The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 02, 1909, Image 1

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    W 3tt Historical Society
'. V .;! . : : ym J-'t" r . ,. : --.., '?" .v..- 'A F J ..r
vl-- . """
When you pay - - pay
by check. You will be
safe and sure alway?.
Cany your check ac
count at this bank.
Inlersl paid on lime deposits.
Webster County Bank,
B. I7. Mixer, President, S. . Klcrance. Cashier.
B. F. Mizcr, C. J. Pope, Win. M. Crnbill. 'm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Iloratice.
At Their Best
eous Assortment t
ma a .. nt IS 1 in H 9 V J
Hints irm wiiicn
at our showing of Summery Fabrics, Fur
nishings and Apparel and you will take
oreat pleasure in making whatever select
ions that our necessary to make your list
of summer things complete.
We are endeavoring to provide sensibly
for hot weather requirements, and a con
sideration of the selections advanced will
readily show the marked attention given
to the wants of our people as we interpret
flJThen, too, there are specials that demands
attention. A visit to our Store will be of
mutual benefit.
flJOur Grocery Stock
and Up
iiner oros. k,o
.- :-
General Merchants
Iir. Stuckimm for eye ylussi's
i action Rimrantocd
Hclii Wanted- Hale.
1 1..- V. h. Niwy oiroi9 oxceptloJiul
o., Mi.ititicRto younjj men 17 to 25
.,.,, ,.,'..!; iul'U with trnd.-s up to 'M
,0,, ,,!il. (iooa opportunity
c lucntioii mid promotion
niMW.I !! 1 V
IrcssL.S. Nnvy Hecniltii.B Stutum.
Post omce ISnlUHHnbtliiBs. Xebr. I
Must jo i.akii:". i
Amoriiuii cltlfiis. Minors must liitvo maSiuxh hkam jills hi m n muj
rt"11 ,.., . . , ,,,. ,,, Utji ii mrtall c b.nii, r.onlcd wall Jilue(0
nuront ccrtWU'iUo of uko. Pay fiom Klbto, aKn otiifii. ii,,, "riV
;,..,,, .,. 277 1P montli. with nniRniit nnj uu r.. iii.nii:n.TUtrt v
SliOOto 0l'I OH por lliuiuu, wnii ;i j MO.M IIW A M I.i,h, lor twMity.nvc
1111 I' IJUliniJ. tinif !- ' ....-.. -.,.. ., .(,n,wo HIHHUtU
, .
- -
awawE isbsskk
10 aeiect
is also New.
- to - Date.
-- n
s-i.i..-i ; i-1 .! Hie ciiii r
A.V ri'iir tlrurif'.t Kir CiILClll'l.TRIl" A
r v:i i' -
,r-. i , .t
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4 ?W.,w'r nV(.s Itae s Flftytti Wc.k. :.,:
a ;m: lock.
i V. Ii fctilii i . t..'Hi- Ii nil)
li' r ( 'r n , .,- i.i, ltu
'1 ' ll i l iiij pi t .1
i-k li-t
in llu
in i.l ii ii i In- i i'w ,V1. K. ,). ic-h ii ml
i'i 'i.i .:.,; !. Ii in Kv'ln
Air-, i; S. s.hi.lMini,. hns h,r i.iillin-
x . I,-i)m).: in .s Sttm.liiy Mi-.
llrU.,m M, ImVf ll. !-.. ll-ilOII .v itHI
l i;
in .'notlunii.iH jrho .iiuitjji r ieo
i' .i i. - .it' .il'uin ni uml
v .iii.h In tlnMi W.t'u butl liuttiU
M tin Vini.
factor L',oW .in.! ifo will liva In
o u.f ,. Mlw. rmdoiims nud Ctiwtcr
will touch the Hunter mIiooI two mllen
Ol-t ol town.
M.. II. II. Ciow ,'.ive ttftiinily dinner
Siiiirdny to I'or oliihlrtn and igraml
oliiidiun us the next iluy S nuhiy wns
tin Tilth uniilvormry of hor birth. In
tin- t'wut 1 1( tllo sister-, of lliu Deirico
Ot IIoiidi of whfdll hlio i nil li.ttio.rd
Ul mbot ottiio to o:i!l liriiifliiK baski In
of good tiling, fur Mtpper
lli tiuidu Illicit -vhoo h
. . .
' p""!".," ,
. t. a. rerrt-
Moailay with six to ichors
y. 1. 1'riiiolpul; .is filtunle Toinpldli!-,
Assi'uin rruiotpal; Rllhs lilsio Khlt
pttilok. iiritiiiuini: Sirs. ChiUtiu Put
in 110. lutoi'inodttiti", Mlh l.tiny (of
Unhorsuy I'ltiro) Socond Primary;
Mt-b lJolli Yuiif,', Trliimry. Tlioro
will ho a larno enrollment.
Tho fmii'iiil of Mr, .luliu 1'ottol was
hugely iittondud. llov. J. M. Ssloiliy
proaohtd an impressive set mon at I ho
ll.tptist church at eleven o'clock l-'ii-dii.v
moinmj,' Interment was made, in
(iiiido Ifoo.i cemetery. The ilocon-od
was .'11 yoai.s In months o days of yo
and leaves hesides licr htishiind four
Miiall children, her purcnl.s and a iniiii
her of sistcr.s and brothers. All
-.vmpathlzo with llio hoioavud family
in their deep sunovv.
Sitiln oT our Konils.
Anicrlca, woefully In tho tear of
prop-ess in lock surfacing her liltlli
way-, iiad built le- than .'ID.uiiO miles
of ma 'adani roads mil of n total milu
ujro of 2,150,01)0 when from tho hay
realms of iuvontioit came a combliod
menace ami blcsbinu in Hie cluiie ol
tho motor car. ,
I'liis modi rn cliaiiot of K'ns.ilinc,
witli ftit, wind stiltlotl liit'i was ijiiiclc
Ij derided oy hucIi iitur nijrhto I foln
as arc unable to Identify u blossimf if
il coiius at all dish'uiscil, but highway
oiixincors v Idle appiocintiiiK its ci ill
in influences, soon dLicovcrid .hat
the new muehiiiu was an enemy to all
hard Miilneeil highways and thuttlio-o
rcspoiihiblo fort hum woro confronted
by the c;i cutest problem I hey had ever
been called npoicto face
The reason is plain wlieii understood.
1'niler the passiuy of wagons cipdppcil,
with lion tires the surface rock is con
stantly being fractured; tho tiny dust
particles so formed sifting their iviij
into tile interstices and bciiif,' paclted
liriuer and llrmcr In place by rains and
tialllc, Hiunly forming it cemented,
bonded. Iiuk 1 vloiis, water sheddinf,'
Midi. When in il u highest st.ite of
perfoctloti tho rock from whiah suoh
road is formed must bo so suited to
tlio cliiiiactor ami volume of tratlJc
w. .ii'h passes over It that the amount
of iiu-t formed will bo only s utile lent
to 1 place that which W takeu away by
wind and ruin.
Automobile en me and the troubles
of tho ciitfiiitor benn. 'J'he motor
oar did none of the helpful ihiugnthut
an Iron tired wagon doe&. Proceed infir'j
as they usually do at a hitfh ruto of
-1 ecd they lift tho dust bludlntf sur-
buo and fud It swirling uwoy, while
the soft nibter tires crush uo rock to
supply that which thoy stiip from tbo j
Much stress has been Itild tipiui tho
etl'eet of tlio enr body nnl Its slmpe in
lifting dust from the road Hiirfuon.
some experiments seem to furnish
convincing proof Hint hut little dust
is taken from tho roads by this moans
though tho dust lifted by the wheels
is gi cully accelerated by the aotlon of
the car body and the air currents set
up in Its reur. This must be con.
" r?
i ;ir For One JJolt.w.
1 'si 1 n (I .11
I (if Uif -Itf
' !.'''o . 1
l!u win.
Ill tic I ' ..til
. v.'K j..,l t N i
i i;.m.i i
ll -III IT
Mini h
VM,1 I
I Hi f .'
H Our
- I'lUtll
, Wi rltl M i, i,c
WwdpCthtTs AttNlk rcl:jhoun. 1c
ftraph irt tJUfi; IKht Veirs.
Cl4S i'.'I .111 I ,ff f lli'iln, !..
in to pli ii i' fo'i'urnpli iij il i''.tiii'
''ht l ! s ' nu-mln-ts ol tin- wntd
I'"' '"' f ''' ly. Thi'M-llnU oiiffihiiliy
,M,ilt ",n ''""i''' it Uh' 'ii-a-l or .Imii
I trunks Inn1 s of tr...s, but tr miuc
! rias"M Wm Uu"n '" "''w'v-.!mvo
"'"" U' '"' ;'""' t . P-lwl
f0'0 'rt,,H '" m'r "" ''
1 rimy lnc In eon if ho rnotioiH of
, 'ntu that ll.eii ik'pio.lutioii-Mri'iiUnu,l-
i tng coiihidi ra'.iliMitU'iitlonnnwMiir t1i"o
I Wlio ore cnnipiliod to use iiantliii-s of
' woo.l. n pulvi Tholr tiftivltios sproud
! 0V01' '' nortlon of th- t'liiu-d
tatoi, not.ihly In tho Smith, S utli-
weit nnd t imiu-hI V h' t.'iihu polo:
'0111 to bo 1 ho ones iiio-t (iiioiilly
Ml' lltUfk.l I 111. U...... 1.,,.. II
.y.B ...i ...iiia vs....- (iiL.r lllllll
it nny heiKht fivm tho roiu.d, and
,i. , ., 1, , .1
in.-ihmi- niiuii mey iiiuiio are oueii
two or tliree iiiohos In din meter tun
four or live inches deep, .such an
amount of wood drilled, from a stick
of timber which U enrryiny 11 load of
wiiot ual'irnlly weakens tho strength
or tho lino
It would, of course, not bo a dilllcult
matter to cxteiininate tho-o birds
IIovvov or, this is not desirable, as they
ii'-o titii'jiifr the must lenollcial fmins
of bird lilo native to lliis countiy, bo
cause they destroy laryo numbers of
iiisccrs wnieii seriou-iy ilauuitfc lorcst
and food crops. It seem-, thorofoio,
that ni'thoils should he undertaken to
c impel tho bit ils to revert to I heir
foiuior habit of bnriutr nilhor than to
exterminate thorn.
r'leipiuut Imjiiirios have boon made
by the Forest Sot vice In this connect
ion, but tho only information to ditto
which Hie (iovei'iimont has boon able
to obtain is that on a oa-ual Inspect
ion of treated and untreated pole lines
in Liiilsiiiim In that region it was
found Unit pole-which had been iiu
proyn.ited with creo-oto oil woro not.
a'faelci'd by tho birds, whereas on
ticHii'd pole, under the -nine condl
foils woro very st-vcrcljt injured.
liothoi or not on o-oto will prevent
suoh allnok is not definitely known,
but 1 lie Service iw InviHtitniting this
pioblem, and should this oil plove a
picontative, it will fuitill a two-fold
put pose It will piotect the poles
trom dteay and destruction from
animal life. In sonHiorn Indiana,
homo members of n traction company
thought that they could pi event furth
er destruction of iheir poles by tilling
the holes in the wood with stones.
Tho birds, however, simply drilled
around tlio stones and made tho con
ditions much worse. This apparently
does not seem to bo 11 means of pie
wilting their depredations.
Church .Services.
uoLitsor.yKitviiKATM. 1:. miti ir.
Hi nu vi 11 sritvo k.
Hunrtny Kcliool . 10 A.M.
I'n ndihiK . II A.M. I
('limn uu-iUiitf . u M. '
i:pwortHlraKiu . T I. M. '
r reach lug ... J ,. 81'. M. !
I'mycr mooting WeUiif nda)' ivcnlng H I. M. '
baHt AW Frkluy 3 1. f.
Your prewnco U requeated and a coriliul !
Invitation In exttniUa to nil,
M. T. si'irf I'hi r. J
". .M.wwiwwwiewwwwwi..iiiiiii . j
I'rc-nchlng . .
I0:ir,u. m. J
. I J 111.
. Hp. in.
1'rsytr tuut Confirmee uuitliu V. ciIiim
lny at K p. in.
A cordlnl Invltntluli Is xtniiltd to nil.
Hkv. A. , i'iihssmvn I'nstor.
v in 11 1 .11.
C.UAl K il.I'lnl'oPAI.. ('IIUIICII
Ilev. .1. Ml Itattn. I'liKtur.
Hervlee tlm flrhi two .Minilay In tacli
Holy Coiiiinuiiluii at mainlnt; etrvlco on
tlio llrst Suuilny.
Saialiiy M'liool tit 1'.' o'clook every Suinlay.
Mr- K.ll. h'nillli, hup( rlntciiilciit.
L. t Mi!J
flWill buy your hay in Slack or on Car.
Ililu-st niarki't prifvs Paid. Will he
glad to look at your hav any time.
Address Alma Alfalfa 'Sill! Co.
Alma, Nebraska-
A Now JhMy
We h.ivi tlu-in ;.ll. I' nu
t r ...1 1,
mis, 1 i.iiiiwaic, uiiic .iiui r.tim iM.icnmery s
Cotnpk-lc ;it nil liim-s. :::::: : : : : :
Wh p.iy Si'M'tvi. littontion to S ipplyiug lluildei's Murdwurc nl tho
Lowest Tiiccs. Ui.sT noodi. Wh ate also in position to do Plumbing, Mitd nit Kind- of Pipe Cut tint; mid Kitting. ;::::::
lie will have Inn Line of AU
i Red Gloud Hardware S Implement Go.
1 VVM WOLFE. Secretary.
vx-vs.s,-ss-r-'s- o'x
r. XWV
: - . 1 4 fc -"
4. -.
Let us plan with you, as
peices of furniture, Carpets and draperies. Come in,
talk it over, look around, and see what you realy Do
need. You'll find that we have a Splendid stock of
New, durable furniture, Carpets, Rugs and Draperies.
We are careful buyers, and We have been in the
furniture business a good many years, but as yet we
Don't dare buy from Catalogues. Maybe if you get
the import of this you'll realize how badly lost you'll
be amid the Maze of illustrations and vague descrip
tive matter of Mail order houses. Besides, there's
not the real pleasure of buying when you buy away
from home. You are always buying promises of
economy; and you'll find when you inspect the artic
les, thai you do get cheapness; but nothing else.
Wo hanc your shades, lay your carpets &. make plcturo frames.
Funeral Director and Embalmer.
t IHiJ 11 IW IMWIIWH 1 1 (-
ip.w-ij, TttyrKitlxrMf. r -v . ffcSs:"-.,'!
H 4 JKmMfV ; 4 ,J lr.Z.. " E.
Or Farm MachincrY
ihIut, 1 ur sunk of Mar-
1 , 1 , . . ?
- sy - s
.JC?V - - '"
1 .- - 1 1 ' li
.'Ml a J; -' 'Wi
to room Changing and New
-' ' i'. ;-''VSh.
' iV-'K )
"t'y-'-toT-.rgiPr-."tyiiVjena. e;"ri- -
tZl2Ezlij2!z - wwiMtwiwifaf.gjawiMn