l ! 1, 'ft w k fmh Stnto lUstoricnl Sockty -- H$ A NcvjtMjir.r lli.it lcs The rtr.r FiTtj-lra ho.s Fa..h Tint Tor Cm: Dollar. ! !'; VOLUME XXXV LI. : ICD LOTI), M31SKASICA, SK!TI2MlUfili !. li)0i. N IT'UttlSR .')! '' , i ProDur use of Shcfijj in Hitfaiir.ralM .,, m.-iov u'ln'cn.M' " : : ; ., X Oveir.uetl tt.infti:s on Nallannl u ' ' ' l ' 'K,v u l',jr ' iAK ; Z ' We don't "just think" Bask JK i.i.K...... s,Tt on.. s.n,.k....... tu..s,i, ......... ALfiAfLlrA WAnlluP f I Jr. iJKSBaft. ftKSujivm thoiiirliotn the West will do Lft :itttiu1 I'. M Utucuiil and wife silent Sunday Aw - .... -.w w w -. .....,,. Kg We don't "just think" we can make it worth your while to do busi ness with us; we know we can. V a jP5!a IE-rW t Irani that t'nclo Sum is studying atU.lt llaivoys. ' We Can make it WOl'th llBlflW means for using hop t rogenetutcj Miss S.itah llaivey letiitued to J 1 HVff-IHSi ovotgt.ucd ranges. liiifii oxpoil- bVtiuklin Mmnlav niKlU. i il , Trt-l'.HJl 1111111 H UflW lll'UlU I'dlllllll'It'll IIV L11IT i ' aMBIIBUBBHl D T Webster County Bank, RCD CLOUD. NED CAPITAL $25,000 B'. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Horonce, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizcr, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Gabill. Win. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. ...L... i.ij ii.j ..miijiii ii in i r in ii ii-ii i- ..- - -J-- "," .'JJ"." Vliner SSS3Z3I3 are now showing tne Largest one .r OF that have ever been brought to RED CLOUD. CjjLarge and Complete Lines of Dry Goods Womens Cloaks, Suits and Furnishings, Notions, Shoes and Groceries also a fine assortment of Children's Cloaks. : : : : : Tb e iviiner oros, General Merchants H. A. LETSON, Wfir. mmmmam.mmmmm3 m Mmrwrm wmmmm i Seo Dr. Stockman for eye glasses Satisfaction Kuaranteed. Help Wanted-Malc. 'I'he U. S. Navy oilers exceptional opportunities to young men 17 to 25 years old; men wiiu iraues up w .,., caiu old. (Jood opportunity for education and piotnotloti. Mubt be American eitletts. Minors must liavo parent's ceitillcato of ao. lay fiom 81T.(i0to over 577 per month, with practically no expense. Visit or ad dress U. h. Navy HecrultliiK Station, Post Otllce liulldliiB, HastliiRs, Xebr. Bros . vo, . Co. (I nc Subset ibe lor the L'hluf OHIGHESTER SPILLS BRAND uiaSiomu GllLti WCtaUl iuuiion. DruirRllt III A .MONO UK IMI I'U.l.H. for tWdlty-fiTC yiam rccirilat (is Jifst.Snftet, Always Ucllabtc SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TTK EVERYWHERE 88SSS ! LADIK1? " -r Aefc your llnmitl.t for CFII.CIinS.Tim'S A 11KANI) 1'ILl.S in KPli nmlA e bftxM, scalca with tllue TAKB HO OTIir.n. IluyoryourW ami n.W fur ClIl.Clll'H.Tf.K H V t nited States 1'Wst Sot vlfu ntUio e.v pot iniottt stnt ion uitliiii tlti) Wallowa N- . ... .(..., 1 - ' tvitu ,-iiuu lltllL;1' tlllll lillllll. lll.Jt ational IDtct in nortlioiisturii Oro-1 ,, " , , , , ., . ., , , to l'liiiiUliiiono day last wcu U. (,'ott tloiiiiiiistraU' that t no wiAg of J sliiu'p ntiik-r piopcrii'striu-tions is an I A jjoo I many WcnU-iii Wubstorites iinpottant fa.-tor i.i tlio w.n-kof rosuctl-' ',u wtu-nilitijr the I'alr at lila.len this injr ovLttat'd tannos. woek. Tlio pr OiUmii boimt stniliuil is Unit ol IJlniei lliifvcv who has ln-oii IiiinIiik icstoriiiK to ilopli'ti'il Hindi's tholi' oil- a sioge of typholil fovor is tniii'li bi'tti'f Kinal ooii'iln ol mountain bitiu'h I at picsi-nt. iri.ihs, tin- M-iiMitltlo naniK of which is Tliti., was a big oroiil at CliatU-y IVstttiM viil.lttla 'l'hisKia.s i-, ono of suu-ls -i's sail Tnesilay ami prh-eswoio thctnot impoilatit of tlio Hiuumt'i' ustra n l fuiiiKo platits In tli- lilirli. r runffcs or M,. (lt((j M.H Uon afQ lK tlio NoMhwost nuil Its rnpl.l .llsappa.- U( of ft tab bon, ftt unci' from thorantJOH by u-noon of ovnr- jjy , ,jlt sto"lutu cciuUl only b ti'iinli'il at i .... . .liro.H,,,Timlcl5M,tl s'o,k.n,n ', L!tt ht'rlrai1" ! ",",ft "U' SifriilntleLflon litis Mu-rvful Iwu beett Ii nmii rt, of ! ! i..W I. guiu--iron to tlio ...stomtion .f the Rfftss , 'n" " ' "ipblly. b th.' Plant 1vloiiit of tlin fcVircht T''-"' " - " ' ' ' l'"11 l"'t Sfr.lci-, iii.I his lfttot report hoH o' thr i ,untj S.ituuay !iilit. A that a tlmrt.iigli tos.-edihif has bi" nn.ic-11 1 upon thv at as ti ujiicli ft pro- lie'!" l?mti.jT stPin In leH ap- pliiu!. In the initlol (stilus tliH-o diffrf nt tttptbo'lH of H'-eeiHne were nuil, tp on one cio.1 1 ho Ftet ivhh allowed to drop to the (trotuiil without treatment. Tlu' jfeil was bi ushoil in with n brush drig oi'iutrrow on tile -i-cotnl tract and upon the third a band of hh'Vp was iafct 1 ovr tbm-un. i i a compact bixlv twit-f. ThU 9uiuriif r it ha b.n fonurt that t!u .una not ti-ati-il h8 ' "iaml apeuiim" 'u ioniiHnd of thelthtosthtundol HtedlltiKu, 'hile lelt"' of inquiry aouoarnlinr the op the renultiuK' HtollitiK htami on the ' P"inity f i m'UIitm. JuM no mi other two areas Showed but little tarl- '"""1 "teret , i nteii in the Trmd .e allon in density, but latr. duiinir Uo jCaih.m Ini.tion pioju-t in Nt-xa-lu, period of drought the send I lug sou tw iwreu thon.und furms offered to aieiv bnihlied or died out badly, j l"Koekeis i. tho tiovoiumeut op. n will la on tin area upon wliHi Hie tB,lu,'l"' pwbllltlus ihiva hntninrpil In tlw knn.1 tlmri. s very llUK loss. Uaer x.uulimvi.ai .lev.i.ipiMl ,i,e' facfiUut thoii-otnyi. eim. of the seed wlMCivhttU tcUu U mip.-l ill wn otic- h. Iftootw loch i!. .-rlii th t, "Itlutn tliu roi,i hyi,totnb of tho seed wli i-hhadvj'.v,'t. pA.vablo in Uu i i imal 1- .tab bitil bmshed in, this condi km beiug ui'iith, without intiret. The.' is iu, ( duo to the faut-that the m-i.iI wiik dt lining or nn. d.-uieiit f vham n ; irrOund Into the boil mort. 1 .' iil V- ' pphiiitf t V one of tl6 ) fat ins. It is thttaluep than by the biuMi hanow. Ho far as the invalidation baa but ti can led it indiuates that a deiD-or ami more dioitth lesibtiint stand of bumh yiiish can be sui'mud wlieie tho sheep aiu allowed on tin au-a after the plants hao hiedeil and dtopped the seed tlmn wlieie they aic excluded thioiitfhoiit the entire season This discovery in a conlirniation of the practicability of tho plan to use raiiKes during altci unto spring and lull periods bo that a thoiou;h rcsccdini; may be seemed by utilmiil means. GU1UH ROCK. Airs. Henry liiittou is lopoited veiy ill .1 S. .Marsh and A. W ."ueley weio in Supeiiur Tuesday. Uev. Tool has been tetntnoil by tho c mfereni u to (iutdo Uock. Tho W. C T. U., 11 incot with Mrs. II. W. O' Neul, Wednesday aitcrnoon, Sept. 2'Jth The Chiistian Tea will be served at the home of Mis. Hannah Crow Fridav afternoon October 1, Not many of our people attended tho County I'alr this week even if thote was an oxcursioit train. Wilbur Ayer of Havana, Cuba has been visiting' roiatives and fi lends heie and at Uostwlck the past week. Mrs Maty Ctossand Mrs. Will Cross and babo spent Sunday with Mis. K. M.l'aiker. Thoy icsldo near Mankato, Kansas ulenn Moinuvillu second son of .Mr. and Mrs. Hd Moiumillo died at l:I&j -. -..,,.. ..J ....... ..WW.., .., -.. Tlio funetal was held at tho family home at !! o'clock Wednesday after noon. Hev. J. M. Moelcy preached the faormou, Tho gilof sttlckon patents and brothers have tho sympathy of ull. Mr. mill Mis. .Inri'immiti unii I'lillincr ... ., ., ,..... ...,.... ' " j hav,v li uMoriu i ropouul on . on, Tttompi ,u Cnt.'.. j Qui', i nuinbjf of fiieni mnl rola-, lives j,; din trrl in and stirprhpil Mr. Martins to their ntsv homo In Inuwilo. ' A very pk-awHut time l it-ported. Every AiwHcant tfs a Farm Allgllst 1, lU'lJ. Tlii' fcivat agricultural UeutoineUt uwy.Vmfurn the Went J, atVrnoV'j ' "ir Metir,au atteuvton. timi tvery I ue0 aDd Hm fn o to pv.iv boln Ude hoiueiekn, th iulv ij.jn'iio. w,l " Mf,,'il,""n '1 tl nondniil fll- ' fPf. ""'" t!'u !"' ,ut'1 K,"u i,f iwiwuiuiiuink'"1 " ' K" """ 'j" t,,, 1'bis ihai,.-i .. ut.i t'i c 0 pi i ' ,"ly neocMiry to make a lioiiusta l entry at the land otliuii at Carson l.iv or at the ollleo of t lift hand I'mumis . loner at Knllon, Novada. i Nattuo has endowed few tigtmis mute llbeially with all the eleiueuts necessary to build up a tt"at common wealth th. in are found in this spetlon. Tho feitile Ileitis glow alfalta, eeieals, fruits, vegetatiles. in fact piactically all the pioducts of the teiupeiatu'oiic; the climate is dty and delightful, and thu alloy is singularly fieofiomsevete storms Tho Hun shines almost eery day in the jear. 'I'he gieat mining regions fuinish a home maikut and good pi ices lor eveiy thing that can bo iiilsed, and splendid trauspm tatloii facilities eonneet the piojcct with tho eoinnieieiiil ei'titers of the country. The Cloveintnont iirigatlou sjhtein as siiies Hie farmer an abiinduit supiily of water. Thonveis oltor uulliultetl possibilities for tho development of power. If you u Uli to obtaiti oiio of tlico farms jon should wiito at oncu to the Statistician of the l' . Iteelamalloti Sorsico, Washington, I). C, foi de tailed information. Col. J. H. Ellipger AUCTIONEER Dpes livestock and genet al auc tloncerlng. satlsiaeiiouguaran f teed in every case, i'udurstands tands nines. Mhiiio pedigrees and stock val Many yeats epoiiuiice. I him anytime Red Cloud, Nebr. rfrfr VrArf AsrA AA Will buy your hay in Stack or on Car. Highest market prices Paid. Will be glad to look at your hay any time. Address Alma Alfalfa Mill Co- Alma, Nebraska- (-vv.-N yj - sr-Nr-s IS IT ft NEW Wc h tvt tin ni 'I. K. - ttn ticR, I J.miwarr , !lutjit:s '..IM'lll'ft' .it I . ,' II. Wk imm Si" i i tt i in : . ipltii Hu.IiUhV UHid.-'nivat th Luivtf i I'ni'i . Il i ii i . UK- il ." in Mj-illuti tu itu flr.'nlnii'f win!., Mtiil all Kbuls .' ;' . ('nm t; ami Kittitt? .': 'V f ! " 0l.f. 4MC S ' nm WlHi'M IMM i U'e will have fn a Line i.f A UTOMOHIL ' S Soan. ? hl r.iu.,1 U..i.m llfcCwl- P. i I ... WM WOLX, '. Tfcgw4ftr unraf . &SEj"r?A ' ' snmrs-nr. ill irfffffT".i-nTifi i bjk mt. jt T-mt wuhp. huw.- M?M Coirrl: t I'-to, lyC. I.. 7inn .rnunCu--!J 15 Mi IDEAL ROOM Is not only possible in every home, but it is possible to have every room ideal. This May be effected by proper furniture and arrangement. Most all stuffed rooms are Stuffed from the fact that the furniture does not harmonize. Haven't you been in a house that has an atmosphere of Comfort and pleasantness and harmony which made you feel very different? There is nothing So important in fitting up a home as discrimination in Selection Your Furniture. Come in and let us prove this to you. You can readily see for your self, how if some of our nice furniture or rugs were installed in your house they would Complete your assortment and transform the apperance of your home. Wo hang your oltados, lay your carpets & make picture frames. ALBRIGHT iBROS. Funeral Director andiEmbalmer. mi CHIEF SUO A YEAR. mwoi K v STOVEaOR - tnl t. ur stotkofllar- ami l-.inn Machinery s ....... 7 Socrct,r$. ff w'hmvietwmtmwui wyw ' ""W WW ffltMWWN-qw MU4I.UW . 7 -qta-Tnim mutts, i y-w WAyywalW :.