V J3r " - hi " &. H 'IE iL ,.i' j I Springing to His Feet He Drew His Revolver. WsL-OUIJdTOjmiMNCE I JT!!r""" COPrWaHTIKJT THEBOBB3-1ILnwlH.CO. j1 oriMuraia IT ntftlniMn I "Mml" D.in Multlaml, on reaching lila Now York tiaclivlor club, nu't an aurac tlvo yotini; woman at tlio door. Janitor O'llacini Hfi.-uiri'cl lilm no onn lmd lic-n wltliln tlmt day. Dun illsrovori'il a woin nn's ilnKT prints In dust on his dosk, jiIoiik with ti luttor from Ills attorney. Maltland dlnod with Uiitiiu-rnmn, his at tmtiL'y. Dan net out for CironildilH, to j;i:t his family Jewels. Mnltland, on reafliliiK home, surprised lady In Kray, cracking the safe oiitnlnliu; his K''ins. Sho, niniarciitly, took him for n well known i rook, Daniel Anlsty. Tlulf-liyp-notlzfd. Maltland opcwil IiIh Had', took thrri-frniii tin- Jewels, and kuvl thorn to lirr, first funning a partnership In crime. Thi' ic-ul Dun Anility, muiKlit by police of thi' werlil, uppoureil. Maltland oi-reuino him Jlo mid llio K'rl wi'iit to New York In her unto. H hud tlio Jewels. She wns to meet him that day. A ".Mr. Snalth" Introduced himself ua a detec tivt To shield the Kill In uray, Maltland, about to phow lilm the Jewels, supposedly lost, was felled by a blow from "Sll.MthV cniio. Tlio latter proved to bo Anlsty himself and ho perilled tlio noma. Anlsty. who was Maltland's double, masmieraded as tlio latter. The criminal kept Malt land's i'ikik incnt with the Rlrl In Kray. Jlo kiivo her the Kems. The Klrl In Kray visited Maitlund'K apartments dtirlnc his absence anil loturucd kchis. Multland, without cash, called up his homo and heard a woman's voleo expostulating. Anlsty, dlsKUlsed ns Maltland, tried to wtliiK from her the location of tho Kerns. 'A crash was ho'ird at the trout door. Maltland overwhelmed the ciook, allow ing him o cstnpo to shield the yotiiiB woman. Tho Kill In Kray inailo her es cape, Jumping Into a cab. An Instant Inter. tTv worklnK a ruse, Anlsty was at her side. II" took her to Attorney Han nunnan's olllce. CHAPTER XIV. Continued, llohlnd lier tho iloor closed softly: and thcro followed n thud as a holt was shot. An Instant later Anlsty -cauKht her by tho arm and, roughly now and without wasting speech, hur ried her Into tho next room. Then, roleasIiiR hor, ho turned up tho lights and, passing to tho windows, throw two or threo of them wide; for the air In tho room was stalo and lifeless. "And now," salt tho criminal In n tono of satisfaction, "now wo can talk business, my dear." Ho removed tU overcoat and hat, throwing thorn over tho back of a con venient chair, drow his Angora thought fully across his chin, and, standing at a little distance, regarded the girl with a shadow of a saturnlno smllu softening tho hard lino of his lips. Sho stood vho:o ho had loft hor, as It volition was no longer hers. Hor nrnis hung slack at hor sides and she was swaying a trllle, hor fnco vacant, ejes, blank; very near tho breaking dowh point. Tho man was not without perception- and recognized hor Btato ono In which, ho felt assured, he could got orj lUtlo out of her. She must bo strengthened and revived before hho would or could respond to the direct catechism ho had in storo for her. In bis own Interest, therefore, nioro than through any yloldlng to motives of pity nnd compassion, ho piloted her to a chair by a window and biought hor a glass of clenr cold wator from thu Alter In tho adjoining room. Tho cold, fresh broozo blowing In hei faco proved wonderfully Invigorat ing. Sho lot her head sink back upon tho cushions of the easy, comfortable leather chair and drank In the clean air In great deep draughts, with a sense of renewing vigor, both bodily and spiritual. Tho water helped, too; she dabbled the tip of a ridiculously small handkerchief In It nnd bathed her throbbing temples. Tho while, Anlsty stood over her, waiting with discrimination If with sennt patience. What was to como she neither knew nor grently cared; but. with an in stlnctlvo desire to postpone tho Inevit able moment of trial, she simulated deadly languor for some moments aft er becoming conscious of her position; nnd lay passive, long Inshes all but touching her cheeks In which now a faint color was growing gazo wander ing at random out over a dreary wil derness of Hat rectangular roofs, livid In tho moonlight, broken by long, straight clefts of darkness In whose depths lights gleamed faintly. Far In tho south tho sky camo down purple and black to tho horizon, whoro a sil ver spark glittered llko a low-hung star the torch of Liberty. "I think." Anlsty's clear-cut tones, Incisive as a razor edge, crossed tho listless trend of her thoughts, "I think wo will now get down to business, my lady!" Sho lifted her lashes, meeting his masterful staro with a look of calm In quiry. "Well?" "So you'ro bettor now? Possibly It wns a nilstako to glvo you that rest, my lndy. Still, when ono's a gentleman-cracksman!" Ho chuckled un pleasantly, not troubling to Anlsh his sentence. "Well?" ho mocked, sentlng himself easily upon an adjacent table. "We're hero at last, where we'll suffer no In terruptions to our llttlo council of war. lleyond tho watchman, there's prob ably not another soul In tho bulldln;;; and from that window there It Is a straight drop of .'l stories to llrond way, whllo I'm between you nnd the door. So you may be resigned to stay hero until I got ready to lot you go. If you scream for help, no ono will hear you." "Very well," sho absented mechanic ally, turning her head away with a shiver of disgust. "What Is it you want?" "The Jowels," ho said, bluntly. "You might havo guessed that." I did" "And havo saved yourself and mo consldorablo trouble by speaking ten minutes ago." "Yes," sho agreed, abstractedly. "Xow," ho continued, with a hint of angor In his voice, "you aro going to tell." Sho shook her head slightly, "Oh, but you aro, my lady." And his tono rasped, quickened with tho Intent brutality of tho natural crim inal. "And I know that you'll not force mo to extreme measures. It wouldn't be pleasant for you, you know; aiid I promise you I shall stop at nothing whatever to make you spouk." N'u nvnvoi . in absnlute indifference, she fill, lay her strongest weapon. Sho must keep calm and self-possessed, re (using to be tei tilled into a quick and thoughtless answer. "TIiIh afternoon." he n.ild, harshly, 'you stole ft nm me the Multland jewels. Where aie the''" "I shall no' tHl." He bent swUtly forward and took one of her hands In his Instinctively she clenched ll: and he wrapped his strong hard Humus uiound the small white list, then ilellheiately ln?e:ted a hard linger Joint between her sec ond and third knuckles, slowly In creasing the pressure. And watched with absolute Indifference the lines of agony grave themsehos upon her smooth unwrlnklcd forehead, and the color leave her cheeks, as the pain grew too exquisite. Then, suddenly dis continuing the pressure, but lotsitn lug her hand, he laughed shortly. "Will you speak, my lady, or will ou have 1110:0?" "Don't," she gasped, "please" "Whore are the jewels? Will you?" "Nn." "Have you given then: to Maltland?" "No." "Where are they?" "I don't know." "Stop that nonsense unless Where did ou leave them?" "1 won't tell 1 won't. Ah, please, please!" Toll me!" Never. Ah-h!" An abrupt and losoundlug hammer ing at tho outer door forced him to leave off. Ho dropped her band with an oath and springing to his feet drew his revolver; then, with a glance at tho girl, who was silently weeping, tears of pain rolling down her cheeks, mouth set in a thin pale lino of de termination, strode out audshut the door after hlni. As It closed the girl leaped to her foot, maddened with torture, wild eyes casting about the room for a weapot: of some sort, of offense or defense: for she could not huo endured tho tor ture nn Instant longer. If forced to It, (o Aght, light she would. If only she had something, a stick of wood, to defend herself with. Hut there was nothing, nothing at all. The room wns a typical ofllco, well but severely furnished. The rug that covered the tile tloor was of rich quality and rare design. The neutral tinted walls wore bare, but for a couple of steel engravings in heavy wooden frames. There we:e threo heally upholstered leather armchairs and one revolving desk-chair; a roll top dosk, against the pnrlltton wall, a waste-paper basket, and a Hal-topped desk, or table. And that was all. Or not quite all, else the olllco equip ment had not been complete. There was the telephone! Hut ho would hear! Or was tho par tition sound-proof? As If in contradiction of the sugges tion, there came to her ears very clear ly the sound of tho hall door creaking on Its hinges, and then a man's voice, shrill with angor and anxiety. "You fool! Do you want lo ruin us both? What do you mean " Tho door crashed to, interrupting tho protest and di owning Anlsty's leply. "I was passing," the new voice took up its plaintive remonstrance, "and the watchman called mo In and said that you were telephoning for me " "Damn tho Interfering fool!" inter rupted Anlsty. "Hut what's this Insanity, Anlsty? What's this about a woman? What " The new-comer's tones ascended a high scale of fright and rage. "Lower your voice, you nss!" tho burglar responded, sternly. "And " Ho took his own advice; and for a llttlo time tho conference was con ducted In guarded tones that did not ponotrato tho dividing wnll save as a deep rumbling alternating with an Im passioned squeak. Hut long ere this had come to pass the girl was risking all at tho tele phone. Ueceiver to ear sho was Im ploring central to connect her with Nlnetyelght-nlno Madison. If only sho might got Maltland. tell lilm where tho Jewels wero hidden, warn him to re move them then she could oscapo furthor suffering by open confession. "What number?" camo central's lun guld query, after a space! "Did you say ulnooughtnlne-elght?" "No, no, central. Nineoelght-nlnb Madison, please, and hurry hurry!" "Ah, I'm rlngln' 'em. They ain't answered yet. (limine time. Thoro thoy are. Go ahead." "Hello, hello!" "I'whnt Is ut?" Hor heart, sank; O'Hagan's voice meant that Maltland was out. "O'Hagun Is that you? Toll Mr. Maltland" "He's gawn out for tho nolght an' " "Toll him, please " "Hut bo's out. Ulng up in tho ma rniii'." "Hut can't you take this message for him? Please" Tho door was suddenly Jerked open and Anlsty leaped Into the room, face whlto with passion. Terrilled, tho girl girnng from tho desk, carrying tho Instrument with her, placing tho re volving chair between her and hor enemy. "Tho brass bowl, plenRc toll him that," sho cried clearly Into tho re ceiver. And Anlsty was upon hor, striking tho telephone from hor grusp will: one swift blow nnd seizing her savage ly by tho wrist. As the instrument clattered and pounded on tho Iloor she was sent reeling and staggering half way across tho room. M sho brought up against tho Hat topped desk, catching Its edge and saving herself a fall, tho burglar caught up tho telephone, "Who Is that?" ho shouted, Impera tively, Into the transmitter. Whatever the reply, It seemed to please htm. Ills brows cleared, the wrath that had mndo bis faco almost unrecognizable KtiliMiled: ho ovon smiled. And the glil trembled, know ing that In1 had solved Imr secret; for she had hoped a mIufI hope that tho only wot ds ho could li.ivo heard hor speak would hae had too cryptic n significance for his comprehension. s. slowly and composedly, he re placed tho roeolwr on Its hook and returned the limn anient to tho desk, a short and mtuud Hgmo of a man, In rumpled owning dioss and wearing n wilted collar, hopped excitedly Into the room, cast at tho girl ono tonlllod glanco out of ees that glittered with excitement like black diamonds, set in a face the hue of joust, and clutched the burglar's aim. "Oh, Anlstv. Anlst!" bo cried, plteously. "What Is It? What 1b It? Toll me !" "It's all right." returned the burglar. "Don't you woiry, little man. Pull yourself together." And laughed. "Hut what what " stammered tho other. "Only that she's given hoisolf away," chuckled AnKt ; "beautifully and completely. 'The brass bowl.' says she thinking 1 never saw one on Malt laud's dotk! and 'O'l lagan, and who tho divvlo are you?" says the mat: on the other end of the who, when 1 ask who he Is." "And? And?" pleaded the little man. dancing with worry. "And It moans that my lady hero re turned the Jewels to Maltland by hid ing them under a brass ashrocelver on bis desk ass Hint I was not to know! You aro 'cute, my lady!" with an Ironic salute to die girl, "but you've met your match in Anlsty." "And," demanded the other as tho burglar snatched up his bat and coat, "what will .oii do, Anlsty?" "Do?" contemptuously. "Why, what Is theio to d(i inn go and get then:? We'w risked too much and made Now York too hot for tho two of us, my dear sir, to get out of tho game without the piollls." "Hut I beg of you" "You needn't" grimly "It won't bring you In any money." ! "Hut Maltland" "Is out. O'l lagan answered the phono. Don't you understand?" "Hut ho may return!" ."That's his lookout. I'm sony for bin: If ho does." Anlsty produced the revolver from his pocket, and twirled the cylinder significantly. "I owe Mr Maltland something," ho said, nodding to the while faced girl by the table, "and I shouldn't be sorry to " "And what," broke in the new-comer, "whnt an: I going to do mennwblle?" "Devil the bit I carol Stay here and keep this impetuous female fro::: cnlling up police headquarters, for a good guess. Speaking of which, I think we had best fettle this telephone husl nesH once and for all." Tho burgl.ir turned again to tho desk and began to work over tho In strument with a small screw-driver which ho piodiieod from his coat pocket, talking the while. "Our best plan, my dear Hattner man. Is lor joii to como with mo, nt least as far as tho nearest corner. You can wait the:o. If you'ro too cow anlly to go tho limit, llko a man. I'll got tho loot and join you, and wo can make n swift hike for tho Arst train that goes farthest out of town. A pity, for we've done pretty well, you nud I, old boy; you with your social ontrco and bump of locality to locate tho spoils, mo with my courngo and skill to lift '0111, and an equitable division. Oh, don't worry about her, Hanner man! Sho's as deep in It as either of us, only sho happens to bo senti mental, and an outsider on this deal. She won't blab. Hesldos, you'ro ruined anyway, as far as New York's concerned. Como along. That's An lshed; sho won't send any Important messages ovor that wire tonight, I guess. "My dear young lady!" Hlslng and throwing tho overcoat over his arm, ho waved his hat at her In sardonic courtesy. "I can't say It has been a plonsuro to know' you, but you havo made It Interesting, I admit. And I bid you a very good night. The char woman will let you out when sho comes to clean up In tho morning. Adieu, my dear!" The llttlo man bustled nftor him, bleating and Adgetlng; and tho lock clicked. Sho was clone utterly nnd forlorn ly alone and had lost lost all, all that she had prized and hoped to win, oven ovon lilm. Sho raised Autterlng, Impotent whlto hands to her temples, trying to collect herself. In tho outer room a clock was tick ing. Unconsciously sh moved to tho doorway and stood looking for n tlmo at tho whlto, expressionless dial. It was soino time a minute or two be fore sho deciphered tho hour. Ten minutes past two! Ah, tho life time sho had lived In tho past 70 minutes! And the futility or It all! (TO UK ro.NTINM'KD.) Avoid Round Shoulders. Are you lotting yourself sag a bit at tho shoulders? Don't, If you want to keep either young or well. There Is nothing so fatally easy as to grow round-shouldered. Keep n sharp watch on yourself to prevent It. Kneh morning stand up against the Jamb of a door and seo If you havo begun to nag. Also walk around your room each day with a piece of broomstick or short 'umbrella under your arm and nruiight across the back. This keeps the chest up and head well poised Deop-bnnthlng ixeiclses, whenever you think of them, will help wnrd olf those round shoulders, also making a practice to work with tho choHt up. This last Is tho simplest of all pre ventives, for If it Is always practiced tho rest will follow. r T- - MW4I, DIG PROFIT MADE ON LAND Which Can Be Dounlit for a Mere Song In the Little Snake River Valley, Routt County, Colo. A ten per cent piollt on a valuation of oer ?l!()i) an acre Is what Is being made now by farmers In the Little Snake Ulver valley In Houtt County, Colorado, nnd lauds similar In quality and with gilt edged wator lights aro now offered by the State of Colorado under the Carey Act at $.15. ,10 por acre on ten years' time. This laud will grow In abiiuilanco oats, potatoes, sugar beets and all other grains, grasses and root crops, mid is suitable for all kinds of fruit, except possibly tho most delicate of tree fruits. Tho land Is sold In tracts of 10. SO, 120 and KiO acres to citizens of the United States, or those who have de clared their Intentions of becoming citizens. There Is no drawing In con nection with this laud; llrsl come, llrst served being the policy. If interested, write to the Houtt County Colonization Co., 17:tl Welton street, Deliver, Colorado, for full In formation ua to the land, apodal ex cursion rales, etc. Uy Automobile Up Mount Rainier. United States Knglncor lOugene Kick seeker celebrated Independence day by throwing open the government road in the Mount Itiiluer National park. Vehicles and horsemen now have an excellent Ihoioughfaro iron: tidewater to Narada falls, near snow Hue In Paradise valley. Mr. Kick seeker says that autos and wagons can now make tho trip with comlort The maximum grade on the mad Is four per cent. Nearly a score of au tomobiles, all loaded, went to the mountain. Many a woman nags her husband until she either brings him to her way of thinking or drives him to drink. IMlllKV MAVIs l'INKII.I.i:U Dtt.ifiM,i nit,. a ri-Mili Irutii iiivl'toiK ullnlit tlliii-Ki if iiillKiotimi A..i.l Irnulile lo I ikoiu I'ullikllli'rlur It.imli i.iiiih '-h.,... iihil Wv Mi'. Plans arc being made for the clcc tiilliatlon of the iiiok important state railroads of Sweden 52-U&ti0U " Do you know of any woman who ever received any benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound?" If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in this country where women cannot be found who have been restored to health by this famous old remedy, made exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs. During the past 30 years we have published thousands Df letters from these grateful women who have been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never iin all that time have we published a testimonial without the writer's special permission. Never have we knowingly published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine. Here is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts that this is a true and honest statement of a woman's c.vteri encc with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write and ask her. Houston, Toxiih. ""When I first lioprnn talcing- Tydfil H. Pinlc linin's Vogotiililo Compound I aviis 11 total wreck. I liail lieen sick for tlirt'u years -with i'eiimlo tro ill tics, chronic ly.speii.sijt, and a liver trouble. I liutl tried several doctor's medicines, but nothing- did me any good. "For throe years S lived on medicines and thought 1 would never get well, when I read an ndvortlMiiont of Lydia J2. lMuk haiu'.s Vegetable Compound, and was advJed to try it. "My husband got me one bottle of the Compound, and it did me so much good I continued its use. I am now 11 well woman and enjoy thu best of health. "I advise nil women suffering from such troubles to gtvu Lydia J5t IMnkham's Vegetable Compound 11 trial. They won't regret it, for itAvill surely euro you." Mrs. Ile.ssio L. Hicks, 8H Cleveland St., Houston. Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it not do her as much good as it did Mrs. Hicks. ---. - -. 1 lwtrt-U f Mf'ft BiVlifrMrtMiKw - WHY NOT: One of the pi embers has asked tho mouthers of his congregation to bring I their canary birds to church. Why ! not try to nave some of the parrots? I CUTICURA" CURED HIM. J Eczcm.i Came on Legs and Ankles Could Not Wear Shoes Bccauso Of Bad Scaling and Itching. "I havo boot: successfully cured oJ dry eczema, t wns inspecting the re moval of noxlour. weeds from tho edge of ft ilver and was constantly In tho dust from tho weeds. At night I cleansed my limbs but felt a prickly sensation. I paid no attention to it for two years but 1 noticed a scum on my logs like fish -scales. I did not I attend to It until it canto to bo too Itchy and sore and began getting two running Botes. My ankles wore all tore and scabby and 1 could not wear I t-itoos. I had lo use carpet and felt I slippers for weeks. 1 got .1 cako of I tho Cutleuru Soap ami some Cutlcura Ointment. In less than ten tiny? L J could put on my boots nnd In less than threo weeks 1 was free from tho con- ! founded Itching. Capt. (leorge P. IIH33, I Cliler of Police, Mortis, Manitoba, Mar. 110, P.I07. and Sept. 21, P.10S." I'uttvr DrUk- ,V t'lieui, Corp., Bo!o Props., Huston. A Useful Baby. Speaking of tricks to win the sym pathy of Juries In criminal cases, Judge Wllllaidj M. MclCwen. In a re cent address beloro the Illinois State's Attorneys' association, said: "I know of four oases whore a baby played a prominent part In getting the acquit tal of the defendant, und I later learned that the same baby had been used In each of the cases, although 1 the supposed mothers In each cauo wero dilferoni women." Law Notes. An Arbitrary Classification. "So ou think every patriot has a more or lost, clearly defined ambition to hold public olllce?" 'Yes," unswered Senator Sorghum, "As a rule, patriots may he divided Into two classes the appointed and the disappointed." I i.nti(i nii'ii uiM't iinl iik'Knn.itPi 111 inr 'rtnm I ., .I. t ! tliiiim'Khly i-iin-il hv lr I'Iiti-u'4 l'li.irul !' Hi I". Tim Mvnrlte lunilly liu.uUo. Lesson from the Bee. School Teacher What lesson do wo learn from tho busy boo? Tommy Tuffnut Not to get stung. JsTu ... - Him.OE .. .