The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 30, 1909, Image 3

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Gossip of People and Events Told
In Interesting Manner.
i rs.o -i r.vr Attn 2i i;-:
jf"'""""3 I SWEETLY PUT. ATAfc
I Paul a Prisoner 1 1 'INILRlllc
-The Arrest j -Jg&SS , W i m
H Sunday School Lenon for Oct. 3, 1009 I ' HkMIT -Air- " k IYTCIhTI
lmi.llll!.r'a.',.yllA.'Zm. "" r,i.rr J BPPSs All Y IDIul
x Mem BB .tWijK , s vrKTrA-Tru k kwtw n-mt
n Ms i Or cK A I HIN
v ,
"Well, Miranda, they've found tlio
north pole nt Inst!"
"Sakos alive, IHrani! Yoti don't
Bay! Where did they find It?"
When a man la Hick he has gioat
trouble with his wife as to how much
he should eat.
Irf-uit' Siunle Hinder RiwstlicKiiiokcr what
he wuntx, a ncli, mellow lusting cigar.
The true Christian does tt great
innny things he does not have to do.
I)r I'lotcc's Hen tint Pellet regulate, nnd Inrlif.
cirule Momiuli liver iiml IhutkIh riiiKnr-cixiteil,
tlnj- KrunuUs liny totakonsuimljr
The people who don't want to Btny
little must road hlg books
Positively cured liy
theso Little l'llls.
Tliey nlso rcllce Din
trrsH from I xpepHla, In
illircHt lun nml Tiio Hearty
rjatliii; A perfect torn
eily fur Tllnesi, Nan
hen, DtonMiiehM, II ii tl
TiiMo lilt lie Month, Cout
oil 'I'iiukup, Puin ill tlia
Hlile, 'lOltPID I.IYI.K.
They regulate, the LSowcIh. Purely Yvtrttnble.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similc Signature
Townsite Opening
Newtown of TWO JlVTTIN, ColoinJo, will In
opened Oelolier 2,', ISKO. Priority of ht-Ieetlon
ileterinlneil uyilriiuliiR. Town HiiriniimW 1
2.l,hU) ni-ren of In Itrnteil Curcy Act iiiulbtiilu
Inmli, lioslilosMinl uri'.iuf llncst Kr.izlmr lnml
In ( olouulo. (Iriiimil Moor iiipiiituiilty for
eMrv klnil retail niere.intllo ImisIiii'hm. I'nll
ItifoiinutloiumnpplU-iitlon. THE TWO OUTTCS
IRRIGATION & RESEnVOIIl CO., Lamar, Colorado
(.tiiniininil in ill HtiiMiitl till eiiliirul Innilsiape Wi-ws
meant f rum Hitlnvn nt towns lor iV.or aleil lor
tic. bl.US.S CAltl) COMPANY, lllmliurbt, Cul.
PACII foriirniMTtr, nnv klnil nnwln re. If you
WHO II w nit to Imy or m11 write us. .Vortliwett
vrn llusliienH Akcik), Mliiiuiupull, .Minn.
"iewJil!5l Thompson's Eye Water
Nebraska Directory
Half Tones ami Lino KIcIiIiikm. New unil com
plete enRinWiiK lant. 219 N". lltllbt., I.lm olti.
nie the liest; InnlHt on ImWne; them.
Ask jour lot nl ileitler, or
Beatrice Creamery Co.
TnjH the highest price, for
drain, Provision!, Stock, Cotton
Main Office, 204-205 Fraternity Bldg.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Pell Phone MS Auto rhono SOW
Largest House in State
rie.uillfut Cabinet drum! Plnlio, Mnlinennv
rne. unl but nHhortt line uttei ltiiln,rlnliiiil
in lie, U; NPIX'IAI. S1IK1, InelmllliKMool
miilheiirf Write lit omo for. "ther bnrjriiliiH
ami mention this paper M Il.tlOM.HK ii
Ml i:i.l.l. U PIANO CO., Lhtulilllied IK.".
1J3 houtli Klutontli ht., Lincoln, cbnmliii.
Let tit make on figures on )our bill.
Good grades, quick shipment and low
prn.i.s, Direct to consumer
F.W.Brown Lumber Co., Lincoln, Neb.
is ns safe as it is effective. Guar
anteed to contain no opiates. It is
very palalable too children like it.
All Drunrjls8. 2 Cents
" m- k i
Another Victim of
NEW YOR1C "Woiked to death,'
Is the verdict given by many of
tho business acquaintances of Kdward
II. llarilman, and especially thoso
who were close to him during the
plucky light ngalnst death mnde by
tho little railroad wlrnrtl, during the
Inst few weeks of his life.
Hut In his heroic elToit against phy
sical weaknesn when ho knew him
self doomed, Mr. Hnrrlinan tnuclcd
no new path, provided no piecedcnt.
He wnlked merely In the way marked
out by Henry II, Rogers, one of his
closest friends In the bulness world,
by Jay Gould, Roswell P. Flower, and
scores of other groat financiers, whose
busy brains piled up nst foi tunes,
only theniboUes to go down to death
while making plans for greater finan
cial triumphs. .
Two men grent in financial under
takingsJohn I). Rockefeller and An
drew Carnegie appear to have es
caped the destiny which marked for
death before their time tho men who
have, at different stages, appeared as
Odd Tangle May Involve Gould Heiresses
WHAT is to become of Helen Mar
garet Gould, aged bIx and one
half years, nnd Dorothy Gould, aged
flvo j ears, heiresses alike to their
share of tho mighty Gould millions?
A few weeks ago Mrs. Frank J
Gould faecurod a decree of divorce. Su
premo Justice Glegerlch played the
lolo of a modern Solomon nnd divided
the two dnughters of tho unfortunate
match between their parents, not
physically, but according to tho cal
endar. So for six months In the year nnd
Christmas day Httlo Helen Margaret
and little Doiothy, with their retinue
of maids, governesses nnd visiting in
structors, will live with their mother,
either nt tho latter's Park avenue resl
denco In New York city, or nt sonic
country estate. At the end of tbnt
tlmo they will remove to tho resi
dence of the father on Fifth nvcnuo or
live on board his yacht or at one of
his country estates.
Gigantic Fortunes Are Soon Distributed
THAT tho plled-up wealth of tho
great captains of finnnco will In
time become so huge that all tho rest
of tho country's population will ono
day bo dependent upon a fow money
kings, la a cry often rnlsed by dema
gogues and others, but tho actual
facts Bhow that these vast accumula
tions soon becomo widely distributed
and loso practically all of their power
with tho second generation.
E. II. Ilanimnn left a fortune of ap
proximately f7C.000.000. Under his
wil 'ie entire estnto goes to his wid
ow, ill on her denth It will bo divided
among tho flvo children, with consid
erable sums going to other relatives.
II. II, Rogers, who died last spring,
left also npproxlmatoly $100,000,000,
and under his will it goes to four chil
Most Photographed
TUB most photographed persons In
New York city aro not tho great
celebrities who flguro piomlnently In
tho nows year nfter year. On tho con
trary, thoy nre a fow men who work
for modest salaries and whoso names
nover flguro nnywhoro excopt on the
payrolls of tho company Hint, employ
them. Thoy nro tho "lecturers" on
tho rubberneck nutos thnt plow heav
ily up and down tho great streams of
traffic throughout tho city several
times a day.
Every tlmo a sight-seeing auto com
pletes its trip up town or down town
nnd lands Its passengers onco more
"at tho point or placo of beginning"
ns tho real estate deeds Bay the
nrnu'il Ih tfilfl tn Htnv nlinneil tlio luw
a moment longer whllo they have
Boundless Ambition
great fluancial liimlunrlos In thin
country Mr Hocefoller spends most
of his time plnylng golf at one or the
other of his country estates. Mr.
Carnegie lilts between New York nnd
Sklbo Castle, Scotland lie too takes
to golf most kindly and is still hale.
Mr. Harrlmau was a doomed man
even when he attended the funeral
of Mr. Rogers on May 21! last. The
physical bieakdown that foretold the
end had begun long before that, but,
as In the euso of Mr. Rogers, ho Ig
nored his physical condition nnd con
tinued to keep his finger on tho pulse
of every one of his vnst concerns. Ho
heard of tho bravo struggle of Mr.
Rogeis to keep his place as one of tho
heads of Standard Oil, In reality the
actual head of this gieat enterprise,
and to maik time on every detail of
Its multitudinous affairs.
And then Mr llarilman went away
to continue his own business light tin
til wenkness and his physicians' wniu
Ing hade 111 in desist or die In harness
Mr. Rogers died of apoplexy after
an Illness of less than two hours. As
a matter of fact, ho had sustained a
previous stroke of apoplexy nnd knew
that an unusual mental Btraln might
prove fatal to him.
Hut he continued nt his otllco every
day was theie, In fact, only two days
before bis death, and he maintained
up to the Inst his place at tho helm
of Standmd Oil
Hutween times they may visit Miss
Helen Gould nt her home, Irvlngton-on-the-Hudson,
or the Georgo Goulds
nt l-akewood. In fnct, It looks as if
the Httlo Gould girls would lend rath'
cr an exciting oxlstenco until they
come of age or marry.
Tho law gives Mis. Frank Gould the
right to mniry again if she so desires
She Is a eiy beautiful woman and
still young and full of charm.
Tho law says that Frank J. Gould
may not mnrry In tho stnte of Now
York, but ho may take chances and
go to (mother state to marry again
and then bring his second wlfo into
Now York.
Supposo that Mis. Gould mnrrles
again? The Misses Dorothy and Helen
Mnrgaiet will have ono mother and
two fnthers. Supposo that very soon
afterward Frank .1. Gould marries.
Then they will havo two fathers and
two mothers.
If they wero permitted to remain
tho year round with their mother tho
matter would bo comparatively sim
ple. Gradually they might grow to nc
cept tho second father na a family
flguro. Hut If they swing llko humnn
pendulums from ono household to tho
other, with ono father on I'rfrk nvcnuo
nnd another on Fifth avenue, what
chance will their Httlo hrnlns havo of
adjusting themsehes to the situation?
dren and his widow. Already there
aro nine grandchildren to shaio in n
further dh talon.
Russell Sage, who died July 22, 1900,
was tho only great flnnncler of ro
cent years to dio childless. Ho loft
?GO,7C3,000, and of this his widow In
herltcd $G3,77S,000. Slnco his death
Mrs. Sago has spent Immcnso sums foi
philanthropic purposes and the bulk ol
whnt sho leaves will, on her death, go
into tho Eiune channels.
Cornelius Vanderbllt left an estate
of $72,500,000, and $C9,500,000 was di
vided In different proportions among
his flvo children.
Jny Gould left $72,000,000 nnd It
wns divided among his bIx children
George, tho eldcBt son, received the
largest share, and tho other five cull
dren equal shares. All or them with
the exception of Miss Helen Gould,
married, and of tho flvo who married
all havo children except Howard.
TliUB, of theso flvo captnlns of fl
nnnco who left $111,000,000, this great
sum hns passed, or will pass, to 20
children, without counting tho wld
owa. Men in New York City
uicir picture uiHon Tlio photoginph
or and his nppnrntus nro all leutly on
mo siuowniic, and It Is over In an In
stnnt. Tho most prominent flguro In
tho finished photograph that Is deliv
ered a few minutes later to thoso who
chooso to buy It that of tho "lecturer."
Ho stands In his nccustomod plnco in
tho bow of tho big rubberneck wagon
Sometimes ho posob with hnnd out
stretched, pointing to soiuo object of
Interest; In other pictures ho hns tho
megaphono nt his lips, in all of
them his Is tho most prominent flguro
In tho group. Invnrlably his faco
wears a pleased expression.
"It's part of our business to look
pleasant," ono of them Bald; "It gets
to bo such a habit that wo oven keep
ii up uuer wo gei nomo. f don't know
how many tlme3 I havo boen photo
graphed. Guess 1 must havo had my
plcturo takon at least 7,000 times In
tho past flvo years. I havo posed with
tho rest of tho crowd nt least four
times a day, six and somotlmes soven
days In tho week. Slglit-secrs llko to
havo us In tho group. They say It
holpB thorn to remember tho things
wo tell 'cm nbou'
Ot ! l 1M i ,V
llul IH N THT- Thou tli-rrfne rn
(lllli lumllirss lis II KOOll fllllllll of JetMH
lilt If l . Tim -' .1
TIIP I'.iul nrtlMil nt .letuinli in Fit
ilitN Mn , The fenM of Pi lilemxl wns
Sutui i. n Mn . The mnli wiim ilur
Iiik tli fiiUnMliiK weelt. iibotit June 1.
PI..UT .It iiixnlrm, nt the homo of
.liitiii-H or the itiiitltiK pliuc of the
chilli Ii. it ml In the Ti tuple t'outlH
Sungestlon nnd Practical Thought.
The Reception to Paul by the
Cluirth of .leiusaleni. Vs. 17-20 Paul
nnd Ills Company. Paul did not come
nloue to Jerusalem, but wns accom
panied bv I.tike, his beloved physician
("wo"), 'I rophlinus of F.phomis (Acts
21 29). nnd probably Arlstarchus of
Thessalonlca (Acts 27 2) Rendnll
thinks that all who (tie mentioned at
beginning the Journey with Paul (Acts
20 4) contliiueil with him to the end
nt .leiiiKiilem; thus adding to thtue
ineiitloiud ubove, Sop.tter of Herea,
Seciindus of Theshiilonlcn, Gains of
Dei be Timothy of Lystia, and Tych
lcus of i:phesus (Hph. 0:21). Tho
number and character of these men
haw m.ido an ImpiesHlon on the Chi Is
Hans of Jeiusaloiu.
The Gifts from the Gentlo Chuiches
weie piobably presented at this tlmo
(Acts 21:17).
The First Welcome on tho day th"y
ai i i nl was one of prluite and per
gonal greetings, which were expres
sions of gladness, nfter so long a sop
nriitlun. It wns seven jenrs slnco
Paul had mnde any piolongcd stay at
Jeiusalein (Acts 15).
The Impending Ciisls Vs. 20 20.
The settlement, bcon or eight years
befoie, by otc of tho whole church
at Jeiusalein, of tho grent question
whether tho Gentiles must keep tho
Jewish laws and ceremonies In order
to hi long to tho Chilstlan church, did
not (linage tho opinions of nil tho
Jewish Chitatlans. Large numbers of
them weie Intensely zealous for tho
keeping of the law, for It was dilne.
The had heard vague ruinois of
Paul s teaching and conduct thnt ho
taught that not only the Gentiles, hut
oxen the Jews, need not keep tho
law of Moses.
Paul refused to set up his opinion
against theirs in n case which did not
Invohe pilnelplo.
Paul Mobbed In tho Temple Couit
Vt.. 27-31.
Some Jews from the region of Typh
osus who had been in conflict with
Paul there, or at least knew of his
teaching there, saw Paul In the Inner
court where tho "Gentiles wero for
bidden to come. Thoy hnd also seen
one of tho Epheslan Gentile Chris
tians walking with Pnul around tho
city. Putting theso two factB togeth
or thoy Imagined that Paul had
brought this Greek Gentile within the
forbidden court; contrary (o fact.
Anyone could enter tho outer court
of tho Gentiles. This cry nroused tho
wholo Jewish crowd In tho Temple
courts. The Jews laid violent hands
on Paul, dingged him out of tho court
of tho women, through tho Onto Heau
tlful, then down the steps Into tho
Court of tho GentllcH, where thoy
tried to kill him.
Tho Rescue Vs 31-39 31. Tho
"chief captain" was equivalent to our
colonel. I.e. cnptaln over n leglment
of n thousand men. His name wns
Claudius Lyslas (Acts 23:2C). "Of the
band." A Romnn cohort, the tenth
part of n legion, or about six hundred
"CenturloiiB." Captains of a bun
dled. "Hound with two chains." Ono
from each of his arms to a soldier
on ench sldo of him (compare Acts
12:0). This secured tho prisoner, yot
left him free to wnlk away with his
gunrds when tho detachment was
mn rehed off.
"IIo was borne of the soldiers." No
sooner had he got on the stairs than
tho mob made n rush for him, but
owing to bis fetters ho was carried
along with the soldiers. When the
top of tho stairs had been reached,
Paul asked, and was granted vermis
slon to epenk.
Paul's Address from the Castlo
Stairs. Acts 21:40 22:23. Paul
Btood on tho castlo stairway, chained
to a soldier.
He spoke In Hebrew with which all
JewB wero fnmlllar.
.Paul's address was courteous nnd
conciliatory. Ho showed how strons
nnd nctlo n Jew ho had been. Ho
then gave tho arguments nnd rensonB
which convinced himself, and ought
to convince them,
Ho hnd found the Mcsslnh whom all
Jews longed for.
Tho Jews listened to Pnul till ho
spoke of his mission to tho Gentiles,
nnd then the flnmeB of their wrath
burst forth llko tho tires of a volcano.
They cried out In their rngo, thoy lent
their clothes, they threw dust Into tho
Within the Castlo. The Soldiers
About to Torture Paul to Compel Him
to Confess.
Paul Saved by His Roman Citizen
ship. Acts 22: 21:29. Tho Roman
commander ordered that Paul should
bo compelled, by torture, to confess his
compelled, by torturo, to confess his
crimes. Whllo they wero binding
Paul, ho asked tho ofllcer If It was
lawful for them to scourge n Romnn
citizen uncondemncd. Tho chief
commnndcr was called, and learning
that Paul was n free born Roman citi
zen, ho nt otico stayed tho proceed
ings pending further Inquiries, which
ho conducted In person. Tho claim of
Roman citizenship was Instantly allowed.
. &y vmwk3m
Myrtle And on neer tiro of push
lug my hoard walk chair?
Joionto No. Indeed. On tho con
traty, I feel llko 1 inn cai tying evciy '
thing before mo.
Myitlo Why. I am not everything
Jeioine Hut ou nie oorj thing to
It Is u (.oiuuion occuiieuce uown
dnys to hear a man remaik with ills
gust "It is Impossible to lmu good
pnlntlug done these das; either the
paint Is not good or theie nro no good
pnlnteis ' This, however, Is not true
Theie Is good paint, ti ml there nie
good paluleiH.
.. ... .1
nut nie question la. '
biinging them together.
One ennuot expect n satisfactory
painting Job without pine white lend
Theie is a way to limit v nine you are
getting pure white lead without test
Ing It. See that the keg hems Na
tiounl Lend Compuiiy's famous Dutch
Hoy Painter trntleinnik. which Is n
positive guarantee of purity, llowovoi,
anyone run test white lend N'uMonnl
Lead Company. 1902 Tilnlly Hldg .
Now Yoti! City, will send you n lead
tester mid palntei's outfit, consisting
of book of color schemes, spool lien
tlons, etc., upon request.
When Ennland Had Lotteries.
It was not until 1S20 Unit tho got
eiiimeul lottoilcs wero ubaiidtmed ill
Htitnln For the thirty yen in pieced
Ing un uuungc minimi piollt of ovoi
$l,72..0HO was ncciued, ono continct
01 nloue spending $150,0(10 in ntHer
tiseinentH In n single year. Tho inonej
thus lnlhcd was usually, for it purlieu-
lm pin pose, such us the liupiovenieiit
of Loudon, the purchase of Tompkins'
picture galleiy. or the tepalr of will
oiis harliiiis
Fioni the soxontei'iitli outlay to
the lelgn ot Gooigo IV the ciown to
peutetlly tliew coiihltleinble roenui'H
from Hiuli btiuices
Sheer whltn gooflB.Jn fnct, any flno ,
wash goods when now, owe much of
their nttructUcness to the way they
arc lmiudcied, this being done tn n '
manner to enhanco their textile beau '
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly Biitlsfactoiy If proper attention wns
given to starching, the lltHt essential i
being good Slnrcb, which hiissulllclent
Btrength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Dcflnnco Starch and
you will be plenwmtly surpilsed nt tho '
Improved nppeariinco of your work.
Assurance Doubly Sure.
Little Heatiico, tin co ems old, was
declaring her fear of a nolghboilng
bulldog When her mother tiled to
com luce her he could do no liaim
when ho aecurely tied, sho nsked In
pleading louos:
Cant .win pin him with n safety
The Aid of Fashion.
Hlla What would you do If you ac
tually found u man under your bed?
Stella- I'd drop my hat on him
If Your Eyes Bother You
Kct n box uf PP.T1 IT'S LYH SALVK. old
leluilile, moit t-iii-i ecfful tije teuieib nude
All druKUiiitn or How .ml Huh., HutTulo, N. Y.
It mn get bo somo time thnt a man
who attends to his own business will
be culled econtric Dallas Nowb.
Hamlins Wizaul Oil in over fifty enrs
old nnd, hle an old friend, it c111 he tic
Iicnded upon jtixt iih Hiuely ns the family
doctor who may be miles nway.
Do God's will us he makes it known
to-da, and tomoriow will take cmo
of itself
VIIV Ml'l'llll I'ttOW A COM)
nhf-nn ti wilmpiol Pi rry UiivIV 1'iiliiklllir tnlin
Iirmiipt ly In Mitiiu hot ali r or milk will prevent It
ln:U:,;,,'A.iin'IWJcl)(iUlcs. Atullilialirs.
Puliii tree piosperity does not do
pend upon weather or tilmnto.
Mrn. Wlnalmv'H Sootliloir 8yrnp.
TorflillJren tiitlilni,-, mftcut tln)K'itn, rnluic In
Dainiiitttlon, allnj Biulu,curub wind tollu. i5cu liottlo.
No man can piny right while ho
lives wrong
Fortune Telling
Docs not take into consideration the
an's happiness womanly health.
The woman who neglects her health is neglecting tho
cry foundation of ull good fortune. For without health
love loses its lustre and gold is but dross.
Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally bo
regained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
This Prescription has, tor over 10 years,
been ctirlnQ delicate, weak, paltfwracketl
women, by tho hundreds ot thousands
and this too In tho privacy of their homes
without their having to submit to Indell
cate questionings and offensively repuQ
nant examinations.
Sick women ore invited to consult Dr. Pierce hv letter free.
All correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address World's Dispensary
Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Uuflalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pitmen's Ghbat Family Doctor Book, Tho People's Common Senso
Medical Adviser, newly revised np-to-dato edition 1000 pages, answers in
Plain Englhb hosts of dclicato questions which every woman, single or married,
ought to know about. Sent free, in plain wrapper to any address on receipt of
21 one-cent stumps to cover mailing only, or in cloth binding for 31 stamps.
DJs pJ5 JJdj
fiure euro and posltlro
pounuiu rvnut (rum tliu
1 'qui try. (jirvriiioiHiiiCiiTOiiWK rioeiy. i-urra m uripi
It. Phnw toynurdniirttrlit.
ftuiicurr." tiHiim:tmiiwutttJ.
Cured by LydiaE.Pinkliam's
j Vegetable Compound
raw 1'aw, Mich." I Buffered lord-
ImiiuliiiR intlutn-
niution ntiu tionges
tion, lor Bevornl
yens. .My doctor
Haiti thero was no
liopo for mo hut nu
operation. J began
tukinir Jijdlu li.
I'iiikhiun'H Voffcta
lilo Compound, iiml
I can now say J inn
a well woman."
Emma Duapkh.
Another Operation Avoided.
Chicago, 111. "1 want women to
know wiint thnt wonderful medicine,
, Lydln E. lMtiklinni'M Vogetiiblo Com-
twniiiil Iciu ilitnn fur inn Tun nf 41m
MH"M '1J",",W " -V ." ll
m,st doctors in Chicago mild I would
die if L did not havo an operation, mid
I nover thought of neeino; a well day
again. I had n small tumor nnd female
troubles ho that 1 fiullered day nnd
night. A friend recommended Lydl.'i
JJ. Pinkhaiii'fl Vogotublo Compound,
and it mado mo a woll woman." Mrs.
At.vr.NA HPi:nuNa, 11 Liuiirdon St,
Chicago, 111.
Ljditi li. Tltililiam's Vegetable Com
pound, mndu from root 9 nnd herbs.
luiH pioved to ho tho uiost Hiiccussfiil
remedy for curing tho worst forma o
femalo ills, including dlsplncemcnlH,
iiillainmation, fibroid tumors, irrcgu
laiilicH, poi iodic pains, backache, licar-iiiK-down
fcoling, flatulency, indiges
tion, and nervous prostration. Jtcostn
but it trlllo to try it. and tlio result
ban been worth inillioua to many
Bulleriim women.
30 ft Bowels
13ip:Kcst orenn of tho body the
I bowels nnd the moat important
j It3 got to be looked after ncfjlect
mcixnH suffering and years of
nature keep every part of your
bowels clean nnd strong tlicn
they act right means health to
your whole body. mi
CARC-AUHT1 toe n lor for n weik'n trtnt
nitnt. All tlniRRlstH. HlKRcn wllcr 111
the woild Million boxes a mouth.
Clruiict aivS IfA itnV tlm hair.
vroniuuf luxunaci Kronin.
KTtr Fuilo to nstoro Orny
Curt ictlp dlifru( Iilf failliij.
p tn Its Vmilhrul Co Mr.
&o,tiulilfririt JJfrucgUU
public mm
32,ooo acrci of irrigated Government Land
in Arkansas Valley, Colorado, will bo
thrown open for settlement October 2i, 1909,
under thu Cnrey Act Opportunity to get
an irrigated fat in at low coot on easy pay
ments. Only shoit residence requited.
Scud for book giving full information.
Two Duties Irrigation and Reservoir Company
Lamar, Colorado
This Tradc-murlc
Eliminates All
in the purchase of
Mint materials,
t is an absolute
11 lr.intee of nur.
ty and quality.
For your own
protection, seo
at it is on the side of
every keg of white lead
you buy.
1902 Tnillr Building, Ni York
Just Lather and Shave
world ovi:r
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 40-1909.
one essential to wom
Pink Eyo, Epizootic
Shipping Fever
Catarrhal fever
preventive, no matter how hone Many mail aro In foe ted or
body. Curt lltinjK?r In Hoet J fitifp nnd ( hoi era In
UU IUU VJIIKUfM -! Ull IUO IIIWMJ nu uiauui VIW1 iu
I vJrsLz.M
k fmmt. 4&
tT,-i. I
T I H. P
R&nV- slfl
Iraaffi? SI
1 v yiv
WzUffll tii
rvrttiolUtiirllYO'toek remedy. Ctirrs M (irl(o amuus tmtnui blnar
Kldnvvreinedv. (VKfttndata bottle, ttftiid llOadnien. OatthUout. Ua
who wlllrtHIoryou. frrvu itooklot, DUtciupr,CkuMa
la uoiiitj.iaauu r
Lt It tor ran. frnx
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