The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 09, 1909, Image 2

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Cut Finally on April 21, 1908, the Dar
ing Explorer With Two Eskimo
Reached Long Sought
for Spot,
Paris, Bopt. I!. Tlin Paris edition of
tho Now York Herald pulilisliuH a
signed statciiii.'iit from Dr. Frederick
A. Cook, which Is datod H.iiih Hgmk,
Lerwick, Wcilnusilny, on his experi
ences In tlin Arctic regions.
"After a prolonged light with famine
nml frost," Dr. Cook, "we have
nt last succeeded In retching tho
North Pole. A now highway, with an
Interesting strip of animated nature
lujs hooii explored and big game
haunts located, which will delight
sportsmen and extend tho Ksiiulmo
"Land has boon discovered on
which rests tho earth's northern most
rocks. A triangle of JIO.OOO square
miles has boon cut out of tho teires
tlal unknown.
"On April 21 wo reached 80 degrees,
A, tt v x i o
-... tt -lJJI'
09 minutes and 4G soconils. Tho pole
was In sight. Wo covered tho remain
ing fourtoon seconds and mado a few
final observations. I told Ktuklshook
and Ahwolsh (tho accompanying Kskl
nins) that wo hail reached tho 'great
nail. Kvorywhero wo turned was
south. With a single step wo could
pass from ono shlo of tho earth to the
othor from midday to midnight. At
last tho Hag floated to tho breezes at
tho polo. It was April 21, 1908. The
tomporaturo was minus 38 contigrado,
barometer 29.83, latitudo 90; as for
tho longitude it was nothing, as it was
but a word."
"Although crazy with Joy our spirits
began to undergo a feeling of weari
ness. Next day, aftor taking all our
observations, a sentiment of intense
The Y. M. C. A. Gaining.
Now York, Sept. 4. Tho year book
of tho Young Moii'b Christian Asso
ciation of North America, Just Issued,
shows that tho organization now In
cludes 1,914 associations with 450,927
ttiombors a gain of 10,000 In 12
Tho Hawaiian territorial board of
immigration has decided to attempt
tho solutions of the labor problem In
tho Hawaiian group by tho Importa
tion of Huslan families from Manchuria.
'vvi 0$ T-
1. .
O C K f 71
$v . A
(i Wr
v 7c XL"j
.M 1JU ' ' I
t AjL mi
y., .-tra vvi
hollcitudo penetrated us, while wo
looked at the hoilzon. Was It possi
ble that this desolate region, without
a patch of earth, had moused tho am
bition of ho many men for so many
centuries? There was no ground, only
an Immensity of da.zllng white snow,
no living being, no point to break the
frightful monotony.
"On April 23 we started on our re
turn." Message to His Wife.
New York, Sept. 3 Mrs. Cook, wife
of Ur. Frederick A. Cook tho American
explorer who has long been absent
In tho far north has received tho fol
lowing brief message:
"Successful, well. Address Copen
hagen. (Signed) "Fred."
It was tho first news that sho had
had from her Intrepid husband slnco
March 17, 1908, when ho wrote from
Cape Hubbard on the edge of tho
Polar Ice sea on the northwest sldo of
Kllosinore Land.
From Greenland Official.
Copenhagen, Sopt. 2. That Frede
rick A. Cook, tho American explorer,
reached the North Polo In his expedi
tion which has just ended was given
full credence hero, although details
are lacking of his Intrepid dash across
the Ice.
A message was received at tho
Colonial oilier- hero via Lerwick, Shet
land Islands, announcing that Dr.
Cook had reached the polo April 21.
190S. This despatch was sent by a
Creenland official on board the Danish
government steamer Hans Kgede,
which passed Lerwick at noon en
louto for Denmark, and read as fol
lows: "We hae on board tho American
traveler, Dr. Cook, who reached the
North Polo April 21, 190S. Dr. Cook
anived at Upernavlk In May of 1909.
from Capo York. The Esquimaux of
Cape York coullrm Dr. Cook's story of
his Journey."
HriiHsels, Sept. 3. -The observatory
here received tho following telegram
dated Lerwick, Shetland Islands:
"Reached North Polo April 21, 1908.
Discovered laud far north. Return to
Copenhagen by steamer Hans Kgede.
(Signed) "Frederick Cook."
The American olllclnls nt the olh
servatory state the despatch Is surely
authentic and that tho North Polo
has been reached for the ilrst tlmo
and by an American.
Dr. Cook's Story.
London, Sept. 4. A special despatch
received hero from Skageu says:
As the steamer Hans Kgodo steam
od by, I caught through my glasses a
vision of a small man in n dark suit
and peaked cap shading his eyes with
hl.s hands, as If straining to see tho
welcome civilization aftor years In ley
exile. It was Dr. Cook, tho explorer
whose name Is on every tongue. Ho
was chatting with tho captain on the
bridge, now smiling, now waving his
hands. 1 was allowed to board the
Il.uis Kgode.
"Somebody gavo Dr. Cook a bouquet.
Tears dimmed his eyes as lie burled
his face In their fragrance. 'Its years
slnco I havo seen flowers' said tho ex
plorer with a quiver of emotion in his
"I followed him to tho cabin. Ills
face was tanned from exposure. He
looked tho picture of splendid health
Only when ho smiled one noticed the
loss of two teeth. 'A tight with a polar
bear did that,' he Bald. 'You can tell
ihe world,' tho explorer continued,
'that I am in bettor condition than at
mi) tlmo and look forward with an
Contracts for Two Dreadnounhts.
Washington, D. C Tho award of
tho contracts for tho two now Ameri
can dreadi oughts of 2G.000 tons each,
the battleships Wyoming and the
Arkansas, which mo expected to bo
announced next week, will be made to
William Cramp and Sons of Phlladol
phia, and tho New York Shipbuilding
company of Camdon, N. .1.
A Now York theatrical manager has
sont a cable message to Dr. Cook of
fering him $250,000 for 250 lectures on
his exporlonccH In tho far north.
appetlto to tho festivities that aro
promised mo. My dinner has boon
poor those last fow yenrs, and I Hhall
have to makeup for It."
"Dr. Cook then briefly described his
Journey. Regarding his dlscovory ho
"Thnn camo April 21. Thnt was
the great day. Wo looked for tho sun.
As soon as we got It I made several
observations. Croat Joy camo ovor
us. Wo wero only 1(1 miles from tho
desired spot. I sold to myself, bully
for Frederick. Then wo went on.
" 'Tho last stretch was tho easiest I
over made In my life, although I had
still to make two observations and tho
Ice wns very broken hero. Hut my
spirit"? wero high and I shouted like a
boy. Tho Eskimos looked at ono an
other surprised at my gaiety. They
did not share my Joy.
'"I feel that I ought to bo there. 1
made my last observation and found
that I was standing on the pole.
".My feelings! Well, I was too
tired really to feel any sensation. I
planted the stars mid stripes in tho
loo Held and my heart grew warm
when I saw It wave In the wind.'
"How does the North Polo look?"
was asked.
" 'Well,' said Dr. Cook, smiling, 'it
amounts to the size of a 25 cent ploco.
There Is nothing to see but lco, Ico;
no water, only Ice. There were moro
holes hero than at the 87th degreo
which shows there Is more movement
and dilft here; hut this mid other ob
servations 1 made afterwards when
1 got more settled. I stopped two days
at the polo and I assure you It wasn't
easy to sany good bo to tho spot.
Reception at Copenhagen.
Copenhagen, Sept. I. Dr. Frederick
A. Cook's credit stands so high with.
Danish polar experts that the Ilrst
message announcing his success In
reaching the North Pole, meager as It
was, was accepted as conclusive
Commodore Hovgaard said:
"I believe the message Is truo be
cause Dr Cook Is most trustworthy
and opposed to all exaggeration."
C. A. Nielsen, an orticlnl of tho
Croon land administration department,
who is well acquainted with Dr. Cook,
and was associated with him in Green
land, said:
"When Dr. Cook says that ho reach
ed the North Polo there can bo no
doubt about it. ills scientific dis
coveries will prove that."
A committee under the presidency
of the minister of commerce has been
formed to arrange a littlng reception
to the Intrepid exploier on his arrlvnl
at Copenhagen. Dr. Maurice F. Egan,
tho American minister, will be aboard
a special steamer that will bo sont
out by the Royal Geographical society
to meet Dr. Cook, who ' on his way
here on Ihe steamer Hans Kgede. Tho
Danish government despatched Iho
torpedo boat .lulland from Aarhus to
Dr. Cook and tho Jutland will probably
come across the Hans Kgodo off The
Skaw. The commander will .convoy
congratulations to the explorer In be
half of the government.
The special committee of the Royal
Geographical society will Invito Dr.
Cook to be tho society's guost during
his stay at Copenhagen. Rooms havo
been reserved for him at tho hotel
New York Plans Reception.
Now York, Sept. 4. Preparations
already aro afoot horo to make tho
homo coming of Dr. Frederick A. Cook
an event of national, and possibly
International Importance. If tho plans
outlined by members of tho Arctic
club are carried out the welcome homo
Dr. Cook will rocolvo In Now York
will bo an ovation In which city, state
and nation will take part whllo prom
inent explorers Cook's formor rivals
from all parts of tho globo will
gather to pay their personal tribute to
his achievement.
Among the most notable of thoso
who In all probability will be here to
greet Dr. Cook on his roturn will bo
Lieutenant Shackolton, the Intrepid
Englishman whose recent explorations
in the antarctic during which ho suc
ceeded In pushing nearer to tho soutft
polo than had any provlous explorer,
mado him a flguro of world wide prom
inence. Members of tho Arctic club hope
that President Taft may himself bo
present as tho nations representative
to wolcomo Dr. Cook. "Such an honor
would bo no moro than fitting," one
of Ihoin declared, "In view of tho fact
that the explorer has placed tho Stars
and Stripes on the apex of the world.
Contracts for Two Dreadnoughts.
Washington, Sopt. 4. Tho award of
the contracts for tho two now Ameri
can dreadnoughts of 26,000 tons each,
the battleships Wyoming and tho
Arkansas, which are expected to bo
announced noxt weok, will bo mado to
William Cramp and Sons of Philadel
phia, and tho Now York Shipbuilding
company of Camden, N. J. The Mary
land Steel company of Sparrows Point,
Mil., which submitted tho lowest bid
for tho new fleet collier to be con
structed for tho navy, will get tho con
tract for that vessol.
The Stockholm Strike Will End.
Stockholm, Sopt, 4. Tho labor fed
eration has decided to call off tho gen
eral strike which has been in progress
for several weeks on September 6.
Tills decision is tho outcome of gov
eminent Intervention which is belDg
directed toward arranging a settle
ment of tho dltllcultles satisfactory to
all parties.
Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt and her
children Kthol, Quontln and Archie,
ara making a tour of tho province of
White Steamers Use Kerosene as Fuel
ij iui,i
'I no most Interesting announce
ment ever mnile In connection with
the automobile Industry was un
doubtedly that made a month or two
ago lo the effect that the now models
of tho Whlto Steam Cars could bo run
on keroseno, or coal oil, instead of
gasoline. Kveryono at once recog
nized that tho uso of the now fool
would add materially to the advan
tages which tho Whlto a'ready pos
sessed over othor types of cars.
There wero some people, however,
who wero sceptical as to whether or
not tho new fuel could be used with
complete success, and, therefore, tho
mnkers of the White Car, tho Whlto
Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, deter
mined to mako a public demonstra
tion of tho new fuel in tho 1909 Gild
den Tour.
From tho standpoint of tho public,
no test moro satisfactory could havo
been selected. First of all, tho dis
tance covered on tho Glldden Tour,
from Detroit to Denver and thence to
Kansns City, was 2G50 miles. This
was certainly more than sufficient to
bring out any weaknesses, if such had
existed. Still moro important was
the fact that tho car was at all times
whllo on tho road tinder tho supervi
sion of observers named by thoso
who entered other contesting cars.
Therefore, It would have been impos
sible for tho driver of tho Whito to
havo even tightened a bolt without
tho fact being noted and a penalty in
flicted. At night tho cars were
guarded by Plnkorton dotectlves and
could not bo approached by any ono.
It's the flavor that set the gait for the imitators It's
still bars them, and keeps Kellogg's in a field by itself.
to even approach it in either taste or tender crispness.
for this.
is the original the first
secret, so tue imitators
$1,000 GOLD AND
To be awarded at
For tho purpose of enoouractne tlio hotter brocillne In corn for Improvlnc tho duality, W. K. Kollonc.
iuaiu.-ub ui niu luuaii'u
pursuit crtiwincmu uuBtoiiroi corn in ivvuuiiiureiiL Homons, tun urnt
iu iiiu niuiumw uorn
uinu, wuiimii iinu umiu
u uiu nuuu, l rut, i ,
, Look for
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 37-1909.
Many smokers prefer them to 10c
! cigars. Tll the dealer you want Lewis'
Slnt'le Ilinder l'aetorv I'eorln Illinois
Dingic iimucr. j. actor), i eonu, Illinois,
x$Liwm1iTwT iT ---r JlJrtfii'iei "
urx int, KLLLrtl' -.() MII.U (i 1,1 D
The complete success of the new
fuel while on the 2G50 mile public
test and the advantages gained
through its ubo wero well described
In the following dispntch which tho
correspondent of tho New Yori. Sun
sent to his paper at tho conclusion of
tho tour:
"A feature of the tour which wns
watched with special ( Interest wan
that tho Whlto Steamer used kero
sene, or 'coal oil,' as fuel instend of
gasoline. Tho now fuel worked
splendidly throughout the 2G50-mllo
journey, and all claims mado In its
behalf wero fully proven. First of
nil, as regards cheapness, tho "Whlto
driver secured kerosene all along tho
louto from G cents to 10 cents cheap
er per gallon thnn wns paid for gaso
line. Secondly, the now fuel was
handled without nny precautions, and
It was not unusual to soo keroseno
being poured Into tho fuel tank whllo
the crow of the car and an interested
crowd stood by with lighted clears
and cigarettes. At the finish of tho
tour, the Whlto was tho only car per
mitted by the authorities to enter
Convention Hall, where the technical
examination took place, without
draining its fuel tank. Thirdly, tho
now fuel moved to bo nbsolutnlv
without smoke or smell. Fonrthlv.
keroseno could bo purchased at what
ever part of the route was most con
venient, and not onco during tho trip
through tho ten States of tho Mlddlo
West was there founda grocery storo
where Kerosene wns not readily and
cheaply obtalnablo. Finally, tho
fiH i t.Ti ;
,-twjk ih h mmi ivsm r---cjKa'it hi
Up the Same Olfl 6G&
d9M&HM "mw m n
UjHH wemm
flakes made from corn. The process
could not produce in a lew months what tool: us years to perfect.
the National Corn Exposition, Omalia, 0 ?,"ja?ioa
turn r kikij v.u,, uurn n riuvv.uu utmiiiiiiii solid
ttspomuon. umtuia. rton.. ouioim ov. zan, WW.
in inn unm'ii online, it win no Jiuu:oii ny
u, uuiuuu. ii itua iuij yuyvr lur junuur paruuuuira.
Sticky Sweating
after taklnp salts or cnthnrtlu
waters did you over notice tlmt
woury all yonc feeling tho paliiid
of your hunda sweat anil rotten
tasto in your mouth Cathartics
only raovo bv sweating your bowels
Do a lot of hurt-Try a CASCA
RET and seo how much oasier tho
job Is dono how much butter
you feol. cc3
CASCARHTS ioc n box for n week's
treatment nil UriiKciMs, JHkrch Feller
in the world. Mllllou boxes a mouth.
In imut viirtrtv fnr tiu i.nv( i,ri,.. ... .7
fJjhTMi.Niwsiuuunio.iaH. iisiiMraS
;" Alt'' l'o (.inl lllr. Mn.-f.ii ("lull I'lin.
j nu)f jjvrtrum Cuiuan.DurcucsicrLcmcr.M.i',.
amount or fuel used on tho trip
showed that keroseno Is at least
fifteon per cent, moro ofllcicnt, gallon
for gallon, thun gasoline. Tho car in
othor respects made u most credltablo
showing, nnd there was tho usual riv
alry among tho observers to bo as
signed to tho White so that thoy
could ride with the maximum of com
fort. Tho only adjustments or re
pairs charged against tho car during
the long trip wero tightening a lubri
cator pipe and wiring a damaged mud
guard. These penalties woro not In
flicted until moro thnn 2000 mllca
had been completed with an absolute
ly perfect score."
A particularly Interesting fonturo
of tho now Whito Steamer is that
cither kerosene or gasolino may bo
used as fuel. Tho necessary adjust
ments so that the fuel may bo changed
fr(jm kciosjno to gasolino, or vice
versa, may bo mado In a couplo of
minutes; but so completely successful
has keroseno proved to be, thnt it is
not believed that nny purchasers will
care to uso gasoline.
Tho Whito Company report that
the demand for their now steam cars
both the $2000-model and tho
SlOOO-modol exceed their most sun.
gulno expectations. It is evident that
tne combination of stenm tlin now.
or which everyone understands and
has confidence In with keroseno
the fuel which everyone has on linmi
and can handle without any danger
is thoroughly nnnreclnteil liv
up-to-date purchasers or automo
biles. JB
iv A Jctf-M
the same flavor that
No one has been able
There's a good reason
of preparing has been kept
KOMI nnil HllYDr IrODJiy lo UIO
puiuin a spccinum to Dj uont
ihlriuiiur woiiin toovory
inn iiiaillUK C'jra auiuoruy
;) can't bo beat for roollnf,'. pro
i oared ronilncr renuires frenuent
H dreosing and when it does bpring
11. iiiiH tun mi fjllliu. IIOOU
hhlng.lea nei'd no nt lent Ion after
they tiro laid. Thin uiarlc shows
tho quality. Ueineiulinrthoiiaiiio.
hi hi
All h V44?i liVVVJLVA'4VV
H.'M W'ASK'YOUft DEAInffil '
Dollanco Starch la tho latest Inven
tion In that lino and nn improvement
on all other mnkes; it in moro eco
nomical, does hotter work, takes lust
time. Get it fiom your t'rocor.
l '.-.' i 'L.'l ' . "T. rTlVV LTV ''il
.--w impaiiiMywu q, m w'MinyKiA. ., rX , !
t !'.'i
H - - i .. Jiir fcwt. ji
r-fM-4, j, ifVft, . -t4fcT .-v--. iiiWwwn ty11