The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 02, 1909, Image 8

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    zto'MtKU&MLii-jiwiMJLMvuawmmntiiivumtuitJima'j. tmmaaajnaaaainmaa
. imihm mm.
In Hit View the 3tumbllnj Oleek to
Reeenclimtlott Between Urrlnn
Brelhrtn Is In That Wrd
Utsd by atlffneckttl,
The mud was nltnost hub deep. Th
to lronK hones drew tlio tingle
ctirrl.nro with rtaion&tdo comfort, but
one l.oi.o nhroU hnvo idtick In
the mud. Mr. 1'lako was diMm; to
Inoitrt oii'i of hi tht" r.'Pl'irios; I
t i.. . u ii, . iiw i ihltn' had i
nun umy ui" iuui n. i. ' p
to b done RcroUiili'l b.- lit dilvlng
out vlth tb rutin In this conditloa.
Ho tlio road to hlma'lf, howevor;
and be had the nddol palisfactlon, if
such It v.n. of t mcrnVrlm? that it
wn-i tlio dally Join in yd of tlio milk
wK'ns to nnd from his several fac
toiles that plowed tho mud to tblo
bottouihm condition.
Ahead, nt thD Hide of the road, he
discovered a solitary Acute walking.
Tho fled, blilun picked his wny with
some enrr, looking round from tlmo to
tlmo at the npproa.diln1? vehlclo. As
soon us ho saw that It was a two
horse tanhvjo Hh n hlnglo passen
ger, he Ktojiped, sob ted n favorable
'approach to the roadway, and begat)
cl.-nhln-j th- Jmi- off his boots. By
this time Mr. Idoko reeociilxed tho tSt
rentile Mcthnllst preacher. Mr. Pap
per. Hood morula-;. Uroilur Pepper!"
he calhd out to him. "How's tbc
Hut M". ivi'l" r did not answer; be
merely stood till tho carriage stopped,
and climbed In be' ween tho muddy
"(Had to seo yoti, Brother Blake,"
he said. "I've sunk down In tho mud
an average of ono foot for ovory step,
and I'vo come three miles; so I'm 3
mile deep In tho mud. Thoso nro good
horses of yours. I llko a good horse
-two good horses when roads are
like this. You enmo at a good time.
I'm very tlrod."
"What brings you so far whon the
roads nro like this?" asked Mr. Tllako.
"I'm comltiK down to try to recon
Mlo two members who havo had n
Munrrel." said Mr. Pepper.
' Well. If you get them reconciled by
t w o o'clock you can rldo pack. 1 have
to drive on to tho farther factory, and
1 expect to return t.bout that tlmo."
Mr. ninko drove bad; past tho
houso where he expected to 11ml Mr.
Pt pper, and as It was after two
o'clock, he concluded Hint tho preach
er had Unbilled Ida task earlier than
1 e expected and walked home. Put as
he was getting almost out of earshot,
he waa halted by loud shouts In n
camp-mcetlng voice, augmented hj
two others of tho amen comer (tiullty.
llo reined In tho tired hotses, and nnw
the preacher running tnwaid tho gnto
(.baking hands with hot It tho men at
once u nd giving i hem a putting ad
int. nit Ion. Then he btirried thioitgh
the mud to the carriage.
'You soeni to hne got thorn lecon
tiled, hut you nearly lost jour tide,"
naitl Mr. Wake.
"Yes, is!" puffed Mr. Pepper
m i -aping his boots ngniust the Iron
ptep. "Thoy're leeonclled, hut It was
li.n tl work."
He flnhdud scraping his boots, and
i hen look up his parable.
'Urother Wake," he said, " on can
do almost anything with two men till
ilnv begin to pay 'Prlnelplo! Prlncl
lU-:' More men go to boll with that
void oil their unforgiving lips than
anv other word in tho dictionary.
' Let two men b lust as mean n
ih. v know how to be, and Know
thty've been mean, and show them
th'lr S l i ifh will Ptop and
quibble o. ie ilflo. and Bay:!
"it's a matter i,,nrlplo with me!'
V. hen men begin to nn : 'Principle!
lMuclle;' I'd rather undertake lo
loncile two fiends f.-om the bottom
le s pit."
"How did you do it?" asked Mr.
"I rms-oned with them, and prned
wIHi them, and I sot them both on
Hiilr knees, and 1 thoncbt a
tunes It was as good tin hettlod, when
one or the other would say Tilnrlple!'
and (he tut was all in the (Ire again.
"We'd havo boon thoio till dooms
day, but tho last tlmo we rose from
our knees 1 saw tho cnrihigo disap
pearing, and I said: 'Thoro goes my
ehanco of a rldo homo, and your day
of Bi'nco Is going, too. Let your prln
clples go where tbry came fiom'
they knew where that was 'and
Fhako hands anl be btnthrs!' And j
they dlil It. und I r.nld T,!ory!' an.!
MioutPtl for o to hold on and let
i ie in. Must of what non call prln
t pies at hiii h tbnes are puro tub
1 irnne"- "
1 II
'. i the s-'ir. 1 1 np
' r, n:. 1 If ..i j , e
i' at ho had 1 1 M te
. .1) r 1V i r iom the
' ( (lUijK-nlon.
Explaining It.
"Although my father Is nn Invalid,"
: aid Miss Howell, "he takes a deep
interost in my musical education. Ho
always encourages me to practice iny
ringing nt home, even when he's in
greatest palu."
"Well." replied Mies Cutting, "thoy
do sny that ono may be made to for
Rt t a great pain by a greater one."
Love's Avakenlng.
"I'm almost suro tho count Is In
lovo with me," excltcdy exclaimed the
ilrst helroas,
"Whnt makes you think so?" In
quired tho other,
"Hq nskod mo today how much I
was worth."
That Lame Back Means
Kidney Disease
And to Relievo the Lame and Aching Back,
You Must First Relieve the Kidneys
There Is no question about that
nt all tor the I.ui.o nml :m Mng
back la caused by a discnM'd con
dition of the kidneys and bladder.
It Is only common nense, nny wny
that you must cuio a condition
by removing the causo of tho con
dition.' And lame and aching back
nro not by any means tho only
nymptiuns of deiauKement of the
kldne.VH and bladder. There are a
multitude of will-known and un
mlstakablo Indication;) of a more or
less dnugciniiH condition. Some of
thoso are. for Instance: Kvtnme
and unnatural lassitude and wt-arl-ncs3.
nenous lirllablllty, henit Ir
romiluilty, "nerves on edf;e," hlcep
IcssucsH nnd Inability to Keeur.'
rest, scnldliiK sensnllon and sedi
mont In the urine, inll.imnijllon oi
tho blnddcr and ptissaRos, etc.
BoWIU'b Kldnev and Illaddcr
Pills nro nn exceptionally meritori
ous remedy for any nnd ill nfl'ee
tlona or diseartd condition i t r
these orpnus. Tl.ero l'llls operate
directly and promptly and their
boncllclnl lesults nio nt onto ft It.
They rcpulnte, purify, and effec
tually heal and restore tho kid
neys, bladder and liver, to perfect
and healthy condition e m in
some of ibf most advanced eases.
mS "
lWrt- .
lo tfn without in rune". Theiisk
HMUiiiod it to i.-i'.t fur tl,t. ,m .11
premium you keep In j-onr n .!,
Figure out bow tuuny ear ,nnj
would lme to ! frt'f rnmi unv Use
in tud. r lo vim. tlu- vnlue or ,.tit
ht iMMitul it, nteiit. TlU'll eolisider
thnlyou may hav a fire tliU u-ry
uljrlit. Tliemv r v,.ii ,i llttl,"
bhize will 1 1 in,, it- than tlw pn
lllllllll of .
FlK IXhl Ni i; I'.il; N i; i;s
Ib'ttei- have nil- is-.ii! .ni u p ,,U
to ilny. u bol,. I,, 1 d .,,
be mho than mihj us hi. ins .in u.
IiisiiumI imin n,s lic-cn
Red Cloud, Nebr.
. - sg&avg
f BZ &Z, & I &?
L'i ryv r'i ip" 9 0 i
V. U ftj k $ ffl C 1
Hunger makes me think of you ;
Thought of you makes me hungry
Between the thought and stgjtt of you
Indeed I'm always hungry
('. Hi Witt & Co.. Chi..;-. i. I I
Want i wry man and wo: ..n who
hao (ho lea;,t suMdchcj t:.:,t they
nro nfilktcd with kidney and blnd
dcr diseases to at oneo wrlto them,
and a trial boxof the.vj Pills will bo
sent freo by return mail postpaid.
Swift's Premium
Hnm or
.m s
iMxnA rw
Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds
Red Cloud, M&br.
I 4 M
Li a ie Hai i-n
!rr ii to iiortit ciry
Ji..r w i 3 Vs- , i il Color.
.iti'tf Srr" WSJ
kx M
r aTi? zmat vtmr
UWVm rln
But with appetite awaiting
a nickle in hand and you
in store who could wish
for any tiling more?-
. lutai MU Uiw wmmnujuuju, lujroaMmraraMnwagreuaKra
i iiis 'iMn iii imiys to tin v. c. r. t .i
"I'l-oliibitioii fnnes aic ill lntter
llylltin.' tiim l iin tli in tlu-j were in
tilt iii.-iiioriiMi- e.iiupatii o l.!K."
Tin- tutt, Diiialin.
liowrnor C'oiiii'i- of Ahibaiuu has
signed the btatc whle prohibit ion bill,
ami Alabama is now dry. Loiker
clubs nro ill (.ul." The Commoner.
A ii'. -.", lmij).
I At Vll.i.m 1(11 II I . ,.!.. ....... ............
., ......... ....... -,,,v.- ,i..v iii;!:ii!
to hear Mrs. ltuduirtls' tli'bate with
Mayor Daliliiiuii. Mrs. Uiehurds met
ills al-iimeuls with facts nnd tho ap
plause plainly indicated Hint to her be
longed tbt victor's spoils. I'liiou
Win ker for uf,'tist.
The V. C T. I' . will use the noon
hour nt tho Mate Pair Auditorium,
"eptembor c.-ln, nml ono of their chief
attractions will bo u joint debate on
Wi mesiliu, Sept. S, b tttcon Mayor
.Inn D.iblinnr., of Oinaha. and V. 15
Pii"c, ol Liiioolu. Henutrr Patrick, of
S mtli Omili.i. will spi-nk on Tut s lay.
i ben you have piles ilnii't fall loiii-o
I Muniiii, the ism pi'o reiue 'y. The
on'y ioal way to euro this annoying
trouble is to apply soniethiii"; that
will act on all parU nHVoted. That ih
w-hat Hnii.tii does. It is put up in u
lube with no..le attached. Sold by
Henry Cook.
Whon tho kblnoys fail for nny
to porforni their important work ol
passing oil' urlo iieitl from the body,
hurious icsult.s will follow nt t-ui h
times take a wood reliable remedy
ono Hint you can tlepeiul upon. Pin
eules are an o.collent proparation for
kblney troubles. Tliey quickly icliove
liiiekache, weal, back, rheumatic pains,
etc Sold by Henry Cook,
Vt.u nevop havo lo go out of your
way to wnll: to tlio rlght.-Snlt I-tkt
i i icm Riu.t'M.wifM (.'mi u i.
:i Hah,
1 i n t Hill, of l.ebnnon, I ml.,
i Ih- wife had Inllammntoiy
1' i inn. itisin in every nniHcle and Joint;
' - i.ViM-iii, wan terri'ib' und her body
.I l.i were Hwtdb'ii itlinest beyoinl
i.'t-oviititl in;hadbi,eiiinliedftrix weel.a
and bad eiuht, but received
no tieiiellt until hbe trid Dr. Uetchotis
lielief tor lSlit'oiii.itisiii. It .'live her
ii'iinetlliite relief and she wus utile to
w.tllc ab.i ,t in tin,-,. iJhj-k I ti tn sure it
siive.l b r life." Sold ly Tlie If. K.
lil'ife llruy 'o , it d l loud, Nebi-.
Selfish Philosophy.
Pliny: It is best to profit by the
madness of others.
When Love Grows Cold.
When lovo grows cold there are like
ly to bo hot times around the house.
Dr. Wintcrsoii physician u tl sut
Keoii. (itlhe in fiont lotims oxer Im-.i
Cook's druu stole, lleiuovetl from Dr.,
Kaino'.s olliee. I'otter Mloek. Moth
phones Pell Ued Is Indepeiul. l.'il. '
OnllnancR No. 14.
An (ii-.tlimtiii- iriAliIlim fur ami It tiitx
tasi-s iiptui all taxniile irpcrty In the -it
of licit ("IimuI, N'( lirsiv'.u litli rial and pi r
Mtiial fur nil in nt mi and m Im, puriuis:ii -I'linllnu
in theiisst-vil Mil nut Inn uf .alil i It i
fur tin' llsc.TI jciii foiiinii !ic-lii4 the Ilrst'
Tiusihiy In Mnj limn.
tic II tiuhiliicil liy tin- M.-ivur anil t'liimclluf
the I'll) of Itcd I'lmiil Ndiraska.
"cetliiii 1. I'liat llicrclif ami lit-reli.i In
lc lid upon till the tiiMihie pitipcily Mlthln
tlittlt.v of Itcd I'tonil Ncliinskii liiilli real
anil pcrxiinnl fur llic piirinc of ilciahiu
Hie i-.pcnscsi)f wild city fur the eurrcnt c t;i
llic Iiillnu Inu tats njinn tncli dollar tf t tic
iissismiI valtiatlnii thcicof fur the spi-clllnl
funds to wit:
(iclicral I 'nml 1(1 iiiIIIm.
Water llmtil i'tiiut :t mills.
l.lcctrlr l.l-lit lioml l-'iiiul.) mills.
MaliitnlnliiK Water Worktt t mills.
Mnliitnliilm; i:ii t trie I. luht Work 2 mill.
Slice! l.tuhtH I mlllx.
.luiUuit'iit riiud to mills.
Section '2. "I IiIn ordinance nlmll tuUcciin-t
and lie to force from tuul nfu-t Uh ptixvauc.
npi'l'ivil tllld piihlh uliiiii.
irtinl niisi tin. i j'l'i.
I. C.ThH.. f. II. I'.M IH!,
! f a I i I Ity I Icrk. Mnjur.
Onlliiuiini, Fta. 7o.
n orillmiiiicltriiud I lie Vmiiiul ppro
priatluu Mill nppioprla'.liit; mich sums of
iiioiii'.x asiirc mcchiuiry to pny nil cspcnsis
and UiilillilltNtif tlie city uf Hid Cloud V
liuisl.niis bet forth liy piclnus iMtlmntc
iiiaitc fur tlicciirit at year.
lie It ordiiliitd lij tlie Mn.Mir ami t oiiiu-ll
of Itcd t'luiid Ncliraitka.
sucilnu I. That the follow Im; sums uf
iiiomj io and tlie halite mo liciidiy appio
tirlatid fiom the amuiuil of tacs aiitlmi
lcd tu lie li'Nlul for the curitiiit yi ar to de
fray the nu-cHsurj epcmts and llalillltlcsof
thcsaltl t'lly of Itcd Cloud for the tut nut
fiscal i car ami fm the purpuiiH hi n In stall d.
tli'iiiitil I'linil -Jiiii mi
W alt i- lioutl rand . s n i
I li'clilc l.luht lluiul I'utiil simii
M:ilntaliiliii( W ater WurkH i i
Mnlni.i!nln Klictrlc l.llit W n i.s . u
sirni I. Wills I i i i
.1 iiil'nu nl I'linil .... - i i)
'loltll '' i
Sit lion J. 'l'lilordIn;licr. shall till., i 'Nil
nnd lie in forte from nnd n'kr iu ji.i-.-m'.
a I ip i o al nnd puhllvnilou. Sugiul llh. tiWJ.
tl. I'. TKKI.. '. II. I'oi I Ml,
IMeiil) city Clerk. Mn.Mir.
iSuitfo To 'rtllnr"
Htiiit nt Nelirntkn. t i thei otmiMourt.
i listen muiiy. i
la tho mutter of the estate of W llllani
tliilhunlte, Dooeuted.
Notloe Is Ueroby ulvcn to ull pcrxonN lmltii?
uliiinm uml doraiitida oiruliiHt U llllnin imtli
wnlic. Into of W'ctiHter I'mmly, deeeiued.
Unit tho tluio (Ued (or HiluK olulin.H umiimt
sulil est in o liktx moiilht from tlie stcoudd ly
of -cpiciuhtr. 1IKIU.
All suoli ieisoim aro itiiihcd lo present
tliclr I'hilius. with tlie vouchers, to tli. t'ounly
.luiU'e of suld eiiuutt. al liU utllec tlieruin, on
ur Heroic t ho ki i oiut ():ii of Mnnli iiln, uml
nil u'ni us sti ii '.fit will i)u lie ii it) iicfur ili suid
Jt.iU:o on the third any of Miirch, uto: nt ono
oclouUp in jitmltlmt tho nrtinliiMrutur Is ul.
lowed ouoyonr from tlio bun th ibty or August
nm, hi which to pay the debts allowed
itk'ulnst Mtil estoto nml sctUc the Mime
i. w. r.pso.N
(,) County .ludse
DeWitt's Little Pulv lliseis. the
lie, sure, easy, Kontli little liver pill-.
Tlie uriimil Catbolii'ed Witch llael
Salvo is DeWitt's. The nniiio is plain
ly stumped on every bo.. It is good
for outs, but ns, bruibcs, sores, boils
uiiil .sunburn -but it is especially yood
for Piles. Sold by all dealers.
Xover bus there been sttoh a cattle
exhibit gathered together in tho Wo,t
as will be seon at the Stnto Pair Sep
tember iS-IO. 'J'be immense new cattle
barn, which holds lilW head, will be
entirely tilled and also tho two old
birns. (treat exhibits of horses,
swine and sheep tiro nlso entered.
Tlie ptopor way to promptly cure a
cold is to take something that will
m.ive the bowels, liees Laxative.
Cough symp drives the cold from the
bybtem by a free yet gentle action of
tlio bowels. It, Is pleahimt to take; It
allays iiiikumuulLui of Uto throat ami
lunt,'. Hold by Henry Cook.
Must remedies for piles simply gie
inip utiry relief from inllainuiation
on the surf ii . but AlanZau. I he great
pile remedy, goes right lo the seal of
tho troublo at once, and by creating
normal circulation and preventing
constipation, soothes pain, and the
piles uh.k'y disappear .ManZan is
applied ,V tnniis(.f a tube with
nozzle nltacliid. Sobl bv Henry Cook
See the Chief for up-to-date .Job work
Successor to Dr. .. S. I3)UGII
At the old stand over the
State Bank. Phone 13.1.
ssj ,ut
aragfcuar r. , .. grrwi
Curo to Civo Ontlsfactlon.
gives rllut at omce.
Itchmn-CH, soni !,,., .,is nm j,,t(, , ,l0
tlitoas. d nt uibr.nmi.- dfii,' frmn (. , m. ,
anddrivtsawaya C-d UutbcHe.idfni .
ReHtorcu tlio Sonsf t of Tn-do mid Smiil.
J;'sy 1 use. C'ont.dns no Injurious dru
Applied into tlio nostiiU mid absorbetl
Im-uo Slo, fiO cents nt Druggists or by
mail Liquid Crcua Hulm lor uso m
ntondzcM, 75 contfl.
U BROTHERS, 5G Warren SI.. New York.
, 16 1 Kit TJsv
6js3,---'si j;&:jr
-I'l ,rfS VF
rrt-w "
uwntr a j i. 'nmwiniii,
" HHf
' jvC"