n iwwmMiinmpinwtM 1 MQ4 -JL , . jU , y.-HTStfJ 'Mfrliilnmii HJMl Ml ,m liMIWWWII)aiiiiMia,yjiaaymi(lKt't:S s . K ! ! H)' THERE are foods for all purposes but iiRggs38W,B"' r;rn 4 V-j " ' ' ! J ft IP a t M i r38r tTISntTAVAYINtiPOMOT k gi. without Ins unci. I'lie risk lOVSUlllpd i 1) glf t ti 'In1 miihII nrclnlotli yon keep in join- porko -rfOV out how mnn.v 5 par- jiui Would lint j) to be frw-frotn any (ito In order to tuvv the value of your home n ml roiitoiit. Tlnn entnlder that ytu tuny have it tiro thi very Might. The ti'. if nvu 1 little blnne will 1h more tlitin I lie pre mium of l-'IIJi: INM HAN'CK Ioi: YKAIiS Hotter llllVP til l- issue , ! 11 policy to ilny It'su wIioIm bit belter to ln sure tliiui sorry . us many an tin iusiue.l iniiii I1111- been ED r Red Cloud, Nebr. Swift's Premium Ham or Bacons. L UJ? iiiiii tfmfda Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wntm Koon For the brainenergy business men need; the muscle-energy workmen need; the nerveenergy housewives need ; the alU round energy school chil dren need. A soda tracker in ap pearance more than a soda cracker in goodness, freshness, crispness. Moisture proof packages. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY , V r 'l; rrwrwirtifti''vm i v.ij.J! i tfTvrtrvtv3'i.-nvr tTniru r f?etf Cloud, CATi The Horn e Grocery I TV SLY vTA"lfli'nfl.8 J 'IW KVim WtoJOi&& vot - a . Ay. in a '"lUAo Y, ft? I PH A, Wullbrandt, Prm (0 'HAY-FEVER i i$$V 9) QjxiiisuuiS m ... I ..,., nrjv.s ;ir(! such that il will uav von to do ELY'S CREAM BALMi yimv buvln.Mn this line df us Only the first-class hrands of canned and package goods carried All staple Groceries in hulk at Bed-rock Prices. HUDSON-FULTON CELEBMTIONd WftlM.1rfS l '".yniwzrua.'aiv'"" m cec 'Yervtbuii H lM ntables Suro to Ctvo Satisfaction. ClVtS RLlCF AT ONCE. It clcaii-i , mmi'Iii , lii iU i.ii I i'ti i tt tlio iltscico'il iu ii I i. iii- ii iitiii,- ti iin I'm irrli mililrlvi'sfisuy iii'iil'linili Iit.nl titn l.lv. Rtwturt-4 tho t'li-oH of Tu-to ntnl nuil. liftRytOUsP. C'o:a.iillH tmn.pirli Urti1iii4 1 plilioil into tlio in -;:iU 11ml nli-t r'icit 1 laui- Si, 1)0 iciiN at Pnwt'rtu or y tnnil l.tquul f'rrmu liiilin for -i ill i atoiuizcrn, "r i-outH. . ElY nRDTHERS. SO Warren St.. New York Ulll.l l VM I I 1(1 l IS K Dr. neti'beon'i" liulii-f fur llboiituuu-iii nml Xcui'ulgin 1 ulicully iitioil in 1 ti II llll.V It Hl'll'ill .ipilll till- h,V-tlMll I- rotimi U'lblu ntnl inhtiiiuu. Ii n moves at oiii't; tin- i'iiiim' ami tin I1- I'asoimmriliutoly ll-np()i ins. 'I'll (losi grimily lii'iiotlu 7Vinmll .Sold ty Tlio II !: (irk'o Dm liyilCloitil Nobr 9) (?) Cleanliness In a tiineiTj htoii1 tiii.ic thnu in utij tiling i'Im-. Illiyfis hllOllbl ik'llltlllil Absollltu l lOaillltlOhS. ni I'aniiiit Imi (ii'ni'i'rifN in h illrly, ill ki pt pbw. ainl In1 uii' of I? '.f un' gii 1 '. t'lcaulilh's-. nml --luill ttion tic our huliiiiuu. : : iij( 1 n mh nawmiJMw r l . T -- Jk-jS ' - .. .i-..v-' v1..,D3r.2f-rtge3S- w , - - r-:z3ari"i t:-mr: &' ?z : r:&&: ! ui',"';',"Sjin'i-l,vu. 'X Kinn f Jw itaw if-' JL ii &Joe Saaa A s W SaSCHkil A 5f, . . CELEBRATE I' IOQOOO PIANOS ii; 1 1- .-. - -'-z-,: ON' THE HUDSON RIVER i PBELL iinVi ma ' Vi iViViU i(uinca flmmra' VrV uVn c mi Vu u '. autoft-A: iVv.iV4,Avitatefcft- .ii-ili-t Chlit.igii bui'uiilniH ivroiitly iubl.nl ti inUlitii'rx stni i. If llipy pan iili hi tliutr luiiil ill inurliut prlci'tn, tbm Ii.im piob'tbly iniiili1 a killing. r - Mobt roiiiulii's for pib's 1 1 1 I , tqmponir.x n- u'f fiuin lutliiuimiit in op tlio surl'ii , but MiinZiin. tlu gn-ut pile ro.ineily, nis right tu tiu- sinl ..I llio tr6ublo at once, an I b muillug noriiiul liii'i'iiliition ami pifinting tjoilstipiitiiin, Mnt lifs pnin, ainl the piles iild:ly ilUappint' .Miin.nn it. njipliuii insiili' by iiiimiiis of tt mho wltli nozzle attiu'lii'd. .s.ild bv Honry Cook M ARBLE & GRANITE ONUMENTS ADE BY OVER1NG BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEM, SOLD EVERYWHERE . (Except at the South Pole) AND FAMOUS AS THE BEST PIANO IIN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY SOLD IN RED CLOUD BY O. V. A RG A BRIGHT A10 you h fmiT lVury bug" m u Cool Are durable, attractive and mechanically correct. Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. israw vm. Awwfsaj Do not lie (k'oolvoil l. uiiseriipiilous imitiitma who would Iiuvh you liulievp that the liniti'.tion pills an- as Kiioi as iittWltl's KiiliU'V nml HKi'lilor Pills There isn't nnytbing just us guml as When you liavepilus don't fail to use ' 'I here U nothing botter w a know of these wonderful pills for the ivliel of MiinZim, the grent pile leinedy. Tlio tor all kidney troubles tbnn Pinetis'e lmeknche, weak buck, hilliiiiitiiatioii of only loul way to eure this niinoying These pills are really excellent in eases the bladder, urinnry dihonleih and all , trouble is to apply something that 0f XVcak buek anil backache, pains in kidney eotnplaluts. Auy one ean take ' will net on all parts all'eeted. That Is' the neck of tho bludder, iheunmtie DoWltfa Kidney and Illadder Pills as, what Man'.an does. It is put up in a pndi nml kindred ailments, due to ijlreoted In perfect confidence of good tube with no.zle attached. Sold by weakened, dlsordored kidneys. Sold jesults. Sold by all dealer llenrj fool, ,y Henry Cook. 1 Onltir to Show tatiso, "!',"'. ss1,,,"sl:" ' in tin iiiuiiij "int. uiisti r 1 iniiii) 1 r 11 I'liunlj 1 Hurt In hi at ilir Cniiiit) I'uuH iimhu In unit (or miM lounty 1'ililn), M litemhir Jttli. A. P., I'.xni. I stlii uiiittrrot the tstutt' n( iit'ifruc W. swlyai t Dii't'iiMil. Ill ll-MillMU anil lllliiu till) IU'lllli.ll ill Mil.lt' i'. swluart pr:ij Inn tluil iiilinliiNlialliiii ol wiliI I'stuti' may lie uriiulril id In im'U. Mililr ('. silt;iirt. an iliuliiKli;ilil. lllllil'.llhli. Unit 'luisilny the lUlli ilny nl Urtnlti'l' . I).. IIW'.I at tilll' n'l'lock i, ill.. Ik iismIkiii tl fur licai luu mM icUUiiii, w lieu all 1HTM.IW llltlTt'Stt'll III SM III nialttr niiiynp Notlcii (0 Creditors siati ill Si'lililhKa. ,,tli. I imiilj I mill. 1 iNti'iTinmtj. 1 In tin- mullet o( tin ihlati ( MalllaiiK lli'ilUi'l'. Ueeeiikiil. Notlruls lit'itliy uiM-n tu all ih'Imiiid Inn Inn I'lalins ami ilt'imiiuls aualnsl Mattlifiis ItonLir, liiie nt Wt'listi r ciiimty, iIiti used. that tlu Unit ilMil lii lilliu; t'lalms auiilust Milil istatf Ik sl iiiontliK tnnil the 'Jihi ilny of Ol'tiihrr 1!0!I. All niii'Ii ptsrnuiiK an- i til i u,t to piiscnt Foil Sai.i -A house of I looms mid two lots clinap if Mild soon. Inquiio of tlio Chief ollloo lor fuithor infornm-lion. Tiie proper way to promptly euro a cold is to take something that will iiuvc the bowois. Ilee.s Laxative. Cough Syrup drives tlio cold from the their iiiilms, with tho uiiriiui. to tlm , system by a free yet gentle action of fouiily .linlne of Mild enmity, at his mlleu the bowois. It is nleasant to take: U. thi'rclil. oil or lit'lnre the Jlst day o( April 11110; and all cIiiIiiikmi tllul will hulii'iud tie- i.i'iir 111 iCiiuiiivC.mriii.iinliiil.ini mid fnr tne tliowild Jiuluo nil the "ml day of April Mild couiity nml hliDWi'iuiM. why the piiijer UUI). at oni o'lloek p. m.i and that the ad ofii'tltltnitr.hmiltliiotl)ui;riiiitel.iiiiil that ! mlnlKtiator I allowed one year finin tho'-lith liitti'uiittliiMH'iidiiifv nt Mild nLililou and "" '" i",r,u " """ '" """" " r l" the hi arlim tin rent he ulM'ii to all pitmiiin i intt-ri'Mt'd lu Mild inattt r. h puhlMiInu a fiipy ot UiIh order In the Ited I'loiul I'hlel. a allays inlliiininatlon of l lie throat and lungs. Sold by Henry Cook. Mt't'sly ueuhpapi'r prlutedlii Mild t'oiiuty. (or Ihri'O rciiiMrnllM' weekN prior to Mild da) 01 hiMiInu s" I. . UIISO.N. shl. Coilllt .1 lilt kiC'. ilehtH allow ed autilnxl Mild t'Htate and settlu the Miini'. Ihiiai.I I.W. Kiimi.n County .ludtfi. OeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills FOR BACKACHE lly taking a dose 01 LiiMttivo Cough Sytup, you will get prompt reljof from a cough or cold. It gently moves the bowels, heals irri tation of the throat and stops the cough, it is pleasant to take. Sold by Henry Cook. lloston Chinese are going to build a temple In that city. A Laundry? DoWitfs Little Karlv Ulbors, tlio . ..,.. . .. .... .. two of Dees i n"' "- l,lhJ gentle little llvor pills. The origiiml Carbollzed Witch Hirel Salve Is DoWltt'h. Tlio name is plain ly stamped on every box. It is good for cuts, burns, bruises, sores, bolls and sunburn but It is especially good for Piles. Sold by all dealers. V, i ' A t'Sl t ' 1 I 1 rM t I VliH mm '111 (i n M I tvrt'"" "yf "-i" wHummf)W , t?M,ftimi,fifni4ar ,ti -.w..... --" &t.MW""fir