, . - IWMilLMmMaMM4WM,1111(lVMJi4i Ml" wxjwmKwntiiiim fw.i HniiiriWtwMwi W.!KVv,'ui(WiHiBnirwBMarvriiM1( u kv jpflwrHy Ka c I i li ". h h I- P Jai fr 15 2 IT 15 9T A SAVING MUOT ) go without Inn'iriiiifp. The risk t'-sutuptl it too ffrriit for I he small uretninm you keep In ymr porkc1' ijriire nut how many year jotj would limp to bo f n'c from any Are hi order to Hive tin- vnluc of yonr 'i n.Honnd content. Then consider list you mi n,v Imve iv firo tbU vory . xht. Tho omt of own a 1ittlt Mlll' will III' llltll'O Hum the pro- i) t i n in nf J IKK INsllJA.NCM r(i YKAKS Hotter hiito me issue you u poliey 'ii day It'-, a whole lot hotter to tic siit.' tlun sorry, in tunny an un- UMiti'.l mini has lieen. O. C- TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. Swift's Premium Ham or Bacons. Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds fted Cloud, Nebr. ! Elvs Cream Balm Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. ClVCS RfulCr AT ONCE. ft il. .in--, sooilics, h..(,K ,un1 j.-nti., is tlin lifi. .1 i ,t mlniiiioii.'itiiii f fr .in Cil.irrli uiililiivtuu, uC.l.lmtl! Ui-n.lqiiii M. It.t.iis 1ho Siu-fsof T.i te nml Sim 11. l'a-y to use. Onut.iiiis id iiiini,.tu(1iiii Apl'li. .1 in.o tlm ii.,,iiiU ,,i nl.-uilit'il liiiic Si.., ,)t) fcnH nt Pru'ni-itM or l.v iii.nl 1 iijiinl Cri'inu lliilm fur ii-. 'n otomiors. 75 cuntfl. IY BROTHERS, 60 Warren St.. New York. Wl.l l M MOM l"l t;l l . l).. Di. DetehoonV Kolief fur miuiiuiuti-ui .tin! Xoiii'ulirln ratlleally iMtioil in i to ila.. It notion .ipnn tin .systont is reintuUtOle nml iiiterinus it n.. inoven ut onto the eaiise anil tlie ilis oase iminoiliHtely dUn ppeats. The ills- lose (jreiilly henetits 71i iiml $1. flit sold iy The II Ii. (5riee IM-iik Co.. Ileil.-loii.l Notir Cliur(.liSi'.rlcr.s. inn iti-ufsKitvu i;.i' M. i.tiii nni. MIIIA1II SKMVII l. iitnln m-IiimiI . in .. .M. 4'rt'iiehlllK . II A. M. 'l:i iiiceilms . . M. Ilvi MM. I'liwiirtli Unfile T I'. M. I'reai'liliu H I'. M. Crayer init'tlUK W ilm mImj cm iiIiiuS I1. M. I.u.tk. A lit frtiliiy . . .!. M. Your pi'iMiue Is iKiiicstitl mill a coriltal iiivltatliui Is ilii)ili(l to all. M. T. siiii i.i n I'astur. MOt'lps OP SiatVll T. AT t'ONiiltKliA TIUNALCUL'ltCll. SMIHVTIl Sl.livu i;s. Troaeliliig lo.-tiu. m. Iillileiii'lionl . .. 13 in. I'reacnlnsM.'iWwii s p. in. 1'niyer nml I'onfiriiu'o DHitlim Woiim-s-lny at 8 p. n- COIllllll lllltlllll'll ISI-Mtllllltl to nil. KiiV. A. A. Cni.s-iii.w I'astnr. (.e'K iia'lM'ul'Al.t i IIUIK II How J. MS Hates IMntnr. riorvloe the lltKi two .sutiilsih in lath innntli. JlDlyiConnnnnleiiat nmrnlnu hinlien on .iio ilrrtt-rtuinlay Humlny hcltool alii o'elnek ivcry Smiilay. ilr? K.n.MinltJi. .SiipeilnteiiiU'iit. i 'J CATARRHS I W i JratfP AvY.VvHWY0'a J7 ml I Edm I hfi pflmra? A Wtondt, Pr () I carry a complete line of X1 and my prices are sum that it will pay you to do ( your buying in this lim-of ii-. Oily the first-class j - brands of canned and package oorls carried. ;. All staph- Groceries in b ilk at ld-rock Prices. ii T C'"''''5 ''y'fs should demaixl Alisuliitis f leanliii.-s. V .i eaiinot l.uv tirooerioh in n dirty, ill-lpt plae ,uid bo sure ji l$ piuv ;'.in U Cloantiliess mid s mil tti ill .i ur h .li.ii-. i'. Jy ttir.U- ...'.,v.va Av.Y.vr.sr .MViV.vr.v.v.v-r'r ,.-,. ., Vf.vsr. ARBLE M is ADE BY OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, 9 Are durable, attractive and mechanically correct. 1 a. Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. I Tor a eb ar hea.l .1 Mmii heart ami htronj,' muni. UeWitts Little K,trl, Hlser.s, jjeut'e. safe. easy, pleasant, little pills. DeWltt'srai'lioliodWiteli Ilnzel Sa'vo isiiiieipialledfoi'iinythiiiK where a Milve is needed, and Is espec,. IallyKoort for Piles. Sold by all ileal- ors' m Miff M$ imIii MMSJm w rftrpf v $ il) W ! k t! ! '. '." .- A - UlUVSL IN stables ii siiittly fresh Groceries, w -.;-, ,x, Mti&xMftttfrX&Xilctiifrxttifti & GRANITE Itees LaMitho ('iiji;li Syrup in so highly 1. lomiuo'iilod. o.pooially by niothets. iiooiuis,. li not only uiovo's the bowels iitl, and therely stops the oold. but it also nlliiyH influuunii- tlon of the liius nml throat, and in that way stops tlie eolith. It Is pleas- nut to take. Hold by llenry-'t'ool.. Biscuit are .more than mere soda crackers They are a distinct, individual food article made from special materials, by special methods, in specially constructed bakeries. They are sealed in a special way which gives them crispness, cleanliness and freshness which "crackers" from the paper bag always lack. They are the Na tion's accepted soda . Biscuit MATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY M.-ir tf.u.Iirr's rJfot'rs. I h. -;..'i' '! i ..) . i-- ss, M.i i' n l.in, I,, ,., ti .. ,i, , II. ol N ml f I .. .i. a 'i n . an. I 1 1 l-l ' I" Mi 'Ii II' n. k i I .'! l lo Mi it t! '!. kiXIt ;. ii ii. . Ii'ill.lay- Hid .. da i w.i ii , . i . . , mOhikI li vi'.- ..ii. I pultiin.ii iiki t n.teie l'l in oil iiiittn t. T'" A-i-uei.il ,. not ' ii ' In', 'i i i .i nit-, i ni; ' ' ' lill'U . ill I, I I . . ,, li.- n . ui , i.i i, in tiif w , f Ilia1, nt. .. . i.i.l. i-. puhlln , litiols tf mot w in nil. .ii I1H-. lll'l'll.l in III." Willi I, '!'...... I. .... .1... I l i in- r.u-iiiiti' l-ijiilllll! I'f, lllf IUOI1 I eoniinittoe. anil t In Lincoln (.'oiiilili'l einl Club have given tlm most eurofnl a'teiitioii In every tall of piorain .... I ...1 !. .1 . ... mill liu-lt l-lll r;i i illllllll'lli I I'lJIIII I'll illl loll t IioiisiiimI si'lioiil people. A siloinlid prnrnin ciiinnt beiiolit tlinso sohooU wlinso otlloois mil toiiuli ors ate not i.i iitionibitii" hero seln ol linnriU Inivo n it nl reiely granted their teaoher.s the tlir. (lay- on loi'iilnr pa. . the .siiperintoiid oii' of the tinui and eity sohnol. and tlii" toaohoi- of i lie co .nlry school, .should plnoo liic mat lor before I in board and n'lvo positive asiiranee ilia' I... ! I ...I ..111 I .. .1 ...i . . 1... LIU' lllll' HIIM'l! lll I O Ill'tlllOl! (I till pi OVIIIJf I 110 Will It Ol LUO SOIIIIOl. If iieeessary IHinlsst'linnl and iiutko up tlie omo i.ui'r. i Von are o (filled in a j,'rent woik for. i iTie.it siiiio lie pan mi io A. I.; O.mim.s. ' , K.i Kxooniiw' '. oin. ' Bin Family In Iceland. The queen of Denmark once paid r. lslt to the Uuiiltih colony or Icoland, where the Booil old bishop exerted himself to the utmost to i-how her everything thai mis worth heelnj;. The queen iIl nuni lonipllinents to her host, nml. havlnj; learned that he was a laiully num. Impilioil how ninny ihililien he Intel. It happened that the Danish word lor 'children" Is almost 'domical in sound with the Icelandic word for ' sheep," and the worthy hlshop prompt l imsweied: Two huiulred. I'wo hundred children !" tiled the queen. "How can ou inirtn tain such u number?" "Kaslly enough, please your majesty." replied the pre late, with a cheerful Binlle In the sutntner I turn tliom out upon the hill to grass, and when tlm winter comes kill and eat tliom. Twd" Smokers. "I had a big surprise today," salil 1 bellboy In a Denver hotel. "This ooinlut; 1 vmis called to a woman's noil! to hi Inn her Borne wrltln" paper 'Vhen I handed It to lur she slipped mo a dime. it's for clKuroiiet-,' she says. .Much obliged,' I says, dioppln' the coin In my pocket. Til spend It for elRius; I don't wiioko clKiirettes.' 'Well, I don't care what you smoke,' she says. 'Those clgaruttOH are for me.' "An' I sot 'em for her, too." If miii Iimvo tr iiil ic with yonrkldiibys nml sjiIk,,- i ,,!,, i.aoU lohe. iiillaiimri lioti if tin- l, oil tor. u.iiitity iliscrd.s or rlieiiminle p-tins. tu(. i'ini'iilos. I'liioih-s p-i in ily ulf rolief in nl r .iilii v I .mi to Thoy !;' -ojil l, tu ur Cook Kih ."sai.:-, A Itiiu-t- nt i iooiils mi. I lw.' lots t-bnop tf Mtlil 8ooil. Iliiplil'O ii I t K -dilef . i i. ii I in i Infill itnt Mon. Cr.lt;r lo JiSio ti'atist:. l(i,.i.i,.i,i,ii;-:!r.,iy : --iy.u..rt. i ii enuiitj i 'mil i liotil :u the Cnnniy Cnnil iniini In ;iuii fur :M C1.1111I I'lldity. i'iliiiili'i"Jllli. . Ii.. iiijsi. In the iiitntti n( tin- ostati of iiourgo W. iuill-l IllCl'MM'.l. (Hi ie;ulliij?;nnl iliina Hit- ullll(ili o( Mible C. sulcml iiii)int: that ailmliilstiatlun nl siilil estutt may In uranloil to In-isi-lt. Mililo i". s.viiiit-i iim .liululstialil. I. W. Klio.s., ( 'utility .Ituluc. ti-. i r. wihi-i us .linlnKtiaiil. 111:111:111. n. Unit riit-siltt.t the Itith day ol (ii-luhcr . I '.. r.fj.i tit inn- ii'i'ln. U p, 111.. N tiKsligin-il lur hetii'lnu salil pulliinii. win null IHThiniK lii.t-i t'-tt-tl in salil tiitii.it- 1 1 1 : 1 up peat at 11 I'uiint.t I'utirt tu in- held in nml fur said t'oimty tiiul hlmw raiiM-why Hie piajir o( pt-tllluiiii-liuiiiil nut hi-ut-iiuti.l: ami that until out tin pull. li.lit-t of s.i.il pitltlnil mill tin- Ileal liic theri'of In lihin in till pti-ons ' limr.-n-.l in Midi unit tt-o. I . piilillulilni: a t-upy of this ui'iti-r In Hie Kill ill., nl t 'lilt f. it ; wet l;l. iiowspapi-r printiilln salil cnimly, fur ' tliii't'i-uni'et'iiiUo vit-l.s ptiur (uxiilil il of I : lii-tirUiL'. That Lame Back Means Kidney Disease And to Relieve the Lame and Aching Back, You Must First Relieve the Kidneys Thero Is 110 question nbout that nt all for the lanio and aching back U caused by a diseased con dition of tho kidneys and bladder. It Is only common sense, any way that you must cure a condition by removing the cause of tho con dition. Ami lame and aching back nrn Tint liv mil- tnnntiw tlin rmlv symptoms of derangement of the kidneys and blndder. There are a multitude of well-known and un mlstakablo indications of a moro or less dangerous condition. Some of these are, for instance: Kxtrerac and unnntural lassitude and weari ness, nervous Irritability, heart Ir regularity, "nerves on edge," sleep lessness and Inability to secure rest, scalding sensation and sedi ment in the urine, Inflammation of tho bladder and passages, etc. DoWitfs Kidney and Bladder Pills arc an exceptionally meritori ous remedy for any and all nffoc tions or diseased conditions of theso organs. These Pills operate directly and promptly and their benetlclal results are at oneo felt. They regulate, purify, and effec tually heal and restoro tho kid neys, bladder and liver, to perfect and healthy condition even in some of tho most advanced cases. FOR SALE BY Notice to Creditors. IN tin iniilttr .if tin. tliitt- nt Mattlu-im lleukci, IM ci'Mn-.!. I 1 Noili't-U lurrin nivi-uii nit ptrKotn hnv Iiik d.-iiiiis nii.l it. iirm. Is ngnlnut MiKiIumis lienkir. late ul n-i.si.r ioiinty. dt-tiid, that tin UnietUt.l for iiilnvj clnlinn iinninut wil-l mlali I -six tmmtlis fr.iin thi-'JHt tiny ol in tiil.iM 1 1 .. All an -li n-rn an- n- iiilrt-d to premnit tlu-li- t-ialiiis. with tlu- iiui'tivni. tu the Connly .linl;i- ot ulil cittitity, nt hit olllri tlurtln. mi nr lii-fi,ri- tin- uit t'ny of vprll t'.ili): mill till eialiiH sn rtliit will lie In-aril In--ftirt- thenniit Jiiilconu tin- stint day tit April 1UI0, at mi- n'l-lurk . 111.: ami Unit the ad ministrator iMillowod out- year (ruin the tilth lay of Seiteiiilnr tlHW. In whteli to pay the itolitsiillnweil iualnst -.aid ostatoauili'ttlo tliosjiini.. si:i.) I. W. iCnstiN 'niiniy Jiulce. 1 1 ui'ui iiieo nit sueeeeueo ill snuiKllli: ii.... . i. .. ,.. .i ., ,.. . , its Amoilenn Govet.or. 'I'ho diseoinfert. 'innoyaiiee and pain caiiM'd by piles nuiy bo quickly and olVielually lolieved by the use ot Man .mi. the ,' 1 eat pile remedy. Man.ari erciiii-s nornutl ciu-ulatidii, and thus reduces protusioiis: ii soothes and heals the pain ami pit-vents constipation which ileal ly :ilwas i the imi'U of piles. It roaehes all atleeted parts by means of tin- nn..Ie atttiehod to the, tiiho in which .Mati.anls put up. Sold by Ileiuy Coo; H V DeWitt & Co.. Chicaco. 111.. want eery man and woman who liavo tho least suspicion that thoy nro a filleted with kidney nnd blad der diseases to at onco writo them, and a trial box of these Pills will bo sent frco by return mall postpaid. Ok I m luaTr C4' ' ". itw J mSA . art tfllf 9!!uHMpc m -' ALL DRUGGISiS 1 N1 1 mi