The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 23, 1909, Image 8

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    "m y
- ., . . MT . ,Wft iwaTVA jrkiumti
Tk Heme Grocery
P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop.
1 carry a complete line of strictly
and my prices are such that it wil
buying in this line of
ti) brands of canned and package goods carried.
"' All staple Groceries in
.iiinot tin (Iroivilns In n dirty,
N I 'tc;i ll I ill."- uiiil sanitation it i our hohlili"
Are durable,
mechanically correct.
Red .Cloud, -
HWflfWi i
". . :t.nwimyix3mm. em.'jpmi,mm!JmmVHfu
Women Suffer Agonies
from Diseased Kidneys
And Most Women Do Thio Not Knowing the
Real Cause of their Condition
Those ronr, suffering
Iiavo boon led to Ik-Hcvo tlmt tlu-ir
mtscry of mind aivl body 1 tntirr
ly due to "ills ot llu-ir nux." I'ninlly
the kWiieyn pi.d bladdor nro re-rflnlblc-1
largely o. nd In
i 'i . i j. tDc KiUnra and bind-
i ..iv (Ho orpans. t'nr.t need und
, li:.o uttvi wmi.
! l rtiM!.,r, ruci'vaUiu; rr
'. i!'.iii,t,i!:: pulna in bai !c,
' .1 .l-T'ic. bl'intinnjand s woll-
I ( .ItOl. 't' I, t'U'.Xi ..10
: or lr : U i!., li L.os"
i .1 i ou. '.uit t.r.-ti, v.'ora-out
! ' o a'. Art o rl.Ot r- ?r ji-
t. I I I ', TT.! Ml'l f,.J,l ;,;. u:
JU' ' '..dv r t'...J
DeWltt'a ard Uladdcr
Pllla have. In tl. mnr.iida of c. pj,
Uoea' domoiiRtr. u v.s rc:!i:ir' ul;'
benoflolnl in nil nch oonditioua of
fomnlo orKanliin-ttfrordlns the
moat prompt relief and permanent
As on tlluatrntlnn of what thoso
Pllla will do, :ir.i. 1. M. llrny of
Columbus, (la.. wrltC3 Hint bIio was
very ill with ltldney troublo, ami
that slio is now well ami that
tliOKO I'llls aro what cured lur.
They aro very pleasant to take,
and can In nn case, produce any
deleterious offectB upon tho ytem
as ayrupy alcoholic, llipiid prop-
Swift's Premium
Hatji or
Fresh and Sail Meals of AH'. Kind
Red Cloud,
11 il I lf k s? '
fresh Groceries,
pay you to do
us. Only the first-class
bulk at Ued-rock Prices.!
In a tlrocery store more llnui in anything else,
hovers should demand Absolute Clciitilliic-s
Ill-kepi, plaon nnd be -uio ol
- . Nebrasl-
k V
- ''I?
.,'VV '.S
fl A
'i ;?,-
ara t lens iuo s'pt to do.
K. C. DcWltt Fz Co.. Chicago, 111.,
want every man and woman who
bavo the least suspicion that they
aro inflicted with kidney and blad
der diseases to at onco wrlto them,
and a trial box or these Pllla will
bo sent rreo by return mall post
paid, lio it to-day.
I JQ h."-'1 "JTA O
'.Mi? A
$iv I"?flV:
Elvs Cream Balm
Sure to Clvo Satisfaction.
It oloniiH'.s, sootlirs, heals and protects tho
ih-eiised,,m (ttnrrh
and drives nway u Cld itith Ilendqtikklv.
ilestoies tho KeiiM s of Tusto and Smnil.
JJwy to tiKO. Contuiiis no iuuriniw drugs
(liplied into tho nostrils and absorbed
Large Size, Ii0 cents at Druggists or by
mull. Lnpiid Crejun Halm for uo in
atoinlzcrs. 70 coats.
I lY BRTHERS, 60 Warron St.. New York.
? rr-r-
' fcf
g ttl
v" : x y '.a , ' v .. n
Wednesday, Sept. 29th, '09C
At Ten o'clock, a. m., sharp, the undersigned having
sold his farm, will sell at .Public Auction on his farm 4
miles north and 2 miles west of Inavale, 4 miles north and
4 east of Riverton,
1 100
Con .istiny; of:
Hsad of
' 38 Wm of
S3 Head o? ISogs 53
Farm Implements, &c.
TERMS OF SALE:--A11 sums of $10 and under cash;
over $10 a credit of 12 months will be given, purchaser to
give bankable note, with 8 per cent interest from date of
I sale, if paid when due, if not paid when due to draw 10
I per cent from date of sale. No property to be removed
i until settled for. FREE LUNCH AT NOON.
Col.L. Sherman, Auct.
E.F.Rassmussen, Clerk.
um - aui&x
...'A 4wy&-'ha0krr4
Tae&ioy, October
Wttr'ny, Octofe'
. lis-5 Jr.y3 Cctober
Fridays Cctober
Sc&rday, Odtobs?
9 f
z t ii,'
-wf.max.Tjmiwy?irjwvtmwl.iiHH wirwi iMut&ru3vnimj'aiimviarF&ii?Mi'v&jTaumina,Bi2fciv
Wealthy Man! Forced to Co Hungry,
Nov Feels for Unfortunates.
"1'vo leeu la n good many tight
places," said tho New York broker,
"but only once in a position which
caused me to cinch up my bdt, aj the
Indian does when hla stomach begins
to clamor for food.
"My wlfo and I recently took n trip
np Into Canada and out west, return
ing by way of lmrralo. When we
reached that historic city I found my
self suddenly and unexpectedly broke
owing to a combination of clrcum
Htancea which it is not necessary to
rolnte. Of course wo had our tickets
homo nnd 1 was anxious to get back
at once. 1 had a few cents in
change, so we too coffee and rolls
before boarding the train, to avoid a
dollar breakfast on the car. Tills sits
tallied us satisfactorily and we re
garded the matter as a good joke,
which would furnish us a laugh all
ih ....... t
iu ..) iiomc. we iook our seats in
111., nnn ,1.1.1. J....I , A.. , f .. ..
.... .i mm jiidi, iuii oeiiiH in my
pocket as an .ivnilable asset. When
I am at homo and busy my lncomo la
anywhere Horn nothing a day to a
hundred thousand dollars a year, and
we are rather good livers. As the day
woro on, our habits began to assort
themselves, especially when other
people began eating. thought
about broiled muills. I'icnch artl.
(holies, mushroom) an lx'ui-re nolr, as'
paragtis salad, nnd other little lunch- j
eon itiins or which we ate fond. Xoth-1
Ing doln?.
'"''' :'d H h I'ssible to get any-,
thing lor ten etuia at a htallon?'
asked my wife. -I know there nro
pcoplo who spend only a few cents n '
day for their food. Wliat aro the t
necessaries of llfo. anyway?'
"I decided to Investigate, so at Al
bany I got off the train and made fot
tho poorest looking lunch stand I
could see. I wanted tho largest ipian. I
ui lor tne least money n luncheon
ior iwo peon e. Mont, fruit imOnr
eggs or coffeo wns out of the ques
tion. 1 confided In tho proprietor.
After considering deeply, ho dragged
forth from under tho counter a basket
of antlquo and decrepit soda biscuits
and sold mo six of them for a nickel.
These, ho assured me, would bo lin
ing. lo supplemented them with two
apples for tho other nickel.
"SInco that experience I have been
contributing 'rather freely to all the
societies that make a specialty oi
Horses 9
Fireivr !,.t
IVtiiiiap Pairad
Cere 2l?cn " BaiJ
Htlhl 'All '.1 t'( 111 t) ! A U.M.
Dr. DetoUeon-!. Uolief for llhotinvttlMii
and Neuralgia irudicnHy cured in 1 to '
3 days. It action jpmt the sjteni is
remark" Me unci mysterious. It re- ,
nioVoH at once the eiuwe and the ills.-'
conc Immediately dKappems. The.dl-
doho gri'fttly benefits T-V n d Jl. llrt
Sold iy Thp H K. 4i.-u'u Dm,: Co.,
Redmond Nobr. .
A long hi tho-e
continue to i ptnd
baviner prosperity.
who have money
ii, we can't help
When tho kidneys fail for any eat so
W perform their important work of
passing off iirio neld from the body,
serious results will follow at such
times take a good rclinMn remedy
one that you can depend upon. Pin
ettles are an excellent preparation for
kidney troubles. Thevouickly relieve
i "
,okaelie, weak back, rheumatic pains,
I .
etc. i-old by Henry Cook
Church .Services.
ii(U'itsui',Hi:uvu'i: atm. i:.
Saiui vrit Si:aviei:s.
.Sunday School . .. ..
I'roaohlng . . . .
class nicotine
l.pixirth I unfile .
Preaching . ....
10 A.
11 A.
7 1'.
8 1'.
1'inyir meeting Wcdiiciulay cionltitjSP.
tallies Atd Prlilny a p.
Your pritteni'o is requested and a cordial
Invitation Is extended to all.
M. T. Srirri.r.n Pastor.
uot'its op .srcitvici; at (ONditKiiA-
Sum i-ii Kmivici'.s.
Preaching IQitta. m.
llllild hcliool .. .... .. y jam.
rreaclilnu horvleos H ji. in.
Prayer mid Cnuforcnru niictlnt,' Wodnos-
day at 8 p. in
A cordial Invitation Is oxtouiU d to all.
Itr.v. A. A. C'iii:ssm.n 1'iiMtur.
IIHAl'i: ttl'lHCOI'At) CllUltl'II
Hon. J, M! Hates, 1'nMor.
.Service the ilrt two Sundays In each
mouth, ,
Holy Coiuiniinli n at inornlni; son lees on
th.-1! it Sunday.
.Sunday celioui at iao' clock vM"'y Su'nday.
Mr'- Jn. Smith. Siipoilntiinh nt.
DeWiU'sKidtiey awl Bladder Pills
KVil a I Kvl fco mrrraKI
Band Airs Gave Impetus to Laborers'
Zeal In Building the Famous
Benguot Read Through
Luzon Mountains.
MnJ, I, V. V. Kcnnon, now com
manding n battalion of the Tenth in
fantry at Kort Ilenjnmln Harrison, in
hulldliiK tho famous Huiigui't road
through the ir.ountalna of northern
Luzon, Philippine Inlands, accomplish
ed a feat called humanly liiij.o.sllili'
It took music, money and a mongrel
army of 1.000 men to do It, but lien
B'let road standa to-day one ol tho re
markable highways or the wot Id.
MnJ. Kennon's army of i.noo road
builder? rented only on Sunday. Kor
ten bourn or each day they forged
uhcud. On Sunday they restod in
tllelr (jmutiw. Iiourea built nn polo
and gra3. They nmiiacd themaelvc-wi-th
dances, cards nnd games, that ap
pealed to the (UfTi-rent np.tionallti...
MaJ. Kennon introduced nni-i- as one
of the nttraetlona along hU loni;
highway, lie Is known tor bin r
sourcefulnesH and he dees not dein
! tint he used mu.slc to got better work
j out of the pleatiiirelovlng Filipino
and other Orientals. They did not
liko to work, and when they did it
w.'s with slow, sluggish movement.
I One day MnJ. Kennon decided to
1 try music as an impetus to zeal. Ho
assembled his band, made up of men
j of all nations, and ordered it to move
quietly and secretly to a place where
I severnl hundred Filipinos were en
gaged In drilling holes in the canyon
1 walls. Tho band stole up behind the
slow-going drillers nnd suddenly
( struck up a favorite Oriental air. In
( stnntly the Filipinos caught the spirit
of the music nnd began to beat theli
dillls against the rock In rhythm.
The result was more than a stir
j prise to the resourceful Kennon. He
! kept that band busy after that. It fol
lowed the Filipinos along the way and
played wherever tiny wc'u'd. Froi.
laborers worth nlu- ' n-u cents a dn
bt developed tlu- .:i.o musical um
rhlncR : : i l to drum beat.
, V"' ' oi : that his band
t.. Philippine Rovetumout tho'-
i collars.
tint had been r :i'e between Maj.
, F nnon an Ills fore, an on one aid"
ard the riombers ot tho Philippine
((,nm:l -sici: on. the other side that th"
v ut w'lj not l.n op"n by Jtinit!'-'
:, . 1.' . The stO:y of tho U-i vrit
; . ne fiu'u tortgue to tongT'e alonrr
.Iv re d. JlaJ. Kennon promised each
man a cigar if they won the bet. Th.
, effect was good. Tho army or l,00u'
bint to their work, there boing n man
to every reven fe t of the road on the
' - lep into llaguio. On January 2'J.
o days beforo tho expiration of the
wager, Maj. Keunou rode into Pur il
in a carriage. Thero was a great ce'
ebrntion and evory man In the Ken
non army smoked a good clga
n arked "The Kennon Special," each
with a label bearing ton major's pic
ture. The Meanest Trick,
"it's strange, strange, strange, tbi.t
1 can't find a thing or keep a thim
In this house," said Mr. Podmoro th .
other day. "It'B all because of you;
loose, alack, uttsyatomatlc way .
keeping houae, Mrs. Pod more!"
"What is It now, dear?"
'Don't dear r-e, but help mo to flud
my hat. I herg it on the hall rack
when I came In!"
Why, Henry"
"Don't stand there spiring at ' nu
In that Idiotic way. but help mo n
Und that hat. 1 Buppiwe I muut werv
my st-iw hat, and Us raining lik
fury!" "Henry Podmoro, will you listen "
"No, I'll not. When a man lays down
his hat and can't Und It"
'Henry, that hat It. on your head."
"What! Who put It there? This is
some trick. I'd take my oath before
any coutt In tho land."
"It's not nonsense! It's as true as
that 1 live and stand before you, a tor
mented, worried, harassed man, who
is ridiculed and made tho victim ol
some mean, low trick In bis own
house every day You'll hear more
about this when I got home!"
Then he rushed out slamming tho
door after him. I.os, Angeles Kxnm
Was Not Too Dusy.
Lieut Bhncklcton told an interesting
story of politeness In th" untrodden
regions of tho Antarctic. His party,
ho said, woro always extremely goou
humored and polite, and one pi-ofesoor
in particular attained a degroo of po
liteness, unusual under such trying cir
cumstances. " 'Aro you busy, Maw
sou?' ho called out ono night to nu
other member of tho party who was
In tho tout.
''I am," said Mawson.
"Very busy?' said the professor.
'Yob, very busy.'
" if you are not too busy, Mawson,
I nm down a crevasse.'
"The proressor was found hanging
down a crevasse by his four lingers,
a position which he could not have oc
cupied for any length of time."
The Readlnc Mask.
It has boon discovered that tho un
dent volumes over which student
pores Is full of germs; and somo peo
ple say that the dangur should not
bo faced without a Bilk and wire innsk
to tit over tho mouth nnd nose. Tnte
reading nmak Is used In Paris.
Siuiu uf Nclir.ii.i
Wni'MiT onnt
ii. Tho Coin iv court
i it fmiiity c.,n lulil :tl tliu Couiitv
i mill room in un.t,u, romnj- Widius
tiny Miiti'iiiiicrstli A. n., nui,
iNtlif inatttT .t (In estate ot Miittlum
lleiiker. luet-nsul.
o.s readliiK nml lllltitc tlieptllllou nf Alum
M. Honker prnylnu tlmf tlie liHtrimiint lllid
outhuHtlidiiyot SeptcmtKir. V.m, and pur
purlliiK to do the Inst Will ami Testnnient of
the Mild dtceaiiM tuny bo proved, approved
piolniteil. nllowml mid r.eordiil iih the Iniit
Will mid Testament ot the mild Mnttheiis
Honker dec cased, nnd that the execution of
the Instrument niiiy huenmiiilttoil, nnd the
tiiliiitntstrntloii of said estnie limy l)ernntid
to A uiiii M. Honker, ns Kxeeutrlx.
(iiinr.itmi, lluit WisluoMlay tliuaith day of
Septemlier A. Ii., iiiwi. atone o-eloek p. m..
Isns-liinod for hearlni: .aid petition when all
poixuiH Interested In ui. uiiiller may appi ar
nl :t foiinty fourt to he hi Id In ami for wild
ooiuity mid Nhnu e:uie uliy prayer nl p. tl
Hon Hhould ii. . i he "ranted: and that notice
of tho pr-mleuej of said petition nnd the In m.
liiK thereof be ulMii to all pi rsoif lii(nestM
In -( pul.lMiliiK a. ooj.v of this
or.h r in the Ited riniul rhlef. a weekly Mv
paper printed In mid county, for throe ue
comIvc weeks prior to wild dny of henrliiu
"''l I, U.KlMON
I'llllDU .lllilu(.
When j iii lia piles don't full to um
.Man'aii, the gteat pile remedy. Tho
only teal way to cure this iinimjing
troublo is to apply something tlmt
will act on all parts aU'eeted. That is
what docs. It is put up in a
tube with nozzle attached. Sold by
Henry Cook.
Tall gitls will bo in style this seas
on, tlio London papers announce.
Some very fetching designs are shown.
I hero is nothing better wo know of
lor all kidney troubles than Pinetislo
These pills are really excellent incases
or weak back and backache, pains in
the neck of tho bladder, ihonmatic
pain and kindred ailments, due to
weakened, disordered kidneys. .Slid
by Henry Cook.
A ln on bachelors would simply
mi nn another ( atigerotis etineiit in
the matrimonial sen.
DeWitt'H Little Iidrlv libbers, the
afi, sure. en.y, gentle little liver dlN.
The original t'lirhul'fccd Witch Unzol
Salve Is DeWllt'a. Th nnme is 1 iin
Iy stamped on evei y bo. t is g. .1
for cuts bums, biuisea, sorea. in.,:-,
ind Miuburtilnt it la ostpeclally gi..l
for Pils. Sold t.y ad dealer.
Fashion question: How should
dre-s for an nuccnt in tui aeroplane.'
Never baa there been (molt a cattle
exhibit gathered together in tho West
ax will be soon m y,e yUte yixr Sl.(.
tembor d-io. The Immense new eittle
barn, which hold (S.'ij hend, will be
entirely tilled and h!v the two old
bHrii"". (Jiviit exhibits of hoi- s.
awlne and sheep are tilnu entered.
Some people think forest tusorws
meuti something in a jurtliat you eat.
The proper way to promptly euro a
eold is to take something that will
incivo the liowols. Hoot rixative.
Cough Syrup drives the eold from the
system by u free yet gentle action or
the bowels. It, is pleasant to take; it
allays iuthtmmatioii o'c throat ami
luitj;'. Sold by Henry Cook.
David H. Hill haft , been aiUnt and
eotw i vative so lbu be has uiquiri il
Most remedies for piles blnijily give
temporary relief from Inilammath it
on the burfu : , but ManZuu, the giVnt
pllo remedy, goes right to the scat of
the trouble ut once, nnd by creating
normal circulation and preventing
constipation, soothes pain, and the
piles quickly disappear. Is
applied inside by means of a tubowith
nozle attached. Sold by Henry Cook
Order To Shaw
r""" f. . ill:
to go without insurance. The risk
assumed Is too great for the small
premium you keep in your pocket
Flguro out how many year- ,iou
would have to bo free from nny llio
in order to ntvo the value or your
house and contents. Then consider
that you may have a llro this very
night. Tho cost of oven a little
blaze will be more than tho pre
mitim of
Hotter bavo nie issue you n policy
today. It's a whole lot bettor to
be sure than sorry, as tunny an un
insured man liu. been.
Red Cloud, Nebr.