
di'lrnultinl l,v UmwIiiK Town mirroumliMl by
S.I.MU neies of Irrltfnti'd Carey Art anil Htnto
IiiuiIh, beHidex vast area of UneHt Knizlnir In ml
in t'olormlo. (irouml tloor opportunity for
every kind retnll inerenntllo bunlm-sn. Full
information on itiillciitloii THE TWO BUTTES
For the baby often means rest for
both mother and child. Little ones
Jike it too it's so palatable to lake.
Free from opiates.
All UruggbU, 23 cenU.
- - M - -
F(D)D (iDne
Cb&t os? Topics of
An Animal Party.
This clever nntuinl party may bo
utilized for guests either old or young.
It Is nlHti ailnptahle for the needs of
church societies, which are always In
search of schemes to break tho mo
notony, especially at tho "very com
mencement of an oveiJm; affair.
As each person enters a slip of pa
lter containing the name of an animal
Is to be pinned upon his back and hu
Is told he must k'U'hh from the conver
sation of those around him whnt ani
mal he Is supposed to represent. Then
pass booklets ornamented with cute
little "Teddy" bears and pencils. On a
door hnve a poster of the animals go
lug two by two Into the ark and the
words, "This Way to the Greatest
Show on Earth " Admit the guests
in groups to this room, where the
cages containing the animals will be
found, allowing ten minutes for each
group to guess what the cages con
tain. Here Is a list of animals which
may be added to by Individual
hostesses: "Kid" (a gloe or kid),
"Lynx" (links of a chain). "Hat" hair
rat), "Monkey" (letters M O N and a
door key), "Chamois (a piece of
chamois), "Lion" (a doll's pillow,
"Goat" (a small piece of butter), "Pea
cock" (a dried pea and a toy rooster),
"Hear" (a tiny undressed doll),
"Eagle," (the letter K and a picture of
a sea gull).
The cages (boxes crossed with wire)
were numbered, and the guests wrote
down whnt they supposed the animal
was In the booklet opposite a corre
sponding number. Animal candy boxes
are good for prizes. Then have a
contest to see who can come the near
est pinning n goat's whiskers on In
tho proper place, the contestant to be
Serve an Ice. "animal" cookies and
barley sugar animals.
Japanese Fan-Tan.
At a Japanese affair this delectable
concoction was served. I give the
recipe as it came to me feeling sure
it will bo very welcome, as many
calls for Just such a dish conic to the
To make fan-tan, cook half cupful of
well-washed rice in a pint of milk un
til very soft. Stir In a heaping table
spoonful of sugar and one well-beaten
egg and remove at once from the lire.
MI. In a half cupful of assorted
candled fruits, cherries, apricots and
pine apple, and turn Into shallow,
well-ubttered pan to cool. When llrm
cut into strips about an Inch and n
half wide and three inches long; dip
in egg and breadcrumbs and brown
delicately on both sides In butter.
Drain, dust with powdered sugar and
serve hot.
Announcing an Engagement.
TUe hostess bad asked eight girls
to luncheon and no one expected the
interesting news that was announced
THE WALKING costumo at tho left Is of old blue cloth. Tho hack and
sides of the upper part of tho coBtumc Blmulate n sort of Jnckot orna
mented along the edgo with buttons of tho material. These huttona
also ornament the long front which fastens on ono sldo.
The turn-over collar, tho wldo rovers and tho cuffs aro all faced with
black liberty, of which tho glrdlo Is also made. Tho latter Is knotted In the
back with long sash ends.
To this upper part tho lower part is moulted with plaits forming a
deep llounco. The cravat and Bleevo ruffles are of laco.
Tho evening gown at tho right is of cropo do chine trimmed with a
beautiful metal and Jet embroidery.
The upper pnrt Is In princess or culrasH style, and to this tho lower
part is gathered. The bertha and little puffed sleeves are of moussellno do
airyy Kinds.
In this fashion: The centerpiece was
a low mound-shaped form of white known as "bride," and there was
a delicate fringe around them of ninld
enliiilr ferns and mignonette. Over
this front the chandelier swung a
cluster of white wedding bells: they
wete tied with fluffy tulle streamers.
The place cards were little standing
cards of a bride and bridegroom cut
out, and It did not take long to tils
Cover that the faces were photographs
of the young woman, who was soon
discovered to be the honored guest,
and the lucky man, who It was discov
ered, was, to lead her to the altar. This
menu was served: Chilled eanteloup.
cream of spinach soup. Illlets of fresh
fish fried in olive oil, with sauce tar
tare; creamed sweetbreads, green
peas in tlmbals, linger rolls, fruit sal
ad, with cheese and bar-Ieduc. pine
apple sherbet, small cakes, coffee.
A Good Guessing Contest.
The nnswers to each question are
words ending in 'age."
What Is the age of a ship? Voyage
What Is the age or a pocket-book?
What Is the most musical age?
What age Is necessary for a soldier?
What is a railroad's ago? Mileage.
What the earliest ago to express?
What age Is always ahead? Cab
bage. What's Uncle Sam's age? Postage.
What age does the ostrich attain?
What age do single peoplo never
reach? Marriage.
What age does a lady prefer? Man
age. What's the best age for a horse?
What Is said to bo a mean age?
What ago should a king have?
What ago Is always before us?
Tr?A,r5rrrrT?c nt
USiW,iliU - -c-
. lrnAc$,Prrn7rfi'flrr lJUV
Green belts are stylish.
Grays are to be fashionable.
Never has lace been so universally
Old red is a prime favorite with
Yellow Is more to ho seen than for
Kail tones aro generally soft, dull
and faded.
Small buttons are more used than
large ones.
Pockets In motoring coats and ul
sters are huge.
Close tltting styles will continue
through the winter.
- t
"Why so glum, old man'' Won't she
return your lose"'"
"No. Hut the worst of it In tdio
won't return the presents I gave her!"
Spread Wholo Dox of It on Crackers
Not the Least Injury Resulted.
Cutlcura Thus Proven Pure and Sweet.
A New York friend of Cutlcura
"My threo year old son and heir,
after being put to bed on a tilpncrosB
tho Atlantic, investigated the state
room nnd located a box of graham
crackers and a. box of Cutlcura Oint
ment. When n search was made for
tho box, It was found empty nnd tho
kid admitted that ho had eaten tho
contents of tho entire box spread on
tho crackers. It cured hlni of a bad
cold and I don't know what else."
No more conclusive evidence could
bo offered that every Ingredient of Cu
tlcura Ointment 1b absolutely pure,
sweet and harmless. If It may ho
enfely eaten by a young child, none hut
tho most beneficial results can bo ex
pected to attend Its application to even
tho tenderest skin or youngest Infant.
PuUnr Drug- A CIioiu. Corp., Sulo l'rups., Uuitou.
Would Find Use for It.
After a day and a night spent In an
HWeiing telephone calls from people
who wanted the latest news front
Peary and Dr. Cook, tho secietary of
one of the arctle clubs had retired
for a well-earned rest, when the per
sistent 'phono bell rang again. A oleo
ut the other end said:
"Do you want the ambulance sent
right oer?"
"What ambulance?" roared the Irate
"Why, the one you sent for."
"I sent for no ambulance."
"You lie!"
Tho secietary gasped, then he
Bcreamed into the 'phone:
"Send it as soon as possible, and
you come over, too, and I'll send you
back in it!"
Laundry work at homo would bo
much more satisfactory if tho right
Starch were used. In order to get tho
desired stiffness, It 1b usually neces
sary to ime so much starch that tho
beauty and fineness of tho fabric 1b
hidden behind a pasto of varying
thickness, which not only destroys tho
appearance, but also affects tho wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou
ble can bo entirely overcome by using
Dollnnco Starch, as It can bo applied
much more thinly because of Its great
er strength than other makes.
Guess Where She Is From.
The head of the house had been 111
lor many months, ami had lost his ap
petite entirely.
"I can't seem to llx nnylhlng that
he'll enjoy and he hardly eats any
thing," the mistress was saying to tho
mnld, who was a new arrival from the
old country.
"That's always the way," returned
tho girl. "They're all the same, them
Inwillds. All they want is nothing at
all, and then when you bring It to
them they don't eat it."
Repartee In the Bright Family.
"The newspapers are making n
great stir about men's disinclination
to marry," remarked Mrs. Ilrlght.
"The Hlblo says there aro no mar
riages In heaven." commented Mr. II.
"And whnt has that to do with us?"
Bright laughed.
"Perhaps they are figuring on hav
ing a llttlo heaven on earth."
The Grouchy Man.
She There's Mrs. Toozlo. She BcomB
qulto reconciled to the death of her
first husband.
Ho Yes; but I'm afrnld that her
second never will be." Illustrated
Afraid of Ghosts
Many people are afraid of ghosts. Few people
nre afraid of germs. Yet the ghost is a fancy nnd
the germ is a fact. If the germ could be magnified
to a size equal to its terrors it would appear more
terrible than any fire-breathing dragon. Germs
can't be avoided. They arc in the air we breathe,
the water we drink.
The germ can only prosper when the condition
of the system gives it free scope to establish it
self and develop. When there is n deficiency of
vital force, lunguor, restlessness, a sallow cheek.
a hollow eye, when the appetite is poor and the
Bleep is broken, it is time to guard against the germ. You can
fortify the body against all germs by the use of Dr. Pierce's Gold
en Medical Discovery. It increases the vital power, cleanses (lie
system of clogging impurities, enriches the blood, puts the stom
ach and organs of digestion and nutrition in working condition, so
that the germ finds no weak or tainted spot in which to breed.
'Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol, whisky or
habit-forming drugs. All its ingredients printed on its outside
wrapper. It is nut a secret nostrum but a medicine op known
composition and with a record of 10 years of cures. Accept no
substitute there is nothing "just as good." Ask your neighbors.
Onn Im
1. by
. ino tMittle
I ffiuuoten
SPOHN MEDICAL CO.trkmbuudDMttrfeioibu, Coehon, Ind., U.S. A.
Colw more poods brighter and latter colors thin mi other dia. One 10c package colors all fibers. The die In cold water better than niunthrr rf. v.,,.,.
wur Btfmenf witiiout ripping apart wm lor lw booafet-llow to 0e, lileach and Mix Colon. MtMliWaRUaoQutSll AioT.
Most Leavening Power ) CALUMET
Purest Ingredients BAKING
Moderate Price ) POWDER
Received Highest Award
World's Pure Food Exposition
Chicnco, 1007.
"Yes, Freddy, I'm n nick man!"
"Wot's der matter?"
"Why, I'm gettln' that restless nit'
wakeful, dat I can't sleep, only at
Land for COe an acre Is offered by
the State of Colorado In the Llttlo
Snake Hlvor Valley, Koutt County, Col
orado, under the Carey Laud Act. Tho
perpetual water right to Irrigate the
land Is sold under State authority for
$3G, under annual assessments ex
tending over ten years.
This Is pronounced one of the most
fertile Valleys In Colorado and crops
of all grains, grass, roots and hardier
varieties of fruit are now being raised
The land now under cultivation un
der this eanal system pays an aver
age prollt of ?1!0.00 per acre.
Hoth the Moffat Itoad and tho Union
1'nellle are building Into the district
and spending huge amounts of money
In developing the country.
The Koutt County Colonization Com
pany, 17.ll Wolton Street, Denver, Col
orado, Ib solo ngent for the sale of the
land nnd water. There will he no
drawing for this land; those desiring
to select may mnko application and
select in the order In which they apply.
Summer Conquests.
"Are these all photographs of fel
lows j on have been engaged to?"
"No. They're tho fellows who didn't
"What in the world do you want of
"Why: I am saving them to make
a rogues' gallery."
Of Some Benefit.
Harbor Did the bottle of hair re-ston-r
I sold you do any good?
Customer Yes, Indeed; It kept mo
from wasting my money on any more.
The envIoiiB are the most un
happy of men, as they nre not only tor
mented by their own misfortunes, but
by the good success of others. The
ophrastus. o matter how Ioiir your neck tnav he
or how cote jour, lliuuhiis WiV.nd
Oil will cure it MiiHy and ipncMy. It
drives out all hOicnccH and mll.imm.'tlion.
The dog In the manger Is tho one
that does the most growling.
. k IMtltltV DAVIS' I'AINKM.I.nit
hiiitin-n umhI In ni.iny rninllli-H tnrviiii'nitlnni.
It Ih ri-lltil upon lur iM, ni'iimlulu. n-hulca.
Mmliin, burns, ur lruls-, Zm.Xk; Hk-n lint ths
Mnny a man's honesty hits saved
him from becoming a politician.
isW aaKsBsLT w iBy A M
v- : .r? tmJUbW
tiandlM vr
rr cully. Tlia nick are cuml, and all other la
tiilil,nu mat
uilnj MVIINIS MQUllJ lukTLMi'Ut CUUK. llvu on
'ins inniruf.or In rmL Acta on tho blow, and viiIii Kcrmii of
All forma tit tatPtniMV iVut ranmhi nviif Lnnu tnm tnm luu In tnm t
unamn trill to curu una i-aiw. too an-' ft a Ixittloi Man J
r druiralitii am! tianitwii dealer, or fantciiiriwjitiaM !
l manufacturers. Cut rhnwn Imw tu iKiultlnt tliroatA Our f no
I IkxillrtKlvHifiTmrthlriir. ln-al atreutt wantoJ. Ijirk-vat Klllrur.
. lioniuriruMirlaiiiiateaoo-twelvoyi'artt.
Baking Powder
in a nut-shell
Adulteration Cheap
Impurity Baking
Unlicalthfulncss ) Powder
When a man begins to tell a wo
man about his past lovo affairs he In
planning to add another to tho list.
. don't m:oi.i:cttiiat:m!jhi
It riirtiilnly r.irkt jniur Hjrfli-in iiml tiny run Into
rxnni'llilliK k.tIoiih. Allrn n I.UHK llllsiim wlllclifi'K
It ijiiU'kljr ami iiTi:mn-nt ly. I'orMtlimtiiUilmt'tttMit.
The mail who Ik not trying to mnko
the world better Is casting his volo to
make it worse.
Mr. Wluiloiv'fl HooUiInk Syrii.
ForrlilMrm ti't'thltiK, noftrii llinKunin, tcilurf" In
flumiiutluii, allnyn pum, urcit wln.l I'ollu. o a Uilllo.
Some men never do anything on
lima except null work.
ConMltmllnn rntnon nnil mtrlotirly niritmiMri
mmiy iIImiiim-k. It In HinmiiKtily iMircl liy llr.
I'lcrin'ii IVUi'ti). Tiny MiKiir-i.ihil Kmnulcv
Many a trtiu word has been spoken
regardless of grammar.
leglocted Colds
and Coughs
arc the cause ofmuny cases
of Pneumonia and Con
sumption. No matter how
slight your Cough or Cold
may be, cure it before it has
a chance to do any harm.
is the oldest and best known
medicine in the world forrclicv
ing nnd curing Coughs, Colds,
Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Croupr
Whooping-Cough, and diseases
of this class. Your druggist
will supply you. In three size
boitlc3, $1.00, 50c. and 25c.
Dr. D. Jayno's Tonic Ver
mifuge 13 an excellent tonic for
both adults and children. It is
alno a safe worm medicine,
22,000 acres of irrigated Government Land
in Arkansas Valley. Colorado, will bo
thrown open for suttltmunt October 2i, 1909,
under tho Carey Act Opportunity to get
an irrigated farm at low cost on easy pay
incuts. Only short residence required,
bund for book giving full information.
Two Buttos Irrigation and Roscrvoir Company
Lamar, Colorado
, Work WMe (
Ycra Sleep
1 Millions of people have CAS
CARETS do Health work for
them. If you have never tried
this great health maker Get a 10c
box and you will never use any
other bowel medicine. 912
' CASCAKF.TS ioc a box for n week's
trentmeiit, nllclrmjfriu.i. IllygeJt seller
In the world. Million boxes a month.
rr miuiwiii
iiwii iniwifm
011 tbo markot, nono inoro care
fully manufactured. Tbey aro
jiiHt tho kind to put on tbo sides
us well as tbo roof, (loot! any
where you use thiiin. ItoftiHo tbo
"just us f,'ood" and insist on
having this brand.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 41-1909.
ran lmd
j HI. A I'l' ASKATOUg.DEAlJKiAlllffllwJl
--' 1