1 frt J- V T r, i A feK k Uttml imuMIMamw ltJnriA NAB19B nUI rinlifiil&fV W?U(Url'3Kvil WHSS1 OMnHMMH We have an unusially beautiful line of mr.mt wmam SCHOOL TRBhETS a!'." " This year-Ako Slates Pencilo - Croyons and all School Supplies don't fail to come in before you buy. It! 353, 111 11 IH' i II 1 ' H Chas. L. Cotting, The Druggist. if m 1 . . . ...,., LQGALOTES .Mrs. Lclnud went to Alma Friday. Buck Dejtzcr was In Arapahoe Sun lay. John Poster went to Hastings Tue.s ilny. Chas. Phares xveut to Hasting Tues day. Ed. Green was in Franklin this week. Mrs. Strong returned Sunday from omnlin. Glenn Walker was In blooming-ton Friday. John Polnlcky went to HaMlufs Tuesday. Mrs. J. C. ijlosi returned from Omal ft Saturday. Dr. Stockman went to Iowa the last of tlio week. ' Jasper Clatit went toLiw oln Tlmis day morning1. II. T. Cook went to Lincoln Wednes day raornlnf. Cha-. I'iihiH r wout to Innvidt Siitur day evenin-.'. Ilervy Cuum r .'..u- do vn froiu Mo Cook Ktiuday. f. M. Smitl. of Itird Cir. Khs.. is in town thi , wi'i-k. wwunKPVMOx imtwviivscx .loo Iii'inki'-iiii wih i!ou from M tlio '. i-' of lh . i-k altoti iin- Hie lo Cook this wtofc. Union. w 4 W & n V& E, at 1, AaJldfl&J 0i mTtOi k vrwh Bh.?i " Hii "& i omniiiii in in or 0 ". Kl WWi "" i J'1 '-. e -t r c v I A. A. KunlWW of A!nn WB8 in lied f i ill t!iW v r1 . Mips iVrilm Palmer was down from !i!:iwi' m "; .x. M s.i i Rsl was u tu ilia the iii"iti.-ui, '""' ,:""1 Hl'" " v ,"ttrt,, lhe iiis i r :ii xxeeU T!i ii on ,. ZU nte Ii iiiii- fi "i M itl n. i , .linn-- M t..iiro mi .i In .it ',,. .... . i. m I '. i i , , - i i ! . .1 I'l "... t... n. . U j Mi ;.. i Wil - (.1 0"!ctin is lit'io i x ' .',! i,. . r .,i"i .ii M i ..-ni (il - lit oxvd t M II '.!'. I!t l ' : It i . I i c (1 ' ' I, a'il Ml' ..'l t'i, 1., ; i r .. I lii'S(il,l '' ' . 1I--U il lit llltl:i t'l'' ! 'M (ll . I' ,'!.. .Mi-. I'r. r i . t.p troin MiperW til" III''! nt ll"' M t'h. !1 i I ley I i t . !-. ! w it li'( ' i ' i s n tlif fll'-t of til Will.. ii.t"li l'i.ri'.t"it di'Mifioin Ml'iituo lllf i'lt'.l of V I . I tiny Bi ml I. v.ns ill r.i)ilio the liri-l tit (Ii. e.o. :,. Mi'i.Ciov. (i.itlitr rtlurntil from Fair bury Muml'i;, t veiling. Mis. L. II Inaekk-dKc rolUtlJfd from U iKintingloii Saturday. I'ather Vit.uernld returned from Superior Sntnlny tvonlnp Cloyd CttmtniiiK returutii from Lin coln the lost of the week. Mrs. .1 It. IVrsou came home from McCook Sunday uinmlng. Mlhs Mabel Winfrey was u west bound passenger Monday. W. K. Thnmpktns of Uulde Uoek Spent Sundn.v In Red Cloud. Mr&. tke Myers nve it pienie Tues day for her embroidery clasH. Mis. Wllbtr lluinilfou returned from Ciilile I'oek Tuesday evenltif?. Mi-s 1'earl Smith came iu from Bird City. Monday to Mt friends. Mirts Paquita Stink-baker is visiting friends in Floating this weok. Mrs Nello MeCluro and ton aro hero from Lincoln vltdiiug relatives. Mrs. Oeo. Holllhter and daughter, re turned from Lincoln Saturday. MKs Stella Ducker leaves Friday for her i-ehuol at Loud. South Dakota. Mr. Paul Storey mid wife went to Llnrtdu Sunday n turning Tuesday. ?ui. Mhi'h' Ik'iy jf McPliersoii, was in Hod Cloud the la-t of the week. J,.i- K..1. y iii.d wifo returned Fri day lioui u tiip to tin' Souttlo Fvpo.sl tioti Ff'il Now '"U i- ' 'l ill l!lr.oiu;li;;ton cvry line ever th 5ico-. o ';" VAm X TnJ . mw iwjti g n.V9vtcnmmi-'KmnmTJi$ imfm,i'nii Vi, .vi An almost now Smith I'o-miir T.xpcwriter-Hx. ..;" Kul I'lnti I I i t r ! -I !l II I l I l i II .; !ns XX i i U i itn hn now i-i.hlcuc iii tlio Piatt ad dition. Miss Mary LtTitincnu of Concorlltt 1 . . .'i M' i :. tin- I'iuii' limn. n. I ol fioe eh woo in tho hnrncss. il Mill" I - .1 .Uiihtt'l', Sllttlrd i;; V !,.in . t i turn- . . . 1 1 1 i I tfi I iiu ii 'I ' ll l . " I ,! ill1 hi i Ui-' t- i i Kill. 1 i i..':t. i u .ihi ilu'li v i ' i' i-.s, Mr. and Mr. MuMui. foriuerl; -f t. i . ' ' - Hi -ir Itoiiie in Ptirt- i !. ; i i . . i'l ' w 'il, i i ' rjit of Jof L'l-fi-! i"t vi t a f i .' o'l'iiio" on an ?fH s'tikjlt li inn -i. Uin,;. Little Lior I'ill , tuiy t tiiki, t'l'iitlo in iK-tioh. pli -ivaut effeot. Suhl by Henry Cook There xvill be pi .tolling at tho Clui'tian ohureh Sunday morning and cvuiiitigb, tlev. Hus&oug. Wilii.im II. Mitchell iui.1 Miss ISva Uell Wlgitiui xvere umrrled by Judgo Bdsoii on Autit .10th lOOD. The Chk-tgo spoelalist will bo at the Royal hotel iu Ked Cloud, Prld'ay. Oct. 1st. Consultation free. Dr. J. H. lkuigh and xvifo left this morning for Newark. X. J., whero they will make- their future homo. Fob Sam: -A house of 4 rooms and two lots cheap if sold soon. Inquire of the Chief ottlae for fuither informa tion. Misxcs (iraee Kiusell Mabel Holm grain and Messrs. Kil Wulters and Warn Longton were in Wednesday. Hastings Andy Clngg, Juult Pugiito and Robert Carroll xteiit to llregory, South Dakota Saturday night, whero they will flulih the hall season. Mr. and Mrn. lilttir of Lincoln who hare been visitlug their son, Uert Uluir i nd family returned In Lincoln Monday morniug. 5W hu. of Sprayed Apples for sale, 7 Uiilis south west of Red Cloud on the U.vn Non is farm. Picked tipples -lOe, windfalls 2:c or i bu. for 81. Arri.i... I'ou Sxi.k:-7 iniio-. Mmtli West of 'IUd ( loud, ri'u bu.diel I'lc jior hiishel. 5 bushels tif xxind fall-, for ?l.-ll. l: ) M Cm. bro. In any ciuorgciioy xxl-.i-ro mi he is u luiiod. use Pirn .uivc('arholi.ed--there Is nothing better for cuts, burns and tiruisi s, Stdd by Henry Cook. Hu-'i:amj Lot- rm: Sam:.- A nice U room house nud 4"j lots locatod close iu. I his is a nice place. In quire at the Chief olllee for further particulats. I'M. Orcou x ho bus been engineer at the electric light und water plant for the past txvo yours has resigned his positiou and expects lo loavo tonight for Montana. Tho M. E. Aid society xvill servesup pcr in tho church parlors Friday even ing begiuiug at o'clock. Among tho good things to eat will bo ehlekeu pio and ice cream. Everybody xvt Iconic Walter Adam and a Miss Nichol son came over from Riverton on Satur day to be married by Judge lWson, but the young lady being under age and her cruel father refusing consult tliey xxero refused a icreniony by the Ju.Vo. T have a ft. xv hundred bushels if a sth'Cted j-tmiu nf pure lltd Turkey Heed Wheat for mloat 6l.0 ptr bu-,hol. Th! ouj thii xv heat made C tniiheis per acre on old bind on my Phi Ices farm, one halt mil.' x c- .f Rod lSml.! C. .1. I't.ATT. j l'i 'liking a .!-o ,r tv.o of Ikes' of Rod Chmd St p! ember lllh. at 3 p. LaxUveCourfSi svnip. .ton xx.il wet ni for the m mh. i''.ou of pitciu.-t of-,.r-mit "t.ie i',,-11 ., .so,;!, or "hi. n-ers V I Wo m I ;.i, t II- i.rvdt; It,"' i.t ' ." ' . I. -I irr'. , ,. , t.t' ' i l-'t! ,1 " O'ld 1 ' XVU .' ii)!' ''. ry "ibie .,r fh'MMmi 'I'M, ollke iitkimxx lodges tiii' receipt df ii li.'Unl-uiiu' post card lii'iit lJi'. A. A. (.''" " . ; ' ll. 11 v . 1 Conduct I he ; m" w ii 1 1 , I'i.ir n turn in time to , MTl il'i s of t ll I ' Sop. I Congi . t, i i 1 1, i .. !tiu-.' ,n i 111 i i i , i r.ll 'I. i I' I'l I .ill Mi -.X... Ii. ' ' ' i . ii. I- i !. d I o I. l! I X 111 I life lo . ! . ii .i oil. o Ih. i.i' . i I. i I O'll I'l I I ' . I I . I . . I. II "1 t .' X l'i , ih i ni:i i I I Hue I !, l.l I ' I ."llOvV in. ; th. l 'lb. th. . IHI the ' ' hi ox" I i ' i v o 1 I 1 ' ' .'! O . - . O'l II 'l. i .-Ml I I" I M , . Pill -. ''.M.n .- 1 ii, ill!; ills f.i- th n il- I of 1 III. l ifl., ill!! I'.i.vruill nf "I I. in , u ! . r, tiiini i .ih m!i I-. Mid ul! kidiiM.v Mtnplaiu's. Any one e m taUo le'i'fs Kidney .Hid Hhldhi Pills us dlrecti d in perfi-et ooulhloiioo nf guild result". Sold by nil dealers The uiit'Nppctcd delay of the now Lincoln school and the remodeling of the Washington school necevsitates postponing school until September VOth. (iradis from 1 to "inclusive w ill al tend school at tho Lincoln building Urnde s to 12 inclusive xvill attend the Washington school. Xou-re-ideiit students wishing to take 'Hh grade work not holding a county Hth made eciliiiciito should report to Mr. Mnnl.s olllee at tho Washington school build ing September Jsth at I o'olocU. All Students not roi'llliirlc iilnlliot 1 .1 n: fwe.(, ,lol -in uttctithinee at the liiutl spring examination should r. put Septeinber 18th tit '2 o'clock. Iitunm Ciiiki: -'ilmnking you for calling at our home lust evening nud infoi ining us that we might get sight of our nearest neighbor iu tho planet ary -jsUin. Mars, about 0 o'eluck, xvhh'h xv e found to be correct as to the time foi xiewiug the xvnndeiftil star, xvc no.x inxite attention to the fuet, whioli xve glean from the best author it v a hiiiiii. that on the cx uiug of the 18th i!.iy of .September, "iir earth xxill be oh'o ;ii;,lsn.uini mill . iJislunt from tho plant t under con -i .n.ilioii This i.xeniii'f the jU'-oii v." ill. iiipui i nll.x, as-, nenr to the pliinc. nud till tlieu, and a !e.x vcmiigs atter.Mirds. the mooiilifdii ',xii he .strung em ugh to lessen the hrightiic-s nf in.' .plaiul but aftei Ih. I it will ho i ietdingl.x brilliant dm ingu i.ire not t ion of eaeh night. Wo tic.ievu ini Aili join us in xvishliig that our people miht avail themselves of the opportunity ot a life tiiuo of viexsing the face of this our neurcst neighbor iu tho planetary sys tem, since to tlo so xvill not only ho uplifting iu ila tendency, but will stimulate both soul and body, to our groat, advantage. Thuiiking jou again for your thoiJghtfiilnes.s, we eau but express the hopu that, somen here iu the great domain of Uod's material Universe wo may one and all roam at will and further investigate the wonderful things that have been placed within ojjr reach, and that with u keener par ceptlou than mortals can enjoy, wo may revel in the sublimities that shall be unfolded after we hae passtd into the giout Unknown. Cordially joura, . J M and A. .f. 'ii,vrnv. Cuucutf Hv.i i'iA)i i, Xcn . nipt. ''. ill.".!. A joint I'stii'ti'. of Deiuociutie and People's Independent parties v. Ul he held at the c ui t ii'iiisofoi'tlieitrcciiict Hit-h V. tit'll, ' ) v ,V. v Hi I u' j - iw7 " r-' i -" r xj'i'vgv)vvvx New Goods Amvinff SlK.. Daily Come in and stc the new styles for i all wear, S S Always glad to t Gewden-Kaley isthi Always Reliable &'WwrfVt.y' vv s-AVsNsA.rfrA'vs0.x Al rnack Headquarters FOR Furniture, Carpets AND UNDERTAKING t llllt . by 1 ' i .1'. ' .5rv. ! 1 1 . . i i . .'''' M r- f show you. S s First Door Norlh of Postofficc d - v vsvP'-'vJ Chaney s s MMFmn Whalebone CORSfEIS Dlrcctolrc Motile Sf is inod. mtely short and full allots the ivuisf, but has the .ciy long skirt, i: a i'-t!;" hi;... ;oi.- inh' their fullno pridut i.i,- (ho stiuiht hip line. Deslgr I lutlur short, full forms. An addition ' . ru -i!' 1 t'oit a bb 'oi',, r.foit and lit' i- fimijd in i," SECUIOTY RulVi-T '?cn.!o Bppofi J-'M- i 1 1. ' i i .hi , ' r i' ii i l!!f: 0 0 ' f , . r?r'Yr'-T i f - il i;