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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1909)
-Z-3 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ENGINEER This lOOO Guip Sovernment's Financial Situation Interests Washington Experts. FEARS A KIN lor slyi ear of Corn Jvi'VS. If k foo Quick Return to Prosperity Re- fjarded as Adverse Factor to Financiers Over $80,000,000 Gold Exported Since Jan. 1. WnshltiRton. In analyzing, tho fitinn clnl situation of iho jiovornnipnt, which involves the question of whether or not un Issue of three per cent, one-year cortlllcntoa shall ho used to replenish the working bal nnce In the treasury, students of finance In Washington regard a too quick return of prosperity as an nU verso fartor. The export of gold, which shows no sign of diminution nt the present time. Ih also being care fully wntched with a view to ascertain ing Its real meaning and probable of fact on busluesB later. Generally speaking, anything which will servo to reduce greatly the work Ing balance In the treasury from $.17. 000.000, Its present stage, would bc viewed with conrcrn. It Is now un derstood that the treasury department Jinn high hopes that the increase In custoniB duties, supplemented by a demnnd among tho small merchants for subsidiary silver coin will keep this balance about where It now Is during the summer. Taking the gold reserve as an Indi cation or tho trend of tlnanrlnl condi tions, it Is not generally known that over $SO,000.000 gold has been ex ported from the United States since Jnnuary 1 last. This outgo can bo partially accounted for In that ap proximately $30,000,000 went to South America for colTce loans, while, with in tho last two months, Japan has bought more than $10,000,000 In gold at San Francisco Instead of buying In London, as formerly. Should Japanese continue these purchases at the same rate this- act would, of course, have a slgnlflranqe apart from mero financial considerations. The balnnco of tho exports, amount ing to nearly $100,000,000. remains unaccounted for and llnanclal students here bellexe thnt it Indicates a re dundant currency. Acting on this belief they havo reached the conclusion thnt if pros perity, following the passage of the tariff law. Rtarts too rapidly It may be followed by n sharp reactionary movement in the fall. A tendency to speculation Is especially feared on the theory that any undue frenzy of spec ulation, with paper money so abun dant, may create a disturbance which would react on business. Invited to Stay All Night. The Hostess it's storming bo hard that I guess you'd better stay all night. Mr. Scoresby. The Dinner (Juest I'm afraid I would put you to too much trouble, Mrs. Drown. Tho Hostess Oh, not nt all! Let mo 6C0. I can Bleep on tho library lounge, and Jane and Martha and Ella and Aunt Mary can room together, and there's a mattress we can bring down from tho attic for Willie, nnil Mr. Drown will do nicely with a blanket on tho parlor rug. It's no trouble nt nil, Mr. Scoresby. Tho Guest You're very kind, but I'm quite sure tho rain is stopping, and I've an excellent umbrella. Just as much obliged. Goodnight. Cleve land Plain Dunler. WOMAN MUST NOT MAKE LOVE Michigan Farmer Secures Injunction Restraining Teacher from Talking to Son. Detroit, Mich. Alleging thnt Lily Uurden, a Flint Rock school teacher, is eo persistent in her love-making and has uuch influence over the mind of his son that there Is gravo danger of lilm becoming Insane, Ernest D. Shove, a llrowntown farmer, was gianted an Injunction by Judge Dono van restraining tho young woman from calling upon the younger Shove from holding nny conversation with, mid also from doing anything to gain tho affections of tho young man. Tho father alleges thnt his son, who Is but 17 yearn old, has been back ward In school. Using this as an ex cuse, ho Bays, Miss Durden gave him prlvato lessons. In this way, ho says, tho woman gained such nn Influence over the son that his mind was com pletely under her control. He said she so influenced the young man that he hns becomo temporarily insane, and wbb confined for Bovcral months in KloifiO. Ho wns recently discharged as cured, but no sooner wns he out than tho tencher again took up with tho youth, with tho result that he Is again in her tolls, tho father asserts I Tho father declares that the affair between his son and tho teacher cre ated such n scandal two years ago that she was asked to resign her posi tion. DECIDES "PIGS IS PIGS" Health Board of Delaware City De clares That Educated Porkers Are Plain "Hogs." Wilmington, Del. Tho Wilmington board of health gave n truo applica tion to u well-known story that "pigs la pigs." For so"cral weeks John Andrews, nn nln.l irainer, has been putting two joung porkers through all kinds of stunts, with a view to placing them In vaudovlllo aB trained pigs or selling them to some showman. The IiJgs were gelling along famously S ' ' ''. I sSi: -. ' " IIP? Fxk v W U I m! ; JUL ia 1iU(iiMita rupjrlMht bj Cllnnllti.t Wihln.ttor I) t, MaJ. William V. Judson is the engineer commissioner of the District of Columbia, and is recognized as a leader In the engineering profession. He Is devoting much of his time at present to a careful study of the subiect of tho safety of public buildings. ,r FIGHT EGRETS SALE Thousands Join in Protest Stay Government's Hand. to Proposed Disposal of Bird Plumes Seized by Customs Officials to the Milliners Resented In Nearly Every State. New Yuri:. Shocked by the thought of Uuole Sam selling the nuptial plumes of many mother birds, butch ered in the midst of their young, which were left to starve, thousands jf Americana have joined a movement of protest ngainBt such a disposal of the egrets sebed by the custom house in this city, which the govern ment has just ordered to bo sold hero. Krom almost every state In tho union scores of communications have been received by the National Asso ciation of Audubon Societies offering support nnd urging action to prevent tho nation from engaging In tliis busi ness which the milliners are insist ing upon. Dy its lax legislation and law enforcement ngalnst the bird butchers tho Empire stato is nlonc re sponsible In this Instance for thus making the got eminent tralllc in these spoils, It is declared. Whilo these costly heron plumes are held hero ut the custom house to be auctioned ofT, hundreds of wives and mothers In this city and through out the country are organizing a pro test. Hacking the Audubon workers In this movement tho National Ked eiation of Women's Clubs nlready Is arrayed, as well as many spoitsmen's organizations and granges, whose members want the birds to protect when a neighbor, who was evidently envious of the trainer's progress, noti fied the health offlclalB thnt hogs were being kept within the city limits, con trary to law. Health Officer Virion began an in estlgntlon, nnd at the meeting of tho board he made known tho facts. The board decided that it could not dis criminate between trained and un trained porkers, and Issued an order for Andiews to dispenso with them or leave the pi utilises. FAMOUS AS MODEL SERVANT Distinction Given to New York Wom an with One Family for Fifty Seven Straight Years. Now York. With a record of 57 consecutive years' service In one fnm ily, Yetta Stelnbnrger Is considered the model servant by the several gen erations of tho Isaac Kurtz faintly, who aro now celebrating tho anlver sary Isaac Kurtz was walking through Dnttery park 57 yearn ago when he stopped to Inquire of n youug girl why she wept. She told him that she wns hungry and had no home, and wns unable to obtain employment. He took her to his own home, and there she hAs remained ever since, ministering faithfully to the succeed ing generations of tho Kurtz ramlly. Short Sentence for Burglar. Cheyenne, Wyo. Snm Smith, facing a score of burglnry charges, who was shot twlco In u desperate attempt to escape arrest, wnB sentenced to five hours in the penitentiary and to pay a lino of $300. Smith hns passed tho last year in hospital nnd jail, awaiting trial. His sentence Is tho shortest over Imposed In Wyoming. Big Orange Crop, Now Orleans. Louisiana will enter luo keen competition ,-ltli Florida and Unlllornla in tho ornnge business this year Growers believe the crop will como close to M'il0O9 hoses. rii.fMirn-im r rwur ri-sxn their crops rather than to become tho wares of a few milliners. From several friends nnd apprecln tors of bird life money has been sent to bo devoted to lighting tho milliners, whose commercial backing has en abled thorn, with n staff of Inwyers, to urge I'nclo Snm to tralllc in these scalps of mother birds. Plans to prevent any further possl hillty of the government profiting by tho sale of theso egrets nlrendy are being made in this city. Stato and federal olllelals are to be warned of the urgency or their duty in tills mat tor, and every effort made by tho peo ple In states whore laws arc lax on this point to obtain legislation for bidding the salo of egrets by govern ment ofliclals. In Now York state particularly the ofliclals whoso attitude waB tho chief cause given by tho government for re versing its former decision to destroy Iho cnutiabaml heron plumes, will bo urged to take every possible action to provont a repetition of whut Is called the "nationnl disgiaco" through tho Empire state. "Wo a in In this fight ngalnst bird butchery to stay," said William Outchcr, president of the National As sociation of Audubon Societies. "Al though tho milliners may appear to hao won a temporary victory In In sisting thnt our government tralllc in thoso trophies of tho whoicsalo butch ery of mothers leaving their young to starve, we believe tho country will bo soon aroused to combat this disgrace to the whole nation. "Now that tho peoplo arc waking up to tho economic importanco of bird pioloction wo feel Biiro that we Bhall soon rally to our support every truly patriotic citizen of America." DUCKS CLEAN UP OHIO TOWN Lakevlew, O., Installs a Corps of White Wlnas to Whom Name Applies Literally. Hollofontalne, O. The white wings of tho Town of Lakevlew, near here, aro literally white wings now. They're ducks. Decently the finances of the village foil to puch n low ebb that It wns Im possible to longor employ a Btreet sweeper, so Ills services were dis pensed with. Still there remained a few dollars In tho treasury. One of tho aldermen proposed that tho money bo Invested In a flock of ducks which would an ago In tho streets nnd eat the tubbish. Lean ducks woro brought nnd turned loose in tho Btiects. They started In to eat tho wasto from the streets at one end of town early In tho morning nnd eat to tho other end, when tlioy are turned backward or shifted to nnother street. "Dead" Bride Tells of Angels. Ues Moines, In. Mrs. Walley Ole son, u young brldo of Marshalltown, was pronounced dead by an attending physician and tho family was standing about her bed mourning when she sud denly awnkened, the family Bays. Throwing her arms about her hus band sho exclaimed: "Oh, Walley, I've como back to tell what I nw i was dead and met by father and the nngnls. It was so grand that I'vo come back to take you with me." With theso words sho sank back upon her bed and nover breathed again. Messenger Buttons Cello's Dress. Washington. A now rolo for A. D. T. boyB waB developed tho other night when one of theso young Mercuries, In the employ of n local company, wna fiiimmoned to a fashionable apartment house by n prominent society girl. Tho girl, whoso mnld nnd desorted her an hour or so before sho was due at a dinner party, needed nn assistant to button her dress up tho back. Not being able to find anybody else, alio (summoned a messenger, not ro veallug tho naturo of tho sorvlco for which sho Intended him. Mad lade by Tiffany. Ncarly3 ft. high in solid Ro!d and sil :r. Actual contract price 1,000. To be awarded at the ver National Corn Exposition, Omaha J'VSS to the man, woman or child producing the best car of corn grown this year in the United States. Open to everybody belotu-mi: to the Association Nothing to luiy or sell. Tho purpose of tho donor of thli trophy W. K. Kellojw-h to improve tho nudity 01 Mio millions of hu-shels of corn iibud in making Kehogg's Toasted Corn l'-akc3. Many peoplo thtalt tho perfection of corn flavor has been reached In Toasted Corn Toasted Corn 1 lakes-ia, try it. Then you'll sco how hard a tank wo aro nlvlnit ourselves to irapiovo it, and tho only way wo can improve it Is by tho better, merit ol the corn itself, Profoiior HoHen, of tho Iowa Stato Colloac, tho greatest authority on corn In tho wo Id will award llio yun at tho National Corn Uxpuuiion. to bo held at Omaha, Neb., Dec. Oik to 18th, 1WW. Txvo simple rules will govern tho plan, and tl.X nrXl hSn,y.w ?'UU'C,V of c.or.n l0 ,ho NaonnI Corn Uxposiiion, Onialu, Neb., before November 27, 10011, nnd that ymi aro a member of tho National Corn Asso ciation full particulars regarding which can bo had by writing to National Corn lixpoMiton. Omaha, Neb. Tio a tag securely to your specimen and word It. "1-or the Kellogg 1 rophy Contest," and write your n.imo and plainly. H yours is judged tho best, you w.ll get tho trophy for 11)10. If ou succeed rgain next yrar or tho year following, tho trophy will become your property for all time. 1 Tho contest will bo open to every stato in tho Union. Profct.or Holdcn will judo lllnrnril nnrtii-lllnrli. nn ll... I.i,l I I!... r. . . jiiuju r; " 'u"'iiBui(uu!iiy. 1 no growing 01 uiorocoiii per aero 19 000 object of tho award, but tho main purpose ot tliu '07prof tho tronhv 'Is for Improving the quality of corn uicd in rnnk.nK KELLOGG'S TOASTED CORN FLAKES. If you haven" tried this delicious cereal, lVin your education 111 "good tilings to cat" today. Ail grocera have it. h KELLOGG TOASTED CORN PUTNAM &tffiM ....,. ... v - - NEW SIDELIGHT ON HIST0RX Englishman Has Other Than Accepted Version for Cornwnllls' Surren der at Yorktown. Thoy woro comiuomorntiiif; tho mir rondor of Cornwallia nt Yorktown with tho usual llory upoochcfl. At tho cloao of tho regular program tho chairman nnnounccd with a wir"; to Uioho near him: "Wo uro happy to havo with oh on this auspIcioiiH orcnfllon a rcpro sciiUitivo of King Kdward, If not or King (Jcoige. Ladlen and gentlemen, I beg to present to you MaJ. Arthur Kor- roster of tho Kirst Uoynl Dragoons, who will now say 11 fow words." Tho mnjor looked n llttlo surprised as ho strolled to tho front of tho plat form, polished his eyeglass, and begun with a drawl: "It has long been 11 wonder to mo how Cornwnllls, with tho pick or tho Hrltlsh urniy, held Yorktown against a miserable force of militia for only u few weeks. But, ladles nnd gentle men, I've seen your town to-day, and my wonder Is now that ho cared to hold such a forlorn-looking spot for oven one dny." "Shake!" broke in the nlmlrman, "tho drinks aro on mo." Important to Mothors. Examine carefully every bottlo of CA3T0HI A a infe and sure remedy for Infanti and children, and seo that It Hcar Iho -j -xg. n Signature of - VJbMlrf-frtfr-. In Use For Over :iO Years. Tho Kind You Havo Always TIouchL The Air. He So you think man led life ought to bo one grand, sweet song? She Yes. He What air would you prefer for this matrimonial song? Sho I think a mllllonnlie. Working the Brain. Church They say fish Is a great btlmtilnnt for tho brain. (iothani Well, I know Just catching them makes tho Imagination moro nc the. 8hako Into Your 8l-oe Allen's Foot-IOnse, a powder for your feet. It cures painful, snolleu, ninnrtlni,', niveat Ing feet. Makes now fthooa easy, Sold by all Druggists and Shoo Stores. 25c. Don't accept nny substitute Saniplo VUKK. Ad dress Allen 8. Olmsted, LcRoy, N. Y. Perhaps tho reason tho Goddess of I-'amo Is llcklo Is simply because sho Ib a goddess, and thercforo neces snrlly feminine. Tho mnn who Is looking for troublo meets with fowor obstneles than tho man who is seeking hnppl ness. Iirne back nnd Lumbago make n young man feci old. Hamlina Wlrnnl Oil inahcn tin old man feel younn. Aboluteiy iioth ing like it for the relief of all pain. When you hear one man trying to bellttlo another, It's safe to bet that tho other Is his superior. Undertakers also como under tho head of scientific boxers. . , PKItltV DAVIfi' IMlNK1I.s-.KH Afi-clliiKutM'OiirllT r.nufBliT IiuvIhk lliln ruraoDH remcilr dm luirul. It In u Uiix'iid UHr f.fvminj ai'ulust cuUc, dlitrrbta, cmiupa. aio, iio &Uki iMjlllck. Many a mnn makes his mark In tho world with a whitewash brush. Tvoivia Single Hinder Ktraight So cigar iu nude to nalisfy the smoker. And occasionally a mnn throwu off troublo by puttlug on a bold front. -m TOASTED fcCORN Mfa- 11 . Fl&ftfcS $pgs lliUUBlWJllUM FLAKE CO., Battle CreeK, Mich. FADELESS DYES 1 '0.eD"A"?,c.n.,.0.rn.-"i "bl.I!!2L! !" ' "Li l"Jell5f U .n, oth, , d,,. You en dr - .w. .... ..., ..ww,.!,,, lma vuiuim murtlXUC. AT THE MOMENT. fiiSf HJf ft Percy Aw, uro you Interested In tho "Coming Young Alan?" Kitty (with u yawn) No; Iummoro Interested In tho going young man. Graves of the Wicked. Whcio Is tho man who has not wandered now and then through tho graveynrdb or tho world and wondered where tho wicked folks aio buried'.' f one believes all the tombstones Bay 0110 Inevitably inclines to think thero nover were inuiiy, If any, very, very wicked folks on earth. Hardly Flattered Himself. Family lawyer (to young heir) Now, remember, my boy, that a fool and his money nro soon parted. Young Heir (Impressively) I In tend, sir, to be tho exception that proves tho rulo. Lcw.k' Single Hinder cifMr. Original in Tin I'oil Smoker Package. Take no eubitutc. Our Idea of a wise man Is ono who never argues with a woman. Mm. TV'natnwVi Footlilnir Hyrtip, for hlldrrn trttttiltiK. iiof ti no tlin Kiiroi, reilurra In tUuiumtlou. alia umIu, curvi wind collu. 21c u IkiILo. It Is the after effect of experience that counts SICK HEADACHE CARTER'S I'osKI vcly cured by those Llttlo i'llls. aasM They aIbo rellcre Dlu- H ITTLE ir'Hfroiu I)yHrpHla,In. J CVW 'IlKiMtlonanclToolIfarly H IVLK liitlnjf A perfrct rers H nil i e e,,y fl,r '""I'x-'OH, Nan. m srlLL. Ma, DronHliifHH, Dim MJIB TriHte In tlit-Jtnulli, Ckiat. IBrH 'J'uiiriio, I'n I n In tlie 1 1 IHIde, TUIU'Hi I.IVKIfc They rrKuliUu tlio JIowcIh. Purely Vt'iMublo SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, Gcnuino Must Bear Fac-Similo Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. BARKER'S MAID RALRtlVI CImdiu aud Utuiljir tho hlr, rnunottr a luiun.nt gruwth. Nnvor fallu to Jtontore any 11.1 ,f ,.u '',,,. a..u Cum itp iHinttt i iiifr UlUu,." s- l ySSNHMiiu JSraJrai ,m wnni k n aT.VT JT JMBl, ITAfti tMmnmr'A f fl fc-'-t ir-i72K 1 wszmwwMmmKzmAA'A xwvt'sr i CARTER'S WlTTLE TlVER rus. TUlyt'.l. Ti7 mMdwm til 11 tei iSfi Tt 1 0 ' ft II M s i A U I Kl ififil ' v ft 'IK I -MTOi flivjr mm v, .,.;,Mff. UliUU lilt , Qulncy, Illinois. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 33--1909. TOILET ANTISEPTIC NOTHIrlC LIKE IT FOR THF TPFTBJ PBX,'no exce' auy Jfntifrictf " U"tIlTl in clcaniing, wlulciiing and removing tartar Iron the tcetli, betides dcitroying II serma ol decay and d-ieate whidi ordiory tooth pirpjratuxii cannot do. TUF BUI ft I ITU Po'inn med as a moulli I nib nlUU I II ai dunlccls the mouth and throat, purifies tho hrealh, and kills the nerme which collect in the mouth, causing tore llitost, bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much lickneis, TUP ITYPQ when inflamed, tired, acho I nt b I EiO and burn, may be instantly leheved end strengthened by Paxtine. fATADDU Paxtine will destroy the germi UA I Arinri that cause catarrh, leal the in flammation and atop the discharge. It is a sum remedy for uterino catarrh. Paxtine is a harmless yet powerful cermicide.diimlcclant and deodorizer. Used in bathing it dcitro)s odors and ' leave me body stntueptically clean. FOR 8ALE ATDRUQ STORES. BOc. OR P08TPAID DV MAIL. LARGE SAMPLE FREE! THE PAXTON TOILET CO.. D08TON. MAB8 Stop taking liquid physic or big or little pills, that which makes von worso instead of curing. Cathartics don't cure they irritate and weaken tho bowels. CASCARETS make the bowels strong, tone the muscles so they crawl and work when they do this they arc healthy, producing right results. 7 CASCAKRTS ioc n Jox for n week's trealimiil AllilniKKiaU. lllRgenl heller 111 the world. Million twxci it mouth. This Trade-mark 2 Lliminalcs All Uxicerlainty liitlifpuicluseof aiut materials. 1 is an .ib'oltilo ru imnteo of pur ity and rjuaiity. For your own Dnitection. nn that it is on the tide of every lc jr ot white lead you buy. HATI"NHtrDCOMPm 1902 Trinity Culldlug, Hii Tork Nothing to Lcam, Simply Shave NO STROPPING NO HONING known Tin: WORLD OVCK FREE! 'J'lilHlioaiitlfiil viit'htiiiil(illirr IIiik praiilmiiH fii'ntoboyH uiul uirlH fur hfllinir U plrctu of Ji'wrlry nt 10 iM-nlH eai'li. No iiiiiiic, Jiiht H.'iid your miniu ami e lll nmli tlin Jewelry, MKMPIIIS C. O. CO. tui n..hi.UM i.fc, a,vi.i tu. 3-STROKE SELF-FEED HAY PRESS All Hti'elimd Iron. '1'moMcih'jii run It. 'I'hrn, tun.lli .inn hAtlp. ; drill, tmcetn bills. iTKFiTT ru ntiiDiirrrcrT THE AUTO-FEOif. HAY PRESS COMPANy Ifllfl WHST Xlli KTItHKT lif.4 M huk o. iu KASHAS CITY, MO, "iKWiSj Thompson's yo Water a&&ne wti12xk 'tfffilrS'Si1 stBr tjykyrtsl;r 'I R?awi!c' a 1 H I II .wl.aglgj'y. is, jsvu. -Jf3 .! ?4vk.dL brjK. J!iW. tM, x uuMi&k&tiimii&r- sr