The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 30, 1909, Image 5

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' "iitr
A V K VfUl I'VCt' t'XlKIl- .Mrs. l'.d Hohunuti returned to 1,'if
coin SuliM'ila,v morning.
tiiiCL-u ui.u urtj.iuy; .M,s.,,,. .M,.riinvHlrwi.iitU Ahroii.
of kern annojance with c"' '''" s"''y min.
the ..M stvlo dropr-li lor fonn.aln n'V?'? ''f o '? "
, .1 . i .. . .1 ' fltiU-f Sul ur lay Oct , Uinl.
pen, when tho ptn runs dry .it the '
middle t.r a letter? Itn v jum .Jr. a led Jl18 Mh, Hmnoi-oll n t.i no.t Imtno
the operation of Mltng-imiwv, dirty. Friday night from Lincoln.
provoking - aits In nncmv. inked MUs Nellie Uutlcuge vseut to Omaha
finger. ImKy joint-. You can elim
inate nil this l.v ii-im:
Fountain Pen
If it should tun di, while writinc.
yon would tint fool in the least annoy
oil. not oven a little hit. hccauo ,nu
can calmly roach over uii'l llp l on in
ncatost inkwell, pros the 'Cre-cent-Filler'-
once, and instantly pen is full
of lull. I'nnu so quickly that otir
train nf thought is not oven limit on.
Sci .Moreover, that filling operation
keeps the feed ihiiunclK clean and un
eloggedso that the llowof ink is always
certain and conllinous: never it hulk,
blot or ship; makes writing delight
fully easy.
All sizes and points; ctiiiv- in and
try them.
For Sale By
Chas. L. Cotting,
The Druggist.
Subscribe for the Chief.
Dr. Thomas has gone to Holdrcge.
Chas. Hunter was down frotnlnavale
Judge Duffy was up from Guide Hock
Mr. Jones of Clay Center is in town
this week.
Lloyd Drudbrook .spent Sunday with
'his mother.
t.. A. Uueck enmu down from Hast
inga Tuesday.
U. C. Cutter and wifowent toPenver
Sunday morning.
Mrs. T. A. Jones returned homo
Monday mornlug.
Chas. Ilobinion was down from
Hustings Sunday.
I.ce DoTour of (Snide Rock wus in
the city Tuesday.
Editor Halo of till
Hustinjr-j this wte
- p'lpiM was in
Mr. Yost has mm.'.l In
in tho Piatt addition
w h i ii t
thN week to attotid srliool.
School will start nvM Monday iu
tho new l.ini'i In hnilding.
Tho htllo oiiild or Mr. an.! Mm
(ieuiv 'itill'utli is very ick.
Kenneth Williams came home from
llNotor Wednesday morning
A.J Krout and wife near Wouier,
Kans , were in town Wednesday
(oo. Unshoe loft Sunday for New
Yotk to attend a family reunion.
Chas. Godsoy was up from (inldo
Koek Sunday on his- motor bicycle.
Mr.s. Dr. Thomas wont to rranklln
Tuesday morning to visit iior si.stor.
Mrs. Hubert Xctiorbtirg was visiting
her sNtor at Ofoid the first of tho
Mrs. Vance of Hastings wus visiting
relatives in this city tho first of the
week .
Allen Tullcy accompanied l'dward
(iillard jr., up to N'lipoueo Sunday
I'Vui S w.i. -A n almost new Smith
Premier Typewriter l!x. VJs Kcd
Uuy a whip of Fogel, tho liarnoss
man, and get a free chance on the IS
Mis. Kd Hill of Cowles was visiting
her daughter, Mrs. (leo. Liudley
With every SI whip bought of Joo
Fogel you get n free chanco on an S18
singlo harness.
lews Swearingen, grandson of Mr
and Mr.s J. O. Lindloy died last week
in Washington.
Mrs. Anna Thompson of Indinnopo
lis, Indiana, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Al Smith this week.
Kings Little Liver l'ill.s easy to
take, gentle iu action, pleasant otl'ect.
Sold by Henry Cook.
Mrs. iCnto Ueniington of Omaha dis
trict deputy of tho It. X. A. lodge, was
in this city Tuesday.
The Chicago specialist will be at the
Royal hotel iu Pod Cloud, Friday,
tict. 1st. Consultation froo.
Air. Harris a plumber from St. Joe,
Mo., has accepted a position with the
I!ed Cloud Hdw. v Imp., Co
Mr. and Mr, i'ell Walker wont to
IJollvidere, Kns., this morning via his
nutomobllo to spend Sunday.
ln Sam:. Lots -:! and 2 1 blook 15
P.ailroa.l Addition In.juiro of W. O.
Itrooksat ltonkle's feed barn.
(Jet your he iting and cook stovo in
to shape for wint'T. order your stove
repairs from Morhtrt Ui'.'s. now.
Miss Grace I'litunb.s loft on Tuesday
of li si week for Peru to attend the
Stale N'nrin'il foe the coming year
JJrs Nettie .'utgeson arrived Sutur
duy morning to visit at the lioino f
hot' parent Mr nit 1 Mis. L, il. Fort.
t. luh'.' Sure. You'll oioutn wlieii
you ." The Widow loi bins' at tho
Open House one night only. Saturday
Oel.iWr 2nd.
J. A. MoArtlnir and wifound Frank
Utliiuor and wl'V of Akron. Mich.,
wore isiting i- 1 ttives iu Lung Island,
Kh3., Monday,
.N'lfccc.ssnr to Dr. J. S. I'WIOH
At the old stand over the
State Rank. Ilioue3f.
Mrs :ip i (iitlier of Lincoln. U iu I
tho el' xtingnt Ihcliom-1 of C. W.'
lalo, j
Tlio km, i,. -t-etion Tlilrtj Ki'I'ii
iuTowii'.liipThreodll liuiigc I'.IkvoiuDi I
Morhatl liros. have llioir hnrd ooal of tliKcmnly will hosohl nl a public
slovos on their Ho u Cotiif In and pco
the llnest lino of 'he bust slovos you
ever looked at. i
Mothatt Pros, carry a eoinpleto line
of F.Ioctrio lamps, Carbon. Tungsten
and Tantalum also lii-low lamps l(i-l. '
(Jot your lamps of them. i
In an- iiiorgoiioy where Miiw is re-1
rpiirci'. ti o I'ltiesalvoCarboll.ed there
is n thing lu'tter for outs, burns audi
brnisi-s. Sultl l- lloutvCook '
Twelve musical numbers are Inter
polated in "Tho Wldov Perkins, "
which will bo at the Opera llouso olio
niglil only, Saturday. Octor "Jn 1.
Itobeit Molirido has purchased a
new International auto from tho Hod
Cloud Hdw. ,V Imp. ( ... iu which ho
will make histripsaud haul histrunks.
The W. C. T. V. mot Wednesday
after-noon ofthisweok with Mr. L. L.
liorcn and a very enthusiastic, meeting
was hold and was enjoyed by all pre
sent. HofHi: and Lors roit Sam:. A nice
G room house and l'j lots located
close iu. '1 his is a nice place. In
quire at tlie Chief otllco for further
Warda, the greatest of all imperson
ators of eccentric female- characters,
plays tho title role in "Tho Widow
Perkins," which is to bo at tho Opera
House one night only Saturday, Oct., 2
Itev. .I.M Hates returned Tuesday
from St. Paul and will hold services at
Grace church next Sunday. Next
Monday ho will start for Oratui Island
to attend tho Annual Convention of
his church
"The Wolf" which was played at tho
opera hotifee Friday evening drew a
very large crowd and was the best play
that has boon on tho boards iu this
city for many years. Tho players had
there parts well learned and were ex
ceptional lino.
Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Latltnor of
Akron, .Mich., who have been taking
in the Seattle Imposition and other
Pacific points (.topped on" in this oi'.y
Sunday morning and was the guoht of
his cousin. J. A. McArthur und family
the first of tho week.
Tako eaio of your stomach. Let
Koilol digest all tho food you oat. for
that Is what Kodol does. IJvery tabic
.spoonful of Kodol digests '2U pounds
of fond. Try it today. It is guaran
teed to relieve you or your money
j back. Sold by all dealers
Adults in Ited Cloud, of sixteen years
or older, desiring to take tho inter
national "Teacher Training" woik for
more olllcieut success in P.iblo school,
Sunday school and goneral religious
work should confer with minister L.
Aa. Ilussong as ho is forming a class
for sucli work in the near future. No
foes. Will meet to suit convenience of
the clasc.
Ralonox' Wediipsdav, October (!. at east
front door of court house at urora,
Nebraska at which time several other
tracts of laud In other counties of
Nebraska will be sold to tho highest
bidder. This will be a big public laud
sale aud Webster County eitlens will
have a goml chance to get a line piece
of land at ifUMiiialilo llguros.
Sumo time ago some one broke upon
tho sore, li Jour and relieved Mr. J. M.
Ibirgc-s nf a gold watch and fob. the
propcti'.v f h;N daughter neoivod at
tho time of her uradtrili'iii. Siturdav
night ii was returned mysteiioush
and Mr. Iiitgi-s ios to inform the
person who 'Mis so Ulud that he found
the watch atiii is very thankful indeed,
lie would be pleased to otend his
thanks in person if tho party will
make it possible
Season tickets for the Lecture Course
arc being distributed and the manage
mont is mooting with encouragement
iu their endeavor to give Rod Cloud a
good series of entertainments tho com
ing full and winter. Tho course will
open with the Garbor Howe F.ntertaln
ers aud will be an entertainment of
music, magic aud mirth. It will bo
given Oct. 'Jotli. Tickets for the course
of livo entertainments Single
admission nOoK Get your Season
Tickets now.
Fpr Sale.
lf.Oaeies near llird City, Kus . to
sell. Will tako some in trade.
Amu. en How mid, Orleans, Nob.
Gommlng hi
Every DAY-
CflBest things in every line ever
shown for the Price.
H. So EL M Clothing
Crawford Shoes
Dutchess Trowsers.
You aro cordially invited to attend
the services at the Christian church
next Lords day, October 3d. The ser
mon at 11 a. in. trents of "Christ; The
Temporal and Spiritual Exemplar."
At 7:.10 a sermon for children and
adults on "Cod's Power, and Its Op
position" will bo strikingly and visibly
illustrated in nine particular polutf.
Once seen it is never forgotten.-- L. Aa.
ilussong, minister.
Tho enrollment of the high school
has reached tho iTo mark and tho on-
flargud building is about tilled to its
full capacity. Many people seemed to
Ihluk tliat tho room In the building
would bo far iu excess of what tho high
school could possibly use but tho facts
are that it is comfortably filled tho
llrst week of ichool and there seems
to bo no wasto room. Every inch of
spaco is used to good advantage.
(iocs to Red Cloud.
itobt. Ilollingsworth, who for tlto
past couple of years has boon In charge
of a general store at IJcnkleuuin. has
resigned his position at that plaeo and
accepted a position in tho dry goods
and shoo dopai tinonts of a store at lied
Cloud. lob and his wife stopped olV
hero Saturday and Sunday to "visit
witli the home folks aud on Monday
proceed to tho Webster county metro
polis to take up his labors with the
now linn. Dob is a good, pleasant and
obliging saloRtnan ami woenngmtulnto
tho itfil C'loiul (lrtn on securing his ser
vices - Arnpahoc Pioneer.
Elmer Harvoy aged II jears .lied
Monday at his homo live miles umth
west of luavale. Funeral s,,-iei's
took place this morning. Itev. liluek
Well conducted tho sei vices. Tho bur
ialtook place in the Uivoi ton ceuutcry.
Ho loaves a wilo and live ohihlicii.
two hrotheis and tin or sisters to mourn
their los,. Two of his sitter-. Mr.s.
Alice Lit' of Fuinaco County aud Mis.
Ella Miller of IouaCHy camo to attend
the funeral, lie was cue of Webster
County's pioneer settlers and was a
successful farmer. His wlfo and chil
dren brothers and sisters have the sym
pathy of all iu their sad hour of
lli.i'E Hii.i., Neil, Sept. i!0, '()!).
To Whom ir may Co.nckiin:
I horeby decllno the nomination to
the otllco of County Treasurer on tho
Democratic ticket, and withdraw in
favor of Mr W. I!. Cramer, tho nomi
nee on the Independent ticket.
0c.wi A.
Market Kcnor t
An Furnished liv Hansen it Trine
Hens (fat) '."'i por lb.
Co :i
Splillgs i):j " "
Ducks 7
Gees 7
Huttor 20
Eggs 10
II ill j ' 1 s,
School Suits Are Ready !
TPHERITSn wholr army of Scltool Boys to ho filled out
willi School Clothes, during the ncxl few weeks.
Wc expeel lo sec a large share of ihcm and we promise
in advance the Bcsl School Suits made and, without a douht,
the Bcsl School Suits ever bought for the prices.
Koofer, Norfolk and Mouse Suits from choice, durable fabrics.
Tho tailoring is doublo strength all the way through
All Sizes From 6 Years Up
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50 to $750
Investigate our School Suits, and the Suits themselves
will speak of their goodness in many ways.
Gowden-Kaley Clothing Go.
Always Reliable
First Door North of Postofficc
kmmk I
3 Cliasiey s
nmitnre. Carnpf
,j ,, w-v
REDFERN Whalebone
Direct olrc HodlC 39 is moderately short and fall
aliovo the waist, hut has tho very long skirt, fully
encusiiiK tho hips, suppressing tlioir fullness and
producing tho straight hip line. Designed for
lather short, full forms. An addition to this
model that adds to its comfort aud flting beauty
is found in the
SECURITY Rubber Sutton Slose
lust pin , i,t i f,tn-i --which aio uceinately placed
by the di -inner of these models at front ami sides.
Model 3!) White Katlstc, White Coutlllc
PRICE $1.00 1o $5,00
Snitic Pattern In delicate White N in red Uroclic;
PRICE SI 00 to $500
Tuesday, Ocichei 5, rjcv;,,- l:z
Wntinecday, October G,- HavUlozi Parade
Thursday, Octobos 7, Military Parmla
Frtday, Octoir 8, Coronation Ball
Saturday, October 9, Children's Ball
i AAiaukHilvtijiWtlliliiliLvl(iWvVaTi1TiWVVO'i.wu UivbUnlObi'omiiMiablljtS&UvlaldLB
Do you know that it will pay YOU, us
wall as US, to buy your Huildlng Ma
torial and Coal at our yards t Not only
that our pricos avcraoc lower, or at
leant as low, as thoso of our competit
ors, but wo take ospfeolal care
of and protect all can bo cIks- m
r M a v . a n c iihiu m
; Coal. Lumber.
iiiiVTTiTiTiTiTVi'iiTiT'Pii'i''n'i'nTi7viii'!)itiiii)if iiiipitj,
ti I
rhe Chief $ 1 a year
IBIS U10IO1 3 PHI ff 1 I M iiJi1 "JJi Z1Z.W 1 eM