TfTlTTlMw ii iiimiiiii'i pwhim ill liw wi ! ii wim inn I'liiinii iimiiiiu n urn iwnnm - . rtMiaam)KUimiasKtMnuuns2mmujMm a iaw temr vkqk&sph&ww 'Q&ffiF&r s ir7L.J Wyiir.O -,- -J- yTV d7 ,Z VSLS.V j-)liBl- ;, . ST. .,555- -s -v ,!sz22L--- J2 yyf. yZZ,. IL.I!r c synopsis. H fvsAV isH. (k r i-" J ' ;S "Mini" Han Maltland, on reaehlng Ills Now Vurk baehulor rluli, met nil nitiiif tlve young woman t the door. Janitor O'llitgan riftfltircil hltn no one hnd henn vtllhln Hint day. Dun dlneovered u wom an' Hotter print In iliiHt nn MIh desk, (iIoiik Willi a letter rrnni Ills attorney Multlntiil illncd Willi ll.thherman, IiIh at torney. Mum net mil fur tireotillehK to Kcl IiIh family Jewel Miiltliinti. on roachlng homo, nurprlM-il lnily In gray, racking tlio wife coiitulnliiK IiIh gems fihe. npp.trcntlv, took hltn for u well known crook, lianlcl AnNty Unlf-hyp-Votlzed, Mnlllanil opened IiIh safe, took theiefroin llii' JcwelH, mill gave them to pier, flrol forming a partnership In crime. N'he real Man Anliilv, nought liy police of llii' win lil. iipiiffirt'il. Alnllliitid overcame lilin Ho anil (In- girl went to New York In Iter nolo I In liail tlio JoueN. .She 'wns lo meet ti I in that lay A "Mr. HmuiIIi" Introduced himself as ii deter! tlw. 'I'd Klilclil tlio girl In Kray, Maltliinil, iihoiit to ftliow lilin the Jewoln, Hiippimedly liml, wiih (riled hy a hlow from "Hiuilt Ii'h rm The latter proved to lin AnlHty lilinm'lf ami It c acciircd tlio gemt. Anlsty. SM'lio wan Maltlund'H diiulili', maiiiuerndud a the latter. Tlio criminal kept Malt ind'H engagement with the girl lit gray. Iln i;ao her tlio Ki'iim. Tim girl In gtay lulled Multland'H apartment1 during IiIh iilmenco and returned gems Mnlllanil, 'wltlionl cash, called up IiIh home and ticaiil n woman'!) voire expostulating. .AiilMy, disguised nn Mtiltland, tried to "wring from her the location of the gems, A crash wan heard at the front door. Mtiltland overwhelmed Hie crook, allow Iiik lilin In escape to Hhlfld the young rwomnti. Tlio girl In gray iimilu lier rnpu, Jumping Into n cab. An liiHtnnt later, hy working u rime, Anlxty wiih at liur aide, lie took her lo Attorney IJnn fieimati'H olllce. There, liy torlnre, ho tried In vain lo wrhiK from her the loca tion of the (tenia. I In left her a moment hihI alio 'phoned O'llnwui, only KeltliiK In tho woidm "Tell Mr. Mull land under the lirflRH howl," the hldliiK placo In tho lilt teili ronniH, when Anhdy heard her voidR. Ilannerman also wiih revealed as n nook, lie and AnlHty net out to Beeitre the KritiH and leave town. The Klrl wiih mill Imprisoned. CHAPTER XV. . The Price. ,' Slowly Mnltlantl roturni'd lo the Bluily anil replaced the lump upon his ileal! ; mid Htood lirlelly In Blloncc, Ioiik fliiRvra Htroklnfi his wcllHhnped chin, Ills fnco a Ilttlu thin and worn-look-Iiir, n r.leatn of pain In IiIh oyus. He filched. So oho whs (Tone! I! lauRhcd a trnco hnrshly. This BiiiprlBo wiih nothing more tlinti ho inlKhl have discounted, of course; he luul hfon n fcKil to expert nnythlng oIko of hor, ho was enjoying only IiIh Just deserts hoth for having dared to liellevo that tho good In human na ture (paillculnrly In womnit'n imtnro) would respond to decent treatmont, mid for hiivlng acted on that iiHlnlne theory. flo slio was gone, without a word, without a sign! ! Ho sat down at the desk, sldowlso, one arm extended along Its edge, lln geis drumming out a dreary little tune on the hard polished wood; and thought It nil over from tho begin ning. Nor Hpnred himself. ' Why, after all, should It bo other wise? Why should she have stayed? Why should he eompllmont himself by believing that there was aught about hint visible through the eneor nrqulied in a Hcoro and odd years of liurposelesH existence, to nt tract a young and pretty woman's heart? He enumerated his qualities spe c Ideally; and condemned them all. Im ;iilnils, he was n conceited ass. A fascinating young eilmlnal had but to lobs her head at him to make him think that she was pleased with him, to make him forget that she was what eho was and liellevo that, because ho whs willing to stoop, sho was willing to climb. And ho had betrayed him Rolf so mercilessly! How she must have laughed In hor sleovo all tho 'time, whllo ho pranced and bridled and ineoued himself tinder her eyes, lillnded to his own Idiocy by tho llnmo of a suddon Infnruation how she must have laughed! Undoubtedly she bad laughed: nnil. measuring his depth or his shallow iiofls had determined to use him to her onds. Why not? It had been her business, her professional duty, to make use of him In order to accom plish her plundering. And because Hhe had not dared to ask him for tho Jewels when lie left her in the morn ing, sho had naturally returned in tho evening to regain them, very con fident, doubtless, that even If surprised a second time, she would get off scot tree. Unfortunately for her, this fel low Anlsty hnd Interfered. Maltland presumed cynically that he ought to be grateful to Anlsty. The unaccount able scoundrel! Why had he returned? How tho girl had contrived to es cape was, of course, more easy to nn doihtand. Maltland recalled that sud den clatter of hoofs In tho street, and ho had only to mako a trip to tho window to vorlfy his suspicion that tho cab was gone. SJio bad simply overheard his concluding remarks to tho cabby, and takoa pardonable ad vantage of them. Maltland had footed tho bill. Sho was welcome to that, howovor. Ho, Maltlnnd, was woll rid of tho wholo damnable business. Yos, Juwols and nil! What woro the Jowels to him? llo yond tholr sentimental associations, ho did not hold them greatly In prize. Of courso, since they had been worn by Ills mother, ho would spare no ex pense or effort to traco and ro-collcet thorn, for that dim utilutud memory's Hako. Hut In this case, at least, tho traditional usago of the Maltlands would iioror bo carried out. It hnd boon faithfully obsorved when, nftor lilu mother's death, the stones hat1 Maltland Woke Up. "What's been removed from their settings and stored away; but now they would never be reset, even should ho con trlvo to reassemble them, to adorn tho bride or the Maltland heir. For ho would never mnrry. Of-courso not. Maltland was young enough to be lieve, ami to extract a melancholy sat Ifcatlon from, this. Puzzled and saddened, his mind harked back forever to that carklng question: Why bad she returned? What had brought her back to the ilat? If Hhe and Anlsty were confed erates, as one was inclined at times to believe If such were the case, Anlsty hnd the JewelB, and there was nothing else of any particular value so per sistently to entice such expert and ac complished burglars back to his dat. What else had they required of htm? His peace of mind was nothing that they could turn Into cash; and they seemed to have reaved him of nothing else. Hut they had that; unquestionably I hey had taken that. And still the rlddlo haunted him: Why had she como back that night? And, whatever hor reason, had she como In Anisty's company, or alouo? One minute It seemed patent beyond dispute Hint tho girl and tho great plunderer were haud-In-glove; the next minute Maltland was positively as sured that their recent meeting hnd been altogether an nccldent. From what ho had beard over the telephone, bo had believed them to bo quarreling, although at tho time ho had assigned to O'Hagan the mnscullno side of the dispute. Hut certainly thero must have nilsen somo difference of oi.n Ion between Anlsty and tho girl to have drawn from her that frantic neg ative Maltland had heard, to have been responsible for the overturning of tlio chair an accident that seemed to argue something in the nature of a physical struggle; the chair Itself lay upon its side, mute witness to a hnst and careless movement on somebody's part. Hut It wns all lnexpllcnblo. Event nally Maltland shook bis bead, to sig nify that ho gave It up. Thero was but one thing to do to put It out of mind. Ho would read a bit, compose himself, go to bed. Preliminary to doing so, ho would take stops to insure tho Ilat against furthor burglarizing, for that night at least. The draught moving through the hall stirred the portiere and re minded him that tho window in the trunkrooni was still open, nn Invita tion to any enterprising snenk-tJflet or second-story man. So Maltland went to closo mid mako It fast. As ho shut down tho wlndow-snsh nnd clamped tho catch bo trod on something soft and yielding. Wonder ing, ho Htooped and picked It up, and carried It back to the light. It proved to be (ho girl's handbag. "Now," admitted Maltland In a tone of absolute candor, "I am damned. How In the dickens did this thing get there, anyway? What was sho doing In my trunk closot?" Was It possible that sho hnd fol lowed Anlsty nut or tho Ilat by that routo? A ver much liiyHtllled young v.r''jM That?" He Questioned Sharply. man sat himself down again in front of his desk, nud turned the bag over and over In his hands, keenly scrutin izing every Inch or It, and whistling softly. That year the fashion In purses was for capacious receptacles of grained leather, nearly square in shape, and furnished with a chain handle. This which Maltland hold was conspicu ously of tho mode neither too large, nor too small, constructed of tine soft leather of a gun-metal shade, with a frame-work and chain of gun-metal Itself. It was new and seemed well filled, weighing a trllle heavy in the band. One fnco was adorned with a monogram of cut, gun-metal, tho In itials "S" and "G" and "L" Interlaced. Hut beyond this tho bag was irrttat Ingly non-committal. Undoubtedly, if one were to go to tho length of unsnupplng the little, frail clasp, one would acqulro informa tion; by such facllo means would much light bo shed upon the darkness. Hut Maltland put a decided negative to the suggestion. No. He would give her tho benefit of the doubt. Ho would wait, ho would school himself to patience. Perhaps Bho would como back for it and ex plain. Perhaps he could llnd hor by advertising It nnd got an explana tion. Pending which, ho could wait a little while. It was not' his wish to pry Into her secrets, even If even ir It was something to bo smoked over. Strnngo how It nnected him to have In IiIb hands something that sho had owned nnd touched! Opening a drawer of tho desk, Mail land produced an aged pipe. A brazen jar, companion piece to tho ash re ceiver, held his tobacco. Ho tilled the pipe from the Jar, with thoughtful de liberation. And scraped a match be neath his chair and ignited tho tobac co and puffed in contemplative con tentment, deriving solaco from each mouthful of grateful, evanescent In cense Meanwhile ho held tho charred match between thumb and forefinger. Becoming conscious of this fact, ho smiled in deprecation of his absent minded mood, looked for the ash-re-celvor, discovered It In placo, Inverted .beneath the book; and frowned, re membering. Then, with an Impatleut gosluio Impatient of his own In firmity of mind for bo simply could not forget tho girl he dropped the match, swept tho book asldo, lifted the bowl. After a moniont of Incredulous awe, tho young man rose, with eyes n-llght and a jubilant song in the heart of him. Now ho know, now un derstood, now bellovod, and now wns justified or his faith! After which depression enmo, with tho consciousness that she was gone, forever removed beyond his reach and Influence, and Hint by hor own willful net. It was her lntelllglbln wish that they should never meet again, for, having accomplished hor errand, sho hnd llown from tho pos sibility or bis tliankB. It was so clear, now! Ho perceived It all, plainly. Somehow (though It wii3 hard to surmlso how) sho had found out that Anlsty had Btolen the i&'frWW kBY" r 0 'jLOlItS - WCU.$Z-W2'Q. n -l. iJ KTPi (SBsssEsasssamsmM iwii. somehow fund one wondered il wh.ti risk) sin- hud contrived to il.o tin in from hltn and bilng them tack to their owner. And Anlsty had fullowi'd. Poor little woman! What had she .nl ciiffi'ied. what perils had she not irawd. In prove that there wns honor nen In thieves! It could have been i no inconsiderable dangei u dan er not Incommensurate with that or obblng a tigress of her whelps that he Iriil managed to filch his loot from hat pertinacious and vindictive soul, nlsly! Mill she had accomplished It; and II for him! If only he could find her, now! Then- was a clew to his hand In thnt 'ing, of course, but by this act sho inrever removed from him the right o investigate thai. If lie could only find that cabby. Perhaps If he tried at the Madison (tinre rani;, immediately Ite.sldes, It was clearly his duty not o remain in the flat alone with the levels another night. There wns but one attainable place of safety for them, and thnt the safe of a reputnblo hotel He would return to the llur 'hnldl at once, merely pnuslng on his .ny to Inquire or the cnbinen If they -ould send their brother-nlghthawk to him. .Maltland shook himself Into his top out, Jammed hat upon heud, dropped tho jewels into one pocket, the clgu lotto case Into another, nnd on Im pulse Anisty's revolver, with Its two unexploded cartridges, Into a third, ml pteHved the call button for O'Hu- -tan. not waiting, however, for thnt worthy to climb the stair, but meeting him In the entry hall. "I'm going back to the Hnrtholdi, O'Hagan, for the night. You may bring me my letters and any messages In the morning. I should like you to sleep In ho fiat to-night and answer any tele phone calls." "Ylss, Mlsther Maltland, sor." "Have the police gone, O'Hagan?" "There's a wholo bottle full yet, sor." "You've not been drinking, I trust?" The Irishman shiinied. "Shure, sor, an' wild that be hosphltlblo?" Laughing. Maltland bade him good night and left the house, turning west to gain Fifth avenue, walking slowly because he was a little tired, and en joying the rather unusual experience of being abroad nt that hour without company. The sky seemed cleaner than ordinarily, the city quieter than ever he had known it, and In tho air was a sweet smell, reminiscent of the countryside reminding one unhappi ly of the previous night when one had gone whistling to one's destiny along a perfumed country load. "Good 'covings, Mister Maltland, sir! It ciirn't bo you!" Maltland looked up, bewildered for the instant. The voice that hailed hltn out or the sky was not unfamiliar. A cab that he had waited on tho corner lo let pass, wns reined back suddenly. The driver leaned down from the box and in a thunderstruck tono advertised his stupefaction. "It aren't in nature, sir it yer'll pardon my mentionln It. But 'ere I leaves you not ten minutes ago at tho St. Luke building and fluds yor 'ere, when you 'aven't 'nd time " Maltland woko up. "What's thnt?" ho questioned, sharply. "You left mo where ten minutes ?" "St. Luke bulldln', corner Broadway an'" "I know It," excited, "but" " 'nvln' took yer thero with tho young lady " "Young lady!" " that comes outer tho 'ouse with yer, sir" "The devil!" Maltland hesitated no longer; his foot wiib on tho step as ha spoke. "Drive mo there nt once, and drive for all you're worth!" ho cried, "ir there's an ounce of speed In thnt plug or yours and you don't get It out" "Never fear, sir! We'll mako It In five minutes!" "It'll bo worth your whllo." "KlghtO!" Maltland dropped Into his seat, dumfounded. "Good Lord!" he whis pered; nnd then, savagely: "In tho power of that infamous scoundrel!" And felt of the revolver In ills pockot. The cab had been headed north; tho St. Luke i ears Its massive bulk south of Twenty-second street. Tho driver expertly swung his vohlclo nlmost on dead center. Sltnultnneously It ca leened with tho impact of a heavy bulk landing upon the step and falling In a heap on tho deck. "My worrd, what's that?" enme from aloft. Maltland wns nltogother too startled to speak. Tho heap sat up, resolving Itself Into tho somblnnco of a man; who spoko hi decisive tones: "H yoh'ro goln' there, I'm goin' with yeh, 'r yeh don't go see?" , "Tho sleuth!" gasped Mnltlaud, as founded. (TO ItH CONTINUUM.) Bright College Yearn. "Smith tells mo ho has been gradu ated from nn automobile school." "Yos; ho feelingly rcfors to it as alma motor." Puck. WESTERN Hurlng tho early dnvs In the ne rlod of the growth of the grain crop In Western Cnnndu, as woll as throughout the ripening nnd garnering period, there Is yearly growing nn Increasing Interest throughout the United Stntes, as to the results when harvest is com pleted. These mean much to the thou sands or Americans who have made their homes In somo of the three Prov Inces thnt form that vast agricultural domain, and are or considerable interest to the friends they have leH behind. The year 1.)0!) Ik no disappointment Tho crops of wheat, oats and barley have been harvested and It Is now safe to Bponk of results, direful .a. tlmntes place the yield or spring wheat 9f i""f A Central Canada Farmer Finishing Cutting His 70-Acre Field of Whea nt ,!0 bushels per acre, winter wheat at' wero never better and throughout tho over 40 bushels, and oats exceed CO, district the people are assured of a bushels per acre. Hurley also has" most prosperous year " proved nn abundant yield. Whnt will It would be unfair to closo this ar attract tho reading public moro than, tide without quoting from an expert volumes of figures will be tho fnct that crop-correspondent regarding the two those who have been induced through Iluttlefords in Central Saskatchewan, the Influence of tho Government to nc-lon the line of tho Canadian Northern copt of 1C0 acres of free grnnt land; , Hullway. Writing on August 18th of or, by tho persunslon of friends to leave their homo Stnte of Dakota, Min nesota, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, In diann, Ohio, Nebraska or the other States from which people have gone, have done well. Financially, they are In a bettor position than many of them ever expected to be, nnd In tho mat ter of health, In social conditions, they have lost nothing. One person who hns Just returned from n trip through the Lcthbridgo Dis trict, where winter wheat has n strong hold with farmers, says: "We saw some mag nificent sights. The crops were, in fact, all that could bo desired." In a tow years from now these great plains over whose breadth for years roved hundreds thousands herds of of of cat- Town School House PBigbw"" "i i J fcsc:.:- z-jc-z 0 ., A. r Ii ' fVHiyMiizssL ' 1 c,ty Church I Is i a irHflHBiik ln Centra !tii nllljiwSHH. 4 Canada 1 M&mmiTWKMMrxmbZzmm i tie, tollowlng the millions of buffalo ot the river. This district has much that onco grazed their grasses, will the best wheat crop prospect ot any be a solid grain field covering a i I have Inspected this year, consld territory of over 30,000 square miles, jerlng sample and yield. The weath nnd very little of It but what will yet or conditions for the wholo season bo worth from $40 to $60 per acre. AI- have been ideal and the result Is what ready the homestead and pre-emption might easily be termed a bumper crop. lands are being well filled, In the district of Calgary, south, east and north, which comprises Nanton, High River and other equally Impor tant districts, a correspondent or the Winnipeg (Mnnitoba) Free Press says: (Aug. 21) "The grain in this district Is going to mako some money for the farmers this year. All the crop 1b now crowding along and Is good onboth Irrigated and unlrrigated hinds." There aro to bo found those who spenk of a "pioneering" life In west ern Canada, but as ono man said, "if A Specimen Group of Eleva Many Towns in this Is pioneering I don't tor the life of mo see what our forefathers had to complain of." He didn't know, though, for the pioneering of his fore fathers was discomfort and hardship, Tho opening up and development of western Cannda, with its railroad lines to carry ono to almost tho uttermost part or It, the telegraph lino to flash tho news to tho outside world, tho tel ephone to tnlk to one's neighbor, the dnlly and weekly mall service which brings nnd cnrrles letters to the friends lu distant parts;, the schools headed by college-bred and highly cer tificated teachers; tho churches manned by brilliant divines; tho clubs; tho soclnl and festlvo life; what Is thero about any .of this to give to tlio mun who goes thero to mako his homo tho credit ot being a ploneor? Noth ing! He might ns well bo In any of tho old middle-west States. In other f- ' ' ' . ''';' ' CANADA parts of the world the production of wheat is diminishing today; but iib It diminishes Canada's will Incrcnse; therefore, It Ih safe to predict that In a few years from now u large part of tho world will be looking to western Can ada for Its wheat supply, and espe cially will the United States. In many ' parts of western Canada It Is possible to have a hundred-mile nquuro of wheat, without a break. A writer says: "We were driven west nnd north or Moose Jaw through 20 miles or dead ripe whent. acres of stockH and well- worked rfuinnier-fallows. One of these fields would yield 10 bushels to tho ucre, nnd another man had oats that would yield 1)0 or 100 bushels to tho litre. In this district wheat will aver ago HO to IIS bushels The conditions this year, he says: "It Is necessary to drive about six or seven miles out of tho town of North Battletdrd In order to see tho best crops of the district. This morning I was driven about 20 miles to tho north nnd west of the town nnd In all the drive did not see a poor crop. I saw one wheat crop which the owner estimates will yield 40 bushels per acre, and I believe It." He then crossed the Sas katchewan river to the South town, or Battlcford proper, and continues his report: "Conditions around the old a! " .'t?3l til,-Ijv.mc9w5 1 town are us good it not oei- 1 tor than thoso to the north V sample sheaf brought in from the farm of Georgo Truscott was shown to mo which spoko for Itself. This farmer Is said to have sixty acres which will yield 45 bushels per acre. In stating an average for tho dis trict of South Battleford I would say that the wheat will yield 30 bushels per acre. Tho oats will yield about 45 and barley 3."5 bushels per acre." A correspondent summing up a trip over tho Canadian Northern Hallway, rrom Dauphin to Battleford. says: "As I Inspected the crops In the' va- tors That May Be Seen in central Canada rious districts I found tho fnrmers and other citizens without exception filled with expectant enthusiasm over this year's prospects. No district was found which could not boast of fields or ,'JC bushels per acre wheat, or 50 to GO bushelH per acre oats, and of 40 bushels per acre or barley.' It is not nn unusual thing lu many partB or western Cannda for a farmer to havo 10,000 to 30,000 bushels of wheat. In tfio Houlenu district It Is suld that thoro aro sovoral farmers who will have 20,000 bushels of oats any many fields will return one bun dred bushels to tho acre. It takes nn army of men to handle theW ostein Canada crop, and it is es- tlmated Hint 30,000 peoplo havo boon brought In this year to assist In tho great undertaking; there being excur sions from tho outside world nearly every day for tho past six weeks. V