V m B. , IflJi I Oily Top of the World Reached by Won derfully Swift Rush Over the Immense Fields of Ice. Favorable Conditions Aid Bold American Ex plorer in Realizing the Ambition of His Life He Denies Cook Arrived at the Goal. - Notice to Publishers. Tho following account ly Command er Hubert 10. I'oitiy of IiIh HiiccoHsfnl voynKO to tho north polo was Ihhui'iI on Huptninhr-r 10 hy tho Now York TinioH Company at tho roiiuoHt of Commantlor I'cary and for IiIh protec tion, mi a hook only, oopyrlKhtod and oxpoHcd for Halo licforo any part of It wuh rcprodiicnd hy any nowHpapor In tho United Htatos or Ktiropc, In order to obtain tho full protection of thu copyrlc.ht Iuwh. Tho roprodiictlon of thlH account, In any fonn, without pormlsHlon, Ik forbidden. Tho pcnnl tloa for violation of thin form of copy right Include ImpriHoumont for any porwm aiding or ubottltiK such viola tion. ThlH article Ih copyrighted In Grout Itrltaln by tho Ivondon TIiiioh. Copyright, 11)09, by the New York TIiuoh Company. This narrative ft nluo copyrighted iih a newspaper aril olo by the New York Time.') Company. ItUl'OltT OK THU DISCOVERY OK TIIK NOItTII VOAi by Itohert K. I'eary, Commander U. S. N., Copy rlKht, 1.101), by tho Now York TIiiioh Company. Donlcs Cook Reached Pole. Hat tip llr.rboi, Labrador (vlu Miiicniil wireless, Capo Hay, N. !'.), Kept, lo. Do not trouble about Cook's Hlury. or at toniit to explain any discrepancies In his Htutriucnts. 'I'lin nlTalr will settle Itself. lie linn nut been at tlic polo on Apill 21, 1D0S, or at any other (line. I If linn simply handed tint public a gold Irrh-k. These Miitements nru iniulu advisedly, noil I luivp proof of thrill. Whim he makes a full statement of IiIh Journey over IiIh signature to some geographical Noclety, or oilier reputable hoily, If that statement contains the claim that he has reached the pole, 1 Hlmll bo III a posi tion to furnish inntcilnl that may prove illutliKtly interesting reading for tin- pub lic. ItOHEUT 13. FEAUY. lint tin Harbor, I-abrndor (via Marco ni wireless. Capo Hay. N. !'.), Sept. 'J. Tin' steamer llonsevclt, bearing the north polar expedition of thu l'oary .Arctic club, partoil coinpany with tho Erik imil steamed out of Elnh foul latn In the afternoon of August IS, r.)DS, netting tho UHiiat course for Capo Ha blue. Thu wpiitbcr was dirty, with fresh southerly winds. We bad on board 2'.' Eskimo nun, 17 woiiiuu. ami 10 children, 22G dogs, and Homo forty odd walrus. Wo encountered the Ice a slut ills taace from tho mouth of the harbor. lint It wan not ol".Moly pucKcd, and wuh nciTotlated by tho Hoosovelt without errloiiH dllllculty. Find Much Water. Ah wo n.iri-w Capo Sabine tho weath er cleared sonioivhiit and we passed by Three Voorr Island and Cape. Sahlne, easily making out with tho naked eyo the botiMu at Hayes harbor occupied by mo in the winter of l'JOl-02. From Capo Sabine north thero was o tnuph water that wo thought of set ting tho lug null lipforo the southerly wind, hut u little later appearance of Ico to tho northward Mopped this. Thoro waa clean op- n water to Capo Allrcrt, anil from thoro scattered leo to a point about abreast of Victoria Head, thick weather and dense leu bringing uii sonio tea or fifteen miles wny. From here we drifted south Homewhat nil then got aslant to the northward out of tho current. We worked a llttlo further north and stopped again for inniu hours. Then we aaln worked westward and northward till wo readier! a scries of bikes, coining to a stop a few HI lira south of tho Wluil ward's winter quarters at Capo Dur vlllo. From here, after some delay, we iilowly worked a way northeastward through fog and broken ice of medium thickness through one night and the forenoon of the next day, only emerg ing Into open watrr and clear weather off Cape Fraier. Strike Ice and Fog, From thlH point we hud a clear run through the middle of Hoheson channol uninterrupted by either Ice or fog, to Lady Franklin bay. Hero wo encoun tered both Ico and fojr, und while working along; In search of a practi cable oponltitf wero forced across to the Greenland coast at Thank God Jlnrhor. The fotf lifted tlipro and enabled us to niakP out our whereabouts and we Otpained north tliroiiKh a series of lenila piiHt Cairo l.uptou, nnd thence south ward toward Cape Union. A few lalles off that capo wo wero stopped hy tm Draetlcahlo Icp. and wo drifted hack south to Capo Union, whero wo stopped AKln. Ship Forced Aground, We lay for Home time in a lajto of water, and then, to prevent belnir drift ed south njtaln, took refiiKo under tho north iihuro of Lincoln bay. In nuarly the Identical place whom wo bail our unpleasant experiences three years be fore. Here wo remained for novercal days durlnK a period' of constant and at tlnieH violent northeaBtvrly winds. Twlco we wero forcod aground by the heavy Ice; wo bad our port uuar tcr rail broken and a bole stov In tho bulwark, nnd twlco wo pushed out In Rn attempt to net north, but wero forced back each titno to our precari ous shelter Heavy Running Ico. Finally on September s wo squeezed eround Cape Union and mado fast in a hallow niche la tho ico. hut after somo hours wo made another short run to Black cape and hum; on to a Krounded bit of Ice. At last, a little after mid night of September D, wo pasKod throuKh extremely heavy runnlni; Ico Into a stream of open water, rounded Cape Xlawson and passed Capo Sheridan. Within a quarter of uu hour of tho am time wo arrived three years before --seven a. in., September 6-we reached r irrn rrx ir-k a n the open wator cxlendlnK beyond Capo Kl.iTldun. We steamed up to tho end of It and It npprari'd pracllruhle at ilrst to reach 1'oiier bay, near Capo Joseph Mealy, whli h I had for my winter ipiartcrs, hut the outlook heluK unsatisfactory, I went Illicit Mini put the Itouscvolt Into the only opeiiliu; in tho Hop, bclnR barred i lose to tho mouth of the Klierldan riv er a little north of our position threo years prior. Put Up for Winter. The season was further advanced than In 11M1; there was more snow on tho nroiniil and tho new leu liisldo thu tloo herus was much thicker. The work of iliseliurKlnrf tho ship wns commenced at onco and rushed to com pletion. Tho supplies and ctpilpuicnt we sledded ncroKS ice nnd sen and deposited on shore. A house and workshop were built of boatd, covered with sails, nnd lilted wllb stoves, and the ship was hiiiik for winter In shoal water, whero It touched hoi torn at low tide. The Heitlwncnt on tho stormy shores nf the Arctic ocean was christened llub baidville. lliuitliiK parties were sent out on Sep tember 10 ami a hear was hroimht In on the IJth and soniu deer a day or two later. Prepare for Sledge Trip. On September 13 the lull work of trans fer! Iiik supplies to Cape Columbia was iliaumualed. Marvin with lr. Good sail and Horup and the Ksklmos. took Iij slcili;c loads of supplies to Cape llelkuap and on tho LTIh the same party started wl .h loads to Porter hay. The work of limiting and transporting supplies was proseeuted continuously by the members of the party and tho Kskt nniH until November fi. when the Klip phis for the spline sledue ttlp had been removed from winter (in.irteia and do potdteil at various places from Capo Co lon to Capo Columbia. The latter part of September the mow no III of the ,o subjeeted tho ship to a prtssiire which listed It to port somo elKlit or ten decrees, and It did not re cover till (lie following HpllliK. (in i)i toiler 1 I went on a hunt with two MhIuuios iuioks the Held and Pass bay and the pi ulusula. made the circuit of Cleioaiils Miirkhaiti Inlet, and returned to the ship in seven days with 13 musk om'ii. a hear and a deer. Later in Uetober 1 repeated tho trip, obtalnlm; live musk oxen, and hunting purtlcH i-eeiired some 40 deer. Supplies Moved to Base. In the February moon llartlett went to C.ipe Heel. i, Goodxall moved some more supplies from lleclii to Capo Colan. and Horup went to Slarkhiiin Inlet on a bunt liiK trip. On Febiiiury 15 Hartlett left I be Itoosevelt with Ills division for Capo Columbia and Parr hay. Goods ill, Horup, Mac.Mlllau and Han sen followed on HticccHHlve days with their provisions. Man In leturued fiom C.i lie Hryant on February 17 and left for Cape Columbia on February "I. I brought up the icar on February i.'2. The total of all divisions leaving tho Hoo.eelt WIIH heven Uleinhers of tho puity. W) Ksklmos. 110 .Ioks and :a hludKcs. Make Ready for Dndi. Hy Fnliruaty L'7 such of the Cape Colan depot as was needed had been btouKht up to Cape Columbia, the doi;s wero rested and double rationed and harnessed, and the hIpiIkch and other wear over hauled. Four months of northerly winds durim; tho fall and winter Instead of souther ly ones, as during the previous season, led mo to expect less open water than heroic, but a real deal of roiiKb lee, and 1 w.is prepared to hew a mail through the JiiKK'd be for tho Ilrst hundred miles or so, then cross the big lead. Dnrtlett Lends the Way. On thu last day of Fvbiuaiy Hartlett, with his pioneer division, aciompllshid tills, and Ills division got away duo north over the leu on Match 1. Tho rest of tho parly not away on Harllett's trail, anil 1 followed an hour Inter. The parly now comprised seven inem beis of the expedition, 17 KsMmos, i!3 doKH and 1'J sledges, one Ksliliuu and seven dogs had, gonu to pieces, A strong easterly wind, drifting snow, and temperature in tho minus inurkc'd our depaiture trom thu camp at Cape Columbia, which 1 had christened Ciunu City. Hough Ice In the ilrst inarch damaged several sledges and smashed two In yond lepalr, tho teams going hack to Columbia tor other sledges in resmo there. Pass Dritlsh Record. Wo camped ten mlks trom Crane City. The easterly wind ami low in rnimn continued. In thu second man li wu pubsed the Hiltlsh lecurd mode by Mark ham In May, lsio -s.'.sv and wero stopped by open water, which hud been foiuied by wind after Hnrtlett passed. In this mai'ih we negotiated the lead ami leached Hartletfs ttilul camp. Horup hail, gone back from heie, hut missed his w.i), owing to tho faulting of the trail t thu movement of the he. Mai via came hack also for more fuol and alcohol. Tho wind continued, form ing open walei all abou( us. At tho end of tho fourth march wo cumo upon H.irllctt, who had been stopped by a wide hike of open water. Wu remained hero from March t to March 11. Gets Glimpse of Sun. At noon of March D the sun, red and shaped like a loolball by e.eessed re llectton, just i .lined Itstlf above the hurl sum for a few minutes and then disap peared uKuln. It was thu Hist time 1 had been It sluie Oi tobur I. I now began to feel a good deul of anxiety In cuuu thero wero no signs of Marvin and Horup, who should huvo men mere ror ixo u.iys. IK'sldes, they bud the ukohol and(oll, which wero In di usable for us We concluded that they had either lost thu ti all or were impi ikiined on an Is land by open water, probably tho latter i'oriiinaiely, on .March li tho lend was prucllcablo and, having a note for Mar vin and Horup to push on after us by foued inurihes, wo proceeded northward. The sounding uf the lead guvi IW fathom, ' During this march wo crossed the eighty-tourth parallel and traverxed a succession of Just fro?en leads, from a lew hundred yards to n mllu In width. This inarch was really wimple. On tho fourteenth wo got free of tho leads and came on decent going. While we wero making camp a courier from .Marvin carau uud Informed me he was on the march in tho rear. The temper ature was f9 below zero. The following morning, March 13, I sent Hansen Willi his division north to pio neer a trail for five marches, and Dr. Goodsell, according to the program, start ed back to Cape Columbia. McMillan Turns Back. At night Marvin and Horup came spin ning In with their men and dogs steam ing In the bitter air llko a squadron uf battleships. Their arrival relieved mo of nil anxiety as to our nil supply. In the morning I discovered that Mac Mllliin's foot wuh badly frost bitten. Tho mishap bad occurred two or three days before, but MacMlllan had mild nothing about It In tho hopu that It would come out all right. A glance at the Injury showed mo that tho only thing was to send him back to Capo Columbia at once. The arrival of Marvin and Horup enabled mo to spare sullicleiit men and dogs to go back with him. Loss Is Serious One, This early loss of MacMlllan was seri ously disappointing to me. He had a sledge all tho way from Capo Columbia, and with his enthusiasm and tho powers and physique of the trained athlete 1 had conlldeiii e In him for at least tho silth parallel, hut t lit i u wiu no alterna tive. T H best sledges and dogs wero select ed and tho sledge loads brought up to the standard. The sounding gave a deptli of 3?3 fathoms, We were over tho continual shelf, and, as I had sut mined, the successive leads eiossed In thu llfth and sixth inarches composed the big lead and marked thu continual shelf. On leaving tho enmp tlio expedition comprised Hi men, U sledges and 10) dogs. The next march was satisfactory as re gaids distance and the character of tho going. Ill the latter part there wero pronounced movements in tho leu, both Visible and audible. Some leads were crossed, In ono of which Horup and his team took a bath, anil wo were finally stopped by un Im practicable lead opening In front of us. We camped in n tumperaturu of 01) de grees below. At tho end of two short mnrches wo came upon Hansen and his party In enmp, mending their aledges. Wo de voted the lemalnder Of tho day to over haullngjand mending sledges and break ing up our damaged ones for muturlul. Make Forced Marches. Tho next morning I put Marvin In tho lend to pioneer the trail, with Instruc tions to inako two forced marches lo bring up our average, which had been cut down by tho last two short ones. Marvin carried nut his Instructions Im plicitly. A considerable amount of young icu assisted In this. At the end of tho tenth march, latitude '::::, Horup turned back in command uf the second supporting party, having trav eled a distance equivalent to Nausea's distance l'rum thin far to his farthest north. I was sorry to lose this youus Yale runner, with Ids enthusiasm and pluck, lie had led his heavy sledge over tho Hoes In a way that coinniauded every one's admiration and would have made Ills father's eyes glisten. Changes His Plan. From this point the expedition com prised 20 men, 10 sledges, nnd 70 dogs. It was necessary for Mai via to tako a sledge from here, and I put Hartlett and Ids division In advaueu to pioneer the trail. The continual daylight enabled mo to make a moderation here that brought my advance and mala parties closer together and leduced the likelihood uf their be ing separateil by open leads. After Hartlett left camp with Hender son and their division, Marvin and I re mained with our division L'U hours long er and then followed. When We reached Harllett's camp lie bioke out and went on and wo turned In. Hy this arrange ment tho advance party was traveling while tho main party was asleep, and vice versa, and I was In touch with my advance party every '.'1 hours. Moves Expeditiously. I had no reason to complain of thu going tor the 'next two niarcheii. though for u less experienced party, less adapt able sledges, or less perfect equipment It would have been all Impossibility. At our position at the end of the sec ond march, Marvin obtained a satisfac tory sight for latitude In clear weather, which placed us at V.'i.lS. Tho result agreed satisfactorily with tho dead reck oning of Marvin. Hartlett and myself. I'p to this time, the slight altitude of the sun had made It not worth while to waste time In observations. On tho next two marches the going im proved, ami wu covered good distances. In one of these marches a lead delayed us a few hours. Wu dually fenitd across thu Ico cakes. Makes Record Run. Tho' next day Hartlett let himself out. evidently, for a reconl, and leeb-d off 20 miles. Heie Marvin obtained anothei satisfactory sight on latitude, which gave tho position as S'J.SN tor beyond tho farth est north of Naiisen and Abruzzl), and showed that we had covered 50 minutes of latitude In three marches. In these three marches wo bad passed thu Norwegian lecord of kO.ll, by Nan Hen, and thu Italian record of 1)0.31, by Cagni. From this point Marvin turned back In couunnud of the third supporting party. My last words to him were: "Ho care ful nf the leads, my hoy." The party from this point comprised nlno men. seven sledges, nnd CO dogs. 'Pit. a f.niiillllinu fit llilu .tdtti,. ti.t.1 ,1... .... . .,w ..imil, ... . . . i.i,i, l,ll ,ll- patently unbroken expanse of fairly level leu In every direction reminded mo of Cagnl's ih seripllon of his farthest north. Danger Is Encountered. Hut 1 wns not deceived by the appar ently favorable outlook, for available conditions nuver continue for any dis tance or nay length of tlmo In tho arc tic regions. The next march was over good go ing, but tor the Ilrst tlmo since leaving land wo exppiteneeil that condition, fre quent over these Ico Holds, of n hazy at monpherp. In which tho light Is equal everywhere. AH relief Is destroyed, nnd It Is Impossible to see for any distance. We were obliged In this march to make a detour around an open lead. In the noxt march wo encountered tho heaviest and deepest snow of tho Journey, tluough a thick, smothering mantle lying In tho depressions of heavy rubble tee. Temporarily Discouraged. I Cnino llOllll H.irtloM nmt Ilia unrt. fagged out and temporarily discouraged hy tho heartracklug work of making road. I know what was tho mntter with them. They wero simply spoiled by tho good going on the previous marclus. I rallied them a bit, lightened their sledges and sent them on encouraged ugaln. During the next march wo traveled through a thick haze dilftlng over the lo before a biting air trom the north east. At the end of the march wo came upon" tho captain camped beside a wide open lend with a dense black water sky uorthwckt, north nail northeast. The next march vvas nlso a long one. It was Hartletfs Inst bit. He let him self out over a serlea of largo old Hoes, steadily Increasing; in diameter und covered with hard snow. Wind Helps Out. During tho last few miles I wnlkod besldo him or In advance. Ho waa sol emn and anxious to go further, but the program was for him to tfo back from here In command of the fourth sup porting; party, and thero were no Hiip plles for an Increase In the main party. When be left I felt for a moment pangH of rpgri't uh be disappeared In tho distance, but It was only momen tary. My work was still ahead, not In the rear. Hartlett bad done Rood work and hail bocrt u great help to me. Circumstances had thrust the brunt of tho pioneering upon him instead of dividing it among several, n I had planned. He bad reason to tako prldo In tho fact that bo had bettered the Italian record by a degree and a quarter und hail covered a distance equal to tho entire distance of the Italian expedi tion rrom Fran. Josef's land to Omul's farthest north. I bad kIvoii Hartlett this position nnd post of honor In command of my fourth and last supporting party, and for two reasons: Ilrst. because of IiIh magnlllceiit bamllliiK of tho Hoosovelt; second, because he had cheerfully stood between me und many trilling annoy ances on the expeditions. Then there was a third reason. It seemed to mo appropriate in view of the mngnlllcent Hrltlsli record of arc tic work, covering three centuries, that It should be a Hrltlsh Hiibjeet who could boast that, next to an Amerlcun, ho had been nearest the pole. Last Struggle at Hand. With the dlsappeatanre of Hartlett 1 turned to tho problem before me. This wns that for which I had worked for 32 years, for which 1 bad lived the simple life; for which I bad conserved all my energy on tho upward trip; for which I had trained myself as for a race, crush ing down every worry uliout success. In splto of my years, I felt In trim flt for the demands of tho coming days and eager to he on the trail. Ah for my party, my equipment, and my supplies, I was In shape beyond my most sanguine dreams of earliest years. My party might be regarded as an Ideal, which had now come to realization --an loyal and responslvo to my will us the HngerH of my right hand. Party Ideal for Effort. Four of them possess the technique of dogs, sledges, lee, and cold as their heri tage. Two of them, Hansen and Ootnm, wero my companions to the farthest point threo years liefore. Two others, Fglnw-uk and Slgloo, were In Clark's division, which hud Hiieli a narrow escape at that time, and now wero willing to go any where with my Immediate party, and willing to risk themselves again In any supporting party. The tilth was a young man who had never served liefore In any expedition, but who wus, If possible, even more willing and eager than the others for tho princely glfts-a boat, a rllle, a shot gun, ammunition, knives, etc., which 1 had promised to each of them who reached the pole with me; for he knew that these riches would enable him to wrest from a stubborn father tho girl whose Image tilled his hot young heart. Had Confidence In Him. All had blind .onlldeneo so long as I was with them, and gave no thought for the morrow, sure that whatever hap pened I should somehow get them back to land. Hut 1 dealt with the party equally. I recognized that all Its Im petus centered III me, and that whatever pace I set It would make good. If any one played out. 1 would stop for a short time. I had no fault to n ml with the condi tions. My dogs wero tho best, tho pick of li.' with which we left Columbia. Al most all were powerful males, hard as nails, In good Hesh, but without a super lluoiis ounce, anil, what was better yet, they were nil In good spirits. My sledges, now that the repairs wero completed, were -In good condition. .Mi sapplies were ample for 40 days, and, with the reserve represented by tho dogs themselves, could be made to last 50. His Program Planned. Pacing back and forth In th Ico of the pressure ridge whero the Iglooa were built, wiille my men got their loads ready for the next marches, I settled on my program. I decided I should strain every nerve to make live marcher, of IS miles each, crowding these marches In such n way as to bring us to the end of the llfth long enough before noon to per mit the Immediate taking of an observa tion for latitude. Weather and leads permitting, I be lieved I could do this. If my proposed dlstunccs were cut down by any chanco I had two means In reserve for making up the delicti: First To make tho last march a forced one, stopping to make tea and rest the dogs, hut not to sleep. Second At the end of the llfth march to make a forced march with a light sledge, a double team of dogs, and ono or two of the party, leaving tho rest In camp. Sees Danger In Gale. Underlying all these cab illations was a recognition of the ever present neighbor hood of open leads and Impassable water, and tho knowledge that a L'l-hour gale would knock all my plans Into a cocked hat. and even put us In Imminent peril. At a' little after midnight of April I, after a few hours of sound sleep, I hit tho trail, leaving the others to break up camp and follow. As I climbed tho pressure rldgo back of our Igloos I sot nnother hole In my belt, tho third sincu I started. Fvery man and dog of us vvas lean and Hat bellied as a board and as hard. Conditions All Favorable. It waa a lino morning. Tho wind of tho last two days had subsided, and the going; was the best and most equable of any I had had yet. The floea were large and old, and clear, and were sur rounded by pressure ridges, sumo of which were almost stupendous. Tlie biggest of them, however, wero easily negotiated, cither through Home crevice or up some hugo brink. 1 sot a good pace for about ten hours. Twenty-live inlleH took mo well be yond the eighty-eighth parallel. Whllu I wuh building my igloos a long lead forward by thu east and southwest of uh at a distance of a few miles. Travel Was Easy. A few hours' sleep and wo wero on tho trail again. As tho going wuu now prnctlcallly horizontal, wu were un hampered and could travel as lonir as wo pleased and sleep an llttlo oh wo wished. Tho weather wuh tine nnd tho going llko that of the previous flay, except at the beginning, when pickaxes wero required. This and a brief stop at an other lead cut down our distance. Hut wo had mado 20 miles In ten hours and wero half way to the eighty-ninth parallel. The Ico waa grinding audibly In every direction, but no motion was visible. Fvldently It wuh settling back Into equilibrium and probably Hanging duo northward with Uh reluasu from tho Wind pressure. Surface Almost Level. Again thero was a fow hours' sleep nnd we Pit tho trull before midnight. Tho woatl and going wero oven bet ter. The Hurfaco, except as Interrupted by Infrequent rldgeH, was as level uh tho glacial fringe from Ilecla to Colum bia, and harder. We marched something over ten hours, the dogs being often on tho trot, und made 20 miles. Near thu ami nr tho march we rushed across a lead 100 yards wide, which buckled under our sledges and finally broke as the last sledge left It. Wo stopped In slcbt of tho elghty nlntli parallel in a temperature uf 40 iIokitps below. Again a scant Bleep and wo wero on our way onco moro nnd across the eighty-ninth parallel. ThlH march duplicated tho previous one as to weather and going. The last few hours it vvas on youn leo and oc casionally the dogs were galloping. Wo made twenty-Hvo miles or more, the air. tlio sky. and thu bitter wind burning the face till it cracked. It was llko the great Interior ice gap uf Greenland. Kvon the natives com plnlned of tho bitter air. It wns as keen as frozen steel. A little longer sleep than tho prevl ouh ono had to bo taken hen', aa wo wero all In need of It. Then on again. Up to this time, with each successive march, our fear of an Inipassahlo lead had Increased. At every Inequality of the ice I found myself hut lying breath lessly forward, fearing that It marked a lead, and when I arrived at the summit would cutch my breath with relief-only to tlnd myself hurrying on In tho same way at tho next one. Hut on this march, by some strange shift of feeling, this tear fell from me completely. The weather was thick, but It gave me no Uneasiness. licforo 1 turned In I took an observa tion which Indicated our position us 1D degrees 25 minutes. A dense, lifeless pall hung overhead. Tho horizon was black and tlio ice be neath was a ghastly, chalky white, with no relief-a striking contrast to the glim mering, sunlit Holds of It over which wo bad been traveling for tho previous four days. Weather Becomes Milder. The going was even better, and there was scarcely any snow on tho hard, granular, last summer's surface of the old Hoes, dotted with tho sapphlro Ico of tho prcvloui summer's lakes. A rise In temperature to 15 degrees be low reduced the ftlctlon of tho sledges and gave the dogs the appearance of hnvlng cnught the Bplrlts or the party. The more sprightly ones, as they went along with tightly curled tails, frequent ly tossed their heads, with short, uharp barks and yelps. In 12 hours wo had made 40 miles. There was no sign of a lead In tho march. Arrival at the Pole. I had now made my Hvo marches, and was In time for a hasty noon observation through a temporary break In tho clouds, which Indicated our position aa SD.57. I quota an entry from my Journal some bouts later: The polo at last. The prlzo of three centuries, my dream and goal for 20 years, mine at last. 1 cannot bring my self to realize It. It all seems so simple and common place. As Hartlett said when turning hack, when speaking of his being In these exclusive regions, wbh h no mortal has ever penetrated before: "It is Just like every day." Of course I had my seniatlons that made sleep Impossible for hours, dcsplto my utter fatigue the sensations of a life time; but I have no room for them here. The Hint 30 hours at the polo were spent In taking observations; In goInK some ten miles beyond our camp and some eight miles to tho right of It; In lulling photographs, planting my Hags, depositing my records, studying tlio hori zon with my telescope for possible land, and searching for a practicable place lo make a sounding. Plan for Return Trip. Ten hours after our arrival the elotidi cleared liefore a light hrcezo from our left and from that tlmo until our depar ture In the afternoon of April 7 tlio weather was cloudless and (lawless. The minimum temperature during tho 30 hours was 31 below, the maximum 12. Wu bad reached the goal, but the re turn was still before us. It was essential that we reach the laud before tho next spring tide, and we must strain overy nerve to do tills. I bad a brief talk with my men. From now on It wns to he n big travel, little sleep and a hustle every minute. We would try. I told them, to doublo march on the return that is, to start and cover one of our northward mnrches. tnake tea and eat our luncheon In the Igloos, then cover another march, eat and sleep a r...vv hours, and repeat this dally. Speed Nearly Doubled. Ah a matter of fact, wo nearly did this, covering regularly on our return Journey live outward inarches In threo return marches. .lust as long as wo could hold the trail wo could doublo our speed, and wo need waste no tlmo In building new Igloos every day, so that the tlmo wo gained un tho return lessened tho chances of n gale destroying the track. Just above the eighty-seventh paral lel was a region somo fifty miles wldo which caused mo considerable uneasi ness. Twelve hours of strong easterly, westerly, or ' northerly wind would make this region nn open sea. In tho afternoon of the 7th we start ed on our return, having doublo fed Him dogs, repaired the sledges for tho last time, and discarded all our spare clothing to lighten thu loads. Tries to Sound Sea. Flvo miles from the polo a narrow crack tilled with recent Ice. through which we were able to work a bolo wltli a pickax, enabled mo to malco n mounding. All my wire, 1,500 fathoms, was bent down, but thero was nu bot tom. In pulling up tho wlro parted a fow fathoniH from the surface and lead and wire went to the bottom. Off went reel and handle, lightening tho sludges still further. Wu had no moro uhu for them now. Threo mnrehcH brought us back to tho Igloos whero the captain turned back. The last march was la tho wild sweep of a northerly gale, with drift ing nnovv and tho leo rocking under as wo dashed over It. Not Delayed by Leads. South of whero Marvin bad turned back wo camo to where his party had built several Igloos while delayed by open leads. Still further south wo found win re thu captain had been hold up by an open lead and obliged to camp. Fortunately tho movement of thesn leads was simply open and shut, and It look considerable water motion to fault the trail seriously. Whllu tho captain, Marvin, and oh I found later, Horup, had been delayed by open leads, wo seemed to bear a charm and with no single Kail were wo delayed more than a couple of hours. Sometimes tho leo wan fiiHt and Hrm enough to carry us across; sometimes a short detour, sometimes a brief halt for the lead to close, sometimes an im provised ferry on uu Ice cake, kept tho trail without dlllleulty down to thu tenth outward march. Lose Bartlett'a Trail. Igloos there disappeared completely and the entlro region was unrecogniz able. Whore on tho outward Journey had been narrow cracks, thero woro now broad leads, one of them over llvo miles In width, caught ovur with young Ice. llore again fortune favored us, anil no pronounced movement nf tho lea having taken place since tlio captain passed, we had bis trail to follow, Wo picked up the old trail again north of tho aovcuth Igloos, followed It beyond tho fifth, and at tho big lead lost It finally. From hero wo -followed tho captain's trail, and on April 23 our uledgeH passed up tho vertical edgo of the glacier fringe, a little west of Capo Columbia. When tho last nledgo came up I thoiiRlit my Eskimos had Kono crazy. Thoy yelled and called nnd dancod themHelvps helpless. As Ootah sat down on his sledge he remnrked, In Eskimo: "The devil Is asleep or having trouble with lils wife, or we never should havo come back so easily." A few hours lator wo arrived nt Crane City, under tho bluffs of Capo Columbia, and, after putting four poundH of pemmlcan Into each of the faithful dogs to keep thorn quint wo bud, at last, our chanco to sleep. Long Sleep Welcome. Never shall I forget that sloep at Capo Columbia. It was sleep, sleep, then turn over and sleep again. Wo slept glorious ly, with never a thought of tho morrow or having to walk and, too, with no thought Hint there was to bo never a night' more of blinding headache. Cold vvuter to a parched throat Is noth ing compared with sleep to n numbed, fatigued brain and body. Two days we spent here In sleeping nnd drying our clothes. Then for tho ship. Our dogs, llko ourselves, had not boon hungry when we arrived, but simply life less with fatigue. They wero different animals now, and the better ones among them swept on with tightly curled tails and uplifted heads and their hind legs trending the snow with plstonllko regu larity. Marvin's Fate (.earned. Wp reached Hecla In ono march nnd the Hoosevclt In another. When wo got to the Hoosovelt I vvas staggered hy tho news of the fatal mishap to Marvin. He hnd either been less cautious or less fortunate than tho rest of us, and his death emphasized the tlsk to which wo all had been subjfctril, for thpro was not one of ua but had been In the slcdgo at some time during the Journoy. Tho big lead, cheated of Its prov threo years before, had at last gained Its hu tnnn victim. Tlio rest can be told quickly. McMillan nnd Horup had started for the Green land eoast to deposit caches for me. Re fore I nrrlwd a Hying Eskimo courier from me overtook them with Instructions thut tho caches wero no longer needed nnd they were to concentrato their ener gies un tho Ideal obsprvatlons, etc., at Cape Moirls K. Jesup and north from there. Roosevelt Starts Back. These Instructions wero carried out and after their return In the latter part of May McMillan made some further tidal observations at other points. Tho sup plies remaining at tho various caches were brought In and on July IS tho Itoosevelt left Its winter quarters and vvas driven out Into the channel back of Cape Nlon. It fought Its way south In the center of tlu channel and passed Cape Sahlno on August 8. or 33 duys earlier than In liOR. and 32 days earlier than tho Hrltlsh expedition In 1S7C. We picked up Whitney and Ids party and stores at Etah. We killed soventy odd walrus for my Eskimos, whom I landed nt their homes. Wo met the Jennie off Saunders island and took over Its coal nnd cleared from Capo York on August 20. one mouth earlier than la 190ii. Announces His Triumph. On September 5 wo arrived at Indian Hnrbor, whence tlio message, "Stars nnd stripes nailed to north pole," was sent vibrating southward through tho crisp Labrador air. Tho culmination of long experience, a thorough knowledge of the conditions of the problem gained In the last expedition these, together with a new type of sledge which reduced the work of both dogs and ililwr. and a new type of enmp cooler which added to the comfort and lm reused the hours of sleep of tho members nf tho party, combined to makn tho present expedition an agreeable Im provement upon the last In respect to tho rapidity and effectiveness of Its work and tho lessened discomfort and strain upon tho members of the party. His Capable Aids. As to tho personnel, I havo again i;win particularly fortunate. Capt. Hartlett Is Just Hartlett -tlrcl-'ss. sleepless, enthusi astic, whether un tho bildgo or In thu crow's nest or nt tho head of a sh-dgo division In the Held. Dr. Goodsell, the surgeon of the expe dition, not only looked nfter Its health and his own specialty of microscopes but took his full shnre of the Held work of the expedition as well, and was always ready for any work. Profs. Marvin and McMillan have se cured a mass of scientific data, having mnde all the tidal and most of the Held work, nnd their services wero Invaluable In everv vvav. Borup and Others Praised. Horup not only made the record ns to tho distance traveled during tlio Jour ney, but to bis nsNtnnco and his expert knowledge nf photography Ih due what I believe to bo tho unequaled series of photographs taken bv the expedition. Henson In the Held and Percy na steward were the sumo ns ever, Inval uable In their respective lines. Chief Engineer Wardwell, also of the last expedition, aided by his as sistant. Scott, kept the machinery up to a high state of cillclency and has given the Itoosevelt the force and pow er which enabled It to negotiate appar ently Impracticable Ice. Mr. Gushlie, the mate, who was In charge of the Hoosovelt during tho nb sence of Cnpt. Hartlett and myself, and Boatswain Murphy, who was put In charge of the station at Etah for the relief of Cook, were both trustworthy and reliable men. nnd I count myself fortunate In having had thum In my service. Had a Willing Crew. The members of tho crow and tho firemen wero a distinct Improvement over those nf our lust expedition. Every one of them was willing and anxious to be of service In overy possible way. Connors, who was promoted to be bi.a'n In the absence of Murphy, proved to be practically uffcetlve. Humes, seaman, und Wiseman nnd Joyce, tlremeii. not only assisted Mar vin and McMillan in tholr tidal and meteorological observations on th Itoosevelt, but Wiseman and HarnuJ went Into tho Held with them on tliritr trips to Capo Columbia, nnd Condon und Cody covered 1,000 miles huntlnr; anil Hlodglnar supplies. Presents for Eskimos. As for my faithful Eskimos, I have left them with ample supplies of dark, rich walrus meat and blubber for their winter, with currants, sugar, biscuits, gnus, rifles, ammunition, knives, hatch ets, traps, etc. For the splendid four who stood he sldo mo at the polo a boat and tent each to requlto them for their energy und the hardship and toll they under went to help their friend Peary to tho north pole. Hut all of this tho donrly bought yenrs of experience, the magnltleent strength of tlio Hoosovelt, tho splen did energy and enthusiasm of my party, tlio loyal faithfulness of my Ksklmos could havo ponu for naught but for tho faithful nocessarls of war fur nished so loyally by tho members unj friends of the Peary Arctic club. Tribute to Jesup. And It Is no detraction from tho liv ing to say that to no slnglu Individual has the line result buun more signally duo than to my friend, tho Into MorrlH lv. Jesup, tho ilrst president of tho club Their nsslHtanco has enabled me to toll tho last of tho great earth stories tho story the world has been waiting to hear for 300 yoars tho story of thu discovery of thu north pole. IIOIIEUT 13. I'EAIIV. R ,