The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 02, 1909, Image 6

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    - S
The Chief
C. B. HALE, Publisher
Epitome of the Most
Important Events
Gathered Frcm All
. Points of the Globe.
Atlantic City. N. J., was selected by
tlio sons of veterans lis the place for
holding the next annual eneampmoat
of thn organization, and Goorgo W.
I'nllllt of Patterson, N. J., was elected
rommandor-ln-ohlef. Tlio next en
campment will lio held at the same
tlrno fiH tlio national onrainpniint of
tlio Grand Army of tlio Republic.
President Theodore Komo of llllonhi
Wosloyan university received notice
that A ml row Carnegie had given 30,
000 to tlio university for a now scl
once building, Woaloyan having
raised nn endowment fund of 00,000.
Tlio cotton manufacturing plant of
tlio York Manufacturing company of
Snco, Maine, was Kliut down Indell
nltcly In consequence of n wage
fltrlko. Two thousand operatives
wore thrown out of work.
Tho Chicago Record-Herald prinls
n dispatch from Mexico City asserting
that United States Ambassador David
iB. ThoinpHon has bought for approxi
mately $10,000,000 In gold the Pan
American railroad, the only lino run
ning rrom Iho north to the Central
American border. Tho dispatch Bays
that Ambassador Thompson will re
main in Mexico permanently, although
ho lias announced IiIh Intention of re
signing JiIb diplomatic post.
Acting Hecretary of the Interior
PJoreo designated G0.-1S0 acres inor.
land na coming within tho enlarged
homeiitcad art In the state of Mon
tana, malting the total up to date
ZC.0S0.C.10 acres so designated In the
Btato of Montana.
At the suggestion of the state de
partment Instructions hnve been Is
nucd to consular agents by Acting
Secretary Mellarg of tho department
of commerce and labor, to make col
loctlonu or commercial laws of all
tho Central and South American re
nubllcs. Thnso laws will be printed
an English and distributed In this
country for tho purpose of encourag
ing trade in Centra and South
Instruction in first aid to the in
Jurcd will bo given by the national
red cross to thousands of employes
of largo corporations, first among
which will bo Uioso of the United
States Steel corporation and the
Pennsylvania Steel company. During
tho last two yearn tho lied Cross has
met with such success In UiIh work
among corporation employes that It
1b proposed to pursuo similar methods
on n much larger scale. Within the
noxt month more than 20,000 em
ployes of tho steel corporation will
bo instructed.
President Taft, In an Interview at
"Beverly, Kays ho will urge congress
to establish n postal savings bank
Tho general land office announced
that LeUcau, S. D., would be ono of
tho places of registration for tlio sur
plus lauds or the Cheyeune river and
Staining Hock Indian leservations to
ho opened to settlement.
A party of over twenty members of
congress, tlio luot of them accom
panied by Uieli wives and members
of tliolr families, sailed on the steam
ship Siberia for Honolulu The trip Is
made in response to an Invitation ex
tended by tho Hawaiian legislature,
which made an appropriation to cover
all expenses of the jaunt. Eighteen
days will bo spent In Hawaii, during
which time the four largest Islands of
the en up will hi' visited.
With a delegation or five thousand
negui men and women from every
bUUo in tho union, the Mipromo lodge
of Negro Knights or Pythias opened at
Knusas City for n four day session.
Among the delgates are doctors, law
yers, bankers, merchants, clerks, and
thoso from every profession, trade and
business followed by negroes. Tho del
egates nro quartered In a tent city.
Tho supremo court of Calantho will
bo presided over by John W. Struther
of Giecnvillo, Miss. In this meeting
ivory phase ot the negro question will
bo discussed.
Tho annual challengu gold cup races
of tho American Power Boat associa
tion began at Alexandria Hay, N. Y.
After a career of nearly fifty years
of faithrul and efficient sorvico in tho
navy, Hear Admiral William T. Swln
buruo waa placed on tho rotlied list
for ago. Hoar Admiral Swinburne is
a native or Ithodo Island and entered
Jo?.,,mvnl m;uil,,y t Annapolis In
Army ofllcerH having In charge the
selection of a site for tho erection or
a 3,000-mllo wireless telegraph sta
tion am now considering several pro
posed locations near Washington. Of
tho sites considered, ono at (leorgo
town, a suburb of Washington, la most
likoly to bo solcctod.
ITEMIffijjlM !
By requiting letter carriers to
"double up" their routes during tho
di II season of July and August, in
stead of employing KitbHtltutcn, Post
master Clenernl Hitchcock expects to
same tho government not losa than
$250,000 In the cost of carriers' vaca
tions during the present fiscal year.
While bathing In I lie Menominee
river, Milwaukee, Joseph Hrllz, 402
Clark street, and Harry Weldner, 498
Clark street, aged fifteen and thirteen
vears, respectively, wero drowned.
Tho bodies wcro recovered.
Sheepmen cannot range tlulr herds
along the limestone country on the
South Dakota-Wyoming boundary line,
a part of tho Black Hills national for-
est reserve. TIiIh wns the decision of
Chief Forester GlTord Plnchott. The
entrance of sheep, he declared, would
endanger tho young growth of tho
Calvin Johnson, Richard Pines and
Eugene Horsey, negroes, sentenced
to be electrocuted at Richmond In
September for the murder or Walter
R Sehultz, a Chicago artist, have
been respited by Governr Swanson
until October S, 15 and 22, respec
tively. James J. Hill, president of tins Groat
Northern, sent a $ 10,000 check to
Mornlngsldo college, a Methodist In
stitution of Sioux City. This gift com
pletcs tho $150,000 endowment fund
which was necessnry to securo tlio
$50,000 offered by the American edu
cation board several years ago.
Superintendent James W. Watten
announced that the Cheyenne river
and Standing Hock Indian lands will
be opened in October. This Is tho
largest compact area of Indian lauds
lert unopened, containing approxi
mately 2,018,000 acres in South Da
kota and 217,000 acres In North
Dakota. Heglstratlon days have been
fixed between October 4 and October
2;t at Aberdeen, Plerro, Lemmnn, Le
L'oau adn Mohiidge, In South Dakota,
and Bismarck, North Dakota.
Judge Burdette, In tho circuit court.
Issued an Injunction restraining tho
state and county oillclals or West Vir
ginia from enforcing tho 2-ocnt fare
law against the Norfolk &. Western
railroad. The court holds tho law Is
unconstitutional and is confiscatory.
The couiI'h order requires the road
to issue coupons for tlio excess over
2 cents a mile collected until a test
case pending In the ntato supreme
court is decided.
Senor do La Harm, Mexican am
bassador, expects to lcavo Boon for
Kuropo. probably early in September.
Tho ambassador's wife, who with her
two sons, Is near Paris is not well
nnd her condition lias given Senor
do La Hurra much concern. He hopes
she mny return with him to tho
United States.
The one hundred and thirty-second
anniversary of tho battlo or. Ben
nington, when a largo party or ma
rauders rrom Burgoyrto's army waa
routed by the New Hampshire militia
under Colonel Stark, waB observed
as a legal holiday throughout Ver
mont Monday.
Peru has not Bent to Bolivia nn
ultimatum in tho matter or tho boun
dary dispute between the two coun
tries, nnd trom all reports It appeara
that both governments aro approach
ing ono another la this matter in a
spirit or sympathy and good under
standing. Foreign.
Several suspected cases or cholera
have been reported In Rotterdam
since the dlscovory or the disease,
notably among tho occupants of a
barge on board which a child had
died previously. All the suspects
have been quarantined.
An explosion In thn Weiss cartridge
factory at Budapest resulted in tho
death or five men and tho serious
Injury or ton others.
The capture or HI Roghl, tho rebel
lions subject or tho sultan of Morocco,
has been olllclally announced and
fetes have been organized to cole
hrato the event.
Tho text of the agreement between
Japan und China relating to the South
Manchtirlan railway, Involving tho
loans for construction or tho lino rrom
K rln to Clung Chun and rrom Hsln
Mln Tun to Mukden, has been pub
lished For construction or the
stretch between Klrin and Chang
Chun a loan or $1,075,000 Is author
ized, the bonds to bo offered at OH
and to be redeemed In twenty-five
yeais. A loan for $100,000 for a ro
iled of eighteen years Is provided
Tor that portion or the lino between
Hsin Mln Hun and Mukden.
Tho French aviator, Paulhnn, broko
the world's record in a wonderrul
Might or two hours. Ilfly-tlireo minutes
and twenty four seconds, at Hheims.
A petition signed by women rrom nil
classes or society has been presented
to the king or Sweden begging him to
Intercede to bring nbout arbitration
or the dlsputo botween tho borers
and their employers that resulted in
the strike now almost n month old.
Tho ministry or tho interior hns sent
telegraphic Instructions to all locnl
governors to tako drastic measures to
protect tho laborers who have re
turned to work.
Emperor Nicholas has accepted the
post or patron to tho noro club or St.
Petersburg, which consequently will
hereafter bo qualified ns "Imperial."
He haB donated a largo sum of money
to tho club, at tho same Unto permit
ting rour or tho grand dukes to bo
enrolled as honorary members.
Tho end or tho labor troubles which
became acute In Shockholm the enrly
part or this month Is In sight. Tho
leaders or the various unions have
opened negotiations with the omrloy.
rtre ii.l4t. 41. nl.t . i. i .i
..o r,n4i uiu uiijL-ci ui uavuig laomen
resume work. Hlotlng occurrod at
Gothenburg, -a
What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Goring, Neb. Tho most Important
court action involving Inigntlon rights
that tho courtB ot Nebraska have ever
been called on to settle was Initiated
hero when attorneys tor the Enter
I rlso Irrigation district filed a suit In
district court this week, tho object
or which is to determno the priority
or water appropriations rrom the
North Plntto river or the Trl-Stute
Land company nB against boiiio llftecn
other irrigation companies of tho
North Platte valley.
Tho plalntirfs petition nlloucs thnt
the TrI-Stato company Is claiming a
water right ot 1,112 cubic rect per
second, or enough to Irrigate nbout
80,000 acres or land, and Is preparing
to build u dam across tho river tor
the purpose or diverting this amount
or water. This claim, tho plaintiff
asserts, Is unfounded. Tho plaintiff
maintains that tho Tri-Stato Land
company has never acquired a right
to appropriate rrom said river any
amount of water whatsoever, except
a Biifllciont amount to Irrigate about
2,000 acres of land, or twenty-eight
cubic feet of water per second or
Tho plalntirr company alleges that
the averago flow of tho river during
tho latter half or July and tho entire
month or August, which Is the height
or the Irrigation senson, is only 875
cubic toot, or considerably less than
tho Trl-Stato company claims aa Its
own, thus depriving all the other
ditches or any water at all in case
tho Trl-Stnto company's claim should
bo upheld by tho courts.
Pioneers' Annual Reunion.
Tho Nebraska territorial pioneers
tvlll hold tholr annual reunion at Lin
coln, September C and 7. Tho meet
ing will open tho evening or the 0th
with a memorial service nt tho Tom
pie theatre, at which tho principal
Bpcakers will ho Mayor Don L. Love,
Judgo T. L. Norvai, Dr. P. C. John
son and Rev. Hyron Heall. On the
morning or the 7th at 10 o'clock a
session will bo held at the university
rami with addresses by Governor
Shallcnbcrger and Judge Allen W.
Field, and short Lnlks by several mem
bers or tho association. Headquarters
will bo at the rooms of the Nebraska
State Historical society, University
library building, where visitors may
register and recelvo badges. Evorv
body la Invited.
Insurance in forco $1,7:10,705
N. Z. Snoll.v President
Dr. H. B. Davis, Omaha. .Vice-President
A. J. Sawyer Secretary
II. S. Freeman Treasurer
Dr. M. H. Everett.... Medical Director
C. It. Easterday Actuary
J. I.. Mockett. Jr Supt. of Agents
The Midwest Life
iEPiies all tho standard forms ot In
surance. Local agents wanted In ev
ery town In Nebraska. Good commis
sions aro paid. Write the president,
N. Z. Snell, Lincoln, tor nu agency.
Dadly Durnt In Explosion.
Central City, No b. Wednesday
evening about C o'clock whllo T. B.
Hord and J. H. Wilhrow wero trying
to remedy nn escape or gas in tho
collar or the former's home. Mr.
Wilhrow, not thinking about tho es
caping gas, lit a match, causing an
oyt'.ision. Both were severely In
Jurcd. Mr. Hord was burned on tho race,
neck, hands nnd one kneo, and Mr.
Wilhrow, who was the more seriously
In lei el or tho two, was burned rrom
head to foot. Neither or them sus
tained any injury to their eyes.
Noirlv overy physician in town re
sponded promptly to a hurryup call.
Inu Iloorlng In tlio rooms above tlio
cellar wero forced up nnd tho fur
ulturo or tho homo was thrown about.
Tlio force of tho explosion was felt
several blocks away.
Mr. Herd's residence was lighted
by acetylino gas. Tho fire company
made a hurried run, but tho ilames
hud been extinguished.
Old Settlers' Picnic at Wayne.
Wnyno, Neb. Tho Wnyno county
ploneof and old sottlors' association
picnic was hold on tho courthousn
grounds Thursday. Tho mooting was
called to order by Prosldent J. T.
Dressier. Judgo Jacob Fawcctt o.'
Omaha dolivered an address. At noon
tho picnic dinner took place on tho
Not to Forget the Patt.
Kearney, Nob. At a meeting or a
number or old sottlors In Whlto
Hrldgo park, four miles northeast or
this city, plans wore Inaugurated for
tho organization or a historical so
ciety in the county or Buffalo. Many
reminiscences or old times wore dis
cussed nnd Judge W. D. Oldham de
livered a spirited address. S. C. Bis
Belt or Gibbon was chosen as chair
man or tho noelety and ho Is to choose
fa 1b own secretary and work an he
A farmers' elevator company has
been organized at Pool, In Buffalo
county, and subscriptions amounting
to $10,000 have been received.
Civil service examinations will bo
held September 25 for rural letter
carriers at Benson, Bertram!, Leigh,
Lincoln, McCook nnd Randolph, Neb.
Kenrney business mon nro pushing
the corn exposition In Buffalo county
nnd expect to hold their preliminary
show In October. A paid secretary
has been engaged.
By a veto or 71 1 to 143 tho special
election hold nt North Platte, pro
viding for the issuing or V 100,000 in
bonds for a waterworks plant, was
carried. Thero was much rejoicing
over the result,
Tho sum of $100.75 has already
been subscribed for tho benefit or tho
orphan children or Joseph Richardson
who wns slaycd last week near Doni
phan. Tho father loft a home for the
children but this waB encumbered
with a $.100 mortgage. This amount
will be raised by popular subscription.
Tho apple crop around Fremont Is
larger than It has been in years and
formers aru regretting the scarcity ot
cider presses. Apples havo been sold
on tho Fremont markets for 25 cents
a bushel tho last few days and farm
ers complain that they aro unable to
dlsposo or tholr supply at that low
John Shlvely, who was seriously
hurt a year ago last Juno in a tor
nado, was dangerously injured while
working on a ham on tho form of
Joo McDonald, six miles cast of Ge
neva, Ho fell from near tho top of
tho building, breaking his shoulder
and three ribs. Ho wns also inter
nally Injured.
Will Prowott, Jr., aged twenty-one,
of Fullerton, has been In tho Philip
pines sluco last November. Ho has
been engaged In the treasury doriart-
nient nt $1,200 per annum. Word wiib
received this week that ho has al
ready been promoted to tho govern
ment bank with an Increaso of $S00
per annum In salary.
Representatives of the labor and
fraternal organizations of Fairbury
held a mooting and took tho Initiatory
steps for u big picnic to bo hold In
Fairbury on Labor day, Monday, Sep
tcniber 0. Oflleers wero elected and
correspondence was at once sent out
tor speakers ot state-wido reputation
in both labor and fraternal circle.?.
Loomls, the first station west of
Holdrego on the Cheyenne branch or
the Burlington road, is now an incor
porated village, tho county board at
Its meeting this week having granted
the petition or its citizens asking tor
Incorporation. Tho first trustees,
upon tho request of tho petitioners,
wero nnmed as follows: Charles G.
Youngqulst. P. A. Brodlne, W. E.
Gnmel, F. E. Young and A. G. John
son. Loomls has a population of 200.
A party of young folks rrom
Dorchester, while on their way to
tho river to spend the artornoon, met
an automobllo In a draw and tin
horses becamo rrlghtcned, broko the
tugs and tongue, nnd pulled the driver
Trom tho Beat nnd dragged him tip an
embankment. The young man man
aged to keep hold or tho linos and
tho horses wore stopped. Tho driver
or the machine foiled, It Is said, to
sound his horn as he camo around tho
curve. Tho boy was slightly Injured.
The Midwest Llfo or Lincoln offers
a good commission contract! to agents
to represent It locally. This is what
Best's Insurance Reports. Llfo, 1009
edition, says about Thn Midwest Llfo:
"Its rollcy contracts nro liberal and
fair. It WliteS both nnrt!nlnn!ri on.l
non-pnrtlclpating pollclos. Tho cost
or management Is extremely moderate
for a now company, and tho not cost
or Insurance Is low. The Investments
nro or good character and yield a
good return.
The taxpayers of Phelps county aro
to have tho prlvllego or saying by
tholr voti whether or not they want
to bond the county in tho sum of
$100,000 for tho purpose of building
a now courthouse, tho board or su
pervisors at their mooting this week
submitting tho proposition. Petitions
containing tlio requisite number o(
signers wero prosented. and this
coupled with tho report of tho recent
grnnd Jury that tho present wooden
building was unsafo and Inadequate
for tho present needs of tho county,
has brought about tho desired submis
sion. Tho hoard nnd county clerk
rocontly visited various other county
seats In tho stato. and upon their
return It was decided that a $100,000
building should bo built. It Is not
nntlclpnted that much opposition will
appear against tho proposition, ns
Phelps county doesu't owo a dollar
and has money in tho treasury. This,
with an $85,000 government building
across the street from It, will add
much to Holdrego's goodly number of
handsome buildings.
With assets amounting to $9,SG0
nnd liabilities of only $132.55, Charles
Green Rainbow, an Indian police
man upon tho Winnebago reservation,
has Hied a voluntary petition for bank
ruptcy in tho United States district
JCoarnoy's city council has taken
notion on tho speed ordlnanco. Tho
present ordinance limits tho speed of
tho nutomobllo to bIx miles por hour
and this was thought to bo too slow.
A new ordlnnnco wns drawn up and
passed which will placo tho limit nt
ton miles an hour.
PLACED AT 1,200.
Fifteen Thousand People Homeless,
and Property Loss Esctlmatcd as
High as $20,000,000 Many
Acts of Bravery.
Monturny, Mex. At noon Sunday it
ceased raining for tho first time since
last Thursday, and some Idea or the
horrors or tho Hood or Friday night
and Snturday could be obtained. It
was nt first reported that 800 lives
wero lost in tho disaster, but. Sunday
shows that that the number of dead
will reach 1,200 and perhaps moie.
Tho river has fallen considerably, and
whllo still high tho danger Is over.
Seventeen and a hair Inches of rain
foil Is the olllclnl record during Fri
day, Saturday nnd Sundn. Tho rain
was a steady downpour, and at ono
t lino approached the status of a cloud
burst. The river was higher than it
evor has been in the history of Mon
terey, and one time tho Plaza Zaro
gosa, tlio highest part of the city,
was Hooded to a depth of about ono
foot. This was early Saturday morn
ing, mid only lasted until tho ap
proach on tho south side or tb" Santa
Loulslta bridge wns washed out.
Fully 15,000 people aro Homeless In
tho Hood and are being cared for by
the city government In the best way
possible. At noon fully 5,000 people
wero given bread, colt'eo anil soup at
the municipal ouicos, but there aro
many on tho south side of the river
still out of reach of aid on account
of the still overflowed river. Conser
vative estimates of tho propory loss
placed the figures at $20,000,00
throughout the city. All through the
day ami up to late Sunday night tlio
bodies have been taken from tho
debris and ruins In the path of the
Hood and over 500 havo boon recov
ered, rue greatest loss ot llfo oc
curred Saturday morning botween
the hours of !) and 11, when tho largo
buildings on the south side of the
river commenced to crumble and fall.
Many of tho houses had from 100 to
200 people on their roofs and all dis
appeared in tho flood.
In ono school building on the south
side of the river ninety women and
children wens drowned when tho
walls or the building collapsed.
McHarg Will Retire.
Beverly, Mass. The resignation of
Ormsby Mcllnrg, assistant secretary
or the department of commerce and
labor will bo accepted. Secretary
Nagcl, head of the department, had
an extended conference with Presi
dent Tart Sunday nnd discussed with
the chler executive the subject of a
successor to Mr. Mellarg. Secretary
Nagel received a letter trom the as
sistant secretary saying that ho niuht
adhere to his first intention of remain
ing in tho department only for a
porlod or six months. This term of
duty will expire Soptembor 4, and by
that time Secretary Xagel hopes to
bo ready to announce the choice of a
new assist nut.
Mr. Mcllnrg announced some time
ago that ho soon would leave the gov
ernment service to engage In private
business. In his letter to Secretary
Nagel ho reminds him of his intention
to leave the sorvico, but says that ir
a successor cannot be found by Sep
tember I ho will continue in office
until October 1. Mr. Mcllaig's for
mal letter of resignation will follow.
Loses Life In Car.
Oinahn, Neb. Sunday morning W.
S. Kenneth, of Duliith, Minn., trav
eling halosman for the Patten-Whlto
company or that city, was killed in
the passenger elevator at the Koine
hotel. Tlio elevator had been sig
nalled rrom the fifth floor and was
on its way up. As it passed tho third
floor Kenneth, who was standing In
tho hall, attempted to jump in
through tho open door. Ho slipped
and fell across the floor of the car
a portion of his body hanging outride.
Before the conductor could stop the
enr, It reached the fourth floor. Hero
Kenneth's body was crushed hot ween
tho car and the floor and dropped
down tho shnft into tho basement.
When parties reached tho bod, life
was extinct.
Rebellion Is Serious.
Belgrade, Servla. According to In
formation received bore the Alblan
rebellion Is extremely serious. Tho
number of rebels Is growing dally and
the wholo region botween Prlstina
In European Turkey and tho .Monte
negrin frontier Is In a stato of revolt
In a domand for a complete reinforce
ment ot tho shorlal laws.
Crisis Begins to Subside.
Athens, Tho crisis In political af
fairs here, which reached Its height
in tho mutiny of the local garrison
and the formation of a new cabinet,
baa subsided. A decree was pub
lished Sunday granting amnesty to
tho troops concerned In tho military
movement and those who have Loon
encamped outsldo of the clt for the
past twenty-four hours, nuni'a in if
518, returned Sund ty afternoon to
their respective barruoks. The now
cabinet lias Issued a statement prom
islug compliance with public opinion.
Primary Expenses.
Judgo Fawcctt, republican nomlncr
for judge of tho Hiiprcmo court, has
filed an cxponso account with tho
secretary of sLito showing that ho
expended $2G8.38 in thn primary elec
tion campaign. J. E. Cobboy, de
feated republican cnndldate, has filed
an affidavit Btatlng that ho oxponded
Judgo F. G. Hnmcr, republican can
didate for judgo of tho Biiprenio court,
has filed a statement with tho secre
tary of Btato showing Unit ho spent
$459.50 In his primary campulgn, not'
counting traveling expenses und hotel
bills which tho law says need not bo
reported. Ho oxplalmi that this does
not cover his expenses In complying
with the non-partisan Judiciary law
which requires C.OOO petitioners, a law
which the supremo court declared In
valid. Ho spent $100 for postage, tlio
Bamo amount for a clerk and $153 for
a stenographer and other help and
$04 for cutB and pictures.
Judgo J. R. Dean, democratic can
didate for Judgo or tlio supremo court,
has Hied a statement showing that
he spent $10 for a filing foo in Custor
county and also $27.91 In securing
a petition under the non-partisan
Judiciary law.
A. G. Wolfenbnrger, prohlbltionlBt
candidate for judgo of tho supremo
court, admits that $10 was paid for
a filing fee, but ho avers that tills
amount was paid by D. H. Gilbert
and others and was not paid at his
The Complete State Tickets.
As a result of tho state-wido pri
mary election held on Tuesday,
August 17, tho following candidates
wero placed In nomination by tho
vnrious political partlcB of Nebraskn
and will be voted on at tho general
election to bo hold In November:
Republican: Judges of tho supreme
court Samuel II. Sedgwick, John B.
Barnes, Jacob Fawcelt.
Regents or tho state university W
G. Wliltmoro, Charles S. Allen, Frank
L. Haller.
Democrat: Judges or tho supreme
court Benjamin F. Good, John J.
Sullivan, James R. Dean.
Regents of tho state university
Charles T. Knapp. Harvey E. Now
branch. 'Peoplo'n Independent: Judges of
Jhe sujiromo court Benjamin F. Good.
John J. Sullivan, James R. Dean.
Regents or tho stato university D.
C. Cole. Harvey E. Newbranch.
Prohibition: Judges or the supremo
court R. L. Staple, Andrew G. Wolf
cnbargcr. Regents or the state unlvorslty
John II. Von Steen, Frank E. Llnch.
Socialist: Regents or tho stato uni
versity William Wemmcr, Ernest
Hecht, A. L. A. Schlermoyor.
State Gets a Large Fee.
Secretary of State Junkln Thursday
received a too or $18,000 rrom tho Chi
cago Great Western railroad. This
foe, together with ono or $70,000 re
ceived rrom the Missouri Pacific rail
road, makes a total or $11S,000
received within a few weeks for tho
filing of articles of Incorporation.
The feo or the Chicago Groat West
ern was paid by W. D. McIIugh of
Omaha, attorney for tho road. Tho
comrany filed articles of incorporation
In tho stnto of Illinois August 11. It
desired to become a democratic cor
poration In Nebraska and therefore
filed a copy or tho articles that were
filed in Illinois. Ab tho capital slock
of the compauy is $90,000,000 It was
required to pay a filing feo of $48,000.
Ono dollar additional was paid for
recording tho articles. These fees
havo nothing to do with the now occu
pation tax which all corporators
must pay. Tho occupation tax feo is
only $200 for capital Block or $2,000,
000 or more. Tho Missouri Pacific
paid $35,000 of Its $70,000 Too under
protest, but tho Chicago Great West
ern paid without reserving any rights
to any part or the money.
Room In, Cherry County.
A bond for $40,000 or school district
No. 117, Cherry county, was regis
tered In tho office of Stato Auditor
Barton, tho history of which Indicates
that thero Is still plenty or sparsely
settled land In Nebraska. This dis
trict contains ono full township and
sixteen sections more of land, mak
ing a total or fiflytwo sections, or
": 289 vros, has sixteen voters,
twenty children or school nge and tho
assessed valuation Is but $8,570. Thero
is nt presont no school building of
any kind within the district, the spe
cial election to veto bonds to build
ono having been hold at the homo of
one ot tho members of tho school
Missouri Pacific Decreases.
Tho values of property or tho Mis
fiourl Pacific railroad In towns, sub
ject to local taxation under tho term
inal tax law, has decreased from $423,
571 to $411,892.
Labor Day Proclamation.
Governor Shallenbergor Issued his
proclamation designating tho first
Monday In September as labor day
and calling for Its general observance.
Fire Warden Causes Arrest.
13. C. Martin, a Jowulor at Boldcn.
has been arrested on a chargo ot
arson, as a result or investigations
mndo under tho dlroctlon or Stato
Fire Wnrden A. V. Johnson. Tho firo
occurrod on July 4 and destroyed
several buildings. Martin's store was
located In one or them. It wns ns
certnlned that ho carried $1,000 In
suranco. The ovldonco haB boon Inld
before tho county attorney, who
thinks It will bo sutlkiont to Bccuro
a conviction
- i-iinni" i -q.
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