The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 16, 1909, Image 4

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mjuAMBawCT w
13he CHIEF
Red Cloud - - Nobrtvsktv
j - - - -
iulereri In i in- l'iintiii!i('i' hi Ifcil ( imiil Nt-ii .
mii Dm) cinii. Mhiht
C. IS. HAL13
Till: ONLY Iill.MOl'II 'lli J- ii:k in
wr.ii.sTKi: ri mi
Democrat Ic nml lcci!(S fiidciicuilr.iif
Party llckr.t
l-'or .)udg"s "f tli Supreme ( unit
Judge H. I'. Goon. Judge. I. .1. Sri.i i-
VAN, Judged. 15 Dl.VN
ljr Treasurer W. H. C'iiamiii
1'or Clerk . .(!. IIam-i.i.
l"or Superintendent.. Mis M.iitt:i. Iu
Km-Judge I W. hns-.N
For County Commissioner "Jitd District
L. Pisiiti.n
(l.'otltllllUMl flout pllge one)
glvo tin- coin so of study for Ibis year
and how il becomes operative in the
vcar lll (iiid I'.H'J.
A student is lequired to take t sttni
ies. All subjects aro required to be
taken except those starred () from
which students may select tocoinplctc
their 1 studies.
iihaiu: '.).
1st Sum. '.'ml .Scin.
Algebra Algebra
Knglish L'nglish
Physical Geog. Agriculture
Lntin "Latin
"Mechanical Drawing "Manual Train
ing. oitAOi: 10
Algebra licotuetry
t'encrul History (Jenoral History
English Rotitny
Lntin Lntin
Cptnmorcial Correspondonce
Arithmotlc. and Spoiling.
OUAiu: 11.
Geometiy (icometry
Ocog. and Grain. Physic
English History English
Lntin Latin
CJerman Qcrnmn
firunt; 12.
Aniorlcnu History - Civics
Pliystes Eugllsh
Trlgonom.etry Chemistry
formal , Pcdn$rdgy
Latin Lntiu
Gorman "German
Year lOlo
the same tin IWu
Grade m
Hie satue as HHnt
(iiiAin: 1).
(! .iinytry (ieomitrj
in'' g. and Gram. Physic
LuglUh History English
"German Mlcrmnu
I!ook beeping Stenography
tirade 13
tlio Hdtno os 10(0
Yonr 1013
tirades t, loand 11
the same as 1011
(IliADi; 1'J.
American History Civics
Physics English
Trigonometry "Chemistry
Xorinnl 'Pedagogy
(itii'tuan Mierinun
"Typewriting Com. Law-
School begins next Monday morning
mid though we ate two weeks late in
binning we ucucrc our unysnuu gins
will quickly regain this loss of time, by
closer application to study in school
onviroimuiils such as thy have never
enjoyed before.
'I ho Teachers Who Iticy Aro unil Where
They Will Toacli,
In otiKi that our sub-cribi'is may
know who the U-uchci uu thut will
have the euro of the i titldrt n during
tho coming year we have ascertained
from tho school authorities the follow
ing: The hindeigartcn will be piesided
over by Miss Pearl I'ryan, the joung
lady who gave such universal satis
faction in the little building in the
south ward last year Miss Mryau is a
graduate of tho Kearney Normal
school end holds a teachers state life
certltleatu. lied Cloud people have al
ways considered Miss Winnie Sherman
the ideal kindergarten teacher but
patrons will lind in Miss Bryan her
equal and we are assured of excellent
work being done in tills department.
The kindergarten is not fully under
stood by many parents but its main
object is to teach children to enjoy
going to schooj. It also preparer them
to enter the real duties of Hchool life
without the jolt experienced by many.
Miss Edith Hniicy of lUue 1HU will
have charge of one of tho llrst primary
rooms in the Lincoln building. Miss
llaney holds a statu llfo certificate and
comes highly iccommcuded usu teach
er. One of the state inspectors de
clared that Miss llaney's work in teach
intr the art of reading was the best ho
had ever witnessed. Wo aro expecting
much from her and it seems as tho she
as qualified to fulfill all our expect
ations. Tho llrst primary grade being so
large it was necessary to procure two
teachers for its instruction. The en-
rolltni"! I" expected tn be upward- of
7-"i ifi'i MixNiiinco Hale of Auburn will
ulna do llrst piiiliut v work Miss Jla'o
holds a Mrit grade state ei'tiilleate and
prow-1 herself bud year mnply able to
till I'll- position. he possesses the
uaturnl lintinels nf a siiecesful leiieh
cr Hie! bus a strong nimlj tieul inlinl
alii) know what Is required to develop
tin- elilbl mind Those who visited
Miss Halo Iitsl year worcehiirmcd vvllli
her iiiiluraliii'ss ami the tlnno manner
in which she condoned her ret itat ions.
To Mis Alice Coombs will be in
trusted the ehildieti of the second
grade. Ml-s Coombs Is a graduate of
the Ciete college prcpiuiilory dup'irt
uieiit and liolds a second guide state
certificate. She has had f.everal years
experience ami lias .specially prepared
hcisclf foi work of this character In
Hie summer noi imil schools, she is a
homo teaeheraiid liasshowii hcrnhllitv
to make good.
Another home t cachet. Miss l!illia
William- is on the teaching -in II' and
will have charge of the children of the
thiid grade. Miss Williams Is a grad
uate of our high school and holds a
second guide slate ccriilicalc. She
lias taught In tlo cnuutiy schools
three years and one year In our city
schools. This summer she took ad
vantage of the summer normal schools
and lias lici-n fitting hcisclf especially
for the woik of this grade. Parents
whose ehildieu have been under the
instruction of .ilss Williams have al
ways been pleaded.
The Misses Marie and Catheiinc
Iturkc of Walnut, Iowa, have been re
elected for the coining vcar. They arc
both graduates of Drake university
and both hold state life teaching cciti
ficnti't. Miss Maiie will instruct the
pupils of the fourth grade and Miss
Catherine Hie fifth. Uoth arc exceed
ingly ivacious In the school room and
their rooms always bubble over with
enthuiasm. They possess tho happy
pack of keeping the children intense
ly Interested in school woik
Miss I'lilh.lohnnon has hi cu assigned
to the nth grade. Hhe also is a pro
duct f tho ltd Cloud schools and
holds a llrst grade state eertfflcate.
She successfully eonducted a school
last year near Uoseuionf and possesses
the tint tit al qualifications of a micci-8-ful
tender She will uniiieslionably
strengthen the teaching force.
The principal of the Lincoln school
is Miss Klsle Arnold of Oxford who in
addition to iter duties as principal will
have charge of the work In the "tit
grade. Miss Arnold is a graduato of
the Illinois state university and comes
highly recommended. She is a hulv of
pleasing petsoiialily and the pupils
will undoubtedly find in her a friend
and In-liter.
The above is the corps of tciichor-
for tit' Lincoln or grade building and
it I" t afe to siy that they will make
a strong force. Perhaps never before
in the history of our schools have we
had such an ttlie.ent body of teachers.
While we hac hud some exceptionally
strong teachers in the past wo doubt if
ever before wo were so fortunate as to
have all strong teauhurs. This is v&ry
important since instead of each room
being a separate institution they each
cover the ground assigned to them so
that as ilio pupils finish one grade thev
are prepared in every branch to take
up the work in tho next grade without
any break omver lapping. Tito course
of study is so arranged as to make one
complete and continotts whole from
the time tlie pupil enters the kinder
garten till lie leaves the high school.
Tho faculty in tho high school con
sists of Prof. it. I). Morltz, Miss llattic
Miller. Miss Anna KlehariU Miss
Mabel Day and .Miss Kthol Piirinton.
Mr. Mm it, is a graduate of the uni
versity of NebiitsUn and holds a tench
crs state HIV ccititicate and' is fully
qualified to till the ri'spiiiisiblo position
of superintendent of our citv Hcl.cioN.
Dining Ids two yiiir's charge of our
schools he bus deuioitstiuteil that he
Js A I in every respect. Ho has placed
our schools upon a systematic basis
and in many particulars has brought
ortler out of chaos. Mr. Moritz is a
practical man of all'airs as well as a
scholar and lied Cloud is fortunate in
deed to sicuie liis services. He will
have charge of the scientific branches
and tho manual training department.
Miss lOthol Purinten tho new high
school principal is highly commended
by the school men of the state. She
has a life certificate and is fully (nulli
fied for tho position to which slio has
been elected.
MissJAnna Richards, of Kdgnr Is a
graduate of our state university and
also holds a state life teachers certi
ficate. Her excellent work during tho
past twoyeais in Latin and History
fully warranted her being retained in
that department. Her work is thoro
ami elllcient and sho is one of the host
clasi loom teachers that tho city has
ever had. .sho insniics her nunlls
with confidence and seems to draw out
their best efforts without any effort on
her part.
Miss Mabel Day needs no introduct
ion to the people of lied Cloutl. Site
is a worthy productofour high schools
and has by shear force of merit worked
her way steadily up from country
school teaching to a position on tho
high school faculty and has given ex
ccllent service where ever she has
beeu place 1 She possesses a first
grade state certificate and Is fully
qualified in handle the stt'-jii's it
sigind to hci.
Miss Hatlio Miller of Logan. L.w.i
a gialtiatc of the state miiveiMt am
has u life eertlllcnle. She will hum
charge of the German and lllston
and lias taken n special course luthis(
liranchc". She speaks conversation!!1
(eriiiaii and is a valuable iicittisiti'u
to the force.
The faculty this year is
ly strong thin out and with oureMcl
leitt facilities mid equipment we lric
reason to believi that the woik done
during the coming year will compare
favorably with any school in the state.
The Chief is pleased with the success
ful completion of all these arrange
ments and predicts that lied Cloud
will speedily reach the top notch of
school perfection.
On Tuesday. September Tth. at high
noon, tit the homy of tho bride's par
ents near Inavale. in the midst of a
host of relatives ami friends. Miss
IJerlhu Kincaid, eldest daughter of Mr.
ami Mrs. F. M. Kincaid. and Mr. Harry
Limlsey from near lie 1 Cloud were
united in tlte holy boiidsof inatriuioiiv
by Kev. Points. Miss Laura Kincaid.
slsti-r of the bride and Mr Hen Liml
sey. brother of the groom acted as
bridesmaid and best mail. After con
gratulations the party led the way to
the dining room wlicte a sumptuous
dinner was served. I hebrido was af
filed in white silk and tho groom wore
the conventional black. Many beauti
ful and useful presents were received.
They will go to house keeping on the
Miner ranch near lied Cloud. Among
those present were Mrs. V. M. Tralsier
and Mrs. K l Artist from near lloukel
man, Nehr. Their host of friends ex
tend their heartiest congratulations.
rr R HfilTMI
ffiPiai etft m a w
uzjmiW RJrHAy&ffl a h w
hki J
An Improvement over manv r,K-M'. l n - - 1 -i-orihi"! KcmciLes because it rids the
system of a cold by actind as . ca ! ir: c !'.',. N. inulcs. Guaranteed to tflvc
satisfaction or money rcfunrisil. ..c.u " : LL 1. ri. tfiCLsi- CO.. ClIICAf.O. U. S. A.
Line of Dry Goods for Fall Wear at
Know bufore hand Tliat the Black
Stockings yon buy arc Goiii"; 1,0 Satis
fy. 'on will make no mistake of you
buy Your 1 IOSK 1 1 ere
Children's i x i rib. Good hose
for the money at Ij'.c. per pair.
No Mend t x i Rib Hose
knee, h-( 1 and toe spliced with extra
linen thn .ul it Jsi.
A Beautiful Wedding.
Tuesday, September 7, at high noon,
at the Mlhodi.4t church in this city,
occurred tho wedding of Miss Edna,
eldest daughter of liev. aid Mrs. Ward
L. Austin, at d Harry O. Cramer of
UedClo'id. N'ebr. The church had been
("unutifully decorated for the occasion,
the color scheme being green and gold,
elaborately worked out with a profusion
of ferns and golden rods.
While the bridal chorus from Lohren
grin was being render, d on the piano
by Mrs. A. C. Killinn, tho bride, be
comingly attired in a one piece gown of
crcam-whito Monpnlino satin, and car
rying n bouquet of white bridal rosea,
advancrd on the arm of her fuihcr to
tho front of the alter, where sho ',v;n
joined by lite rjroom, dressed in conven
tional black. Standing beneath a tast
ily d cornted nrch of green and gold
the ceremony was impreiHvely per
formed which made them man and
wife Top father of the bride otliciat
od. After the service nt the church a re
ception was gived at the parlors of the
parsonage, which had been lavishly de
corated with ferns and flowers, among
which white roses, aster3 and hydran
geas were everywhere in evidence.
Congratulations being over, the com
pany repaired to the dining room where
an elaborate course dinner was served
to the forty invited guests.
On a side table displayed the numer
ous beautiful and useful presents from
friends at home and abroad, among
which was a deed to a lovely cottage in
Iteil Cloud, a present from the father
of the groom.
Tho happy couple were accompanied
to the depot by a merry crowd of
friends. The brido wore a traveling
gown of green Chiffon broad-cloth.
Admid showers of rico and a chorus of
good wHio they hoarded the aft -moon
train for Lincoln. They wit! r'n'.e
the'r future home at Red Cloud, wlur.
IheywtilLeat homo to the'r friend-
after October 1st
Among tite out of town guests pre
sent were Mr. W. 15. Cramer and Mr.
and CI. W. Lindsey of lied Cloud,
Mrs. Ivcrson of flladcn, Miss Hender
son of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. I). II.
Thompson of Mead.
Mr. Arthur Harnoll of this city had
charge of the wedding dinner. The de
corations were under the direction of
Mr. Baer. We desire to extend to this
young couple our bcBt wishes for their
future happiness and prosperity.
The bride is one of Wahoo'a most
charming young ladies. During her
two yoars of residence among us she
has made a host of fri-"dn, and will be
much missed from the buwu! 'if" in this
city. The groom is one of Red Cloud's
most promising young men, and stands
very high in the estimation of all who
know him. Surely these young people
have a bright future before them. We
trust that they will find the best that
lifo can give. Wahoo Democrat.
V "-.. TW
B H ' iH
IB n H o fH
g lg
iB H H il'M
Ladies fast
biack no seam
hose at 25c,
35c and 00c.
1 1 He. ii n -.
l"c t -' '
(,1V, II MS
' 1 . ( 1 1 -1 v 1 lull line of
I .:' . I. !(, s.t-li go.. Is from
p -
Its Sweater Time.
CJPony Coat Sweaters in new designs
carefully knitted of fine Zephyr Wool in
fancy jacquatcl stitch the newest in sweater
making. This perfect fitting garment has
the stylish V neck, two patch pockets and
closes with good pearl buttons. For real
value this garment is unequaled in price
from $2.00 to $3.50.
Others al 60c for children. 75c, $ 1
and $1.25 for boys and girls.
' rfV, 1
Wi i 1
v V' t;J )
Have a few
odd sizes in Corset
Covers left which
we will close out
cheap. CjCome in
and let us show
them to you.
Agentfor Bitteriek Patterns
IM'I VMMMoltV iilll I MAIISM CflilltlN
Morton L. Hill, of Lobanon. Intl.,
j says: ".My wife bad Inflammatory
Ithoiunutisin In every muscle and joint;
her suffering was terrible and her jbody
and face were swollen almost beyond
recognltiondiadbeeninbedforslx weeks
anil had eight physicians, but received
no benullt until she tried Dr. Deletion's
Relief tor HheumatUm. It gave her
immediate relief and she was able to
walk about In three days, 1 am sure It
saved her life." Sold by Tho IL 13.
Price Drug Co , Rod Cloud, Xebr.
Kfidaons'.:er!iuin ATlcUct, Ami
iMlMuMni Tim K(l tliouU
Lcr.tur''. Cohpw.
A i.v fool can go 1 .1 the laid, but it
takes ,1 real man or woman to iimke
goi'l A goo I l.eltt.e iitlM- helps
men and women to make good.
A man is on. y worth S .' it day lnun
his chin down, selling muscle, but he
is sometimes woithtis much us one
huudrid thousinil a year from his
chin up. selling brains. Ilttt How can
a man sell brains if ho is not willing
to feed them, and how can he food'
them unless ho studies and thinks
and listens In good music mid good
Possibly you can't go to a l'nlver.-ity
and spend years of study to get an
education. Hut with an expense so
small that you don't notice it you can
have Collesre nro lessors come to you
ami eive you their very best thoughts,
that have taken them 11 lifetime and
thousands ur del la is in time and money
to work out
You can't any moro ull'ord to miss
patronizing a lecture course than you
can afford to miss your meals
I'eople In the cities spend more mon
ey, a good deal, in hear one number
than .you pay to the whole the.
They go because they can't alt'oi.l not
to 'o. Mat you can't go to the citv--you
don't have the opportunity -and
to think that you can get a whole
course of five lectures, musicals and
entertainments, all for tho insignificant
sum ofSl.f.O amount Is so insignificant
that it isn't worth considering. You
remember Franklin saitl that .If you
ompty your pocket book Into your
hood, you can't loso it."
Thoro isu't a boy or man in this town,
over fifteen years of age, but will fool
away several times tho price of a season
ticket during tho winter. Buy this
ticket nnd patronize the course and
you can't loso the value you gain. It
will mean something to you nil yonr
Kvery mnn's business owes it to him
to buy enough tickets for himself and
family. If he can't afford it, then he
should go and get somo inspiration.
In fact lie can't afford not to.
This course offers tho following at
Wilbor Star Concert Company.
Dr. .lames Iledley Lecturer.
Midland Oprn-" Quintette.
Tho (arbor Howe Entertainers.
Emil Wiitcrinau Concert Company.
It is a good course and ought to bo
well patronized. Season tickets can
bo had by seeing Rev. A. A Cressmaii
or 13. .1. OverlngJr. The pluco and
time for rescrvo seats will be announ
ced later.
ftSSS-S-j:?-?-!!-. ,
r f - -. - - ' - w t A ,i' r r z -
rST' fl sp m
I IICj sillily
Wb A
b 111 wMi y f
ii I nn rfr n rrnt-h1fk !. . C !-. 1 . . r..i r
,j, . .. a vUuiiv.u. inn.- ui Muicuy iresn t.irocenes, ifi
(f and my prices are such that it will pay you to do JIv
fj your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class tit
(jj brands of canned and package uoods carried
jj All staple Groceries in bulk at Hud-rock Prices.
ClPTfliinPQQ ,H il,i''ow,'S'!,to,l'u",'ot'i" in anything else.
q uicaiiiiiicii ,)10..H sllollIil rK,,miin(l AbHOlllt0 CIeilllHllCfcSi
(J) ..i cii.not bin (iii-cciies In dirty. Ill-btpt place an 1 be sure of
l$ pure !''ds t'h'.iuliue.s iuul snnitiltloii iuv uitr hubb'es
' C-. iV
W. . T. I. ITEMS.
iTItls !sp:icc liiloaus to the . '. 'I. t'.i
Some of the examples of intoxication
we see on t lie streets ought to set men
to thinking. Will my boy be like, that?
Ho has the chance whilo you perhaps
sit idly down. Rewaro.
Cost to worth has ever beeu a close
companion. It is worth all it costs if
wo can win out in our tight against
King Alcohol. We can win if we fight
tho good fight. Keep tho faith that is
in us, preserve to the end.
Dr. Wilfred T. Grconfeldof Labrador
Mission said ''Tho object of tho Miss
ion is to help to llvo and not to die.
And so to live as not to merely cumber
this earth for a fow more years but to
live as worthy of that great father
whose face we expect some day to see."
A good motto for us all to teach and
DeWitt's Kidney anrl Bladder Pills
Car Lots nt Interstate.
The car lot show at tho forth coming
Interstate Live Stock and Horse show
to bo held in St. Joseph, Mo., tho weok
of September 20-2.r, promises to bo tho
biggest ever seen at any of the shows
given by the Interstate association.
Rut this is only another evidence that
the Interstate show is in tho growing
list. In cattle, both tho fat and tho
feeder classes, have booked more en
tries than liuvo ever been here at any
of the former shows and extra spaco
has had to be provided in the cattle
pens at the stock yards for tho accom
modation of the car lot show of cattle!
x.oneepsnow is also going to be
larger than evor beforo, and tho same
may safely bo said of tho hog depart
Dr. Detcheou'a Relief for Rheumatism
and Neuralgia radically cured in 1 to
3 days. It action npon the system is
remarkable, nnd mysterious. It re
moves at oneo the causo and the dis
ease immediately disapponrs. The dis
dose greatly beuoflts. 75c and SI. first
Sold by The H. 13. Orlce Drug Co.,
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Do not bo decoivod by unscrupulous
Imitators who would huvo y0Il believe
that tho imitation pills aro as good as
DoWitt's Kidney and llladdor Pills,
there isn't anything just as good as
these wonderful pills for the relief of
backache, weak back, inflammation of
tlm bladder, urinary disorders and all
t"u' .t'on,l,'"tH. Any ono can take
I'OUittS Ividtiev nml llln.l.l.... mii Q
directed in perfect confidence of good
results. Sold by all dealers.