The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 16, 1909, Image 8

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    s )
New Pattern Has Straight Dlade to
Facilitate Thrusting and
Better Guard.
The nnttorn of tho now llrltlsh cnv-
nlry Kword lina boon approved for
tiinntifnctiiri. It differs from tlmae
of piovlotw patterns ehlelly In being
lilted with a RtrnlKlit, tapering blade
to fnellltato thrusting. Tho guard la
Klinjifil to afford more piotoctlon on
the left side, mid tho grip la formed
to fit tho hand, n recess for the tluinib
being rill In tho hack. Tho scabbard
Is A straight taper from etui to end
and made of steel. The weight of the
aword In about inn pound, 1 1 ounces,
and tho scabbard one pound six
tltitDt'lcnll)' the adoption of n thrust-
( ! la of Interest aa being a re-
., of tho single-edged raptor of
iii'' nth rentury, the period
l ' . .' ( mding to some of our most
' iuiilioriilr.". tho qualities of a
v -rud weie best understood.
i im.ii; prat (Ually gone out of
l t'.i iriiin b.lng still very lm-
1 in authority ns Capt. Mutton
i ' -lood to object to a aword
..ed for thrusting, on the
i that n irnn cannot fight hla
out of a crowd with It. It ni.iy,
, be objected that the swoid la
comparatively luniy, but that may be
due to tin1 Hiltl-di trooper" a v t-ll-
anoun prejudlee In favor of a certain
nmount of weight -Pall Mall Gazette.
That Treacherous Ice.
Ice Ih now Haled aa "perishable" In
tho houaehohl of one young family
man of Philadelphia. During tho re
cent hot apell he arrived homo at ten
o'clock at night. Hla wlfo Informed
lit in that tho mipply of Ice had molted
and she waa thlraty for cold lemonade,
(ding to hla club a few blocka away,
(he man got from the ateward a fair
sized bit of Ice, well wrapped and
with a atrlng by which to carry It
home. Aa ho turned to leave the bar
a friend came along, ami Invited him
to hnvo "Just one." lie did and re
turned the compliment On the atmt
he met another friend and had "one
more." to which he alao responded In
kind. They were joined by two more
mends and tho party dlai usaed the
weather and many more "'laat thinks."
Suddenly remembering hla errand
ide B hurried good night. graaneU
mdle he bad act nt hla feet near
r rail ami made hla way home.
It," he auld na he met hla wlfo.
go nil over town, but 1 got It,"
l handed her the package.
nlng to the kitchen alio get
i'i- material for the lemonade
. . ii ahe had waited ao long
i cut the cord that held to
hart n cube haped wad of pa-
held water, the remains of
'l i'l he i'snuare" the story of
1 i town." even1 though he
i more Ice In a few nilnutis
,iniimim)m ww." w- juii.iijil. ncoaLwrr
, 'MmmH1
iSrftfc rtZOk 4.UOi !& XaVi i.
vjgjj tJ u HS BSH
. ijxsiM:ryfr:tmssmcsB3sassasm
OF -
40 HEfiB
September 21 to 24, Inclusive : IV:vlf '-V''
'-"' -H"'. i'A"i"."i ' , '.V-ft' "
1 ' It .. ' if . '
, neb
4 Days of Enjoyment.
Monday, Sept. 20, is Entry Day.
Tuesday, Sept. 21, 1st Day of Fair
Gov. Shallcnberger will speak Sept. 21.
Good Baseball game every day
Free attractions, Merry-go-round
Shows, Races, Blue Hill Band
Special train from Guide Rock via Red Cloud,
Cowles and Blue Hill every day, leaving Red
Cloud at o am and returning leaves Bladen at 5
u 4 "
"W-Et ',- ' -','1 i
iij. r- -. .j n u
ome and have a good time.
J. A. DENTON, President.
A. E. Cox, Secretary.
& j, eurwENGHAM Wfi'f".; j
Strc.tssor ro !)r. J. s. I'VJOII
At the old stand over the
Slate Bank, PNynciSS.
"r r. '. :
W i-ll to h...r i, i
will -.1 u:n.i lu
u- t 'ou u :
c.o h.- i '
r t
IM .. lATt
Ut... .iUJIWi
tl-" ki vl ''od
1 n.i i.iny who
m j- j 'iL. '
in.i m,i
& I
cilci t No "Pennlas."
il ' I ".i e of the l.ltKoln ell"
i the reanui-y h,' t:ik(!i
i. ili ' the public that l!i. ,
ro'- -I-, ns a '( ,ui
! int.iue. ' I Is t,- i
Hi.' r ople i ,vi' ..! ).
h-' in ir ,
" i"'nn" i h y li.ii.- ,
; i ii Ui l :i n 1 r j
" ents," in u r nri I
tliiii wuiii !n r. ter- !
i &ATA
i SU J u UJ 40 W u I
. I
... l.u
rl-.. N r
THURSDAY, SEPT. 23rd 1909 AT 1:30 P. M.
This fffeilns of III slat i red Shoit llmii tnltle to bo sold ;il
"'.iili iietl(,n at IlafatliiH. N b . at t ii"d( i biedlj ns Ronl a bum i
I" (ilttle .IS Will be bOhl ,n tile S' ite U i'.ill. Tile (ilttle ;i"e til"
ii'j'Hv (if T .1 Worn.ill A: .S' n of l.!l,erl. . il'e Mo. mi 1 P.
ilr-iif. Kln Chy, Mo., two ot mI-sduiI.. iiiowt ; n'..!'i ;.t :i'i uli rji
M hrjid of tho cows ami hi Id r in tlu- f ! tie I'm . Scotch
In brreilliiR niul the bal.mee are well toppi d on' .ii'i the bet of
.'eoteli plrea.
There rtro 10 Iiend of bulls In tut- i 1 s (f Miom are nf
.'lOtih bie-'dlng.
Tl're itre com i,-.,i cos p. iuas, with caivea i loot, bred
( : i ;r.l C( n he"'
&i nd t) the AiKtionerr for cat iIoruo o' sale, bI'"'"' full par
! tti.U ! "dlrn-h.
T.-rnis :io!i er b ii.kiibb i ote nt ,s p i fent ,
' ' N4LL & & SON Liberty. Mo.
J. GAVfS Kinq City. fvlo. Owners.
R, W. BARCLAY' Auctioneer, Mason City, la.
in- jwwcci! tarr xrv.' xv."jaa,sr.'nauM.vagj
8 aii
4. Ut Kk.
. lin
Crdcr To Show tausc.
ii. riie I'.
" ITtuillJV
" Veiiruli.t
!' .iiiniv
7X a rr.;.Ol
. ,., , v , .- v
'iMi' . . .
( e'l.
i'i thins a.H a HitU-
' i iiitheiiir, b t
l! t' .Ui'l lllt
vi'l it!i,ii i:'.
Viiud nit'! 't
n!t tit i i.t..
- ' "t the . -
i ' noa't i i '
i' l'''!'han'
i il i in;"'"
ii i ill ii '
.. u '. i ii ;
; i". Ii ii i.i
l.' . ' I'.e I'h ni h
I H p.ilis (' US !
' ,n ' mil of rent. ir-
' T the roiper
.K . allll novv de
i iMi part nf ,i
"'o ihnn the l,;it-
l ' cell
Oood Sc I . ' r ".' Reward.
. Ml.-r . ' ni, not htnln-;
h tin '' U to ilreii for
. uliti il' I'-elf y only
ilio ! boot'-. )tu
' his iM. . c.dd.
'...r tl Ii ult of
!( o!. . bo-
le. .-'.. - i!le'
i'i' " ' i.t ,t
i r tfjr
i i
i'i nt. '. ..I
i i t.i k i ii
i i
i i
Elys Cream Balm
Suro o Csvo Satiofaction.
It'l'iil. e s... 1, ,' l,.l..,t..',tho
d.-mli-.. i 1, , ! , ; ,, . f, ,. ('. ., .,.-1.
. I (t iv-h. , t ' ! 1 i
...111 r tlio ;.,. . . )U
r . .. i ..
t -' " "" ' ' i i -, i -ul'i;.-
, !'i'L."l ii tl. l '. . 1 ..i ..L,..
i .;.. ut, , .. . . . . .". "
.... ..,,, ,, ,, , t iipvTiKta or iv
lin I r..iuil Hal u ter r.- in'i r- 75 wuts.
61 T BROTHERS 66 Wirrffn St.. Nw Vor.
H. id,): .!,-.
in ll Kim il
I '. .Hit'
I ' .i ' ii.-i I'mirl In i, at P.
i' " " ii I i iisi'l .ir .aid i-iiiiuti
ii ' ' nlii-i ti), , Im Uhl
j I n i'i iii.'i'h i f tlu i-Htn'r l
Ii 1 . t I'M'( l , ,i.
' n i win, .n i ,,,(, , n, , ,,,
M. Hi ntf i- ,r n 'ii ii. i i,, ,,, , ,u
ii ili.-mu ,l:n ,,i -, ,, ,,,i , . ,
I iimmu i lui lin lal ill ,i- .
Hi. v.uii ,, , , -is, i ,,, ,j i, !
Ir. i..iiit .in.l ii i ,'
ill iiii.l 1 1 i.ntu a, ...' i'i,
1 i Ilk, fi1 ll ,K, ,, ,n, , H I,,
llu ln-'i inn j,v i, ,u i,, , .,,,!,, .,,
ii''ni ii. -'i !l in '., ,, , . ,., ,,,. v
i" Vii',.i M !', nlf.f. it I , 'i .
nt'i.l ii- i 1 i t , ,,., ,u- I),,
"i 'l. ill., i Ii ,iii i nt mi.' iiii
! I iili'tl Ic- In 1,'ln ,,H,; j m, u
m I- .it- ii, u .1. ,., ,ul , i itti i i, ,
1 .1 ' ' II i I.t h I
' "1J1 III-' -Ill, - 1 , . i ,
lull -11 i : l u .1 Ik mil ili,.i iiittvf
' 1 1n pen li. .,1-ililf ii.;, ,i in I'll, hmi-.
in'4 'in i. ,ii I j, ii (,i nt! n i -i.i in 1 1 ,tii
In .iiM in iMi'i' in i iMisliiiiK ;i i i,i., ,,f I'U).
Hilii I'l'lii'lli I i idi'l i liu-l. il -Mi ..l m iVK
impir iiiliiu.l In Mia foiinti, f, , (,,(, IU..
rinMM uci-Ui pii,,i In Klil.l ihl (. li.miinv
' i M ' I. . I i -. .
'iin i a, lac
x3mi irvoy
i- w s
t PI
f.Mlll.U HUJ iit tfulini IllVltKtf . Il'ti&tl! . ,i,, m, I ii .' -,u , W-.LI4IIJt;l llttltl U
I S3& J. Moore has it Hno new auto.
J Mrs. Put more Is bonnHnjr with Mrs.
( C. K. ViiitKhiin.
j Mrs. 1. W. Crary and son t'lmence
came home fioin Ilotilder Suttiidny.
' Miss Vera Po.l wuiit thN week to
Kearney to ntlend the Normal M-hool.
Mrs. l'red Miller who luis been mj
ver ill uns leporled better on Mon
lay. The U". C. T. U. met Welno.,lav nfU-i
noon ni the Lome Mr,. Vn Wo'ert atid
A number of our people nre plni.ti.
injr to iittuiiil thpeontity fnirnt Itbnl, n
next Week.
The V. V. ' T. P. ffnvr H vi-iy p!i n
m.'M'eiHl I-'iUIh.v evenltijr Cnhe nni
ecll'ee were si-rveil. y
Mr-. Itosinlthe N.veiHml htrilntif.'I.M
Mfi. Lulu Hei.ll d tWu ft,!!,!,.,
Irove up from Hoitwivk HHtunln-
Mr-. Ilauiinh iSonrhlt-r t Mtrd . m
il cmjs teeenfly n the country w":i,
her iliuiKtiter Mis. I.oul otcrl Jn '.
O. K yeherl.nel.ei Imssolil IiM,,,,. ,.
ami lot to ),-. H. s. it.t.(li jTr. s,. , .
uneher desires a place with hum.
'I'be Mlsvos Lina l.ambeil ami a:. ...
I i: "ley saiij; n duet Sunday eveiilnj; as
I cart of Uu; young people's liieetiii-- nt
i-ne liapiist eliuieli.
Ii'ev. (; V. Pool departed Tuesday
for Liiieolii to attend the annual sess
ion of tho XobrHsha Conference which
enlivened Wednesday Sept. 10.
Kllison Kly accompanied by his wifo
and two children arrived Saturday
fioin (.'olorado points and visited with
relatives here until Monday when they
departed for their home in Iowa.
(ilenn Moranvlllo son of Mr. and
Mrs. Kd Moranville is very ill. n0
has typhoid pneumonia. All are hop
ing he may iccover. His parents who
had I ecu visiting in Iowa were last
Mils ealli'd homo by the young ma: 'a
I'liiii'sdny of hwt w.; ,vUii t!lL.
tiit Hist birthilny anniversary ..f
iehie hambert bis mother prepari.l
a line supper in lueior of tho oei-iislou
ami invited two of his friends. Kissel
Vauj.'hnii and Loyd FiiKinluir to .sjci d
he evening with.him.
Sunday urtcrnoon about four nViv , K
Noali II. Peters' Hue largo barn was
li e..vered i be ti lire. The buihlin
i'b twenty tons of nltnUa hay.
thousand biishelsof gran,, harness at,, I
f.inn machhiery wri- destroyed. The
origin of (he blaze Is Hot ilellnitely
known. All are otinpiillifeing with
Mr. I'etPis in hlhliiFK
It is reported that C. M. .Smith and
family will move lo the l'uelfle coast
, the 111 st of (ietoliey. Mr. Smith has
nan i''iiiiiii' or tin Utilde Hook Tib
phoni- i oiupan' biisii.fbs foi iil.ait
three yuirs. lie N an expert and bus
ulwiis l.-i., Uind mid necoiiiiulntin;' in
the patrons of the company. II,. ami
his wife will be gi fatly missC.,i.
. ;. in.
i ''. ii nil
.il p. i
.in ' r -uu'
it.ll 1 ul pi -l
& i
1 1
I., vcr
f SHtL '"""'"t
Swltva Premium
Hum or
a. nil. I'U
. he Ct -i Claeknlli:r.
,i il." V.d II. K. Adair, ho
.',. ueilvp. ' I enrrb il on as a
!' iiiorn people In Itudni -t
, all the otlui eltks of " .
; put together.
Only last week, i Budapest con
otl'O wrote mo about n blackmail rauo
wboro n man had lived Biituptuousiy
for ranny yonrs on tho accidentally
acquired Unowledfjo that a nudii Pest
laUy hail a wooden leg."
Do the Best You Can.
IIo vlio doe hlH host bin clrcum.
.3Uuieo ullow does well, actu nobly;
uiiboIb '.'J -'i no more.
tnjf h.. ram--. Tin ,,. .
assume 1 U too triv -t I,,,- tl. ..M ,,
pivtu'um Vim keep in j.,n p,, ul
rirme out lion im.ii.1 .'ir ,,,u
ttniilil I, ai. t,, . fii.,.ti,..w, ,,,
III iiri'.t r to HiW the i.i'u.i ul yon
hoi.M an. I eoliteiits Th,.,, ,,, luhii ,
Hut y,.ii in.,-, it ,,,. , i,,,. ,iliB Vl,ry
ulght. Theaot n i.,-,.,, , iittl,.'
blua will ,v in,, I,. than thu pre
miiiiii of
Utter hnvo me While you a policy
to day. It's a whole lot better to
be sure than .sorry, us many an un
insured iniiii has Ihhii
Red Cloud, Nebr.
1 HI 11V N - 4 lAilJ
I Are durable, attractive and (,
? mechanically correct. !.
1 Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. 1
Women Suffer Agonies
from Diseased Kidneys
And Most Women Do This Not Knowing the
Ileal Cause of their Condition
The e )' r, .-'lffeuii
Fresh and tialt Meals of AH.. Kinds
Wm Koom
Red GSoud, Nebr.
rsaifecfid'y -pj
iftiiv.s f-"
CS-wOT.'iVI uiiri r a i o a
T&JSitSfiHvtiln,.. ""!". ."",S:?'?"i..-
11 j i"i Bin, n aniiiitv .iir rir.
j i-ruuiuiri a iu-ur.ii proMJi.
f tfovt r rji'k In Ilratrro Ory
fl J'.ilr tu it Youthful CoUr.
wri w.-.p oi.3. u 11 .r u.iin.! .11 nt I mirl".
O ii I
have bit-n i'u ti le)iv.-e tl...t tii ir
mlury e( niinU b-nly ia
lv fin" tt) ';' , r. 'he'- o.i( " VkiihIIv
t l I I. ' , " ; . - -
KPt 1 . ! 1
SUCh (. .. i' i i 1,1 ' ; . 1 h. ..:-
der ate i! i j , iu . i.,i i i.ii
mut hao . ' e u, ,.
Thor.e to:' i-:,- , e-intitit., kUk
l'tadachi .. i': ? i:ij pli.u in b.ulr.
t;iiu and UiiU.. bloatlnjjand hwjU
irK of Hie i Mror.'.'riep. e.xtreao
in rvousne. . or l.y. -cr'.i. l;-it!e:,3-liens
und lonstri.t tli.d. vornnut
feeling atr- i.:n t ru 1 1 i u.p
toms of tli. on: ., .1 u;.i .lUeoscd
ltidneyfl. lliKlcr h A
DeWitt's Kiilt-'y and PlaiMer
PII1 have, In thousands of ca.cti,
been demonstrated aa rewnriubly
bcnoflclnl in nM ,uch conditions of
femnlo orfranM-cffoidlng tho
most prompt relief tin J permanent
As nn Hhn trnt I'ti of what thene
Pills will do, Mi. p. M. pray cf
Columbus, On., writes that bho was
very 111 with kjdney troublo, and
that sho Is now well and thnt
these Pills nro wlmt cured her.
They nro very plensnnt to tnlto,
and can In no case, prnduco nuy
deleterious effecta upon tho Kystom
as syrupy, nlcoholic, liquid prop-
.. . ,cv
if Ucd i . uT"!
'. i VI
.ii hivi;"
? ;'
DeWitt'v Little Knrlv IUmin. tho
Hutu, sure, euny, jrentle little liver pllN.
The orlirinul i arbolized Witch Hnxel
Salve K DeWitt's. Th unme Is ,,l;r.
ly Httttuped on everj bi . ll is p,.;1
for cuts, burns, bruises. miuvs, ixiili,
und siitiburn but it is Ospe, i.illy (,,,,1
orl'ih-. Sui I by nil ili-alors.
Xeler htlh there Ijccii such u call!,'
exhibit gathered tiothcr in the West
i- will be seen Ht the Mati Fiir .sep-tcmU'iG-io.
The iuiuieiist m-w cattle
I'.iru. which holds i'hIi; will i.
entirely tilled and i-lso the two ..!(i
burn. Clrellt exhibits i.f hois,.,
HWlne and heep nre hIvi cntere I.
The proptsr way to promptly eiiin- n
cold i to take Miintliiiir that will
nuve the bowols. !i,.p Lnxativi.
t'oimh Niiupdrhe.s the colli rin the
syHlem by a free jot gen tie action of
tliatll'ttiml. ft- t. ..I .. t i . ,
w..- uirnun, ,c is lUiniHiiui, o IIUCO; ll
allays liuliinimiitlon of Uio throat and
InilKh. Hold by Hi-nry CuoU.
i -- .
Most toincdlcs for pile, simply x',u
tomporary relief from inUutnmnti n
on the siirfa'ia, but MunZati. the yi. u
i pi'o remedy, goe right to the seat . I'
, the troublo at once, and by
nonnul eirculHtion and prevent iu
or. .tiputioii. hoo thes pain. Hud 'I.,
,.'. i)U elcly Hisitpi' '"' I.m. hi is
M: I.. .1 lllsidrt l.y lURHlj. , . UiliOWilh
n... '.!, ait.ielmd. Sold b II -qrv i , ,.
nk-m k i
i 1 1iVmBmn iHI
St k . ti - -.j "i ik mi
lllr ' ''.j'VwuRMfcl
. r ! . j '.fmU1 ') WKmZ
.rr.tlons nm aid to'ilo.
L C. DcWitt & Co.. Chicago. Ill,,
want every mnn nnd womnn who
liavo tho least suspicion thnt Ihoy
nro nlllicted with ldduoy and blad
der diseases to at oneo wrllo thorn,
and a trial box of thopo Pilla will
bo sent frco by return mall post
paid. Do It to-day.
Notlo! Harvesters at berk.
If.ii. ehtnitf machinery ut wui'c m
miiiltuieH-hU. from the first .,, ..
inmver to the complex nnd aloi'M 1 1 .
feet liai-ve.,ti-r f today, will be .,m ,,
by the Department .f the Inteno, .,(
the National Corn Exposition to I.
I held in Otunha December (5 to 1Mb.
i Thebo littltt uiodt'ls were orlgln.i.,y
1 nhown at tho Worldi. Fair in p., ,',
Othors.hnv been made, bringing il...
, nerles up to date. They run in ,. '.,-. ,
! OflM by electricity, uu Iligemu, in-
........ .ii,K iiiuiu ii nuiti or nun m
which the harvehtor may work, iut
ting Uio crop as thov go" around tho
little llchls and tho maglo of t. ,.
volition ih that tlie grain grows ugnin
and llko alfalfa In tho we&t, it Is ready
to cut again in a .short time almost be
fore tho hnrvestor.s got the first crop
oil". It ih a perfect picture of tho evo
lution ol the harvesting niaohlnery.