The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 02, 1909, Image 2

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    . ,jr St,
I. I
Putting One Past the Post
Garnering the Gold by a Special Process Originated Within
the Confines of the High Rollers' Club
OCK. KLOYD. Jack Clelnml
Dnwl Col. l'owloy of tlio
1 Ilt'li Itollcru' cluli wit. nut
from Keno, Nov., for Hun
Kinnclseo. Tlioy became ac
uiialntcd with 11 fienruo Hon-
klna, interested In Haw Illilo mining
Doc Floyd Hat In tlio niurblo-lliilshcil
rotunda of .San I'VunrlHco's heal hnlol
tho morning after his arrival. Ho had
ilnlHhod with his nowspnpor and
was gazing out upon tlio little park
ucroHH tho slice! tilled with palms and
boda of hrlglit-liucd (lowers. Neither
Col. l'owloy nor Jack Clolund had ap
peared, and ho wiih rather chid when
tho young mining man ho had mot on
tho train came, upon him, and ho was
roused from his Bolf-nbsorptlon hy a
choory greeting. Looking ii. ho hiiw
that young Hopkins no longer woro
conliiniVK and liouvv linn I Itiir hoots.
but was blue-scrged, green-halted and
pntont-lonl bored, ami altogether spoity
looking enough to belong to IiIh own
"All alono. 1 hoc," remarked Hopkins
jib bo touchod Floyd upon tho Hhonldor.
"if you'vo not been to lireaklaHt, I'd
llko to have you Join me."
"I'd bo pleased to," assented Floyd,
who had grown hungry waiting for lily
frlonds. "Those tollowa who catno
with mo mtiHt bo taking an extra por
tion of Hleep (IiIh morning. I'll not
wait any longer for them."
Down In tho grillroom a brenkfnst
was horvod, tho equal or which Is not
to bo had In any other oily In iho
United States, excepting, poihaps,
Now OrleutJH. Ily the nine Fioj.i ,i...i
Hopkins had lit their cigarettes thoy
.woro convondng as old tnorids.
"Oh, look wlio'n arrived!" burst out
Tony tho Tout, upon catching .sight of
Floyd and IiIh party, "ir It Isn't the
Illg Doctor, and 1 haven't Keen him
since Hamburg was a twoyonr-old."
"And nay," whispered Tony, In con
fidential tones, "Mud out tonight what
business that young man who was
with you UiIh afternoon has with old
Tom Cnmp. They woro off In' a cor
nor for u long tlmo and If your friend
nln't some wIho IIhIi he's apt to ho bit."
That night after dinner Floyd. In
conversation with young IlopkliiH, cau
tiously led tho talk up to Tom Camp,
nnd then aHked tho lint-footed question
na to wbolher Hopkins had enteiod or
wns nbout to enter into any jloal.
"Well, I'm ruthor ashamed of it, ho
cnuso It does look like a crooked deal,"
returned Hopkins; "but I'm a lot loser
on tho game, first and last, and It looks
llko a ebanco to get oven, so I was go
ing to tako It. If you know nn thing
nbout Camp, you know ho has some of
tho host horses on tho track. Ho aaya
lio'n boon In hard luck this winter and
lost novcrul thousand dollars bucking
tho faro bank. His piopohltlou is for
mo to put in $5,000 to help back a
book. Ho will put n lii.OOO of his own
money, making u good strong bank
roll. Tho books aro all making money
now, nnd besides the men break wo
would got In on the regular piny;
Camp Bays bo can fix a race or two so
wo can win Homo sure money. He is
corlaln that wo can pull out $25,001)
oncli In u week."
"That all listens well," broke In
"Wliat'H tho matter with It?" iiioa
tlonod Hopkins. "I don't kuo.w why
I'm telling you all this, nnywny. You
might queer my ganio for all I know."
"No. I'll do nothing or the kind," an
nworod Floyd. "Hut I'll bet you ftvo
hundred now that ir I don't savo you,
Cnmp will trim you for whatover you
put In. If It's Biich a sure thing, what
dooa iio want with u partner to share
tho prollla? Any tlmo a mnn offers
you something for nothing, lock up
your bank roll and keep your hand on
your Jowclry. Do you follow mo?"
"Yoh, It (Ioob look that way," as
pouted Hopkins; "but you seo he needs
?10,0I)U to mnko the book safo, nnd he
only has about $5,000 In ready money
that ho can lay tils hands on. That's
why ho wants somo one to come In
with tho othor $5,000."
"That'n just what they all say, and
now I'm convinced that you nre sched
uled to bo tho goat," announced Floyd.
"Did Iio explain to you Just how ho
wns loIur to pull off ouo of those al
leged 'sure things?' "
"Yea, there's a nice on tho card to
morrow In which ho has a liorso on
torod that can win. Ho nlso controls
tho only other contender In the race.
Ho can throw tho raco to whichever
horso ho wants to. You know that's
posslblo, don't you?"
"Yes, I'vo seen such things done, and
thon ngaln I'vo seen them roll most
awfully hnrd. I can seo now how
easy It win bo for hhn to brenk the
book nnd got your $5,000 on ono race.
Como on up to my rooms and I'll In
Itlnto you into tho urt of bentlng tho
tloublo cross, if thoro's any chance to
do It; nnd if there Isn't then you'd bet
tor koop your $5,000 In tho bank, or
linvo a trustee nppolnted to look after
it for you. You may be all right on a
mining proposition, but thoro aio n lot
of othor things you'vo got to learn,"
Within 15 minutes Floyd, with ho
nld of tho telephone, had located Tony
tho Tout, and In auothor hair hour
that wlso bug or tho turf had arrived
at Floyd'B rooms, wondorlng for what
ho wns wanted, and ploasod all over to
bo nuinmonod into tho prcsonco of bo
august n porsonugo.
To Tony Flojd told tho proposition
of Camp us Hopkins had told It to
him. ami upon beailng tho piopuHltlon
Tony let out u long laugh.
"Why, It's Just a plain gntne of
double cross," assorted Tony. "He'll
break tho book and get your $5,000
in one ihco and then loll you It was nil
a mistake and make you believe It,
and then ho'll ask you to dig up anoth
er $5,000 to get oven with. Why. my
kid biother wouldn't bile on that old
"Yea, do jou suppose I didn't know
all that?" btpko In Koyd with a mo
Hon for the talkative Tony to shut up.
"What I want you for Is to see If wo
can turn the tables and get Camp's
end of the bank roll."
"I'm afiald not," answered Tony.
"He's worked that gaino four or five
limes this season and alwayH gets
away with It. He's cot n rcunkir crew
to go on and make the book and Miov
nil stand In with tho play. I suppose
ho'a told Mr. Hopkins that ho can put
a man In tho hn to look out for his
"Yes, ho said I could do that," as
sented tho young mining man.
"Ut'H look over Hint race ho said ho
could llx for to-morrow," was the sud
den Buggestlon or Tony as he produced
a paper in which was n list or tho en
tries for tho noxt day's races. "Oh,
I'vo got tho old badger!" waa tho sud
den, glcorul outburst. "Ho was right
nbout thoro being Just two horses in
the raco with a chanco to win. (Jo on
nnd put In tho $5,000 with him and I'll
nttend to tho rest when I boo you at
tho track tomorrow. Just put a wlso
ono In the box to seo that no one runs
away with tho bank roll, and after that
raco wo'II linvo old Camp ready to tako
tho high dlvo from tho top of the ferry
"What la it you'ro going to do?" was
tho suspicious Inquiry of Hopkins.
"Never mind what I'm going to do;
tho Illg Doctor will stand for what I
any, won't you, Doc?"
"Yes. I don't know what it Is, but
If you are sure you can put It through
I'll take all, or hnlf, or Hopkins' end
of tlio $5,000. I'll glvo Ilopklna $2,500
In the morning for a half or his Inter
est and ho needn't let Camp know
there la any ono elso in on tho doal.
.lack Clolund can bo tho man in tho
box ns lookout."
When Floyd arrived et tho raco
track on tho day following his talk
with Hopkins and Tony ho raw u new
bookmaker's stand In tho lino under
tho shod of the hotting ring, in this
stnnd waa seated Jack Cleland, who
was supposed to bo thoro us an us
Blstnnt to tho cuBhlor, but no glnnco
of recognition passed between tho
two. Floyd and Ilopklna also kept
3iuil durtui; uw .ifriioou, having
l ugieod to moot In a secluded pot on
tho grounds iiifit bnfore the nice In
which Cnmp lintl nnnnitncnl Uinta trick
".ia to bo turned.
' ro you sure of that tout? ' wiih tho
iinxloun Inquiry' of Hopkins when ho
and Floyd finally met In consultation.
' Yea, ho'il loan both legs sooner than
throw mo down," was tho reply "Now,
what doot Camp say?"
"He says he has liibtructed tho book
io tako In nil tho hols they can got on
Applejack. Ho has ariungeil with the
owner of that ono to lose and hu will
win with his own horse. Lemon
Squeezer. Ho explains that It might
ho suspicious to the Judges If ho didn't
win tills raco."
"That menus," explained Floyd,
"that ho Intends that Applejuck Ih to
win nnd his horse will bu beaten out.
How much money linvo you got In
your pocket?"
"Oh, about $500."
"Well, go In the Hug nnd make IHo
$100 bets on Lemon Sipiepzor, but
don't hot It In our book. Camp has
given Instructions to bis bookmnkers
(o give a shade the beat price on the
othor fellow's horse. Ho will have
commissioners there to get his own
money down quick and bet enough to
win out the bank roll on (hat one race.
Thnt's the way he's got it fixed to win
our $5,000."
Tlio two separated and entered the
betting ring fiom different ends of that
Moyd noticed that, true to
his prediction, the new partnership
book hnd put up 2 to I on Applejack
while tlio other books were laying a
ahado less than that price. A moment
afterwards ho noticed that the part
nership bookmaker rubbed out the
price against Applejack, announcing
that ho had all ho wanted of It. Floyd
knew by this sign that Camp hnd bet
enough of his own money to win out
tlio money that was In tho book. Walk
Ins quietly through tlio ring, he
stopped long enough before a number
of books to make aoveral good-sized
wagers on Lemon Squeezer. Ho al
ready had given Tony $1,000 to wager
on the same horse.
Thonins Cnmp, besides getting nil
tho money to bo had in his own book,
also had wagered hundreds on Apple
jack In othor books about tho ring, nnd
was surprised to noto when ho re
turned from tho paddock, where ho had
Just saddled his horao and given Until
Instructions to the Jockey, tlmt the
price against Lemon Squeezer, his own
horse, had not gono up In tho bolting.
Ho wns unaware Hint a largo amount
or money bet by Floyd had rorced Hie
price down. Ho had no tlmo to Inves
tigate, however, ns tho horses already
woro at the post, and lu hurried to a
point or vantngo from which ho could
view tlio race.
Across tho track lu tho Infield Tonv
tho Tout and Hank Harllu, owner of
Applejack, stood talking together. Doc
Floyd, wntchlng tho pair through his
noldglassos from tho grandstand, saw
Tony pass a Binall package of book
makers' tickets to Harlln.
"They're off!" camo tho buzzing cry
of the crowd in chorus na tho hairier
over at tlio three-quarter polo whizzed
up and a field of eight horses leaped
torward. Tho bluo and white striped
jacket and cap of Applejack showed in
front, vrhllo next In order and close
brhlnd camo Lemon Squeezer, both
horses running easily. Heforo they
had gono n quarter or tho dlstauco it
could bo soon that tho race was be
tween tho tlrst two horses, and the
others were strung out in slnglo file.
In the utrelch camu Applejack, run
nlng without effort, with Lemon
Squeezer within safe call. A smllo of
contentment rested upon tho face of
Tom Cnmp, down at tho end or the
grandstand, while Floyd's counten
ance woro a worried look and young
Hopkins wns shivering In the excite
ment of lost hope.
"There, and I listened to you und
your lout," ho Haiti to Floyd as be saw
Applejack winning easily.
"Why, 11'h nothing more than a pro
cession," muttered Floyd. "And 1
would have staked my light eye on
Tony. Why, that boy on Applejack Is
racing him to death to win and tlio
other fellow don't seem to bo trying."
"Applejack wins!" shouted tho
ciowd na tho blue and white stripes
passed under tho wire a good length
In front of Lemon Squeezer.
"That's one tlmo that I'm tlio gout."
muttered Doc Floyd to Hopkins. "I'm
sorry I steered you wrong, and will get
you even. Although I guess I'm In a
row thoiiHiind deeper than you tiro, I
know 1 gave you tho wrong steer and
am sorrier for that thnn losing my
own money. Wo aro whlpsawcd for
fair. Camp wins out the bank roll In
the book and wo loao our outside bets,
Como on ami lot's get u bottlo of wine.
No use crying over spilt milk now."
Tho two moil, drinking largo glasses
of wine ut tho bar, paid alight atten
tion to a Kudden cheering and commo
tion on the outside.
"I guess wo put over n good ono
that tfiue, didn't wo?"
Floyd looked around upon tho
mulling face or Tony.
"Why, you young hound, I ought to
brenk your head with this bottle," he
said In low but dangerously threaten
ing tones.
"What's tho matter, pal? Ain't you
wise to what's happened?"
"No, what Is It?" broko In young
Hopkins, anxiously.
"Why, Applejack waa disqualified
Tor not having up enough weight.
Somehow or other Hank Harlln waa
careless lu putting his lend pads to
make the extra weight along with the
saddle, and tho Jockey lost ton pounds
of load whllo ho was at tho post. Care
leas of Hank, wasn't It? Ho'a boon
looking for a chanco to double crosa
Camp and fell tar my llttlo achomo
when I told him how much iiionoy we
would bet tar him on the othor liorso."
"And then wo'vo won lu tho book bo
Hldea tho outaldo beta?" exclaimed
young Hopkins, suddenly realizing that
Tony the Tout had madn good.
"You should havo told us how you
were going to pull It off," drawled
Floyd. "Wo nearly had heart ralluro,
and you can't blamo ua far doubting
you. can you?"
"Well, I'vo showtd you that I could
put one over, anyway," returned Tony.
"And now, so tar as I'm concornod,
they enn turn nil tho'raco tracks lu tho
country Into goir links. I'm gol ig into
a decent respectablo saloon business
back homo."
(Copyrlijhl, UCS, by W. O. Chueman.)
Paul's Third Journey
Saaitj 5tbot Lcuon for Sept. 5, 1909
Specially Arranced for Tills Papsr
LHSSO.V TK.VT. -Art 2-33. Memory
vri-Hts .11. 52.
noi.DKN THXT.-'T enn do nil tiling
tliroiiKli Cl'rlst which strrtmthencth me."
- Hill. 4 13.
TIMR I'ftiil Irft KpliPHim Into In A D.
CC IfccniituT, Ci), Jumiury nnd I'obriury,
87. nt Corlruh. Ho rriicln-il Mllctui mlU
cottiVrrvil with tho Kphcstnri elders the
M or Apnt.
I'LACK.- Piuil. nftfr lnvlnR -RphcBiin.
wfnt UiroiiRh MiKTdonlti to Corinth, and
roturnrd hy ihn Knmo routo to Hilllfpl,
Ttuuh nml Mlli'tux.
Suggestion and Practical Thought.
A Pastor's Wise Counsels Redeemed
by Kxuuu, e.
J- Paul's Journeylngs Among tho Ku
roptnn Churches Vs. 1-C. We loam
from 2 Cor. 1:8-10. written not a great
while ufter Paul left Kphesus, that ho
loft that city because hla llfo was lu
danger ir ho remained, nnd he could
uo longer do his work there. Ho waa
in depressed fratno of mind from Ill
health. From Kphesus ho took a trud
lug vessel to Troas on bis way to
l'hlllppl. Hero a door was opened, but
be was restless because Titus failed to
met him there with news from tho
church at Corinth. (2 Cor. 2:12; 7:5, 6;
Paul took another vessel to Phlllppl,
whole he wns Joined by Titus, and
lntor to Hnrea and Thessalonlcn, whero
Timothy Joined them, nnd they joined
In addressing tho second letter to tho
Corinthians. In tho nutumn he wont
to Greece nnd spent three months
there, chletly in Corinth, whero he had
much to do amid nlckncsa nnd afflic
tions on every side, "lightings without
and fears within" (2 Cor. 1:7-11; 7:5,
0) in caring for tho churches (2 Cor.
11:2S) and correcting wrong conduct
(2 Cor. t2:20. 21; 13:1, 2). It wub four
or live years since ho hud loft them,
after a stay of a year and a half.
During all thla time collections were
rauen up in tho various churches on
this tour for Paul to carry to the poor
disciples at Jerusalem, according to
hla promise seven years before (Gal.
2:10). Seven delegates had been ap
pointed to accompany Paul, but n plot
of the Jews determined him to chnntre
hla plans nnd. instead of going by wa
ter, be, together with five dolegatea
from Kurope, went by land to Troas,
where two dolegatea from Troas joined
2. Paul's Experience nt Troas Vs. C
12. Paul and his company remained a
week at Trurn, a seaport on tho Aeg
ean sen. They reached Troas live days
after the Passover. Paul, on tho ovo
nlng of the Lord's day, held a preach
ing service und holy communion In an
upper chamber Aa Paul wns to sail
the next morning tho servico lnstcd till
midnight. A young mnn was Bitting In
the latticed window of tho third story.
Tho place was crowded and hot, tho
hour was late, and the young man was
weary, so that he waa overpowered by
sleep and tall down three stories to
tho ground and was taken up for dead.
Paul immediately went down by tho
outside Btalrs common In Orlentnl
houses, nnd foil on him, embracing
him, as Elijah In the case of the son
of tho widow of Zarephatli (1 Kings
17:21), and Ellsha, In that of tho Shu
nammltc'a son. Doubtless Paul prayed
as earnestly aa those prophets, "and
the closo contact, the clasp of warm
affection gave now intensity to tho
prayer of faith." His prayer was an
swered, and tlio young man was ro
stored. Tho incident revealed the
love, tho faith and tho power of Tuul
and tho rollglou ho represented.
.". Paul's Review of His Lifo at Eph
esii8 Vs. 13-27.
Luko. Tho change or pronouns to
"we" In v. 13 shows that Luko hnd now
joined tho party, and ho continues
with thorn till thoy reached Jerusalem
(Acts 21:17).
On the fourth day thoy reached Mil
etus, beyond Epheaua. Tho vessel was
defined hero for nn uncertain length
or time and Paul sent for tho Epliesiaii
elders to comotoMlletus and meet him,
for it would not bo safo for him not to
bo ready to embark at Bliort notice.
Paul Meets tho Eldera of Epuesus.
Luko wub probably present at the
meeting, bo that ho wub ablo to report
what Paul said.
Those prese-it know that ho was
flpeaklng tho truth. What ho had done
and taught waa an example for them
to follow and an Inspiration to faith
fulness. 1. Ho did his work (v. 19) "with all
humility of mind." He wns not self-
seeking; ho was ready to do tho hum
blest aorvico for tho humbleBt person.
Ho worked with his handa, although
brought up In tho midst of wealth ail
learning. Paul Bet Chrlat forward and
kept himself In tho background.
2. Amid great dllllcultlea. "With
many tears," not for himself, but for
others. And this (v. 31) "night nnd
day with tears," expressing tho Intens
ity of Bympathy nnd desiro for thoir
good. (V. 19) "And temptations."
Trlala of his temper, or his pntlonco,
through porsecutloua and bitter hos
tility of those ho camo to help.
3. Vs. 20, 27. "I havo not shunned to
declaro unto you nil tho counsel or
God." All that God hod revealed to him
concerning salvation, whether men
woro willing to rocolvo It or not. Thoy
hated to bo told of their sins, and that
they could not bo saved unless thoy re
pented and forsook thoir Bins. "I kopt
back nothing Hint was prolltablo uuto
t Paul used both of tho two Rroat
mothods of bringing mon to Christ
by masses and by individuals. Every
wlso preacher nnd Sundny school
teacher teaches both "publicly and
from house to house."
Hope Abandoned After Physicians'
Mrs. Enos Shenrer, Yow nnd Wash
ington StB Centrnlln, Wash., Kaya:
"i or years I waa
weak nnd run down,
could not Bleep, my
limbs swelled and
tho accretions woro
troublenonio; pnlna
were Intense. I waa
tast in bed for four
months. Threo doc
torn snld thorn wiih
no cure for mo, nnd I waa given up to
die. Helug urged, I used Doan's Kid
ney Pills. Soon I wua better and in n
fow weeks was about tho house, well
nnd ntrong again."
Sold by all dealers, 50 conts n box,
Foflter-Mllburn Co., Huffnlo, N. Y.
lie waa a balmy-headed Johnny,
with llttlu cash. She waa both protty
nnd perl. Ho said: "Do you know,
Dolly, I um something of a mimic? I
enn tako almost anybody off"
Sho said: "Then tako younielf off.
old boy. I'm expecting aoino ono to
take mo to supper."
Face and Neck Were Raw Terrlblo
Itching, lnfl.imm-.tlon and Soreneso
All Treatments Failed.
Cutlcura Proved a Great Success.
"Eczema bogan over the top of my
ear. It cracked and then began to
spread. I had threo different doctors
and tried several things, but they did
mo no good. At last ono sido of my
faco and my neck woro raw. Tho
water ran out of it so that I hnd to
wear medicated cotton, nnd it was bo
inflamed and soro that I had to put
a piece of cloth over my pillow to keep
tho water from it, and it would stain
tho cloth a sort of yellow. Tho ec
zema Itched so that it seemed as though
I could tear my faco all to pieces.
Then I began to use tho Cutlcura Soap
nnd Ointment, and It was not moro
than three months boforc it was all
healed up. Miss Ann Pearsons, North
flold, Vt., Dec. 19, 1907."
rMtur Utag 4 Clicm. Corp., Solo Prop, Uoaton.
Marriage and Meanness.
Somo years ago there lived in Atch
Ison a young woman noted for her
good worka and gentleness. Sho was
alwaya helping the poor and waa pa
tient and kind nnd universally ad
mired. She married u fairly good man
and abused him within throe months.
Sho had been good and patient for
years, but a husband was too much
for her; fihe had neer been crosa to
any one until sho waa cross to hor
husband. There is aomothlng nbout
marriage that stlra up hidden doptha
of meanness on both sldea. Atchison
(Kan.) Globe.
Fortunate Lady.
Patience Peggy is very happy.
Patrice She's engaged, Isn't she?
"Yefe, and the man she's engaged to
Is cross-eyed, and he's looking at hor
all the tlmo, and no ono enn tell it but
For Women-Lydia E. Pink"
ham's Vegetable Compound
Noah. ICv. "Twiifninscslnff flirrmcrTi
tho Chango of Llfo and sulTored from
neauacnes, nervous
prostration, nnd
"LydiaE. Pink,
ham's Vogotablo
Compound made mo
well and otronp;, bo
that I can do all my
housework, and at
tend to tlio storo
nnd post-ofllco, and
than I really am.
" r.viHa if. Plnlr.
liam'H Vftret.ililnf'nmnrmiHl jci tliomnaf
SUCCOSBflll rotnedv for nil Irltwla nP
fomalo troubles, and I fcol that 1 can
never pralso it enough." ilua. Lizzub
Holland, Noah, Ky.
ThoChaiigeof Llfo la thomostcritical
period of u woman's existence, nnd
neglect of health at this tlmo invites
disease and pain.
that thero Is no othor remedy known to
tnedicino thatwill Bosuecosaftillycnrry
women through this trying period ns
Lydia E. Pinklmm'H Vogotablo Com
pound, inado from natlvo roots nnd
For 30 yoars it haa heon curing
women from tlio worst forms of fomalo
Ills inllammallon, ulceration, dis
placements, llhroid tumors, irregulari
ties, periodic pains, hackacho, and
uorvoii3 prostration.
Jf you would llkofipeclrtl nilvico
nbout your enso write aconllilcn
tlnl lotto.r to Mrs. Piiilclmnt, at
Lynn, Mass. Hi ndvico la free,
niid ulwuya hcliiiul.
7 3il31)
"".Q. ' frtii V Mil
4, ymm
t i.